STM8S003/103/903 Errata sheet STM8S003xx, STM8S103xx and STM8S903xx device limitations Silicon identification This errata sheet applies to the STMicroelectronics STM8S003xx, STM8S103xx and STM8S903xx devices. The full list of root part numbers is given in Table 2. The products can be identified as shown in Table 1: • By the revision code marked on the device package • By the last three digits of the Internal sales type printed on the box label Table 1. Device identification Revision code marked on the device(1) Sales type STM8S003xxxx Y/6 STM8S103xxxx Z and Y/6 STM8S903xxxx Z and Y/6 1. Refer to Appendix A: Revision code on device marking for details on how to identify the revision code according to the packages. Table 2. Device summary Part number December 2013 Part number STM8S003xx STM8S003K3, STM8S003F3 STM8S103xx STM8S103K3, STM8S103F3, STM8S103F2 STM8S903xx STM8S903K3, STM8S903F3 DocID17140 Rev 4 1/17 Contents STM8S003/103/903 Contents 1 Product evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 Silicon limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 Core limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1.1 Activation level (AL bit) not functional in Halt mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1.2 JRIL and JRIH instructions not available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1.3 Interrupt service routine (ISR) executed with priority of main process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.1.4 Unexpected DIV/DIVW instruction result in ISR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 System limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2.1 HSI RC oscillator cannot be switched off in Run mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2.2 LSI oscillator remains on in Active-halt mode when the AWU unit uses the HSE as input clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2.3 Flash / EEPROM memory is read incorrectly after wakeup from power down mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 EXTI limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.3.1 2.4 Timer peripheral limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.4.1 2.5 Corruption of read sequence for the 16-bit counter registers . . . . . . . . . 8 UART peripheral limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5.1 2.6 Possible collision in servicing of external interrupts (EXTI) . . . . . . . . . . . 7 UART PE flag cannot be cleared during the reception of the first half of Stop bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 I2C peripheral limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.6.1 I2C event management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.6.2 Corrupted last received data in I2C Master Receiver mode . . . . . . . . . 10 2.6.3 Wrong behavior of I2C peripheral in Master mode after misplaced STOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.6.4 Violation of I2C “setup time for repeated START condition” parameter . 11 2.6.5 In I2C slave “NOSTRETCH” mode, underrun errors may not be detected and may generate bus errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.6.6 I2C pulse missed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Appendix A Revision code on device marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2/17 DocID17140 Rev 4 STM8S003/103/903 1 Product evolution Product evolution Table 3 gives a summary of the fix status. Legend for Table 3: A = workaround available; N = no workaround available; P = partial workaround available, ‘-’ and grayed = fixed. Table 3. Product evolution summary Section Limitation Rev Z Rev Y/6 N N N N A A Section 2.1.4: Unexpected DIV/DIVW instruction result in ISR A A Section 2.2.1: HSI RC oscillator cannot be switched off in Run mode N N N N Section 2.2.3: Flash / EEPROM memory is read incorrectly after wakeup from power down mode A A Section 2.3: EXTI Section 2.3.1: Possible collision in servicing of limitations external interrupts (EXTI) N N Section 2.4: Timer peripheral limitations Section 2.4.1: Corruption of read sequence for the 16-bit counter registers A A Section 2.5: Section 2.5.1: UART PE flag cannot be cleared UART peripheral during the reception of the first half of Stop bit limitations A A Section 2.6.1: I2C event management A A Section 2.6.2: Corrupted last received data in I2C Master Receiver mode A A Section 2.6.3: Wrong behavior of I2C peripheral in Master mode after misplaced STOP A A Section 2.6.4: Violation