CMX635 ISDN Subscriber Processor D/635/2 December 2001 Advance Information Features Applications • S/T Interface to ITU-T I.430 (TE & NT1) • ISDN Terminal Equipment • 2B + 1D-channel HDLC Controllers • ISDN Intelligent NT’s • IOM™-2 / GCI Interface • ISDN Phones and Feature Phones • Selectable A-Law/µ-Law PCM Codec • Digital & Analogue Answer-Phones • 100mW Speaker-Phone Output • Data Adaptors • 2 Independent Analogue Inputs • Active and Passive Terminal Adaptors • Pre-Programmed Tone Generators • Alarm Systems • V.23/Bell 202 FSK Generator • Point-Of-Sale Terminals • Ringing Signal and SPM Generators • ‘Group 4’ Fax Equipment • DTMF Encoder/Decoder • Video Phones IOM is a trademark of Siemens AG. 1.1 Brief Description The CMX635 is an integrated Subscriber Processor designed for low chip-count ISDN voice/data terminals and POTS terminal adaptors. Its functions facilitate operation in an ISDN feature phone with speakerphone capability or in a POTS terminal adapter with Subscriber Pulse Metering (SPM), DTMF encoder/decoder, Caller Line ID (CLID) and Caller ID on Call Waiting (CIDCW) capabilities. It also implements many functions needed in an intelligent NT or NT1Plus system. The CMX635 incorporates a 4-wire ST interface conforming to ITU-T I.430 and ETS 300 012-1 specifications. HDLC Controllers and associated FIFOs are provided for B1, B2 and D-channels, which can be configured to automatically process the bit stuffing, flag generation/recognition, address matching and CRC generation/checking required to support the ITU Q.921 protocol. An TM IOM-2 /GCI interface is provided to enable operation with other IOM compliant devices. The µController interface is compatible with multiplexed and non-multiplexed address/data busses and generic Motorola and Intel style control. The CMX635 will automatically detect which style of interface is being used and configure itself accordingly. The device is available in a 48pin TQFP package and has progressive powersave modes to aid low power operation. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 CONTENTS Page Section 1.1 Brief Description....................................................................................................1 1.2 CMX635 Block Diagrams .......................................................................................4 1.2.1 Functional Block Diagram ..................................................................................4 1.2.2 Analogue Block Diagram....................................................................................5 1.3 Signal List ..............................................................................................................6 1.3.1 Pin numbers.......................................................................................................6 1.3.2 Pin description ...................................................................................................7 1.4 External Components..........................................................................................10 1.4.1 Component Values...........................................................................................11 1.4.2 Equivalent Analogue Input/Output Circuits .......................................................12 1.5 Functional Description ........................................................................................13 1.5.1 The ST interface and Digital Phase Locked Loop .............................................14 1.5.2 The HDLC Controllers and FIFOs ....................................................................15 1.5.3 The IOM Interface............................................................................................17 1.5.4 The G.711 Codec and Analogue Gain Path......................................................19 1.5.5 The Tone Generator and Tone Decoder...........................................................19 1.5.6 The Channel Routing Block..............................................................................20 1.5.7 Speaker Phone Functions ................................................................................20 1.5.8 The Processor Interface, Top Level Status and Power Control .........................21 1.6 Programming Guide. ...........................................................................................23 1.6.1 Interrupt Structure ............................................................................................23 1.6.2 CMX635 Register Definition and Description....................................................25 ST Interface Block.......................................................................................25 Data Routing Block .....................................................................................31 HDLC FIFO Control.....................................................................................33 HDLC Rx Channel Control ..........................................................................36 HDLC Tx Channel Control...........................................................................40 IOM Interface Control..................................................................................42 Clock and Power Control .............................................................................45 Speaker Phone Statistics ............................................................................49 Audio Block.................................................................................................52 Tone/Codec Block.......................................................................................56 1.6.3 Register Address Definition Summary..............................................................63 1.7 Application Notes ................................................................................................67 1.7.1 Example CMX635 Configurations ....................................................................67 Dual Short Loop POTS System ...................................................................67 ISDN Telephone/Feature/Speaker Phone....................................................68 ISDN PC Card (Active Data Adaptor) ..........................................................69 Video Phone ...............................................................................................70 Intelligent NT or NT1Plus ............................................................................71 1.7.2 IOM-2 Interface Summary................................................................................72 General .......................................................................................................72 Frame Structure ..........................................................................................72 Monitor Channel Handshake Protocol..........................................................74 C/I0 Channel Description.............................................................................76 TIC Bus Description ....................................................................................76 1.7.3 Tone Switching ................................................................................................79 1.7.4 Telecom Tones ................................................................................................80 1.8 Performance Specification ..................................................................................84 1.8.1 Electrical Performance.....................................................................................84 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 2 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Absolute Maximum Ratings.........................................................................84 Operating Limits..........................................................................................84 Operating Characteristics ............................................................................85 1.8.2 Packaging........................................................................................................96 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 3 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 1.2 CMX635 Block Diagrams 1.2.1 Functional Block Diagram The diagram below shows the main elements of the CMX635. SPM Gen. SPM RX1O RX1P RX1N RX2O RX2P RX2N TX1OP TX1N TX1ON Vbias IOM Bias Gen. IOM Interface Clk Out XTAL Osc. Ring Gen. Analog Switching DTMF Decode Set I Codec + Tone Gen. Channel Routing S/T Interface Sp Phone Stats HDLC Fifo TX1O X1 X2 B1 Chan HDLC B2 Chan HDLC D Chan HDLC Lin1 Lin2 Lout1 Lout2 Vdd(a) Vdd(d) DPLL Vss(d) x2 Vss(a) x2 DTMF Encode TX2O FSK Encode TX2ON Microprocessor Interface status 8 Dtack Int CS Rd Wr ALE Dat/ Addr Add RX1 and RX2 channels used for Mic or POTS input. TX1 channel used for Earpiece or POTS output. TX2 channel used for loudspeaker or POTS Ring output. Figure 1. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited POR Reset For clarity, internal Processor bus not shown. CMX635 BLOCK DIAGRAM 4 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor 1.2.2 CMX635 Analogue Block Diagram S7 T2 DTMF DECODE Data RX1O RX1P Data AMPLITUDE Data STATS F1 (+3.9db) G1 G2 Data T1 RX1N S8 RX2O S1 RX2P A RX2N Data B -3db S2 Voice TX1N TX1O TX2O Voice S4 Tone S5 Ring S6 TX2ON SPM GENERATOR SPM G3 RX CODEC B Chan Rx DAT F2 (-3.9dB) FSK UART Data Data B Chan Tx DAT S3 Tone TX1ON TX CODEC G5 Sidetone TX1OP IS1 AMPLITUDE Data STATS Data TONE GENERATOR Data RING GENERATOR Data G4 Data Gx = Programmable Gain Sx = User Switch ISx = Internal Switch Fx = Filter Tx = Test Switch Notes: G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 = = = = = 0dB to 22.5dB ( in 1.5db steps) Level set/AGC gain. 0dB to –42dB (in 3dB steps + mute) - Speakerphone attenuation. +6dB to –42dB (in 0.5dB steps + mute) Speaker/ring output gain. 0dB to –42dB (in 3dB steps + mute) - Tone gain -6dB to –36dB (in 2dB steps) Sidetone gain. S1 – S8 = User selectable switches. IS1 = Internally operated switches (shown for information only). T1 - T2 = Test Switches (shown for information only). At reference points “A” and “B” the nominal signal level scaling as defined in ITU-T G714 is: 0dbm0 ≡ 0dBm = 775 mV r.m.s. at 5V power supply. The maximum unclipped sine wave possible on reference points “A” and “B” is: 3.14dbm0 ≡ 3.14dBm = 1.11 V r.m.s. for A law companding at 5 V supply. Peak to peak full scale input signal to Rx Codec is 0.986 x VDD for A-law companding, And 0.989 x VDD for µ-law companding. Figure 2. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited ANALOGUE BLOCK DIAGRAM 5 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 1.3 Signal List 1.3.1 Pin numbers The following table lists the complete pin description of the CMX635 48-pin TFQP (L4) package. Pin # 30 31 27 28 42 41 43 44 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 48 14 9 15 12 11 13 8 16 46 45 47 18 23 24 25 20 21 22 38 36 35 37 34 33 17 29 39 26 32 19 40 10 Name STTXp STTXn STRXp STRXn DCL FSC IOMTx IOMRx AD0 AD1 AD2 AD3 AD4 AD5 AD6 AD7 ASel Dtack ALE nWR nRD nCS nIRQ RESET X1 X2 CLKOUT VBIAS RX1O RX1P RX1N RX2O RX2P RX2N TX1OP TX1O TX1ON TX1N TX2O TX2ON SPM STISet VDDa VDDa VSSa VSSa VDDd VSSd Type Ana Ana Ana Ana It/Oc It/Oc O/D, It It, O/D Ic/Oc Ic/Oc Ic/Oc Ic/Oc Ic/Oc Ic/Oc Ic/Oc Ic/Oc Ic O/D Ic Ic Ic Ic O/D Ic Ana Ana Oc Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana Ana S S S S S S 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Function ST interface transmit output - positive ST interface transmit output - negative ST interface receive input - positive ST interface receive input - negative IOM-2 interface Data Clock IOM-2 interface Frame Sync IOM transmit output - DD when upstream device –Note 1 IOM receive input - DU when upstream device – Note 1 Processor Address/Data Bus bit 0 (lsb) Processor Address/Data Bus bit 1 Processor Address/Data Bus bit 2 Processor Address/Data Bus bit 3 Processor Address/Data Bus bit 4 Processor Address/Data Bus bit 5 Processor Address/Data Bus bit 6 Processor Address/Data Bus bit 7 (msb) Address Select Data Acknowledge Address Latch Enable (AS in Motorola style applications) Write Strobe (RD/nWR or E in Motorola style applications) Read Strobe (DS in Motorola style applications) Chip Select Interrupt request Chip Reset Crystal (or oscillator) input Crystal input 2 Clock Out - Buffered master clock Internal Bias. Analogue input amplifier #1 output Analogue input amplifier #1 positive input Analogue input amplifier #1 negative input Analogue input amplifier #2 output Analogue input amplifier #2 positive input Analogue input amplifier #2 negative input Output #1 raw output Output Amplifier #1 positive output - earpiece/POTS Output Amplifier #1 negative output - earpiece/POTS Output Amplifier #1 negative input Output Amplifier #2 positive output - Loudspeaker/Ring Output Amplifier #2 negative output - Loudspeaker/Ring Subscriber Pulse Metering Output ST Tx Current Limit Set Positive Analogue Supply, 2.7 - 5 V Positive Analogue Supply, 2.7 - 5 V Analogue Gnd Analogue Gnd Positive Digital Supply, 2.7 - 5 V Digital Gnd 6 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Pin Type Legend: I - Digital Input O - Digital Output I/O - Digital Bi-directional O/D - Open Drain Ana - Analogue Input or Output Subscript denotes input/output levels C - CMOS T - TTL Note 1: IOMRx normally TTL input but can become open drain output during bus reversal. IOMTx normally open drain output but can become TTL input during bus reversal. 1.3.2 Pin description STTxp, STTxn ST bus differential transmit outputs. Upstream data in TE configuration and Downstream data in NT configuration. The nominal amplitude is ±2.1V differential with 280Ù load which equates to ±750mV at the ST interface when the recommended line transformer is used. STTxp is positive with respect to STTxn for transmission of the Frame Pulse bit. Note: Particular care should be taken to avoid electro-static discharge damage to these pins as the unpowered impedance requirements result in reduced internal protection. STRxp, STRxn ST bus differential receive inputs. Downstream data in TE configuration and Upstream data in NT configuration. The nominal expected differential pulse amplitude is ±1.2V which equates to ±750mV at the ST interface with recommended components. Amplitudes down to 255mV at the ST interface can be accommodated while signal activity above 100mV will generate a “Wake-up” interrupt if required. Polarity need only be maintained for point to multipoint configurations. DCL IOM-2 interface “terminal” mode data clock operating at a nominal frequency 1.536MHz. The DCL can be configured as an output (cmos levels) in timing master mode or as an input (ttl levels) in timing slave mode. DCL operates at twice the IOM bit rate and is used to sample the data on the IOM receive input. FSC IOM-2 interface Frame Sync operating at a nominal frequency of 8kHz. The FSC can be configured as an output (cmos levels) in timing master mode or as an input (ttl levels) in timing slave mode. The rising edge of FSC defines the start of an IOM frame and is nominally synchronous with the rising edge of DCL. IOMTx, IOMRx IOM-2 interface transmit and receive data pins operating at a nominal bit rate of 768kbps. The IOMTx pin equates to the IOM DD (Data Downstream) signal when the CMX635 is the upstream device (TE configuration) and to the IOM DU (Data Upstream) signal when the CMX635 is the downstream device (NT configuration). The IOMTx pin can be configured as open drain or active cmos level output. The direction of the IOMTx and IOMRx pins can be reversed for certain channels in the IOM frame. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 7 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 AD[7:0] Processor interface Address/Data bus. Bi-directional cmos level input/output bus that carries multiplexed address and data when multiplexed mode is automatically detected by the CMX635 and data only when non-multiplexed mode is detected. ASel Address Select. Asel, when asserted, selects the internal indirect address register as the destination for non-multiplexed processor read/writes, or the data register when de-asserted. Asel may be connected to A[0] of the non-multiplexed processor address bus. Connect to Vss for multiplexed interface operation. Dtack Data Acknowledge. Active only when the Motorola style multiplexed mode processor interface is detected. It is an open drain output that is pulled low at the start of a processor read or write cycle and remains low until the CMX635 internal cycle is complete. The Dtack signal can be used to implement a hardware handshake cycle timing mechanism. ALE Address Latch Enable. The multiplexed address from the AD bus is latched on the falling edge of ALE. Connect ALE to Vcc if an Intel style non-multiplexed interface is being used and to Vss for a Motorola style non-multiplexed interface. nWR Write Strobe, active low. Latches the data from the AD bus on the rising edge in Intel style mode. Acts as a R/nW strobe in Motorola mode. See the timing diagrams in section 1.8.1 for more details on the nWR pin function. nRD Read Strobe, active low. Initiates a CMX635 read cycle and enables read data to be driven onto the AD bus in Intel style mode. Acts as a DS or E strobe in Motorola style mode. See the timing diagrams in section 1.8.1 for more details on the nWR pin function. nCS Chip Select, active low. Must be low for duration of read or write cycle in all interface modes. Processor interface is inactive and will not respond to read/write strobe activity when nCS is high. nIRQ Interrupt Request, open drain. Pulled to Vss when the CMX635 internal Status Registers generate an unmasked interrupt request. It remains in its high impedance state when no interrupts are pending. An external pull-up resistor is required. RESET Global Chip Reset. Active high reset input resets CMX635 internal state and restores default configuration. The RESET input should be asserted at power-up before any configuration is written or modes activated. The RESET must be asserted until the oscillator input has stabilised (either from a crystal or external clock source) to ensure full internal reset. X1, X2 Oscillator input pins. A 12.288Mhz or 15.36MHz crystal may be connected between these pins (see External Components section 1.4) or an external clock source may be connected to X1 with X2 connected to Vss. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 8 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 CLOCKOUT Buffered Clock. A buffered version of the input clock on X1 is available on CLOCKOUT and may be used for driving the clock inputs of other devices. Optionally the internal phase locked 1.536MHz clock may be routed to CLOCKOUT, which can be utilised by external circuitry to lock together multiple CMX635 devices if required. VBias The internal analogue reference voltage. An external capacitor must be connected between Vbias and analogue ground to ensure noise free operation. RX1O, RX1P, RX1N, RX2O, RX2P, RX2N Output, positive and negative inputs of the differential microphone input amplifiers. See section 1.4.2 for details of the equivalent analogue input circuits. TX1O, TX1ON, TX1N, TXOP Differential Outputs, negative input and internal preamplifier output of the earpiece/POTS output amplifier. See section 1.4.2 for details of the equivalent analogue output circuits. The required external gain components are inserted between the TX1ON and TX1N pins, which form the input impedance to the inverting earpiece amplifier. TX2O, TX2ON Loudspeaker/Ring amplifier differential outputs. SPM Subscriber Pulse Metering sine wave output for emulating POTS style call cost information. STISet ST transmitter current set pin. A fixed resistor must be connected between this pin and analogue Vss to ensure accurate current limit on the ST transmitter. VSSd, VDDd, VSSa, VDDa Analogue and Digital supply pins. Ensure adequate high and low frequency decoupling between positive and negative supplies. It is recommended that the analogue and digital supplies are locally separated. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 9 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor 1.4 CMX635 External Components VDDd R10 R11 IOMRx(DU) IOMTx(DD) DCL FSC VDDd C8 VSSd CLOCKOUT VDDd R9 nIRQ Dtack VSSd nRD nWR R7 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CMX635 nCS ASel ALE RESET SPM 36 35 34 33 32 VSSa 31 30 STISet 29 28 27 VDDa 26 RX1N 25 R5 TX1O TX1ON TX2O TX2ON STTXn STTXp STRXn STRXp T1 TX RX RX1in R1 C1 R3 C3 Vbias VDDd C5 RX2N RX1O VSSa RX2O R8 R6 C7 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 AD6 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 X1 X2 AD7 Processor Address/Data Bus C6 VDDa XT1 TX1OP TX1N C9 R2 C2 Supply RX2in C10 C11 Ground VSSa VSSd VDDa C12 R4 C4 C13 VSSa Figure 3. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Recommended External Components 10 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor 1.4.1 CMX635 Component Values XT1 12.288MHz or 15.36MHz T1 Line Transformer, 2:1 Turns Ratio i.e. ETAL P3024 – Note 1. R1, R3 R2, R4 R5 R6 R7 R8, R9 R10, R11 Note 2. 110kΩ 15 kΩ Note 3. 39kΩ 10kΩ 750R (5V supply), 470R (3.3V supply) 1% 5% 5% 5% C1, C3, C5 C2, C4 C6 C7 C8, C9 C10, C12 C11, C13 1.0µF 220pF 150pF 27nF 33pF 1.0µF 10nF 5% 5% 5% 5% 20% 10% 10% - Note 4. 1% 2% Notes: 1. If a suitable transformer module is not used, protection components should be added around the line transformers, including 33R series resistors in the STTX lines and 10kΩ series resistors in the STRX lines. 2. R1, R2, C1 and C2 form the gain components of input amplifier RX1. R3, R4, C3 and C4 form the gain components of input amplifier RX2. R1 and R3 should be chosen as required by the input signal level according to the following formula: Gain = -R2/R1 or -R4/R3 C1, R1 and C3, R3 should be chosen so as not to compromise the low frequency performance. 3. R6, R7, C6 and C7 form the gain components of output amplifier TX1. R6 should be chosen to give the required output signal level according to the following formula: Gain = -R7/R6 4. Ensure that high frequency filter capacitors are placed physically close to appropriate power pins. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 11 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor 1.4.2 CMX635 Equivalent Analogue Input/Output Circuits C6 R7 TX1N TX1OP - R6 C7 TX1ON + Vbias Transmit 1 Equivalent Output + TX1O - Vbias RX1P RX2P + RX1in Vbias RX1N C1 + RX1O - RX2in R1 Vbias RX2N C3 - R3 R2 R4 C2 C4 Receive 1 Equivalent Input Figure 4. