Bruckewell Technology Corp., Ltd. Your Best Partner Discrete Semiconductor Product Catalogue 2015 version Diode/ Rectifier MOSFET TVS/ ESD Protector Comp pany Profile P e Bru uckewell teechnology corp. c registe ered in Dela aware, USA A and total capital c is 3m million USD.. Beg gan its busin ness on sem miconductor material e electronic co omponents in San Josee, California a. In 2007,semico 2 onductor division founded in Taiw wan for discrete semic conductor w wafer desig gn and our own bran nded products provide. Now w, our semicconductor operation o ce enter is form mally located in Taiwan n and majorr products in nclude Scho ottky diod de/ rectifier, TVS/ ESD protection diode, sma all signal dio ode/ transisttor and MOS SFET…etc. Bruc ckewell nevver ceased the t researc ch and deve elopment forr new produ ucts. We aree confident in providing g the high hest. Mis ssion and Vision To satisfy cusstomers wh hile achieving sound growth with technolog gical produucts of inno ovative dessign, superior qualityy. We commit ourselves to excelllence, crea ate the exce eptional vallue for our customers and parttners LOG GO Signifficance Bruc ckewell com mes from the German "Brücke", " m meaning "briidge" and English E "welll" To become b syn nonymous with w technic cal innovatio on and time ely marketing partner The e green leaf symbol refllects taking an active p part in healtth & safety and a protectiing the environment ass our resp ponsibility Qua ality Polic cy Ourr goal is to e exceed the quality expe ectations off our custom mers. It is achieved th hrough inno ovation, technical exce ellence and continuous improvemeent. http:///www.bruck INDEX OF SYMBOLS CJ ............Junction capacitance QGD…………gate-drain charge IF..............DC forward current R2JM ......Thermal resistance (junction to mount) IF(AV) ......Average forward rectified current S ............. Softness factor ID .............Stand-off reverse leakage current TA ............Ambient temperature IFSM.........Peak forward surge current TC ........... Case temperature IO .............Main forward current td ............. Time duration IR .............Reverse leakage current tfr ............. Forward recovery time IPPM ........Maximum peak impulse current I TJ ............ Junction temperature RM(REC)...Maximum peak reverse recovery current TL ............ Lead temperature IRSM ……Maximum non-repetitive reverse peak TM ........... Mount temperature current trr............. Reverse recovery time IT..............On-state test current TS, TSTG …Storage temperature I2t.............Rating for fusing VBR ............Reverse breakdown voltage PM(AV) ....Maximum steady state power dissipation VF................Instantaneous forward voltage PPM..........Peak pulse power dissipation VFP..............Peak forward voltage Ptot, PD....Total power dissipation VDC, VR .....DC reverse voltage Qrr............Recovered charge VRMS .........RMS input voltage R2JA .........Thermal resistance (junction to ambient) VRRM ........Peak repetitive reverse voltage R2JC .........Thermal resistance (junction to case) VRWM .......Working peak reverse voltage R2JL .........Thermal resistance (junction to lead) IPPM .......Maximum peak impulse current VC ........... Clamping voltage IRSM ..Maximum non-repetitive reverse peak VWM ........ Working stand-off voltage current VZ............ Zener voltage IT..............On-state test current ZZ............ Dynamic Zener impedance ZZK .......... I2t.............Rating for fusing Zener impedance at IZK IZ..............Zener current ZZT .......... Zener impedance at IZT IZT ............Zener test current VDS…drain-source voltage IZM ...........Maximum Zener current VGS…gate-source voltage rzj .............Dynamic series resistance ID…drain current Ciss…….input capacitance IDM…peak drain current Coss…..output capacitance V(BR)DSS…drain-source breakdown voltage Crss……reverse transfer capacitance VGSth……….gate-source threshold voltage td(on)……….turn-on delay time IDSS………...drain leakage current tr…………….rise time IGSS………...gate leakage current td(off)……….turn-off delay time RDSon………drain-source on-state resistance tf…………….fall time QG(tot)………total gate charge VSD…………source-drain voltage QGS…………gate-source charge Discret D te prod duct liist Prod duct tree http:///www.bruck Ne ew Produ uct Tra ansient v voltage suppress s sors (TVS S) 600 0W Serie es TVS Surface-M S Mount Fla at SMA SMAF series TVS devicces offer a high surge e capability y to 600 W at 10/100 0 μs and d 4 kW at 8/20 8 μs, and exce ellent clam mping capability App plications s Con nsumer, com mputer, indu ustrial, and telecommu unication ap pplications Typical T end products in nclude hard disk ks, hot swap p computer and telecom m cards, an nd slim LCD D TVs and monitors m 600W Surface--mount TVS S in the SMA A-Flat packkage are 30 % smaller than traditioonal SMB devices, d the foottprint compa atible with SMAJ S and offer o 50 % h higher surge e capability at 10/1000 μs. In addition, the SM MAF series’ low clam mping voltag ges are 3 % to 5 % low wer than currrent TVS de evices in thee SMB package. With their com mpact size, S SMAF TVS are designed to protecct sensitive electronics against volltage transie ents induce ed by indu uctive load sswitching and lightning g in space-cconstrained consumer, computer, industrial, and a telecommunica ation applica ations. FEA ATURES SMA A-Flat DO-2 221AC packkage, Low profile p of 1.0 0 mm High h surge cap pability, 600 0 W at 10/10 000 μs, 4 kW W at 8/20 μs Low w clamping vvoltages, Sttand-off voltages from 6.5 V to 48 8V Tem mperature ra ange from - 55 ºC to + 175 ºC ESD D capability of 15 kV (a air) and 8 kV V (contact) in accordan nce to IEC 61000-4-2 6 LLevel 4 Mee et the MSL Level 1 standard, per -STD-020, L LF maximum peak of 260 2 °C Idea al for autom mated placem ment Competitor Exiisting Bra and B Bruckewell ST--Micro Vishay NXP P Industry Parrt# S SMAF SM MA6F SMA6F F PTV VSxP1UP SM MBJXXA VRM M 6 6.5V thru 48 8V 5V,, 12V, 13V 5V thru 20V 3.3 V thru 64V V 5.0V thru 170V V Pac ckage S SMA-Flat SM MA-Flat SlimSM MA SOD-128 SM MB Tj 1 175°C 175 5°C 175°C 150 0°C 150 0°C http:///www.bruck Ne ew Produ uct ES SOTxxC Du ual 400W W Transien nt Voltag ge Supprressors Array A Elec ctrostatic discharge (ES SD) is a ma ajor cause o of failure in electronic systems. s Tra ransient Voltage. Sup ppressors (T TVS) are an n ideal choic ce for ESD protection. They are capable of c lamping the e incoming tran nsient to a lo ow enough level such that t damag e to the pro otected sem miconductor is prevente ed. Surface mou unt TVS arrrays offer the best choice for minim mal lead ind ductance. They serve aas parallel protection p elem ments, conn nected betw ween the sig gnal line to g ground. As the transien nt rises aboove the operrating voltag ge of the device, the TVS array becomes a low imped dance path diverting d the e transient ccurrent to ground. g The e ESO OTxxC array is the idea al board lev vel protectio on of ESD sensitive s sem miconductoor components. FEA ATURES 2 Unidirectiona al Transil fun nctions w leakage cu urrent: IR max< m 20μ A at VRM Low 400W peak pulse power(8 8/20μ s) Tran nsient prote ection for da ata lines as per MIL L STD 883E E - Method 3015-7 3 Clas ss 3 25 kV k HBM APP PLICATIO ONS Com mputers Prin nters Com mmunication n systems Poin nt-of-Sale T Terminals Mottor Controlss Legacy Ports, ((RS-232, RS-485) curity and A Alarm System ms Sec http:///www.bruck ES SEMFxxx xLC SERIIES Low w Capac citance Quad Q Array for ES SD Prote ection General G De escription Th his integrate ed transientt voltage su uppressor d evice (TVS) is designe ed for appliccations requ uiring transient ov ver voltage protection, printers, bu usiness macchines, com mmunication n systems, m medical equ uipment, an nd otther applica ations. Its integrated de esign provid des very effe ective and reliable r prottection for separate s line es us sing only on ne package. These dev vices are id eal for situa ations where board spaace is at a premium. p SOT-5233 Fe eatures Fo our Separatte Unidirecttional Configurations fo or Protection Lo ow Leakage e Current < 1 μA @ 3V Volts Po ower Dissip pation: 380m mW Small SOT-5 553 SMT Pa ackage Lo ow Capacita ance Complies to USB 1.1 Lo ow Speed & Speed Spe ecifications Th hese are Pb b-Free Devices http:///www.bruck Ulttra low V VF 80V SMD Power Schottk ky Diodes In many m powerr application ns, traditiona ally design engineers used u 100 V power Schhottky diodes for secondary recttification due e to the ava ailability of a larger num mber of sou urces. Now w you have better optio on, especiallly on new E Energy Starr requirements require higher effic ciency in marrkets that do on’t want to o pay for it. Bruc ckewell offe er the new generation g lower l VF 80 0 V Schottk ky diodes ca an replace t hese 100 V Schottkiess, prov viding lowerr Vf with asssociated effficiency gai ns, and low wer costs. We are ready to support th hese marke ets with a ran nge of 10 A to 20 A, 80 0 V power S Schottky diodes, in TO--277, DFN N3P3 thin p package < 1.0mm Parrt# VF@ @5A VF@iF (V (V) IF (A) IR@ @VR Package e SD1 10PU80 0.5 51V 0.61V 10A 50 uA DFN 3.3 3 SS1 10PU80 0.5 51V 0.61V 10A 50 uA TO-277B B SS2 20PU80 0.4 46V 0.67V 20A 50 uA TO-277B B FEA ATURES lowe er voltage d drop low leakage cu urrent Thin n SMD packkage Ava ailable in Ha alogen-free packages http:///www.bruck BS/ABS T Thin Brid dge Serie es MB Ulttra Low V VF Schotttky Brid dge Rectiifier FEA ATURES Idea al for printed d circuit boa ard Reliiable low co ost construcction techniq que results in inexpens sive product High h temperatu ure solderin ng guaranteed Low w forward vo oltage drop Low w power losss, high efficciency BS package MB A ABS packa age MDB26S MDB2 26 MAB46 M IF(A A) 2A 2A 4A VB (V) 60V 60V V 60V 0.65V 0.50V 0.60V 85 °C/W 85 °C//W 75 °C/W VF@ @IF, Tj=25 5°C RθJ JA http:///www.bruck SO OD123FL/ST ne ew Pack kage The e SOD123FL and SOD123ST package is dessigned to: Fit SOD123 S foo ot print (JED DEC DO219 9) and packkage heightt < 1.0mm Uniq que backsid de heat sinkk provides optimum o po ower efficien ncy The e SOD123FL and SOD123ST Delivers: •Same footprin nt as industrry standard SOD123 w with 45% low wer package e height •32% % more pow wer/board area a than SO OD123 •14% % more pow wer/board area a than Po owermiteR •86% % more pow wer/board area a than SM MAFrom Pro oduct Spec Trr P/N Sch hottky 1~3 A/40~200V A <15ns SD1XXX Ultra a Low VF S Schottky 1-3A//40V-60V <15ns Gen neral Rectifiier 1A 10 000V — GS1010FL Series Fas st Rectifier 1A 50 0V-1000V 50 00ns RS1010F Series Ultra a Fast Recttifier 1A 50 0V-1000V 50 0-75ns US1010FL Sereis Sup per Fast Recctifier 1A 50 0V-1000V 35 5ns ES1010FL Series SD3U40S ST SD http:///www.bruck TABLE OF CONTENT Selection Guide ……………………………………………………………………………………..1 Diode/ Rectifier Standard ,Fast recovery diode………………………………………………………..16 Schottky diodes………………………………………………………………………….21 Small Signal Switching Diodes……………………………………………………….30 Zener Diode………………………………………………………………………………31 Bridge Rectifiers…………………………………………………………………………50 TVS/ESD/EMI Transient Voltage Suppressor………………………………………………………..57 ESD/ EMI Protector……………………………………………………………………..95 Transistors Transistors……………………………………………………………………………….97 Digital Transistors………………………………………………………….…………..99 MOSFETs MOSFETs……………………………………………………………..……….…………100 HV MOSFETs…………………………………………………………..………………...101 Power Management Drive LED drivers………………………………………………………..…………………….104 Suggested Pad Layouts ………………………………………………………………………….106 http://www.bruckewell‐ Discrete semiconductors selection guide Bipolar transistors, diodes, ESD protection, filtering and signal conditioning and MOSFETs Product Selection Guide Specifications are subject to change without notice. The data indicated herein describe types of components and shall not be considered as assured characteristics. The products listed in this catalog are not recommended for use in life support systems where a failure or malfunction of the component may directly threaten life or cause injury. The user of products in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Bruckewell Technology Corp and all the companies whose products are represented in this catalog, harmless against all damages. © 2015 Bruckewell Technology Corp. All Rights Reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. 1 Discrete semiconductors selection guide Bipolar transistors, diodes, ESD protection, filtering and signal conditioning and MOSFETs SMD Diode Amp Family / Package SOD-123 SOD-123FL SOD-123S SMA 0.7 Standard RS07B-M Standard SOD4001-7 GS1010FL 1SR154 M1-7 Fast SUF140L SUF160L RS1010F, ES1000FL-1006FL US1A-M ES1A-J 1 1.2 Fast 1.5 Standard 2 Fast RS1010FS GROA-M MURS220A-240A, SUF205A SMD Diode Amp Family / Package SMB SMC 2 Fast US2A-M, ES2B-J MURS220-260B Standard 3 Fast 5 TO-277A/B S3A-M MURS320B-360B Fast MURS320-360 SUF501C-505C UFP560 Axial Diode Amp Family / Package R-1 DO-41 1 Standard 1N4001-7S 1N4001-7 EM513.516,518 2 Fast 3 4 DO-201AD R-6 SF21-28 Fast FR301G-307G Schottky SB315 Fast UF460 Fast FR501-507 SF51-59 UF560 Schottky SB52-56, SB510UL 5 15 DO-15 Schottky 15SQ030-100 2 Discrete semiconductors selection guide Bipolar transistors, diodes, ESD protection, filtering and signal conditioning and MOSFETs Power Pack Diode Amp Family / Package TO-252 6 Schottky MBRD6100CT 8 Fast MUR860FS 10 Fast SF1020F 16 Fast MURF1605CT-60CT Schottky MBRF2020CT,200CT MBRF20L45CT, TMBRF20150CT 20 ITO-220AC IT-220AB MURF1020CT-40CT MURF1060S Fast MBRF3020CT-200CT 30 SBLF3060C-80C Schottky TMBRF30150CT PowerPack Diode Amp Family / Package 6 Schottky 8 Fast TO-220AB TO-247AD Fast 10 16 Schottky TMBR10100CT Fast MUR1605CT-60CT MBR2020CT,200CT 20 Schottky MBR20L45CT, TMBR2080CT, TMBR20100CT MUR3040PT-60PT Fast 30 Schottky MBR3020CT-200CT SBL3045C, TMBR30100CT-150CT 3 SBL3040PT Discrete semiconductors selection guide Bipolar transistors, diodes, ESD protection, filtering and signal conditioning and MOSFETs Zener Diode Amp Family / SOD-323 SOD-123 SOT-23 SOT-323 SMA SMB Package 0.2 Zener 0.225 Zener 0.3 Zener 0.5 Zener 1 Zener 1.5 Zener 3 Zener BZT52XXX RSB18V BZX84XXX MM3Z AZ23XXX MMSZXXX, BZT52XXX SZ103D-SZ10B0 SZ303D SZ30D0 1SMB59XXX Bridge Rectifier Amp Family / Package MBS 0.5 Standard B1S-10S 0.8 Standard MB1S-10S 1 Standard MB005-010 MBL06S MDB1100 1.5 Standard Schottky 3 4 ABS DFS KBU KBP DFXXS KBP2XX MTB26 MB12S-120S MB22S-210S MDB26 Standard KBP3XX Standard KBP4XXX Schottky GBU DF15XXS Standard 2 TBF GBU4A-M GBU4AL-4ML MAB46 6 Standard KBU6XX GBU6XX 8 Standard KBU8XX GBU8A-M 10 Standard KBU10XX GBU10XX 15 Standard GBU15005-10 4 Discrete semiconductors selection guide Bipolar transistors, diodes, ESD protection, filtering and signal conditioning and MOSFETs Bridge Rectifier Amp Family / Package WOB WOBM BR3 BR6 BR8 4GBJ GBPCW GBPC 1.5 Standard 1.5WOXX 1.5WOXXM 2 Standard 2WOXX 2WOXXM 3 Standard 4 Standard 6 Standard 8 Standard 10 Standard 15 