of I2C “setup time for repeated START condition” parameter A A Section 2.6.5: In I2C slave “NOSTRETCH” mode, underrun errors may not be detected and may generate bus errors A A Section 2.6.6: I2C pulse missed A - Section 2.1.1: Activation level (AL bit) not functional in Halt mode Section 2.1.2: JRIL and JRIH instructions not Section 2.1: Core available limitations Section 2.1.3: Interrupt service routine (ISR) executed with priority of main process Section 2.2.2: LSI oscillator remains on in Active-halt mode when the AWU unit uses the Section 2.2: System limitations HSE as input clock Section 2.6: I2C peripheral limitations DocID17140 Rev 4 3/17 17 Silicon limitations STM8S003/103/903 2 Silicon limitations 2.1 Core limitations 2.1.1 Activation level (AL bit) not functional in Halt mode Description The AL bit is not supported in Halt mode. In particular, when the AL bit of the CFG_GCR register is set, the CPU does not return to Halt mode after exiting an interrupt service routine (ISR). It returns to the main program and executes the next instruction after the HALT instruction. The AL bit is supported correctly in WFI mode. Workaround No workaround available. No fix is planned for this limitation. 2.1.2 JRIL and JRIH instructions not available Description The JRIL (jump if port INT pin = 0) and JRIH (jump if port INT pin = 1) instructions are not supported by the devices covered by this errata sheet. These instructions perform conditional jumps: JRIL and JRIH jump if one of the external interrupt lines is low or high respectively. In the devices covered by this errata sheet, JRIL is equivalent to an unconditional jump and JRIH is equivalent to NOP. For further details on these instructions, see the STM8 CPU programming manual (PM0044). Workaround No workaround available. No fix is planned for this limitation. 2.1.3 Interrupt service routine (ISR) executed with priority of main process Description If an interrupt is cleared or masked when the context saving has already started, the corresponding ISR is executed with the priority of the main process. The next interrupt request can interrupt execution of the service routine Workaround At the beginning of the interrupt routine, change the current priority level in the CCR register by software. 4/17 DocID17140 Rev 4 STM8S003/103/903 2.1.4 Silicon limitations Unexpected DIV/DIVW instruction result in ISR Description In very specific conditions, a DIV/DIVW instruction may return a false result when executed inside an interrupt service routine (ISR). This error occurs when the DIV/DIVW instruction is interrupted and a second interrupt is generated during the execution of the IRET instruction of the first ISR. Under these conditions, the DIV/DIVW instruction executed inside the second ISR, including function calls, may return an unexpected result. The applications that do not use the DIV/DIVW instruction within ISRs are not impacted. Workaround 1 If an ISR or a function called by this routine contains a division operation, the following assembly code should be added inside the ISR before the DIV/DIVW instruction: push cc pop a and a,#$BF push a pop cc This sequence should be placed by C compilers at the beginning of the ISR using DIV/DIVW. Refer to your compiler documentation for details on the implementation and control of automatic or manual code insertion. Workaround 2 To optimize the number of cycles added by workaround 1, you can use this workaround instead. Workaround 2 can be used in applications with fixed interrupt priorities, identified at the program compilation phase: push #value pop cc where bits 5 and 3 of #value have to be configured according to interrupt priority given by I1 and I0, and bit 6 kept cleared. In this case, compiler workaround 1 has to be disabled by using compiler directives. No fix is planned for this limitation. DocID17140 Rev 4 5/17 17 Silicon limitations STM8S003/103/903 2.2 System limitations 2.2.1 HSI RC oscillator cannot be switched off in Run mode Description The internal 16 MHz HSI RC oscillator cannot be switched off in Run mode even if the HSIEN bit is programmed to 0. Workaround No workaround available. No fix is planned for this limitation. 2.2.2 LSI oscillator remains on in Active-halt mode when the AWU unit uses the HSE as input clock Description When the auto wake-up unit (AWU) uses the high speed external clock (HSE) divided by the prescaler (clock source enabled by setting the CKAWUSEL option bit), the LSI RC oscillator is not switched off when the device operates in Active Halt mode with the main voltage regulator (MVR) on. This causes negligible extra power consumption compared to the total consumption of the MCU in Active Halt mode with the MVR on. Workaround No workaround available. No fix is planned for this limitation. 2.2.3 Flash / EEPROM memory is read incorrectly after wakeup from power down mode Description If Flash/EEPROM memory has been put in power down mode (IDDQ), the first read access after wakeup could return incorrect content when fCPU is greater than 250 kHz + 5%. By default, the Flash/EEPROM memory is put in IDDQ mode when the MCU enters Halt mode and depending on the FLASH_CR1 register settings made by software, the Flash/EEPROM may be forced to IDDQ mode during active halt mode. As a consequence, the following behavior may be seen on some devices: • After wakeup from Low power mode, with Flash memory in IDDQ mode, program execution gets lost due to an incorrect read of the vector table. • Code reads an incorrect value from Flash/EEPROM memory, when forced in IDDQ mode. • Reset could be forced by an illegal opcode execution due to incorrect read of instruction. Note: 6/17 The use of the watchdog helps the application to recover in case of failure. DocID17140 Rev 4 STM8S003/103/903 Silicon limitations Workaround 1 Keep the Flash/EEPROM in operating mode when MCU is put in Halt mode or Active-halt mode. This is done by configuring both the HALT and AHALT bits in the FLASH_CR1 register before executing a HALT instruction to prevent the Flash/EEPROM entering IDDQ mode. Set HALT (bit 3) to ‘1’: 0: Flash in power-down mode when MCU is in Halt mode 1: Flash in operating mode when MCU is in Halt mode Keep AHALT (bit 2) at ‘0’: 0: Flash in operating mode when MCU is in Active-halt mode 1: Flash in power-down when MCU is in Active-halt mode Please refer to the datasheet for details on the impact on current consumption and wakeup time. Workaround 2 Reduce fCPU frequency to 250 kHz or lower before entering Low power mode to ensure correct Flash memory wakeup. This may be done using the clock divider (CPUDIV[2:0] bits in the CLK_CKDIVR register). The clock divider can be reconfigured back to its previous state by software after wakeup. This is illustrated by the following code example, assuming no divider is used in the application by default. CLK_CKDIVR = 0x06; _asm("HALT"); CLK_CKDIVR = 0x00; The interrupt service routine executed after wakeup could either stay at the slower clock speed, or reconfigure the clock setting. Care has to be taken to restore the previous clock divider setting at the end of interrupt routines when modifying the clock divider. 2.3 EXTI limitations 2.3.1 Possible collision in servicing of external interrupts (EXTI) Description When an interrupt handler starts executing a service routine and an external interrupt (EXTI) request is pending or arrives during the same cycle, the external interrupt is not executed. In addition, in nested interrupt mode, when the EXTI arrives between the 1st and the 2nd cycles before an interrupt handler with lower software priority starts executing its service routine, this EXTI interrupt tries to nest it. However, the EXTI request is cleared before fetching the interrupt vector and the previous handler is fetched instead. As a result the previous handler is executed twice and the EXTI service routine is not executed. The limitation described above is valid for interrupts with address differing by 16, as shown in Table 4. DocID17140 Rev 4 7/17 17 Silicon limitations STM8S003/103/903 Table 4. Potential interrupt conflicts EXTI source Conflicting vector EXTI0 – Port A I2C interrupt EXTI1 – Port B No conflict – reserved vector EXTI2 – Port C No conflict – reserved vector EXTI3 – Port D ADC interrupt EXTI 4 – Port E TIM4 interrupt Workaround No software workaround is available. It is recommended to choose the EXTI source to avoid conflicts. No fix is planned for this limitation. 2.4 Timer peripheral limitations 2.4.1 Corruption of read sequence for the 16-bit counter registers Description An 8-bit buffer is implemented for reading the 16-bit counter registers. Software must read the MS byte first, after which the LS byte value is buffered automatically (see Figure 1). This buffered value remains unchanged until the 16-bit read sequence is completed. When any multi-cycle instruction precedes the read of the LSB, the content of the buffer is lost and the second read returns the immediate content of the counter directly. Figure 1. 