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited RX2O Receive 2 Equivalent Input Equivalent Input/Output Circuits 12 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor 1.5 CMX635 Functional Description The CMX635 is a highly integrated ISDN Subscriber Processor that allows low chip count systems to be designed for a wide variety of ISDN voice/data terminals and POTS terminal adaptors. It can also provide the majority of functions required to implement an intelligent NT or NT1Plus system. The CMX635 incorporates a 4-wire ST interface, which conforms fully to the ITU-T I.430 and ETS 300 012-1 specifications. It provides the necessary layer-1 control to implement both the TE and NT ends of the ST reference point and the layer-2 controls to implement the D-channel signalling layer. HDLC Controllers and associated FIFOs are provided for the B1, B2 and D-channels. The Controllers can be configured to automatically process the bit stuffing, flag generation/recognition, address matching and CRC generation/checking required to support the ITU Q.921 protocol reducing the software overhead on the host processor. The automatic processing can be progressively disabled until fully transparent operation is achieved with corresponding increased processor load. The data FIFOs are implemented as a 1024 byte RAM that can be flexibly partitioned to form the 6 required FIFOs (2B+D, Receive and Transmit), enabling optimum FIFO size to be selected for the application. An IOM-2TM /GCI interface is provided to enable operation with other IOM compliant devices. This facility can be used to connect to a ‘U’ Interface device in NT mode of operation or to expand the number of POTS ports in TE mode by connection to devices such as the CMX625 – ISDN TA POTS Interface. The IOM interface can be configured as a timing master or slave for TE or NT applications respectively and has full Mult-Framing capabilities. The CMX635 has the functions necessary for operation as an ISDN feature phone with speakerphone capability or as a POTS terminal adapter. There are 2 independent uncommitted differential input amplifiers suitable for connection to 2 microphones for feature-phone applications or to a SLIC/POTS hybrid for POTS operation. A 100mW power amplifier is provided to drive a speaker for feature-phones or the ring input to a SLIC for POTS. An additional output is provided to drive a handset earpiece or the SLIC/Hybrid input for POTS. Sophisticated speakerphone operation can be implemented using the digital noise and voice filters available in the CMX635 in conjunction with user supplied software algorithms. For POTS operation a DTMF decoder enables interpretation of dialling information and can also be configured to detect far end DTMF tones. A tone generator supplies all of the necessary tone frequencies for call progress tones. Other tone standards supported are: Fax and Modem ‘answer’ and ‘originate’, ITU (CCITT) ‘R1’ and ‘R2’ signals, and sufficient tones for simple melody generation. Caller Line ID (CLID) and Caller ID on Call Waiting (CIDCW) functionality can be emulated using the tone generator and the FSK UART facility. A Subscriber Pulse Metering (SPM) output is provided to enable operation with POTS legacy payphone equipment. The frequency standard can be set to either 12kHz or 16kHz. A DTMF generator is available to allow feature-phone equipment to generate comfort dial tones and to enable control of remote DTMF signalling and Menuing systems. The µController interface is compatible with multiplexed and non-multiplexed address/data busses and generic Motorola and Intel style control. The CMX635 will automatically detect which style of interface is being used and configure itself accordingly. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 13 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 The CMX635 is highly configurable, via internal software accessible registers, to operate in a wide variety of applications. The details of every configuration and Status Register are described in the Programming Guide section 1.6. The main functions of the CMX635 are shown in the block diagrams and are conceptually: • • • • • • • • 1.5.1 The ST interface and Digital Phase Locked Loop The HDLC Controllers and FIFOs The IOM Interface The G.711 Codec and Analogue Gain Path The Tone Generator and Tone Decoder The Channel Routing Block Speaker Phone Functions The Processor Interface, Top Level Status and Power Control The ST interface and Digital Phase Locked Loop The ST Interface performs the following functions: • • • • • S/T Bus Activation/Deactivation Control Clock and Data Recovery Frame Synchronisation D-channel Access Multi-Frame Generation/Reception The Activation/Deactivation control when configured in TE mode follows closely the ITU-T I.430 requirements and is mainly autonomous (Timer T3 requiring implementation in software). The activation states are advanced through automatic detection of the INFO0, INFO2 and INFO4 signals on the receive bus and are initiated by software writes of the Activate and Deactivate request primitives and the Power Up/Down status. Note that although the ITU specification provides no facility for the ST bus to be deactivated directly by the TE, the Deactivate Request control is provided to allow implementation of timer T3 in software. The ST activation state can be read by software and the detection of the various INFO signals can be configured to generate an interrupt if required. The activation status indicators ‘Connect Indication’, ‘Activate Indication’ and ‘Error Indication’ are available to the software and may also be configured to generate an interrupt request if required. The ST interface autonomously outputs the ‘INFO0’, ‘INFO1’ and ‘INFO3’ signals at the appropriate states of activation/deactivation. For NT mode of operation, the next state is under software control and is written directly to the ST interface. The detection of ‘INFO0’, ‘INFO1’ and ‘INFO3’ is available to the software to enable next state calculation. The Data Recovery function consists of an analogue section and a digital section. The analogue ST receiver continuously tracks the amplitude of the incoming signal and uses an adaptive slicing level to recover digital data from the 3 level receiver input. The data is coded into positive pulse, negative pulse or no pulse. The digital section over-samples the recovered data and performs a majority decision algorithm to determine the correct recovered bit stream. The Clock Recovery function consists of a digital phase-locked loop that tracks the raw sampled data in TE mode to produce a filtered and frequency locked master sample clock at a nominal 192kHz. This clock is used to sample the recovered receive bit stream and to generate a phase locked ST transmit clock. In NT mode the ST bit clock tracks the received IOM FSC signal thus maintaining network synchronisation. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 14 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 The Frame Synchronisation function detects the correct occurrence of Framing and Auxiliary Framing pulses and in TE mode adjusts the receive and transmit frames accordingly. Two consecutive correctly received frames are required before the interface is designated as Frame Locked. D-channel access in TE mode is initiated by writing the ‘Data Request’ primitive to the CMX635 along with the required primary priority level. The primary priority can be set to 8 for signalling frames and to 10 for data frames. The D-channel Access function will then ensure that the Dchannel is available by monitoring the number of consecutive D-channel Echo bits that are set to binary 1. If the count reaches the level defined by the priority, the D-channel HDLC block is allowed to transmit. If an echo bit is received that does not match the transmitted D bit, the Dchannel is released and a ‘Collision’ status flag is set. A ‘Data Indication’ primitive can be configured to generate an interrupt when the D-channel has been successfully acquired. After transmission of an HDLC frame, and if another frame is pending, the priority is automatically decreased (8 to 9 and 10 to 11) to allow other TE devices access to the D-channel. If multiple Dchannel transmission frames are set up in the HDLC FIFO (see section 1.5.2) the access mechanism will automatically allow other TE’s access to the D-channel between frames but will remain active until all frames are sent. D-channel access in intelligent NT mode uses a similar access mechanism to TE mode but the D bits from the downstream TE’s are used to determine D-channel activity instead of the echo bits. When an NT has successfully acquired the D-channel it sets the echo bits to the downstream TE’s to binary 0, thus inhibiting TE D-channel access. The CMX635 supports full ST Multi-framing capability and in TE mode will synchronise to incoming multi-frame markers. In NT mode formatted multi-frames are generated. The CMX635 is capable of processing 1 ‘Q’ channel and ‘5’ S channels as defined in ITU-T I.430. Full sets of interruptible status flags are available to indicate when the transmit/receive data buffers require servicing. 1.5.2 The HDLC Controllers and FIFOs The CMX635 contains flexible Controllers and FIFOs for both B-channels and the D-channel that can be individually selected and enabled. The main functions of the HDLC Controllers and FIFOs are: • • • • • • Flag generation/recognition Bit Stuffing/Destuffing and Octet Alignment Address Field Matching CRC generation/checking Re-configurable FIFO data buffers on all transmit and receive channels Multiple HDLC frame generation and Reception The CMX635 will automatically generate the 01111110b sequence defined as an HDLC flag at the beginning of each new frame. Reception of an HDLC frame will initiate the frame receive sequence and the reception of a second flag will be interpreted as the end of an HDLC frame. ‘Shared’ flags (1 flag between the end of a frame and the start of a new frame) will be processed correctly in the receive channel. In the B transmit channels a ‘shared’ flag can optionally be used between multiple frames. The bit stuffing and de-stuffing requirements of the HDLC protocol are automatically implemented unless the fully transparent modes of operation are selected. If transparent receive mode for a Bchannel is selected, the serial bit stream is formed directly into octets and written to the receive FIFO. Transparent receive mode is not available in the D-channel. If transparent transmit mode is selected, the data from the FIFO is read in octets and transmitted directly as a serial bit stream octet aligned with the ST frame B-channel octets. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 15 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 The address field matching function can be used in the D-channel to match incoming SAPI and TEI identifiers automatically. When address matching is turned on, incoming data frames are ignored unless the required address fields match the pre-programmed values. 4 independent match addresses can be programmed for each of the 1st and 2nd address fields as well as the broadcast addresses for both fields. The extent of address matching required can be selected to be zero, one or both fields. The combination of the pre-programmed match registers to be used is also programmable. A successful address match will set an interruptible status bit. If address matching is turned off, all incoming frames are routed to the receive FIFO irrespective of address values and the software must determine if the frame is relevant. For transmit frames, either 1 or 2 address registers may be prepended to the transmit FIFO data automatically unless User Address mode is selected, in which case the address fields must be written to the FIFO as part of the data frame by software. The CMX635 can automatically generate and decode the16 bit CRC fields appended to the end of HDLC frames and for received frames will generate an interruptable Good Packet or CRC Error status as appropriate. If automatic CRC handling is not required, the transmit CRC value can be supplied by the user and written as the last data octet(s) to the FIFO. For received frames the CRC value available as the last octet(s) in the receive FIFO can be decoded in software. If automatic CRC generation is enabled, a facility is provided to force a CRC error for purposes of system test/checks. Status flags are provided to indicate a number of abnormal conditions, which can be configured to generate interrupt requests. The conditions indicated are: • • • • • Received CRC error Received octet mis-alignment (frame not an integer number of octets) Received packet aborted (7 consecutive binary 1’s received) Received short packet (frame length less that pre-programmed minimum) Transmit aborted (collision detected In the D-channel) The CMX635 contains a FIFO, for each of the B receive and transmit channels and the D receive and transmit channel (6 total). The FIFOs are implemented as part of a 1024 byte RAM and the FIFO depths can be independently configured for each channel, in 4 byte increments, up to the 1024 byte RAM size. The sum of FIFO sizes must not exceed the 1024 byte limit. A full set of FIFO status indicators are available for each channel including ‘Full’, ‘Empty’, ‘Near Full’, ‘Near Empty’, ‘Over-Write’ and ‘Under-Read’. The ‘Near Full’ and ‘Near Empty’ status indicate when the FIFO is 8 bytes from being full and 8 bytes from being empty respectively. The ‘Full’ and ‘Empty’ status have programmable polarity to allow for alternative interrupt generation on ‘Not Full’ and ‘Not Empty’. Each FIFO can be individually cleared which obviates the need to read the entire FIFO if an error or abort is detected. When a valid frame is detected the receive FIFOs are always written with all data between opening and closing flags, irrespective of the address matching and CRC checking selected. The CMX635 HDLC controllers have extensive functionality to allow transmission and reception of multiple frames of data without processor intervention, subject to the FIFO depths set. Two methods are available for multiple frame transmission. The first method allows multiple frames of the same length to be transmitted by writing an Octet Count register with the frame length and a Frame Count register with the required number of frames. The data to be transmitted is then written contiguously to the FIFO. When HDLC transmission is enabled, the Octet Counter (which can be read asynchronously by software) defines the FIFO data frame boundaries and decrements as each octet is transmitted. After each frame the Frame Counter is decremented to a minimum count of 1. After each frame has been 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 16 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 transmitted an interruptable ‘Frame Complete’ flag is raised and after all of the frames have been transmitted an interruptable ‘All Frames Complete’ flag is raised. The second method allows for multiple frames of differing lengths to be transmitted. The number of octets in the following frame is written to the FIFO prepending the frame data. This is repeated for each frame in the multiple frame. During transmission the Octet Count is read from the FIFO and used as in method 1 above along with the pre-programmed Frame Count. After each frame the next Octet Count is loaded from the FIFO until all frames have been transmitted. A Received Octet Counter is available to facilitate multiple frame reception. When a frame has been successfully received the software is required to respond to a Good Packet interrupt by reading and storing the Received Octet counter value. This value can then be used for reconstructing the received frame when the FIFO is eventually read. As the counter is only modulo 256, a rollover indication is provided to enable handling of long frames. 1.5.3 The IOM Interface The CMX635 contains an industry standard IOM-2 interface to facilitate data transfer and programming of other IOM-2 compliant devices such as the CMX625 ISDN TA POTS Interface. A summary of the IOM-2 standard may be found in section 1.7.2 of this document. The interface operates in Terminal Mode where 3 channels of 4 octets are transmitted per frame. The IOM-2 standard defines octets in each frame for: • • • • • • • 8 bits of B1 and B2 data and 2 bits of D data. 8 bits of Monitor 0 data + 2 handshake bits, used for layer-1 device control functions. 8 bits of Monitor 1 data + 2 handshake bits, used for programming and interrogation of other IOM devices. 4 bits of Control/Indicate (CI) 0 data used for passing layer-1 primitives. 6 bits of Control/Indicate (CI) 1 data used for real time status indication between IOM devices. 2 8-bit channels of Inter-Communication data (IC0 & IC1) used as alternative 64kb/s data channels. An 8-bit TIC (Terminal IC) bus used for D-channel access from other layer-2 devices. The IOM interface can be configured as a timing master, where the IOM clock (DCL) and the IOM frame sync. (FSC) are generated by the device, or as a timing slave where an external device provides the clock and sync. signals. Typically the CMX635 will be configured as a timing master when used in a TE system and a timing slave (taking the clock and sync signals from a U interface transceiver) in an NT system. The CMX635 always operates as a control master device. The IOM-2 clock in terminal mode is nominally 1.536MHz giving 192 clocks per 8kHz frame, or 2 clocks per data bit. The FSC and DCL are derived from the recovered 192kHz S/T sample clock, which maintains PCM octet synchronisation. In NT mode, as a timing slave, the incoming FSC is used to synchronise the generated 192kHz S/T data. The monitor channels (0 and 1) provide a mechanism for passing programming and information octets between the master and slave IOM devices. Only 1 channel can be active at a time, the active channel being selectable from the ‘IOM Monitor Channel Control’ register. The monitor handshake protocol in the IOM specification is generated automatically within the CMX635 and any errors in the handshaking or received data will abort the transmit/receive sequence and raise interruptable abort flags in the ‘IOM Status’ register. The operation of the B, D and IC channels is fully autonomous and they are activated by routing data to and from the appropriate channels using the ‘Data Routing’ registers (section 1.5.6). Data is transmitted in the selected monitor channel by writing to the ‘Monitor Channel Transmit’ register when the Tx channel is idle. The ‘Monitor Tx Buffer Empty’ status flag will indicate when 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 17 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 another transmit octet is required. The original data octet will be retransmitted continuously until the transmit buffer is refreshed. Setting the ‘Tx EOF’ bit in the ‘Monitor Channel Control’ register when the ‘Tx Buffer Empty’ status flag is asserted terminates the monitor frame. Data is received in the selected monitor channel by reading from the ‘Monitor Channel Receive’ register when the ‘Rx Data Available’ flag is asserted. The ‘Rx EOF’ flag indicates the end of a received IOM frame and the ‘Rx Abort’ flag indicates an error in reception. The Command/Indicate channels provide a mechanism for passing “real time” layer-1 primitives (CI0) and status flags (CI1) between IOM devices. Data written to the ‘CI Transmit’ registers will be immediately reflected in the appropriate CI channel and will persist until the register data is changed. The received CI channel is read from the ‘CI Receive’ registers and ‘New CI Data’ flags indicate when two consecutive frames contain new and identical CI data. The ‘CI0 Transmit’ register contains extra locations to enable an IOM Timing Request (TIM) to be generated and to control the Bus Activation Request (BAC) bit in the TIC channel. The TIM is used to request activation of the upstream IOM device and pulls the DU pin low from its deactivated open-drain state. When the CMX635 is configured as a timing master, the IOM bus can be deactivated by turning off the DCL and FSC and placing the IOMTx pin in the open drain state. An IOM deactivation sequence can be optionally invoked that ensures deactivation is not completed until 4 frames of the primitive DC (Deactivate confirmation - 1111b) has been received in the CI0 channel from all downstream devices. The CMX635 implements a sub-set of the TIC bus control functions. The TIC bus allows layer-1 control of the D-channel from other IOM devices. The CMX635 enables control of the transmitted BAC bit in NT applications when required by the U transceiver device but does not generate or monitor TIC bus addresses. In TE mode the D-channel access function will automatically operate the Stop/Go (S/G) bit to prevent other layer-1 devices from accessing the D-channel when occupied by the CMX635. The received BAC bit is monitored to establish when other layer-1 devices require access to the D-channel. The CMX635 can be configured to reverse its Tx and Rx pin directions in the IC channels and/or the MON1 and CI1 channels. This feature is known as “bus reversal” and enables the CMX635, when configured as a downstream IOM device, to communicate with other downstream IOM devices. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 18 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor 1.5.4 CMX635 The G.711 Codec and Analogue Gain Path The PCM Codec-Filter performs voice digitisation and reconstruction and incorporates encoder bandpass and decoder lowpass filters with pre and post-filtering and with selectable A-law and µlaw companding. In each case the coder and decoder process a companded 8-bit PCM word following CCITT recommendation G.711 for A-law and µ-law conversion. The encoder bandpass filter and decoder lowpass filter provides passband flatness and stopband rejection according to CCITT recommendation G.712. The lowpass filter contains the required (Sin X)/X compensation. Flexible receive and transmit digital gain control and analogue routing controls are provided to enable configuration into POTS or ISDN feature-phone applications. Examples of the possible configurations for POTS are: • • • • • • Sine, Square or Trapezoid ring frequency routed to speaker output with programmable amplitude. Cadence controlled within CMX635 or externally. Received analogue Codec signal routed to earpiece output (SLIC/Hybrid input). Call progress or DTMF tones summed with or replacing Codec signal to earpiece at programmable amplitude. Call Waiting Tone (SAS), Caller Line ID on Call Waiting alert signal (CAS) and FSK caller ID data replacing signal to earpiece at programmable amplitude. Received DTMF tones from receive Codec routed to DTMF decoder for remote signalling detection. DTMF tones from POTS interface routed to DTMF decoder for dialled number detection. Examples of the possible configurations for ISDN phones are: • • • • • • Input from 1 of 2 microphone inputs switchable through programmable gain to transmit Codec. Allows transducer matching and A.G.C. function for speakerphone operation. Independent programmable microphone channel attenuation for speakerphone algorithms. Received analogue Codec signal routed to earpiece and/or loudspeaker output. Loudspeaker amplifier has programmable gain for volume control and speakerphone attenuation. Programmable proportion of microphone channel can be added to earpiece output as “sidetone”. DTMF tones can be routed to earpiece/speaker for dialling feedback or to transmit Codec for remote DTMF signalling. Full range of pre-programmed tones can be routed to speaker at programmable amplitude for ringing. The Programming Guide, section 1.6, details the full range of routing and gain control functions available. 1.5.5 The Tone Generator and Tone Decoder The Tone Generator can be used to generate tones for either DTMF tones, call progress tones, ringing signals for ISDN phones and FSK data tones for POTS caller ID functions. The tones available are pre-programmed and grouped into 4 tone fields of up to 256 tones each. To select a particular tone or tone pair the ‘Tone/Codec Control’ register is first written with the required tone field and the ‘Tone’ register is then written with the selection from that field. The Tone Enable register allows independent power save control for the various tone types. The Ring signal can be configured as a sine, square or trapezoidal output at a number of frequencies between 17Hz and 51Hz. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 19 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 The FSK tones are automatically generated when the FSK function is enabled and FSK data is written to the transmit uart. The tone frequencies for FSK transmission can be selected to be compliant with either Bell 202 or V.23 standards. The FSK UART can be programmed to convert the transmit data from octets to serial asynchronous data characters by adding Start and Stop bits or to transmit the octets synchronously with no start or stop bits. The baud rate is fixed at 1200 baud. Status flags indicate when the transmit buffer requires more data and whether the buffer data has underflowed (the UART has started a new FSK character before the buffer has been refreshed). The DTMF decoder can accept a wide range of signal input amplitudes and produces a 4 bit DTMF character code that can be read from the ‘DTMF Receive Data’ register. Status flags indicate when a valid tone is being detected and when it ceases. A Subscriber Pulse Metering (SPM) tone is available at a separate pin and can be programmed to 12kHz or 16kHz. When turned on, the output ramps from zero to full amplitude in approximately 4mS and ramps down again when turned off. This output allows emulation of the exchange call charging information for POTS style payphones. 1.5.6 The Channel Routing Block The Channel Routing block enables the active data channels (B1, B2, D, IC1, IC2) to be flexibly routed between the ST interface, the IOM interface, the HDLC controllers and the Codec. The available routing resources allow implementation of a full suite of loopback paths in either the transparent (the incoming data continues to be passed to the original destination as well as looping back) or the non-transparent (original source/destination for data is disabled) modes. For B data routing, 4 prioritised routing registers are available. Each register contains a required 4-bit source and 4-bit destination port code. If there are conflicts between routing register data sources, the highest priority register routing will be implemented and the lower priority routing will be used as a destination only. D-channel routing is contained within a single register, which is divided into high and low priority routing 4-bit nibbles. Within each nibble 2-bit source and destination port codes can be programmed. The priority mechanism works in a similar fashion to the B data routing above. 1.5.7 Speaker Phone Functions The CMX635 contains comprehensive hardware filters, voice-above-noise detectors and signal path attenuators to allow a sophisticated implementation of software controlled speakerphone algorithms. The data processing is carried out on the 8kHz 8-bit wide PCM data in both the receive and transmit paths. Status bits are available to indicate the presence of voice above the background noise in both the receive and transmit channels and the amplitude of the detected voice can be read by software. The software algorithm can then decide which is the dominant channel and distribute the loop gain between receive and transmit channels. The following data processing functions on both the receive and transmit digital data paths are provided. Note that all data processing is done on companded data in both channels. • • • • • Full wave rectification conversion of input data Noise filtering of converted data with long time constant (~ 10 s) Speech filtering of converted data with fast attack time constant (~ 1 ms) and selectable slow decay time constant (128, 256, 500 ms). Auto Gated Noise Filter i.e. the statistics integration is suspended when speech is detected in the channel. Interrupt control system based upon filter output comparators, which provides three interrupt sources for each channel. The interrupt sources are: - 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 20 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor • • 1.5.8 CMX635 1) Speech filter output > noise filter output 2) Speech filter output > noise filter output + programmable threshold 3) Speech filer output > noise filter output + programmable threshold +/hysteresis value. Interrupt generation when a change in any of the above conditions takes place. The user can poll the indicator flag bits to determine the exact condition that exists within the channel. A hysteresis register to prevent rapid and spurious interrupts when a slow noisy signal moves close to the integrated background level. The Processor Interface, Top Level Status and Power Control The processor interface will automatically configure itself to operate with either multiplexed or non-multiplexed address/data architectures and with generic Motorola or Intel control signals. The processor interface type is configured after power-up by making a dummy write to the CMX635, which will monitor activity on the bus control lines and decode the appropriate interface type. When the non-multiplexed interface is detected it is mapped as 2 addresses on the processor bus that are distinguishable by the state of the Asel pin during the read/write cycle. The first address (Asel set to binary 1) is the “indirect” address register for the following data access and must be written first. The second address (Asel = binary 0) accesses the register defined by the indirect address. Typically the single address pin (Asel) will be connected to the LSB of the processor address bus. The indirect address is persistent and, once written, can be used for further data accesses to the same address (i.e. block reads/writes to the Fifo data registers). When the multiplexed interface is detected the internal register address is automatically demultiplexed from the AD bus and thus only single read/write cycles are required. The Top Level Status register accumulates interrupt requests from the lower level blocks (as shown in Figure 5) and can be programmed to generate a selective device level interrupt request dependent on the state of the top level interrupt mask. Each lower level Status Register can be programmed to generate the interrupt requests to the top level Status Register via their own status masks. The Status Register/interrupt structure is hierarchical at 3 levels. The top level Status Register accumulates the interrupt requests from a number of level-2 Status Registers. Some of the level-2 Status Registers accumulate interrupt requests from level-3 Status Registers. To respond to an interrupt originating from a level-3 Status Register, both the top level status and the level-2 Status Registers must be read to determine the source of the interrupt. The Power Control function includes a Clock Control register, and 3 Enable registers. The Clock Control register selects the master crystal frequency (12.288MHz or 15.36MHz), the signal routed to the CLKOUT pin (Clock In or 1.536MHz) and allows the master crystal oscillator to be disabled for complete power down applications. A hardware reset must be issued to re-enable the oscillator. The Clock Enable register can disable the system clock to individual blocks when not required thus saving power. The Tone and Audio Enable registers allow selective control of the analogue functions, Codec and tone generator/decoder, progressively reducing power consumption as un-used functions are disabled. A Power Control Status register is available which indicates external “wake-up” events on the ST and IOM busses. Any activity on the ST bus will trigger an ST wake-up interrupt (if the interrupt is enabled with the appropriate masks), while the IOMRx pin (DU in TE applications) being pulled low will trigger an IOM wake-up interrupt. These interrupts will be generated even if the IOM and ST master clocks have been disabled. The ‘Power Control Status’ register also contains 2 flags, ‘CI0 Channel Idle’ and ‘IOM Deactivated’ that indicate when the IOM bus can be safely deactivated. The ‘CI0 Channel Idle’ 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 21 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 status indicates that there has been 2 consecutive IOM frames received with the bus access bit set inactive (binary 1). In this condition there is no activity or pending activity in the CI0 channel. The ‘IOM Deactivated’ flag is valid when the IOM Deactivate sequence is in use. The flag is asserted when all downstream devices have signalled complete deactivation. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 22 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 1.6 Programming Guide. 1.6.1 Interrupt Structure The CMX635 interrupt structure is hierarchical in nature with the interrupts from the various functional blocks converging in a top level Status Register to create a single chip level interrupt. The majority of interrupts can be interrogated from the next level of block Status Registers and a few require access to a third level of Status Registers. Each Status Register at each level can be individually masked on a bit by bit basis with its own Mask Register. Each level of Status Register is persistent, i.e. the status flags are latched and can only be cleared by reading the appropriate register. To prevent continuous interrupts from being generated the software interrupt handler should either read the interrupting Status Register or temporarily mask the appropriate bit. The top level (level 1) Status Register comprises level-2 interrupt sources as follows. Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Interrupt Source HDLC D-channel Status HDLC B1-channel Status HDLC B2-channel Status ST Interface Status Register IOM Interface Status Register Tone Generator Status Register Clock & Power Control Status Register Speakerphone Interrupt Status Section No. The HDLC D, B1, B2 Status Registers and the ST Interface Status Register each have a level-3 interrupt source as detailed in the relevant sections. The interrupt structure is shown diagrammatically in Figure 5. Note that the reset value of the top level Status Register is the fully masked condition. For valid interrupts to be generated the top level Mask Register must be initialised early in the initialisation sequence. Top Level Status Register TopLevel Status Mask Register 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Addr = $E1 Addr = $E0 23 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 D/635/2 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Figure 5. LEVEL-3 LEVEL-2 LEVEL-1 24 D Tx Fifo Status 7 Level 3 Rx Status D Rx Fifo Status 6 5 HDLC D Status B1 Tx Fifo Status 7 Level 3 Rx Status B1 Rx Fifo Status 6 5 HDLC B1 Status B2 Tx Fifo Status 7 Level 3 Rx Status B2 Rx Fifo Status 6 5 HDLC B2 Status Top Level Status ST State Register 7 Multi-frame Status 6 ST Interrupt ST Status IOM Status 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Clock/ Power Status Speaker Phone Status Note: Each status register has an associated mask register Tone Generator Status ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Interrupt Structure D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor 1.6.2 CMX635 CMX635 Register Definition and Description The control registers of the CMX635 fall into the following broad categories: • • • • • • • • • • • ST Interface Block Data Routing Block HDLC Fifo Control HDLC B1-channel Control HDLC B2-channel Control HDLC D-channel Control IOM Interface Control Clock and Power Control Speaker Phone Statistics Audio/Tone Block Top Level Status Register These registers relate to the main functional blocks as defined in the functional block diagram. Note that the clock for each block being written or read must be activated using the Clock Enable register as detailed in section ST Interface Block The ST Interface block registers provide the necessary primitive control for activating and reporting the status of the ST bus. They also provide the means to configure the CMX635 into its various operating modes and to control the multiframing capabilities. The registers available in this block are: • • • • • • • • • • • • ST Control Register ST Set-Up Register ST Interrupt Register ST Status Register Interrupt Mask Register ST State Machine Register ST State Machine Mask Register MultiFrame S Register MultiFrame Q Register MultiFrame Status/Control Register MultiFrame Status Mask Register MultiFrame S Bit Counter 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 25 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 ST Control Register Addr = $80 Reset = $00 (write/read) The following table lists the bit functions of the ST Control Register. Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Function Activate Request (PH-AR) Deactivate Request (MPH-DR) Power Up Unused Data Request (PH-DATA) Priority (PH-DATA Request parameter) Force Echo 0 Unused Unused bits in the Control register will read back as binary 0. The Activate Request bit equates to the PH-AR primitive and initiates ST bus activation when the CMX635 is configured in TE mode. This bit is a transient signal that advances the ST activation state machine to F4 when written with a binary 1 and reads back as binary 0. The Deactivate Request bit equates to the MPH-DR primitive. It is a transient signal that returns the ST activation state machine to F3 when written with a binary 1 and reads back as binary 0. This control is provided to allow implementation of timer T3 in software. The Power Up bit advances the ST activation state machine to F2 when written with a binary 1 and returns it to F1 when written with a binary 0. The status of the external power supply is expected to be indicated to the controlling processor by an external power supply monitor device. The Data Request bit equates to the PH-DATA request primitive and is used in conjunction with the priority bit to initiate the D-channel access procedure. The access procedure is initiated when written with a binary 1 and will be maintained until the required D-channel HDLC frame(s) has been transmitted. Multiple HDLC frame transmission is possible if the D-channel frame count is set to > 1 and the required data is written to the FIFOs (see section The current status of the Data Request bit can be read at any time. Note that for a successful D-channel frame transmission the HDLC D-channel must be correctly initialised and enabled and data routing must be established between the HDLC block and the ST interface. The Priority bit sets the primary priority level required for a pending D-channel access. A priority of binary 0 will require 8/9 D-channel echo bits at binary 1 before access is allowed. A priority of binary 1 will require 10/11 echo bits at binary 1 before access is allowed. The secondary priority (i.e. 9 instead of 8 and 11 instead of 10) is automatically selected each time a successful access is made in accordance with ITU-T I.430. The Force Echo0 bit may be used in NT mode to force the Echo bits transmitted downstream to binary 0. This may be required in certain loopback configurations to prevent partial D-channel access by downstream devices. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 26 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 ST Set-Up Register Addr = $82 Reset = $01 (write/read) Currently only bit 0 is utilised in the Setup register. Bit 0 is designated “TE Mode”. A binary 1 written to this bit will configure the CMX635 as a TE device. A binary 0 will configure the CMX635 as an NT device. When configured as a TE device the in-built ITU-T I.430 TE activation state machine will be utilised, the reference clock timing is taken from the incoming ST bit rate, the NT-TE frame structure will be recognised and TE MultiFraming functionality will be invoked. When configured as an NT device the activation states are under software control, the reference clock timing is taken from the IOM interface, the TE-NT generated/ recognised and NT Multi-Framing functionality will be invoked. Bits 1 - 7 will read back as binary 0. ST Interrupt Register/Interrupt Mask Register Addr = $85 Reset = $00 (read only) - Interrupt Addr = $84 Reset = $00 (write/read) Mask The ST Interrupt Register and its associated Mask Register form part of the hierarchical interrupt structure (see section 1.6.1) and provides a level-2 interrupt source to the top level Status Register. It represents an edge sensitive version of the associated ST Status Register. Bits 0-3 of the Interrupt Register are set to binary 1 whenever the corresponding Status Register bits change (0 to 1 or 1 to 0). Bits 4 -7 are set to binary 1 only when the corresponding status bits change from binary 0 to binary 1. All bits are reset to binary 0 when the Interrupt Register is read by software. The Mask register will prevent the corresponding bit of the Interrupt Register from generating an ST block interrupt when set to binary 0. ST Status Register Addr = $83 Reset = $00 (read only) The ST Status register indicates the status of the ST interface according to the definitions in the following table. Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Function Connect Indication (MPH-II(c)) Activate Indication (PH-AI) Activate Error (MPH-EI1) Data Indication (PH-DATA Ind) Collision Unused Multi-frame Interrupt State Machine Interrupt These status bits represent a real time indication of ST interface Status. The edge-detected version is available in the ST Interrupt Register, which is used along with the Mask Register to generate ST status interrupts. The Connect Indication bit will be set to binary 1 when the device is connected, i.e. state F3 and above. It will be reset to binary 0 when the device is in state F1 or F2. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 27 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 The Activate Indication bit will be set to binary 1 when the device is activated i.e. when in state F7 or F8. The Data Indication bit will be set to binary 1 when a pending D-channel access request has been granted and will be reset to binary 0 on completion of the frame. The Collision bit will be set to binary 1 when a collision is detected during the D-channel access procedure. It is provided for monitoring purposes only. The Multi-frame interrupt bit indicates a change in status of the Multi-frame block, which represents a level-3 interrupt source. The State Machine Interrupt block indicates a change in status of the State Machine Register, which represents a level-3 interrupt source. ST State Machine Register/ State Machine Mask Register State Machine Addr = $87 Reset = $00 Mask Reset Addr = $88 Reset = $00 (write/read) The ST State Machine register forms a level-3 interrupt source (see section 1.6.1) for the level-2 ST Status register (section The ST State Machine Register provides visibility of the state of the Activate/Deactivate state machine in the ST interface and the ability to write the required state for NT mode operation. It also provides an indication of the detected INFO signals. The register bits are defined in the following table. Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Function State Variable [0] State Variable [1] State Variable [2] Synced INFO0 detected INFO1 detected INFO2 detected INFO3 or 4 detected The 3 bit state variable register can be configured to interrupt at each change of state via the SM Mask Register. In TE mode the activation/deactivation control is automatic (with the exception of expiry of T3) whilst in NT mode state transition is controlled in software by writing the appropriate code to the state variable bits. The state decoding is as follows. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 28 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Encoding 000b 001b 010b 011b 100b 101b 110b 111b NT State G1 G2 G3 G4 Unused, Set to 0 Unused, Set to 0 Unused, Set to 0 Unused, Set to 0 TE State F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 The Synced bit will be set to binary 1 when the ST interface has achieved frame synchronisation. The INFO0/1/2 bits will be set to binary 1 when the appropriate INFO signal has been detected. The INFO3 or 4 bit will be set to binary 1 when INFO3 is detected in NT mode and INFO4 is detected in TE mode. The SM Mask register will allow any change of state of the State Machine Register to generate an interrupt when the equivalent bit in the Mask Register is set to binary 1. Multi-Frame S Register Addr = $89 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) All 5 defined channels of S data can be generated/received by the CMX635. The S register represents a single bit from each channel and must be written every 5 ST frames in NT Mode and read every 5 frames in TE mode. There will therefore be 4 write/reads required in 1 multi-frame (5ms) to build up the 5 channels of 4 bit S data. The MF Status register (see section indicates the start of a multi-frame and thus when the data for bit[0] of each S channel must be written/read. It also indicates when new S data is required or available and a number of other status flags. The register bits are defined as follows. Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Function SC1x SC2x SC3x SC4x SC5x Unused Unused Unused 29 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Multi-Frame Q Register Addr = $8A Reset = $0F (Write/Read) The Multi-Frame Q register represents the complete 4 bits of the Q channel and is written every 20 ST frames in TE Mode and read every 20 frames in NT mode. The MF Status register (see section indicates when new Q data is required or available. The Q register bits are allocated as follows Bit [0] (lsb) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] (msb) Function Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Unused Unused Unused Unused Multi-Frame Status Register/ Mask Register Addr = $8B Reset = $00 (Read/Write) Status Addr = $8C Reset = $00 (Write/Read) Mask The Multi-Frame Status register forms a level-3 interrupt source (see section 1.6.1) for the level-2 ST Status register (section The status bits are defined in the following table. Bit [0] (lsb) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] (msb) Function Tx Data Under-run read only Rx Data Over-run read only Tx Buffer Empty read only Rx Buffer Full read only Start of Multi-Frame read only Multi-Frame Synced read only Unused Multi-Frame Enable read/write NOTE: Tx data and Tx buffer refer to the Q data and register in TE mode and the S data and register in NT mode. Rx data and Rx buffer refer to the S data and register in TE mode and the Q data and register in NT mode. The status bits are cleared by reading from the Status Register and, in the case of Rx buffer full and Tx buffer empty, by reading or writing the appropriate Rx/Tx register. The least significant 6 bits of the Multi-Frame Status register are read only status bits. The most significant bit – Multi-Frame Enable – is can be written and when set to a binary 1 will enable multi-frame operation. The Tx data under-run bit will be set to binary 1 if the Tx buffer has not been refreshed with data before new frame data is required. The Rx data over-run bit will be set to binary 1 if new data is received before the previous data has been read from the receive buffer. The receive buffer will be overwritten with the new data. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 30 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 The Tx buffer empty bit will be set to binary 1 when the data from the Tx buffer has been transferred to the multi-frame transmitter. This bit indicates the earliest that new Tx data can be loaded into the Tx buffer. In NT mode, new data must be loaded before the Tx data under-run indication (approx. 5 ST frames or 625 µS from Tx buffer empty) or the S bit data sequence will be corrupted. In TE mode the Tx under-run indication will occur approx. 20 ST frames (2.5 mS) after the Tx buffer empty indication and the Q register will be retransmitted if the Q register is not updated. The Rx buffer full bit will be set to binary 1 when new Rx data is available for reading. The Rx buffer must be read before the Rx over-run indication or Rx data could be lost. This will occur approx. 