TS19704 Single-Stage Primary-Side Control with High PFC LED Driver SOP-8 Pin Definition: 1. RT 8. VINT 2. DMG 7. COMP 3. VCC 6. GND 4. OUT 5. CS Description de d The TS19704 is a Primary-Side Control IC, high efficiency and simpler design with active power factor correction especially for LED lighting applications. The IC achieves high power factor and low THD operation by Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) and constant on time. Precise constant current control regulates about ±3% accurate versus changes in input voltage and output voltage. TS19704 also provides gate driving voltage clamping, Vcc overvoltage protection and system output open/short circuit protection to increase device performance. Application ● Primary-side feedback control ● ● Application voltage range: 80VAC ~ 308VAC ● ● Built-in Active Power Factor Correction ● LED PAR Lamp ● Constant Output Current Control ● LED Bulb ● DCM Constant On-Time topology ● Good Line and Load Regulation ● Open-LED Protection on DMG pin ● Over-Voltage Protection on VCC pin ● Short-LED Protection ● Cycle by Cycle Over current Protection on CS pin ● Over-Temperature Protection ● Programmable switching frequency by RT Pin ● Gate Driving Voltage Clamping en Features LED Down Light mm LED Tube Ordering Information Package Packing TS19704CS RLG SOP-8 2.5Kpcs / 13” Reel e co Part No. tR Note: “G” denote for Halogen Free Product No Application Circuit 1/7 Version: E13 TS19704 Single-Stage Primary-Side Control with High PFC LED Driver Absolute Maximum Rating (Ta = 25oC unless otherwise noted) Range Unit Power supply pin VDD 40 V DMG voltage to GND VDMG -0.3 to 40 V OUT voltage to GND VOUT -0.3 to 40 V RT voltage to GND VRT -0.3 to 5 V CS voltage to GND VCS -0.3 to 5 V COM voltage to GND VCOM -0.3 to 5 V VINT voltage to GND VVINT -0.3 to 5 V d Symbol de Parameter TJ -40 to + 125 °C Operating ambient temperature rang TOPA -40 to +85 °C Storage temperature rang TSTG -65 to +150 °C TLEAD 260 °C PD 0.4 W θJA 160 °C/W VESD 2 kV en Operating junction temperature rang Lead temperature (Soldering 5 sec) Thermal resistance junction to ambient ESD rating (Human body mode) mm Power dissipation @TA=25 °C Electrical Characteristics (VCC=15 , TA=25℃, unless otherwise specified.) Symbol Min Typ Max Unit VCC_ON 17.2 18.2 19.2 V VCC_OFF 9.5 10 10.5 V IQ -- 25 35 uA ICC -- 1 2 mA VCC voltage protection VOVPA 31 32 33 V Output voltage protection VOVPS 10 10.5 11 V CS limit voltage VOCPH 1.2 1.25 1.3 V CS limit voltage(Short Circuit) VOCPL 0.3 0.33 0.36 V Turn-on voltage Turn-off voltage Quiescent current Condition e co Parameter tR Normal current consumption No PROTECTION OSCILLATOR Start up timer TSTR RRT=50Kohm -- 240 -- us TS RRT=50Kohm -- 24 -- us KP -- 12.5 -- V Transconductance GM 84 120 156 umho Reference voltage VREF 2.475 2.5 2.525 V Maximum sink current ICOM_SINK -- 55 -- uA Maximum source current ICOM_SOUR -- 55 -- uA Switch timer(with jitter) MULTIPLY Multiply gain ERROR AMPLIFIER 2/7 Version: E13 TS19704 Single-Stage Primary-Side Control with High PFC LED Driver Electrical Characteristics (VCC=15 , TA=25℃, unless otherwise specified.) Parameter Symbol Condition Min Typ Max Unit DRIVER Rising time TRISE VCC=20V, CO =0.1nF -- 100 -- ns Falling time TFAIL VCC=20V, CO =0.1nF -- 40 -- ns -- -- 16.5 V Output clamp voltage VO_CLAMP en de d Note 1: Stresses listed as the above “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are for stress ratings. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may remain possibility to affect device reliability. Note 2: Thermal Resistance is specified with the component mounted on a low effective thermal conductivity test board in free air at TA=25°C. Note 3: TRISE and TFAIL are guarantee by design. Note 4: Devices are ESD sensitive. Handing precaution recommended. Note 5: The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions. No tR e co mm Function Block Pin Description Pin No. Name Function 1 RT 2 DMG Zero current demagnetization sensing. 