16-bit read sequence for the counter (TIMx_CNTR) Workaround Do not use multi-cycle instructions before reading the LSB. No fix is planned for this limitation. 8/17 DocID17140 Rev 4 STM8S003/103/903 Silicon limitations 2.5 UART peripheral limitations 2.5.1 UART PE flag cannot be cleared during the reception of the first half of Stop bit Description The PE flag is set by hardware when the UART is in reception mode and a parity error (PE) occurs. This flag cannot be cleared during the first half of the Stop bit period. If the software attempts to clear the PE flag at this moment, the flag is set again by hardware, thus generating an unwanted interrupt (assuming the PIEN bit has been set in the UART_CR1 register. Workaround 1. 2. Disable PE interrupts by setting PIEN to 0. After the RXNE bit is set (received data ready to be read), poll the PE flag to check if it a parity error occurred. For example, this could be done in the RXNE interrupt service routine. 2.6 I2C peripheral limitations 2.6.1 I2C event management Description As described in the I2C section of the STM8S and STM8A microcontroller reference manual (RM0016), the application firmware has to manage several software events before the current byte is transferred. If the EV7, EV7_1, EV6_1, EV6_3, EV2, EV8, and EV3 events are not managed before the current byte is transferred, problems may occur such as receiving an extra byte, reading the same data twice, or missing data. Workaround When the EV7, EV7_1, EV6_1, EV6_3, EV2, EV8, and EV3 events cannot be managed before the current byte transfer, and before the acknowledge pulse when the ACK control bit changes, it is recommended to use I2C interrupts in nested mode and to make them uninterruptible by increasing their priority to the highest priority in the application. No fix is planned for this limitation. DocID17140 Rev 4 9/17 17 Silicon limitations 2.6.2 STM8S003/103/903 Corrupted last received data in I2C Master Receiver mode Conditions In Master Receiver mode, when the communication is closed using method 2, the content of the last read data may be corrupted. The following two sequences are concerned by the limitation: • Sequence 1: transfer sequence for master receiver when N = 2 a) BTF = 1 (Data N-1 in DR and Data N in shift register) b) Program STOP = 1 c) Read DR twice (Read Data N-1 and Data N) just after programming the STOP bit. • Sequence 2: transfer sequence for master receiver when N > 2 a) BTF = 1 (Data N-2 in DR and Data N-1 in shift register) b) Program ACK = 0 c) Read Data N-2 in DR d) Program STOP bit to 1 e) Read Data N-1. Description The content of the shift register (data N) is corrupted (data N is shifted 1 bit to the left) if the user software is not able to read data N-1 before the STOP condition is generated on the bus. In this case, reading data N returns a wrong value. Workarounds • • 10/17 Workaround 1 – Sequence 1 When sequence 1 is used to close communication using method 2, mask all active interrupts between STOP bit programming and Read data N-1. – Sequence 2 When sequence 2 is used to close communication using method 2, mask all active interrupts between Read data N-2, STOP bit programming and Read data N-1. Workaround 2 Manage I2C RxNE and TxE events with interrupts of the highest priority level, so that the condition BTF = 1 never occurs. DocID17140 Rev 4 STM8S003/103/903 2.6.3 Silicon limitations Wrong behavior of I2C peripheral in Master mode after misplaced STOP Description The I2C peripheral does not enter Master mode properly if a misplaced STOP is generated on the bus. This can happen in the following conditions: • If a void message is received (START condition immediately followed by a STOP): the BERR (bus error) flag is not set, and the I2C peripheral is not able to send a START condition on the bus after writing to the START bit in the I2C_CR2 register. • In the other cases of a misplaced STOP, the BERR flag is set in the IC2_CR2 register. If the START bit is already set in I2C_CR2, the START condition is not correctly generated on the bus and can create bus errors. Workaround In the I2C standard, it is not allowed to send a STOP before the full byte is transmitted (8 bits + acknowledge). Other derived protocols like CBUS allow it, but they are not supported by the I²C peripheral. In case of noisy environment in which unwanted bus errors can occur, it is recommended to implement a timeout to ensure that the SB (start bit) flag is set after the START control bit is set. In case the timeout has elapsed, the peripheral must be reset by setting the SWRST bit in the I2C_CR2 control register. The I2C peripheral should be reset in the same way if a BERR is detected while the START bit is set in I2C_CR2. No fix is planned for this limitation. 