August 17, 2009 SM76315 Transformer FEATURES Designed for use with Silicon Laboratories ProSlic® Devices Si3210M, Si3215M and Si3216M Operating Temperature Range -40C to +125C Isolation Voltage rating between primary and secondary: 500 VDC Peak current per primary winding (1-2) (2-3) (3-4): 2 amps ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS AT 25C OCL (1-4) DCR (1-2) DCR (2-3) DCR (3-4) DCR (6-10) TURNS RATIO POLARITY 107µH ±10% @100kHz 0.1V 0.080 Ω max. 0.080 Ω max. 0.080 Ω max. 1.00 Ω max. 40:8:8:8 ±1% (6-10):(1-2):(2-3):(3-4) 6,1 SAME PHASE MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS 14.00 MAX .550 SM76315 DATE 13.50 MAX .530 1.80 .070 1 2.50 .100 1.00 .039 16.64 .655 SUGGESTED PAD LAYOUT 2 6 3 10 4 Schematic 10.50 MAX .410 .90 .035 .60 .024 17.60 .690 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DATATRONIC: 2.50 8X .980 All dimensions are mm/inches Unless otherwise specified tolerance ±0.25/0.010 Coplanarity: 0.102/0.004 For non-RoHS parts replace SM prefix with 42- (e.g. SM76315 becomes 42-76315) Terminal finish is compliant to RoHS requirements. Solder in accordance with J-STD-020D 28151 Highway 74, Romoland, CA 92585 Tel: 951-928-7700 Fax: 951-928-7701 499 King’s Road, Hong KongTel: (852) 2562 3858, (852) 2564 8477 Fax: (852) 2565 7214, (852) 2563 1290 All specification are subject to change without notice.