Standard GBPC15XW GBPC15XX 25 Standard GBPC25XW GBPC25XX 35 Standard GBPC35XW GBPC35XX 50 Standard GBPC50XW GBPC50XX BR3XX 4GBJ4XX BR6XX BR10XXS Small Signal Switching Diodes IC (A) Family / Package 0.1 Switching 0.15 Switching 1206 1N4148W-N DO-35 SOD-123 BAV16W, 1N4148 Switching 0.20 SOD-523 1SS355 1SS400 1N4148W 1N4148WS, BAV16H BAV19W-21W BAS321 BAT54 Schottky 0.30 SOD-323 Switching 5 Discrete semiconductors selection guide Bipolar transistors, diodes, ESD protection, filtering and signal conditioning and MOSFETs Small Signal Switching Diodes IC (A) Family / Package 0.1 Switching 0.15 Switching 0.20 Switching 0.30 SOT-23 SOT-523 SOT-363 BAS21, BAV99 BAT54T, BAT54AT,CT,ST BAT54ADW, BAT54BRW, BAT54CDW, BAT54SDW, BAT54TW Schottky Transient Voltage Suppressor Watt (W) Family / Package 200 TVS 400 TVS 600 TVS 1500 TVS 3000 TVS 5000 TVS DO-41 DO-15 DO-201AD R-6 SOD-123 SMFXXX P4KEXXX P6KEXXX 1.5KEXXX 5KPXXX Transient Voltage Suppressor Watt (W) Family / Package SMA SMB SMC 200 TVS 400 TVS P4SMAXXX 600 TVS SMA6FXXA 1500 TVS 1SMCXXX, SMCJXXX 3000 TVS 3.0SMCXXX 5000 TVS P6SMBXXX, SMBJXXX 6 Discrete semiconductors selection guide Bipolar transistors, diodes, ESD protection, filtering and signal conditioning and MOSFETs Transistors IC (A) Family / Package SOD-353 SOD-323 0.1 NPN 1SS400 1SS355 SOT-323 SOT-363 DTC144TE BC856XW-858XW PNP 0.2 SOT-563 NPN PNP 0.15 NPN PNP 0.6 NPN MMDT2222A PNP Transistors IC (A) Family / Package SOT-23 SOT-89 SOT-523 S9014, 2SC1623 NPN BC817-40, BC846A-848C DTAXXXXCA 0.1 BC807-40, BC856A-858C PNP DTAXXXXE TA114ECA-TA144ECA NPN MMBT3904 PNP MMBT3906 IC (A) Family / Package SOT-23 SOT-89 0.5 NPN MMBTAXX A42 PNP MMBT3904 0.2 2SC4548 Transistors 0.6 A92 2N5551 MMBT2222A NPN BCX51-56 PNP 1.5 TO-92 2SC4548, NPN PNP 1 TO-252 NPN SS8050 PNP 5 2SD2908 NPN 2SA1012 PNP Schottky-SMD 7 Discrete semiconductors selection guide Bipolar transistors, diodes, ESD protection, filtering and signal conditioning and MOSFETs Amp Family / SOD-523 Package 0.2 Schottky 0.5 Schottky 0.7 Schottky SOD-323 SD103AWS BAS54H SD0530WT SOD-123 SOD-123FL BAS43W SOT-23 DFN0805 BAS54,54A,C,S RB551V-30 SS052D,53D BAS70,70-4,5,6 BL1200W, 1 SD14 Schottky SD14S BAS100 BS14FL 2 Schottky SD22-210 3 Schottky SD34 BS24FL Schottky-SMD Amp Family / Package SOD-123S SMA SMA-S DFN3P3 SMB SD14ST, 1 Schottky SD1U40ST, SS12-120, SL12-14 SD1U60ST 2 Schottky 3 Schottky 5 Schottky 6 Schottky 8 Schottky 10 Schottky 12 Schottky 15 Schottky SS22A-220A SS24S SS2200B SD3U40ST, SS32A-150A, SS32B-315B, SD3U60ST SS34MA-36MA SSL32B-34B SS52A-53A, SS52B-515B SS56MA SD8PU100 SD10PU80, SD10PU200 8 Discrete semiconductors selection guide Bipolar transistors, diodes, ESD protection, filtering and signal conditioning and MOSFETs Schottky-SMD Amp Family / Package SMC TO-277A/B 3 Schottky SS32-315, SSL32-34,SS3100H 5 Schottky SS52C-515C 6 Schottky SS6PU100 8 Schottky SS8P40-100. SS8PU100, SS5P100 SS10P20-100, SS10PU50, SS10PU100/100S, 10 SS10PU120S, SS10PU200/200S, SS10PU80, Schottky SS20PU80 12 Schottky SS12P40-60, SS12PU120S 15 Schottky SS15P30 ESD Protection Diodes & Arrays C Max (pF) 0.3 DFN-10 DFN-1006 DFN1725 WBFBP-02C SOT-353 SOT-363-6 SOT-23-6 ESDF5V4 ESDFBP05VL 0.5 ESD0503-04 0.6 0.9 ESDFBP05CL 3 ESRV05-4 5 10 EBL0501T SOTY05D-12D SESDFBP05C 15 25 ESMF3V3-12 35 ESDA6V1W6 50 80 100 9 Discrete semiconductors selection guide Bipolar transistors, diodes, ESD protection, filtering and signal conditioning and MOSFETs ESD Protection Diodes & Arrays C Max (pF) SOT-23 SOT-143 SOD-523 SOD-323 SMB SOP-8 0.3 0.5 ESR12 0.6 ESD5L5V 0.9 ESR05L 3 5 10 ESD05CL, ESD5Z5CL EBLC03(C)-24(C) EL05 ESD50V12L 15 ESD5Z5C ESDV05CL 25 ESD5Z5V-12V ESD3Z5C 35 ESD5Z3V3 ESD3Z12C >=50 ESD5V0D5 ESD3Z24V TSP3500SB, TSP4200SB TSP0080SB 80 TS61089 100 10 Discrete semiconductors selection guide Bipolar transistors, diodes, ESD protection, filtering and signal conditioning and MOSFETs MOSFET - Low Voltage MOSFET VBR (V) Family / Package DFN2X2 N Channel DFN-2X5 DFN-3X3 SOIC-8 MS9N20E MSQ99N (Dual) 26 (Dual) TSSOP-8 SOT-23-3L MS20N04NE MS69N68 (Dual) MS23N02 MS23P01, 20 P Channel MS23P21, MSA4P21 MS23P25, MSP2301N3 N Channel 25 P Channel BW3402, MS23N36 MSB55N03N3 N Channel MSK19N03 30 MSD23N22 MS23N22 MS23N26 MS23N18 P Channel MS23P39 N Channel 40 50 P Channel N Channel BSS138 P Channel BSS84 MSD23N58 N Channel MSK1N3 MS23P61 60 P Channel MS60P02NE MS23P59 N Channel 75 P Channel N Channel 100 MS23N70 P Channel 11 Discrete semiconductors selection guide Bipolar transistors, diodes, ESD protection, filtering and signal conditioning and MOSFETs MOSFET - Low Voltage MOSFET VBR (V) Family / Package 20 N Channel SO-26 SC70-3 SC70-6 TSOP-6 SOIC-8 (SO-8) MS14P21 MS34P07 MS44P15, MSQ94P33 (SOT-323) MSE20N06N (Dual) MS13P21 P Channel MS23P01S N Channel 25 P Channel N Channel MS13N30 30 MS15C37 (Dual) P Channel MS34N34 MS3531C (Dual) MS39P93 MS17N03Q8, MSC22N03, MSC37N03, MSQ27N30 (Dual), MSQ6N30, MS49N20 MS48P35 MOSFET - Low Voltage MOSFET VBR (V) Family / Package SO-26 SC70-3 SC70-6 TSOP-6 SOIC-8 (SO-8) MSS34N40 N Channel MSB22A04Q8 (Dual) 40 60 MS48N40 P Channel MS4541C (Dual) N Channel MS99N45 P Channel N Channel 75 P Channel 12 Discrete semiconductors selection guide Bipolar transistors, diodes, ESD protection, filtering and signal conditioning and MOSFETs MOSFET - Low Voltage MOSFET VBR (V) Family / Package SOIC-8PP TO-252 TO-251 TO-220 N Channel 20 P Channel N Channel 25 MSD80N03 P Channel N Channel MSD50N03, MSQ7434N (Dual) MS70N03 30 P Channel N Channel 40 MSD40P03 MSQ6N40 P Channel MS40N06, N Channel 60 MSD20N06, MS74N52, MSD30N06 MS74N62 P Channel MS49P63 MS50N06, MS90N06 MSD30P06 N Channel 75 MS20N06 MS75N75 P Channel 13 Discrete semiconductors selection guide Bipolar transistors, diodes, ESD protection, filtering and signal conditioning and MOSFETs High Volage MOSFET VBR (V) Family / Package SOT-23-3L N Channel 100 TSOP-6 SOIC-8PP TO-252 TO-251 MSD4N40 MSU4N40 MSP02N10 P Channel N Channel 200 400 P Channel N Channel MSQ5N50 500 MSU5N50 MSU1N60, MSU2N60, DMS05N60 600 MSD2N60, MSU2N60S, MSD4N60 MSU4N60, MSU4N60_S, MSU5N60 MSU4N65 MSD2N70, 800 MSD4N70 MSU2N70 >=900 High Volage MOSFET VBR (V) Family / Package N Channel 100 TO-220 TO-220F TO-263 MSD50N10, MSB90N10, MSD20N10 MSB190N10 TO-247AD P Channel N Channel 200 400 MSF9N20 P Channel N Channel MS6N40 MSF2N40, MSF6N40, MSF10N40 MS5N50 (A), 500 N Channel MS8N50, MSF5N50, MSF8N50, MS13N50, MSF13N50, MSF16N50, MS15N50, MSF18N50MSF20N50 MSW16N50 MSW20N50 MS18N50 14 Discrete semiconductors selection guide Bipolar transistors, diodes, ESD protection, filtering and signal conditioning and MOSFETs High Volage MOSFET VBR (V) Family / Package TO-220 TO-220F TO-263 TO-247AD MSB15N60 MSW20N60 MS4N60, 600 N Channel MS5N60, MSF2N60, MSF4N60, MS7N60, MSF4N60LMSF5N60, MS8N60, MSF6N60, MSF7N60, MS10N60, MSF8N60, MSF10N60, MS12N60, MSF12N60,MSF13N60, MS14N60, MSF14N60, MSF15N60 MS15N60 650 N Channel MS4N65, MSF4N65, MSF6N65, MS10N65, MSF7N65, MSF10N65, MS12N65 MSF12N65 MSF2N70, MSF6N70, 700 N Channel MSF7N70, MSF9N70, MSF11N70 MS3N80, 800 N Channel MS6N80, MSF3N80, MSF7N80, MS7N80, MSF8N80, MSF10N80(A) MSW10N80 MS10N80 MS6N90, >=900 N Channel MS9N90, MSF6N90, MSF9N90 MS6N95 15 MSW9N90, MSW11N90 Diode/Rectifier --Standard/ Fast Recovery Diode Product IO(rec) Max (A) VRRM Max (V) VFM Max (V) IFSM Max (A) IRM Max (mA) Package Type RS07B 0.7 100 1.15 20 0.01 SOD-123 RS07D 0.7 200 1.15 20 0.01 SOD-123 RS07G 0.7 400 1.15 20 0.01 SOD-123 RS07J 0.7 600 1.15 20 0.01 SOD-123 RS07K 0.7 800 1.15 20 0.01 SOD-123 RS07M 0.7 1000 1.15 20 0.01 SOD-123 1N4001S 1.0 50 1.1 30 0.03 R-1 1N4002S 1.0 100 1.1 30 0.03 R-1 1N4003S 1.0 200 1.1 30 0.03 R-1 1N4004S 1.0 400 1.1 30 0.03 R-1 1N4005S 1.0 600 1.1 30 0.03 R-1 1N4006S 1.0 800 1.1 30 0.03 R-1 1N4007S 1.0 1000 1.1 30 0.03 R-1 1N4007 1.0 1000 1.1 30 0.005 DO-41 SOD4001 1.0 50 1.1 25 0.005 SOD-123FL SOD4002 1.0 100 1.1 25 0.005 SOD-123FL SOD4003 1.0 200 1.1 25 0.005 SOD-123FL SOD4004 1.0 400 1.1 25 0.005 SOD-123FL SOD4005 1.0 600 1.1 25 0.005 SOD-123FL SOD4006 1.0 800 1.1 25 0.005 SOD-123FL SOD4007 1.0 1000 1.1 25 0.005 SOD-123FL GS1010FL 1.0 1000 1.0 30 0.002 SOD-123S RS1010F 1.0 1000 1.15 30 0.002 SOD-123S SUF140L 1.0 400 1.25 25 0.01 SOD-123L SUF160L 1.0 600 1.70 25 0.001 SOD-123L SUF160-D2 1.0 600 1.70 25 0.001 DFN 2X1.3 1SR154-400 1.0 400 1.1 30 0.010 SMA 1SR154-600 1.0 600 1.1 30 0.010 SMA US1A 1.0 50 1.00 30 0.01 SMA US1B 1.0 100 1.00 30 0.01 SMA US1D 1.0 200 1.00 30 0.01 SMA US1G 1.0 400 1.40 30 0.01 SMA US1J 1.0 600 1.70 30 0.01 SMA US1K 1.0 800 1.70 30 0.01 SMA 16 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Standard/ Fast Recovery Diode Product IO(rec) Max (A) VRRM Max (V) VFM Max (V) IFSM Max (A) IRM Max (mA) Package Type US1M 1.0 1000 1.70 30 0.01 SMA US2A 2.0 50 1.00 30 0.01 SMB ES1A 1.0 50 0.95 30 0.005 SMA ES1B 1.0 100 0.95 30 0.005 SMA ES1D 1.0 200 0.95 30 0.005 SMA ES1G 1.0 400 0.95 30 0.005 SMA ES1J 1.0 600 1.7 30 0.005 SMA RS1010FS 1.2 1000 1.25 30 0.002 SOD-123S US2B 2.0 100 1.00 30 0.01 SMB US2D 2.0 200 1.00 30 0.01 SMB US2G 2.0 400 1.00 30 0.01 SMB US2J 2.0 600 1.70 30 0.01 SMB US2K 2.0 800 1.70 30 0.01 SMB US2M 2.0 1000 1.70 30 0.01 SMB SF21 2.0 50 0.95 50 0.005 DO-15 SF22 2.0 100 0.95 50 0.005 DO-15 SF23 2.0 150 0.95 50 0.005 DO-15 SF24 2.0 200 0.95 50 0.005 DO-15 SF25 2.0 300 1.25 50 0.005 DO-15 SF26 2.0 400 1.25 50 0.005 DO-15 SF27 2.0 500 1.7 50 0.005 DO-15 SF28 2.0 600 1.7 50 0.005 DO-15 ES2A 2.0 50 0.95 30 0.01 SMB ES2B 2.0 100 0.95 30 0.01 SMB ES2D 2.0 200 0.95 30 0.01 SMB ES2G 2.0 400 1.3 30 0.01 SMB ES2J 2.0 600 1.7 30 0.01 SMB MURS220A 2.0 200 1.3 40 0.005 SMA MURS230A 2.0 300 1.3 40 0.005 SMA MURS240A 2.0 400 1.3 40 0.005 SMA SUF205A 2.0 600 1.7 50 0.005 SMA MURS220 2.0 200 1 40 0.005 SMB MURS240 2.0 400 1.2 40 0.005 SMB MURS260 2.0 600 1.5 40 0.005 SMB 17 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Standard/ Fast Recovery Diode Product IO(rec) Max (A) VRRM Max (V) VFM Max (V) IFSM Max (A) IRM Max (mA) Package Type M1 1.0 50 1.1 30 0.005 SMA M2 1.0 100 1.1 30 0.005 SMA M3 1.0 200 1.1 30 0.005 SMA M4 1.0 400 1.1 30 0.005 SMA M5 1.0 600 1.1 30 0.005 SMA M6 1.0 800 1.1 30 0.005 SMA M7 1.0 1000 1.1 30 0.005 SMA FR301G 3.0 50 1.3 100 0.005 DO-201AD FR302G 3.0 100 1.3 100 0.005 DO-201AD FR303G 3.0 200 1.3 100 0.005 DO-201AD GROA 1.5 50 1.3 50 0.005 SOD-123FL GROB 1.5 100 1.3 50 0.005 SOD-123FL GROD 1.5 200 1.3 50 0.005 SOD-123FL GROG 1.5 400 1.3 50 0.005 SOD-123FL GROJ 1.5 600 1.3 50 0.005 SOD-123FL GROK 1.5 800 1.3 50 0.005 SOD-123FL GROM 1.5 1000 1.3 50 0.005 SOD-123FL FR304G 3.0 400 1.3 100 0.005 DO-201AD FR305G 3.0 600 1.3 100 0.005 DO-201AD FR306G 3.0 800 1.3 100 0.005 DO-201AD FR307G 3.0 1000 1.3 100 0.005 DO-201AD FR307G-STR 3.0 1000 1.3 100 0.005 DO-201AD MURS320B 3.0 200 0.9 75 0.005 SMB MURS340B 3.0 400 1.3 75 0.005 SMB MURS360B 3.0 600 1.3 75 0.005 SMB MURS320 3.0 200 0.9 75 0.005 SMC MURS340 3.0 400 1.3 75 0.005 SMC MURS360 3.0 600 1.3 30 0.005 SMC UF460 4.0 600 1.28 125 0.01 DO-201AD FR501 5.0 50 1.3 300 0.01 DO-201AD FR502 5.0 100 1.3 300 0.01 DO-201AD FR503 5.0 200 1.3 300 0.01 DO-201AD FR504 5.0 400 1.3 300 0.01 DO-201AD FR505 5.0 600 1.3 300 0.01 DO-201AD 18 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Standard/ Fast Recovery Diode Product IO(rec) Max (A) VRRM Max (V) VFM Max (V) IFSM Max (A) IRM Max (mA) Package Type FR506 5.0 800 1.3 300 0.01 DO-201AD FR507 5.0 1000 1.3 300 0.01 DO-201AD SF51 5.0 50 0.95 135 0.01 DO-201AD SF52 5.0 100 0.95 135 0.01 DO-201AD SF53 5.0 150 0.95 135 0.01 DO-201AD SF54 5.0 200 0.95 135 0.01 DO-201AD SF55 5.0 300 1.7 135 0.01 DO-201AD SF56 5.0 400 1.7 135 0.01 DO-201AD SF57 5.0 600 1.7 135 0.01 DO-201AD SF58 5.0 800 4 135 0.01 DO-201AD SF59 5.0 1000 4 135 0.01 DO-201AD UF560 5.0 600 1.5 110 0.02 DO-201AD SUF501C 5.0 50 0.98 120 0.005 SMC SUF502C 5.0 100 0.98 120 0.005 SMC SUF503C 5.0 200 0.98 120 0.005 SMC SUF504C 5.0 400 1.25 120 0.005 SMC SUF505C 5.0 600 1.7 120 0.005 SMC UFP560 5.0 600 2.5 80 0.02 TO-277A MUR860FS 8.0 600 1.3 100 0.01 ITO-220AC MURF1020CT 10.0 200 0.98 60 0.005 ITO-220AB MURF1040CT 10.0 400 1.3 60 0.01 ITO-220AB MURF1060S 10.0 600 1.8 150 0.03 ITO-220AB SF1020F 10.0 200 0.98 150 0.005 ITO-220AC MUR3040PT 30.0 400 1.25 150 0.01 TO-247AD MUR1605CT 16.0 50 0.975 100 0.005 TO-220AB MUR1610CT 16.0 100 0.975 100 0.005 TO-220AB MUR1615CT 16.0 150 0.975 100 0.005 TO-220AB MUR1620CT 16.0 200 0.975 100 0.005 TO-220AB MUR1640CT 16.0 400 1.3 100 0.01 TO-220AB MUR1660CT 16.0 600 1.5 100 0.01 TO-220AB MURF1605CT 16.0 50 0.975 100 0.005 ITO-220AB MURF1610CT 16.0 100 0.975 100 0.005 ITO-220AB MURF1615CT 16.0 150 0.975 100 0.005 ITO-220AB MURF1620CT 16.0 200 0.975 100 0.005 ITO-220AB 19 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Standard/ Fast Recovery Diode Product IO(rec) Max (A) VRRM Max (V) VFM Max (V) IFSM Max (A) IRM Max (mA) Package Type MURF1640CT 16.0 400 1.3 100 0.01 ITO-220AB MURF1660CT 16.0 600 1.5 100 0.01 ITO-220AB SF3060PT 30.0 600 2.5 300 0.01 TO-247AD S3A 3 50 1.2 200 5 SMC S3B 3 100 1.2 200 5 SMC S3D 3 200 1.2 200 5 SMC S3G 3 400 1.2 200 5 SMC S3J 3 600 1.2 200 5 SMC S3K 3 800 1.2 200 5 SMC S3M 3 1000 1.2 200 5 SMC ES1000FL 1 50 0.95 30 5 SOD-123S ES1001FL 1 100 0.95 30 5 SOD-123S ES1002FL 1 200 0.95 30 5 SOD-123S ES1004FL 1 400 1.25 30 5 SOD-123S ES1006FL 1 600 1.7 30 5 SOD-123S EM513 1 1600 1.1 30 5 DO-41 EM516 1 1800 1.1 30 5 DO-41 EM518 1 2000 1.1 30 5 DO-41 20 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Schottky Diodes Product VRRM Min (V) VF Max (V) IRM Max (uA) IO(rec) Max (A) IFSM Max (A) Package Type SB315 150 0.85 100 3 80 DO-201AD SB52 20 0.55 500 5 120 DO-201AD SB53 30 0.55 500 5 200 DO-201AD SB54 40 0.55 500 5 120 DO-201AD SB55 50 0.70 500 5 120 DO-201AD SB56 60 0.70 500 5 120 DO-201AD BL1200W 200 0.82 100 1 50 SOD-123F SD14ST 40 0.50 200 1 30 SOD-123ST SD14 40 0.55 200 1 30 SOD-123 SD22 20 0.50 200 2 50 SOD-123 SD23 30 0.50 200 2 50 SOD-123 SD24 40 0.50 200 2 50 SOD-123 SD26 60 0.70 200 2 50 SOD-123 SD210 100 0.85 200 2 50 SOD-123 SD34 40 0.60 200 3 50 SOD-123 SD3U40ST 40 0.47 400 3 50 SOD-123ST BS14FL 40 0.50 100 1 30 SOD-123FL BS24FL 40 0.50 500 2 50 SOD-123FL SS12 20 0.45 200 1 30 SMA SS13 30 0.45 200 1 30 SMA SS14 40 0.45 200 1 30 SMA SS15 50 0.75 200 1 30 SMA SS16 60 0.75 200 1 30 SMA SS19 90 0.85 100 1 30 SMA SS110 100 0.85 100 1 30 SMA 21 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Schottky Diodes Product VRRM Min (V) VF Max (V) IRM Max (uA) IO(rec) Max (A) IFSM Max (A) Package Type SS115 150 0.90 100 1 30 SMA SS120 200 0.95 100 1 30 SMA SSL12 20 0.36 100 1 50 SMA SSL13 30 0.36 100 1 50 SMA SSL14 40 0.38 100 1 50 SMA SS22A 20 0.45 500 2 50 SMA SS23A 30 0.45 500 2 50 SMA SS24A 40 0.45 500 2 50 SMA SS25A 50 0.70 500 2 50 SMA SS26A 60 0.70 500 2 50 SMA SS29A 90 0.80 100 2 50 SMA SS210A 100 0.80 100 2 50 SMA SS215A 150 0.95 100 2 50 SMA SS220A 200 0.90 100 2 50 SMA SS32A 20 0.50 500 3 80 SMA SS33A 30 0.50 500 3 80 SMA SS34A 40 0.50 500 3 80 SMA SS34MA 40 0.48 200 3 80 SMA SS34DA 40 0.48 200 3 80 SMA SS35A 50 0.75 500 3 80 SMA SS36A 60 0.75 500 3 80 SMA SS36MA 60 0.60 200 