Product change notification Product change notification PCN13-12 – PTS635 C&K components C&K components SAS – 2 rue Berthollet - B.P. 359 F-39105 Dole Cedex - FRANCE Telephone: +33 (0)3 84 72 81 12 - Facsimile: +33 (0)3 84 72 95 92 – Document subject to change without prior notice Diffusion: no restriction PCN13-12-PTS635 Rev. A Page 1/7 Product change notification Document revision Revision A Date October 22, 2013 Description Creation Author J. Smolinski C&K components C&K components SAS – 2 rue Berthollet - B.P. 359 F-39105 Dole Cedex - FRANCE Telephone: +33 (0)3 84 72 81 12 - Facsimile: +33 (0)3 84 72 95 92 – Document subject to change without prior notice Diffusion: no restriction PCN13-12-PTS635 Rev. A Page 2/7 Product change notification Summary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Purpose........................................................................................................................................... 4 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Part numbers affected .................................................................................................................... 4 Reason for Change......................................................................................................................... 4 Date of application .......................................................................................................................... 4 Acknowledgement........................................................................................................................... 4 Support ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Annex1 – Cross reference table of old and new part numbers……………….………………….………….5 Annex 2 – Drawing of PTS635 SX25 SMTR LFS……………………………………………………………..6 Annex 3 – Drawing of RS-285G05AX………………………………………………….………7 and following C&K components C&K components SAS – 2 rue Berthollet - B.P. 359 F-39105 Dole Cedex - FRANCE Telephone: +33 (0)3 84 72 81 12 - Facsimile: +33 (0)3 84 72 95 92 – Document subject to change without prior notice Diffusion: no restriction PCN13-12-PTS635 Rev. A Page 3/7 Product change notification 1. Purpose C&K components, as design and manufacturing company for micro-miniature tact switches, is constantly looking to improve the manufacturing means and processes in order to continue serving its customers with the highest performance level As part of this continuous improvement policy, C&K Components is streamlining its PTS635 SMT J lead version in 2.5 mm height 2. Overview The PTS635 SX25 SMTR LFS production is being streamlined with other similar products and is being replaced by the C&K Huizhou series RS-285G05AX-U RT 3. Part numbers affected PTS635 SL25 SMTR LFS – Y96L251B1FP LFS PTS635 SK25 SMTR LFS – Y96L254B1FP LFS Details and cross reference are in Annex 1 4. Reason for Change Combination of production units and rationalization of product range for the most efficient and qualitative tooling 5. Date of application Last time buy: April 30, 2014 Last time delivery: 12 weeks after reception of last order 6. Acknowledgement We kindly ask you to acknowledge this information to your Sales Representative 7. Support For any question, feel free to contact: [email protected] C&K components C&K components SAS – 2 rue Berthollet - B.P. 359 F-39105 Dole Cedex - FRANCE Telephone: +33 (0)3 84 72 81 12 - Facsimile: +33 (0)3 84 72 95 92 – Document subject to change without prior notice Diffusion: no restriction PCN13-12-PTS635 Rev. A Page 4/7 Product change notification ANNEX 1 Old C&K part Number Y96L251B1FP LFS Y96L254B1FP LFS Old C&K description New C&K Description PTS635 SL25 SMTR LFS RS-285G05A2-U RT PTS635 SK25 SMTR LFS RS-285G05A3-U RT C&K components C&K components SAS – 2 rue Berthollet - B.P. 359 F-39105 Dole Cedex - FRANCE Telephone: +33 (0)3 84 72 81 12 - Facsimile: +33 (0)3 84 72 95 92 – Document subject to change without prior notice Diffusion: no restriction PCN13-12-PTS635 Rev. A Page 5/7 Product change notification Annex 2 C&K components C&K components SAS – 2 rue Berthollet - B.P. 359 F-39105 Dole Cedex - FRANCE Telephone: +33 (0)3 84 72 81 12 - Facsimile: +33 (0)3 84 72 95 92 – Document subject to change without prior notice Diffusion: no restriction PCN13-12-PTS635 Rev. A Page 6/7 Product change notification ANNEX 3 – Drawing and Specifications RS-285G05AX-U RT C&K components C&K components SAS – 2 rue Berthollet - B.P. 359 F-39105 Dole Cedex - FRANCE Telephone: +33 (0)3 84 72 81 12 - Facsimile: +33 (0)3 84 72 95 92 – Document subject to change without prior notice Diffusion: no restriction PCN13-12-PTS635 Rev. A Page 7/7 产品规格书 Product Specification No.: SPC-5019-02 编 号 版 本 Version: A 页 码 1 of 9 Page: 发出日期 Issued on: 2013-9-16 客户名称 Customer: 客户部件号 Customer Part No: 高铭产品名称 Comax Product Name: 触摸开关 Tact Switch 高铭产品型号 Comax Item No: RS-285G05A2-U RT 规格书确认 Specification For Approval 确认者 Approval by 备注 Remark: 1. 