TCXO C2310 Typical Applications Features PCS Base Stations Land Mobile Radio Cellular Telephony Radio in the Local Loop EFC Standard Standard Surface Mount Package Low Phase Noise option Low Profile Previous Vectron Model Numbers STO50; STO50S3; STO50S3-01 Frequency range 6.4 MHz – 800 MHz Standard frequencies 10; 12.288; 12.8; 19,44 MHZ, 20; 20,48, 77.76, 100 MHz Frequency stabilities1 [ Standard TCXO] Parameter vs. operating temperature range (Referenced to +25°C) Parameter Initial tolerance vs. supply voltage change vs. load change vs aging /1. Year Min -2.5 -1.0 -2.5 -1.0 -1.0 -0.5 Min - 1.5 - 0.2 - 0.2 - 1.0 Typ Typ Max. +2.5 +1.0 +2.5 +1.0 +1.0 +0.5 Max. +1.5 +0.2 +0.2 +1.0 Units ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Units ppm ppm ppm ppm Operating temp range Ordering Code -40 … +85°C F256 -40 … +85°C F106 -20 … +70°C D256 -20 … +70°C D106 B106 0 … +50°C B507 0 … +50°C Condition at time of shipment, nominal EFC VS ± 5% Load ± 10% 5 Max. +0.8 +0.28 +0.8 +0.28 +0.28 Max. +1.0 +0.2 +0.1 +2.5 -4.6 Units ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Units ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Operating temp range Ordering Code -40 … +85°C F807 -30 … +85°C G287* -20 … +70°C D807 -20 … +70°C D287* 0 … +50°C B287* Condition at time of shipment, nominal EFC VS ± 5% Load ± 10% 5 Frequency stabilities1 [ Stratum 3 TCXO] Parameter vs. operating temperature range (Referenced to +25°C) Parameter Initial tolerance vs. supply voltage change vs. load change vs aging /15 Years overall tolerance Min -0.8 -0.28 -0.8 -0.28 -0.28 Min - 1.0 - 0.2 - 0.1 - 2.5 -4.6 Typ Typ Note: * Stratum 3 per GR-1244-CORE: <±4.6 ppm for all causes and 20 years aging,Holdover: <±0.37 ppm over 24 hours (Code: D287 & B287) Vectron International · Vectron International Headquarters 267 Lowell Road Hudson, New Hampshire 03051 USA Tel: +1-888-328-7661 Fax: +1-888-329-8328 Vectron International LLC. 100 Watts Street Mount Holly Springs, PA 17065 USA Tel: +1-717-486-3411 Fax: +1-717-486-5920 v.2013-10-16 · page 1 of 6 Vectron international GmbH & Co. KG Landstrasse D-74924 Neckarbischofsheim Germany Tel: +49-7268-801-0 Fax: +49-7268-801-281 Vectron Asia Pacific Sales Office 68 Yin Cheng Road(C), 22nd Floor One LuJiaZui Pudong, Shanghai 200120, China Tel: +86 21 6194 6886 Fax: +86 21 6194 6699 TCXO C2310 Supply voltage (Vs) Parameter Supply voltage [Standard] Min 3.135 Typ 3.3 Max. 3.465 Units VDC Supply voltage [Option] 4.75 5 5.25 VDC 35 35 100 mA mA mA Max. Units 16.5 0.5 0.3 pF VDC VDC VDC VDC ns % Current consumption Condition Ordering Code SV033 5 SV050 steady state @ +25°C & 3.3VDC steady state @ +25°C & 5.0VDC steady state @ +25°C & PECL-Output RF output Min Parameter Signal [Standard] Load Signal Level (Vol) Typ Condition HCMOS 13.5 Signal Level (Voh) 15 4.5 3.0 Rise and Fall time Duty cycle Signal [Option] Load R || C Output power Signal [Standard] Load Rise and Fall time Duty cycle 5 50 60 clipped Sinewave 10 11 10 11 40 9 9 0.7 kΩ pF Vpp Ordering Code RFH 5 with Vs= 5.0V and 15pF load with Vs=3.3V and 15pF load with Vs= 5.0V and 15pF load with Vs=3.3V and 15pF load @ (Voh-Vol)/2 > 12.288MHz RFC @ 10kΩ ||10pF PECL RFP 50 1 55 Ω ns % to Vs-2V 20 to 80% Max. ± 