DIGITAL TCXO DIP 14 STRATUM 3 DIGITAL (VC) TCXO, TU045A AND TY045A SERIES FEATURES: − Fully meeting free run frequency accuracy and 24 hours maximum frequency drift requirements for STRATUM 3 according to Telecordia GR-1244-CORE* − Very low power consumption suitable for portable and/or battery operated equipment ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION** PARAMETER Supply voltage, nom. HCMOS / LVCMOS Supply current, max. CLIPPED SINWAVE Frequency, nom. Overall frequency stability over 10 years of operation including Initial Frequency Calibration Frequency drift during 24 hours of continuous operation, max (See note 1) Vs SYMBOL Vs±5% 3.3 VALUE 5.0 UNIT V Is Vs, nom. / Ta=25°C mA fo ∆fc/fo Ta=-40°C to + 85°C or Ta= 0°C to + 70°C Ta=-40°C to + 85°C or Ta= 0°C to + 70°C Ta=-40°C to + 85°C or Ta= 0°C to + 70°C Vc= 0.25V Vc= 2.25V Offset ∆f = 12kHz to 20MHz 12.0 to 20.0 2.0 to 5.0 10.000 to 40.000 ±4.6 MHz ppm ±0.37 ppm ±0.30 ppm ±0.28 -5 …-10 +5 …+10 10 ppm PPM PPM ps ∆fc/fo Temperature Stability (See note 2) Elect. Frequency Adjustment Range (see note 3) Jitter (peak to peak), max (Fnom = 20 MHz) Phase noise SSB @ freq.offset, max (Fnom = 20 MHz) ∆f/fo (Vc) HCMOS output levels Clipped Sine Duty Cycle (HCMOS output) VOH/VOL Vout Raise/Fall time, max (HCMOS output) ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATION Storage temperature range J(f) CONDITIONS ∆f=10Hz ∆f=100Hz ∆f=1kHz ∆f ≥ 10kHz Load = 15pF Load=10 kΩ||20pF Load = 15pF -80 -110 -130 -145 Tr/Tf Load = 15pF 4 - -45°C….+85°C IEC 68-2-6, test Fc: 10..500 Hz, 10g, 2 h, 3 directions IEC 68-2-27, test Ea: 100g, ½ sine, 3 bumps, 6 directions £ (∆f) Vibration - Mechanical shocks - 0.9Vcc / 0.1Vcc 0.7 45 to 55 dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz V Vp-p % ns All parameters within initial limits All parameters within initial limits Notes: 1. The 24 hours drift can be measured any time after minimum 1 hour from initial turn on. Please contact factory for details. 2. The Temperature Stability is calculated with regard to frequency reading at 25°C±1°C. 3. TY045A series only. * Telecordia is a trademark of Telecordia Technologies ** This specification is typical. Other frequencies, output types and custom parameters are available. Please, contact factory for details. th RALTRON ELECTRONICS CORP. 10651 N.W . 19 St Miami, Florida 33172 U.S.A. phone: +001(305) 593-6033 fax: +001(305)594-3973 e-mail: [email protected] internet: DIGITAL TCXO HOW TO ORDER (PART NUMBER) Prefix Output Type Series TU: No Freq. Adjust option 0: CLIPPED SINE 2:HCMOS 4:LVCMOS 045 TY: With Freq Adjust Revision A Temperature Range Stability Frequency Stratum3 Voltage LZ: 0°C to +70°C 0.28= 0.28PPM In MHZ S3 3: 3.3V 5: 5.0V D3: -40°C to +85°C 0.3= 0.3PPM Example: TU4045A - LZ - 0.28 - 19.440 – S3 - 3 Voltage Stratum 3 Frequency 19.44MHz Tem p Stability = 0.28 x 10E-6 = ±0.28 PPM O perating Tem p Range = 0°C to +70°C Revision "A" Series O utput LV HCMO S Prefix: Digital TCXO , no Freq. Adjust MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION HEIGHT, MAX. “H”: 0.34” / 8.6mm OUTLINE TOLERANCE: ±0.015” / 0.4mm PIN FUNCTIONS: [1] N.C. / V.C.* [3] NOT CONNECTED** [7] CASE / GROUND [8] RF OUTPUT [12] NOT CONNECTED** [14] SUPPLY VOLTAGE NOTE: DENOTES PIN 1 LOCATION *TY045A SERIES ONLY th RALTRON ELECTRONICS CORP. 10651 N.W . 19 St Miami, Florida 33172 U.S.A. phone: +001(305) 593-6033 fax: +001(305)594-3973 e-mail: [email protected] internet: