zulässiger Mittenversatz in Längs und Querrichtung während des Steckvorgangs jeweils ± 0,7mm allowed misalignment in longitudinal and transverse axes ± 0,7mm during the mating operation 0,7 0,7 zulässiger Winkelversatz während des Steckvorgangs, längs ± 4°, quer: ± 2° 4° allowed angular inclination longitudinal: ± 4°, transverse; ± 2°, during the mating operation 2° "Board to Board" Abstand für sichere Kontaktgabe: 5,0 - 20,0mm "Board to Board" distance for secure mating: 5,0 - 20,0mm Überstecksicherheit max. 1,9mm Copyright by ERNI GmbH Proprietary notice pursuant to ISO 16016 to be observed. 5,0 - 20,0 wipe length max. 1,9mm Tolerances Dimension Nr. All Dimensions in mm DIN 7167 Drawn Date Name 29.09.2010 Hörsch Designation Steckbedingungen 0,8 DRC Checked Mating conditions 0,8 DRC E05277 Electronics GmbH D-73099 ADELBERG e01 Modification Nr. Date Name Tool-Nr.: Material Approved Index 5:1 Scale Class A3 Board to Board Motherboard auf Tochterkarte Extender Karte Mezzanine Motherboard to daughter card Coplanar card abgewinkelte Messerleiste abgewinkelte Federleiste Right angle Male Right angle Female 1,875 abgewinkelte Federleiste 3,125 Right angle Female Messerleiste 3,45 G 7,5 14,00 F D B 3,45 A A C E B Vertical Male Federleiste Federleiste Messerleiste Vertical Female Vertical Female Vertical Male 10,0 10,0 20,00 10,0 11,75 15,00 10,0 12,75 16,00 abgewinkelte Messerleiste 10,0 9,0 19,00 8,0 9,75 13,00 9,0 10,75 14,00 Right angle Male 8,0 10,0 18,00 6,0 7,75 11,00 2,0 8,75 12,00 8,0 9,0 17,00 4,0 5,75 9,00 1,0 6,75 10,00 6,0 10,0 16,00 6,0 9,0 15,00 A D E B F G 4,0 10,0 14,00 4,0 9,0 13,00 10,0 2,0 12,00 10,0 1,0 11,00 8,0 2,0 10,00 8,0 1,0 9,00 6,0 2,0 8,00 6,0 1,0 7,00 4,0 2,0 6,00 4,0 1,0 5,00 A B C Height Female Connector B = Höhe Messerleiste Height Male Connector B = Höhe Messerleiste Height Female Connector Height Male Connector Überstecksicherheit max. 1,9mm - wipe length max. 1,9mm Copyright by ERNI GmbH Proprietary notice pursuant to ISO 16016 to be observed. A = Höhe Federleiste A = Höhe Federleiste Tolerances Information: 5:1 Scale All Dimensions in mm All rights reserved. Only for Information. To ensure that this is the latest version of this drawing, please contact one of the ERNI companies before using. Designation Subject to modification without prior notice. Drawing will not be updated. Steckmöglichkeiten 0,8 DRC Stacking Dimensions 0,8 DRC E05279 www.ERNI.com Index Date Class K A3 Board nach Kabel Board to Cable Federleiste SKV Female IDC Female IDC B 11 7,75 H Federleiste SKV Messerleiste Vertical Male 10,0 16,00 9,0 15,00 2,0 8,00 1,0 7,00 B H 2,5 Messerleiste Vertical Male B = Höhe Messerleiste Copyright by ERNI GmbH Proprietary notice pursuant to ISO 16016 to be observed. Height Male Connector Tolerances Information: 5:1 Scale All Dimensions in mm All rights reserved. Only for Information. To ensure that this is the latest version of this drawing, please contact one of the ERNI companies before using. Designation Subject to modification without prior notice. Drawing will not be updated. Steckmöglichkeiten 0,8 DRC Stacking Dimensions 0,8 DRC E05279 www.ERNI.com Index Date Class K A3