该规格书为客户与高铭公司在产品单品技术方面的共识,其它 相关数据上与该规格书不一致的内容都是无效的。 This Product Specification is considered as the technical agreement on product between the receiving customer and Comax. Any information on the Product Catalogue which is in conflict with or different from the corresponding information of this document is considered as invalid. 2. 如果顾客收到规格书后没有信息反馈而直接向我公司订货,我 们将认为贵客己接受此规格书。 If customer issue purchase orders without confirmation by signature of this specification after receipt, such confirmation will be considered as granted upon receipt of the first purchase order. 3. 本产品规格书从生效日起 1 年后,如果没有订货返回或再次申 请最新规格书时请作无效处理。 If there is no order or no request for new specification after 1 year upon this specification is issued, the specification will be regarded as invalid. 签名或盖章 Signature: 日期 Date: 若确认此规格书,请签复此页.Please return this copy as a certification of your approval. 规格书更改记录 Record of Change Specification 版本 Version 修改总项 History×Count 生产地:中国 明细 日期 拟制 Details Date Pred Country of Origin: China 地址:中国广东省惠州市惠台工业园区 65 号小区 Address: No.65, Huitai Industrial Zone, Huizhou, Guangdong, China 拟制 Prepared by: 张渠江 2013-9-16 审核 Checked by: 王光云 2013-9-16 批准 Approved by: 廖铁军 2013-9-16 电话 Tel: 86-752-2773999 传真 Fax: 86-752-2600599 电子邮箱 E-Mail: [email protected] 网址 Website: RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品型号 Item.# RS-285G05A2-U RT 编号 No. SPC-5019-02 版本 VER A 页码 Page 2 of 9 1.一般特性 General Characteristics: 1.1 适用范围 该规格书指触摸开关的一般使用范围 Application This specification is applied to the tact switch for general applications 1.2 使用温度范围 -30℃ 到 +90℃ Operating Temperature Range 1.3 使用相对湿度范围 -30℃ to +90℃ ≦96%RH,+40℃ Operating Relative Humidity Range 1.4 保存温度范围 ≦96% at +40℃ -40℃ 到 +90℃ keep Temperature Range -40℃ to +90℃ 1.5 实验条件 若没有特别说明,则试验大气条件如下 Test Conditions Unless otherwise specified the atmospheric conditions for making measurements and tests are as follows 环境温度 Ambient Temperature:5-35℃ 大气压力 Air Pressure:86-106Kpa (860-1060mbar) 相对湿度 Relative Humidity: 45-85%RH 1.6 回路数 Function 1 回路 1 接点 1 Pole 1 Throw 1.7 切换类型 Change Over Timing 先断开后导通 Non-shorting 2.外观,结构及尺寸 Appearance Structure and Dimensions 2.1 外观 产品外观良好,无锈蚀、裂纹和镀层缺陷。 Appearance The switch shall have good finishing, and no rust, crack or plating Defects. 2.2 结构及尺寸 参见产品图纸 ITEM3079-01 Structure & Dimensions Refer to individual product drawing ITEM3079-01 2.3 标识 参见产品图纸 ITEM3079-01 Markings Refer to individual product drawing ITEM3079-01 3.额定负荷及寿命 Ratings & Life DC 12V 50mA Max. 额定负荷 Ratings DC 负荷寿命 Operating life with load 1V 10μA Min. 100,000 次 cycles 4.电气性能 Electrical Characteristics 项目 Item 4.1 实验方法(Test Method) 标准 Criteria 初期接触电阻 以 1KHz±200Hz(20mV Max,50mA Max)或采用低电阻测试仪测量。 Initial Contact Shall be measure at 1KHz±200Hz(20mV Max,50mA Max) or Resistance measure by low ohm 100mΩ Max. meter. 在相互绝缘的所有端子之间及各接线端子与金属外壳之间加载 DC100V, 4.2 绝缘电阻 持续时间 60±5 秒。 Insulation A voltage of DC100V shall be applied between open Terminals, Resistance and between the terminal and the metal frame for 60±5Sec. 100MΩ Min. 在相互绝缘的所有接线端子之间及各接线端子与金属外壳之间加载 4.3 抗电强度 AC250V(50-60Hz)泄漏电流 10mA,持续时间 60±5 秒 Dielectric A voltage of AC250V(50-60HZ), 10mA trip current Voltage Shall be applied between open terminals, and between The frame and the terminal for 60±5Sec. RD41 版本 B02 无击穿现象发生。 No dielectric breakdown shall occur. (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品型号 Item.# RS-285G05A2-U RT 编号 No. SPC-5019-02 版本 VER A 页码 Page 3 of 9 操作速度:每秒 3~4 次 Operate second:3~4 times 4.4 触点跳跃 Ω ON: 10ms Max. Bounce OFF: 10ms Max. 5.机械性能 Mechanical Characteristics 项目 Item 实验方法 Test Method 5.1 操作力 Operating Force 在操作元件顶端沿操作方向均匀施加载荷,使操作元件 转换到动作位置。 A load shall be applied to the tip of actuator in operating direction to change the component to operating position. 5.2 回复力 Releasing Force 在操作元件顶端沿操作方向均匀减少载荷,使操作元件 从动作位置转换到释放位置。 A load shall be reduced to the tip of actuator in operating direction to change component from operating position to release position. 5.3 行程 Travels 5.4 5.5 5.6 接线端强度 Terminal strength 胶柄强度 Actuator strength 从自由位置到动作位置的距离。 The distance from initial position to operating Position. 标准 Criteria +50 160-30gf ≥50gf +0.2 0.25-0.1 mm 以 500gf/4.9N 静载荷作用于接线端末端任一方向,保持 60 秒, 每个接线端子测量一次。 A static load of 500gf/4.9N shall be applied to The Top of terminal in a desired direction for 60 Sec. The test shall be done once per terminal. 端子无松动,损坏及绝缘层的破 裂。 Shall be free from terminal looseness damage and insulator breakage. 电气性能应符合第 4 部分的要求。 The electrical performance requirements specified in section 4 shall be satisfied. 在胶柄顶部沿操作方向施力 5Kgf/49N 静负载持续 60 秒,在胶柄 无外观及功能损坏,电气性能 沿操作反方向施加静负载 0.5Kgf(4.9N) 持续 60 秒 A static load of 5.1Kgf/50N shall be applied in the operating direction at the top of knob for 60 sec ,A static load to the Knob in the operating opposite direction 0.5Kgf(4.9N) for 60 sec 应符合第 2.1~2.3 部份的要求 No abnormalities shall be observed in appearance and operation. The electrical Performance Requirements specified in item 4.1~4.3 shall be satisfied 开关在下述参数条件下进行试验 超过 90%的焊锡面积被焊料所覆 Switch shall be checked after following test 盖。 