Application Note: AS3932-AN01 – Demo Kit Manual AS3932 3D Low Frequency Wake-up Receiver Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 1/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual Table of Contents 1 General Description ............................................................................................................. 4 1.1 Kit Content ........................................................................................................................... 4 2 Getting Started ..................................................................................................................... 4 3 Hardware Description........................................................................................................... 5 3.1 AS3932 Receiver Board ...................................................................................................... 5 3.2 125 kHz Wake-up Transmitter Board................................................................................... 7 4 Software Description ............................................................................................................ 8 4.1 Installing the GUI.................................................................................................................. 8 4.2 Description of the GUI for the AS3932 Demo Board ........................................................... 8 4.2.1 Setting Descriptions ............................................................................................................. 9 Channel Enable.................................................................................................................... 9 Low Power Mode ................................................................................................................. 9 Clock Generator ................................................................................................................... 9 Calibrate RC Oscillator ...................................................................................................... 10 Antenna Damper ................................................................................................................ 10 Envelope Detector Time Constant ..................................................................................... 10 Data Slicer .......................................................................................................................... 10 Comparator Hysteresis ...................................................................................................... 10 Gain Reduction .................................................................................................................. 10 Frequency Detection Tolerance ......................................................................................... 10 General Settings ................................................................................................................ 10 Wake-up Pattern (Manchester) .......................................................................................... 11 Correlator ........................................................................................................................... 11 Automatic Time-Out ........................................................................................................... 11 Clear Wake ........................................................................................................................ 11 Symbol Rate ....................................................................................................................... 11 Artificial Wake-up ............................................................................................................... 11 Clear False Wake-up ......................................................................................................... 11 Reset RSSI ........................................................................................................................ 12 4.3 Description of the GUI for the Wake-up Transmitter Board ............................................... 12 4.3.1 Settings Description ........................................................................................................... 12 Duration of Carrier Burst .................................................................................................... 12 Number of Preamble Symbols ........................................................................................... 13 Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 2/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual Symbol Rate ....................................................................................................................... 13 Enable Buzzer .................................................................................................................... 13 Wake-up Pattern (Manchester) .......................................................................................... 