2.6.4 Violation of I2C “setup time for repeated START condition” parameter Description In case of a repeated Start, the “setup time for repeated START condition” parameter (named tSU(STA) in the datasheet and Tsu:sta in the I2C specifications) may be slightly violated when the I2C operates in Master Standard mode at a frequency ranging from 88 to 100 kHz. tSU(STA) minimum value may be 4 μs instead of 4.7 μs. The issue occurs under the following conditions: 1. The I2C peripheral operates in Master Standard mode at a frequency ranging from 88 to 100 kHz (no issue in Fast mode) 2. and the SCL rise time meets one of the following conditions: – The slave does not stretch the clock and the SCL rise time is more than 300 ns (the issue cannot occur when the SCL rise time is less than 300 ns), or – the slave stretches the clock. Workaround Reduce the frequency down to 88 kHz or use the I2C Fast mode if it is supported by the slave. DocID17140 Rev 4 11/17 17 Silicon limitations 2.6.5 STM8S003/103/903 In I2C slave “NOSTRETCH” mode, underrun errors may not be detected and may generate bus errors Description The data valid time (tVD;DAT, tVD;ACK) described by the I2C specifications may be violated as well as the maximum current data hold time (tHD;DAT) under the conditions described below. In addition, if the data register is written too late and close to the SCL rising edge, an error may be generated on the bus: SDA toggles while SCL is high. These violations cannot be detected because the OVR flag is not set (no transmit buffer underrun is detected). This issue occurs under the following conditions: 1. The I2C peripheral operates In Slave transmit mode with clock stretching disabled (NOSTRETCH=1) 2. and the application is late to write the DR data register, but not late enough to set the OVR flag (the data register is written before the SCL rising edge). Workaround If the master device supports it, use the clock stretching mechanism by programming the bit NOSTRETCH=0 in the I2C_CR1 register. If the master device does not support it, ensure that the write operation to the data register is performed just after TXE or ADDR events. You can use an interrupt on the TXE or ADDR flag and boost its priority to the higher level. Using the “NOSTRETCH” mode with a slow I2C bus speed can prevent the application from being late to write the DR register (second condition). Note: The first data to be transmitted must be written into the data register after the ADDR flag is cleared, and before the next SCL rising edge, so that the time window to write the first data into the data register is less than tLOW. If this is not possible, a possible workaround can be the following: 1. Clear the ADDR flag 2. Wait for the OVR flag to be set 3. Clear OVR and write the first data. The time window for writing the next data is then the time to transfer one byte. In that case, the master must discard the first received data. 12/17 DocID17140 Rev 4 STM8S003/103/903 2.6.6 Silicon limitations I2C pulse missed Description When the I2C interface is used for long transmit/receive transactions, the MCU may return a NACK somewhere during the transaction instead of returning an ACK for all data. The received data may also be corrupted. In Master mode the I2C may not detect an incoming ACK. This is due to a weakness in the noise filter of the I/O pad which in certain conditions may cause the STM8 I2C to miss a pulse. The workaround described below is not a clean solution. Workaround Since data corruption is caused by noise generated by the CPU, CPU activity should be minimized during data reception and/or transmission. This is done by performing physical data transmission (Master mode) and reception (slave mode) in WFI state (wait for interrupt). To allow the device to be woken up from WFI, I2C transmission and reception routines must be implemented through interrupt routines instead of polling mechanisms. Receive and transmit interrupts (received data processing) must be triggered only by the BTF bit flag (byte transfer finished) in the I2C_SR1 register. This flag indicates that the I2C is in