可焊性 (1) 焊料 Solder: Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu More than 90% of immersed part Solder (2) 焊剂 Flux: Rosin Flux JIS K 5902 shall be covered with solder. Ability (3) 焊接温度:245±3℃ 焊接时间:3±0.5 Sec Soldering Temperature: 245±3℃ Immersing Time: 3±0.5 Sec RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品型号 Item.# 5.7 RS-285G05A2-U RT 编号 No. SPC-5019-02 版本 VER A 页码 Page 4 of 9 回流焊接条件 Reflow soldering conditions 产品两次回流焊后无外观及功能 预热:被焊接部品进入焊接设备之后的 120±18 秒,铜片表 损坏,电气性能应符合第 4.1~4.3 面的温度可达到 180℃ 部份的要求 Preheat: Temperature on the copper foil surface No abnormalities shall be Should reach 180℃, 120±18 second after the P.W.B observed in appearance and entered into the soldering equipment. operation. 焊接温度:被焊接部品进入焊接区的 40 秒内,铜片表面温度 The electrical Performance 最高可达 260℃。 Requirements specified in Soldering heat: Temperature on the copper foil surface 4.1~4.3 shall be satisfied . 耐焊性 should reach the peak temperature of 260℃ within 40 After the secondly solder. Solder Heat seconds after the P.W.B enter into soldering heat zone. item Resistance Temperature Profile 开关采用常规的安装方法牢固地安装在试验设备上,并在 下述参数条件下进行试验: Switch shall be secured to a testing machine by a normal mounting device and method. Switch shall be measured after following test.: 5.8 耐振性 Vibration (1)振频(Vibration frequency range)=10-55Hz 电气性能应符合第 4 部份的要求 (2)振幅(Total amplitude)=1.5mm Electrical characteristics (3)振动变化速率(Sweep ratio):10-55-10Hz of items 4.1~4.3 shall be satisfied. 大约 1 分钟(Approx. 1 min.) (4)变频方法:对数或线性形式 机械性能应符合 5.1~5.3 项要求 (Method of changing the sweep vibration frequency: Mechanical characteristics logarithmic or linear) of items 5.1~5.3 shall (5)振动方向:三个相互垂直的方向,其中一个方向应是 be satisfied. 促动元件运动的方向 ( Direction of vibration: Three perpendicular directions including actuating direction.) (6)时间:每个方向 2 小时(共 6 小时) Duration : 2 hours / direction (6 hours in total) 试件在下述参数条件下进 行试验: Switch shall be measured after following test: (1) 安装方法:常规方法( Mounting Method: Normal ) 2 (2) 加速度(Acceleration): 784m/s (80G) (3) 时间(Duration): 11±1ms 5.9 耐冲击性 Shock (4) 实验方向:图示 6 方向(Test Direction: 6 directions) (5) 冲击次数:每个方向 3 次 (总共 18 次) Number of shocks: 3 times per direction (18 times in total) 电气性能应符合第 4 部份的要求 Electrical characteristics of items 4.1~4.3 shall be satisfied. 机械性能应符合 5.1~5.3 项要求 Mechanical characteristics of items 5.1~5.3 shall be satisfied. RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品型号 Item.# RS-285G05A2-U RT 编号 No. SPC-5019-02 版本 VER A 页码 Page 5 of 9 6.寿命试验 Durability Characteristics 项目 Item 实验方法 Test Method 标准 Criteria 在带负荷 DC12V 50mA 的条件下,在寿命试验设备上连续 实验后 After test: 转换 100,000 次.(120-180 次/分). 接触电阻:200mΩ Max. 100,000 cycles of operation shall be performed Contact resistance:200mΩ Max. continuously at a rate of 120-180 cycles per 绝缘电阻:10MΩ Min. minute with DC12V 50mA load. Insulation resistance:10MΩ Min. 抗电强度应符合第 4.3 项的要求。 Electrical performance Requirements 负荷寿命 6.1 specified in item 4.3 shall Operating be satisfied. Life With 操作力变化范围:规格值±30% Load Operating force range: ±30% Specified value 开关外观及结构应无损坏。 The switch shall be free from Abnormalities in appearance & construction. 7.耐候性能 Weather Proof Characteristics: 项目 Item 7.1 低温 Cold Proof 实验方法 Test Method 开关在-40±2℃的温控箱内保持 250 小时,然后在正常温度 实验后 After test: 和湿度下恢复 2 小时,并在此后 1 小时内对开关进行测量, 接触电阻:200mΩ Max. 水滴应消失。 Contact resistance:200mΩ Max. After testing at -40±2℃ for 250 hours the switch 绝缘电阻:10MΩ Min. Shall be allowed to stand under normal temperature and humidity conditions for 2 hours and measurement shall be made within 1 hour after that Water drops shall be eliminated. 开关在 90±2℃的温控箱内保持 250 小时,然后在正常温度 7.2 标准 Criteria Insulation resistance:10MΩ Min. 抗电强度应符合第 4.3 项的要求 Electrical performance requirements specified in item 4.3 shall be satisfied 和湿度下恢复 2 小时,并在此后 1 小时内对开关进行测量。 操作力变化范围:规格值±10% After testing at 90±2℃ for 250 hours the switch Operating force range: 高温 shall be allowed to stand under normal temperature ±10% Specified value Hot Proof and humidity conditions for 2 hours and measurement 开关外观及结构应无损坏 shall be made within 1hour after that. The switch shall be free from abnormalities in appearance and construction. 开关在 60±2℃,90-95%RH 的温控箱内保持 250 小时然后在 正常温度和湿度下恢复 2 小时,并在此后 1 小时内对开关进 行测量,水滴应消失。 恒定湿热 7.3 After testing at 60±2℃ ,90-95% RH for 250 hours the Moisture switch shall be allowed to stand under normal temperature Resistance and humidity conditions for 2 hours and measurement shall be made within 1 hour after that Water drops shall be eliminated . RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品型号 Item.# RS-285G05A2-U RT 编号 No. SPC-5019-02 版本 VER 开关按下述实验条件试验 50 个循环,然后在正常温度和湿度下 恢复 2 小时,并在此后 1 小时内对开关进行测量,水滴应消失。 After 50 cycles of following conditions the switch shall be allowed to stand under normal temperature and humidity conditions for 2 hours and measurement shall be made within 1 hour after that. Water drops 温度转换 shall be eliminated . 