<^£mi-(2onda.ctoi ^Pi ,fine. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. 2N2840 Silicon Unijunction Transistor absolute maximum ratings: (25°C) 300 50 2 30 35 -65 to+150 -65 to +175 Power Dissipation* RMS Emitter Current Peak Emitter Current** Emitter Reverse Voltage Interbase Voltage Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range n h Ml' 4«n*tor Itlfc It I fjfini * OW-t'flO)- MO MIH MM MJt to BrtBin 007 ttt DWK lluc hutlon liy* to "il«, wiHl I* Md It ftf mv ) duAHtii raJbrH «ith i suilibk Ml U1M tMHUrc USC UK. Mil ll t(ri d«IMtlr II COAIltlW .... |||¥ in mw ma amps volts volts °C °C I Itod Hn fa ClKuhlM tnr fllMSurml ftlngl lunrnlM niljdii(lib4nijenlu<ifl[!i\t lubtiKlmi l!)t imiltor diimtlei Iron * Derate 2.4 mw/"C increase in ambient temperature. Maximum power available to the transistor must be limited by external circuitry to be within this rating. **Capacitor Discharge—10 ^fd or less, 30 volts or less. MlTT£». A5C ONC [ II electrical characteristics: (25°C) PARAMETER Emitter Peak Point Voltage (V BB = 1.50V) Emitter Peak Point Current (V BB = 1.50V) Intrinsic Standoff Ratio (Van = 10V) *** Emitter Valley Point Voltage ( VBB = 1.50V) Emitter Valley Point Current (V a » = 1.50V) Emitter Base Saturation Current (V BB — 1.50V; VE , = 1.50V) Emitter Reverse Current (VjKg = 30V; IBi =.- 0) Interbase Resistance (V B B = 1.50V; IE = 0) V, Min. Typ. Max. 1.30 1.4 7.5 .62 1.50 10 volts .95 .40 40 .05 7 1.10 .70 volts ma ma IP 11 Vv .20 20 Iv IECSA IEO 4.7 RBB ***, is denned by the equation Vf = i» VBB + VD where VD — .5V. TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT, MV/'C 10% frfc IEISATI MED Vp -2.8 -3.4 VB -1.7 -2.0 90% -4.0 .-2.4 Nl SemK inidutlun res«rve-i ih« right to change t«Jl conditions. panun«t«r limits nnd package dimensions without notice Information liimislwd by NJ Scmi-C'unducWM i$ believed to be both accuraM ami reliable it the lime of going to press. However \ ulutiors ,bsuin<:s no r^pimsibility tor nny «n>n «' umissioiu Jiscuvured in its u.se .NJ Scini4.muhn.tirs cn s in \cfiK ih.ii tliita-<h«ts :irei.tirrenth<rtirepln<;iniiiirilem 1 9.1 Kft