stretched state (data transfers are stretched on the bus). Clock stretching must be enabled to allow data transfers from the slave to be stopped and to allow the CPU to be woken up to read the received byte. To recover from possible errors, periodically check if the I2C does not remain in busy state for too long (BUSY bit set in I2C_SR3 register). If so, it should be reinitialized. Example of I2C slave code: //... //----------------------------------------------------------------void main() { Init_I2C(); // init I2C to use interrupts: ITBUFEN=0, ITEVTEN=1, ITERREN=1 while(1) DocID17140 Rev 4 13/17 17 Revision code on device marking Appendix A STM8S003/103/903 Revision code on device marking The revision code is marked on the package, except for revision Z which is not present on TSSOP20. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show the position of the revision code marking for the TSSOP20 and LQFP32 packages respectively. Figure 2. TSSOP20 top package view 6706[ 5HYLVLRQFRGH 06Y9 Figure 3. LQFP32 top package view 6706[ 5HYLVLRQFRGH 14/17 DocID17140 Rev 4 06Y9 STM8S003/103/903 Revision code on device marking Figure 4. UFQFPN32 top package view 0!#+!'%4/03)$% ,%'%.$ 5NMARKABLESURFACE -ARKINGCOMPOSITIONFIELD !DDITIONALINFORMATION INCLUDINGTHEREVISIONCODE -36 Figure 5. SDIP32 top package view 0!#+!'%4/03)$% ,%'%.$ 5NMARKABLESURFACE B -ARKINGCOMPOSITIONFIELD !DDITIONALINFORMATION INCLUDINGTHEREVISIONCODE -36 DocID17140 Rev 4 15/17 17 Revision history STM8S003/103/903 Revision history Table 5. Document revision history Date Revision 01-Apr-2010 1 Initial release. 2 Added revision 6. Added Section 2.1.4: Unexpected DIV/DIVW instruction result in ISR. Updated Table 3 and Section 2.6: I2C peripheral limitations. 3 Added references to device STM8S003 throughout the document. Updated Section 2.1.1: Activation level (AL bit) not functional in Halt mode. Renamed Section 2.2. 4 Added workaround to Section 2.1.3: Interrupt service routine (ISR) executed with priority of main process Added Section 2.2.3: Flash / EEPROM memory is read incorrectly after wakeup from power down mode Added Section 2.3.1: Possible collision in servicing of external interrupts (EXTI) Added Section 2.4.1: Corruption of read sequence for the 16-bit counter registers 21-Feb-2011 16-May-2012 06-Dec-2013 16/17 Changes DocID17140 Rev 4 STM8S003/103/903 Please Read Carefully: Information in this document is provided solely in connection with ST products. STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice. All ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale. Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection and use of the ST products and services described herein, and ST assumes no liability whatsoever relating to the choice, selection or use of the ST products and services described herein. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. If any part of this document refers to any third party products or services it shall not be deemed a license grant by ST for the use of such third party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in any manner whatsoever of such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein. 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WHERE ST PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR SUCH USE, THE PURCHASER SHALL USE PRODUCTS AT PURCHASER’S SOLE RISK, EVEN IF ST HAS BEEN INFORMED IN WRITING OF SUCH USAGE, UNLESS A PRODUCT IS EXPRESSLY DESIGNATED BY ST AS BEING INTENDED FOR “AUTOMOTIVE, AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY OR MEDICAL” INDUSTRY DOMAINS ACCORDING TO ST PRODUCT DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS. PRODUCTS FORMALLY ESCC, QML OR JAN QUALIFIED ARE DEEMED SUITABLE FOR USE IN AEROSPACE BY THE CORRESPONDING GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY. Resale of ST products with provisions different from the statements and/or technical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by ST for the ST product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of ST. ST and the ST logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ST in various countries. Information in this document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners. © 2013 STMicroelectronics - All rights reserved STMicroelectronics group of companies Australia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Philippines - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America DocID17140 Rev 4 17/17 17