3 80 SMA SS38A 80 0.85 500 3 80 SMA SS39A 90 0.85 500 3 80 SMA SS310A 100 0.85 500 3 80 SMA 22 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Schottky Diodes Product VRRM Min (V) VF Max (V) IRM Max (uA) IO(rec) Max (A) IFSM Max (A) Package Type SS315A 150 0.95 100 3 70 SMA SS56MA 60 0.68 200 5 80 SMA SS52A 20 0.52 500 5 80 SMA SS53A 30 0.52 500 5 80 SMA SS52B 20 0.55 500 5 120 SMB SS53B 30 0.55 500 5 120 SMB SS54B 40 0.55 500 5 120 SMB SS55B 50 0.75 500 5 120 SMB SS56B 60 0.75 500 5 120 SMB SS59B 90 0.85 100 5 120 SMB SS510B 100 0.85 100 5 120 SMB SS515B 150 0.95 100 5 120 SMB SS82B 20 0.55 500 8 150 SMB SS86B 20 0.55 500 8 150 SMB SS310B 100 0.85 100 3 70 SMB SS315B 150 0.85 100 3 70 SMB SS2200B 200 0.85 5 2 60 SMB SS32B 20 0.50 500 3 100 SMB SS33B 30 0.50 500 3 100 SMB SS34B 40 0.50 500 3 100 SMB SS35B 50 0.75 500 3 70 SMB SS36B 60 0.75 500 3 70 SMB SS39B 90 0.85 100 3 70 SMB SSL32B 20 0.41 200 3 100 SMB SSL33B 30 0.41 200 3 100 SMB 23 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Schottky Diodes Product VRRM Min (V) VF Max (V) IRM Max (uA) IO(rec) Max (A) IFSM Max (A) Package Type SSL34B 40 0.41 500 3 100 SMB SS52C 20 0.55 500 5 120 SMC SS53C 30 0.55 500 5 120 SMC SS54C 40 0.55 500 5 120 SMC SS55C 50 0.75 500 5 120 SMC SS56C 60 0.75 500 5 120 SMC SS59C 90 0.85 300 5 120 SMC SS510C 100 0.85 300 5 120 SMC SS515C 150 0.95 300 5 120 SMC SS82C 20 0.55 500 8 150 SMC SS86C 60 0.55 500 8 150 SMC SS3100H 100 0.80 200 3 100 SMC SS315C 150 0.85 100 3 70 SMC SS32C 20 0.50 100 3 100 SMC SS33C 30 0.50 500 3 100 SMC SS34C 40 0.50 500 3 100 SMC SS35C 50 0.75 500 3 100 SMC SS36C 60 0.75 500 3 100 SMC SS38C 80 0.85 500 3 100 SMC SS39C 90 0.85 500 3 100 SMC SS3100C 100 0.85 500 3 70 SMC SSL32C 20 0.41 200 3 100 SMC SSL33C 30 0.41 200 3 100 SMC SSL34C 40 0.41 500 3 100 SMC SS36DA 60 0.60 200 3 80 2010 24 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Schottky Diodes Product VRRM Min (V) VF Max (V) IRM Max (uA) IO(rec) Max (A) IFSM Max (A) Package Type RB551V-30 30 0.47 100 0.5 2 SOD-323 SS5P100 100 0.85 20 5 150 TO277A SS8P40 40 0.50 300 8 300 TO277A SS8P60 60 0.60 300 8 300 TO277A SS8P100 100 0.85 20 8 180 TO277A SS10P20 20 0.51 300 10 300 TO-277A SS10P30 30 0.51 300 10 300 TO-277A SS10P40 40 0.51 300 10 300 TO-277A SS10P45 45 0.53 300 10 300 TO-277A SS10PU50 50 0.50 150 10 200 TO-277B SS10P60 60 0.63 300 10 300 TO-277A SS10P100 100 0.85 20 10 250 TO-277A SS12P40 40 0.51 300 12 300 TO-277A SS12P45 45 0.51 300 12 300 TO-277A SS12P60 60 0.65 300 12 300 TO-277A SS15P30 30 0.57 300 15 300 TO-277A SS052D 20 0.34 10 0.5 10 DFN0805 SS053D 30 0.36 10 0.5 10 DFN0805 MBR1020CT 20 0.50 100 10 120 TO-220AB MBR1040CT 40 0.50 100 10 120 TO-220AB MBR1050CT 50 0.60 100 10 120 TO-220AB MBR1060CT 60 0.60 100 10 120 TO-220AB MBR1080CT 80 0.67 100 10 120 TO-220AB MBR10100CT 100 0.67 100 10 120 TO-220AB MBR10150CT 150 0.71 100 10 120 TO-220AB 25 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Schottky Diodes Product VRRM Min (V) VF Max (V) IRM Max (uA) IO(rec) Max (A) IFSM Max (A) Package Type MBR10200CT 200 0.71 100 10 120 TO-220AB MBRF1020CT 20 0.50 100 10 120 ITO-220AB MBRF1040CT 40 0.50 100 10 120 ITO-220AB MBRF1050CT 50 0.60 100 10 120 ITO-220AB MBRF1060CT 60 0.60 100 10 120 ITO-220AB MBRF1080CT 80 0.67 100 10 120 ITO-220AB MBRF10100CT 100 0.67 100 10 120 ITO-220AB MBRF10150CT 150 0.71 100 10 120 ITO-220AB MBRF10200CT 200 0.90 100 10 120 ITO-220AB MBR2020CT 20 0.57 200 20 150 TO-220AB MBR2040CT 40 0.57 200 20 150 TO-220AB MBR2050CT 50 0.66 200 20 150 TO-220AB MBR2060CT 60 0.66 200 20 150 TO-220AB MBR2080CT 80 0.69 200 20 150 TO-220AB MBR20100CT 100 0.69 200 20 150 TO-220AB MBR20150CT 150 0.74 200 20 150 TO-220AB MBR20200CT 200 0.74 200 20 150 TO-220AB MBRF2020CT 20 0.57 200 20 150 ITO-220AB MBRF2040CT 40 0.57 200 20 150 ITO-220AB MBRF2050CT 50 0.66 200 20 150 ITO-220AB MBRF2060CT 60 0.66 200 20 150 ITO-220AB MBRF2080CT 80 0.69 200 20 150 ITO-220AB MBRF20100CT 100 0.69 200 20 150 ITO-220AB MBRF20150CT 150 0.74 200 20 150 ITO-220AB MBRF20200CT 200 1.05 10 20 100 ITO-220AB 26 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Schottky Diodes Product VRRM Min (V) VF Max (V) IRM Max (uA) IO(rec) Max (A) IFSM Max (A) Package Type MBRF3020CT 20 0.54 200 30 200 ITO-220AB MBRF3040CT 40 0.54 200 30 200 ITO-220AB MBRF3050CT 50 0.61 200 30 200 ITO-220AB MBRF3060CT 60 0.61 200 30 200 ITO-220AB MBRF3080CT 80 0.69 200 30 200 ITO-220AB MBRF30100CT 100 0.69 200 30 200 ITO-220AB MBRF30150CT 150 0.73 200 30 200 ITO-220AB MBRF30200CT 200 1.05 10 30 160 ITO-220AB MBR3020CT 20 0.54 200 30 200 TO-220AB MBR3050CT 50 0.61 200 30 200 TO-220AB MBR3060CT 60 0.61 200 30 200 TO-220AB MBR3080CT 80 0.68 200 30 200 TO-220AB MBR30100CT 100 0.68 200 30 200 TO-220AB MBR30150CT 150 0.73 200 30 200 TO-220AB MBR30200CT 200 0.73 200 30 200 TO-220AB SBL3045C 45 0.57 100 30 350 TO-220AB SBLF3060C 60 0.70 500 30 180 ITO-220AB SBLF3080C 80 0.82 500 30 180 ITO-220AB SBL3040PT 40 0.55 100 30 275 TO-247AD MBRD6100CT 100 0.75 150 6 80 TO-252 SS6PU100 100 0.65 30 6 120 TO-277B SS8PU100 100 0.67 20 8 120 TO-277B SS10PU100 100 0.73 20 10 150 TO-277B SS10PU200S 200 0.77 10 10 160 TO-277B SS10PU100S 100 0.68 20 10 210 TO-277B 27 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Schottky Diodes Product VRRM Min (V) VF Max (V) IRM Max (uA) IO(rec) Max (A) IFSM Max (A) Package Type SS10PU120S 120 0.73 20 10 210 TO-277B SS12PU120S 120 0.80 20 12 210 TO-277B SD6PU100 100 0.65 30 6 120 DFN-3P3 SD8PU100 100 0.67 20 8 120 DFN-3P3 SD10PU80 80 0.55 50 10 100 DFN-3P3 SD10PU100 100 0.73 20 10 150 DFN-3P3 SD10PU200 200 1.05 10 10 100 DFN-3P3 BAS70 70 0.41 0.1 0.7 0.1 SOT-23 BAS70-04 70 0.41 0.1 0.7 0.1 SOT-23 BAS70-05 70 0.41 0.1 0.7 0.1 SOT-23 BAS70-06 70 0.41 0.1 0.7 0.1 SOT-23 BAS43W 30 0.33 0.5 0.2 4 SOD-123 BAS54 30 0.32 2 0.2 0.6 SOT-23 BAS54A 30 0.32 2 0.2 0.6 SOT-23 BAS54C 30 0.32 2 0.2 0.6 SOT-23 BAS54S 30 0.32 2 0.2 0.6 SOT-23 BAS54H 30 0.32 2 0.2 0.6 SOD-323 BAS100 40 0.40 100 1 6 SOT-23 MBR3040CT 40 0.70 200 15 200 TO-220AB SD103AWS 40 0.37 5 0.2 1.5 SOD-323 SS24S 40 0.50 200 2 50 SMA-S TMBR2080CT 80 0.65 200 10 120 TO-220AB TMBR30100CT 100 0.76 200 30 200 TO-220AB TMBR30120CT 120 0.89 200 30 200 TO-220AB TMBR30150CT 150 0.92 100 30 250 TO-220AB 28 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Schottky Diodes Product VRRM Min (V) VF Max (V) IRM Max (uA) IO(rec) Max (A) IFSM Max (A) Package Type TMBRF30150CT 150 0.92 100 30 250 ITO-220AB MBR20L45CT 45 0.54 200 20 200 TO-220AB MBRF20L45CT 45 0.54 200 20 200 ITO-220AB SB510UL 100 0.43 20 5 210 DO-201AD SD0530WT 30 0.375 20 0.5 5.5 SOD-523 SS10PU80 80 0.51 50 10 160 TO-277A,B SS20PU80 80 0.46 60 20 216 TO-277A,B SD1U40ST 40 0.42 100 1 10 SOD-123 SD1U60ST 60 0.48 100 1 10 SOD-123 SD3U60ST 60 0.51 100 3 45 SOD-123 SD3U60ST 60 0.51 100 3 45 SOD-123 SD10PU80 80 0.55 50 10 100 DFN-3P3 15SQ030 30 0.55 500 15 350 R-6 15SQ040 40 0.55 500 15 350 R-6 15SQ045 45 0.55 500 15 350 R-6 15SQ050 50 0.7 500 15 350 R-6 15AQ060 60 0.7 500 15 350 R-6 15SQ080 80 0.8 500 15 350 R-6 15SQ100 100 0.8 500 15 350 R-6 29 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Small Signal Switching Diodes Product VRRM Min (V) VF Max (V) IRM Max (uA) IF Max (A) trr Max (ns) Cj Max (pF) Package Type BAS21 250 1.0 1.0 0.2 50 8 SOT-23 BAV99 100 1.0 0.5 0.2 6 1.5 SOT-23 BAV16W 75 1.0 1.0 0.15 2 4 SOD-123 BAV19W 100 1.0 0.1 0.2 50 5 SOD-123 BAV20W 150 1.0 0.1 0.2 50 5 SOD-123 BAV21W 200 1.0 0.1 0.2 50 5 SOD-123 1SS355 90 1.2 0.1 0.1 4 3 SOD-323 1SS400 90 1.2 0.1 0.1 4 3 SOD-523 1N4148 75 1.0 1.0 0.15 2 4 DO-35 1N4148W 75 1.0 1.0 0.15 2 4 SOD-123 1N4148WS 75 1.25 1.0 0.15 4 2 SOD-323 1N4148W-N 75 1.0 1.0 0.15 2 4 1206 BAS16H 75 1.25 1.0 0.15 5 2 SOD-323 BAS321 200 1.25 1.0 0.2 50 2 SOD-323 BAT54 30 1.00 2.0 0.2 5 10 SOD-323 BAT54T 30 0.24 2.0 0.2 5 - SOD-523 BAT54AT 30 0.24 2.0 0.2 5 - SOT-523 BAT54CT 30 0.24 2.0 0.2 5 - SOD-523 BAT54ST 30 0.32 2 0.3 5 - SOT-363 BAT54ADW 30 0.32 2 0.3 5 - SOT-363 BAT54BRW 30 0.32 2 0.3 5 - SOT-363 BAT54CDW 30 0.32 2 0.3 5 - SOT-363 BAT54SDW 30 0.32 2 0.3 5 - SOT-363 BAT54TW 30 0.24 2.0 0.2 5 - SOD-523 30 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type MMSZ4685 3.6 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4686 3.9 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4687 4.3 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4688 4.7 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4689 5.1 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4690 5.6 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4691 6.2 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4692 6.8 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4693 7.5 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4694 8.2 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4695 8.7 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4696 9.1 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4697 10 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4698 11 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4699 12 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4700 13 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4701 14 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4702 15 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4703 16 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4704 17 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4705 18 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4706 19 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4707 20 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4708 22 0.5 - SOD-123 31 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type MMSZ4709 24 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4710 25 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4711 27 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4712 28 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4713 30 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4714 33 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4715 36 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4716 39 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ4717 43 0.5 - SOD-123 MMSZ5221B 2.4 0.5 30 SOD-123 MMSZ5223B 2.7 0.5 30 SOD-123 MMSZ5225B 3 0.5 30 SOD-123 MMSZ5226B 3.3 0.5 28 SOD-123 MMSZ5227B 3.6 0.5 24 SOD-123 MMSZ5228B 3.9 0.5 23 SOD-123 MMSZ5229B 4.3 0.5 22 SOD-123 MMSZ5230B 4.7 0.5 19 SOD-123 MMSZ5231B 5.1 0.5 17 SOD-123 MMSZ5232B 5.6 0.5 11 SOD-123 MMSZ5233B 6 0.5 7 SOD-123 MMSZ5234B 6.2 0.5 7 SOD-123 MMSZ5235B 6.8 0.5 5 SOD-123 MMSZ5236B 7.5 0.5 6 SOD-123 MMSZ5237B 8.2 0.5 8 SOD-123 32 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type MMSZ5238B 8.7 0.5 8 SOD-123 MMSZ5239B 9.1 0.5 10 SOD-123 MMSZ5240B 10 0.5 17 SOD-123 MMSZ5241B 11 0.5 22 SOD-123 MMSZ5242B 12 0.5 30 SOD-123 MMSZ5243B 13 0.5 13 SOD-123 MMSZ5245B 15 0.5 16 SOD-123 MMSZ5246B 16 0.5 17 SOD-123 MMSZ5248B 18 0.5 21 SOD-123 MMSZ5250B 20 0.5 25 SOD-123 MMSZ5251B 22 0.5 29 SOD-123 MMSZ5252B 24 0.5 33 SOD-123 MMSZ5254B 27 0.5 41 SOD-123 MMSZ5255B 28 0.5 44 SOD-123 MMSZ5256B 30 0.5 49 SOD-123 MMSZ5257B 33 0.5 58 SOD-123 MMSZ5258B 36 0.5 70 SOD-123 MMSZ5259B 39 0.5 80 SOD-123 MMSZ5260B 43 0.5 93 SOD-123 MM3Z2V0 2 0.3 100 SOD-323 MM3Z2V2 2.2 0.3 100 SOD-323 MM3Z2V4 2.4 0.3 100 SOD-323 MM3Z2V7 2.7 0.3 110 SOD-323 MM3Z3V0 3 0.3 120 SOD-323 33 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type MM3Z3V3 3.3 0.3 130 SOD-323 MM3Z3V6 3.6 0.3 130 SOD-323 MM3Z3V9 3.9 0.3 130 SOD-323 MM3Z4V3 4.3 0.3 130 SOD-323 MM3Z4V7 4.7 0.3 130 SOD-323 MM3Z5V1 5.1 0.3 130 SOD-323 MM3Z5V6 5.6 0.3 80 SOD-323 MM3Z6V2 6.2 0.3 50 SOD-323 MM3Z6V8 6.8 0.3 30 SOD-323 MM3Z7V5 7.5 0.3 30 SOD-323 MM3Z8V2 8.2 0.3 30 SOD-323 MM3Z9V1 9.1 0.3 30 SOD-323 MM3Z10 10 0.3 30 SOD-323 MM3Z11 11 0.3 30 SOD-323 MM3Z12 12 0.3 35 SOD-323 MM3Z13 13 0.3 35 SOD-323 MM3Z15 15 0.3 40 SOD-323 MM3Z16 16 0.3 40 SOD-323 MM3Z18 18 0.3 45 SOD-323 MM3Z20 20 0.3 50 SOD-323 MM3Z22 22 0.3 55 SOD-323 MM3Z24 24 0.3 60 SOD-323 MM3Z27 27 0.3 70 SOD-323 MM3Z30 30 0.3 80 SOD-323 34 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type MM3Z33 33 0.3 80 SOD-323 MM3Z36 36 0.3 90 SOD-323 MM3Z39 39 0.3 100 SOD-323 MM3Z43 43 0.3 130 SOD-323 MM3Z47 47 0.3 150 SOD-323 MM3Z51 51 0.3 180 SOD-323 MM3Z56 56 0.3 180 SOD-323 MM3Z62 62 0.3 200 SOD-323 MM3Z68 68 0.3 250 SOD-323 MM3Z75 75 0.3 300 SOD-323 BZT52C2V0S 2 0.2 100 SOD-323 BZT52C2V4S 2.4 0.2 100 SOD-323 BZT52C2V7S 2.7 0.2 100 SOD-323 BZT52C3V0S 3 0.2 95 SOD-323 BZT52C3V3S 3.3 0.2 95 SOD-323 BZT52C3V6S 3.6 0.2 90 SOD-323 BZT52C3V9S 3.9 0.2 90 SOD-323 BZT52C4V3S 4.3 0.2 90 SOD-323 BZT52C4V7S 4.7 0.2 80 SOD-323 BZT52C5V1S 5.1 0.2 60 SOD-323 BZT52C5V6S 5.6 0.2 40 SOD-323 BZT52C6V2S 6.2 0.2 10 SOD-323 BZT52C6V8S 6.8 0.2 15 SOD-323 BZT52C7V5S 7.5 0.2 15 SOD-323 35 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type BZT52C8V2S 8.2 0.2 15 SOD-323 BZT52C9V1S 9.1 0.2 15 SOD-323 BZT52C10S 10 0.2 20 SOD-323 BZT52C11S 11 0.2 20 SOD-323 BZT52C12S 12 0.2 25 SOD-323 BZT52C13S 13 0.2 30 SOD-323 BZT52C15S 15 0.2 30 SOD-323 BZT52C16S 16 0.2 40 SOD-323 BZT52C18S 18 0.2 45 SOD-323 BZT52C20S 20 0.2 55 SOD-323 BZT52C22S 22 0.2 55 SOD-323 BZT52C24S 24 0.2 70 SOD-323 BZT52C27S 27 0.2 80 SOD-323 BZT52C30S 30 0.2 80 SOD-323 BZT52C33S 33 0.2 80 SOD-323 BZT52C36S 36 0.2 90 SOD-323 BZT52C39S 39 0.2 130 SOD-323 BZT52C2V0 2 0.5 100 SOD-123 BZT52C2V4 2.4 0.5 100 SOD-123 BZT52C2V7 2.7 0.5 100 SOD-123 BZT52C3V0 3 0.5 95 SOD-123 BZT52C3V3 3.3 0.5 95 SOD-123 BZT52C3V6 3.6 0.5 90 SOD-123 BZT52C3V9 3.9 0.5 90 SOD-123 36 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type BZT52C4V3 4.3 0.5 90 SOD-123 BZT52C4V7 4.7 0.5 80 SOD-123 BZT52C5V1 5.1 0.5 60 SOD-123 BZT52C5V6 5.6 0.5 40 SOD-123 BZT52C6V2 6.2 0.5 10 SOD-123 BZT52C6V8 6.8 0.5 15 SOD-123 BZT52C7V5 7.5 0.5 15 SOD-123 BZT52C8V2 8.2 0.5 15 SOD-123 BZT52C9V1 9.1 0.5 15 SOD-123 BZT52C10 10 0.5 20 SOD-123 BZT52C11 11 0.5 20 SOD-123 BZT52C12 12 0.5 25 SOD-123 BZT52C13 13 0.5 30 SOD-123 BZT52C15 15 0.5 30 SOD-123 BZT52C16 16 0.5 40 SOD-123 BZT52C18 18 0.5 45 SOD-123 BZT52C20 20 0.5 55 SOD-123 BZT52C22 22 0.5 55 SOD-123 BZT52C24 24 0.5 70 SOD-123 BZT52C27 27 0.5 80 SOD-123 BZT52C30 30 0.5 80 SOD-123 BZT52C33 33 0.5 80 SOD-123 BZT52C36 36 0.5 90 SOD-123 BZT52C39 39 0.5 130 SOD-123 37 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type BZT52C43 43 0.5 100 SOD-123 BZT52C47 47 0.5 100 SOD-123 BZT52C51 51 0.5 100 SOD-123 BZT52B2V4 2.4 0.5 85 SOD-123 BZT52B2V7 2.7 0.5 83 SOD-123 BZT52B3V0 3 0.5 95 SOD-123 BZT52B3V3 3.3 0.5 95 SOD-123 BZT52B3V6 3.6 0.5 95 SOD-123 BZT52B3V9 3.9 0.5 95 SOD-123 BZT52B4V3 4.3 0.5 95 SOD-123 BZT52B4V7 4.7 0.5 78 SOD-123 BZT52B5V1 5.1 0.5 60 SOD-123 BZT52B5V6 5.6 0.5 40 SOD-123 BZT52B6V2 6.2 0.5 10 SOD-123 BZT52B6V8 6.8 0.5 8 SOD-123 BZT52B7V5 7.5 0.5 7 SOD-123 BZT52B8V2 8.2 0.5 7 SOD-123 BZT52B9V1 9.1 0.5 10 SOD-123 BZT52B10 10 0.5 15 SOD-123 BZT52B11 11 0.5 20 SOD-123 BZT52B12 12 0.5 20 SOD-123 BZT52B13 13 0.5 25 SOD-123 BZT52B15 15 0.5 30 SOD-123 BZT52B16 16 0.5 40 SOD-123 38 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type BZT52B18 18 0.5 50 