页码 Page 6 of 9 实验后 After test: 接触电阻:200mΩ Max. Contact resistance:200mΩ Max. 绝缘电阻:10MΩ Min. Insulation resistance:10MΩ Min. 抗电强度应符合第 4.3 项的要求 Electrical performance requirements Temperature 7.4 A specified in item 4.3 shall Cycling be satisfied 操作力变化范围:规格值±10% Operating force range: ±10% Specified value 开关外观及结构应无损坏 The switch shall be free from abnormalities in appearance and construction. 实验后 After test: 7.5 耐硫化性 Resistance to sulfuration 硫化氢浓度 H2S Concentration: 3ppm 温度 Temperature: 40℃ 相对湿度 Relative Humidity: 80%RH 时间 Time: 96h 接触电阻:200mΩ Max. Contact resistance:200mΩ Max. 其它电气性能应符合 4.2~4.3 项的要求 Other electrical characteristics of items 4.2~4.3 shall be satisfied. 机械性能应符合 5.1~5.3 项要求 Mechanical characteristics of items 5.1~5.3 shall 7.6 盐雾实验 Salt mist 温度 temperature:35±2℃ 浓度 salt solution concentration:5±1% 时间 time:(8h spray + 16h not spray) * 3 cycles be satisfied. Without excessive rust 无明显锈迹 8.包装要求:(Packing requirement) 项目 Item 实验方法 Test Method (1)振幅(Total amplitude)=1.5mm (2)振动变化速率(Sweep ratio):10-55-10Hz 大约 1 分钟(Approx. 1 min.) 8.1 包装振动 Vibration (3)振动方向:三个相互垂直的方向,其中一个方向应是 促动元件运动的方向 ( Direction of vibration: Three perpendicular 标准 Criteria 包装卷轮无损伤,产品编带完整。 Packaging material must not have any damage 开关正常 The normal switch directions including actuating direction.) (4)时间:每个方向2小时 Duration : 2 hours (1) 1 角 3 边 6 面各测试一次 Free fall test will be applied to each surface and edge and corner from a specified height. 包装跌落实验 8.2 Packaging Drop Test (2)边和底面跌落高度为 75CM,其他为 60CM(10KG 以下) The package is below 10kg, with drop heights as follows: - bottom surface and edge, 75cm - all other, 60 cm RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品型号 Item.# RS-285G05A2-U RT 编号 No. SPC-5019-02 版本 VER A 页码 Page 7 of 9 9.本产品规格书适用范围The applied scope of the specification 序号 No. 1 适用范围 Applies the scope 序号 No. RS-285G05A2-U RT 3 适用范围 Applies the scope 2 4 注意事项 Precautions for use: 1.一般事项 General: 1. 本产品主要用于自动化装置,视像装置,家用电器,信息装置及通讯装置等常用电子设备中;如果该产品要用于其它具有更高安全性 及可靠性的耐久性设备中(如生命维持装置,宇宙航空装置,防灾及安全性装置)时,请确认是否合用,或者同我方了解详细情况 The product is used mainly in electronic devices such as automotive devices, visual devices, home electrical appliances, information devices and communication settings. If the products is intended to be used for other endurance equipments requiring higher safety and reliability such as life support system, space and aviation devices, disaster and safety system,it’s necessary to make verification of conformity or contact us for the details before using 2.焊接安装 Soldering and assembly: 2. (1)如果焊锡时,有施力在端子部位的话,则端子可能会变形且易出现电气性能不良 If there is force applied on the terminal during soldering, the terminal may deform and the electrical characteristics may not be satisfied (2)焊锡条件应按照实际的对应条件予以确认 The soldering conditions should be confirmed according to the actual production environment (3)焊锡工序完成后,不要尝试用溶剂或类似物品清洗开关 Don’t try to clean the switch with a solvent or similar substance after the soldering process (4)开关焊锡后,还有热量时,请不要操作开关 Don’t operate the switch if it still has heat after soldering (5)如使用水溶性助焊剂,可能会导致开关破损,因此应确保不要用这种助焊剂 The switch might be damaged if using the water-soluble flux, so make sure not to use such kind of flux 3.安装构造,机械设计 Assembly structure and Mechanical design: 3. (1)线路板上安装孔及安装图示的尺寸都须参照工程图中所建议的尺寸 The dimensions for the holes and the pattern on PCB should refer to the recommended dimensions on the engineering drawing (2)操作条件 Operating Conditions 打键部件的许可倾斜角度为 90±3° The allowable inclination of keying section is 90±3° (3)如果施超出规定值的较大重力于开关上,会导致开关破损,所以应特别小心防止开关承受超出规定值的较大重力 The switch might be broken if there is stress stronger than the specified is given on it. Take special care not to stress the switch beyond its specification (4)把本公司的产品和其它产品配合使用时,请客户确认必须适合的规格、法规或规定。另请客户自身确认本公司产品装到客户使用 的系统、机械、装置上的适用性.如果想变更开关使用条件,请预先与本公司进行协商 If the switch is being used together other products, please confirm the compatibility of the specification, laws and regulations. Please also confirm the compatibility of switch to be installed in the systems, machines and devices RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品型号 Item.# RS-285G05A2-U RT 编号 No. SPC-5019-02 版本 VER A 页码 Page 8 of 9 used by customer. If you want to change the operating conditions of the switch, please consult with us in advance 4.