5 ST frames (625 µS) after Rx buffer full in TE mode and 20 ST frames (2.5mS) in NT mode. The start of multi-frame bit will be set to binary 1 at the earliest point that bit 1 of the 5 S data channels can be written to the S register in NT mode. The multi-frame synced bit is set to binary 1 when the correct sequence of Fa and M bits have been detected, indicating that the multi-frame is synchronised. Multi-Frame S Bit Counter Addr = $8D Reset = $00 (read only) The S Bit Counter indicates which of the 4 bits of the 5 SC registers is currently being received in TE mode. The counter will start at decimal 0 at the beginning of a multi-frame and count up 1 every 5 ST frames to a maximum of decimal 3. The counter aids reconstruction of the 5 SC registers. The following table defines the bits. Bit [1:0] [7:2] Function Binary encoded S bit count Unused, reads back as binary 0 Data Routing Block The data routing block controls the source and destination ports for the B1, B2 and D-channel data. The available ports for B-channel data are: • • • • • • • • • ST B1-channel ST B2-channel HDLC B1-channel HDLC B2-channel IOM B1-channel IOM B2-channel IOM IC1 channel IOM IC2 channel Codec 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 31 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 The available ports for D-channel data are: • • • ST D-channel HDLC D-channel IOM D-channel The B and D-channel routing is controlled by a prioritised set of 5 routing registers as follows: B Route Control 1 (highest priority) B Route Control 2 B Route Control 3 B Route Control 4 (lowest priority) D Route Control Addr = $B0 Addr = $B1 Addr = $B2 Addr = $B3 Addr = $B4 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 The 4 B and 1 D registers can all written and read. The bit definition for all 4 B routing registers is identical and is shown in the following table. Bit [3:0] [7:4] Function Source/Destination Code A Source/Destination Code B Each B-channel source/destination port is allocated a 4-bit code and the B-channel data is routed between code A and code B ports. Each route control register can have an independent pair of ports specified, but where a conflict arises with a higher priority register the lower priority port can only receive data. Specifying the same code for A and B within a single routing register will set up a loop-back. The B-channel port codes are as follows: Code (hex) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A to F Port Off - no routing connection ST B1-channel ST B2-channel IOM B1-channel IOM B2-channel IOM IC1 channel IOM IC2 channel HDLC B1-channel HDLC B2-channel Codec Unused – selects no routing Example 1: Route ST B1 to HDLC B2, ST B2 to Codec. B Route Control 1 = 18h B Route Control 2 = 29h B Route Control 3 = 00h B Route Control 4 = 00h 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 32 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Example 2: Route ST B1 to ST B1, ST B2 to ST B2, ST B1 to Codec, ST B2 to IOM IC1 B Route Control 1 = 11h B Route Control 2 = 22h B Route Control 3 = 19h B Route Control 4 = 25h In this case a loopback has been implemented in both B-channels, whilst the downstream data is being passed through to the Codec and IOM IC1 channels. Data generated by the Codec and IOM bus is lost. The bit definition for the D routing register is shown in the following table. Bit [1:0] [3:2] [5:4] [7:6] Function Source/Destination Code B (low priority) Source/Destination Code A (low priority) Source/Destination Code B (high priority) Source/Destination Code A (high priority) The operation of the D routing register is similar to the B routing registers but the routing priority is defined in 2 halves of a single register. The source/destination codes are 2 bits wide as follows: Code (bin) 00 01 10 11 Port Off - no routing connection ST D-channel HDLC D-channel IOM D-channel Example 3: Loop back ST D-channel while passing D-channel through to IOM D-channel. D Route Control = 01010110b HDLC FIFO Control The CMX635 HDLC FIFOs are constructed from a single 1024 x 8 RAM, which can be flexibly subdivided into the 6 required channels (B1 Rx and Tx, B2 Rx and Tx, D Rx and TX) under software control. Each FIFO has its own Status Register and associated Mask Register to enable efficient block transfer between CMX635 and processor. The FIFO registers available are: • • • • 6 base address registers, one for each channel, defining the RAM base address for each FIFO. 3 read ports for the Rx FIFOs and 3 write ports for the Tx FIFOs. A FIFO clear register for resetting each FIFO individually. 6 status and 6 associated Mask Registers, 1 of each for each channel. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 33 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Base Address Registers The 6 base address registers used to partition the internal RAM into the 6 required Fifos are: D Tx Base Address D Rx Base Address B1 Tx Base Address B1 Rx Base Address B2 Tx Base Address B2 Rx Base Address Addr = $60 Addr = $61 Addr = $62 Addr = $63 Addr = $64 Addr = $65 Reset = $00 Reset = $10 Reset = $20 Reset = $58 Reset = $90 Reset = $C8 (Write/Read) (Write/Read) (Write/Read) (Write/Read) (Write/Read) (Write/Read) The order of partitioning of the RAM is always as shown above with the D Tx FIFO being nearest the bottom (address 0) and the B2 Rx FIFO nearest the top. The base addresses can be set on 4 byte boundaries and are derived internally as a concatenation of the base address register (as the most significant 8 bits of the address) and binary 00 (as the least significant 2 bits). The base address of the next highest FIFO must always be greater than that of the previous FIFO base address. The reset values of the FIFO base address registers give FIFO depths of 64 bytes for the D Rx and Tx channels, 224 bytes for the B1/B2 Rx and Tx channels. Read/Write Ports The data for HDLC transmission/reception is written/read from these ports as raw unencoded octets (if autonomous mode of operation is selected). The appropriate Tx enable must be asserted before the transmit FIFOs can be written to. The 6 FIFO ports are: D Tx Channel D Rx Channel B1Tx Channel B1 Rx Channel B2Tx Channel B2 Rx Channel Addr = $68 Addr = $6B Addr = $69 Addr = $6C Addr = $6A Addr = $6D (Write) (Read) (Write) (Read) (Write) (Read) Fifo Clear Register Addr = $6E (Write) Each Fifo channel can be individually cleared by writing a binary 1 to the appropriate bit position. The data is not actually written, but is used to generate a transient clear strobe. The read and write pointers will be set equal to each other and the base address. This gives a convenient method to re-initialise the FIFO if required. The bit definition is shown in the following table. Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Function D-channel Tx FIFO clear D-channel Rx FIFO clear B1-channel Tx FIFO clear B1-channel Rx FIFO clear B2-channel Tx FIFO clear B2-channel Rx FIFO clear Unused Unused 34 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Status and Mask Registers Each FIFO channel has an associated status (Read) and mask (Write/Read) register as follows: D Tx Status D Tx Mask Register D Rx Status D Rx Mask Register B1 Tx Status B1 Tx Mask Register B1 Rx Status B1 Rx Mask Register B2 Tx Status B2 Tx Mask Register B2 Rx Status B2 Rx Mask Register Addr = $70 Addr = $72 Addr = $71 Addr = $73 Addr = $74 Addr = $76 Addr = $75 Addr = $77 Addr = $78 Addr = $7A Addr = $79 Addr = $7B Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 These registers form a level-3 interrupt source to the level-2 HDLC B1, B2 and D HDLC Status registers (section The Status Registers all have the same bit allocations as shown in the following table. Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Function FIFO Over write - clears on stats reg read FIFO Under read - clears on stats reg read FIFO Empty flag - clears on FIFO status change FIFO Full flag - clears on FIFO status change FIFO Near Empty (Tx FIFO only) - clears on FIFO status change FIFO Near Full (Rx FIFO only) - clears on FIFO status change Unused Unused The FIFO overwrite bit is set to binary 1 if a write to the FIFO is made when full. A write to the FIFO can be via the data port for a Tx FIFO or an internal write for an Rx FIFO. The FIFO under-read bit is set to binary 1 if a read from the FIFO is made when empty. A read from the FIFO can be via the data port for an Rx FIFO or an internal read for a Tx FIFO. The FIFO empty bit has a programmable polarity. When the Mask Register bit 6 is binary 0, the empty flag will be set to binary 1 when the last available location in the RAM is read. It will only clear to binary 0 when the FIFO is written. When the Mask Register bit 6 is binary 1 the sense of the flag is reversed - i.e. it becomes FIFO not-empty. The FIFO full bit has a programmable polarity. When the Mask Register bit 7 is binary 0, the FIFO full bit will be set to binary 1 when the last remaining location in the RAM is written. It will only clear to binary 0 when the FIFO is read. When the Mask Register bit 7 is binary 1 the sense of the flag is reversed – i.e. it becomes FIFO not-full. The FIFO near empty bit is only applicable to the Tx FIFOs and will be set to binary 1 when only 8 octets remain in the FIFO. It will only clear to binary 0 when the FIFO contains more than 8 octets of data. For the Rx FIFOs this bit is permanently set to binary 0. The FIFO near full bit is only applicable to the Rx FIFOs and will be set to binary 1 when only the FIFO is 8 octets short of being full. It will only clear to binary 0 when the FIFO is read and more 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 35 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 than 8 octets of space is available in the FIFO. For the Tx FIFOs this bit is permanently set to binary 0. The Mask Register bits 0 to 5, when set to binary 0, will prevent a binary 1 in the corresponding Status Register bit position from generating a level-3 interrupt request (see section 1.6.1) to the level-2 HDLC Status Register (see The function of mask bits 6 and 7 is as previously explained. HDLC Rx Channel Control Each of the 3 Rx Channels (B1, B2 and D) has a similar set of control registers as follows. • • • • • Rx Mode register 9 address matching control registers Level-2 HDLC Status register and Mask Register Level-3 Rx Status register and Mask Register Rx Octet Counter Rx Mode Register D-channel B1-channel B2-channel Addr = $00 Addr = $20 Addr = $40 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) (Write/Read) (Write/Read) The Rx Mode register controls the receive channel operation as follows: D Channel Rx Mode Register Bit Function [2:0] Minimum expected receive octet count [3] Receive Enable [4] Reserved [5] Unused [6] Unused [7] Unused B Channel Rx Mode Register Bit Function [2:0] Minimum expected receive octet count [3] Receive Enable [4] Receive Channel Transparent Mode [5] Reserved [6] Unused [7] Unused The minimum receive octet count (all received octets between opening and closing flags) sets the limit below which an error status is generated for short received frames. The receive enable bit when set to binary 1 is the master enable for the Rx channel and must be enabled to read the Fifo. When disabled, any data remaining in the fifo will be lost and the fifo reset. The receive channel transparent mode bit when set to binary 1 enables the transparent receive mode in the B-channels which does not process flags, bit stuffing, addresses or CRC. All received 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 36 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 data is written to the FIFO and the processing of framing and protocols becomes the responsibility of the controlling software. Address Matching Control registers The user can initialise up to 4 1st (A1-A4) and 4 2nd (B1-B4) address-matching registers for comparing incoming SAPI and TEI address fields. The combination of matching performed with these registers is set by the Match Request Register. Only the most significant 7 bits are compared as the lsb of each address field acts as an address extension bit and does not form part of the address. The registers can all be read or written to. The address matching registers are designated as follow: Address Match Register A1, A2, A3 and A4 (Reset = $00): A1 D-channel Addr = $01 A1 B1-channel Addr = $21 A2 D-channel Addr = $02 A2 B1-channel Addr = $22 A3 D-channel Addr = $03 A3 B1-channel Addr = $23 A4 D-channel Addr = $04 A4 B1-channel Addr = $24 A1 B2-channel A2 B2-channel A3 B2-channel A4 B2-channel Addr = $41 Addr = $42 Addr = $43 Addr = $44 Address Match Register B1, B2, B3 and B4 (Reset = $00): B1 D-channel Addr = $05 B1 B1-channel Addr = $25 B2 D-channel Addr = $06 B2 B1-channel Addr = $26 B3 D-channel Addr = $07 B3 B1-channel Addr = $27 B4 D-channel Addr = $08 B4 B1-channel Addr = $28 B1 B2-channel B2 B2-channel B3 B2-channel B4 B2-channel Addr = $45 Addr = $46 Addr = $47 Addr = $48 Match Request Register (Reset = $00) D-channel Addr = $09 B1-channel Addr = $29 B2-channel Addr = $49 The Match Request Register for each channel defines the extent of address matching according to the table below: Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Function Match 1 address byte to selected A match registers Match 2st address byte to selected B match registers st nd Match broadcast addresses, 1 address to FFh, 2 address to FEh Use match registers A1 and/or B1 Use match registers A2 and/or B2 Use match registers A3 and/or B3 Use match registers A4 and/or B4 Unused st Bit 0, when set to binary 1, enables address matching on the 1st received address octet and can be used in isolation for single address octet HDLC frames. Bit 1, when set to binary 1, enables address matching on the 2nd received address octet and must be used in conjunction with bit 0 set to binary 1. If both bit 0 and bit 1 are set to binary 0, address matching is turned off and all addresses will “match” i.e. all received frames will be written to the FIFO and can generate receive interrupts. Bits 3 to 6 define how many and which addresses are compared to the incoming address fields. A binary 1 will enable the relevant match register, which will be compared, along with other selected match registers, against the incoming address fields. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 37 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Level-2 HDLC Status and Mask Registers The layer-2 HDLC Status Register (Read Only) indicates the status of the receive and transmit channels and accepts level-3 interrupt requests from the Rx and Tx FIFOs. There is a Status Register and a Mask Register (Write/Read) for each channel as follows: Status Registers: D-channel Addr = $0B B1-channel Addr = $2B B2-channel Addr = $4B Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Mask Registers: D-channel Addr = $0D B1-channel Addr = $2D B2-channel Addr = $4D Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 The bit definition is as follows: Bit [0] (lsb) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] (msb) Function Received good frame Address match Tx abort Tx frame completed Tx all frames completed Layer-3 Status Register interrupt Rx FIFO status interrupt Tx FIFO status interrupt The received good frame bit is set to binary 1 when all of the conditions for a successful frame reception have been met (above minimum length, address matched, aligned flags, correct CRC). The address match bit is set to binary 1 when a successful match has been found with the specified addresses (see section Note that if both 1st and 2nd address matching is specified, the status will not change until the 2nd address field successfully matches. The Tx abort bit is set to binary 1 if the transmission is aborted. This can occur if the Tx FIFO runs out of data (fifo empty) or in the D-channel, if the D-channel access is removed possibly due to a detected collision. The Tx frame completed bit is set to binary 1 when a frame has been successfully transmitted. The Tx all frames completed bit is set to binary 1 when all frames in a multi-frame HDLC transmission have been completed. Bits 5, 6 and 7 indicate an interrupt request from level-3 Status Registers. The Mask Register bits, when set to binary 0, will prevent a binary 1 in the corresponding Status Register bit position from generating a level-2 interrupt request (see section 1.6.1) to the level-1 top level Status Register. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 38 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Level-3 Receive Status and Mask Registers There is a level-3 Status Register (Read Only) and a Mask Register (Read/Write) for each channel as follows: Status Registers: D-channel Addr = $0C B1-channel Addr = $2C B2-channel Addr = $4C Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Mask Registers: D-channel Addr = $0E B1-channel Addr = $2E B2-channel Addr = $4E Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 The level-3 receive Status Register provides further information on aborted receive frames as follows: Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Function CRC error Rx octet mis-aligned error Rx packet aborted Rx short packet Rx Octet Counter roll over Unused Unused Unused An Rx octet mis-aligned flag is generated when a non-integer number of octets have been received between an opening and closing flag. An Rx packet aborted flag is generated when 7 consecutive binary 1s are received during a frame. An Rx short packet flag is generated when the received packet length is less than the preprogrammed minimum. The Rx Octet Counter roll over bit is set to binary 1 when the Rx Octet counter rolls over (see section The Mask Register bits, when set to binary 0, will prevent a binary 1 in the corresponding Status Register bit position from generating a level-3 interrupt request (see section 1.6.1) to the level-2 HDLC Status Register. Rx Octet Counter D-channel Addr = $0F B1-channel Addr = $2F B2-channel Addr = $4F Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 (Read Only) (Read Only) (Read Only) The Rx octet counter counts the number of octets received into the Rx FIFO - note modulus of 256 means that rollover could occur on large FIFOs. Level-3 receive Status Register bit 5 warns of this condition (see section 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 39 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 NOTE: When flags are used as the receive interframe idle mode (Flag Idle) the Rx Octet counter must be read within 900uS (D channel), or 250uS (B Channel), of receipt of a Received Good Frame interrupt for reliable operation. HDLC Tx Channel Control Each of the 3 Tx Channels (B1, B2 and D) has a similar set of control registers as follows. • • • • Tx Mode register 2 Tx Address Registers Tx Frame Count Register Tx Octet Count Register Tx Mode Register D-channel Addr = $10 B1-channel Addr = $30 B2-channel Addr = $50 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) (Write/Read) (Write/Read) The Tx mode register controls the HDLC transmit functions. The bit definition is given in the following table: Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Function Link List Mode User CRC Mode Transparent Mode Tx enable Single Address Mode User Address Mode Force error Back to back mode A binary 1 in the appropriate bit position selects the described function. Link list mode is a mode of operation intended for multi-frame HDLC transmissions. It enables the FIFOs to autonomously transmit multiple frames of varying lengths and is used in conjunction with the Tx frame count register (see To use link list mode, the FIFOs are written with multiple frames of data, the first octet of which is the number of data octets in the following frame. During transmission at the start of each new frame the octet count is automatically read from the FIFO and loaded into the Tx octet counter (section 0). This process is repeated for the number iterations specified in the Tx Frame Count register. User CRC mode when selected requires the CRC octets to be written to the Tx FIFO and included in the Tx octet count. The software must calculate the correct CRC value. When this mode is not selected the CRC values are automatically calculated and appended to the frame and are not included in the octet count. Transparent mode when selected will cause only the FIFO data to be transmitted with no HDLC formatting at all (i.e. no flags, bit stuffing, address octets or CRC octets). Tx Enable is the master enable for the Tx channel. This bit must be set to binary 1 before the relevant fifo can be written. In addition any data remaining in the fifo when this bit is set to binary 0 will be lost i.e. the fifo will be reset. Single address mode when selected, causes only a single address octet to be prepended to the data octets (Tx address high register and only if user address mode is not selected). 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 40 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 User address mode when selected will prevent either Tx address high or Tx address low from being prepended to the data octets. The required address octet(s) must be written to the FIFO along with the data octets. Force error when selected will cause an erroneous CRC value to be generated. This is used for system test purposes only. Back to back mode when selected will cause a single flag to be generated between consecutive frames of a multi-frame transmission i.e. a shared start/end flag. Tx Address Registers 2 Tx address registers for each channel define the address to be transmitted in the first and second octet of a frame when the user address mode is not selected. The registers are: Tx Address High (1st octet address): D-channel Addr = $15 Reset = $00 B1-channel Addr = $35 Reset = $00 B2-channel Addr = $55 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) (Write/Read) (Write/Read) Tx Address Low (2nd octet address): D-channel Addr = $14 Reset = $00 B1-channel Addr = $34 Reset = $00 B2-channel Addr = $54 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) (Write/Read) (Write/Read) Tx Frame Count Register D-channel Addr = $16 Reset = $00 B1-channel Addr = $36 Reset = $00 B2-channel Addr = $56 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) (Write/Read) (Write/Read) The Tx frame count register sets the required number of frames to be transmitted in a multi-frame transmission and, in the B channel, allows an interframe fill of HDLC flags (Flag Idle). The bit definition for B channel operation is given in the following table: Bit [6:0] [7] Function Transmit Frame Count Set Flag Idle Mode Bits [6:0] ([7:0] in the D channel) allow a maximum frame count of 127 (255 for D channel) to be set for multi-frame transmissions. As the end of each frame is transmitted, the register value is decremented. This allows multiframe transmission progress to be monitored. The HDLC channel returns to idle mode when the counter reaches zero. The count should be set to 1 for single frame transmissions. NOTE: Setting the frame count to a non-zero value is the “normal” method of initiating a transmission in the B channels, however transmission will not begin until valid routing has been set up. Transmission in the D channel also requires the ST interface Data Request primitive to be written. Bit [7] in the B channel, when set to binary 1, enables Flag Idle mode of transmission whereby interframe time is filled with continuous HDLC flags. Delays between frames may occur in single frame transmission mode, when the frame counter decrements to zero or when the fifo becomes empty in multiframe transmission mode. If bit [7] is set to binary 0, Mark Idle mode is selected whereby interframe fill is HDLC marks (binary 1, no signal). 