SOD-123 BZT52B20 20 0.5 50 SOD-123 BZT52B22 22 0.5 55 SOD-123 BZT52B24 24 0.5 80 SOD-123 BZT52B27 27 0.5 80 SOD-123 BZT52B30 30 0.5 80 SOD-123 BZT52B33 33 0.5 80 SOD-123 BZT52B36 36 0.5 90 SOD-123 BZT52B39 39 0.5 90 SOD-123 BZT52B43 43 0.5 100 SOD-123 BZT52B47 47 0.5 100 SOD-123 BZT52B51 51 0.5 100 SOD-123 BZX84C2V4 2.4 0.225 100 SOT-23 BZX84C2V7 2.7 0.225 100 SOT-23 BZX84C3V0 3 0.225 95 SOT-23 BZX84C3V3 3.3 0.225 95 SOT-23 BZX84C3V6 3.6 0.225 90 SOT-23 BZX84C3V9 3.9 0.225 90 SOT-23 BZX84C4V3 4.3 0.225 90 SOT-23 BZX84C4V7 4.7 0.225 80 SOT-23 BZX84C5V1 5.1 0.225 60 SOT-23 BZX84C5V6 5.6 0.225 40 SOT-23 BZX84C6V2 6.2 0.225 10 SOT-23 BZX84C6V8 6.8 0.225 15 SOT-23 39 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type BZX84C7V5 7.5 0.225 15 SOT-23 BZX84C8V2 8.2 0.225 15 SOT-23 BZX84C9V1 9.1 0.225 15 SOT-23 BZX84C10 10 0.225 20 SOT-23 BZX84C11 11 0.225 20 SOT-23 BZX84C12 12 0.225 25 SOT-23 BZX84C13 13 0.225 30 SOT-23 BZX84C15 15 0.225 30 SOT-23 BZX84C16 16 0.225 40 SOT-23 BZX84C18 18 0.225 45 SOT-23 BZX84C20 20 0.225 55 SOT-23 BZX84C22 22 0.225 55 SOT-23 BZX84C24 24 0.225 70 SOT-23 BZX84C27 27 0.225 80 SOT-23 BZX84C30 30 0.225 80 SOT-23 BZX84C33 33 0.225 80 SOT-23 BZX84C36 36 0.225 90 SOT-23 BZX84C39 39 0.225 130 SOT-23 BZX84C43 43 0.225 150 SOT-23 BZX84C47 47 0.225 170 SOT-23 BZX84C51 51 0.225 180 SOT-23 BZX84C56 56 0.225 200 SOT-23 BZX84C62 62 0.225 215 SOT-23 BZX84C68 68 0.225 240 SOT-23 40 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type BZX84C75 75 0.225 255 SOT-23 SZ103D 3.3 1 10 SMA SZ103G 3.6 1 10 SMA SZ103J 3.9 1 9 SMA SZ104D 4.3 1 9 SMA SZ104H 4.7 1 8 SMA SZ105B 5.1 1 7 SMA SZ105G 5.6 1 5 SMA SZ106C 6.2 1 2 SMA SZ106I 6.8 1 3.5 SMA SZ107F 7.5 1 4 SMA SZ108C 8.2 1 4.5 SMA SZ109B 9.1 1 5 SMA SZ1010 10 1 7 SMA SZ1011 11 1 8 SMA SZ1012 12 1 9 SMA SZ1013 13 1 10 SMA SZ1015 15 1 14 SMA SZ1016 16 1 16 SMA SZ1018 18 1 20 SMA SZ1020 20 1 22 SMA SZ1022 22 1 23 SMA SZ1024 24 1 25 SMA SZ1027 27 1 35 SMA 41 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type SZ1030 30 1 40 SMA SZ1033 33 1 45 SMA SZ1036 36 1 50 SMA SZ1039 39 1 60 SMA SZ1043 43 1 70 SMA SZ1047 47 1 80 SMA SZ1051 51 1 95 SMA SZ1056 56 1 110 SMA SZ1062 62 1 125 SMA SZ1068 68 1 150 SMA SZ1075 75 1 175 SMA SZ1082 82 1 200 SMA SZ1091 91 1 250 SMA SZ10B0 100 1 350 SMA SZ10B1 110 1 450 SMA SZ10B2 120 1 550 SMA SZ10B3 130 1 700 SMA SZ10B5 150 1 1000 SMA SZ10B6 160 1 1100 SMA SZ10B8 180 1 1200 SMA SZ10D0 200 1 1900 SMA SZ153D 3.3 1 10 SMA SZ153G 3.6 1 10 SMA SZ153J 3.9 1 9 SMA 42 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type SZ154D 4.3 1 9 SMA SZ154H 4.7 1 8 SMA SZ155B 5.1 1 7 SMA SZ155G 5.6 1 5 SMA SZ156C 6.2 1 2 SMA SZ156I 6.8 1 3.5 SMA SZ157F 7.5 1 4 SMA SZ158C 8.2 1 4.5 SMA SZ159B 9.1 1 5 SMA SZ1510 10 1 7 SMA SZ1511 11 1 8 SMA SZ1512 12 1 9 SMA SZ1513 13 1 10 SMA SZ1515 15 1 14 SMA SZ1516 16 1 16 SMA SZ1518 18 1 20 SMA SZ1520 20 1 22 SMA SZ1522 22 1 23 SMA SZ1524 24 1 25 SMA SZ1527 27 1 35 SMA SZ1530 30 1 40 SMA SZ1533 33 1 45 SMA SZ1536 36 1 50 SMA SZ1539 39 1 60 SMA 43 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type SZ1543 43 1 70 SMA SZ1547 47 1 80 SMA SZ1551 51 1 95 SMA SZ1556 56 1 110 SMA SZ1562 62 1 125 SMA SZ1568 68 1 150 SMA SZ1575 75 1 175 SMA SZ1582 82 1 200 SMA SZ1591 91 1 250 SMA SZ15B0 100 1 350 SMA SZ15B1 110 1 450 SMA SZ15B2 120 1 550 SMA SZ15B3 130 1 700 SMA SZ15B5 150 1 1000 SMA SZ15B6 160 1 1100 SMA SZ15B8 180 1 1200 SMA SZ15D0 200 1 1900 SMA SZ303D 3.3 1.5 10 SMA SZ303G 3.6 1.5 9 SMA SZ303J 3.9 1.5 7.5 SMA SZ304D 4.3 1.5 6 SMA SZ304H 4.7 1.5 5 SMA SZ305B 5.1 1.5 4 SMA SZ305G 5.6 1.5 2 SMA 44 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type SZ306C 6.2 1.5 2 SMA SZ306I 6.8 1.5 2.5 SMA SZ307F 7.5 1.5 3 SMA SZ308C 8.2 1.5 3.5 SMA SZ309B 9.1 1.5 4 SMA SZ3010 10 1.5 4.5 SMA SZ3011 11 1.5 5.5 SMA SZ3012 12 1.5 6.5 SMA SZ3013 13 1.5 7 SMA SZ3015 15 1.5 9 SMA SZ3016 16 1.5 10 SMA SZ3018 18 1.5 12 SMA SZ3020 20 1.5 14 SMA SZ3022 22 1.5 17.5 SMA SZ3024 24 1.5 19 SMA SZ3027 27 1.5 23 SMA SZ3030 30 1.5 26 SMA SZ3033 33 1.5 33 SMA SZ3036 36 1.5 38 SMA SZ3039 39 1.5 45 SMA SZ3043 43 1.5 53 SMA SZ3047 47 1.5 67 SMA SZ3051 51 1.5 70 SMA SZ3056 56 1.5 86 SMA 45 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type SZ3062 62 1.5 100 SMA SZ3068 68 1.5 120 SMA SZ3075 75 1.5 140 SMA SZ3082 82 1.5 160 SMA SZ3091 91 1.5 200 SMA SZ30B0 100 1.5 250 SMA SZ30B1 110 1.5 300 SMA SZ30B2 120 1.5 380 SMA SZ30B3 130 1.5 450 SMA SZ30B5 150 1.5 600 SMA SZ30B6 160 1.5 700 SMA SZ30B8 180 1.5 900 SMA SZ30D0 200 1.5 1200 SMA 1SMB5913A 3.3 3 10 SMB 1SMB5914A 3.6 3 9 SMB 1SMB5915A 3.9 3 7.5 SMB 1SMB5916A 4.3 3 6 SMB 1SMB5917A 4.7 3 5 SMB 1SMB5918A 5.1 3 4 SMB 1SMB5919A 5.6 3 2 SMB 1SMB5920A 6.2 3 2 SMB 1SMB5921A 6.8 3 2.5 SMB 1SMB5922A 7.5 3 3 SMB 1SMB5923A 8.2 3 3.5 SMB 46 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type 1SMB5924A 9.1 3 4 SMB 1SMB5925A 10 3 4.5 SMB 1SMB5926A 11 3 5.5 SMB 1SMB5927A 12 3 6.5 SMB 1SMB5928A 13 3 7 SMB 1SMB5929A 15 3 9 SMB 1SMB5930A 16 3 10 SMB 1SMB5931A 18 3 12 SMB 1SMB5932A 20 3 14 SMB 1SMB5933A 22 3 17.5 SMB 1SMB5934A 24 3 19 SMB 1SMB5935A 27 3 23 SMB 1SMB5936A 30 3 26 SMB 1SMB5937A 33 3 33 SMB 1SMB5938A 36 3 38 SMB 1SMB5939A 39 3 45 SMB 1SMB5940A 43 3 53 SMB 1SMB5941A 47 3 67 SMB 1SMB5942A 51 3 70 SMB 1SMB5943A 56 3 86 SMB 1SMB5944A 62 3 100 SMB 1SMB5945A 68 3 120 SMB 1SMB5946A 75 3 140 SMB 1SMB5947A 82 3 160 SMB 47 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type 1SMB5948A 91 3 200 SMB 1SMB5949A 100 3 250 SMB 1SMB5950A 110 3 300 SMB 1SMB5951A 120 3 380 SMB 1SMB5952A 130 3 450 SMB 1SMB5953A 150 3 600 SMB 1SMB5954A 160 3 700 SMB 1SMB5955A 180 3 900 SMB 1SMB5956A 200 3 1200 SMB AZ23C2V7 2.7 0.3 83 SOD-23 AZ23C3V0 3 0.3 95 SOD-23 AZ23C3V3 3.3 0.3 95 SOD-23 AZ23C3V6 3.6 0.3 95 SOD-23 AZ23C3V9 3.9 0.3 95 SOD-23 AZ23C4V3 4.3 0.3 95 SOD-23 AZ23C4V7 4.7 0.3 78 SOD-23 AZ23C5V1 5.1 0.3 60 SOD-23 AZ23C5V6 5.6 0.3 40 SOD-23 AZ23C6V2 6.2 0.3 10 SOD-23 AZ23C6V8 6.8 0.3 8 SOD-23 AZ23C7V5 7.5 0.3 7 SOD-23 AZ23C8V2 8.2 0.3 7 SOD-23 AZ23C9V1 9.1 0.3 10 SOD-23 AZ23C10 10 0.3 15 SOD-23 48 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Zener Diode Product Zener Voltage VZ (V) Power Dissipation Max (W) Zener Impedance max (Ω) Package Type AZ23C11 11 0.3 20 SOD-23 AZ23C12 12 0.3 20 SOD-23 AZ23C13 13 0.3 25 SOD-23 AZ23C15 15 0.3 30 SOD-23 AZ23C16 16 0.3 40 SOD-23 AZ23C18 18 0.3 50 SOD-23 AZ23C20 20 0.3 50 SOD-23 AZ23C22 22 0.3 55 SOD-23 AZ23C24 24 0.3 80 SOD-23 AZ23C27 27 0.3 80 SOD-23 AZ23C30 30 0.3 80 SOD-23 AZ23C33 33 0.3 80 SOD-23 AZ23C36 36 0.3 90 SOD-23 AZ23C39 39 0.3 90 SOD-23 AZ23C43 43 0.3 100 SOD-23 AZ23C47 47 0.3 100 SOD-23 AZ23C51 51 0.3 100 SOD-23 RSB18V 18 0.2 - SOT-323 49 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Bridge Rectifiers Product IO(rec) Max (A) VRRM Max (V) VFM Max (V) IFSM Max (A) IR Max (mA) Package Type B1S 0.5 100 1 35 0.005 MBS B2S 0.5 200 1 35 0.005 MBS B4S 0.5 400 1 35 0.005 MBS B6S 0.5 600 1 35 0.005 MBS B8S 0.5 800 1 35 0.005 MBS B10S 0.5 1000 1 35 0.005 MBS MB1S 0.8 100 1 35 0.005 MBS MB2S 0.8 200 1 35 0.005 MBS MB4S 0.8 400 1 35 0.005 MBS MB6S 0.8 600 1 35 0.005 MBS MB8S 0.8 800 1 35 0.005 MBS MB10S 0.8 1000 1 35 0.005 MBS MB005 1 50 1.1 50 0.01 MBS MB01 1 100 1.1 50 0.01 MBS MB02 1 200 1.1 50 0.01 MBS MB04 1 400 1.1 50 0.01 MBS MB06 1 600 1.1 50 0.01 MBS MB08 1 800 1.1 50 0.01 MBS MB010 1 1000 1.1 50 0.01 MBS MBL06S 1 600 0.85 50 0.005 MBS MB12S 1 20 0.5 30 0.5 MBS MB14S 1 40 0.5 30 0.5 MBS MB16S 1 60 0.7 30 0.5 MBS MB18S 1 80 0.85 30 0.5 MBS MB110S 1 100 0.85 30 0.5 MBS MB120S 1 200 0.9 30 0.05 MBS DF005S 1 50 1.1 50 0.001 DFS DF01S 1 100 1.1 50 0.001 DFS DF02S 1 200 1.1 50 0.001 DFS DF04S 1 400 1.1 50 0.001 DFS DF06S 1 600 1.1 50 0.001 DFS DF08S 1 800 1.1 50 0.001 DFS DF10S 1 1000 1.1 50 0.001 DFS MB22S 2 20 0.45 50 0.5 MBS 50 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Bridge Rectifiers Product IO(rec) Max (A) VRRM Max (V) VFM Max (V) IFSM Max (A) IR Max (mA) Package Type MB24S 2 40 0.5 50 0.5 MBS MB26S 2 60 0.7 50 0.5 MBS MB28S 2 80 0.85 50 0.5 MBS MB210S 2 100 0.85 50 0.5 MBS KBP200 2 50 1 60 0.01 KBP KBP201 2 100 1 60 0.01 KBP KBP202 2 200 1 60 0.01 KBP KBP204 2 400 1 60 0.01 KBP KBP206 2 600 1 60 0.01 KBP KBP208 2 800 1 60 0.01 KBP KBP210 2 1000 1 60 0.01 KBP KBP300 3 50 1.1 80 0.01 KBP KBP301 3 100 1.1 80 0.01 KBP KBP302 3 200 1.1 80 0.01 KBP KBP304 3 400 1.1 80 0.01 KBP KBP306 3 600 1.1 80 0.01 KBP KBP308 3 800 1.1 80 0.01 KBP KBP310 3 1000 1.1 80 0.01 KBP KBL400 4 50 1.1 200 0.01 KBP KBL401 4 100 1.1 200 0.01 KBP KBL402 4 200 1.1 200 0.01 KBP KBL404 4 400 1.1 200 0.01 KBP KBL406 4 600 1.1 200 0.01 KBP KBL408 4 800 1.1 200 0.01 KBP KBL410 4 1000 1.1 200 0.01 KBP GBU4A 4 50 1 150 0.005 GBU GBU4B 4 100 1 150 0.005 GBU GBU4D 4 200 1 150 0.005 GBU GBU4G 4 400 1 150 0.005 GBU GBU4J 4 600 1 150 0.005 GBU GBU4K 4 800 1 150 0.005 GBU GBU4M 4 1000 1 150 0.005 GBU GBU4AL 4 50 0.9 150 0.005 GBU GBU4BL 4 100 0.9 150 0.005 GBU 51 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Bridge Rectifiers Product IO(rec) Max (A) VRRM Max (V) VFM Max (V) IFSM Max (A) IR Max (mA) Package Type GBU4DL 4 200 0.9 150 0.005 GBU GBU4GL 4 400 0.9 150 0.005 GBU GBU4JL 4 600 0.9 150 0.005 GBU GBU4KL 4 800 0.9 150 0.005 GBU GBU4ML 4 1000 0.9 150 0.005 GBU GBU8A 8 50 1 200 0.005 GBU GBU8B 8 100 1 200 0.005 GBU GBU8D 8 200 1 200 0.005 GBU GBU8G 8 400 1 200 0.005 GBU GBU8J 8 600 1 200 0.005 GBU GBU8K 8 800 1 200 0.005 GBU GBU8M 8 1000 1 200 0.005 GBU MDB26 2 60 0.56 60 0.2 MBS MTB26 2 60 0.56 60 0.2 TBF MAB46 4 60 0.66 60 0.2 ABS MTB1100 1 100 0.77 50 0.01 ABS MDB1100 1 100 0.77 50 0.01 MBS DF15005S 1.5 50 1.1 50 5 DFS DF1501S 1.5 100 1.1 50 5 DFS DF1502S 1.5 200 1.1 50 5 DFS DF1504S 1.5 400 1.1 50 5 DFS DF1506S 1.5 600 1.1 50 5 DFS DF1508S 1.5 800 1.1 50 5 DFS DF1510S 1.5 1000 1.1 50 5 DFS GBU15005 15 50 1 240 10 GBU GBU1501 15 100 1 240 10 GBU GBU1502 15 200 1 240 10 GBU GBU1504 15 400 1 240 10 GBU GBU1506 15 600 1 240 10 GBU GBU1508 15 800 1 240 10 GBU GBU1510 15 10000 1 240 10 GBU KBU6005 6 50 1 175 10 KBU KBU601 6 100 1 175 10 KBU KBU602 6 200 1 175 10 KBU 52 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Bridge Rectifiers KBU604 6 400 1 175 10 KBU KBU606 6 600 1 175 10 KBU KBU608 6 800 1 175 10 KBU KBU610 6 1000 1 175 10 KBU KBU8005 8 50 1 200 10 KBU KBU801 8 100 1 200 10 KBU KBU802 8 200 1 200 10 KBU KBU804 8 400 1 200 10 KBU KBU806 8 600 1 200 10 KBU KBU808 8 800 1 200 10 KBU KBU810 8 1000 1 200 10 KBU KBU10005 10 50 1 240 10 KBU KBU1001 10 100 1 240 10 KBU KBU1002 10 200 1 240 10 KBU KBU1004 10 400 1 240 10 KBU KBU1006 10 600 1 240 10 KBU KBU1008 10 800 1 240 10 KBU KBU1010 10 1000 1 240 10 KBU 2W005 2 50 1.1 60 10 WOB 2W01 2 100 1.1 60 10 WOB 2W02 2 200 1.1 60 10 WOB 2W04 2 400 1.1 60 10 WOB 2W06 2 600 1.1 60 10 WOB 2W08 2 800 1.1 60 10 WOB 2W10 2 1000 1.1 60 10 WOB 2W005M 2 50 1.1 60 10 WOBM 2W01M 2 100 1.1 60 10 WOBM 2W02M 2 200 1.1 60 10 WOBM 2W04M 2 400 1.1 60 10 WOBM 2W06M 2 600 1.1 60 10 WOBM 2W08M 2 800 1.1 60 10 WOBM 2W10M 2 1000 1.1 60 10 WOBM 4GBJ4005 4 50 1.1 135 10 4GBJ 4GBJ401 4 100 1.1 135 10 4GBJ 4GBJ402 4 200 1.1 135 10 4GBJ 4GBJ404 4 400 1.1 135 10 4GBJ 53 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Bridge Rectifiers 4GBJ406 4 600 1.1 135 10 4GBJ 4GBJ408 4 800 1.1 135 10 4GBJ 4GBJ410 4 1000 1.1 135 10 4GBJ BR3005 3 50 1.1 40 10 BR3 BR301 3 100 1.1 40 10 BR3 BR302 3 200 1.1 40 10 BR3 BR304 3 400 1.1 40 10 BR3 BR306 3 600 1.1 40 10 BR3 BR308 3 800 1.1 40 10 BR3 BR310 3 1000 1.1 40 10 BR3 BR6005 6 50 1 175 10 BR6 BR601 6 100 1 175 10 BR6 BR602 6 200 1 175 10 BR6 BR604 6 400 1 175 10 BR6 BR606 6 600 1 175 10 BR6 BR608 6 800 1 175 10 BR6 BR610 6 1000 1 175 10 BR6 BR10005S 10 50 1 240 10 BR8 BR1001S 10 100 1 240 10 BR8 BR1002S 10 200 1 240 10 BR8 BR1004S 10 400 1 240 10 BR8 BR1006S 10 600 1 240 10 BR8 BR1008S 10 800 1 240 10 BR8 BR1010S 10 1000 1 240 10 BR8 GBU6005 6 50 1 175 10 GBU GBU601 6 100 1 175 10 GBU GBU602 6 200 1 175 10 GBU GBU604 6 400 1 175 10 GBU GBU606 6 600 1 175 10 GBU GBU608 6 800 1 175 10 GBU GBU610 6 1000 1 175 10 GBU GBU10005 10 50 1 220 10 GBU GBU1001 10 100 1 220 10 GBU GBU1002 10 200 1 220 10 GBU GBU1004 10 400 1 220 10 GBU GBU1006 10 600 1 220 10 GBU 54 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Bridge Rectifiers GBU1008 10 800 1 220 10 GBU GBU1010 10 1000 1 220 10 GBU GBPC15005 15 50 1.1 300 10 GBPC GBPC1501 15 100 1.1 300 10 GBPC GBPC1502 15 200 1.1 300 10 GBPC GBPC1504 15 400 1.1 300 10 GBPC GBPC1506 15 600 1.1 300 10 GBPC GBPC1508 15 800 1.1 300 10 GBPC GBPC1510 15 1000 1.1 300 10 GBPC GBPC25005 25 50 1.1 350 10 GBPC GBPC2501 25 100 1.1 350 10 GBPC GBPC2502 25 200 1.1 350 10 GBPC GBPC2504 25 400 1.1 350 10 GBPC GBPC2506 25 600 1.1 350 10 GBPC GBPC2508 25 800 1.1 350 10 GBPC GBPC2510 25 1000 1.1 350 10 GBPC GBPC35005 35 50 1.1 400 10 GBPC GBPC3501 35 100 1.1 400 10 GBPC GBPC3502 35 200 1.1 400 10 GBPC GBPC3504 35 400 1.1 400 10 GBPC GBPC3506 35 600 1.1 400 10 GBPC GBPC3508 35 800 1.1 400 10 GBPC GBPC3510 35 1000 1.1 400 10 GBPC GBPC50005 50 50 1.1 450 10 GBPC GBPC5001 50 100 1.1 450 10 GBPC GBPC5002 50 200 1.1 450 10 GBPC GBPC5004 50 400 1.1 450 10 GBPC GBPC5006 50 600 1.1 450 10 GBPC GBPC5008 50 800 1.1 450 10 GBPC GBPC5010 50 1000 1.1 450 10 GBPC GBPC15005W 15 50 1.1 300 10 GBPCW GBPC1501W 15 100 1.1 300 10 GBPCW GBPC1502W 15 200 1.1 300 10 GBPCW GBPC1504W 15 400 1.1 300 10 GBPCW GBPC1506W 15 600 1.1 300 10 GBPCW GBPC1508W 15 800 1.1 300 10 GBPCW 55 http://www.bruckewell‐ Diode/Rectifier --Bridge Rectifiers GBPC1510W 15 1000 1.1 300 10 GBPCW GBPC25005W 25 50 1.1 350 10 GBPCW GBPC2501W 25 100 1.1 350 10 GBPCW GBPC2502W 25 200 1.1 350 10 GBPCW GBPC2504W 25 400 1.1 350 10 GBPCW GBPC2506W 25 600 1.1 350 10 GBPCW GBPC2508W 25 800 1.1 350 10 GBPCW GBPC2510W 25 1000 1.1 350 10 GBPCW GBPC35005W 35 50 1.1 400 10 GBPCW GBPC3501W 35 100 1.1 400 10 GBPCW GBPC3502W 35 200 1.1 400 10 GBPCW GBPC3504W 35 400 1.1 400 10 GBPCW GBPC3506W 35 600 1.1 400 10 GBPCW GBPC3508W 35 800 1.1 400 10 GBPCW GBPC3510W 35 1000 1.1 400 10 GBPCW GBPC50005W 50 50 1.1 450 10 GBPCW GBPC5001W 50 100 1.1 450 10 GBPCW GBPC5002W 50 200 1.1 450 10 GBPCW GBPC5004W 50 400 1.1 450 10 GBPCW GBPC5006W 50 600 1.1 450 10 GBPCW GBPC5008W 50 800 1.1 450 10 GBPCW GBPC5010W 50 1000 1.1 450 10 GBPCW 56 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P4KE6.8 6.8 400 5.5 1000 DO-41 P4KE6.8A 6.8 400 5.8 1000 DO-41 P4KE7.5 7.5 400 6.05 500 DO-41 P4KE7.5A 7.5 400 6.4 500 DO-41 P4KE8.2 8.2 400 6.63 200 DO-41 P4KE8.2A 8.2 400 7.02 200 DO-41 P4KE9.1 9.1 400 7.37 50 DO-41 P4KE9.1A 9.1 400 7.78 50 DO-41 P4KE10 10 400 8.1 10 DO-41 P4KE10A 10 400 8.55 10 DO-41 P4KE11 11 400 8.92 5 DO-41 P4KE11A 11 400 9.4 5 DO-41 P4KE12 12 400 9.72 5 DO-41 P4KE12A 12 400 10.2 5 DO-41 P4KE13 13 400 10.5 5 DO-41 P4KE13A 13 400 11.1 5 DO-41 P4KE15 15 400 12.1 5 DO-41 P4KE15A 15 400 12.8 5 DO-41 P4KE16 16 400 12.9 5 DO-41 P4KE16A 16 400 13.6 5 DO-41 P4KE17 17 400 13.7 5 DO-41 P4KE17A 17 400 14.5 5 DO-41 P4KE18 18 400 14.5 5 DO-41 P4KE18A 18 400 15.3 5 DO-41 P4KE20 20 400 16.2 5 DO-41 P4KE20A 20 400 17.1 5 DO-41 P4KE22 22 400 17.8 5 DO-41 P4KE22A 22 400 18.8 5 DO-41 P4KE24 