使用环境 Operating Environment 4. (1)如果该产品常用于产生硫化气体的硫性热源周围或有汽车废气存在的地方,应特别留意,因为开关性能可能会受到影响; If the product is always used near sulfurate hot spring where sulfide gas is generated or in a place where exhaust gas from automobiles exists, it’s necessary to pay more attention because the switch performance may be affected. (2)如果在安装开关的模组内有以下所描述的部件材料,需遵循以下要求: If the below parts or materials are used in the module where the switch is installed, directions below should be followed: ① 部品、橡胶材料、粘合剂、包装材料及用于装置内机械部件上的润滑油剂等,不要使用那些可能会产生硫化气体或氧化气体 的材料 For parts, rubber materials, adhesive agents, packing material and grease used for the mechanical part of the device, don’t use any material that may generate gas of sulfurization or oxidization. ② 当有用到磷橡胶、润滑油、粘合剂及油脂时,应使用不会产生低分子磷氧烷气体的材料,因为低分子磷氧烷气体会在开关接触 部位形成二氧化磷层从而引起接触不良,如有用到(如涂料剂等化学溶剂),请预先告知我方 If silicon rubber, grease, adhesive agents and oil are used, choose the material that will not generate low molecular siloxane gas, because the low molecular siloxane gas may form silicon dioxide coat on the switch contact part, resulting of failing contact. (3)不要将开关用于高湿或有沾湿可能性的环境中,因这样的环境可能会引起端子间电流泄漏 Don’t use the switch in the environment with high humidity or other bedewing possibility, as it may cause leaking among the terminals (4)外部浸入物的影响 The effect caused by outer immersed dust: 由于该开关无密封机构,因此可能会由于外部环境中浸入的尘埃而引起接触失效,在使用该开关时,应采取防尘措施,以下是尘埃 浸入的范例,使用时请注意防止: Because the switch was designed without dust-proof structure, it may have failing contact due to the immersed dust from the outer environment. When using the switch, it’s necessary to take dust-proof actions. Examples of immersed dust, which should be prevented during the operation: ① 加工过程中切口处及 PCB 孔处产生碎屑,或 PCB 防护材料,(如报纸、发泡、聚苯乙烯材料等)产生的废弃物等浸入开关内 The scraps being generated during PCB processing, or other waste from the protective material for PCB such as newspaper, foam, polystyrene materials, may immerse inside the switch. ② 在堆叠 PCB 时产生的助焊剂或粉末状焊剂浸入开关内 The flux or solder powder being generated when stacking the PCB may immerse inside the switch. 5.保存方法 5. Storage Method: (1)为防止本产品的性能劣化和耐焊性等性能受到影响,建议保管在以下的条件和环境下 In order to protect the switch performance and the soldering conditions, advice it should keep the switch under the following conditions ① 避免保存在含有腐蚀性气体等的空气中 Avoid storing in the environment containing corrosive gas ② 产品购入后,不可超过 6 个月以上长期保管 After purchasing, the storage period should not exceed 6 months ③ 避免保存在日光能直射的场所 Avoid keeping it in the location with direct sunlight RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品型号 Item.# RS-285G05A2-U RT 编号 No. SPC-5019-02 版本 VER A 页码 Page 9 of 9 (2)在不施加负重外力的包装状态下进行保管,自锁开关应是解锁状态下保存 Store using the standard packing without exerting force, self-lock switch should be kept as released function (3)打开包装后,请尽早使用,有剩余品时,应将剩余部分以胶袋包装好以同外界隔离,请进行合适的防湿,防腐蚀气体等处理后进行保管 After opening the package, preferably to be used as soon as possible, you should put the remaining switches in a plastic bag to prevent from damp and corrosive gas 6.其它 Others 6. 请特别注意严格遵守以下的禁止事项及注意事项: Please take good care to comply with the following guidelines: (1)关于火灾,冒烟的禁止事项 The prohibited practices where there is fire and fume: ① 超过额定负荷使用时,有发生火灾的可能性,故请切勿超负荷使用 It might catch fire if the rating exceeds the specifications. Never use the switch beyond the rating. ② 如果有误使用、异常使用等有可能超过额定电流的话,请采取对策.如:通过设置保护电路等切断电流 If the rating may exceed due to some abuse or abnormal usage, please take protective measures such as protective circuit to shut down the circuit ③ 本产品使用的非金属材料,其抗燃等级是根据 UL94 的判定基准,若有使用 94HB 等级的材料,则禁止使用在有可能产生漫延燃 烧的地方,或采取延烧防止对策 The fire-resistance grade of the resin used in the switch meets UL94HB rating, according to the UL94 Standard for burning test of plastics. Do not use the switch where there may be danger of getting fire, or take protective measures to prevent from catching fire (2)对于追求安全性产品的注意事项 Precautions to the products requiring special safety: ① 对于产品品质我司以期万全,但有可能发生寿命等故障形式,如性能劣化、短路、常开等。因此,在设计追求安全性产品的时 候:“对于零件单一故障,产品会出现什么故障”。请进行事前检讨 Though we are confident in switch quality, we can’t deny the possibility that there could be failure due to inferior performance, short or open circuit. Therefore, when designing the product requiring special safety, please verify in advance what effects would show on your product in case the switch alone may fail ② 准备保护电路、保护装置的系统以谋求安全 Prepare the system with protective circuit and protective devices for safety purposes ③ 准备安全备用电路,使单一的故障不会导致整体系统的失效,以确保安全性 Prepare safety standby circuit to preclude the whole system failure that may result from specific failure (3)不能将开关外壳的插脚作为电气接线端使用 Can not use the insert of switch housing as the electrical wiring terminal RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品规格书 Product Specification 编 号 No.: 版 本 Version: A 页 码 1 of 8 Page: 发出日期 Issued on: SPC-5339 2013-9-16 客户名称 Customer: 客户部件号 Customer Part No: 高铭产品名称 Comax Product Name: 触摸开关 Tact Switch 高铭产品型号 Comax Item No: RS-285G05A3-U RT 规格书确认 Specification For Approval 确认者 Approval by 备注 Remark: 1. 该规格书为客户与高铭公司在产品单品技术方面的共识,其它 相关数据上与该规格书不一致的内容都是无效的。 This Product Specification is considered as the technical agreement on product between the receiving customer and Comax. Any information on the Product Catalogue which is in conflict with or different from the corresponding information of this document is considered as invalid. 2. 如果顾客收到规格书后没有信息反馈而直接向我公司订货,我 们将认为贵客己接受此规格书。 If customer issue purchase orders without confirmation by signature of this specification after receipt, such confirmation will be considered as granted upon receipt of the first purchase order. 3. 本产品规格书从生效日起 1 年后,如果没有订货返回或再次申 请最新规格书时请作无效处理。 