Application Note: AS3953-AN01 – Demoboard Description AS3953 NFC interface IC (Tag Demokit) Revision 1.1 / 2011/07/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description Table of Contents 1. 2. General Overview .................................................................................................................. 2 1.1. Kit Content ................................................................................................................. 2 1.2. Compatibility .............................................................................................................. 3 Hardware Description ............................................................................................................ 4 2.1. Demo Board Description ............................................................................................ 4 2.1.1. Analog Tag Board Layout (Typical) ........................................................................ 5 2.2. 2.2.1. 3. Antenna characterization.................................................................................... 6 BOM ........................................................................................................................... 8 Controller board ..................................................................................................... 8 Software Description ............................................................................................................. 9 3.1. Demonstration with AS3953 & AS3911 ..................................................................... 9 3.2. Demonstration with AS3953 & NFC phone (Android 4.0 onwards) ...........................14 Copyright ..................................................................................................................................... 16 Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................... 16 Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 page 1/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description 1. General Overview This application note describes the AS3953 Tag Demo Kit and its usage. The purpose of the demonstrator is to show all the features and functionalities of the IC. The demo work s with a reader (Phone or AS3911 GP demonstrator). The main features are: Demonstration of a file transfer with different datarates Demonstration of passive EEPROM programming via RF Field which then will be read out later when the board is connected and powered – demonstrating ISO14443A-4 compliance File and URL transfer (bidirectional) with an NFC phone – demonstrating framing mode The Demo Kit allows you to supply all components by the PC USB Port. No external supply or battery is needed. Except the USB cable and the flex cable (included), no wireing is needed. This allows a fast and comfortable Demo of the AS3953. 1.1. Kit Content The AS3953 Tag Demo Kit includes the following items: AS3953 Tags (two tags, 25 x 20 mm & 35 x 25 mm) Flex cable Controller Board with USB interface USB Cable USB Data Stick Figure 1: Package Content Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 page 2/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description 1.2. Compatibility This demo works with AS3953 GP GUI version or higher and FW 3.1.6 or higher AS3911 GP GUI version or higher and FW version 2.0.18 or higher Google Galaxy Nexus Phone (Android version 4.0 or higher) Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 page 3/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description 2. Hardware Description 2.1. Demo Board Description The AS3953 demo kit is comprised of 2 boards, the analog tag board and the controller board. The analog tags consist of the AS3953 and an coil antenna. There are the option to mount additional two matching component (one serial and one parallel) on these tags. Attenation: It is necessary to cut the line between the pads of the serial component foot print, if a component should be placed here. The flex cable connector consists of 8 pins: P1: VSS/GND P2: /SS (active low) P3: SCLK P4: MOSI P5: MISO P6: IRQ P7: VP_SPI P8: VP_REG The controller board mainly consists of the USB connector, PIC27FJ64GB002 and a 8MHz crystal. The board is powered by USB. The above mentioned construct allows: 1. Optional possibility to add another antenna PCB on top 2. a provision to disconnect the on-board micro and connect another micro for the development purpose 3. havested power measurement with the VP_REG - and GND - pins. Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 page 4/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description 2.1.1. Analog Tag Board Layout (Typical) 3D View Top Layer Bottom Layer The above pictures show the tag with the dimension 25 x 20 mm. Two bigger tags are also available (35 x 25 mm; 45 x 40 mm): Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 page 5/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description Antenna characterization Tag form Resonance frequ.@ Resonance frequ.@ Antenna Q – System Q - factor [mm] low power [MHz] high power [MHz] Factor Factor 25 x 20 14,9 14,2 37 14 35 x 25 15 14,2 35 15 45 x 40 15,1 14,2 65 20 Typical measurement results: Antenna Q – Factor of Tag 25 x 20 mm Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 page 6/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description Controller Board Schematic & Layout 3D View Top Layer Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 Bottom Layer page 7/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description 2.2. BOM 2.2.1. Controller board Bill of Materials AS3953 Controller Board Small Company: ams AG Originator: mram PCB Name: AS3953 Controller Board Small PCB Version: 1.0 Report Date: 22.02.2013 # Designator Comment Component_Description TE CONNECTIVITY / AMP 1734592-8 - CONNECTOR, HIRSCHMANN TEST AND Manufacturer 1 *1 89212_Connector TE CONNECTIVITY / AMP 2 BU1, BU2 Banana_Socket_THMD 3 C1, C9 100n 4 C2, C6 10u 5 C3, C4 1u 6 C5 10n 7 C7, C8 18p 8 D1 Zener 9 D2, D3, D4 24V 10 D5, D6, D7, D8 LED_LUMEX 11 IC1 PIC24FJ64GB002 12 L1 Ferritbeat CLEAR SMDMICROCHIP MICROCHIP PIC24FJ64GB002-I/ML - IC, - FAIR-RITE FAIR-RITE - 2508051107Y0 1 PB4 BLACK, PB4 RED 2 MCCA000512 2 C1608X5R1A106K080AC 2 C0603C105K9RACTU 2 C0603C105K9RACTU MULTICOMP - MCCA000040 MULTICOMP - MLCC, 0402, X7R, 16V, MULTICOMP - MCCA000097 