24 400 19.4 5 DO-41 P4KE24A 24 400 20.5 5 DO-41 P4KE27 27 400 21.8 5 DO-41 P4KE27A 27 400 23.1 5 DO-41 P4KE30 30 400 24.3 5 DO-41 P4KE30A 30 400 25.6 5 DO-41 57 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P4KE33 33 400 26.8 5 DO-41 P4KE33A 33 400 28.2 5 DO-41 P4KE36 36 400 29.1 5 DO-41 P4KE36A 36 400 30.8 5 DO-41 P4KE39 39 400 31.6 5 DO-41 P4KE39A 39 400 33.3 5 DO-41 P4KE43 43 400 34.8 5 DO-41 P4KE43A 43 400 36.8 5 DO-41 P4KE47 47 400 38.1 5 DO-41 P4KE47A 47 400 40.2 5 DO-41 P4KE51 51 400 41.3 5 DO-41 P4KE51A 51 400 43.6 5 DO-41 P4KE56 56 400 45.4 5 DO-41 P4KE56A 56 400 47.8 5 DO-41 P4KE62 62 400 50.2 5 DO-41 P4KE62A 62 400 53 5 DO-41 P4KE68 68 400 55.1 5 DO-41 P4KE68A 68 400 58.1 5 DO-41 P4KE75 75 400 60.7 5 DO-41 P4KE75A 75 400 64.1 5 DO-41 P4KE82 82 400 66.4 5 DO-41 P4KE82A 82 400 70.1 5 DO-41 P4KE91 91 400 73.7 5 DO-41 P4KE91A 91 400 77.8 5 DO-41 P4KE100 10 400 81 5 DO-41 P4KE100A 10 400 85.5 5 DO-41 P4KE110 11 400 89.2 5 DO-41 P4KE110A 11 400 94 5 DO-41 P4KE120 12 400 97.2 5 DO-41 P4KE120A 12 400 102 5 DO-41 P4KE130 13 400 105 5 DO-41 P4KE130A 13 400 111 5 DO-41 P4KE150 15 400 121 5 DO-41 P4KE150A 15 400 128 5 DO-41 58 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P4KE160 16 400 130 5 DO-41 P4KE160A 16 400 136 5 DO-41 P4KE170 17 400 138 5 DO-41 P4KE170A 17 400 145 5 DO-41 P4KE180 18 400 146 5 DO-41 P4KE180A 18 400 154 5 DO-41 P4KE200 20 400 162 5 DO-41 P4KE200A 20 400 171 5 DO-41 P4KE220 22 400 175 5 DO-41 P4KE220A 22 400 185 5 DO-41 P4KE250 25 400 202 5 DO-41 P4KE250A 25 400 214 5 DO-41 P4KE300 30 400 243 5 DO-41 P4KE300A 30 400 256 5 DO-41 P4KE350 35 400 284 5 DO-41 P4KE350A 35 400 300 5 DO-41 P4KE400 40 400 324 5 DO-41 P4KE400A 40 400 342 5 DO-41 P4KE440 44 400 356 5 DO-41 P4KE440A 44 400 376 5 DO-41 P4KE550 55 400 445 5 DO-41 P4KE550A 55 400 470 5 DO-41 P4KE6.8C 6.8 400 5.5 2000 DO-41 P4KE6.8CA 6.8 400 5.8 2000 DO-41 P4KE7.5C 7.5 400 6.05 1000 DO-41 P4KE7.5CA 7.5 400 6.4 1000 DO-41 P4KE8.2C 8.2 400 6.63 400 DO-41 P4KE8.2CA 8.2 400 7.02 400 DO-41 P4KE9.1C 9.1 400 7.37 100 DO-41 P4KE9.1CA 9.1 400 7.78 100 DO-41 P4KE10C 10 400 8.1 20 DO-41 P4KE10CA 10 400 8.55 20 DO-41 P4KE11C 11 400 8.92 10 DO-41 P4KE11CA 11 400 9.4 10 DO-41 59 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P4KE12C 12 400 9.72 5 DO-41 P4KE12CA 12 400 10.2 5 DO-41 P4KE13C 13 400 10.5 5 DO-41 P4KE13CA 13 400 11.1 5 DO-41 P4KE15C 15 400 12.1 5 DO-41 P4KE15CA 15 400 12.8 5 DO-41 P4KE16C 16 400 12.9 5 DO-41 P4KE16CA 16 400 13.6 5 DO-41 P4KE18C 18 400 14.5 5 DO-41 P4KE18CA 18 400 15.3 5 DO-41 P4KE20C 20 400 16.2 5 DO-41 P4KE20CA 20 400 17.1 5 DO-41 P4KE22C 22 400 17.8 5 DO-41 P4KE22CA 22 400 18.8 5 DO-41 P4KE24C 24 400 19.4 5 DO-41 P4KE24CA 24 400 20.5 5 DO-41 P4KE27C 27 400 21.8 5 DO-41 P4KE27CA 27 400 23.1 5 DO-41 P4KE30C 30 400 24.3 5 DO-41 P4KE30CA 30 400 25.6 5 DO-41 P4KE33C 33 400 26.8 5 DO-41 P4KE33CA 33 400 28.2 5 DO-41 P4KE36C 36 400 29.1 5 DO-41 P4KE36CA 36 400 30.8 5 DO-41 P4KE39C 39 400 31.6 5 DO-41 P4KE39CA 39 400 33.3 5 DO-41 P4KE43C 43 400 34.8 5 DO-41 P4KE43CA 43 400 36.8 5 DO-41 P4KE47C 47 400 38.1 5 DO-41 P4KE47CA 47 400 40.2 5 DO-41 P4KE51C 51 400 41.3 5 DO-41 P4KE51CA 51 400 43.6 5 DO-41 P4KE56C 56 400 45.4 5 DO-41 P4KE56CA 56 400 47.8 5 DO-41 60 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P4KE62C 62 400 50.2 5 DO-41 P4KE62CA 62 400 53 5 DO-41 P4KE68C 68 400 55.1 5 DO-41 P4KE68CA 68 400 58.1 5 DO-41 P4KE75C 75 400 60.7 5 DO-41 P4KE75CA 75 400 64.1 5 DO-41 P4KE82C 82 400 66.4 5 DO-41 P4KE82CA 82 400 70.1 5 DO-41 P4KE91C 91 400 73.7 5 DO-41 P4KE91CA 91 400 77.8 5 DO-41 P4KE100C 100 400 81 5 DO-41 P4KE100CA 100 400 85.5 5 DO-41 P4KE110C 110 400 89.2 5 DO-41 P4KE110CA 110 400 94 5 DO-41 P4KE120C 120 400 97.2 5 DO-41 P4KE120CA 120 400 102 5 DO-41 P4KE130C 130 400 105 5 DO-41 P4KE130CA 130 400 111 5 DO-41 P4KE150C 150 400 121 5 DO-41 P4KE150CA 150 400 128 5 DO-41 P4KE160C 160 400 130 5 DO-41 P4KE160CA 160 400 136 5 DO-41 P4KE170C 170 400 138 5 DO-41 P4KE170CA 170 400 145 5 DO-41 P4KE180C 180 400 146 5 DO-41 P4KE180CA 180 400 154 5 DO-41 P4KE200C 200 400 162 5 DO-41 P4KE200CA 200 400 171 5 DO-41 P4KE220C 220 400 175 5 DO-41 P4KE220CA 220 400 185 5 DO-41 P4KE250C 250 400 202 5 DO-41 P4KE250CA 250 400 214 5 DO-41 P4KE300C 300 400 243 5 DO-41 P4KE300CA 300 400 256 5 DO-41 61 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P4KE350C 350 400 284 5 DO-41 P4KE350CA 350 400 300 5 DO-41 P4KE400C 400 400 324 5 DO-41 P4KE400CA 400 400 342 5 DO-41 P4KE440C 440 400 356 5 DO-41 P4KE440CA 440 400 376 5 DO-41 P4SMA6.8 6.8 400 5.5 2000 SMA P4SMA6.8A 6.8 400 5.8 2000 SMA P4SMA7.5 7.5 400 6.05 1000 SMA P4SMA7.5A 7.5 400 6.4 1000 SMA P4SMA8.2 8.2 400 6.63 400 SMA P4SMA8.2A 8.2 400 7.02 400 SMA P4SMA9.1 9.1 400 7.37 100 SMA P4SMA9.1A 9.1 400 7.78 100 SMA P4SMA10 10 400 8.1 20 SMA P4SMA10A 10 400 8.55 20 SMA P4SMA11 11 400 8.92 10 SMA P4SMA11A 11 400 9.4 10 SMA P4SMA12 12 400 9.72 5 SMA P4SMA12A 12 400 10.2 5 SMA P4SMA13 13 400 10.5 5 SMA P4SMA13A 13 400 11.1 5 SMA P4SMA15 15 400 12.1 5 SMA P4SMA15A 15 400 12.8 5 SMA P4SMA16 16 400 12.9 5 SMA P4SMA16A 16 400 13.6 5 SMA P4SMA17 17 400 13.7 5 SMA P4SMA17A 17 400 14.5 5 SMA P4SMA18 18 400 14.5 5 SMA P4SMA18A 18 400 15.3 5 SMA P4SMA20 20 400 16.2 5 SMA P4SMA20A 20 400 17.1 5 SMA P4SMA22 22 400 17.8 5 SMA P4SMA22A 22 400 18.8 5 SMA 62 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P4SMA24 24 400 19.4 5 SMA P4SMA24A 24 400 20.5 5 SMA P4SMA27 27 400 21.8 5 SMA P4SMA27A 27 400 23.1 5 SMA P4SMA30 30 400 24.3 5 SMA P4SMA30A 30 400 25.6 5 SMA P4SMA33 33 400 26.8 5 SMA P4SMA33A 33 400 28.2 5 SMA P4SMA36 36 400 29.1 5 SMA P4SMA36A 36 400 30.8 5 SMA P4SMA39 39 400 31.6 5 SMA P4SMA39A 39 400 33.3 5 SMA P4SMA43 43 400 34.8 5 SMA P4SMA43A 43 400 36.8 5 SMA P4SMA47 47 400 38.1 5 SMA P4SMA47A 47 400 40.2 5 SMA P4SMA51 51 400 41.3 5 SMA P4SMA51A 51 400 43.6 5 SMA P4SMA56 56 400 45.4 5 SMA P4SMA56A 56 400 47.8 5 SMA P4SMA62 62 400 50.2 5 SMA P4SMA62A 62 400 53 5 SMA P4SMA68 68 400 55.1 5 SMA P4SMA68A 68 400 58.1 5 SMA P4SMA75 75 400 60.7 5 SMA P4SMA75A 75 400 64.1 5 SMA P4SMA82 82 400 66.4 5 SMA P4SMA82A 82 400 70.1 5 SMA P4SMA91 91 400 73.7 5 SMA P4SMA91A 91 400 77.8 5 SMA P4SMA100 100 400 81 5 SMA P4SMA100A 100 400 85.5 5 SMA P4SMA110 110 400 89.2 5 SMA P4SMA110A 110 400 94 5 SMA 63 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P4SMA120 120 400 97.2 5 SMA P4SMA120A 120 400 102 5 SMA P4SMA130 130 400 105 5 SMA P4SMA130A 130 400 111 5 SMA P4SMA150 150 400 121 5 SMA P4SMA150A 150 400 128 5 SMA P4SMA160 160 400 130 5 SMA P4SMA160A 160 400 136 5 SMA P4SMA170 170 400 138 5 SMA P4SMA170A 170 400 145 5 SMA P4SMA180 180 400 146 5 SMA P4SMA180A 180 400 154 5 SMA P4SMA200 200 400 162 5 SMA P4SMA200A 200 400 171 5 SMA P4SMA220 220 400 175 5 SMA P4SMA220A 220 400 185 5 SMA P4SMA250 250 400 202 5 SMA P4SMA250A 250 400 214 5 SMA P4SMA300 300 400 243 5 SMA P4SMA300A 300 400 256 5 SMA P4SMA350 350 400 284 5 SMA P4SMA350A 350 400 300 5 SMA P4SMA400 400 400 324 5 SMA P4SMA400A 400 400 342 5 SMA P4SMA440 440 400 356 5 SMA P4SMA440A 440 400 376 5 SMA P4SMA6.8C 6.8 400 5.5 2000 SMA P4SMA6.8CA 6.8 400 5.8 2000 SMA P4SMA7.5C 7.5 400 6.05 1000 SMA P4SMA7.5CA 7.5 400 6.4 1000 SMA P4SMA8.2C 8.2 400 6.63 400 SMA P4SMA8.2CA 8.2 400 7.02 400 SMA P4SMA9.1C 9.1 400 7.37 100 SMA P4SMA9.1CA 9.1 400 7.78 100 SMA 64 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P4SMA10C 10 400 8.1 20 SMA P4SMA10CA 10 400 8.55 20 SMA P4SMA11C 11 400 8.92 10 SMA P4SMA11CA 11 400 9.4 10 SMA P4SMA12C 12 400 9.72 5 SMA P4SMA12CA 12 400 10.2 5 SMA P4SMA13C 13 400 10.5 5 SMA P4SMA13CA 13 400 11.1 5 SMA P4SMA15C 15 400 12.1 5 SMA P4SMA15CA 15 400 12.8 5 SMA P4SMA16C 16 400 12.9 5 SMA P4SMA16CA 16 400 13.6 5 SMA P4SMA17C 17 400 13.7 5 SMA P4SMA17CA 17 400 14.5 5 SMA P4SMA18C 18 400 14.5 5 SMA P4SMA18CA 18 400 15.3 5 SMA P4SMA20C 20 400 16.2 5 SMA P4SMA20CA 20 400 17.1 5 SMA P4SMA22C 22 400 17.8 5 SMA P4SMA22CA 22 400 18.8 5 SMA P4SMA24C 24 400 19.4 5 SMA P4SMA24CA 24 400 20.5 5 SMA P4SMA27C 27 400 21.8 5 SMA P4SMA27CA 27 400 23.1 5 SMA P4SMA30C 30 400 24.3 5 SMA P4SMA30CA 30 400 25.6 5 SMA P4SMA33C 33 400 26.8 5 SMA P4SMA33CA 33 400 28.2 5 SMA P4SMA36C 36 400 29.1 5 SMA P4SMA36CA 36 400 30.8 5 SMA P4SMA39C 39 400 31.6 5 SMA P4SMA39CA 39 400 33.3 5 SMA P4SMA43C 43 400 34.8 5 SMA P4SMA43CA 43 400 36.8 5 SMA 65 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P4SMA47C 47 400 38.1 5 SMA P4SMA47CA 47 400 40.2 5 SMA P4SMA51C 51 400 41.3 5 SMA P4SMA51CA 51 400 43.6 5 SMA P4SMA56C 56 400 45.4 5 SMA P4SMA56CA 56 400 47.8 5 SMA P4SMA62C 62 400 50.2 5 SMA P4SMA62CA 62 400 53 5 SMA P4SMA68C 68 400 55.1 5 SMA P4SMA68CA 68 400 58.1 5 SMA P4SMA75C 75 400 60.7 5 SMA P4SMA75CA 75 400 64.1 5 SMA P4SMA82C 82 400 66.4 5 SMA P4SMA82CA 82 400 70.1 5 SMA P4SMA91C 91 400 73.7 5 SMA P4SMA91CA 91 400 77.8 5 SMA P4SMA100C 100 400 81 5 SMA P4SMA100CA 100 400 85.5 5 SMA P4SMA110C 110 400 89.2 5 SMA P4SMA110CA 110 400 94 5 SMA P4SMA120C 120 400 97.2 5 SMA P4SMA120CA 120 400 102 5 SMA P4SMA130C 130 400 105 5 SMA P4SMA130CA 130 400 111 5 SMA P4SMA150C 150 400 121 5 SMA P4SMA150CA 150 400 128 5 SMA P4SMA160C 160 400 130 5 SMA P4SMA160CA 160 400 136 5 SMA P4SMA170C 170 400 138 5 SMA P4SMA170CA 170 400 145 5 SMA P4SMA180C 180 400 146 5 SMA P4SMA180CA 180 400 154 5 SMA P4SMA200C 200 400 162 5 SMA P4SMA200CA 200 400 171 5 SMA 66 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P4SMA220C 220 400 175 5 SMA P4SMA220CA 220 400 185 5 SMA P4SMA250C 250 400 202 5 SMA P4SMA250CA 250 400 214 5 SMA P4SMA300C 300 400 243 5 SMA P4SMA300CA 300 400 256 5 SMA P4SMA350C 350 400 284 5 SMA P4SMA350CA 350 400 300 5 SMA P4SMA400C 400 400 324 5 SMA P4SMA400CA 400 400 342 5 SMA P4SMA440C 440 400 356 5 SMA P4SMA440CA 440 400 376 5 SMA P6KE6.8 6.8 600 5.5 1000 DO-15 P6KE6.8A 6.8 600 5.8 1000 DO-15 P6KE7.5 7.5 600 6.05 500 DO-15 P6KE7.5A 7.5 600 6.4 500 DO-15 P6KE8.2 8.2 600 6.63 200 DO-15 P6KE8.2A 8.2 600 7.02 200 DO-15 P6KE8.5 8.5 600 6.89 200 DO-15 P6KE8.5A 8.5 600 7.27 200 DO-15 P6KE9.1 9.1 600 7.37 150 DO-15 P6KE9.1A 9.1 600 7.78 150 DO-15 P6KE10 10 600 8.1 150 DO-15 P6KE10A 10 600 8.55 150 DO-15 P6KE11 11 600 8.92 150 DO-15 P6KE11A 11 600 9.4 150 DO-15 P6KE12 12 600 9.72 5 DO-15 P6KE12A 12 600 10.2 5 DO-15 P6KE13 13 600 10.5 5 DO-15 P6KE13A 13 600 11.1 5 DO-15 P6KE15 15 600 12.1 5 DO-15 P6KE15A 15 600 12.8 5 DO-15 P6KE16 16 600 12.9 5 DO-15 P6KE16A 16 600 13.6 5 DO-15 67 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P6KE18 18 600 14.5 5 DO-15 P6KE18A 18 600 15.3 5 DO-15 P6KE20 20 600 16.2 5 DO-15 P6KE20A 20 600 17.1 5 DO-15 P6KE22 22 600 17.8 5 DO-15 P6KE22A 22 600 18.8 5 DO-15 P6KE24 24 600 19.4 5 DO-15 P6KE24A 24 600 20.5 5 DO-15 P6KE27 27 600 21.8 5 DO-15 P6KE27A 27 600 23.1 5 DO-15 P6KE28 28 600 22.7 5 DO-15 P6KE28A 28 600 23.9 5 DO-15 P6KE30 30 600 24.3 5 DO-15 P6KE30A 30 600 25.6 5 DO-15 P6KE33 33 600 26.8 5 DO-15 P6KE33A 33 600 28.2 5 DO-15 P6KE36 36 600 29.1 5 DO-15 P6KE36A 36 600 30.8 5 DO-15 P6KE39 39 600 31.6 5 DO-15 P6KE39A 39 600 33.3 5 DO-15 P6KE43 43 600 34.8 5 DO-15 P6KE43A 43 600 36.8 5 DO-15 P6KE47 47 600 38.1 5 DO-15 P6KE47A 47 600 40.2 5 DO-15 P6KE51 51 600 41.3 5 DO-15 P6KE51A 51 600 43.6 5 DO-15 P6KE56 56 600 45.4 5 DO-15 P6KE56A 56 600 47.8 5 DO-15 P6KE62 62 600 50.2 5 DO-15 P6KE62A 62 600 53 5 DO-15 P6KE68 68 600 55.1 5 DO-15 P6KE68A 68 600 58.1 5 DO-15 P6KE75 75 600 60.7 5 DO-15 P6KE75A 75 600 64.1 5 DO-15 68 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P6KE82 82 600 66.4 5 DO-15 P6KE82A 82 600 70.1 5 DO-15 P6KE91 91 600 73.7 5 DO-15 P6KE91A 91 600 77.8 5 DO-15 P6KE100 100 600 81 5 DO-15 P6KE100A 100 600 85.5 5 DO-15 P6KE110 110 600 89.2 5 DO-15 P6KE110A 110 600 94 5 DO-15 P6KE120 120 600 97.2 5 DO-15 P6KE120A 120 600 102 5 DO-15 P6KE130 130 600 106 5 DO-15 P6KE130A 130 600 111 5 DO-15 P6KE150 150 600 121 5 DO-15 P6KE150A 150 600 128 5 DO-15 P6KE160 160 600 130 5 DO-15 P6KE160A 160 600 136 5 DO-15 P6KE170 170 600 138 5 DO-15 P6KE170A 170 600 145 5 DO-15 P6KE180 180 600 146 5 DO-15 P6KE180A 180 600 154 5 DO-15 P6KE200 200 600 162 5 DO-15 P6KE200A 200 600 171 5 DO-15 P6KE220 220 600 175 5 DO-15 P6KE220A 220 600 185 5 DO-15 P6KE250 250 600 202 5 DO-15 P6KE250A 250 600 214 5 DO-15 P6KE300 300 600 243 5 DO-15 P6KE300A 300 600 256 5 DO-15 P6KE320 320 600 259 5 DO-15 P6KE320A 320 600 272 5 DO-15 P6KE350 350 600 284 5 DO-15 P6KE350A 350 600 300 5 DO-15 P6KE400 400 600 324 5 DO-15 P6KE400A 400 600 342 5 DO-15 69 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P6KE440 440 600 356 5 DO-15 P6KE440A 440 600 376 5 DO-15 P6KE480 480 600 389 5 DO-15 P6KE480A 480 600 408 5 DO-15 P6KE510 510 600 413 5 DO-15 P6KE510A 510 600 434 5 DO-15 P6KE530 530 600 457 5 DO-15 P6KE530A 530 600 477 5 DO-15 P6KE540 540 600 437 5 DO-15 P6KE540A 540 600 459 5 DO-15 P6KE550 550 600 470 5 DO-15 P6KE550A 550 600 495 5 DO-15 P6KE600 600 600 490 5 DO-15 P6KE600A 600 600 512 5 DO-15 P6KE6.8C 6.8 600 5.5 2000 DO-15 P6KE6.8CA 6.8 600 5.8 2000 DO-15 P6KE7.5C 7.5 600 6.05 1000 DO-15 P6KE7.5CA 7.5 600 6.4 1000 DO-15 P6KE8.2C 8.2 600 6.63 400 DO-15 P6KE8.2CA 8.2 600 7.02 400 DO-15 P6KE9.1C 9.1 600 7.37 300 DO-15 P6KE9.1CA 9.1 600 7.78 300 DO-15 P6KE10C 10 600 8.1 300 DO-15 P6KE10CA 10 600 8.55 300 DO-15 P6KE11C 11 600 8.92 150 DO-15 P6KE11CA 11 600 9.4 150 DO-15 P6KE12C 12 600 9.72 5 DO-15 P6KE12CA 12 600 10.2 5 DO-15 P6KE13C 13 600 10.5 5 DO-15 P6KE13CA 13 600 11.1 5 DO-15 P6KE15C 15 600 12.1 5 DO-15 P6KE15CA 15 600 12.8 5 DO-15 P6KE16C 16 600 12.9 5 DO-15 P6KE16CA 16 600 13.6 5 DO-15 70 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P6KE18C 18 600 14.5 5 DO-15 P6KE18CA 18 600 15.3 5 DO-15 P6KE20C 20 600 16.2 5 DO-15 P6KE20CA 20 600 17.1 5 DO-15 P6KE22C 22 600 17.8 5 DO-15 P6KE22CA 22 600 18.8 5 DO-15 P6KE24C 24 600 19.4 5 DO-15 P6KE24CA 24 600 20.5 5 DO-15 P6KE27C 27 600 21.8 5 DO-15 P6KE27CA 27 600 23.1 5 DO-15 P6KE30C 30 600 24.3 5 DO-15 P6KE30CA 30 600 25.6 5 DO-15 P6KE33C 33 600 26.8 5 DO-15 P6KE33CA 33 600 28.2 5 DO-15 P6KE36C 36 600 29.1 5 DO-15 P6KE36CA 36 600 30.8 5 DO-15 P6KE39C 39 600 31.6 5 DO-15 P6KE39CA 39 600 33.3 5 DO-15 P6KE43C 43 600 34.8 5 DO-15 P6KE43CA 43 600 36.8 5 DO-15 P6KE47C 47 600 38.1 5 DO-15 P6KE47CA 47 600 40.2 5 DO-15 P6KE51C 51 600 41.3 5 DO-15 P6KE51CA 51 600 43.6 5 DO-15 P6KE56C 56 600 45.4 5 DO-15 P6KE56CA 56 600 47.8 5 DO-15 P6KE62C 62 600 50.2 5 DO-15 P6KE62CA 62 600 53 5 DO-15 P6KE68C 68 600 55.1 5 DO-15 P6KE68CA 68 600 58.1 5 DO-15 P6KE70C 70 600 56.7 5 DO-15 P6KE70CA 70 600 59.8 5 DO-15 P6KE75C 75 600 60.7 5 DO-15 P6KE75CA 75 600 64.1 5 DO-15 71 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P6KE82C 82 600 66.4 5 DO-15 P6KE82CA 82 600 70.1 5 DO-15 P6KE91C 91 600 73.7 5 DO-15 P6KE91CA 91 600 77.8 5 DO-15 P6KE100C 100 600 81 5 DO-15 P6KE100CA 100 600 85.5 5 DO-15 P6KE110C 110 600 89.2 5 DO-15 P6KE110CA 110 600 94 5 DO-15 P6KE120C 120 600 97.2 5 DO-15 P6KE120CA 120 600 102 5 DO-15 P6KE130C 130 600 106 5 DO-15 P6KE130CA 130 600 111 5 DO-15 P6KE150C 150 600 121 5 DO-15 P6KE150CA 150 600 128 5 DO-15 P6KE160C 160 600 130 5 DO-15 P6KE160CA 160 600 136 5 DO-15 P6KE170C 170 600 138 5 DO-15 P6KE170CA 170 600 145 5 DO-15 P6KE180C 180 