If there is no order or no request for new specification after 1 year upon this specification is issued, the specification will be regarded as invalid. 签名或盖章 Signature: 日期 Date: 若确认此规格书,请签复此页.Please return this copy as a certification of your approval. 规格书更改记录 Record of Change Specification 版本 Version 修改总项 History×Count 生产地:中国 明细 日期 拟制 Details Date Pred Country of Origin: China 地址:中国广东省惠州市惠台工业园区 65 号小区 Address: No.65, Huitai Industrial Zone, Huizhou, Guangdong, China 拟制 Prepared by: 张渠江 2013-9-16 审核 Checked by: 王光云 2013-9-16 批准 Approved by: 廖铁军 2013-9-16 电话 Tel: 86-752-2773999 传真 Fax: 86-752-2600599 电子邮箱 E-Mail: [email protected] 网址 Website: RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品型号 Item.# RS-285G05A3-U RT 编号 No. SPC-5339 版本 Version A 页码 Page 2 of 8 1.一般特性 General Characteristics: 该规格书指触摸开关的一般使用范围 1.1 适用范围 This specification is applied to the tact switch for general applications Application 1.2 使用温度范围 -20℃到+70℃ Operating Temperature Range -20℃ to +70℃ 1.3 使用相对湿度范围 ≦96%RH,+40℃ Operating Relative Humidity Range 1.4 保存温度范围 ≦96%RH at +40℃ -20℃到+70℃ Keep Temperature Range -20℃ to +70℃ 若没有特别说明,则试验大气条件如下 Unless otherwise specified, the atmospheric conditions for making measurements 1.5 实验条件 and tests are as follows Test Conditions 环境温度 Ambient Temperature: 5-35℃ 大气压力 Air Pressure: 86-106kPa(860-1060mbar) 相对湿度 Relative Humidity: 45-85%RH 1.6 回路数 Function 1 回路 1 接点 1 Pole 1 Throw 1.7 切换类型 Change Over Timing 先断开后导通 Non-shorting 2.外观,结构及尺寸 Appearance Structure and Dimensions 2.1 外观 产品外观良好,无锈蚀、裂纹和镀层缺陷。 Appearance The switch shall have good finishing, and no rust, crack or plating Defects. 2.2 结构及尺寸 参见产品图纸 ITEM3430 Structure & Dimensions Refer to individual product drawing ITEM3430 2.3 标识 参见产品图纸 ITEM3430 Markings Refer to individual product drawing ITEM3430 3.额定负荷及寿命 Ratings & Life 额定负荷 Ratings 负荷寿命 Operating life with load DC12V 50mA 100,000 次 cycles 4.电气性能 Electrical Characteristics 项目 Item 标准 Criteria 以 1A 5V DC 或在 1kHz±200Hz 20mV Max,50mA Max 采用智能低 初期接触电阻 4.1 Initial Contact 实验方法 Test Method 100mΩ Max. Resistance 电阻测试仪测量 Shall be measured at 1kHz±200Hz 20mV Max, 50mA Max or 1A,5V DC by auto low ohm meter 在相互绝缘的所有端子之间及各接线端子与外壳之间加载 4.2 DC100V,持续时间 60±5 秒 绝缘电阻 Insulation Resistance 100MΩ Min. A voltage of DC100V shall be applied between open terminals, and between the terminal and the metal frame for 60±5 sec. 在相互绝缘的所有接线端子之间及各接线端子与外壳之间加载 4.3 抗电强度 Dielectric Voltage 无击穿现象发生 AC250V(50-60Hz)泄漏电流 10mA,持续时间 60±5 秒 No dielectric A voltage of AC250V(50-60Hz), 10mA trip current shall be breakdown shall occur applied between open terminals, and between the frame and the terminal for 60±5 sec. RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品型号 Item.# RS-285G05A3-U RT 编号 No. SPC-5339 版本 Version A 页码 Page 3 of 8 5.机械性能 Mechanical Characteristics 项目 Item 5.1 操作力 Operating Force 标准 Criteria 实验方法 Test Method 250±50gf (2.45±0.49N) 在操作元件顶端沿操作方向均匀施加载荷,使操作元件转换到动 作位置 A load shall be applied to the tip of actuator in Operating direction to change the component to operating position 5.2 回复力 Releasing Force 50gf Min. (0.49N Min.) 在操作元件顶端沿操作方向均匀减少载荷,使操作元件从动作位 置转换到释放位置 A load shall be reduced to the tip of actuator in operating direction to change component from operating position to release position 5.3 行程 Travels +0.2 0.25 -0.1 mm 从自由位置到动作位置的距离 The distance from initial position to operating position. 接线端强度 Terminal strength 端子无松动,损坏及绝缘层的破裂 Shall be free from terminal looseness damage and insulator breakage. 电气性能应符合第 4 部分的要求 The electrical performance requirements specified in section 4 shall be satisfied. 以 500gf/4.9N 静载荷作用于接线端末端任一方向,保持 60 秒,每 个接线端子测量一次 A static load of 500gf/4.9N shall be applied to the top of terminal in a desired direction for 60 sec. The test shall be done once per terminal. 5.4 开关在下述参数条件下进行试验 Switch shall be checked after following test 5.5 可焊性 Solder Ability 超过 90%的焊锡面积被焊料所覆盖 More than 90% of immersed part shall be covered with solder (1) 焊料 Solder: Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu (2) 焊剂 Flux: Rosin Flux JIS K 5902 (3) 焊接温度:245±3℃ 焊接时间:3±0.5 sec Soldering Temperature: 245±3℃ Immersing Time: 3±0.5 sec RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品型号 Item.# RS-285G05A3-U RT 编号 No. SPC-5339 版本 Version A 页码 Page 4 of 8 回流焊接条件 Reflow soldering conditions 预热:被焊接部品进入焊接设备之后的 2±0.3 分钟,铜片表面的 温度可达到 180℃ Preheat: Temperature on the copper foil surface should reach 180℃, 2±0.3 minutes after the P.W.B entered into the soldering equipment 焊接温度:被焊接部品进入焊接区的 40 秒内,铜片表面温度最高 可达 260℃ Soldering heat: Temperature on the copper foil 5.6 耐焊性 无外观及功能损坏,电气性能应符 surface should reach the peak temperature of 260℃ 合第 4 部份的要求 within 40 seconds after the P.W.B enter into soldering No abnormalities shall be heat zone observed in appearance and Solder Heat Resistance operation. The electrical Performance Requirements specified in item 4 shall be satisfied 6.寿命试验 Durability Characteristics 项目 Item 标准 Criteria 实验方法 Test Method 实验后 After test: 接触电阻: 200mΩ Max. Contact resistance: 200mΩ Max. 绝缘电阻: 10MΩ Min. Insulation resistance: 10MΩ Min. 