20.0 ± 20.0 10 Units ppm ppm % Condition Standard Version S3 Version with Vs=3.3VDC with Vs=5.0VDC 45 50 Min ± 8.0 ± 5.0 Typ ±14.0 ±12.0 0.3 0.5 10 1.65 2.5 3.0 4.5 VDC VDC kΩ Min Typ -90 -120 -135 -140 -145 -98 -125 -147 -153 -154 Max. Units dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz dBc/Hz Frequency Tuning (EFC) Parameter Tuning Range Linearity Tuning Slope Positive Control Voltage Range Freq. control input impedance Additional parameters Parameter 3 Phase Noise Phase Noise 3 Weight Processing & Packing 3 Handling & processing note Vectron International LLC. 100 Watts Street Mount Holly Springs, PA 17065 USA Tel: +1-717-486-3411 Fax: +1-717-486-5920 Condition Hz TCXO @19.44MHz Hz kHz kHz kHz Hz Low Phase Noise Hz TCXO @12.8 MHz kHz kHz kHz g Vectron International · Vectron International Headquarters 267 Lowell Road Hudson, New Hampshire 03051 USA Tel: +1-888-328-7661 Fax: +1-888-329-8328 10 100 1 10 100 10 100 1 10 100 v.2013-10-16 · page 2 of 6 Vectron international GmbH & Co. KG Landstrasse D-74924 Neckarbischofsheim Germany Tel: +49-7268-801-0 Fax: +49-7268-801-281 Vectron Asia Pacific Sales Office 68 Yin Cheng Road(C), 22nd Floor One LuJiaZui Pudong, Shanghai 200120, China Tel: +86 21 6194 6886 Fax: +86 21 6194 6699 C2310 TCXO Enclosures Type G214B Package Codes: Code Height “H” A1 5.9 Pin Length “L” NA Dimensions: mm Pin Connections 1 2 3 4 5 6 Marking Voltage Control (Vc) N.C. GND, case RF output N.C. / RF output compl. Supply Voltage (Vs) C2310-xxxx Frequency * C AYYWW Outline Drawing: G214B Vectron International · Vectron International Headquarters 267 Lowell Road Hudson, New Hampshire 03051 USA Tel: +1-888-328-7661 Fax: +1-888-329-8328 Vectron International LLC. 100 Watts Street Mount Holly Springs, PA 17065 USA Tel: +1-717-486-3411 Fax: +1-717-486-5920 v.2013-10-16 · page 3 of 6 Vectron international GmbH & Co. KG Landstrasse D-74924 Neckarbischofsheim Germany Tel: +49-7268-801-0 Fax: +49-7268-801-281 Vectron Asia Pacific Sales Office 68 Yin Cheng Road(C), 22nd Floor One LuJiaZui Pudong, Shanghai 200120, China Tel: +86 21 6194 6886 Fax: +86 21 6194 6699 TCXO C2310 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Supply voltage (Vs) Control Voltage Maximum output load @ CMOS Operable temperature range Storage temperature range Min Typ Max. 6.0 Vs 40 +85 +125 0 -40 -55 Typical measurement data Phase Noise and Jitter C2310 @12.8MHz Units V V pF °C °C Condition C2310 @20MHz Low phase Noise Version Frequency range [Hz] Sφ(f) [dB] Jitter [ps rms] 20Hz to 0.5 MHz 20kHZ to 0.5MHz -85,30 dB -89,10 dB 0,675 ps 0,436 ps Standard Shipping Method Lage im Gurt Position in tape Pin 1 A Abwickelrichtung Unwinding direction X B P Gurtunterseite Tape buttom side K Gurtoberseite Tape upper side *bei W ≤ 24 mm nur untere Lochreihe ∗by W ≤ 24 mm only lower hole line Production tolerance complying DIN IEC 286-3 Enclosure Type Tape width W [mm] G214B 24 Quantity per meter 83.3 Quantity per reel 850 Dimension P 12 Vectron International · Vectron International Headquarters 267 Lowell Road Hudson, New Hampshire 03051 USA Tel: +1-888-328-7661 Fax: +1-888-329-8328 Vectron International LLC. 100 Watts Street Mount Holly Springs, PA 17065 USA Tel: +1-717-486-3411 