3 VCC Power supply pin for all internal circuit. 4 OUT Power MOS output pin. 5 CS Input current sense pin. 6 GND Ground return for all internal circuitry. 7 COM Output pin of error amplifier. 8 VINT Integration output current signal pin. Frequency setting. 3/7 Version: E13 TS19704 Single-Stage Primary-Side Control with High PFC LED Driver Application Information Function Description The TS19704 is a constant current Flyback controller with primary side control and PFC function for LED lighting applications. Which controller is DCM operation with constant on time based regulator design. In other to achieve high power factor and good EMI performance. This control algorithm fix ICS_PK in wide range variation of Line voltage. We can design transformer critically by ICS(Limit) function. The TS19704 are built-in functions of VCC over voltage protection, open LED protection, short LED protection, over temperature protection, and primary side current limit, and gate clamp within. The TS19704 sense switch current from CS voltage Multiplier by TDIS to d provide the integral result(VINT). The avarge VINT is finally 2.5V(Vref) by the system close loop feedback. The NP 2.5 × N S 2 × K P × RS en IO_avg = de avarge output current can express as below. Pin Detail Description RT RT 2250 TSTR( µS) = DMG RT 225 e co TS( µS) = mm Switch timer(Ts) and Start up timer(Tstr) setup Tstr = 10Ts: The Output voltage is reflected by the auxiliary winding(NAUX) voltage of Flyback transformer, the DMG pin can sense output information to depart from start up voltage(VO_STR) and protection voltage(VO_OVP). tR When DMG sense voltage under VO_STR, the circuit will work on short circuit protection, FSTR=1/Tstr, No VCS_PK=0.35V, When DMG sense voltage over VO_OVP, the circuit will work on over voltage protection, it will latch out off until VCC under VCC_OFF. NS R1 + R2 × 3× NA R2 NS R1 + R2 VO_OVP = × VOVPS × NA R2 VO_STR = 4/7 Version: E13 TS19704 Single-Stage Primary-Side Control with High PFC LED Driver Pin Detail Description (Continue) VCC Power supply for the controller during normal operation. The controller will start up when VCC reaches 18V (typical) and will shut-down when VCC voltage is below 9.5V (typical). A decoupling capacitor should be connected between the VCC and GND pin as close as possible. The TS19704 perform VCC over voltage protection though VCC pin. Once VCC pin exceed in 32V, TS19704 turns off and latch out the MOSFET switcher until VCC under VCC_OFF. OUT d Gate drive for external MOSFET switch. Gate clamp function within. CS 1.25 RS GND GND is the reference node of internal circuit. mm COM en ICS(Limit) = de MOSFET current signal sensing for Multiply(KP) This is the output of the Gm amplifier. Connect with a suitable RC network to ground. VINT No tR e co The VINT pin connect with a suitable Capacitor to ground. It saved the integral result of the VCS Multiplier by TDIS, 5/7 Version: E13 TS19704 Single-Stage Primary-Side Control with High PFC LED Driver tR Marking Diagram Unit: Millimeters e co mm en de d SOP-8 Mechanical Drawing No Y = Year Code M = Month Code for Halogen Free Product (O=Jan, P=Feb, Q=Mar, R=Apl, S=May, T=Jun, U=Jul, V=Aug, W=Sep, X=Oct, Y=Nov, Z=Dec) L = Lot Code 6/7 Version: E13 TS19704 No tR e co mm en de d Single-Stage Primary-Side Control with High PFC LED Driver Notice Specifications of the products displayed herein are subject to change without notice. TSC or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies. Information contained herein is intended to provide a product description only. No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in TSC’s terms and conditions of sale for such products, TSC assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of TSC products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right. The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications. Customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify TSC for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. 7/7 Version: E13