MULTICOMP - MLCC, 0402, NP0, 50V, ON SEMICONDUCTOR ON SEMICONDUCTOR MCCA000040 1 MCCA000097 2 MM3Z6V8T1G 1 MM3Z6V8T1G - DIODE, COOPER BUSSMANN 0603ESDA-TR1 - DIODE, LED BLUE 470NM WTR COOPER BUSSMANN 0603ESDA-TR1 3 Kingbright Corp APHHS1005QBC/D 4 PIC24FJ64GB002-I/ML 1 2508051107Y0 1 13 P1 dnp 14 R1 10k 15 R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R12, R11 R13 470 27R TE CONNECTIVITY TE CONNECTIVITY CRG0402J10K MULTICOMP - - RESISTOR, MULTICOMP MCMR04X4700FTL YAGEO (PHYCOMP) YAGEO (PHYCOMP) TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6, TP7, TP8 U1 Testpoint RC0402FR-0727RL - 18 USB_Micro_AB 19 U2 AS1360-33 20 Y1 12MHz CONN RCPT MICRO USB AB Hirose Electric Co Ltd SMD R/A IC REG LDO 3.3V .15A ams SOT23-3 TXC - 7M-12.000MAAJ-T - TXC 17 Approved Quantity HIRSCHMANN TEST AND MEASUREMENT - PB4 MEASUREMENT MULTICOMP - MCCA000512 MULTICOMP -TDK CAP, CERAMIC, 0.1UF, TDK C1608X5R1A106K080AC - KEMET KEMET - FERRITE BEAD, 0.1OHM, 16 Manufacturer Part Number 1734592-8 XTAL, 12.000MHZ, 18PF, Notes Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 1 CRG0402J10K 1 MCMR04X4700FTL 10 RC0402FR-0727RL 2 8 ZX62-AB-5PA(11) 1 AS1360-33-T 1 7M-12.000MAAJ-T 1 47 page 8/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description 3. Software Description AS3953 demo kit behaves like a 14443A-4 Tag. It can be used with AS3911 GP board (Reader) or a standard NFC phone. We have defined Google Galaxy Nexus as our reference mobile phone (Android version 4.0 or higher). The SW can be downloaded from the following destinations: Software download to: FTP side User password GPgui hgewdt3 as3953_gui rtvzi3 General AS3911G Purpose P_GUI Demo GUI 911GP_GUI/default.php AS3953 General GUI purpose 953_GUI/default.php 3.1. Demonstration with AS3953 & AS3911 Connect AS3911 GP demo and AS3953 GP demo with the USB to the computer and start the respective GUIs AS3911 FW version must be 2.0.18 or higher Click on “Demo Board Check”, “Adjust Regulator” and “Calibrate Antenna” to configure the board. Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 page 9/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description FW Version AS3911 GUI version must be or higher GUI Version Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 page 10/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description AS3953 FW version must be 3.1.6 or higher FW Version AS3953 GUI version must be or higher GUI Version Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 page 11/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description To transmit from AS3911 (Reader) to AS3953(NFiC): On AS3911 GUI select “load image”, select “speed settings” and click on “Write to Card” to execute the file transfer. NOTE: do not forget to keep the AS3953 antenna on AS3911 antenna. To transmit from AS3953(NFiC) to AS3911 (Reader): On AS3953 GUI select “load Image”. On AS3911 GUI, select “speed settings” and click on “Read from Card” to execute the file transfer. EEPROM Read/write (from RF Field): This can be done passively. Disconnect the analog tag board from the controller board so that it is not powered. Place it on the top of the AS3911. Use the GUI sub-tab in the AS3953 tab of AS3911 GUI. Click on “Read EEPROM” and see the config bit changing. The EERPOM can be written by just changing the values here. NOTE: be aware of the effects while writing address 3 and 4. Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 page 12/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description EEPROM Read/write (from MCU): Now connect this Analog tab board to the controller board and connect it to the GUI via USB. The EEPROM tab in the AS3953 GUI can be used to read/write out the EEPROM content when the AS3953 is not in the field. Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 page 13/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description 3.2. Demonstration with AS3953 & NFC phone (Android 4.0 onwards) The NFC FW in the PIC MCU has been written such that it sends and receives the NDEF messages. Hence no special app is requried to send a message to a standard NFC phone. Nevertheless, we have developed an app to send info from phone to the AS3953 GP demo. Move to Type 4 Tag tab in the AS3953 GUI and install the provided android app on the NFC phone. File/URL Transfer from GUI to Phone: Select an image or URL which needs to be transfered to phone. Selected option should show up in the right side of the GUI. Now just unlock the phone and place it on the AS3953 GP demo antenna. Note: The filesize is limited to 64Kbit (limited by NDEF message framework) Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 page 14/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description File/URL Transfer from GUI to Phone: open the amsNFC app and click on “Transfer Image” or “Transfer URL”. Select an image or URL respectively and place the phone on the AS3953 GP demo antenna. The file transfer starts automatically. Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 page 15/16 AS3953 – AN01 – Demoboard Description Copyright Copyright © 1997-2012, ams AG, Tobelbader Strasse 30, 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria-Europe. Trademarks Registered ®. All rights reserved. The material herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. All products and companies mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Disclaimer Devices sold by ams AG are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Term of Sale. ams AG makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. ams AG reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with ams AG for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical life-support or lifesustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by ams AG for each application. For shipments of less than 100 parts the manufacturing flow might show deviations from the standard production flow, such as test flow or test location. The information furnished here by ams AG is believed to be correct and accurate. However, ams AG shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of ams AG rendering of technical or other services. Contact Information Headquarters ams AG Tobelbader Strasse 30 8141 Unterpremstaetten Austria T. +43 (0) 3136 500 0 For Sales Offices, Distributors and Representatives, please visit: Revision 1.0 / 2013-10-29 page 16/16