600 146 5 DO-15 P6KE180CA 180 600 154 5 DO-15 P6KE200C 200 600 162 5 DO-15 P6KE200CA 200 600 171 5 DO-15 P6KE220C 220 600 175 5 DO-15 P6KE220CA 220 600 185 5 DO-15 P6KE250C 250 600 202 5 DO-15 P6KE250CA 250 600 214 5 DO-15 P6KE300C 300 600 243 5 DO-15 P6KE300CA 300 600 256 5 DO-15 P6KE320C 320 600 259 5 DO-15 P6KE320CA 320 600 272 5 DO-15 P6KE350C 350 600 284 5 DO-15 P6KE350CA 350 600 300 5 DO-15 P6KE400C 400 600 324 5 DO-15 P6KE400CA 400 600 342 5 DO-15 72 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P6KE440C 440 600 356 5 DO-15 P6KE440CA 440 600 376 5 DO-15 P6KE480C 480 600 389 5 DO-15 P6KE480CA 480 600 408 5 DO-15 P6KE510C 510 600 413 5 DO-15 P6KE510CA 510 600 434 5 DO-15 P6KE530C 530 600 457 5 DO-15 P6KE530CA 530 600 477 5 DO-15 P6KE540C 540 600 437 5 DO-15 P6KE540CA 540 600 459 5 DO-15 P6KE550C 550 600 470 5 DO-15 P6KE550CA 550 600 495 5 DO-15 P6KE600C 600 600 490 5 DO-15 P6KE600CA 600 600 512 5 DO-15 P6SMB6.8A 6.8 600 5.8 1000 SMB P6SMB7.5A 7.5 600 6.4 500 SMB P6SMB8.2A 8.2 600 7.02 200 SMB P6SMB9.1A 9.1 600 7.78 50 SMB P6SMB10A 10 600 8.55 10 SMB P6SMB11A 11 600 9.4 5 SMB P6SMB12A 12 600 10.2 5 SMB P6SMB13A 13 600 11.1 5 SMB P6SMB15A 15 600 12.8 5 SMB P6SMB16A 16 600 13.6 5 SMB P6SMB18A 18 600 15.3 5 SMB P6SMB20A 20 600 17.1 5 SMB P6SMB22A 22 600 18.8 5 SMB P6SMB24A 24 600 20.5 5 SMB P6SMB27A 27 600 23.1 5 SMB P6SMB30A 30 600 25.6 5 SMB P6SMB33A 33 600 28.2 5 SMB P6SMB36A 36 600 30.8 5 SMB P6SMB39A 39 600 33.3 5 SMB P6SMB43A 43 600 36.8 5 SMB 73 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P6SMB47A 47 600 40.2 5 SMB P6SMB51A 51 600 43.6 5 SMB P6SMB56A 56 600 47.8 5 SMB P6SMB62A 62 600 53 5 SMB P6SMB68A 68 600 58.1 5 SMB P6SMB75A 75 600 64.1 5 SMB P6SMB82A 82 600 70.1 5 SMB P6SMB91A 91 600 77.8 5 SMB P6SMB100A 100 600 85.5 5 SMB P6SMB110A 110 600 94 5 SMB P6SMB120A 120 600 102 5 SMB P6SMB130A 130 600 111 5 SMB P6SMB150A 150 600 128 5 SMB P6SMB160A 160 600 136 5 SMB P6SMB170A 170 600 145 5 SMB P6SMB180A 180 600 154 5 SMB P6SMB200A 200 600 171 5 SMB P6SMB220A 220 600 185 5 SMB P6SMB250A 250 600 214 5 SMB P6SMB300A 300 600 256 5 SMB P6SMB350A 350 600 300 5 SMB P6SMB400A 400 600 342 5 SMB P6SMB440A 440 600 376 5 SMB P6SMB6.8CA 6.8 600 5.8 2000 SMB P6SMB7.5CA 7.5 600 6.4 1000 SMB P6SMB8.2CA 8.2 600 7.02 400 SMB P6SMB9.1CA 9.1 600 7.78 100 SMB P6SMB10CA 10 600 8.55 20 SMB P6SMB11CA 11 600 9.4 5 SMB P6SMB12CA 12 600 10.2 5 SMB P6SMB13CA 13 600 11.1 5 SMB P6SMB15CA 15 600 12.8 5 SMB P6SMB16CA 16 600 13.6 5 SMB P6SMB18CA 18 600 15.3 5 SMB 74 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type P6SMB20CA 20 600 17.1 5 SMB P6SMB22CA 22 600 18.8 5 SMB P6SMB24CA 24 600 20.5 5 SMB P6SMB27CA 27 600 23.1 5 SMB P6SMB30CA 30 600 25.6 5 SMB P6SMB33CA 33 600 28.2 5 SMB P6SMB36CA 36 600 30.8 5 SMB P6SMB39CA 39 600 33.3 5 SMB P6SMB43CA 43 600 36.8 5 SMB P6SMB47CA 47 600 40.2 5 SMB P6SMB51CA 51 600 43.6 5 SMB P6SMB56CA 56 600 47.8 5 SMB P6SMB62CA 62 600 53 5 SMB P6SMB68CA 68 600 58.1 5 SMB P6SMB75CA 75 600 64.1 5 SMB P6SMB82CA 82 600 70.1 5 SMB P6SMB91CA 91 600 77.8 5 SMB P6SMB100CA 100 600 85.5 5 SMB P6SMB110CA 110 600 94 5 SMB P6SMB120CA 120 600 102 5 SMB P6SMB130CA 130 600 111 5 SMB P6SMB150CA 150 600 128 5 SMB P6SMB160CA 160 600 136 5 SMB P6SMB170CA 170 600 145 5 SMB P6SMB180CA 180 600 154 5 SMB P6SMB200CA 200 600 171 5 SMB P6SMB220CA 220 600 185 5 SMB P6SMB250CA 250 600 214 5 SMB P6SMB300CA 300 600 256 5 SMB P6SMB350CA 350 600 300 5 SMB P6SMB400CA 400 600 342 5 SMB P6SMB440CA 440 600 376 5 SMB SMBJ5.0 7.1 600 5 800 SMB SMBJ5.0A 6.7 600 5 800 SMB 75 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type SMBJ6.0 7.4 600 6 800 SMB SMBJ6.0A 7 600 6 800 SMB SMBJ6.5 8 600 6.5 500 SMB SMBJ6.5A 7.6 600 6.5 500 SMB SMBJ7.0 8.6 600 7 200 SMB SMBJ7.0A 8.2 600 7 200 SMB SMBJ7.5 9.3 600 7.5 100 SMB SMBJ7.5A 8.8 600 7.5 100 SMB SMBJ8.0 9.9 600 8 50 SMB SMBJ8.0A 9.4 600 8 50 SMB SMBJ8.5 10.5 600 8.5 10 SMB SMBJ8.5A 9.9 600 8.5 10 SMB SMBJ9.0 11.1 600 9 5 SMB SMBJ9.0A 10.6 600 9 5 SMB SMBJ10 12.4 600 10 1 SMB SMBJ10A 11.7 600 10 1 SMB SMBJ11 13.6 600 11 1 SMB SMBJ11A 12.9 600 11 1 SMB SMBJ12 14.8 600 12 1 SMB SMBJ12A 14 600 12 1 SMB SMBJ13 16 600 13 1 SMB SMBJ13A 15.2 600 13 1 SMB SMBJ14 17.4 600 14 1 SMB SMBJ14A 16.4 600 14 1 SMB SMBJ15 18.6 600 15 1 SMB SMBJ15A 17.6 600 15 1 SMB SMBJ16 19.8 600 16 1 SMB SMBJ16A 18.8 600 16 1 SMB SMBJ17 21 600 17 1 SMB SMBJ17A 19.9 600 17 1 SMB SMBJ18 22.2 600 18 1 SMB SMBJ18A 21.1 600 18 1 SMB SMBJ20 24.7 600 20 1 SMB SMBJ20A 23.4 600 20 1 SMB 76 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type SMBJ22 27.1 600 22 1 SMB SMBJ22A 25.7 600 22 1 SMB SMBJ24 29.7 600 24 1 SMB SMBJ24A 28.1 600 24 1 SMB SMBJ26 32.1 600 26 1 SMB SMBJ26A 30.4 600 26 1 SMB SMBJ28 34.6 600 28 1 SMB SMBJ28A 32.8 600 28 1 SMB SMBJ30 37 600 30 1 SMB SMBJ30A 35.1 600 30 1 SMB SMBJ33 40.8 600 33 1 SMB SMBJ33A 38.7 600 33 1 SMB SMBJ36 44.5 600 36 1 SMB SMBJ36A 42.1 600 36 1 SMB SMBJ40 49.4 600 40 1 SMB SMBJ40A 46.8 600 40 1 SMB SMBJ43 53.1 600 43 1 SMB SMBJ43A 50.3 600 43 1 SMB SMBJ45 55.6 600 45 1 SMB SMBJ45A 52.7 600 45 1 SMB SMBJ48 59.2 600 48 1 SMB SMBJ48A 56.1 600 48 1 SMB SMBJ51 63 600 51 1 SMB SMBJ51A 59.7 600 51 1 SMB SMBJ54 66.7 600 54 1 SMB SMBJ54A 63.2 600 54 1 SMB SMBJ58 71.6 600 58 1 SMB SMBJ58A 67.8 600 58 1 SMB SMBJ60 74.1 600 60 1 SMB SMBJ60A 70.2 600 60 1 SMB SMBJ64 79 600 64 1 SMB SMBJ64A 74.9 600 64 1 SMB SMBJ70 86.5 600 70 1 SMB SMBJ70A 81.9 600 70 1 SMB 77 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type SMBJ75 92.7 600 75 1 SMB SMBJ75A 87.7 600 75 1 SMB SMBJ78 96.4 600 78 1 SMB SMBJ78A 91.3 600 78 1 SMB SMBJ85 104.7 600 85 1 SMB SMBJ85A 99.2 600 85 1 SMB SMBJ90 111 600 90 1 SMB SMBJ90A 105.5 600 90 1 SMB SMBJ100 123.5 600 100 1 SMB SMBJ100A 117 600 100 1 SMB SMBJ110 135.5 600 110 1 SMB SMBJ110A 128.5 600 110 1 SMB SMBJ120 148 600 120 1 SMB SMBJ120A 140 600 120 1 SMB SMBJ130 160 600 130 1 SMB SMBJ130A 151.5 600 130 1 SMB SMBJ150 185.5 600 150 1 SMB SMBJ150A 176 600 150 1 SMB SMBJ160 198 600 160 1 SMB SMBJ160A 187.5 600 160 1 SMB SMBJ170 210 600 170 1 SMB SMBJ170A 199 600 170 1 SMB SMBJ188 232 600 188 1 SMB SMBJ188A 220 600 188 1 SMB 1.5KE6.8 6.8 1500 5.5 1000 DO-201AD 1.5KE6.8A 6.8 1500 5.8 1000 DO-201AD 1.5KE7.5 7.5 1500 6.05 500 DO-201AD 1.5KE7.5A 7.5 1500 6.4 500 DO-201AD 1.5KE8.2 8.2 1500 6.63 200 DO-201AD 1.5KE8.2A 8.2 1500 7.02 200 DO-201AD 1.5KE9.1 9.1 1500 7.37 50 DO-201AD 1.5KE9.1A 9.1 1500 7.78 50 DO-201AD 1.5KE10 10 1500 8.1 10 DO-201AD 1.5KE10A 10 1500 8.55 10 DO-201AD 78 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type 1.5KE11 11 1500 8.92 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE11A 11 1500 9.4 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE12 12 1500 9.72 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE12A 12 1500 10.2 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE13 13 1500 10.5 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE13A 13 1500 11.1 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE15 15 1500 12.1 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE15A 15 1500 12.8 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE16 16 1500 12.9 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE16A 16 1500 13.6 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE18 18 1500 14.5 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE18A 18 1500 15.3 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE20 20 1500 16.2 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE20A 20 1500 17.1 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE22 22 1500 17.8 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE22A 22 1500 18.8 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE24 24 1500 19.4 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE24A 24 1500 20.5 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE27 27 1500 21.8 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE27A 27 1500 23.1 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE30 30 1500 24.3 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE30A 30 1500 25.6 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE33 33 1500 26.8 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE33A 33 1500 28.2 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE36 36 1500 29.1 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE36A 36 1500 30.8 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE39 39 1500 31.6 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE39A 39 1500 33.3 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE43 43 1500 34.8 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE43A 43 1500 36.8 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE47 47 1500 38.1 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE47A 47 1500 40.2 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE51 51 1500 41.3 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE51A 51 1500 43.6 5 DO-201AD 79 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type 1.5KE56 56 1500 45.4 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE56A 56 1500 47.8 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE62 62 1500 50.2 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE62A 62 1500 53 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE68 68 1500 55.1 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE68A 68 1500 58.1 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE75 75 1500 60.7 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE75A 75 1500 64.1 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE82 82 1500 66.4 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE82A 82 1500 70.1 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE91L 91 1500 73.7 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE91A 91 1500 77.8 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE100 100 1500 81 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE100A 100 1500 85.5 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE110 110 1500 89.2 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE110A 110 1500 94 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE120 120 1500 97.2 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE120A 120 1500 102 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE130 130 1500 105 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE130A 130 1500 111 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE150 150 1500 121 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE150A 150 1500 128 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE160 160 1500 130 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE160A 160 1500 136 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE170 170 1500 138 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE170A 170 1500 145 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE180 180 1500 146 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE180A 180 1500 154 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE200 200 1500 162 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE200A 200 1500 171 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE220 220 1500 175 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE220A 220 1500 185 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE250 250 1500 202 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE250A 250 1500 214 5 DO-201AD 80 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type 1.5KE300 300 1500 243 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE300A 300 1500 256 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE350 350 1500 284 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE350A 350 1500 300 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE400 400 1500 324 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE400A 400 1500 342 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE440 440 1500 356 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE440A 440 1500 376 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE6.8C 6.8 1500 5.5 2000 DO-201AD 1.5KE6.8CA 6.8 1500 5.8 2000 DO-201AD 1.5KE7.5C 7.5 1500 6.05 1000 DO-201AD 1.5KE7.5CA 7.5 1500 6.4 1000 DO-201AD 1.5KE8.2C 8.2 1500 6.63 400 DO-201AD 1.5KE8.2CA 8.2 1500 7.02 400 DO-201AD 1.5KE9.1C 9.1 1500 7.37 100 DO-201AD 1.5KE9.1CA 9.1 1500 7.78 100 DO-201AD 1.5KE10C 10 1500 8.1 20 DO-201AD 1.5KE10CA 10 1500 8.55 20 DO-201AD 1.5KE11C 11 1500 8.92 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE11CA 11 1500 9.4 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE12C 12 1500 9.72 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE12CA 12 1500 10.2 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE13C 13 1500 10.5 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE13CA 13 1500 11.1 5 DO-201AD 1.5KE15C 15 1500 12.1 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE15CA 15 1500 12.8 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE16C 16 1500 12.9 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE16CA 16 1500 13.6 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE18C 18 1500 14.5 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE18CA 18 1500 15.3 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE20C 20 1500 16.2 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE20CA 20 1500 17.1 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE22C 22 1500 17.8 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE22CA 22 1500 18.8 1 DO-201AD 81 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type 1.5KE24C 24 1500 19.4 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE24CA 24 1500 20.5 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE27C 27 1500 21.8 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE27CA 27 1500 23.1 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE30C 30 1500 24.3 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE30CA 30 1500 25.6 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE33C 33 1500 26.8 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE33CA 33 1500 28.2 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE36C 36 1500 29.1 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE36CA 36 1500 30.8 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE39C 39 1500 31.6 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE39CA 39 1500 33.3 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE43C 43 1500 34.8 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE43CA 43 1500 36.8 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE47C 47 1500 38.1 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE47CA 47 1500 40.2 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE51C 51 1500 41.3 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE51CA 51 1500 43.6 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE56C 56 1500 45.4 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE56CA 56 1500 47.8 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE62C 62 1500 50.2 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE62CA 62 1500 53 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE68C 