负荷寿命 6.1 Operating Life With Load 抗电强度应符合第 4.3 项的要求。 Electrical performance requirements specified in item 4.3 shall be satisfied 操作力变化范围:规格值±30% Operating force range:±30% specified 在带负荷 DC12V 50mA 的条件下,在寿命试验设备上连续转换 100,000 次.(120-180 次/分). 100,000 cycles of operation shall be performed continuously at a rate of 120-180 cycles per minute with DC12V 50mA load. value 开关外观及结构应无损坏 The switch shall be free from abnormalities in appearance & construction. RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品型号 Item.# RS-285G05A3-U RT 编号 No. SPC-5339 版本 Version A 页码 Page 5 of 8 7.耐候性能 Weather Proof Characteristics: 项目 Item 标准 Criteria 实验方法 Test Method 开关在-30±2℃的温控箱内保持 96 小时,然后在正常温度 和湿度下恢复 2 小时,并在此后 1 小时内对开关进行测量,水 滴应消失 7.1 低温 After testing at -30±2℃ for 96 hours the switch Cold Proof shall be allowed to stand under normal temperature and humidity conditions for 2 hours and measurement shall be made within 1 hour after that Water drops shall be eliminated 开关在 80±2℃的温控箱内保持 96 小时,然后在正常温度和 湿度下恢复 2 小时,在此后 1 小时内对开关进行测量 7.2 高温 After testing at 80±2℃ for 96 hours the switch Hot Proof shall be allowed to stand under normal temperature and humidity conditions for 2 hours and measurement shall be made within 1 our after that. 开关在 40±2℃,90-95%RH 的温控箱内保持 96 小时,然后在 恒定湿热 7.3 Moisture Resistance 实验后 After test: 正常温度和湿度下恢复 2 小时,在此后 1 小时内对开关进行 接触电阻: 200mΩ Max. 测量,水滴应消失 Contact resistance: 200mΩ Max. After testing at 40±2℃,90-95%RH for 96 hours the 绝缘电阻: 10MΩ Min. switch shall be allowed to stand under normal Insulation resistance: 10MΩ Min. temperature and humidity conditions for 2 hours and 抗电强度应符合第 4.3 项的要求 measurement shall be made within 1 hour after that Electrical performance requirements Water drops hall be eliminated specified in item 4.3 shall be satisfied 操作力变化范围:规格值±10% Operating force range: ±10% specified value 开关按下述实验条件试验 5 个循环,然后在正常温度和湿度 下恢复 2 小时,并在此后 1 小时内对开关进行测量,水滴应消 失 After 5 cycles of following conditions the switch 开关外观及结构应无损坏 shall be allowed to stand under normal temperature The switch shall be free from and humidity conditions for 2 hours and measurement abnormalities in appearance and shall be made within 1 hour after that. Water drops construction shall be eliminated. 温度转换 7.4 Temperature Cycling RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品型号 Item.# RS-285G05A3-U RT 编号 No. SPC-5339 版本 Version A 页码 Page 6 of 8 8.开关材料表 BOM 序号 零部件名称 数量 No. Parts Name Quantity 防火等级 材料,规格 Material And Specifications 备注 Prevent fire grade Remarks 01 胶壳 HOUSING 1 PA UL94 V-0 02 胶柄 KNOB 1 PA UL94 V-0 03 盖片 COVER 1 SUS Ag PLATED 04 端子 TERMINAL 2 C2680R Ag PLATED 05 弹片 SPRING PLATE 2 SUS Ag CLAD 06 防尘膜 DUST COVER 1 POLYIMIDE TAPE NATURAL 9.本产品规格书适用范围The applied scope of the specification 序号 No. 1 适用范围 Applies the scope 序号 No. RS-285G05A3-U RT 3 适用范围 Applies the scope 2 4 注意事项 Precautions for use: 1.一般事项 General: 1. 本产品主要用于自动化装置,视像装置,家用电器,信息装置及通讯装置等常用电子设备中;如果该产品要用于其它具有更高安全性及可 靠性的耐久性设备中(如生命维持装置,宇宙航空装置,防灾及安全性装置)时,请确认是否合用,或者同我方了解详细情况 The product is used mainly in electronic devices such as automotive devices, visual devices, home electrical appliances, information devices and communication settings. If the products is intended to be used for other endurance equipments requiring higher safety and reliability such as life support system, space and aviation devices, disaster and safety system, it’s necessary to make verification of conformity or contact us for the details before using 2.焊接安装 Soldering and assembly: 2. (1)如果焊锡时,有施力在端子部位的话,则端子可能会变形且易出现电气性能不良 If there is force applied on the terminal during soldering, the terminal may deform and the electrical characteristics may not be satisfied (2)焊锡条件应按照实际的对应条件予以确认 The soldering conditions should be confirmed according to the actual production environment (3)焊锡工序完成后,不要尝试用溶剂或类似物品清洗开关 Don’t try to clean the switch with a solvent or similar substance after the soldering process (4)开关焊锡后,还有热量时,请不要操作开关 Don’t operate the switch if it still has heat after soldering (5)如使用水溶性助焊剂,可能会导致开关破损,因此应确保不要用这种助焊剂 The switch might be damaged if using the water-soluble flux, so make sure not to use such kind of flux 3.安装构造,机械设计 Assembly structure and Mechanical design: 3. (1)线路板上安装孔及安装图示的尺寸都须参照工程图中所建议的尺寸 The dimensions for the holes and the pattern on PCB should refer to the recommended dimensions on the engineering drawing (2)操作条件 Operating Conditions 打键部件的许可倾斜角度为 90±3° The allowable inclination of keying section is 90±3° (3)如果施超出规定值的较大重力于开关上,会导致开关破损,所以应特别小心防止开关承受超出规定值的较大重力 RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品型号 Item.# RS-285G05A3-U RT 编号 No. SPC-5339 版本 Version A 页码 Page 7 of 8 The switch might be broken if there is stress stronger than the specified is given on it. Take special care not to stress the switch beyond its specification (4)把本公司的产品和其它产品配合使用时,请客户确认必须适合的规格、法规或规定。另请客户自身确认本公司产品装到客户使用的系 统、机械、装置上的适用性.