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 41 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Tx Octet Count Register D-channel Addr = $17 B1-channel Addr = $37 B2-channel Addr = $57 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) (Write/Read) (Write/Read) The Tx octet count register sets the number of octets to be transmitted in any frame. This must be set for single frames and non-linked list mode of multi-frame transmission in which the frame lengths must be constant. The maximum frame length for multi-frame operation is 256 FIFO octets. To transmit single frames greater than 256 octets, the Tx octet counter must be re-written before it decrements to 0. For non-linked list multi-frames the Tx octet count is used to delimit the FIFO data into individual constant length frames. In linked list mode multi-frames the octet count is written to the FIFO as the first octet of each frame and is automatically loaded into the octet count register to establish the length of the current frame. The frame length can therefore be variable. IOM Interface Control The IOM interface allows export and import of B and D-channel data as well as programming control of other IOM compliant devices such as the CMX625 POTS Codec. The registers available to control the interface are: • • • • • • IOM Control Register Monitor Channel Control Register Monitor Channel Tx Register Monitor Channel Rx Register IOM Status Register, Mask Register and Real Time Status CI0 and CI1 Channel Transmit and Receive Registers IOM Control Register Addr = $90 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) The IOM control register provides the control of the IOM operating modes. The bits are defined according to the following table: Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Function Timing Master IC Channel Bus Reversal Reserved – set to binary 0 IOM Enable Use Deactivate State Machine Active Outputs Monitor Channel Bus Reversal Unused The Timing Master bit when set to binary 1 will set the CMX635 as the IOM timing master. In this mode the IOM frame sync (FSC) and clock (DCL) are generated by and exported from the CMX635. When set to binary 0 these signals are imported from an external timing master device 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 42 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 (i.e. when configured into an NT system). The CMX635 will always operate as the IOM control master. The IC Channel Bus Reversal bit when set to binary 1 enables bus reversal in the IC1 and IC2, channels. Similarly, the Monitor Channel Bus Reversal bit when set to binary 1 enables bus reversal in the Monitor1 and CI1 channels. This means that data is transmitted on the IOM Rx pins and received on the Tx pins (c.f. normal operation - transmit on Tx, receive on Rx). Note that the Tx pin is designated DD when the CMX635 is an upstream device to other IOM devices (TE) and DU when configured as a downstream device (NT). Similarly the Rx pin is DU for a TE and DD for an NT. A possible application of this function is when the CMX635 is configured in an intelligent NT system, where it is the downstream device to a U interface transceiver. To expand the POTS capability to 2 ports, a CMX625 could be added as another downstream device. The Rx and Tx pins of the CMX635 and CMX625 would be connected together and bus reversal in the monitor channel would be selected to allow the CMX625 to be programmed from the CMX635 whilst still being capable of receiving B-channel data directly from the U interface. The Use Deactivate State Machine bit when set to binary 1 will delay IOM deactivation after a deactivate command has been issued, until 4 frames of the primitive DC (Deactivate confirmation - 1111b) has been received from all downstream devices. The Active Outputs bit when set to binary 1 will cause the Tx pin to change from an open drain output, requiring an external pull-up resistor, to a fully driven output. This mode enables lower power and faster drive of the DD line in TE mode as an external pull-up resistor is not required. To avoid contention on the DD line, Active Output mode should not be selected when bus reversal mode is also selected. Monitor Channel Control Register Addr = $92 Reset = $02 (Write/Read) The Monitor Channel Control Register selects the active monitor channel and provides for control of the monitor channel transmit sequence. The bits are defined according to the following table: Bit [0] [1] [2] [7:3] Function Transmit EOF code Monitor Channel #1 select Tx Abort Request Unused The Transmit EOF bit must be set to binary 1 when all of the required data octets have been transmitted. This causes an EOF code to be transmitted (MX high for 2 consecutive frames). The Monitor Channel Select bit should be set to binary 1 to select transmission (and reception) in the MON1 channel. Set to binary 0 to select MON0 as the active channel. The Tx Abort bit when set to binary 1 will cause an abort code to be transmitted (MX high for 2 consecutive frames) and return the IOM monitor channel interface to the idle state. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 43 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Monitor Channel Tx Register Addr = $91 Reset = $FF (Write Only) This register should be written with the desired monitor channel transmit data when the Tx Buffer Empty bit in the Status Register is set to binary 1 (see section Note that there is no maximum response time requirement to the Tx Buffer Empty flag as the transmission speed is controlled by a hardware handshake mechanism (section 1.7.2). Monitor Channel Rx Register Addr = $93 (Read Only) This register contains the latest monitor channel receive data and should be read when the Monitor Rx Data available bit in the Status Register is set to binary 1 (see section Note that there is no maximum response time requirement to the Rx Data Available flag as the transmission speed is controlled by a hardware handshake mechanism (section 1.7.2). IOM Status Register/Mask Register/Real Time Status Status Register Addr = $94 (Read Only) Mask Register Addr = $96 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) Real Time Status Addr = $95 (Read Only) The bits of the IOM Status Register are defined according to the following table: Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Function New CI0 Data Available New CI1 Data Available Monitor Rx Data Available Monitor Tx Buffer Empty Monitor Rx EOF Detected Monitor Rx Abort Detected Monitor Tx Abort Detected Monitor Tx Idle The New CI0/CI1 Data Available bits are set to binary 1 when a change is detected in the CI bus data. The data is read from the appropriate CI receive register (see section The Monitor Rx Data Available bit is set to binary 1 when a new Rx data octet is received in the active monitor channel. The Monitor Tx Buffer Empty bit when set to binary 1, indicates that a new octet can be written to the monitor Tx register. The Monitor Rx EOF bit is set to binary 1 when an end of file code is detected in the monitor Rx channel. The Monitor Rx Abort bit is set to binary 1 when a premature end of File code is detected in the monitor Rx channel. This can occur if an incorrect handshake sequence is detected or the received data is corrupted. The Monitor Tx Abort bit is set to binary 1 when an incorrect handshake sequence is detected or a Tx Abort command is issued. The Monitor Tx Idle bit, when set to binary 1, indicates when the monitor transmit channel has reached its idle state. The software should wait for the Tx Idle status before beginning transmission of another monitor channel message. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 44 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 CI Channel Transmit/Receive Registers Transmit: CI0 Tx Addr = $97 (Write/Read) CI1 Tx Addr = $98 (Write/Read) Receive: CI0 Rx CI1 Rx Addr = $99 Addr = $9A (Read Only) (Read Only) The CI0 Transmit Register is used to set the required 4 bit CI0 data, to control the BAC (Bus Access) bit in the TIC channel and to issue an IOM timing request (TIM) to an upstream device. The bits are defined in the following table: Bit [3:0] [4] [6:5] [7] Function CI0 Data BAC Unused TIM Reset 1111b 0 0 The CI0 Data is used to transmit 4 bit layer-1 primitive codes to external layer-1 devices. The BAC bit is used when the CMX635 is configured as a downstream device. It is transmitted as bit 4 of the TIC bus (Bit 5 of the last octet of channel 2 in a terminal mode frame). The BAC bit is provided to support upstream devices that require BAC control. The CMX635 does not support full TIC bus access protocol and cannot be used with other downstream layer-1 devices on the same IOM bus. See section for more details on TIC bus operation. The TIM bit when set to binary 1, issues a hardware timing request (IOM Tx or DU pulled low) and is intended for use when the CMX635 is configured as a downstream device. The TIM request will persist until either a hardware reset or activity is detected on the IOM DCL signal. The CI1 Transmit Register is used to set the required 6 bit CI1 data and only the 6 LSBs are used. The CI0 Receive Register contains the latest 4-bit CI0 value in the 4 LSBs. The msb is set to binary 1 when the same CI0 data has been received in at least 2 consecutive frames. The CI1 Receive Register contains the latest 6 bit CI1 value in the 6 LSBs. The msb is set to binary 1 when the same CI1 data has been received in at least 2 consecutive frames. Clock and Power Control The Clock and Power Control block provides the means to limit power consumption by disabling functions not required for particular applications (or particular modes in the same application). It also provides the necessary status signals to allow “wake up” from a powered down state. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 45 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 The Clock and Power block consists of the following registers: • • • • Clock Enable Register Audio Power Save Register Tone Power Save Register Status Register and Mask Clock Enable Register Addr = $D0 Reset = $3F (Write/Read) The clock enable register allows the master clock to the individual functional blocks to be turned off in order to reduce power consumption. The bits are defined according to the following table: Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Function IOM Clk Enable ST Interface Clock Enable DPLL Clock Enable Data Routing Clock Enable HDLC Block Clock Enable Speaker Phone Clock Enable Unused Unused Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 The clocks to the functional blocks are enabled by setting the relevant bit position to binary 1. Audio Enable Register Addr = $D5 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) The analogue functions of the audio input/output path can be individually enabled or set to a low power state with the audio enable register. The bits are defined according to the following table: Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Function ST Transceiver Enable Input Amp Rx1 Enable Input Amp Rx2 Enable Earpiece Amp Tx1 Enable Speaker Amp Tx2 Enable Sidetone Amp Enable Codec Enable Power Save All Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 When set to binary 1 the relevant analogue functional blocks are enabled. When set to binary 0 they are set to their low power mode. When bit 7 is set to binary 1 all of the remaining analogue functions are set to their zero power mode. This bit should not be asserted unless all of the other analogue functions are disabled. Note that even when all of the analogue functions are disabled, a small power drain still exists due to the “wake up” function remaining enabled. Setting bit 7 to binary 1 will cause all analogue power drain to be removed, including that due to the wake-up function. In this mode, activity on the ST bus will not generate a wake-up status signal. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 46 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Tone Enable Register Addr = $D6 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) The analogue functions of the tone generator/decoder function can be individually enabled or set to a low power state with the tone enable register. The bits are defined according to the following table: Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Function DTMF Decoder Enable Tone Generator Enable FSK Tone Enable Ring Generator Enable SPM Generator Enable Tone/FSK/Ring On/Off SPM On/Off Unused Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 When set to binary 1 the relevant analogue functional blocks are enabled. When set to binary 0 they are set to their low power mode. Note that the tone and FSK outputs cannot be enabled simultaneously. The FSK output has highest priority and will be unconditionally enabled when set to binary 1. The tone output will only be enabled when set to binary 1 and the FSK output is disabled. The Ring, Tone and FSK signals are turned on when bit 5 is set to binary 1 and off when set to binary 0. The active signal type is selected by the Tone or FSK enable bits and, in the case of the Ring signal, by selecting the appropriate ring frequency from the tone tables. When controlled from bit 5, the Tone signal starts from VBIAS, and returns to VBIAS before ending. When FSK mode is enabled, bit 5 initiates FSK transmission. The SPM output tone is ramped up to its maximum amplitude when bit 6 is set to binary 1 and ramped down again when set to binary 0 (see section Note that when setting the SPM generator to its power save mode after outputting an SPM tone, the tone must first be turned off and then sufficient time allowed for the tone to ramp down to zero amplitude (approx. 4.5mS) before the generator is power saved. Status/Mask Registers Status Addr = $D2 Reset = $00 Mask Addr = $D1 Reset = $00 (Read Only) (Write/Read) The Clock and Power Status Register indicates the presence of IOM or ST wake-up signals on the respective busses and reports progress of the IOM deactivation sequence. The bits are defined according to the following table: Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [7:4] Function IOM Wakeup (TIM) ST Wakeup IOM Deactivated CI0 Channel Idle Unused The IOM Wakeup bit when set to binary 1 indicates activity on the IOM bus. When the TIM interrupt is detected, the software should enable the IOM interface by enabling the IOM master clock (see section and enabling the IOM block (see section This will start 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 47 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 the IOM DCL and FSC outputs (timing master mode) and allow CI0 primitives to be exchanged if required. The ST Wakeup bit when set to binary 1 indicates activity on the ST bus. It is only required when the ST bus and transceiver circuitry is in the power save mode and is used by the software to initiate reactivation of the ST bus. The IOM Deactivated bit when set to binary 1 indicates that the IOM bus has been completely deactivated functionally and that the master clock to the IOM block can be safely disabled. It is intended for use with the IOM deactivate state machine (see section and allows time for all downstream IOM devices to deactivate properly before the IOM clocks are stopped. If the deactivate state machine is not used this bit will be set to binary 1 as soon as the IOM disable command is issued. The CI0 Channel Idle bit is set to binary 1 when the deactivate state machine is used, when the BAC bit of the TIC bus is high for 2 consecutive frames and when the CI0 code DI (1111b) is being received. The Mask Register bits, when set to binary 0, will prevent a binary 1 in the corresponding Status Register bit position from generating a level-2 interrupt request (see section 1.6.1) to the level-1 top level Status Register. Clock Control Register Addr = $D7 Reset = $00 The Clock Control register enables • 12.288MHz or 15.36MHz master crystal mode • Buffered Master Clock or 1.536MHz Phase Locked clock output • Stopping of master crystal oscillator The bit definition of the Clock Control register is as follows: Bit [0] [1] [2] [7:3] Function Stop Xtal Select Master Xtal Select Output Clock Unused When the Stop Xtal bit is set to binary 1 the master crystal oscillator is disabled. This will set the CMX635 into its lowest power state. The Xtal can only be restarted by asserting a hardware reset on the device Reset pin. When a 15.36MHz master crystal is to be used (possibly for NT configurations) the Select Master Xtal bit should be set to binary 1. When a 12.288MHz crystal is to be used it should be set to binary 0 (default). A buffered version of the master clock is output on the CLKOUT pin (47) when the Select Output Clock bit is set to binary 0. When set to binary 1, the 1.536MHz IOM clock is output. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 48 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Speaker Phone Statistics The speakerphone functions are provided to enable an efficient hands free speakerphone design to be implemented using the CMX635. The design of speakerphone systems breaks down into two critical functions. The first function gathers statistical data on the transmit and receive data streams in which sufficient data processing must be done to separate and identify speech data from background noise on each channel. The CMX635 provides the hardware within the device to carry out these tasks. The second function is an algorithm to decide which channel is dominant (if any) and partition the overall loop gain between the receive and transmit path so that acoustic feedback is prevented. The software running on the system controller provides this task. The transmit and receive gains are adjusted by writing to the Speakerphone attenuation register and the Loudspeaker Gain Register respectively. This approach provides a high degree of latitude to system level designers to create inventive strategies in speakerphone functions whilst relieving the core processor from computational tasks at high data rates. All internal digital signal processing is carried out with 24bit precision with the most significant 8 bits available to the user. The CMX635 provides the following data processing functions on both the receive and transmit data paths. Note that all data processing is done on companded data in both channels. • • • • • • • Full wave rectification conversion of input data Noise filtering of converted data with long time constant (~ 10 s) Speech filtering of converted data with fast attack time constant (~ 1 ms) and selectable slow decay time constant (128, 256, 500 ms). Auto Gated Noise Filter i.e. the statistics integration is suspended when speech is detected in the channel. Interrupt control system based upon filter output comparators, which provides three interrupt sources for each channel. The interrupt sources are: 1) Speech filter output > noise filter output 2) Speech filter output > noise filter output + programmable threshold 3) Speech filer output > noise filter output + programmable threshold +/- hysteresis value. Interrupt generation when a change in any of the above conditions takes place. The user can poll the indicator flag bits to determine the exact condition that exists within the channel. A hysteresis register to prevent rapid and spurious interrupts when a slow noisy signal moves close to the integrated background level. The transmit path operates independently on two transmit data streams. One is provided after the attenuation block (see analogue block diagram, section 1.2.2) and the other before the attenuator. The pre-attenuated statistics allow the input to be fully characterised when the transmit channel is deemed to be the non-dominant channel, and thus attenuated (or even muted). The value of the filtered data in both the noise and speech filter is available to the user, however the filter is updated at the 8kHz sample rate and to allow the processor to synchronise to the sample rate an 8kHz interrupt is provided. All interrupts are maskable. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 49 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 The registers provided for speakerphone control are: • • • • • • Mode Register A Receive Channel and Transmit Channel Threshold Register A Receive Channel and Transmit Channel Hysteresis Register A Receive Channel and Transmit Channel Speech Filter Output Register A Receive Channel and Transmit Channel Noise Filter Output Register Status, Interrupt Status and Mask Registers Speakerphone Mode Register Addr = $C0 (Write/Read) The Speakerphone Mode Register bit allocations are defined in the following table: Bit [1:0] [2] [4:3] [5] [7:6] Function Transmit Channel Speech Filter Coefficient Transmit Channel Auto Integrate Mode Receive Channel Speech Filter Coefficient Receive Channel Auto Integrate Mode Attenuated Channel Speech Filter Coefficient The Co-efficient codes for bits [1:0], [4:3] and [7:6] are identical and are defined below: Code 00b 01b 10b 11b Function 127ms discharge time constant 256ms discharge time constant 512ms discharge time constant 1ms charge and discharge time constant Bits 2 and 5 control the auto-integrate mode of the respective channels. A binary 1 turns autointegrate mode on. The auto-integrate function turns off the noise filter integration when speech is detected giving a more accurate noise level. Receive/Transmit Channel Threshold Registers Receive Addr = $C2 (Write/Read) Transmit Addr = $C1 (Write/Read) The receive and transmit threshold registers contain the absolute level above the average noise value that will generate a Status1 interrupt (speech level > noise + threshold). The threshold level has a magnitude of 6 bits and is contained in register bits [5:0]. Bits [7:6] are unused. Receive/Transmit Channel Hysteresis Registers Receive Addr = $C4 (Write/Read) Transmit Addr = $C3 (Write/Read) The receive and transmit hysteresis registers contain the value of the hysteresis level applied to the threshold value (section before a Status 2 interrupt (speech level > noise + threshold ± hysteresis) is generated. The hysteresis level has a magnitude of 5 bits and is contained in register bits [4:0]. Bits [7:5] are unused. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 50 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Receive/Transmit/Attenuated Channel Speech Filter Outputs Receive Addr = $C6 (Read Only) Transmit Addr = $C5 (Read Only) Attenuated Addr = $C7 (Read Only) The speech filter registers contain the most significant 8 bits of the 24-bit speech filter output. The registers can be read asynchronously at any time to obtain the latest value of the speech filter output, or they can be read synchronously with the 8kHz sample clock to enable every speech filter output change to be read. This is achieved through the use of an 8kHz sample interrupt (section The synchronous read facility may be used where the internal speech detectors are not used and software algorithms are implemented instead. Receive/Transmit Channel Noise Filter Outputs Receive Addr = $C9 (Read Only) Transmit Addr = $C8 (Read Only) The noise filter registers contain the most significant 8 bits of the 24-bit noise filter output. Like the speech filter output they can be read synchronously or asynchronously. The noise filter has a fixed symmetrical attack and decay time constant of approximately 10 seconds and is used to determine the background noise level such that speech can be differentiated from it. It can be frozen during detected speech using the auto-integrate function. Status/Interrupt/Mask Registers Status Addr = $CC Reset = $00 Interrupt Addr = $CB Reset = $00 Mask Addr = $CA Reset = $00 (Read Ony) (Read Only) (Write/Read) The speakerphone interrupt request forms a level-2 interrupt to the top level Status Register (section 1.6.1) and is derived from the SP Interrupt Status Register. This register indicates whenever a change in state has occurred in the corresponding Status register bits (which give a real time indication of the various status inputs). The Mask Register bits, when set to binary 0, will prevent a binary 1 in the corresponding interrupt Status Register bit position from generating a layer-2 interrupt request. The interrupt Status Register is cleared to all binary 0s when read by software. The interrupt Status Register bits are defined in the following table: Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Function Tx Status 0 changed state Tx Status 1changed state Tx Status 2 changed state Rx Status 0 changed state Rx Status 1changed state Rx Status 2 changed state 8kHz sample interrupt Unused Bits [5:0] indicate that there has been a change in state in the corresponding Status Register bit positions when set to binary 1. Change of state refers to either binary 0 to 1 or binary 1 to 0 transitions. Bit 6 will be set to binary 1 at each reference 8kHz sample clock and may be used for synchronous reads of the filter output registers. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 51 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 The speakerphone Status Register continuously indicates the current status of the speakerphone functions. The bits are defined as follows: Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7:6] Function Tx Status 0 (speech level > noise) Tx Status 1 (speech level > noise + threshold) Tx Status 2 (speech level > noise + threshold ± hysteresis) Rx Status 0 (speech level > noise) Rx Status 1 (speech level > noise + threshold) Rx Status 2 (speech level > noise + threshold ± hysteresis) Unused Bits 0 and 3 indicate that the speech filter output is greater than the noise filter output when set to binary 1. This is an indication of detected speech as the speech filter responds to changes in input much faster than the noise filter. Bits 1 and 4 indicate that the speech filter output is greater than the noise filter output plus a programmable threshold value when set to binary 1. This is an alternative indication of speech where small relative amplitude changes can be ignored. It provides better noise immunity of the speech output. Bits 2 and 5 are set to binary 1 when an increasing speech filter output exceeds the noise level by the threshold plus the programmable hysteresis level. They are set to binary 0 when a decreasing speech filter output falls below the threshold less the hysteresis level. This ensures that rapid change of status does not occur for marginal speech signals (when the speech level approaches the noise level). Filter Reset Register Addr = $CD (Write) A write to this location with the value $01 (lsb = binary 1) will clear and hold clear the 3 voice filter and 2 noise filter registers. The filter registers are released when the reset register is written with $00 (lsb = binary 0). Note that only this function and a chip reset will clear the filter register. Audio Block Refer to the analogue block diagram (section 1.2.2) for an overview of the Audio/Tone/Codec Block. The Audio Block contains 3 registers to control the audio path gain and 1 register to control the required routing. The registers available to control the Audio Path gain and routing functions are: • • • • Audio Rx Gain and Speakerphone Rx Attenuation Register Speaker Output Amplifier Gain Register Tone Injection Attenuation and Sidetone Attenuation Register Audio Routing Register 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 52 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Audio Rx Gain (G1) and Speakerphone Attenuation (G2) Register Addr = $F7 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) These two 4 bit gain controls are combined into a single register as follows: Bits[7:4] 0000b 0001b 0010b 0011b 0100b 0101b 0110b 0111b 1000b 1001b 1010b 1011b 1100b 1101b 1110b 1111b G2 Gain 0 dB -3 dB -6 dB -9 dB -12 dB -15 dB -18 dB -21 dB -24 dB -27 dB -30 dB -33 dB -36 dB -39 dB -42 dB Mute Bits[3:0] 0000b 0001b 0010b 0011b 0100b 0101b 0110b 0111b 1000b 1001b 1010b 1011b 1100b 1101b 1110b 1111b G1 Gain 0 dB 1.5 dB 3.0 dB 4.5 dB 6.0 dB 7.5 dB 9.0 dB 10.5 dB 12.0 dB 13.5 dB 15.0 dB 16.5 dB 18.0 dB 19.5 dB 21.0 dB 22.5 dB The Audio Rx Gain register (G1) is used to control the second stage of gain required to match the dynamic range of the codec input to the transducer being used. The gain required will vary widely dependent on the configuration (POTS or ISDN phone) and both the type of microphone being used and the distance from the microphone of the voice source (handset, desk speakerphone, conference speakerphone, etc.). The first stage of gain is provided by the input amplifiers and associated external feedback components. The Rx gain register also enables implementation of a software controlled Automatic Gain Control algorithm in conjunction with the data derived from the speakerphone statistics registers. The Speakerphone Rx Attenuation register (G2) provides for programmable attenuation of the input voice signal applied to the codec and is used for speakerphone operation. It includes a complete mute function. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 53 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Speaker Output Amplifier Gain Register (G3) Addr = $F6 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) The speaker amplifier gain register consists of a 3 bit coarse control and a 4 bit fine control plus a mute function as follows: Bits[6:4] 000b 001b 010b 011b 100b 101b 110b 111b G3course Gain +6 dB 0 dB -6 dB -12 dB -18 dB -24 dB -30 dB -36 dB Bits[3:0] 0000b 0001b 0010b 0011b 0100b 0101b 0110b 0111b 1000b 1001b 1010b 1011b 1100b 1101b 1110b 1111b G3fine Gain 0 dB -0.5 dB -1.0 dB -1.5 dB -2.0 dB -2.5 dB -3.0 dB -3.5 dB -4.0 dB -4.5 dB -5.0 dB -5.5 dB Mute Mute Mute Mute Bit 7 is unused and should be set to binary 0. The total gain is the addition in dBs of the G3course and the G3fine settings. The binary code 01111111b may be used to completely mute the loudspeaker output. The Speaker Output Amplifier Gain register adjusts the power output from the speaker amplifier. It can be used as a volume control and as a means of attenuating the speaker output for speakerphone operation. For POTS configurations, the speaker output is intended for use as the ring input to a SLIC. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 54 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Tone Injection Attenuation (G4) and Sidetone Attenuation (G5) Register Addr = $F8 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) These two 4 bit gain controls are combined into a single register as follows: Bits[7:4] 0000b 0001b 0010b 0011b 0100b 0101b 0110b 0111b 1000b 1001b 1010b 1011b 1100b 1101b 1110b 1111b G5 Gain -6 dB -8 dB -10 dB -12 dB -14 dB -16 dB -18 dB -20 dB -22 dB -24 dB -26 dB -28 dB -30 dB -32 dB -34 dB -36 dB Bits[3:0] 0000b 0001b 0010b 0011b 0100b 0101b 0110b 0111b 1000b 1001b 1010b 1011b 1100b 1101b 1110b 1111b G4 Gain 0 dB -3 dB -6 dB -9 dB -12 dB -15 dB -18 dB -21 dB -24 dB -27 dB -30 dB -33 dB -36 dB -39 dB -42 dB Mute The Tone Injection Attenuation register (G4) controls the relative amplitude of the call progress and DTMF comfort tones injected into the earpiece/speaker outputs. It includes a complete mute function. The Sidetone Attenuation register (G5) allows a programmable level of voice Rx data to be injected into the earpiece amplifier path. This emulates the monitor function intrinsic in a POTS system. If the sidetone function is not required (i.e. POTS configuration), the sidetone amplifier should be disabled (see section Audio Routing Register Addr = $F9 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) The Audio Routing register controls the switch functions S1 to S8. The bits are defined in the following table: Bit [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Function S1 - Microphone Input 1 Select S2 - Rx Codec to Earpiece Output S3 - Tone to Earpiece Output S4 - Rx Codec to Loudspeaker Output S5 - Tone to Loudspeaker Output S6 - Ring output to Loudspeaker Output S7 - Rx Codec to DTMF Decoder S8 - Tone (DTMF) to Tx Codec Only 1 microphone input at a time may be active. Microphone input RX2 is selected when bit 0 is set to binary 1 and RX1 selected when set to binary 0. The receive codec output is routed to the earpiece summing amplifier, TX1, when bit 1 is set to binary 1. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 55 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 The tone output is routed to the earpiece summing amplifier, TX1, when bit 2 is set to binary 1. The relative amplitude of codec and tone signals can be adjusted with G4. The receive codec output is routed to the loudspeaker summing amplifier, TX2, when bit 3 is set to binary 1. The tone output is routed to the loudspeaker summing amplifier, TX2, when bit 4 is set to binary 1. The relative amplitude of codec and tone signals can be adjusted with G4. The ring generator output is routed to the loudspeaker summing amplifier, TX2, when bit 5 is set to binary 1. This function should only be used for POTS configurations, the ring output frequency and waveform being programmed via the Tone/Codec Control register and the Tone Data register. The input to the DTMF decoder is routed from the receive codec output when bit 6 is set to binary 1 and from the selected microphone input when set to binary 0. In POTS configuration the DTMF input should be routed from the microphone input (SLIC/Hybrid output in POTS mode) to allow detection of DTMF dialling information from the POTS phone. In ISDN phone applications the DTMF decoder may be routed from the receive codec output to allow implementation of remote control functions using in band DTMF signalling. The input to the transmit codec is switched to the tone generator when bit 7 is set to binary 1. This allows the ISDN phone to transmit in band DTMF tones for remote access systems (menuing systems, answer-phone access etc.). Tone/Codec Block Refer to the analogue block diagram (section 1.2.2) for an overview of the Audio/Tone/Codec Block. The Tone/Codec Block contains the following functions: • • • • • • Tone generation (call progress and DTMF) PCM Codec Ring Tone Generation SPM Generation FSK UART for caller ID emulation DTMF decoder The registers available to control the Tone functions are: • • • • • • Control Register Mode Register FSK Transmit Data Tone Data Register DTMF Receive Data Status and Mask Registers 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 56 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Tone/Codec Control Register Addr = $F0 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) The Control Register in the Tone/Codec block controls the codec enable, the companding law, and the ring waveform select. The bits are defined according to the following table: Bit [0] [1] [2] [4:3] [5] [7:6] Function Select Bell FSK Mode Select Asynchronous FSK Mode Select SPM Frequency Ring Waveform Select Codec Companding Law Tone Field Select The FSK standard is selected with bit 0. Bell 202 mode is selected (1200 bps, mark = 1200Hz, space = 2200Hz) when set to binary 1. V.23 mode is selected (1200 bps, mark = 1300Hz, space = 2100Hz) when set to binary 0. Synchronous or Asynchronous mode of FSK operation is set with bit 1. Asynchronous mode is selected when set to binary 1, synchronous mode when set to binary 0. In asynchronous mode the 8 bits from the FSK transmit data register will be transmitted as asynchronous data characters at 1200 bps according to the following format and shown in Figure 6: One Start bit (Space) Eight Data bits (D0-D7) with the lsb (D0) transmitted first One Stop bit (Mark) In synchronous mode, shown in Figure 7, the data bits are transmitted with no start or stop bits. The FSK UART status is indicated in bits 0 (FSK UART data underflow) and bit 1 (FSK UART buffer empty) of the Tone Status Register. Data for transmission should be loaded when the buffer empty status is asserted. This status bit indicates when the data in the FSK Transmit Data register is transferred to the UART for transmission and the data register can be safely reloaded. Reloading must occur within approximately 10 bit periods (8.3mS) for asynchronous mode and 8 bit periods (6.7mS) for synchronous mode if an underflow is to be avoided. If the UART runs out of data, the data underflow status is asserted and the UART will transmit continuous binary 1’s in asynchronous mode or retransmit the last data in synchronous mode until new data is loaded. FSK transmission is initiated with the ‘Tone Enable’ register (see section TFSK Start D0 Analogue FSK signal: Digital Tx signal: Start D0 D1 D1 D2 D2 D3 D3 D4 D4 D5 D5 D6 D6 D7 D7 Stop Stop Start D0 TDLY FSK Transmit Data Register loaded: TDRDY TUFL FSK Tx Data Underflow: Figure 6. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Asynchronous FSK UART Operation 57 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 TFSK D0 Analogue FSK signal: Digital Tx signal: D0 D1 D1 D2 D2 D3 D3 D4 D4 D5 D5 D6 D6 D7 D7 D0 TDLY FSK Transmit Data Register loaded: TDRDY TUFL FSK Tx Data Underflow: Figure 7. Synchronous FSK UART Operation The SPM frequency is set with bit 2 of the Control Register. A binary 1 selects 16kHz and a binary 0 selects 12kHz. The SPM tone is turned on and off with the Tone Enable Register (see section The SPM tone has a rise and fall time each of approximately 4ms. It rises from the bias level to 0dBm in 16 steps of 2dB magnitude, and falls from 0dBm to bias level in 16 steps of 2dB magnitude. The RING signal is a square, trapezoidal or sinusoidal wave that can be routed to the speaker output through the variable gain of G3. The square and trapezoidal waves are approximately twice the amplitude of the sinusoidal wave and the gain of the tone injection attenuator (see section must be adjusted accordingly. The trapezoidal ringing waveform has a crest factor (CF) of 1.35. The ring frequency is set by selecting tone field 0 (bits 6 and 7) and writing the required tone data, in bit field 3 to 0, to the Tone Data Register (see section The ring waveform is selected by bits 4 and 3 according to the following table: Code 00b 01b 10b 11b Ring Waveform Square Wave Trapezoidal Sinusoidal Unused Bit 5 when set to binary 1 selects µ-law companding. When set to binary 0, A-law companding is selected. The tone selection is accomplished by selecting 1 of 256 tone pair combinations (using the Tone Data Register, section from 1 of 4 tone fields, giving a choice of 1024 preprogrammed tone combinations. The tone field is selected by bits 6 and 7 according to the following table: Code 00b 01b 10b 11b 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Tone Field Tone Field 0 Tone Field 1 Tone Field 2 Tone Field 3 58 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor FSK Transmit Data Addr = $F1 Reset = $00 CMX635 (Write/Read) The FSK Transmit Data Register should be written with the required 8 bit FSK data when the FSK buffer empty status is set (see section The data will then be transmitted lsb first according to the format set in the Tone/Codec Control Register defined in section Tone Data Register Addr = $F2 Reset = $00 (Write/Read) The Tone Data Register selects the tone pairs, single tone or ring frequency required from 1 of 4 tone fields. The selection codes for each of the tone fields are defined in the following 4 tables: Tone Field 0, Tone/Codec Control Register [7:6] = 00b TX TONES Register Bits 4-7 Frequency TX TONES Register Bits 0-3 D7 D6 D5 D4 (Hz) D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 0 0 = OFF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 252.4 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 268.7 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 285.3 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 315.5 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 330.5 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 375.2 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 404.3 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 468.0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 495.8 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 520.6 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 548.0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 562.8 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 578.4 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 595.0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 612.5 1 1 1 1 Frequency (Hz) 0 = OFF * 17.1 * 20.5 * 24.9 * 34.1 * 41.0 * 51.2 262.9 293.6 348.2 392.6 1600 1633 1827 587.2 NOTE: * These outputs are utilised for the ring frequency only. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 59 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Tone Field 1, Tone/Codec Control Register [7:6] = 01b TX TONES Register Bits 4-7 Frequency TX TONES Register Bits 0-3 D7 D6 D5 D4 (Hz) D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 0 0 = OFF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 120 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 150 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 154 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 250 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 300 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 350 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 360 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 367 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 375 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 380 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 383 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 400 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 450 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 475 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 480 1 1 1 1 Frequency (Hz) 0 = OFF 330 416 420 425 433 440 450 460 480 500 600 620 720 930 - Tone Field 2, Tone/Codec Control Register [7:6] = 10b TX TONES Register Bits 4-7 Frequency TX TONES Register Bits 0-3 D7 D6 D5 D4 (Hz) D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 0 0 = OFF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 700 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 900 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1100 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1300 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1500 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1700 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 950 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1400 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1800 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2130 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 697 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 770 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 852 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 941 1 1 1 1 Frequency (Hz) 0 = OFF 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 2100 2225 2750 1209 1336 1477 1633 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 60 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Tone Field 3, Tone/Codec Control Register [7:6] = 11b TX TONES Register Bits 4-7 Frequency TX TONES Register Bits 0-3 D7 D6 D5 D4 (Hz) D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 0 0 = OFF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 540 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 660 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 780 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 900 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1020 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1140 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1380 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1500 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1620 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1740 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1860 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1980 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Frequency (Hz) 0 = OFF 540 660 780 900 1020 1140 1380 1500 1620 1740 1860 1980 - DTMF Receive Data Addr = $F5 (Read Only) The DTMF Receive Data Register will contain new decoded DTMF data when the DTMF detected status is set (see The DTMF state change status will be set whenever a change in state of the DTMF decoder is detected. This can occur when a DTMF tone is detected and also when the DTMF tone ceases. The DTMF detected status will indicate which. The 4 bit DTMF receive data is encoded as follows: DTMF Receive Data Register Bits 0 - 3 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 (D3) (D2) (D1) (D0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 DTMF Tone Pairs Lower Frequency (Hz) 941 697 697 697 770 770 770 852 852 852 941 941 941 697 770 852 Upper Frequency (Hz) 1633 1209 1336 1477 1209 1336 1477 1209 1336 1477 1336 1209 1477 1633 1633 1633 Keypad Legend D 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 * # A B C Tone Status/Mask Registers 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 61 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor Status Mask CMX635 Addr = $F4 Addr = $F3 Reset = $00 Reset = $00 (Read Only) (Write/Read) The Tone Status Register combined with its associated Mask Register generates a level-2 interrupt request that forms bit 5 of the top level-1 Status Register. The tone Status Register bits are defined according to the following table: Bit [3:0] [4] [5] [6] [7] Function Unused DTMF Rx Tone Detected DTMF Rx State Change FSK Tx Buffer Empty FSK Tx Data Underflow Bit 4 will be set to binary 1 when an acceptable quality DTMF tone has been detected. It will be reset to binary 0 when the tone ceases. Bit 5 will be set to binary 1 whenever the DTMF state changes (i.e. Bit 4 changes from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0). This can be used to generate an interrupt to indicate the beginning or the end of a detected tone. It is cleared to binary 0 whenever the Status Register is read. Bit 6, when set to binary 1, indicates that the FSK transmit buffer is ready to accept another data byte. Bit 7 will be set to binary 1 if the FSK Tx buffer is not refreshed before new data is required for transmission. The Mask Register bits, when set to binary 0, will prevent a binary 1 in the corresponding Status Register bit position from generating a level-2 interrupt request (see section 1.6.1) to the level-1 Status Register. Bits 7, 6 and 4 are only cleared to binary 0 when the relevant status changes (i.e. a write to the FSK buffer clears bit 6 and 7, cessation of a DTMF tone clears bit 4). 