68 1500 55.1 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE68CA 68 1500 58.1 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE75C 75 1500 60.7 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE75CA 75 1500 64.1 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE82C 82 1500 66.4 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE82CA 82 1500 70.1 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE91C 91 1500 73.7 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE91CA 91 1500 77.8 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE100C 100 1500 81 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE100CA 100 1500 85.5 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE110C 110 1500 89.2 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE110CA 110 1500 94 1 DO-201AD 82 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type 1.5KE120C 120 1500 97.2 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE120CA 120 1500 102 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE130C 130 1500 105 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE130CA 130 1500 111 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE150C 150 1500 121 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE150CA 150 1500 128 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE160C 160 1500 130 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE160CA 160 1500 136 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE170C 170 1500 138 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE170CA 170 1500 145 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE180C 180 1500 146 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE180CA 180 1500 154 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE200C 200 1500 162 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE200CA 200 1500 171 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE220C 220 1500 175 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE220CA 220 1500 185 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE250C 250 1500 202 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE250CA 250 1500 214 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE300C 300 1500 243 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE300CA 300 1500 256 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE350C 350 1500 284 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE350CA 350 1500 300 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE400C 400 1500 324 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE400CA 400 1500 342 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE440C 440 1500 356 1 DO-201AD 1.5KE440CA 440 1500 376 1 DO-201AD 1SMC5.0A 6.7 1500 5 1000 SMC 1SMC6.0A 7 1500 6 1000 SMC 1SMC6.5A 7.6 1500 6.5 500 SMC 1SMC7.0A 8.2 1500 7 200 SMC 1SMC7.5A 8.8 1500 7.5 100 SMC 1SMC8.0A 9.4 1500 8 50 SMC 1SMC8.5A 9.9 1500 8.5 20 SMC 1SMC9.0A 10.6 1500 9 10 SMC 83 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type 1SMC10A 11.7 1500 10 5 SMC 1SMC11A 12.9 1500 11 5 SMC 1SMC12A 14 1500 12 5 SMC 1SMC13A 15.2 1500 13 5 SMC 1SMC14A 16.4 1500 14 5 SMC 1SMC15A 17.6 1500 15 5 SMC 1SMC16A 18.8 1500 16 5 SMC 1SMC17A 19.9 1500 17 5 SMC 1SMC18A 21.1 1500 18 5 SMC 1SMC20A 23.4 1500 20 5 SMC 1SMC22A 25.7 1500 22 5 SMC 1SMC24A 28.1 1500 24 5 SMC 1SMC26A 30.4 1500 26 5 SMC 1SMC28A 32.8 1500 28 5 SMC 1SMC30A 35.1 1500 30 5 SMC 1SMC33A 38.7 1500 33 5 SMC 1SMC36A 42.1 1500 36 5 SMC 1SMC40A 46.8 1500 40 5 SMC 1SMC43A 50.3 1500 43 5 SMC 1SMC45A 52.7 1500 45 5 SMC 1SMC48A 56.1 1500 48 5 SMC 1SMC51A 59.7 1500 51 5 SMC 1SMC54A 63.2 1500 54 5 SMC 1SMC58A 67.8 1500 58 5 SMC 1SMC60A 70.2 1500 60 5 SMC 1SMC64A 74.9 1500 64 5 SMC 1SMC70A 81.9 1500 70 5 SMC 1SMC75A 87.7 1500 75 5 SMC 1SMC78A 91.3 1500 78 5 SMC 1SMC85A 99.2 1500 85 5 SMC 1SMC90A 105.5 1500 90 5 SMC 1SMC100A 117 1500 100 5 SMC 1SMC110A 128.5 1500 110 5 SMC 1SMC120A 140 1500 120 5 SMC 84 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type 1SMC130A 151.5 1500 130 5 SMC 1SMC150A 176 1500 150 5 SMC 1SMC160A 187.5 1500 160 5 SMC 1SMC170A 199 1500 170 5 SMC 1SMC188A 220 1500 188 5 SMC SMCJ5.0C 7.1 1500 5 2000 SMC SMCJ5.0CA 6.8 1500 5 2000 SMC SMCJ6.0C 7.4 1500 6 2000 SMC SMCJ6.0CA 7 1500 6 2000 SMC SMCJ6.5C 8 1500 6.5 1000 SMC SMCJ6.5CA 7.6 1500 6.5 1000 SMC SMCJ7.0C 8.6 1500 7 400 SMC SMCJ7.0CA 8.2 1500 7 400 SMC SMCJ7.5C 9.3 1500 7.5 200 SMC SMCJ7.5CA 8.8 1500 7.5 200 SMC SMCJ8.0C 9.9 1500 8 100 SMC SMCJ8.0CA 9.4 1500 8 100 SMC SMCJ8.5C 10.5 1500 8.5 40 SMC SMCJ8.5CA 9.9 1500 8.5 40 SMC SMCJ9.0C 11.1 1500 9 20 SMC SMCJ9.0CA 10.6 1500 9 20 SMC SMCJ10C 12.4 1500 10 10 SMC SMCJ10CA 11.7 1500 10 10 SMC SMCJ11C 13.6 1500 11 10 SMC SMCJ11CA 12.9 1500 11 10 SMC SMCJ12C 14.8 1500 12 10 SMC SMCJ12CA 14 1500 12 10 SMC SMCJ13C 16 1500 13 1 SMC SMCJ13CA 15.2 1500 13 1 SMC SMCJ14C 17.4 1500 14 1 SMC SMCJ14CA 16.4 1500 14 1 SMC SMCJ15C 18.6 1500 15 1 SMC SMCJ15CA 17.6 1500 15 1 SMC SMCJ16C 19.8 1500 16 1 SMC 85 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type SMCJ16CA 18.8 1500 16 1 SMC SMCJ17C 21 1500 17 1 SMC SMCJ17CA 19.9 1500 17 1 SMC SMCJ18C 22.2 1500 18 1 SMC SMCJ18CA 21.1 1500 18 1 SMC SMCJ20C 24.7 1500 20 1 SMC SMCJ20CA 23.4 1500 20 1 SMC SMCJ22C 27.1 1500 22 1 SMC SMCJ22CA 25.7 1500 22 1 SMC SMCJ24C 29.7 1500 24 1 SMC SMCJ24CA 28.1 1500 24 1 SMC SMCJ26C 32.1 1500 26 1 SMC SMCJ26CA 30.4 1500 26 1 SMC SMCJ28C 34.6 1500 28 1 SMC SMCJ28CA 32.8 1500 28 1 SMC SMCJ30C 37 1500 30 1 SMC SMCJ30CA 35.1 1500 30 1 SMC SMCJ33C 40.8 1500 33 1 SMC SMCJ33CA 38.7 1500 33 1 SMC SMCJ36C 44.5 1500 36 1 SMC SMCJ36CA 42.1 1500 36 1 SMC SMCJ40C 49.4 1500 40 1 SMC SMCJ40CA 46.8 1500 40 1 SMC SMCJ43C 53.1 1500 43 1 SMC SMCJ43CA 50.3 1500 43 1 SMC SMCJ45C 55.6 1500 45 1 SMC SMCJ45CA 52.7 1500 45 1 SMC SMCJ48C 59.2 1500 48 1 SMC SMCJ48CA 56.1 1500 48 1 SMC SMCJ51C 63 1500 51 1 SMC SMCJ51CA 59.7 1500 51 1 SMC SMCJ54C 66.7 1500 54 1 SMC SMCJ54CA 63.2 1500 54 1 SMC SMCJ58C 71.6 1500 58 1 SMC 86 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type SMCJ58CA 67.8 1500 58 1 SMC SMCJ60C 74.1 1500 60 1 SMC SMCJ60CA 70.2 1500 60 1 SMC SMCJ64C 78.8 1500 64 1 SMC SMCJ64CA 74.9 1500 64 1 SMC SMCJ70C 86.5 1500 70 1 SMC SMCJ70CA 81.9 1500 70 1 SMC SMCJ75C 92.7 1500 75 1 SMC SMCJ75CA 87.7 1500 75 1 SMC SMCJ78C 96.4 1500 78 1 SMC SMCJ78CA 91.3 1500 78 1 SMC SMCJ85C 104.7 1500 85 1 SMC SMCJ85CA 99.2 1500 85 1 SMC SMCJ90C 111 1500 90 1 SMC SMCJ90CA 105.5 1500 90 1 SMC SMCJ100C 123.5 1500 100 1 SMC SMCJ100CA 117 1500 100 1 SMC SMCJ110C 135.5 1500 110 1 SMC SMCJ110CA 128.5 1500 110 1 SMC SMCJ120C 148 1500 120 1 SMC SMCJ120CA 140 1500 120 1 SMC SMCJ130C 160 1500 130 1 SMC SMCJ130CA 151.5 1500 130 1 SMC SMCJ150C 185.5 1500 150 1 SMC SMCJ150CA 176 1500 150 1 SMC SMCJ160C 198 1500 160 1 SMC SMCJ160CA 187.5 1500 160 1 SMC SMCJ170C 210 1500 170 1 SMC SMCJ170CA 199 1500 170 1 SMC SMCJ188C 232 1500 188 1 SMC SMCJ188CA 220 1500 188 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ5.0 7 3000 5 2000 SMC 3.0SMCJ5.0A 6.8 3000 5 2000 SMC 3.0SMCJ6.0 7.6 3000 6 2000 SMC 87 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type 3.0SMCJ6.0A 7.2 3000 6 2000 SMC 3.0SMCJ6.5 8.2 3000 6.5 1000 SMC 3.0SMCJ6.5A 7.8 3000 6.5 1000 SMC 3.0SMCJ7.0 8.8 3000 7 400 SMC 3.0SMCJ7.0A 8.4 3000 7 400 SMC 3.0SMCJ7.5 9.5 3000 7.5 200 SMC 3.0SMCJ7.5A 9 3000 7.5 200 SMC 3.0SMCJ8.0 10.1 3000 8 100 SMC 3.0SMCJ8.0A 9.6 3000 8 100 SMC 3.0SMCJ8.5 10.7 3000 8.5 40 SMC 3.0SMCJ8.5A 10.1 3000 8.5 40 SMC 3.0SMCJ9.0 11.3 3000 9 20 SMC 3.0SMCJ9.0A 10.8 3000 9 20 SMC 3.0SMCJ10 12.6 3000 10 10 SMC 3.0SMCJ10A 12 3000 10 10 SMC 3.0SMCJ11 13.8 3000 11 10 SMC 3.0SMCJ11A 13.1 3000 11 10 SMC 3.0SMCJ12 15.1 3000 12 10 SMC 3.0SMCJ12A 14.3 3000 12 10 SMC 3.0SMCJ13 16.3 3000 13 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ13A 15.5 3000 13 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ14 17.7 3000 14 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ14A 16.8 3000 14 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ15 18.9 3000 15 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ15A 18 3000 15 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ16 20.2 3000 16 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ16A 19.2 3000 16 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ17 21.4 3000 17 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ17A 20.3 3000 17 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ18 22.7 3000 18 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ18A 21.7 3000 18 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ20 25.2 3000 20 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ20A 23.9 3000 20 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ22 27.7 3000 22 1 SMC 88 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type 3.0SMCJ22A 26.2 3000 22 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ24 30.3 3000 24 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ24A 28.7 3000 24 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ26 32.8 3000 26 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ26A 31.1 3000 26 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ28 35.3 3000 28 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ28A 33.5 3000 28 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ30 37.8 3000 30 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ30A 35.8 3000 30 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ33 41.6 3000 33 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ33A 39.5 3000 33 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ36 45.4 3000 36 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ36A 43 3000 36 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ40 50.4 3000 40 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ40A 47.8 3000 40 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ43 54.2 3000 43 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ43A 51.4 3000 43 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ45 56.7 3000 45 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ45A 53.8 3000 45 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ48 60.4 3000 48 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ48A 57.3 3000 48 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ51 64.3 3000 51 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ51A 61 3000 51 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ54 68 3000 54 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ54A 64.5 3000 54 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ58 73 3000 58 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ58A 69.3 3000 58 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ60 75.6 3000 60 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ60A 71.7 3000 60 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ64 80.6 3000 64 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ64A 76.5 3000 64 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ70 88.2 3000 70 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ70A 83.7 3000 70 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ75 94.5 3000 75 1 SMC 89 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type 3.0SMCJ75A 89.6 3000 75 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ78 98.3 3000 78 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ78A 93.2 3000 78 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ85 106.8 3000 85 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ85A 101.3 3000 85 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ90 113.3 3000 90 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ90A 107.8 3000 90 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ100 126 3000 100 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ100A 119.5 3000 100 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ110 138.3 3000 110 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ110A 131.3 3000 110 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ120 151 3000 120 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ120A 143 3000 120 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ130 163.3 3000 130 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ130A 154.8 3000 130 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ150 189.3 3000 150 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ150A 179.8 3000 150 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ160 202 3000 160 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ160A 191.5 3000 160 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ170 214.3 3000 170 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ170A 203.3 3000 170 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ180 225.9 3000 180 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ180A 214.2 3000 180 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ190 238.5 3000 190 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ190A 226.1 3000 190 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ200 251 3000 200 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ200A 238 3000 200 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ210 263.6 3000 210 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ210A 249.9 3000 210 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ220 276.1 3000 220 1 SMC 3.0SMCJ220A 261.8 3000 220 1 SMC 5KP5.0 6.9 5000 5 5000 R-6 5KP5.0A 6.7 5000 5 5000 R-6 5KP6.0 7.4 5000 6 5000 R-6 90 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type 5KP6.0A 7 5000 6 5000 R-6 5KP6.5 8 5000 6.5 2000 R-6 5KP6.5A 7.6 5000 6.5 2000 R-6 5KP7.0 8.6 5000 7 1000 R-6 5KP7.0A 8.2 5000 7 1000 R-6 5KP7.5 9.3 5000 7.5 250 R-6 5KP7.5A 8.8 5000 7.5 250 R-6 5KP8.0 9.9 5000 8 150 R-6 5KP8.0A 9.4 5000 8 150 R-6 5KP8.5 10.5 5000 8.5 50 R-6 5KP8.5A 9.9 5000 8.5 50 R-6 5KP9.0 11.1 5000 9 20 R-6 5KP9.0A 10.6 5000 9 20 R-6 5KP10 12.4 5000 10 15 R-6 5KP10A 11.7 5000 10 15 R-6 5KP11 13.6 5000 11 10 R-6 5KP11A 12.9 5000 11 10 R-6 5KP12 14.8 5000 12 10 R-6 5KP12A 14 5000 12 10 R-6 5KP13 16 5000 13 10 R-6 5KP13A 15.2 5000 13 10 R-6 5KP14 17.4 5000 14 10 R-6 5KP14A 16.4 5000 14 10 R-6 5KP15 18.6 5000 15 10 R-6 5KP15A 17.6 5000 15 10 R-6 5KP16 19.8 5000 16 10 R-6 5KP16A 18.8 5000 16 10 R-6 5KP17 21 5000 17 10 R-6 5KP17A 19.9 5000 17 10 R-6 5KP18 22.2 5000 18 10 R-6 5KP18A 21.1 5000 18 10 R-6 5KP20 24.7 5000 20 10 R-6 5KP20A 23.4 5000 20 10 R-6 5KP22 27.1 5000 22 10 R-6 91 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type 5KP22A 25.7 5000 22 10 R-6 5KP24 29.7 5000 24 10 R-6 5KP24A 28.1 5000 24 10 R-6 5KP26 32.1 5000 26 10 R-6 5KP26A 30.4 5000 26 10 R-6 5KP28 34.6 5000 28 10 R-6 5KP28A 32.8 5000 28 10 R-6 5KP30 37 5000 30 10 R-6 5KP30A 35.1 5000 30 10 R-6 5KP33 40.8 5000 33 10 R-6 5KP33A 38.7 5000 33 10 R-6 KP36 44.5 5000 36 10 R-6 5KP36A 42.1 5000 36 10 R-6 5KP40 49.4 5000 40 10 R-6 5KP40A 46.8 5000 40 10 R-6 5KP43 53.1 5000 43 10 R-6 5KP43A 50.3 5000 43 10 R-6 5KP45 55.6 5000 45 10 R-6 5KP45A 52.7 5000 45 10 R-6 5KP48 59.3 5000 48 10 R-6 5KP48A 56.1 5000 48 10 R-6 5KP51 63 5000 51 10 R-6 5KP51A 59.7 5000 51 10 R-6 5KP54 66.7 5000 54 10 R-6 5KP54A 63.2 5000 54 10 