如果想变更开关使用条件,请预先与本公司进行协商 If the switch is being used together other products, please confirm the compatibility of the specification, laws and regulations. Please also confirm the compatibility of switch to be installed in the systems, machines and devices used by customer. If you want to change the operating conditions of the switch, please consult with us in advance 4.使用环境 Operating Environment 4. (1)如果该产品常用于产生硫化气体的硫性热源周围或有汽车废气存在的地方,应特别留意,因为开关性能可能会受到影响; If the product is always used near sulfurate hot spring where sulfide gas is generated or in a place where exhaust gas from automobiles exists, it’s necessary to pay more attention because the switch performance may be affected. (2)如果在安装开关的模组内有以下所描述的部件材料,需遵循以下要求: If the below parts or materials are used in the module where the switch is installed, directions below should be followed: ① 部品、橡胶材料、粘合剂、包装材料及用于装置内机械部件上的润滑油剂等,不要使用那些可能会产生硫化气体或氧化气体的材 料 For parts, rubber materials, adhesive agents, packing material and grease used for the mechanical part of the device, don’t use any material that may generate gas of sulfurization or oxidization. ② 当有用到磷橡胶、润滑油、粘合剂及油脂时,应使用不会产生低分子磷氧烷气体的材料,因为低分子磷氧烷气体会在开关接触部位 形成二氧化磷层从而引起接触不良,如有用到(如涂料剂等化学溶剂),请预先告知我方 If silicon rubber, grease, adhesive agents and oil are used, choose the material that will not generate low molecular siloxane gas, because the low molecular siloxane gas may form silicon dioxide coat on the switch contact part, resulting of failing contact. (3)不要将开关用于高湿或有沾湿可能性的环境中,因这样的环境可能会引起端子间电流泄漏 Don’t use the switch in the environment with high humidity or other bedewing possibility, as it may cause leaking among the terminals (4)外部浸入物的影响 The effect caused by outer immersed dust: 由于该开关无密封机构,因此可能会由于外部环境中浸入的尘埃而引起接触失效,在使用该开关时,应采取防尘措施,以下是尘埃浸入 的范例,使用时请注意防止: Because the switch was designed without dust-proof structure, it may have failing contact due to the immersed dust from the outer environment. When using the switch, it’s necessary to take dust-proof actions. Examples of immersed dust, which should be prevented during the operation: ① 加工过程中切口处及 PCB 孔处产生碎屑,或 PCB 防护材料,(如报纸、发泡、聚苯乙烯材料等)产生的废弃物等浸入开关内 The scraps being generated during PCB processing, or other waste from the protective material for PCB such as newspaper, foam, polystyrene materials, may immerse inside the switch. ② 在堆叠 PCB 时产生的助焊剂或粉末状焊剂浸入开关内 The flux or solder powder being generated when stacking the PCB may immerse inside the switch. 5.保存方法 Storage Method: 5. (1)为防止本产品的性能劣化和耐焊性等性能受到影响,建议保管在以下的条件和环境下 In order to protect the switch performance and the soldering conditions, advice it should keep the switch under the following conditions ① 避免保存在含有腐蚀性气体等的空气中 Avoid storing in the environment containing corrosive gas RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产) 产品型号 Item.# RS-285G05A3-U RT 编号 No. SPC-5339 版本 Version A 页码 Page 8 of 8 ② 产品购入后,不可超过 6 个月以上长期保管 After purchasing, the storage period should not exceed 6 months ③ 避免保存在日光能直射的场所 Avoid keeping it in the location with direct sunlight (2)在不施加负重外力的包装状态下进行保管,自锁开关应是解锁状态下保存 Store using the standard packing without exerting force, self-lock switch should be kept as released function (3)打开包装后,请尽早使用,有剩余品时,应将剩余部分以胶袋包装好以同外界隔离,请进行合适的防湿,防腐蚀气体等处理后进行保管 After opening the package, preferably to be used as soon as possible, you should put the remaining switches in a plastic bag to prevent from damp and corrosive gas 6.其它 Others 6. 请特别注意严格遵守以下的禁止事项及注意事项: Please take good care to comply with the following guidelines: (1)关于火灾,冒烟的禁止事项 The prohibited practices where there is fire and fume: ① 超过额定负荷使用时,有发生火灾的可能性,故请切勿超负荷使用 It might catch fire if the rating exceeds the specifications. Never use the switch beyond the rating. ② 如果有误使用、异常使用等有可能超过额定电流的话,请采取对策.如:通过设置保护电路等切断电流 If the rating may exceed due to some abuse or abnormal usage, please take protective measures such as protective circuit to shut down the circuit ③ 本产品使用的非金属材料,其抗燃等级是根据 UL94 的判定基准,若有使用 94HB 等级的材料,则禁止使用在有可能产生漫延燃烧的 地方,或采取延烧防止对策 The fire-resistance grade of the resin used in the switch meets UL94HB rating, according to the UL94 Standard for burning test of plastics. Do not use the switch where there may be danger of getting fire, or take protective measures to prevent from catching fire (2)对于追求安全性产品的注意事项 Precautions to the products requiring special safety: ① 对于产品品质我司以期万全,但有可能发生寿命等故障形式,如性能劣化、 短路、 常开等。 因此,在设计追求安全性产品的时候:“对 于零件单一故障,产品会出现什么故障”。请进行事前检讨 Though we are confident in switch quality, we can’t deny the possibility that there could be failure due to inferior performance, short or open circuit. Therefore, when designing the product requiring special safety, please verify in advance what effects would show on your product in case the switch alone may fail ② 准备保护电路、保护装置的系统以谋求安全 Prepare the system with protective circuit and protective devices for safety purposes ③ 准备安全备用电路,使单一的故障不会导致整体系统的失效,以确保安全性 Prepare safety standby circuit to preclude the whole system failure that may result from specific failure (3)不能将开关外壳的插脚作为电气接线端使用 Can not use the insert of switch housing as the electrical wiring terminal RD41 版本 B02 (保存期限:至该产品停产)