13 Manchester Pattern Length ................................................................................................ 13 Correlator ........................................................................................................................... 13 5 Board Schematics, Layout and BOM ................................................................................. 14 5.1 AS3932 Demo Board Schematics ..................................................................................... 14 5.2 AS3932 Demo Board Layout ............................................................................................. 15 5.3 AS3932 Demo Board BOM ................................................................................................ 16 5.4 125 kHz Wake-up Transmitter Board Schematics ............................................................. 17 5.5 125 kHz Wake-up Transmitter Board Layout ................................................................... 17 5.6 125 kHz Wake-up Transmitter Board BOM ....................................................................... 18 6 Ordering Information .......................................................................................................... 19 Revision History Revision Date Owner Description 2.0 06.02.2013 JRY Update of existing Appnote to new corporate format Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 3/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual 1 General Description The AS3932 Demo Board demonstrates the main features of the AS3932. These include 3D wake-up pattern detection, readout of false wake-ups, possibility to measure current consumption in different operating modes, and measurement access to SPI communication and data output. Additional features are accessible via USB through the GUI that was developed for easy access to the register map. Features such as the programmable wake-up pattern, adjustable sensitivity level, low power listening modes and several more can be programmed via the GUI. The influence different settings have on the detection efficiency can be observed right away by using the 125 kHz Wake-up Transmitter Board. 1.1 Kit Content The AS3932 Demo Kit contains the following items: 2 − − − − − • 1x AS3932 Demo Board • 1x 125kHz Wake-up Transmitter Board • 1x 9V power supply • 2x CR2032 Coin Cell • 1x USB stick • 1x USB Cable Getting Started Connect the +9V DC Power Supply at “F” on the 125 kHz Wake-up Transmitter Board. Start to transmit Wake-up Patterns via AUTO “C” or PATTERN “B”. Insert the +3V Battery at “H” of the AS3932 Demo Board. Turn on the AS3932 Demo Board via the ON/OFF – switch “C”. When turning on the boards all indication-LEDs flash up once. As soon as the AS3932 Demo Board receives a Wake-up Pattern, the RSSI LEDs flash up for 0.5s and show the actual Received Signal Strength. At the same time the X, the Y, or the Z LED flashes up and indicates which channel got the strongest signal. Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 4/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual 3 Hardware Description 3.1 AS3932 Receiver Board Figure 1: Demo Board Description E H F D C G A Figure 2: Mechanical Elements Label Name Description Info A BUTTON 1x short press reads the false wake-ups The number of false wake-ups can be read out and are displayed via the RSSI-LEDs A BUTTON 2x short press (doubleclick) clears false wake-ups Pressing the button twice in quick succession resets the number of false wakeups. Each RSSI-LED lights up shortly. C ON/OFF ON/OFF – Switch Power on/off the demo board. The power source (battery or USB) is automatically detected. G USB-Connector Mini USB 5-pin Connector USB interface for the GUI H CR2032 Battery Holder Insert CR2032 coin cell here Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 5/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual Figure 3: Indication LEDs LEDs Blinking Colour Info RSSI (5 bits) Red LEDs Received Signal Strength Indication. Displays the received signal strength whenever a wake-up occurs. When pressing the False Wake-up button these LEDs display the number of false wake-ups that have occurred since the False Wakeup register was last reset. X Red LED Strongest wake-up signal received on channel 1 (X) Y Red LED Strongest wake-up signal received on channel 2 (Y) Z Red LED Strongest wake-up signal received on channel 3 (Z) Figure 4: Jumper Description Jumper Name Description Info F IDD Supply Current The supply current of the AS3932 can be measured. Set this jumper for normal operation. AS3932 specific outputs D1 WAKE Wake output interrupt D2 DAT Data output D3 CL_DAT Manchester recovered clock Microcontroller Interface The SDI interface from the microcontroller can be replaced by a proprietary solution E1 CS Serial digital interface chip select E2 SCL Serial digital interface clock E3 SDI Serial digital interface input E4 SDO Serial digital interface output E5 GND Ground (0V) D E Note: Before connecting the AS3932 to the GUI it is necessary to RESET the device. This can be done by turning the board OFF and ON via switch “C” or by pressing buttons “A” and “B” at the same time before connecting the USB cable. Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 6/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual 3.2 125 kHz Wake-up Transmitter Board Figure 5: Transceiver Board Description F E A B C D Figure 6: User Interface Description Label Name Description Info A PATT+DATA Pattern+Data – Button Pressing this button the transmitter sends continuously the wake-up pattern plus data (01010101). B PATT Single Pattern – Button Pressing this button the transmitter sends a single wake-up pattern. C AUTO Automatic Pattern – Button Pressing this button the transmitter automatically sends a wake-up pattern every 1s D STOP Stop Pattern – Button This button stops sending the continuous wake-up pattern E USB-Connector Mini USB 5-pin Connector USB Interface for the GUI F Power Supply +9V DC Power Supply (2A) Insert power adapter here. Figure 7: Indication LEDs/Buzzer LEDs Blinking Color Info G Buzzer Whenever a wake-up pattern is transmitted the buzzer signals shortly. The buzzer can be disabled via the GUI. STANDBY Red LED Transmitter is on standby. No wake-up pattern is sent. Pattern Red LED Wake-up pattern is transmitted Pattern+Data Red LED Wake-up pattern plus data is transmitted Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 7/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual Note: Before the 125 kHz Wake-up Transmitter is connected to the GUI via USB it is necessary to stop transmitting Wake-up Patterns by pressing the button “D”. 4 Software Description 4.1 Installing the GUI − − − − − Execute the AS393x_EvalSW_v2.1.6b.msi which can be found on the USB stick in the folder ‘Software_Firmware’ Follow the installation guide Run the GUI AS393x_EvalSW.exe Attach the respective board ( Demo Board or Transmitter Board ) with the USB cable From the pop up window ‘Choose Plugin’ choose the ‘AS3932_plugin.dll’ Note: Before connecting the 125 kHz Wake-up Transmitter Board with the USB cable press “D” to stop transmitting wake-up patterns. 4.2 Description of the GUI for the AS3932 Demo Board The settings shown in the GUI correspond to the respective settings in the register map. Changing any setting via the GUI writes the according values to the AS3932’s registers. The register map can be viewed via View/Register Map (Ctrl+M). All registers can be updated manually via File/Readout Registers (Ctrl+R) or the update of the registers is done automatically via File/Automatic Update (Ctrl+U). It is also possible to write to the register map by directly clicking on the bits in the ‘Register Map’ window. This is possible for all white fields. Grey fields are read only. All adjustments that are made to the settings can be saved via “Store Settings” in the lower right corner of the ‘Receiver’ tab. The settings can be reset to the default configuration by pushing the button 'Preset Default'. Note: A possible firmware update can be done via Help/Firmware Update (Ctrl+F). Load the latest *.bin file for the receiver and update the firmware. Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 8/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual Figure 8: Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the AS3932 Demo Board 4.2.1 Setting Descriptions Channel Enable The AS3932 Demo Board has a three dimensional antenna. In the ‘Channel Enable’ field each of these three antenna inputs can be enabled or disabled. Low Power Mode The AS3932 features two low power modes: scanning mode and on/off mode. These can be selected here. By default no power saving mode is enabled. This means that the selected channels are active all the time. The other modes save power by regularly switching the channels on and off (on/off mode), or by having only one channel active at one time (scanning mode). Further details are given in the AS3932 datasheet. Clock Generator The clock source for the AS3932 can be selected here. The AS3932 Demo Board features an on board crystal oscillator which is used by default. In addition the AS3932 internal RC oscillator can be enabled. Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 9/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual Calibrate RC Oscillator When the RC oscillator is enabled it can be calibrated to achieve better receiver sensitivity. The oscillator is calibrated via the microcontroller. Antenna Damper In case the signal levels at the input of the AS3932 are too high or the surrounding noise level is high the antenna damper can be enabled. A resistor inside the AS3932 is then switched parallel to the antenna. The value of the resistor can be selected between 1kΩ to 27kΩ to achieve different quality factors of the antenna tank. Envelope Detector Time Constant The performance of the demodulator can be optimized according to the bit rate and preamble length. If the bit rate gets higher the time constant