Fax: +1-717-486-5920 v.2013-10-16 · page 4 of 6 Vectron international GmbH & Co. KG Landstrasse D-74924 Neckarbischofsheim Germany Tel: +49-7268-801-0 Fax: +49-7268-801-281 Vectron Asia Pacific Sales Office 68 Yin Cheng Road(C), 22nd Floor One LuJiaZui Pudong, Shanghai 200120, China Tel: +86 21 6194 6886 Fax: +86 21 6194 6699 C2310 TCXO Recommended Reflow Profile Pb-Free Assembly /Sn-Pb Assembly Profile Feature Profile Feature Pb-Free Assembly /Sn-Pb Assembly Average ramp-up rate (TL to Tp) 3°C/second max. Time 25°C to Peak Temperature 8 minutes max. Preheat -Temperature Min Tsmin) -Temperature Min Tsmax) -Time (min to max) (ts) 150°c 200°c 60-180 seconds Time maintainted above - Temperature (TL) - Time (tL) 217°C 60-150 seconds Tsmax to TL - Ramp-up Rate 3°C/second max. Time maintainted above - Temperature (TL) - Time (tL) 217°C 60-150 seconds Peak Temperature (Tp) max 260°C Time within 5°C of actual Peak Temperature (tp) Ramp-down Rate 20-40 seconds 6°C/second max. Note: All temperatures refer to topside of the package, measured on the package body surface. How to order this product: Vectron International · Vectron International Headquarters 267 Lowell Road Hudson, New Hampshire 03051 USA Tel: +1-888-328-7661 Fax: +1-888-329-8328 Vectron International LLC. 100 Watts Street Mount Holly Springs, PA 17065 USA Tel: +1-717-486-3411 Fax: +1-717-486-5920 v.2013-10-16 · page 5 of 6 Vectron international GmbH & Co. KG Landstrasse D-74924 Neckarbischofsheim Germany Tel: +49-7268-801-0 Fax: +49-7268-801-281 Vectron Asia Pacific Sales Office 68 Yin Cheng Road(C), 22nd Floor One LuJiaZui Pudong, Shanghai 200120, China Tel: +86 21 6194 6886 Fax: +86 21 6194 6699 TCXO C2310 Model Stability Code C2310 F256 Supply Voltage Code SV033 Vs.operat. Temp. Range F256 F106 D256 D106 B106 B507 F807 G287 D807 D287 B287 ±2.5ppm ±1.0ppm ±2.5ppm ±1.0ppm ±1.0ppm ±0.5ppm ±0.8ppm ±0.28ppm ±0.8ppm ±0.28ppm ±0.28ppm -40 … +85°C -40 … +85°C -20 … +70°C -20 … +70°C 0 … +50°C 0 … +50°C -40 … +85°C -30 … +85°C -20 … +70°C -20 … +70°C 0 … +50°C RF Output Code Package Code Frequency A1 6,4MHz RFP Supply: Enclosure: SV033: 3.3V SV050: 5V A1: G214B Signal: RFP: PECL RFC: clipped sinewave RFH: HCMOS Notes: 1 Contact factory for improved stabilities or additional product options. Not all options and codes are available at all frequencies. 2 Unless otherwise stated all values are valid after warm-up time and refer to typical conditions for supply voltage, frequency control voltage, load, temperature (25°C) 3 Phase noise degrades with increasing output frequency. 4 Subject to technical modification. 5 Contact factory for availability. Vectron International · Vectron International Headquarters 267 Lowell Road Hudson, New Hampshire 03051 USA Tel: +1-888-328-7661 Fax: +1-888-329-8328 Vectron International LLC. 100 Watts Street Mount Holly Springs, PA 17065 USA Tel: +1-717-486-3411 Fax: +1-717-486-5920 v.2013-10-16 · page 6 of 6 Vectron international GmbH & Co. KG Landstrasse D-74924 Neckarbischofsheim Germany Tel: +49-7268-801-0 Fax: +49-7268-801-281 Vectron Asia Pacific Sales Office 68 Yin Cheng Road(C), 22nd Floor One LuJiaZui Pudong, Shanghai 200120, China Tel: +86 21 6194 6886 Fax: +86 21 6194 6699