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 62 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor 1.6.3 CMX635 Register Address Definition Summary Address $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $0B $0C $0D $0E $0F $10 $11 $12-$13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18-$1F $20 $21 $22 $23 $24 $25 $26 $27 $28 $29 $2A $2B $2C $2D $2E $2F $30 $31 $32-$33 $34 $35 $36 $37 $38-$3F $40 $41 $42 Name D-channel Rx Mode Register D-channel Rx Address Match Register A1 D-channel Rx Address Match Register A2 D-channel Rx Address Match Register A3 D-channel Rx Address Match Register A4 D-channel Rx Address Match Register B1 D-channel Rx Address Match Register B2 D-channel Rx Address Match Register B3 D-channel Rx Address Match Register B4 D-channel Rx Match Request Register Reserved D-channel Layer-2 HDLC Status Register D-channel Layer-3 HDLC Status Register D-channel Layer-2 HDLC Status Mask Register D-channel Layer-3 HDLC Status Mask Register D-channel Rx Octet Counter D-channel Tx Mode Register Reserved Unused D-channel Tx Address Low Register D-channel Tx Address High Register D-channel Tx Frame Count Register D-channel Tx Octet Count Register Unused B1-channel Rx Mode Register B1-channel Rx Address Match Register A1 B1-channel Rx Address Match Register A2 B1-channel Rx Address Match Register A3 B1-channel Rx Address Match Register A4 B1-channel Rx Address Match Register B1 B1-channel Rx Address Match Register B2 B1-channel Rx Address Match Register B3 B1-channel Rx Address Match Register B4 B1-channel Rx Match Request Register Reserved B1-channel Layer-2 HDLC Status Register B1-channel Layer-3 HDLC Status Register B1-channel Layer-2 HDLC Status Mask Register B1-channel Layer-3 HDLC Status Mask Register B1-channel Rx Octet Counter B1-channel Tx Mode Register Reserved Unused B1-channel Tx Address Low Register B1-channel Tx Address High Register B1-channel Tx Frame Count Register B1-channel Tx Octet Count Register Unused B2-channel Rx Mode Register B2-channel Rx Address Match Register A1 B2-channel Rx Address Match Register A2 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 63 Block HDLC D RX HDLC D RX HDLC D RX HDLC D RX HDLC D RX HDLC D RX HDLC D RX HDLC D RX HDLC D RX HDLC D RX HDLC D RX HDLC D RX HDLC D RX HDLC D RX HDLC D RX HDLC D RX HDLC D TX HDLC D TX HDLC D TX HDLC D TX HDLC D TX HDLC D TX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 RX HDLC B1 TX HDLC B1 TX HDLC B1 TX HDLC B1 TX HDLC B1 TX HDLC B1 TX HDLC B2 RX HDLC B2 RX HDLC B2 RX D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor Address $43 $44 $45 $46 $47 $48 $49 $4A $4B $4C $4D $4E $4F $50 $51 $52-$53 $54 $55 $56 $57 $58-$5F $60 $61 $62 $63 $64 $65 $66-$67 $68 $69 $6A $6B $6C $6D $6E $6F $70 $71 $72 $73 $74 $75 $76 $77 $78 $79 $7A $7B $7C-$7D $7E-$7F $80 $81 $82 CMX635 Name B2-channel Rx Address Match Register A3 B2-channel Rx Address Match Register A4 B2-channel Rx Address Match Register B1 B2-channel Rx Address Match Register B2 B2-channel Rx Address Match Register B3 B2-channel Rx Address Match Register B4 B2-channel Rx Match Request Register Reserved B2-channel Layer-2 HDLC Status Register B2-channel Layer-3 HDLC Status Register B2-channel Layer-2 HDLC Status Mask Register B2-channel Layer-3 HDLC Status Mask Register B2-channel Rx Octet Counter B2-channel Tx Mode Register Reserved Unused B2-channel Tx Address Low Register B2-channel Tx Address High Register B2-channel Tx Frame Count Register B2-channel Tx Octet Count Register Unused Fifo D Tx Base Address Fifo D Rx Base Address Fifo B1 Tx Base Address Fifo B1 Rx Base Address Fifo B2 Tx Base Address Fifo B2 Rx Base Address Unused Fifo D Tx Channel Write Port Fifo B1 Tx Channel Write Port Fifo B2 Tx Channel Write Port Fifo D Rx Channel Read Port Fifo B1 Rx Channel Read Port Fifo B2 Rx Channel Read Port Fifo Clear Register Reserved D Tx Status Register D Rx Status Register D Tx Status Mask Register D Rx Status Mask Register B1 Tx Status Register B1 Rx Status Register B1 Tx Status Mask Register B1 Rx Status Mask Register B2 Tx Status Register B2 Rx Status Register B2 Tx Status Mask Register B2 Rx Status Mask Register Reserved Unused ST Control Register Unused ST Set-Up Register 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 64 Block HDLC B2 RX HDLC B2 RX HDLC B2 RX HDLC B2 RX HDLC B2 RX HDLC B2 RX HDLC B2 RX HDLC B2 RX HDLC B2 RX HDLC B2 RX HDLC B2 RX HDLC B2 RX HDLC B2 RX HDLC B2 TX HDLC B2 TX HDLC B2 TX HDLC B2 TX HDLC B2 TX HDLC B2 TX HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO HDLC FIFO ST INTERFACE ST INTERFACE ST INTERFACE D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor Address $83 $84 $85 $86 $87 $88 $89 $8A $8B $8C $8D $8E $8F $90 $91 $92 $93 $94 $95 $96 $97 $98 $99 $9A $9B-$9D $9E-$9F $A0-$A1 $A2-$AF $B0 $B1 $B2 $B3 $B4 $B5 $B6-$BF $C0 $C1 $C2 $C3 $C4 $C5 $C6 $C7 $C8 $C9 $CA $CB $CC $CD $CE-$CF $D0 $D1 $D2 CMX635 Name ST Status Register Interrupt Mask Register ST Interrupt Register Reserved ST State Machine Register State Machine Mask Register Multi-Frame S Register Multi-Frame Q Register Multi-Frame Status Register Multi-Frame Status Mask Register Multi-Frame S Bit Counter Reserved Unused IOM Control Register IOM Monitor Channel Tx Register IOM Monitor Channel Control Register IOM Monitor Channel Rx Register IOM Status Register IOM Real Time Status IOM Status Mask Register IOM CI0 Transmit Register IOM CI1 Transmit Register IOM CI0 Receive Register IOM CI1 Receive Register Reserved Unused Reserved Unused B Route Control 1 B Route Control 2 B Route Control 3 B Route Control 4 D Route Control Reserved Unused Speakerphone Mode Register Speakerphone Transmit Channel Threshold Register Speakerphone Receive Channel Threshold Register Speakerphone Transmit Channel Hysteresis Register Speakerphone Receive Channel Hysteresis Register Speakerphone Transmit Channel Speech Filter Output Speakerphone Receive Channel Speech Filter Output Speakerphone Attenuated Channel Speech Filter Output Speakerphone Transmit Channel Noise Filter Output Speakerphone Receive Channel Noise Filter Output Speakerphone Interrupt Mask Register Speakerphone Interrupt Status Register Speakerphone Status Register Speakerphone Filter Reset Unused Clock Enable Register Clock /Power Status Mask Register Clock /Power Status Register 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 65 Block ST INTERFACE ST INTERFACE ST INTERFACE ST INTERFACE ST INTERFACE ST INTERFACE ST INTERFACE ST INTERFACE ST INTERFACE ST INTERFACE ST INTERFACE ST INTERFACE IOM INTERFACE IOM INTERFACE IOM INTERFACE IOM INTERFACE IOM INTERFACE IOM INTERFACE IOM INTERFACE IOM INTERFACE IOM INTERFACE IOM INTERFACE IOM INTERFACE IOM INTERFACE DPLL DATA ROUTING DATA ROUTING DATA ROUTING DATA ROUTING DATA ROUTING DATA ROUTING SPEAKER-PHONE SPEAKER-PHONE SPEAKER-PHONE SPEAKER-PHONE SPEAKER-PHONE SPEAKER-PHONE SPEAKER-PHONE SPEAKER-PHONE SPEAKER-PHONE SPEAKER-PHONE SPEAKER-PHONE SPEAKER-PHONE SPEAKER-PHONE SPEAKER-PHONE CLOCK/POWER CLOCK/POWER CLOCK/POWER D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor Address $D3-$D4 $D5 $D6 $D7 $D8-$DF $E0 $E1 $E2-$EF $F0 $F1 $F2 $F3 $F4 $F5 $F6 $F7 $F8 $F9 $FA-$FD $FE-$FF CMX635 Name Reserved Audio Enable Register Tone Enable Register Clock Control Register Unused Top Level Status Mask Register Top Level Status Register Unused Tone/Codec Control Register FSK Transmit Data Tone Data Register Tone Status Mask Register Tone Status Register DTMF Receive Data Speaker Output Amplifier Gain Register Audio Rx Gain and Speakerphone Attenuation Register Tone Injection Attenuation and Sidetone Attenuation Register Audio Routing Register Reserved Unused 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 66 Block CLOCK/POWER CLOCK/POWER CLOCK/POWER CLOCK/POWER TOP TOP TONE-GEN TONE-GEN TONE-GEN TONE-GEN TONE-GEN TONE-GEN AUDIO BLOCK AUDIO BLOCK AUDIO BLOCK AUDIO BLOCK AUDIO BLOCK D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 1.7 Application Notes 1.7.1 Example CMX635 Configurations The following sections give a brief summary of potential applications for the CMX635. Dual Short Loop POTS System The following diagram shows how a dual POTS system might be implemented. The CMX635 provides all of the required functions to emulate the exchange in a conventional POTS system. The SLIC provides the 4 to 2 wire conversion, ring voltage amplifier, the off-hook detection and the ring trip detection. A CMX625 provides a second fully functional POTS port, which is programmed, from the CMX635 via the IOM interface. A power supply/control device is required which will generate the high voltage required by the SLIC (50 - 80 VDC) and the Vdd/Vss supplies required by the CMX635 and processor. In addition, the power controller may be required to extract power from the S/T bus (Power Source 1 or "Phantom Power") or utilise the auxiliary Power Source 2 input. The power controller must also signal impending power loss to the processor to allow controlled shutdown of both the processor and the data link itself (via an exchange of messages). The power supply must therefore be maintained for a defined period after power loss. POTS SLIC RING AUDIO OUT AUDIO IN CMX625 HV LV IOM-2 POTS SLIC RING AUDIO OUT AUDIO IN CMX635 HV * SLIC control may be split between uP and CMX635 and may include Ring Trip, Hook Switch, Power Denial, Ring Enable. LV SLIC CONTROL* Figure 8. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited uProc Line Trans S/T NT1 U LV HV POWER SUPPLY/ CONTROL Dual POTS Configuration 67 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 ISDN Telephone/Feature/Speaker Phone. In this configuration the transducers are interfaced directly to the CMX635. The processor will control the display and keypad and will programme the required tones and amplitudes. In a speakerphone system the processor may also implement the algorithms necessary to control the attenuation of the transmit and receive voice channels to prevent feedback or "howling". To assist in this task, the CMX635 provides statistics about the amplitude of the voice channels and the background noise. A data port is shown operating through a UART, which may be a simple RS232 device or a more complex USB driver. CMX635 HOOK SW LCD LV KEY PAD Line Trans S/T NT1 U LV POWER SUPPLY/ CONTROL uProc LV DATA PORT UART Figure 9. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited ISDN Telephone Configuration 68 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 ISDN PC Card (Active Data Adaptor) The CMX635 is suited for use in an active, or intelligent data adaptor with a local controlling micro-controller hosting the layer-3 ISDN protocol stack and the low-level device drivers for the CMX635 and the data compression algorithms. The CMX635 provides the HDLC layer-1 and partial layer-2 interfaces and also provides a voice channel interface. Bus interface circuitry is required to interface to the PCI bus and would typically include dual-port RAM, buffering, address control logic etc. This configuration provides high performance data transfer that is not subject to the data “dropouts” that can occur with passive data adaptors. CMX635 HOOK SW Line Trans LV DUAL I/F PORT CONTROL RAM uProc S/T NT1 U LV POWER SUPPLY/ CONTROL LV PCI PC BUS Figure 10. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited PCI Card Configuration 69 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Video Phone The scheme shown below allows compressed video data to be passed to the CMX635 via the IOM-2 peripheral port. The audio channel is connected to the CMX635 and the digitised data is exported to the audio compressor over the IOM-2 bus. The incoming video is digitised and compressed using a video codec. The compressed audio is routed directly to the video codec where it is combined with the video for transmission over a single B-channel or both B-channels simultaneously. The combined compressed Video/Audio data is re-imported into the CMX635 via the IOM interface for transmission over the ST bus. VIDEO CAPTURE CODEC AUDIO COMPRESSION IOM-2 BUS CMX635 HOOK SW LCD DISPLAY KEY PAD LV uProc Line Trans S/T NT1 U LV POWER SUPPLY/ CONTROL LV Figure 11. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Video Phone Configuration 70 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Intelligent NT or NT1Plus The CMX635 can be used in a cost effective NT1Plus configuration with the addition of a U interface transceiver and a CMX625 connected via the IOM-2 bus. This system provides 2 fully functional POTS lines and an ST bus for digital expansion to any TE configured ISDN equipment. The local processor contains the layer-3 signalling protocol stack and the CMX635 has the capability to share the D-channel with downstream layer-2 devices. RING AUDIO IN POTS SLIC CMX625 AUDIO OUT HV S/T LV Line Trans RING AUDIO IN POTS SLIC CMX635 AUDIO OUT LV HV uProc U I/F Xceiver IOM-2 BUS HV Line Trans LV POWER SUPPLY/ CONTROL LV Figure 12. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited NT1-Plus Configuration 71 D/635/2 U ISDN Subscriber Processor 1.7.2 CMX635 IOM-2 Interface Summary General The IOM®-2 (ISDN Oriented Modular revision 2) is an industry standard serial bus for interconnecting telecommunications IC’s. The bus is an evolution of the IOM® interface and is also known as the GCI (General Circuit Interface). The IOM-2 bus provides a symmetrical full duplex communication link, containing user data, control/programming and status channels. There are two basic modes of operation known as Terminal mode (TE mode) and non-Terminal mode (non-TE or Line Card mode). The CMX635 operates in TE mode and the following description refers to TE mode only. The various channels are time multiplexed over a basic four wire serial interface, namely FSC, DCL, DD and DU. Frames are delimited by an 8kHz Frame Synchronisation Clock (FSC), which is generated by the upstream device. The Data Clock (DCL) clocks data on and off of the data bus (DU and DD) and runs at 1.536MHz, which is twice the bit rate. It is always generated by the upstream device. Data Downstream (DD) receives data from the network. Data Upstream (DU) transmits data to the network. When the bus is deactivated or when data is not being transmitted, DD and DU are held in a high impedance state unless the Active Output feature of the CMX635 is programmed. This allows many downstream IOM devices to be connected to the same DD/DU bus. Frame Structure The TE mode frame structure consists of 3 sub-frames of 4 bytes each repeated at 8kHz, i.e. 96 bits in 125µs or a data rate of 768kbps. Figure 13 shows the TE mode frame structure. 125µs FSC DCL DU/DD SUB-FRAME 0 SUB-FRAME 1 SUB-FRAME 0 B1 B2 SUB-FRAME1 IC1 IC2 SUB-FRAME 2 Not Used Not Used SUB-FRAME 2 MON0 M S B MON1 D L S B Not Used MM C/I0 R X C/I1 MM RX TIC FSC = 8kHz DCL = 1.536MHz DD, DU = 768kbps Figure 13. Terminal Mode Frame Structure ‘Sub-frame 0’ is used for passing the 2 ISDN PCM data channels (B1 and B2), the ISDN signalling channel (D) and Layer-1 transceiver control (MON0 and C/I0). 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 72 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 ‘Sub-frame 1’ is used for passing 2 auxiliary PCM Inter-Connect channels (IC1 and IC2), an asynchronous programming channel (MON1) and a status indication channel (C/I1). ‘Sub-frame 2’ contains the Terminal Integrated Circuit (TIC) bus channel used for arbitrating between multiple layer-2 D-channel controllers connected on the IOM bus. The ‘Monitor’ channels, MON0 and MON1, are identical and have two associated pairs of handshake bits, MX and MR (monitor transmit and receive) that control data flow located in the fourth byte of sub-frames 0 and 1. The handshake procedure utilising the MX and MR bits is described in section The MON1 byte is used for programming and controlling devices attached to the IOM-2 interface such as the CMX625, ISDN TA POTS Interface. The MON0 byte is used for configuring other layer-1 devices such a U interface transceiver when the CMX635 is used in NT mode. MON1 channel contention is avoided by a “speak when spoken to” system whereby the IOM slave devices are given a unique address and only respond when that address is broadcast by the IOM master device. The IOM slave devices cannot initiate MON1 communication directly in a multislave application. Each slave must monitor the MON1 channel for its unique address in the first byte before processing the following command. Each slave can therefore only drive the DU MON1 channel when specifically requested to by the master. The ‘D’ channel consists of two bits located in the fourth byte of sub-frame 0. They provide a 16kbps D-channel data rate for layer-2 IOM devices. The ‘Command/Indicate’ channels, C/I0 and C/I1, provide real time status information between devices connected via the IOM-2 bus. The data in these channels is continuously transmitted, reflecting changes as they occur. The C/I0 channel in sub-frame 0 consists of 4 bits (the other bits being the MX, MR and D-channel) and the C/I1 channel in sub-frame 1 is 6 bits wide (the other bits being the MR and MX). The C/I0 channel is used to communicate layer-1 control primitives and is described in more detail in section The C/I1 channel is shared by all devices on the IOM-2 bus with no mechanism for determining and resolving contention. If multiple slave devices are expected to drive the C/I1 channel then care must be taken to allocate different bits to each device. An example of C/I1 channel usage would be 6 slave devices each allocated one of the 6 C/I1 bits. When a slave requires attention it asserts its own bit, which is detected by the master as a C/I1 value change (generating a processor interrupt). The processor would then initiate MON1 communications with the appropriate slave and service its request. This is an example of one usage, but the C/I1 bits may be used for any real time command/indicate purpose dependent on system design and number of slaves on the IOM-2 bus. The ‘Inter-Chip communication Channels’ consists of two 64kbps data channels, IC1 and IC2, and provide additional communications paths between IOM devices. These channels can be used to route intermediate data between devices. An example is a voice scrambler system where the unscrambled data is passed from an IOM Codec to an IOM scrambler in one of the IC channels and the scrambled data is output into a B-channel for transmission by a layer-1 device. The ‘TIC’ bus is used for connecting more than one layer-2 device to the D and C/I0 channels in sub-frame 0 and is described in more detail in section 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 73 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Monitor Channel Handshake Protocol The Monitor channel operates on an event driven basis. While data transfers on the bus take place synchronised to the frame sync, the flow of data is controlled by a handshake procedure using the outgoing MX (monitor transmit) and incoming MR (monitor receive) bits. Data is placed onto the monitor channel and the MX bit is activated. This data will be transmitted repeatedly (once per 8kHz frame) until the transfer is acknowledged (ACK) via the MR bit. The actual data rate is not fixed but is dependent upon the response speed of the transmitter and receiver. EOM MX Byte 1 Data Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte n MR ACK ACK ACK ACK 125µs Figure 14. Monitor Handshake Timing (general case) Figure 14 shows the general case for monitor handshake timing. The first byte of data is placed on the bus and MX is activated (low). MX remains active and the data remains valid until an inactive-to-active transition of MR is received, indicating that the receiver has read the data off of the bus. The next byte is placed on the bus after the inactive-to-active transmission of MR, as early as the next frame (there is no limit to the maximum number of frames). At the time that the second byte is transmitted, MX is returned inactive (high) for one frame (MX inactive for more than one frame indicates an End of Message). In response to MX going active (low), MR will be deactivated (high) for one frame (the MX inactive to MR inactive delay can be any number of frames). This procedure is repeated for each additional byte. The transmitter sends an End of Message (EOM), after the last byte of data has been transmitted, by not reactivating MX after deactivating it. The receiver can hold off the transmitter by keeping MR active until the receiver is ready for the next byte. The transmitter will not start the next transmission cycle until MR goes inactive. The transmitter is able to abort a transmission by holding MX inactive (high) for two or more frames. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 74 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Figure 15 shows the monitor channel handshake procedure. MX = Monitor Transmit Bit, active low. MR = Monitor Receive Bit, active high. MD = Monitor Data Figure 15. Monitor Channel Handshake Procedure Figure 16 shows the maximum speed case for monitor handshake timing. The transmitter can be designed for a higher data throughput than is provided by the general case. The transmitter can deactivate (high) MX and transmit new data one frame after MR is deactivated. In this way, the transmitter is anticipating that MR will be reactivated one frame after it is deactivated, minimising the delay between bytes. MR being held inactive (high) for two or more frames indicates an abort is being signalled by the receiver. EOM MX Data Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte n MR ACK Figure 16. ACK ACK ACK Monitor Handshake Timing (maximum speed case) The abort is a signal from the receiver to the transmitter indicating that data has been missed. The receiver is able to abort a transmission by holding MR inactive (high) for two or more frames in response to MX going active. Figure 17 shows a monitor abort request from the receiver. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 75 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 EOM MX Byte 1 Data Byte 2 Abort Request MR Figure 17. Abort Request from the Receiver C/I0 Channel Description The C/I0 channel in sub-frame 0 is used to pass predefined 4-bit layer-1 control primitives between layer-1 devices. The CMX635 in an NT configuration might use the C/I0 channel to communicate with a U interface transceiver. The predefined codes for NT operation are listed in the following table. C/I0 Code 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 DD DR RES TM2 TM1 RSY PU AR ARL AI AIL DC DU TIM RES TM2 TM1 RSY AR ARL AI DI The abbreviations used in the previous table are: AI - Activate Indication AIL - Activate Indication Local test loop AR - Activation Request ARL - Activation Request Local test loop DC - Deactivation Confirmation DI - Deactivation Indication DR - Deactivation Request PU - Power Up RES - Reset RSY - Resynchronisation TIM - Timing Request TM1 - Test Mode 1 TM2 - Test Mode 2 TIC Bus Description 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 76 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 The TIC bus allows multiple layer-2 devices on the same IOM bus to access the D and C/I0 channels. The TIC bus is defined as bits[5:2] of the last byte of sub-frame 0. The format for the TIC channel in the downstream direction is as follows: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 S/G 1 1 1 1 1 The Stop/Go bit S/G when set to binary 1 indicates to downstream layer-2 devices that the D and/or C/I0 channels are occupied. These devices would then be required to wait until the S/G bit changed to binary 0 before attempting to request D-channel access via the BAC/TAD mechanism. The S/G bit in the CMX635 when configured as an upstream device is controlled by the Dchannel routing and the D-channel access mechanism. If the D-channel is routed from the IOM bus to the ST bus and the ST D-channel is free, the S/G bit will be set to binary 0. When the CMX635 is configured as a downstream device the S/G bit input is ignored, thus the CMX635 can be the only downstream layer-2 device in an NT configuration. The format for the TIC channel in the upstream direction is as follows: BAC TAD 7 6 5 1 1 BAC 4 3 T.A.D. 2 1 0 1 1 - Bus Access Bit - TIC Bus Address The TIC bus in the upstream direction provides a contention resolution mechanism for multiple downstream layer-2 controllers. The downstream controllers must monitor BAC and when it is set to binary 1, the D-channel is available. A downstream controller requiring access to the D-channel will then start to transmit its unique TAD, monitoring each bit as it is transmitted. If a contention is detected (TAD bit is binary 0 when binary 1 was transmitted) the controller immediately ceases transmission. If the complete TAD is transmitted without contention the controller ‘occupies’ the D-channel by setting its BAC to binary 0. This will hold off other controllers until the D-channel is released (BAC set to binary 1). At the end of a transmission, the controller will not attempt to occupy the D-channel until the BAC has been at binary 1 for at least 2 consecutive frames, allowing other lower priority controllers access to the channel. The CMX635 does not monitor the TAD bits, as this is purely a mechanism for downstream layer2 controllers to resolve contention between themselves. The CMX635 can set the BAC to binary 0 when configured as a downstream device to allow for upstream devices that require BAC activation, however the CMX635 itself has no TIC bus arbitration mechanism. The TAD bits are not driven and default to binary 1. When the CMX635 is configured as an upstream device with multiple downstream layer-2 controllers, it can successfully arbitrate D-channel access between itself and the external controllers. When the CMX635 requires access to the D-channel the processor will set up the routing between the HDLC block and the ST interface. This will automatically set the S/G bit to binary 1 and prevent access from the external controllers. The Data Request primitive is then written to the ST 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 77 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 control register (section and the D-channel access mechanism will arbitrate access with other ST layer-1 devices as normal. If a downstream IOM controller requires D-channel access it will issue the AR primitive with the required priority to the CMX635 via the C/I0 channel (see section The processor will then route the IOM D-channel to the ST interface and issue the Activate Request primitive to the ST control register. When the D-channel access mechanism determines that the ST D-channel is free, the S/G bit will automatically be set to binary 0 allowing the external controller to complete its TIC bus procedure and transmit in the IOM D-channel. Note that the 4-bit CI AR codes override most of the other codes and can be potentially issued by multiple downstream controllers. The CMX635 simply grants access to the IOM D-channel. The TIC procedure determines which controller has priority. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 78 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor 1.7.3 CMX635 Tone Switching When using the Tone/FSK On/Off bit (bit 5) of the Tone Enable register (section, each tone starts from VBIAS, and returns to VBIAS before ending: Figure 18. Tone Starting and Stopping When switching between tones in the same column (bits 7 - 4 or bits 3 - 0) of the Tone Data register, section, the transition will be phase continuous. However, switching to the ‘OFF’ state will immediately take the output of that tone generator to VBIAS. Figure 19. Tone Changing The Tone Data register values that do not have a frequency allocated are indicated by ‘-’ in the Tone Field tables. These values should not be used. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 79 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor 1.7.4 CMX635 Telecom Tones The following tables give the hex codes to be programmed into the particular tone field location for various telecommunications systems applications. The tables are not exhaustive, but list the more commonly used tones. Ringing Signals (f ±2.5%) (Hz) Off 16.7 20 25 35 40 50 Field 0 (Hex) $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 On Hook ‘CPE Alert Tones Single Tone (Hz) 375.2 404.3 468 495.8 520.6 548 562.8 578.4 1633 Field 0 (Hex) $60 $70 $80 $90 $A0 $B0 $C0 $D0 $0D Dual Tone (Hz) 375.2+1827 404.3+1827 468+1827 495.8+1827 520.6+1827 548+1827 562.8+1827 578.4+1827 Field 0 (Hex) $6E $7E $8E $9E $AE $BE $CE $DE Group B (Hz) 468 495.8 520.6 562.8 595 612.5 Field 0 (Hex) $80 $90 $A0 $C0 $E0 $F0 NYNEX (MRAA) - AMR Alert Tones (Single Tone) Group A (Hz) 252.4 268.7 285.3 315.5 330.5 375.2 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Field 0 (Hex) $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 80 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Single Frequency Call Progress Tones (Hz) Off 120 150 154 250 300 350 400 425 440 450 480 500 600 620 Field 1 (Hex) $00 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $C0 $04 $06 $07 $09 $0A $0B $0C Dual Frequency Call Progress Tones Additive Mixing (Hz) Off 350+440 440+480 480+620 400+425 400+450 425+450 425+480 120+620 150+450 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Field 1 (Hex) $00 $66 $F6 $FC $C4 $C7 $D4 $F4 $1C $27 Multiplicative 81 Mixing (Hz) Field 1 (Hex) 400*16.2 400*20 400*25 400*33 400*40 400*50 450*25 600*120 $B2 $A3 $94 $85 $76 $67 $E4 $FD D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Generation (Hz) Off 941+1633 697+1209 697+1336 697+1477 770+1209 770+1336 770+1477 852+1209 852+1336 852+1477 941+1336 941+1209 941+1477 697+1633 770+1633 852+1633 Field 2 (Hex) $00 $FF $CC $CD $CE $DC $DD $DE $EC $ED $EE $FD $FC $FE $CF $DF $EF Special Information Tones, Fax and Modem Tones and Customer Premises Alert Tones (Hz) Off 950 1100 1300 1400 1800 2100 2225 2130+2750 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Field 2 (Hex) $00 $80 $30 $40 $90 $A0 $08 $09 $BB 82 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 CCITT ‘R1’ Signalling Tones (Hz) 700+900 700+1100 900+1100 700+1300 900+1300 1100+1300 700+1500 900+1500 1100+1500 1300+1500 700+1700 900+1700 1100+1700 1300+1700 1500+1700 Field 2 (Hex) $12 $13 $23 $14 $24 $34 $15 $25 $35 $45 $16 $26 $36 $46 $56 CCITT ‘R2’ Signalling Tones Forward mode (Hz) Off 1380+1500 1380+1620 1500+1620 1380+1740 1500+1740 1620+1740 1380+1860 1500+1860 1620+1860 1740+1860 1380+1980 1500+1980 1620+1980 1740+1980 1860+1980 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Field 3 (Hex) $00 $89 $8A $9A $8B $9B $AB $8C $9C $AC $BC $8D $9D $AD $BD $CD Backward mode (Hz) Off 1140+1020 1140+900 1020+900 1140+780 1020+780 900+780 1140+660 1020+660 900+660 780+660 1140+540 1020+540 900+540 780+540 660+540 83 Field 3 (Hex) $00 $65 $64 $54 $63 $53 $43 $62 $52 $42 $32 $61 $51 $41 $31 $21 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor 1.8 Performance Specification 1.8.1 Electrical Performance CMX635 Absolute Maximum Ratings Exceeding these maximum ratings can result in damage to the device. Supply (VDD - VSS) Voltage on any pin to VSS Current into or out of VDD and VSS pins Current into or out of any other pin L4 Package Total Allowable Power Dissipation at Tamb = 25°C ... Derating Storage Temperature Operating Temperature Min. -0.3 -0.3 -50 -20 Max. 7.0 VDD + 0.3 +50 +20 Unit V V mA mA Min. -55 -40 Max. 550 9.0 +125 +85 Unit mW mW/°C °C °C Max. 5.5 +85 Unit V °C Operating Limits Correct operation of the device outside these limits is not implied. Notes Supply (VDD - VSS) Operating Temperature 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 84 Min. 3.0 -40 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Operating Characteristics For the following conditions unless otherwise specified: VDD = 3.0V to 5.5V at Tamb = -40 to +85°C, 0dBm = 775mVrms = 0dBm0. Xtal frequency at nominal 12.288MHz or 15.36MHz. Details in this section represent design target values and are not currently guaranteed. DC Parameters Symbol Notes Min. IDD5a 1, 2 IDD All Enabled, VDD = 5.0V All Disabled, VDD = 5.0V IDD5b 1, 3 ST bus and HDLC only activated, VDD = 5.0V IDD5c 1, 4 + Rx1, Tx1 and Codec, VDD = 5.0V IDD5d 1 + Tx2, DTMF Rx and Tone Gen VDD = 5.0V IDD5e 1, 5 All Enabled, VDD = 3.3V IDD3a 1, 2 All Disabled, VDD = 3.3V IDD3b 1, 3 ST bus and HDLC only activated, VDD = 3.3V IDD3c 1, 4 + Rx1, Tx1 and Codec, VDD = 3.3V IDD3d 1 + Tx2, DTMF Rx and Tone Gen VDD = 3.3V IDD3e 1, 5 Logic Input Leakage Current (Vin = 0 to VDD), Logic ‘1’ Input Level (CMOS inputs) Logic ‘0’ Input Level (CMOS inputs) Logic ‘1’ Input Level (TTL inputs) Logic ‘0’ Input Level (TTL inputs), Vdd = 3.3 – 5.5 V Output Logic ‘1’ Level DCL,FSC (IOH = 2mA) Output Logic ‘0’ Level DCL,FSC (IOL = 3mA) Output Logic ‘1’ Level IOMTx, IOMRx (IOH = 4mA) Output Logic ‘0’ Level IOMTx, IOMRx (IOL = 6mA) Output Logic ‘1’ Level AD, CLKOUT (IOH = 3mA) Output Logic ‘0’ Level AD, CLKOUT (IOL = 4.5mA) Output Logic ‘0’ Level nIRQ, Dtack (IOL = 4.5mA) Open Drain O/Ps Off State Current (VOUT = VDD) II VIH VIL VIH VIL 6 6 6 6, 7 VOH VOL VOH VOL VOH VOL VOL 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 IODOH Typ. 43.0 20.0 28.0 32.0 37.0 24.0 20.0 16.0 18.0 22.0 Max. - Unit mA ìA mA mA mA mA ìA mA mA mA -1.0 70% 2.0 - - +1.0 30% 0.8 µA VDD VDD V V 0.8 0.8 0.8 - - 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.0 VDD V VDD V VDD V V µA Notes: 1. At 25°C, not including any current drawn from the CMX635 pins by external circuitry. 2. All clocks running, all analogue blocks enabled. 3. Master oscillator stopped, all analogue blocks in power save mode. 4. No load on Tx2, generating and receiving DTMF tones. 5. Driving recommended external components with continuous binary 0 (mark). 6. All inputs CMOS except IOM FSC, DCL, IOMRx and IOMTx, see Signal List. 7. Derate linearly minimum TTL Logic ‘0’ level from 0.8V at Vdd = 3.3V to 0.5V at Vdd = 2.7V. 8. All outputs CMOS levels. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 85 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 FSK Output Output of Tone Generator block (for FSK tones) Twist (Mark level w.r.t. Space level) Tx 1200bits/sec (V.23 mode) Baud Rate Mark (Logical 1) Frequency Space (Logical 0) Frequency Tx 1200bits/sec (Bell 202 mode) Baud Rate Mark (Logical 1) Frequency Space (Logical 0) Frequency Tone Outputs Notes Min. Typ. Max. Unit 9,11 -1.0 -2.0 0 0 1.0 +2.0 dBm dB 1194 1297 2097 1200 1300 2100 1206 1303 2103 Baud Hz Hz 1194 1197 2197 1200 1200 2200 1206 1203 2203 Baud Hz Hz Min. Typ. Max. Unit -1.0 -4.0 -4.0 -6.0 -2.5 - 0 -3.0 -3.0 -5.0 0.8 1.0 -2.0 -2.0 -4.0 2.5 - dBm dBm dBm dBm Hz % Notes Output of Tone Generator block for: Single tone Dual tone (per tone) DTMF High Frequency Group DTMF Low Frequency Group Tone frequency resolution Tone output distortion 11 9 9 9 9 10 Notes: 9. At VDD = 5.0V, signal levels are proportional to VDD. 10. Frequency above 300Hz. 11. See Analogue Block Diagram (section 1.2.2) for internal block definition. DTMF Decoder Valid input signal levels (input to DTMF Decode block) (each tone of composite signal) Not decode level (either tone of composite signal) Twist = High Tone/Low Tone Frequency Detect Bandwidth Dial Tone Tolerance Noise Tolerance Tone Response time Tone De-response time Tone burst detected Tone burst ignored Pause length detected Pause length ignored Notes Min. Typ. Max. Unit 9, 11 -29.0 - -2 dBm 9 -9.0 ±1.8 40.0 40.0 - -14.0 20.0 - -40.0 10.0 ±4.5 0 40.0 45.0 20.0 dBm dB % dB dB ms ms ms ms ms ms 12 12, 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 Notes: 12. Referenced to DTMF tone of lower amplitude. 13. Bandwidth limited: 0 to 3.4kHz Gaussian Noise. 14. At nominal signal frequencies and without skew. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 86 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 SPM Signal Level Notes Min. Typ. Max. Unit Level at SPM pin Tone frequency accuracy Tone output distortion Output Impedance 9, 15 -1.5 -14.0 - 0 1.2 10.0 1.0 14.0 - dBm Hz % kΩ Notes: 15. SPM has a soft rise and fall time of about 4ms. The level changes between VBIAS and 0dBm in 2dB steps, 16 steps per rise and fall. When SPM is disabled, an extra 4ms falling tail end of signal should be taken into consideration. PCM Codec-Filter Notes PCM Codec-Filter (F1) 11 Passband 16 Passband Gain (at 1.02kHz) 16 Passband Ripple (w.r.t. gain at 1.02kHz) 16 Stopband Attenuation (w.r.t. gain at 1.02kHz) 16 Group delay Absolute Relative to 1kHz: 500Hz 600Hz 2600Hz 2800Hz Signal-to-total distortion ratio as a function of input level (1kHz input level): -45dBm 17 -40dBm 17 -30dBm 17 0dBm 17 Variation of gain with input level (1kHz input signal) -55dBm0 -50dBm0 -40dBm0 +3dBm0 Idle channel noise 17 Min. Typ. Max. Unit 300 -0.25 30.0 3.9 - 3400 +0.25 - Hz dB dB dB - - 600 µs - - 1.5 0.75 0.25 1.5 ms ms ms ms 22.0 27.0 33.0 33.0 - - dBp dBp dBp dBp -3.0 -1.0 -0.5 -0.5 - - +3.0 +1.0 +0.5 +0.5 -65.0 dB dB dB dB dBm0p Notes: 16. Meets G.712 specification for analogue-digital attenuation characteristics (Figure 20). 17. Represents a psophometrically weighted measurement. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 87 D/635/2 CMX635 Attenuation (dB) ISDN Subscriber Processor +0.9 +0.45 +0.25 0 -0.25 200 300 2400 3000 3400 3600 Frequency (Hz) Figure 20. Codec Filter Attenuation Characteristics and Limits Input Amplifiers RX1 and RX2 Notes Open Loop Gain (I/P – 1mV at 100Hz) Unity Gain Bandwidth Input Impedance (at 100Hz) Minimum Impedance on RX1O and RX2O pins Output Amplifiers TX1 Notes Open Loop Gain (I/P – 1mV at 100Hz) Unity Gain Bandwidth Input Impedance (at 100Hz) Output Voltage Swing (150Ω load at VDD = 5.0V) Output Voltage Swing (150Ω load at VDD = 3.3V) Capacitive Load Limit Minimum Impedance on TX1OP pin Min. Typ. Max. Unit 10 100 60.0 1.0 - - dB MHz MΩ kΩ Min. Typ. Max. Unit 10 100 40.0 1.0 4.2 2.7 - 100 - dB MHz MΩ Vpp Vpp pF kΩ Output Amplifiers TX2 Output Voltage Swing (50Ω load at VDD = 5.0V) Output Voltage Swing (50Ω load at VDD = 3.3V) Capacitive Load Limit Notes Min. - Typ. 3.2 2.1 - Max. 100 Unit Vpp Vpp pF Power-Up Timing Device reset to reliable Tone signals at TX1 and SPM outputs Notes Min. - Typ. 50.0 Max. - Unit ms 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 88 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Typical UART Timings (See Figure 6 and Figure 7) TFSK TDLY TDRDY TUFL Min. Typ. Max. Unit - 106 833 208 625 - µs µs µs µs Notes Min. Typ. Max. Unit 18 - 651 - 20 ns ns 18 18 70 40 - 125 - 100 150 µs ns ns ns ns (delay through the modulator) (1 bit period) (¼ bit-period) (¾ bit-period) IOM-2 Bus Timing (See Figure 21) tDCL tR / tF Notes DCL clock period in TE Mode FSC tFSCS tFSCH tDUDC tDUDF DCL clock rise time / fall time FSC period FSC set-up time FSC hold time DU delay clock (data out) DU delay frame (data out) Notes: 18. Condition CL = 150pF tF tR t DCL DCL t FSCS FSC t FSCH t DUDF IOMTx (Data OUT) Bit 0 t DUDC IOMRx (Data IN) 1st Bit Figure 21. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited IOM-2 Bus Timing Diagram 89 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Intel Multiplexed Style Processor Bus Timing (See Figure 22) 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10a 10b 11 12 13 14 tRL tRL tW L tRCS tWCS tAW tAR tAS tAAS tAAH tRAC tRAC tRH tW S tWH tCSA Read strobe pulse width low Read strobe pulse width low Write strobe pulse width low nCS from read strobe hold nCS from write strobe hold Address strobe to write strobe set up Address strobe to read strobe set up Address Latch Enable pulse width Notes Min. Typ. Max. Unit 18 19 170 270 100 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 15 15 10 10 10 10 - 220 (250) 310 - ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Address set up time to address strobe Address hold time from address strobe 18, 20 19 Read access time from read strobe Read access time from read strobe Read data hold time from read strobe Write data setup time to write strobe Write data hold time from write strobe nCS to address strobe Notes: 19. Register access operations in 12.288MHz and 15.36MHz. 20. Fifo access operations in 15.36MHz mode only. 21. Default values in following table are for 12.288MHz operation. Where different, values for 15.36MHz operation are shown in brackets. Read Write nCS 14 6 1 3 14 nRD 5 2 4 nWR 11 10 AD[7:0] Addr 12 Data 7 Addr 13 Data 7 ALE 8 Figure 22. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 9 8 9 Processor Bus Timing – Intel Multiplexed 90 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Motorola Multiplexed Style Processor Bus Timing (See Figure 23) 1a 1b 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9a 9b 10 11 12 13 14 15 tEHW tEHW tEHR tECS tCSE tASE tAS tAAS tAAH tRAC tRAC tRH tW S tWH tRWE tCSAS tRWAS Notes Min. Typ. Max. 18 19 170 270 100 0 10 10 20 10 10 15 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 - 220 (250) 310 - E high time for read cycle E high time for read cycle E high time for write cycle nCS from E hold nCS to E set up Address strobe to E set up Address strobe Width Address set up time to AS Address hold time from AS Read access time from E Read access time from E Read data hold time from E Write data setup time to E Write data hold time from E R/nW transition to E set up nCS to address strobe R/nW to address strobe Unit ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Notes: The processor control pins are redefined as follows for a Motorola multiplexed style interface: nRD E (pin #11) nWR R/nW (pin #12) ALE AS (pin #15) Read Write 4 1 3 4 2 3 E 14 5 14 5 nCS 13 R/nW 9 AD[7:0] Addr 10 15 Data 6 11 Addr 12 Data 6 AS 7 Figure 23. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 8 7 8 Processor Bus Timing – Motorola Multiplexed 91 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Intel Non-multiplexed Style Processor Bus Timing (See Figure 24) 1 tCSWS nCS to nWR setup 2 tCSWH nCS from nWR hold 3 tASS ASel to nWR setup 4 tASH ASel from nWR hold 5 tW nWR pulse width 6a tR nRD pulse width 6a tR nRD pulse width 7 tCSRS nCS to nRD setup 8 tCSRH nCS from nRD hold 9 tADS Indirect address/data set up time to nWR 10 tADH Indirect address/data hold time from nWR 11a tRAC Read access time from nRD 11b tRAC Read access time from nRD 12 tRH Read data hold time from nRD↑ 13 tCTWR Cycle time nWR to nRD for addr Wr/Rd tCTW Cycle time nWR to nWR for addr Wr/Wr 14 Consecutive Reads/Writes (See Figure 25) 15a tCWW Cycle time nWR to nWR for write-write 15b tCWW Cycle time nWR to nWR for write-write 16a tCRR Cycle time nRD to nRD for read-read 16b tCRR Cycle time nRD to nRD for read-read Notes: 22. 23. 24. 25. Notes Min. Typ. Max. 21 21 18 19 22 23 23 10 10 10 10 100 170 270 10 10 10 10 15 15 10 90 (110) 90 (110) - 220 (250) 310 - ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 18, 24 19, 24 18, 24 19, 24 260 330 260 330 - - ns ns ns ns 18 19 21 21 Unit nCS may be kept low for consecutive writes/reads. Time to high impedance. Indirect address write followed by a data read or write cycle. Consecutive data read/writes using persistent indirect address. Read Write nCS 1 2 8 7 1 2 1 2 ASel 3 4 3 4 3 4 nRD 5 13 6 5 14 5 nWR 9 AD[7:0] 10 Indirect Addr 11 12 Data 9 10 Indirect Addr 9 10 Data ALE Figure 24. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Processor Bus Timing – Intel Non-multiplexed 92 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Read Write Read Write nCS ASel 16 nRD 15 nWR AD[7:0] Data Figure 25. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Data Data Data Processor Bus Timing – Consecutive Read/Writes 93 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Motorola Non-multiplexed Style Processor Bus Timing (See Figure 26 below) Notes 1 tCSS nCS to nDS setup 2 tCSAWH nCS from nDS hold 3 tAAS ASel to nDS setup 4 tAAH ASel from nDS hold 5 tDSWA nDS pulse width for address write 6 tDSWD nDS pulse width for data write 7a tDSR nDS pulse width for read 7b tDSR nDS pulse width for read 8 tAS Indirect address set up time to nDS 9 tAH Indirect address hold time from nDS Read access time from nDS (reg. 10a tRAC read) 10b tRAC Read access time from nDS (fifo read) 11 tRH Read data hold time from nCS 12 tRWS R/nW transition to nDS setup 13 tRWH R/nW transition from nDS hold Cycle time nDS to nDS for addr 14 tCTWR Wr/Rd Cycle time nDS to nDS for addr 15 tCTWW Wr/Wr 16 tDDLA Dtack delay from nDS , address write 17 tDDHA Dtack delay from nDS , address write Dtack delay from nDS , data 18 tDDLD read/write Dtack delay from nCS , data 19 tDCSD read/write Consecutive Reads/Writes (See Figure 27 below) Cycle time nCS to nDS for write20a tCWW write Cycle time nCS to nDS for write20b tCWW write 21a t Cycle time nDS to nDS for read-read CRR 21b tCRR Cycle time nDS to nDS for read-read 18 19 18 19 22 23 23 18, 24 19, 24 18, 24 19, 24 Min. Typ. Max. Unit 10 10 10 10 20 100 170 270 10 10 15 15 10 0 0 90 (110) 90 (110) - - 220 (250) 310 45 45 170 20 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 170 270 270 330 - - ns ns ns ns Notes: The processor control pins are redefined as follows for a Motorola multiplexed style interface: nRD nDS (pin #11) nWR R/nW (pin #12) The CMX635 ALE pin (#15) should be connected to Vss for this mode of operation. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited 94 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor CMX635 Read Write nCS 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 ASel 3 5 4 3 7 4 3 5 4 nDS 3 6 4 15 12 14 12 12 R/nW 8 13 9 10 Indirect Addr AD[7:0] 16 11 18 9 13 8 Indirect Addr Data 17 8 19 0 16 13 9 Data 17 18 19 Dtack ALE Figure 26. Processor Bus Timing – Motorola Non-multiplexed Read Read Write Write nCS ASel 21 20 nDS R/nW AD[7:0] Data Figure 27. 2001 Consumer Microcircuits Limited Data Data Data Processor Bus Timing – Consecutive Reads/Writes 95 D/635/2 ISDN Subscriber Processor 1.8.2 CMX635 Packaging Figure 28. 48-Pin TQFP (L4) Mechanical Outline Handling precautions: This product includes input protection, however, precautions should be taken to prevent device damage from electro-static discharge. CML does not assume any responsibility for the use of any circuitry described. No IPR or circuit patent licences are implied. CML reserves the right at any time without notice to change the said circuitry and this product specification. CML has a policy of testing every product shipped using calibrated test equipment to ensure compliance with this product specification. Specific testing of all circuit parameters is not necessarily performed. Oval Park - LANGFORD MALDON - ESSEX CM9 6WG - ENGLAND Telephone: +44 (0)1621 875500 Telefax: +44 (0)1621 875600 e-mail: [email protected] CML Microcircuits COMMUNICATION SEMICONDUCTORS CML Product Data In the process of creating a more global image, the three standard product semiconductor companies of CML Microsystems Plc (Consumer Microcircuits Limited (UK), MX-COM, Inc (USA) and CML Microcircuits (Singapore) Pte Ltd) have undergone name changes and, whilst maintaining their separate new names (CML Microcircuits (UK) Ltd, CML Microcircuits (USA) Inc and CML Microcircuits (Singapore) Pte Ltd), now operate under the single title CML Microcircuits. These companies are all 100% owned operating companies of the CML Microsystems Plc Group and these changes are purely changes of name and do not change any underlying legal entities and hence will have no effect on any agreements or contacts currently in force. CML Microcircuits Product Prefix Codes Until the latter part of 1996, the differentiator between products manufactured and sold from MXCOM, Inc. and Consumer Microcircuits Limited were denoted by the prefixes MX and FX respectively. These products use the same silicon etc. and today still carry the same prefixes. In the latter part of 1996, both companies adopted the common prefix: CMX. This notification is relevant product information to which it is attached. Company contact information is as below: CML Microcircuits (UK)Ltd CML Microcircuits (USA) Inc. CML Microcircuits (Singapore)PteLtd COMMUNICATION SEMICONDUCTORS COMMUNICATION SEMICONDUCTORS COMMUNICATION SEMICONDUCTORS Oval Park, Langford, Maldon, Essex, CM9 6WG, England Tel: +44 (0)1621 875500 Fax: +44 (0)1621 875600 [email protected] 4800 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27105, USA Tel: +1 336 744 5050, 0800 638 5577 Fax: +1 336 744 5054 [email protected] No 2 Kallang Pudding Road, 09-05/ 06 Mactech Industrial Building, Singapore 349307 Tel: +65 7450426 Fax: +65 7452917 [email protected] D/CML (D)/1 February 2002