R-6 5KP56 69.2 5000 56 10 R-6 5KP56A 65.5 5000 56 10 R-6 5KP58 71.6 5000 58 10 R-6 5KP58A 67.8 5000 58 10 R-6 5KP60 74.1 5000 60 10 R-6 5KP60A 70.2 5000 60 10 R-6 5KP64 84 5000 64 10 R-6 5KP64A 74.9 5000 64 10 R-6 5KP70 86.4 5000 70 10 R-6 92 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type 5KP70A 81.8 5000 70 10 R-6 5KP75 92.7 5000 75 10 R-6 5KP75A 87.7 5000 75 10 R-6 5KP78 96.4 5000 78 10 R-6 5KP78A 91.3 5000 78 10 R-6 5KP85 104.7 5000 85 10 R-6 5KP85A 99.2 5000 85 10 R-6 5KP90 111 5000 90 10 R-6 5KP90A 105.5 5000 90 10 R-6 5KP100 123.5 5000 100 10 R-6 5KP100A 117 5000 100 10 R-6 5KP110 135.5 5000 110 10 R-6 5KP110A 128.5 5000 110 10 R-6 5KP120 148 5000 120 10 R-6 5KP120A 140 5000 120 10 R-6 5KP150 185.5 5000 150 10 R-6 5KP150A 175.5 5000 150 10 R-6 5KP160 197.5 5000 160 10 R-6 5KP160A 187 5000 160 10 R-6 5KP170 210 5000 170 10 R-6 5KP170A 199 5000 170 10 R-6 5KP180 222 5000 180 10 R-6 5KP180A 210.5 5000 180 10 R-6 SMCJ200A 235 1500 200 1 SMC SMCJ220A 259 1500 220 1 SMC SMCJ250A 294 1500 250 1 SMC SMCJ300A 353 1500 300 1 SMC SMCJ350A 411 1500 350 1 SMC SMCJ400A 470 1500 400 1 SMC SMCJ440A 547 1500 440 1 SMC SMA6F6.8A 6.8 600 5.8 1000 SMA SMA6F7.5A 7.5 600 6.4 500 SMA SMA6F8.2A 8.2 600 7.02 200 SMA SMA6F9.1A 9.1 600 7.78 50 SMA 93 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI --Transient Voltage Suppressor Product V(BR Typ (V) PPK Max (W) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) Package Type SMA6F10A 10 600 8.55 10 SMA SMA6F11A 11 600 9.4 5 SMA SMA6F12A 12 600 10.2 5 SMA SMA6F13A 13 600 11.1 5 SMA SMA6F15A 15 600 12.8 5 SMA SMA6F16A 16 600 13.6 5 SMA SMA6F18A 18 600 15.3 5 SMA SMA6F20A 20 600 17.1 5 SMA SMA6F22A 22 600 18.8 5 SMA SMA6F24A 24 600 20.5 5 SMA SMA6F27A 27 600 23.1 5 SMA SMA6F30A 30 600 25.6 5 SMA SMA6F33A 33 600 28.2 5 SMA SMA6F36A 36 600 30.8 5 SMA SMA6F39A 39 600 33.3 5 SMA SMA6F43A 43 600 36.8 5 SMA SMA6F47A 47 600 40.2 5 SMA SMA6F51A 51 600 43.6 5 SMA SMA6F56A 56 600 47.8 5 SMA 94 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI -- ESD/ EMI Protector Product C Max (pF) V(BR) Min (V) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) PPK Max (W) Package Type EBL0501T 10 6 5 0.25 25 DFN-1006 EBLC03 3 4 3.3 5 350 SOD-323 EBLC03C 3 4 3.3 5 350 SOD-323 EBLC05 3 6 5 5 350 SOD-323 EBLC05C 3 6 5 5 350 SOD-323 EBLC08 3 8.5 8 2 350 SOD-323 EBLC08C 3 8.5 8 2 350 SOD-323 EBLC12 3 13.3 12 1 350 SOD-323 EBLC12C 3 13.3 12 1 350 SOD-323 EBLC15 3 16.7 15 1 350 SOD-323 EBLC15C 3 16.7 15 1 350 SOD-323 EBLC24 3 26.7 24 1 350 SOD-323 EBLC24C 3 26.7 24 1 350 SOD-323 EL05 5 6 5 20 300 SOT-23 ESD0504 0.6 6 5 3 120 SOT-363-6 ESD0503 0.6 3.9 3.3 5 120 SOT-363-6 ESD3Z24V 50 24.4 24 1 350 SOD-323 ESD3Z5C 25 5.4 5 1 350 SOD-323 ESD3Z12C 35 13.3 12 1 350 SOD-323 ESD05CL 3 6.1 5 1 120 SOD-323 ESD5L5V 0.9 6 5 1 100 SOD-523 ESD5Z5V 25 6 5 1 200 SOD-523 ESD5Z12V 25 13.5 12 1 200 SOD-523 ESD5Z5C 16 5.6 5 1 200 SOD-523 ESD5Z5CL 3 6.1 5 1 120 SOD-523 ESD50V12L 10 13.5 12 1 500 SOT-143 ESDA6V1W6 35 6.1 5 1 100 SOT-363 ESDF5V4 0.3 6 5 1 150 DFN-10 ESDFBP05CL 3 6.1 5 1 120 WBFBP-02L ESDFBP05VL 0.5 6 3.3 1 100 WBFBP-02C ESDV05CL 15 6.1 5 25 110 SOD-323 ESMF3V3 35 5.3 3.3 1 100 SOT-353 ESMF05 35 6.1 5 1 100 SOT-353 95 http://www.bruckewell‐ TVS/ESD/EMI -- ESD/ EMI Protector Product C Max (pF) V(BR) Min (V) VRWM Max (V) IR Max (uA) PPK Max (W) Package Type ESMF12 35 13.3 12 1 100 SOT-353 ESR05L 3 6 5 5 200 SOT-143 ESR12 0.6 13.3 12 1 150 SOT-143 ESRV05-4 3.5 6 5 5 500 SOT-23-6 SEBLC03 3 3.3 3 1 350 SOD-323 SEBLC03C 3 3.3 3 1 350 SOD-323 SEBLC05 3 6.1 5 1 350 SOD-323 SEBLC05C 3 6.1 5 1 350 SOD-323 SEBLC08 3 8.6 8 1 350 SOD-323 SEBLC08C 3 8.6 8 1 350 SOD-323 SEBLC12 3 13.5 12 1 350 SOD-323 SEBLC12C 3 13.5 12 1 350 SOD-323 SEBLC15 3 16.7 15 1 350 SOD-323 SEBLC15C 3 16.7 15 1 350 SOD-323 SEBLC24 3 26.7 24 1 350 SOD-323 SEBLC24C 3 26.7 24 1 350 SOD-323 SESDFBP05C 10 6.1 5 1 120 WBFBP-02L SOTY05D 10 6.4 5 10 300 DFN1725 SOTY12D 10 13.2 12 20 300 DFN1725 TS61089 100 - 90 - - SOP-8 TS61089A 100 - 120 - - SOP-8 TS61089B 100 - 170 - - SOP-8 TSP0080SB 80 6 15 2 - SMB TSP3500SB 25 320 400 5 - SMB TSP4200SB 25 390 500 5 - SMB ESD5Z3V3 35 6 3 1 200 SOD-523 ESD5Z6V 30 7.4 6 1 200 SOD-523 ESD5Z7V 25 8.1 7 1 200 SOD-523 ESD5V0D5 80 6.2 5 0.08 174 SOD-523 96 http://www.bruckewell‐ Transistors -- Transistors Product IC Polarity Continuous (A) V(BR) Min (V) Hfe Min hFE Max FT Min (MHz) PTM Max (mW) Package Type S9014 NPN 0.1 45 200 1000 150 200 SOT-23 2SA1162 PNP 0.15 50 70 400 80 150 SOT-23 2SC1623 NPN 0.1 50 90 600 250 200 SOT-23 BC807-40 PNP 0.5 45 250 600 100 300 SOT-23 BC817-40 NPN 0.5 45 100 600 100 300 SOT-23 BC846A NPN 0.1 65 125 250 100 225 SOT-23 BC846B NPN 0.1 65 125 250 100 225 SOT-23 BC847A NPN 0.1 45 220 475 100 225 SOT-23 BC847B NPN 0.1 45 220 475 100 225 SOT-23 BC848A NPN 0.1 30 420 800 100 225 SOT-23 BC848B NPN 0.1 30 420 800 100 225 SOT-23 BC848C NPN 0.1 30 420 800 100 225 SOT-23 BC856A PNP 0.1 65 125 250 100 225 SOT-23 BC856B PNP 0.1 65 125 250 100 225 SOT-23 BC857A PNP 0.1 45 220 475 100 225 SOT-23 BC857B PNP 0.1 45 220 475 100 225 SOT-23 BC858A PNP 0.1 30 420 800 100 225 SOT-23 BC858B PNP 0.1 30 420 800 100 225 SOT-23 BC858C PNP 0.1 30 420 800 100 225 SOT-23 SS8050 NPN 1.5 25 125 400 100 300 SOT-23 MMBT3904 NPN 0.2 40 100 300 300 225 SOT-23 MMBT3906 PNP 0.2 40 100 300 300 225 SOT-23 S9012LT PNP 0.5 40 70 400 300 300 SOT-23 2SD2908 NPN 5 20 120 390 150 500 SOT-89 BCX51 PNP 1 45 100 250 125 500 SOT-89 BCX52 PNP 1 60 100 250 125 500 SOT-89 BCX53 PNP 1 80 100 250 125 500 SOT-89 2N5551 NPN 0.6 160 160 400 100 625 TO-92 2SC4617XT1G NPN 0.15 50 120 560 180 150 SOT-523 2SC4548 NPN 0.2 400 60 200 70 500 SOT-89 A42 NPN 0.5 305 100 300 50 500 SOT-89 2SA1012 PNP 5 50 70 240 60 1250 TO-252 2SC2412 NPN 0.15 50 120 560 160 200 SOT-323 97 http://www.bruckewell‐ Transistors -- Transistors Product IC Polarity Continuous (A) V(BR) Min (V) Hfe Min hFE Max FT Min (MHz) PTM Max (mW) Package Type BC856W PNP 0.1 65 125 250 100 200 SOT-323 BC857W PNP 0.1 45 220 475 100 200 SOT-323 BC858W PNP 0.1 30 420 800 100 200 SOT-323 MMBT2222A PNP 0.6 40 100 300 300 300 SOT-23 MMBTA05 NPN 0.5 60 100 100 350 SOT-23 MMBTA06 NPN 0.5 80 100 100 350 SOT-23 MMBTA55 NPN 0.5 60 100 50 300 SOT-23 MMBTA56 NPN 0.5 80 100 50 300 SOT-23 MMDT2222A PNP 0.6 40 100 300 200 SOT-363 A92 PNP 0.5 300 60 50 500 SOT-89 BC856AW PNP 0.1 65 125 250 100 SOT-323 BC856BW PNP 0.1 65 220 475 100 SOT-323 BC857AW PNP 0.1 45 125 250 100 SOT-323 BC857BW PNP 0.1 45 220 475 100 SOT-323 BC857CW PNP 0.1 45 420 800 100 SOT-323 BC858BW PNP 0.1 30 220 475 100 SOT-323 BC858CW PNP 0.1 30 420 800 100 SOT-323 BCX54 NPN 1 45 25 250 100 SOT-89 BCX55 NPN 1 60 25 250 100 SOT-89 BCX56 NPN 1 80 25 250 100 SOT-89 300 98 http://www.bruckewell‐ Transistors -- Digital Transistors IC Product Polarity Continuous (A) V(BR) CEO hFE R1 R2 R1/R2 Min Min (kΩ) (kΩ) Typ Package Max Min (V) (V) - 0.5 4 SOT-523 (V) 100 32.9 Infinity Vi(off) Vi(on) type DTC144TE NPN 0.1 50 TA114ECA PNP 0.1 50 - 10 10 1 - - SOT-23 TA124ECA PNP 0.1 50 - 22 22 1 - - SOT-23 TA143ECA PNP 0.1 50 - 4.7 4.7 1 - - SOT-23 TA144ECA PNP 0.1 50 - 47 47 1 - - SOT-23 DTA113ZCA PNP 0.1 1 1 0.3 3 SOT-23 DTA114WCA PNP 0.1 10 10 0.8 3 SOT-23 DTA114YCA PNP 0.1 10 10 0.3 1.4 SOT-23 DTA123JCA PNP 0.1 2.2 2.2 0.5 1.1 SOT-23 DTA123YCA PNP 0.1 2.2 2.2 0.3 3 SOT-23 DTA143XCA PNP 0.1 4.7 4.7 0.3 2.5 SOT-23 DTA143ZCA PNP 0.1 4.7 4.7 0.5 1.3 SOT-23 DTA114EE PNP 0.05 50 10 10 1 0.5 SOT-523 DTA124EE PNP 0.03 50 22 22 1 0.5 SOT-523 DTA143EE PNP 0.10 50 4.7 4.7 1 0.5 SOT-523 DTA144EE PNP 0.03 50 47 47 1 0.5 SOT-523 99 http://www.bruckewell‐ MOSFETs -- MOSFETs Product Channel Polarity V(BR) VGS VGS(th) ID PD DSS Min Max Max Max Max (V) (V) (V) (A) (W) Package Type MS23P25 P Channel -20 12 - -3.6 1.25 SOT-23 MS23P39 P Channel -30 12 - 3.6 1.25 SOT-23 MS23P61 P Channel -60 20 - -3.4 50 SOT-23 MSB55N03N3 N Channel 30 20 3 3.5 1.5 SOT-23 MSD23N22 N Channel 30 20 3 3.5 1.5 SOT-23 MSD23N58 N Channel 60 20 - 2.8 1.3 SOT-23 MSK1N3 N Channel 60 20 2.5 0.115 0.2 SOT-23 MSP2301N3 P Channel -20 8 - -2.3 1.25 SOT-23 MS20N04NE N Channel 20 12 - 4 1.3 SOT-23-3L MS60P02NE P Channel -60 20 - 1.7 1.3 SOT-23 MS23N22 N Channel 30 20 - 2.5 1.25 SOT-23 MS23N26 N Channel 30 20 - 6.4 2.1 SOT-23 BSS84 P Channel 50 2 15 0.225 SOT-23 MS23N70 N Channel 100 20 1.5 1.3 SOT-23 MS23P01S P Channel 20 12 - 2.6 0.9 SOT-323 BSS138 N Channel 50 20 1.5 0.22 0.35 SOT-23 MS34P07 P Channel 20 12 5 1.4 TSOP-6 MS13N30 N Channel 30 20 2 0.34 SC70-3 30 20 1.2 0.3 SC70-6 MS15C37 N&P Channel - - MS23P59 P Channel 60 20 - 1.6 1.3 SOT-23 MS23N02 N Channel 20 8 - 3.4 1.3 SOT-23 MS23N18 N Channel 30 20 - 2.4 1.3 SOT-23 MS39P93 P Channel 30 20 - 2.5 1.15 TSOP-6 MS48N40 N Channel 40 20 - 9.7 3.1 SO-8 MS48P35 P Channel 30 20 - 9.5 3.1 SO-8 MS49N20 N Channel 30 20 - 6.9 2.1 SO-8 N&P N 30 & - N 3.7 & Channel P 6.5 1.15 TSOP-6 N Channel 60 300 TO-220 MS3531C MS90N06 12 P 2.7 20 - 90 100 http://www.bruckewell‐ MOSFETs -- HV MOSFETs Product Channel Polarity V(BR)DSS Min (V) VGS Max (V) VGS(th) Max (V) ID Max (A) rDS(on) Max @ VGS = 10 V (Ω) MSQ2N60 N Channel 600 30 4 2 4.8 QFN5X6 MSQ4N60 N Channel 600 30 4 4.5 2.5 QFN5X6 MSQ5N50 N Channel 500 30 4 5 1.4 QFN5X6 MSQ6N40 N Channel 400 30 4 5.5 1 QFN5X6 MSQ6N30 N Channel 300 20 1 6.4 3.4 SO-8 DMS05N60 N Channel 600 20 -2.7 0.02 700 SOT-23 MS3N80 N Channel 800 30 3 3 4.8 TO-220 MS4N60 N Channel 600 30 4 4.5 2.5 TO-220 MS4N65 N Channel 650 30 4 3.6 2.9 TO-220 MS5N50 N Channel 500 30 4 4.5 1.5 TO-220 MS5N50-A N Channel 500 30 4 4.5 1.6 TO-220 MS5N60 N Channel 600 30 4 4.5 2.5 TO-220 MS6N40 N Channel 400 30 4 5.5 1 TO-220 MS6N80 N Channel 800 30 4.5 6 2.3 TO-220 MS6N90 N Channel 900 30 5 6 2.4 TO-220 MS6N95 N Channel 950 30 5 6 2.4 TO-220 MS7N60 N Channel 600 30 4 7 1.2 TO-220 MS7N80 N Channel 800 30 5 7 2.1 TO-220 MS8N50 N Channel 500 30 4 8 0.85 TO-220 MS8N60 N Channel 600 30 4 7.5 1.2 TO-220 MS9N90 N Channel 900 30 5 9 1.4 TO-220 MS10N60 N Channel 600 30 4 9.5 0.73 TO-220 MS10N65 N Channel 650 30 4 9.5 0.85 TO-220 MS10N80 N Channel 800 30 5 10 1.1 TO-220 MS12N60 N Channel 600 30 4 12 0.65 TO-220 MS12N65 N Channel 650 30 4 12 0.75 TO-220 MS13N50 N Channel 500 30 4 13 4.8 TO-220 MS14N60 N Channel 600 30 4 14 0.55 TO-220 MS15N50 N Channel 500 30 4 15 0.42 TO-220 MS15N60 N Channel 600 30 4 15 0.52 TO-220 MS18N50 N Channel 500 30 5 18 0.32 TO-220 MS50N06 N Channel 60 20 4 50 0.022 TO-220 101 Package Type http://www.bruckewell‐ MOSFETs -- HV MOSFETs Product Channel Polarity V(BR)DSS Min (V) VGS Max (V) VGS(th) Max (V) ID Max (A) rDS(on) Max @ VGS = 10 V (Ω) MS75N75 N Channel 75 20 4 75 0.017 TO-220 MSF2N40 N Channel 400 30 4 2 1.5 TO-220F MSF2N60 N Channel 60 30 4 2 5 TO-220F MSF2N70 N Channel 700 30 4 1.6 6 TO-220F MSF3N80 N Channel 800 30 5 3 5 TO-220F MSF4N65 N Channel 650 30 4 4 3 TO-220F MSF5N50 N Channel 500 30 4 5 1.6 TO-220F MSF5N60 N Channel 600 30 4 4.5 2.5 TO-220F MSF6N40 N Channel 400 30 4 5.5 1 TO-220F MSF6N60 N Channel 600 30 4 5.5 2 TO-220F MSF6N65 N Channel 650 30 4 6 1.5 TO-220F MSF6N70 N Channel 700 30 4 5.5 1.8 TO-220F MSF6N90 N Channel 900 30 5 6 2.4 TO-220F MSF7N60 N Channel 600 30 4 7 1.2 TO-220F MSF7N65 N Channel 650 30 4 7 1.4 TO-220F MSF7N80 N Channel 800 30 5 7 2.1 TO-220F MSF8N50 N Channel 500 30 4 8 0.85 TO-220F MSF8N80 N Channel 800 30 5 8 1.6 TO-220F MSF9N20 N Channel 200 20 3.5 9 4 TO-220F MSF9N70 N Channel 700 30 4.5 9 1 TO-220F MSF9N90 N Channel 900 30 5 9 1.4 TO-220F MSF10N40 N Channel 400 30 5 10.5 0.55 TO-220F MSF10N80 N Channel 800 30 5 10 1.1 TO-220F MSF10N80A N Channel 800 30 5 10 1.4 TO-220F MSF12N60 N Channel 600 30 4 12 0.65 TO-220F MSF12N65 N Channel 650 30 4 12 0.75 TO-220F MSF13N50 N Channel 500 30 4 13 0.48 TO-220F MSF12N60 N Channel 600 30 4 13 0.51 TO-220F MSF14N60 N Channel 600 30 4 14 0.55 TO-220F MSF15N60 N Channel 600 30 4 15 0.52 TO-220F MSF16N50 N Channel 500 30 5 16 0.38 TO-220F MSF20N50 N Channel 500 30 4 20 0.26 TO-220F 102 Package Type http://www.bruckewell‐ MOSFETs -- HV MOSFETs Product Channel Polarity V(BR)DSS Min (V) VGS Max (V) VGS(th) Max (V) ID Max (A) rDS(on) Max @ VGS = 10 V (Ω) MSF4N60 N Channel 600 30 4 4.5 2.5 TO-220FP MSF8N60 N Channel 600 30 4 7.5 1.2 TO-220FP MSF10N60 N Channel 600 30 4 10 0.75 TO-220FP MSF10N65 N Channel 650 30 4 9.5 0.98 TO-220FP MSF18N50 N Channel 500 30 4 18 0.32 TO-220FP MSW9N90 N Channel 900 30 5 9 1.4 TO-247 MSW10N80 N Channel 800 30 5 10 1.1 TO-247 MSW11N90 N Channel 900 30 5 11 1.1 TO-247 MSW16N50 N Channel 500 30 5 16 0.38 TO-247 MSW20N50 N Channel 500 30 4 20 0.26 TO-247 MSW20N60 N Channel 600 30 4 20 0.32 TO-247 MSU1N60 N Channel 600 30 4 1 12 TO-251 MSU2N60 N Channel 600 30 4 2 4.7 TO-251 MSU2N70 N Channel 700 30 4 1.6 6 TO-251 MSU4N40 N Channel 400 30 4 4.5 0.9 TO-251 MSU4N60 N Channel 600 30 4 4 3.2 TO-251 Package Type 103 http://www.bruckewell‐ Power Management Drive -- LED drivers Product Description Package Type BW9910 PWM high-efficiency LED driver control IC SOP-8 BW9910A PWM high-efficiency LED driver control IC SOP-8 BW9130HV 3A LED Driver with Dimming Control TO-220-5 BW9130HVB 3A LED Driver with Dimming Control TO-263-5 BW6562A High PFC LED Driver SOP-8 BW7381 Universal High Brightness LED Driver SOP-8 BW7386 Accuracy Constant Current LED Driver SOT-26 BW7383 6 Pin Non-isolation Buck current control IC with High PFC for LED Lighting SOT-26 BW7385 Non-isolation Buck current control IC with High PFC for LED Lighting SOT-26 BW7385A High Power Factor & Accuracy Constant Current LED Driver SOT-23 104 http://www.bruckewell‐ REFLOW PROFILE CLASSIFICATION REFLOW PROFILE Note 1: Package volume excludes external terminals (balls, bumps, lands, leads) and/or non-integral heat sinks Note 2: The maximum component temperature reached during reflow depends on package thickness and volume. The use of convection Reflow processes reduce the thermal gradients between packages. However, thermal gradients due to differences in thermal mass of SMD Packages may still exist. 105 Su uggestted Pad d Layo outs All dimensio ons in inch hes (millimeters) 040 02 0603 0 A:1.05,B:0.50, C:0.5 50,D:0.5 A:1.8-2 2.6,B:0.8,, C:0.5-0.9 C 9,D:0.8-1 1.0 080 05 1206 A:2.6-3.4,B:1.2 2, C:0.7-1..1,D:1.2-1.4 A:3.8-4 4.6,B:2.2,, C:0.8-1.2 C 2,D:1.5-1 1.7 SO OD-123 SOD-323 S 3 106 http://w www.bruckeewell-semi.coom/ SO OD-523 SOT-23 S SO OT-323 (S SC70-3) SOT-523 S 3 SO OT-363 (S SC70-6) TSOP-6 T 107 http://w www.bruckeewell-semi.coom/ TSO OP-8 SO OIC-8 SO O-8 MBS BRI IDGE AB BS BRIDG GE DFS BRIDGE 108 http://w www.bruckeewell-semi.coom/ TO-263 (D2 2PAK) TO-252 (DPAK K) TO-277A TO-277B SM MA/DO-214AC SMB/D DO-214A AA 109 http://w www.bruckeewell-semi.coom/ SM MC/DO-214AB DFN 3P3 110 http://w www.bruckeewell-semi.coom/ NOTE 111 NOTE 111 SATISFY QUALITY To satisfy customers while achieving sound growth with technological products of innovative design, superior quality. Our goal is to exceed the quality expectations of our customers. It is achieved through innovation, technical excellence and continuous improvement. [email protected] 6F.-1, No.65, Gaotie 7th Rd., Jhubei City, Hsinchu County 302, Taiwan