needs to get lower. Adjust this ED time constant according to your symbol rate. The recommended time constants for different symbol rates are listed in the datasheet. Data Slicer The threshold of the data slicer can be set to a fixed level by setting the ‘hard threshold enable’ bit. This hard threshold can be reduced by setting the ‘hard threshold reduction’ bit. Otherwise, the threshold will be dynamically set according to the incoming data signal. In case the dynamic threshold is used (i.e. the ‘hard threshold enable’ bit is not set), the data slicer’s noise immunity can be adjusted via the data slicer’s time constant. The bigger this time constant is, the better its noise immunity will be. However, increasing the time constant is only effective if also the preamble length is increased. Otherwise, the threshold will not have enough time to settle to the correct value. Therefore, the data slicer’s time constant is linked to the minimum preamble length. The recommended minimum preamble lengths for different data slicer time constants are listed in the datasheet. Comparator Hysteresis The comparator hysteresis of the data slicer can be adjusted between 20mV and 40mV. Furthermore, the data slicer hysteresis can be either selected only for positive edges or for both positive and negative edges. Gain Reduction The gain reduction of the channel amplifier can be selected between 0dB up to -24dB. Frequency Detection Tolerance The frequency detection tolerance can be tighter or more relaxed. For details please see the datasheet. • General Settings AGC only on carrier burst: The automatic gain control is acting only on the first carrier burst. Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 10/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual • AGC UP-DOWN: The automatic gain control is operating in both directions (up and down). The channel amplifier always starts with the highest gain setting at the beginning of reception. As soon as a signal is detected, the AGC starts reducing the gain to achieve the optimum signal amplification. If AGC UP-DOWN is disabled the AGC can only decrease the gain for the duration of data reception. In this mode the system holds the RSSI peak. Wake-up Pattern (Manchester) Select the desired wake-up pattern here. Each field defines 4 bit. If the pattern that is transmitted by the Wake-up Pattern Transmitter matches the selected pattern of the AS3932 Demo Board, a wakeup interrupt is generated at the WAKE pin. The WAKE pin goes high. Correlator The Correlator needs to be enabled to configure the AS3932 to wake up upon pattern detection. Otherwise, if it is disabled, the AS3932 will wake up after detecting the carrier burst. In case it is enabled, after the carrier burst it searches for the preamble bits and then for data pattern (Manchester encoded wake-up pattern). Should the pattern correlation be disabled, the AS3932 goes directly in data receiving mode after the carrier burst. Single pattern: The wake-up pattern is 16 bits long. Double pattern: The single pattern is sent twice in a row. Automatic Time-Out The Automatic Time-Out resets the WAKE pin automatically after a certain time. The AS3932 then goes back into listening mode. This time can be selected between 0ms and 350ms. Clear Wake The Clear Wake Button resets the WAKE pin manually. Symbol Rate The symbol rate can be adjusted between 512 symbols/s and 4096 symbols/s. The symbol rate defines the duration of one bit via the 32.768 kHz clock in order to recover the data. Artificial Wake-up The artificial wake-up automatically puts the chip into data receiving mode. This can be useful to measure the surrounding noise and adjust sensitivity settings accordingly. The period of the artificial wake-up can be adjusted between 1s and 2 hours. Clear False Wake-up The false wake-up register counts the number of frequency detections that do not match the wakeup pattern. The actual number of False Wake-ups can be deleted via the Clear False Wake-up button. Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 11/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual Reset RSSI Reset the current RSSI measurement and restarts the AGC. 4.3 Description of the GUI for the Wake-up Transmitter Board All adjustments that are made to the settings can be saved via “Store Settings” in the lower right corner of the ‘Transmitter’ tab. The settings can be reset to the default configuration by pushing the button “Restore Default Settings”. Note: A possible Firmware Update can be done via Help/Firmware Update (Ctrl+F). Load the latest *.bin file for the transmitter and update the firmware. Figure 9: Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the 125 kHz Wake-up Transmitter Board 4.3.1 Settings Description Duration of Carrier Burst The duration of the carrier burst can be set in multiples of carrier cycles (0-500 x 8µs) or in milliseconds (1-3). Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 12/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual Number of Preamble Symbols The carrier burst must be followed by a separation bit and at least 3 symbols preamble. The number of preamble symbols that are sent can be adjusted here. Symbol Rate The symbol rate can be adjusted between 512 symbols/s and 4096 symbols/s. The symbol rate must be the same as the symbol rate set for the AS3932. Enable Buzzer The Wake-up Transmitter Board sends out an acoustic signal whenever a packet is transmitted. This signal can be disabled. Wake-up Pattern (Manchester) The wake-up pattern of the transmitter must be the same as the pattern defined for the receiver in order to generate a successful wake-up at the receiver. Manchester Pattern Length This setting must also be the same as defined for the receiver to generate a successful wake-up. Correlator This setting must also be the same as defined for the receiver to generate a successful wake-up. Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 13/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual 5 Board Schematics, Layout and BOM 5.1 AS3932 Demo Board Schematics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 U1 VBUS D+ A BUS_GND Shield 1 1 2 3 IN 3 DC2 10u R17 100k D+ AS1362 SHDNN C3 1u 4 AS1362 5 GND GND D- GND OUT BYPASS POK 6 C1 5 4 C4 1u 10n R1 100k 2 U2 BUS_PWR GND POK A GND USB_B_MINI_Socket_SMD_01 GND BATT C5 GND 6 GND 11 EP VDD NO1 GND 1 IC SWITCH DUAL SPDT 10-TDFN 100n NO2 10 3 COM1 COM2 9 4 IN1 IN2 8 5 NC1 2 BATT NC2 7 - 2 S1 ON 1 U3 Batterie B 1 AS1746 GND B 3 + AS1746 C20 4.7u VDD_UC C7 GND 100n R20 3k9 ICP VBUS SDI 5 4 3 2 1 SDI 8 SDO 27 CL_DAT 28 DAT 13 WAKE 14 16 15 RP4 24 RA2 RP15 RP6 RP14 RP7 RP13 RP8 RP9 Y1 C14 J5 DAT 16 C10 10u 11 BUTTON GND GND GND 9 7 C 6 23 22 LEDX 21 LEDY 15 POK D1 Z R9 680 D2 RS0 D3 RS1 R10 680 R11 680 D4 RS2 R12 680 D5 X D6 Y R13 680 R14 680 D7 RS4 D8 RS3 R15 680 R16 680 100n CC7V-T1A VDD_UC C15 12p RA3 PIC24FJ64GB RP5 1 2 3 14 RP3 C6 10n S2 Mode 17 D+ 4 4 RA4 D- XOUT 12 XIN 11 GND WAKE 3 SCL RP2 18 CL_DAT LFN DAT X-axis 125kHz coil DISVREG PGEC1 19 13 6 SDO PGED1 D+ 10 SDI AS3932 3 D- LF1P 2 CS EP 150p 33p SCL LF2P GND 29 Y-axis 125kHz coil LX LF3P R8 240k 2 U4 PIC27FJ64GB002 VCAP RB5 1 VSS 9 C13 C19 LEDY U5 AS3932 CS VDD 8 Z-axis 125kHz coil LY VSS R7 240k 7 GND 5 R6 240k 1 10 C 150p 33p C18 C11 18p 180p VCC C12 C17 LZ LEDX VBUS J4 100n MCLR 12 20 26 GND VDD R5 10k VUSB GND VDD_RF 25 BUTTON GND C9 VSS J3 D9 ON 5 1 2 5 4 3 2 1 J2 IDD_AS GND GND C16 12p VDD_UC VDD_RF VDD_RF D D Size Project Title A3 AS3932 Demo Board Date 06/02/2013 Originator JRY 1 2 3 4 5 Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 6 Revision 1.3 Sheet 3 7 of 3 8 page 14/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual 5.2 AS3932 Demo Board Layout Figure 10: AS3932 Demo Board Layout – Top Layer Figure 11: AS3932 Demo Board Layout – Bottom Layer Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 15/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual 5.3 AS3932 Demo Board BOM Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 16/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual 5.4 125 kHz Wake-up Transmitter Board Schematics 1 2 3 H2961CT-ND DD+ BUS_GND A 6 7 8 1 2 D- 3 D+ D10 24V 4 D11 24V C1 10u D13 6.8V D12 24V R1 100k AUTO C2 10n S1 Mode 5 GND GND 6 7 8 9 GND GND A D1 PMEG4010 GND nc nc nc nc Shield 5 VBUS U1 BUS_PWR 4 GND GND GND USB_SMD PATT GND D2 J1 +12V 3 SK310A VIN C3 1u C6 220u DC_Socket_THMD C7 10n 2 VOUT 1 C5 220u 3 S2 Mode GND 1 2 +3.3V U2 C4 1u AS1360 GND GND GND GND GND GND GND PATT+DATA GND C8 10n +3.3V C9 S3 Mode GND B B 100n ICP VBUS 5 4 3 2 1 26 1 2 2 D6 PMEG4010 G 1 1 N-MOS IRF7389 C12 S N-MOS IRF7389 2 PMOS1 27 NMOS1 28 STOP 13 J3 14 24 RA3 RA2 RP5 RP15 RP6 RP14 RP7 RP13 RP8 RP9 Pad TC4426ACOA +12V C14 C13 D+ D5 PMEG4010 G 7 D- D RA4 18 D 7 8 RP4 PIC24FJ64GB 19 5 6 RP3 C11 10u 16 11 AUTO 9 C10 10n PATT S4 Mode GND C17 GND GND 7 Y1 8MHz 6 GND 18p C18 GND 23 18p 22 21 C 15 R11 1k5 D7 PATTD X1 D8 PATT D9 STANDBY p R16 680 R17 680 R18 680 n 100n 100n STOP 17 D+ 18 18 18 18 RP2 D- GND 8 EP R7 R8 R9 R10 2 S 4 VSS A1 VCC 7 8 4 GND 5 6 D KGEA-BFCR TC4426ACOA 3 NMOS2 29 6 +12V D 5 6 7 G 3 2 VCC NMOS2 PMOS2 PATT+DATA 4 D4 PMEG4010 VDD U7 3 C 12 RB5 P-MOS S G 5 PGEC1 5 3 D3 PMEG4010 4 4 DISVREG U5 3 S U6 PMOS2 GND U3 PIC27FJ64GB002 VCAP PGED1 10 U4 P-MOS MCLR VBUS R5 10k +12V VUSB GND +12V VDD 20 25 GND VSS J2 100n GND GND GND +3.3V GND Piezo GND +3.3V GND D D Size Project Title A3 125kHz Wakeup Transmitter Board Date 07/02/2013 Originator JRY 1 5.5 2 3 4 5 6 Revision 2.0 Sheet 3 7 of 3 8 125 kHz Wake-up Transmitter Board Layout Figure 12: 125 kHz Wake-up Transmitter Board Layout – Top Layer Figure 13: 125 kHz Wake-up Transmitter Board Layout – Bottom Layer Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 17/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual 5.6 125 kHz Wake-up Transmitter Board BOM Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 18/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual 6 Ordering Information Figure 14: Ordering Information 1 Ordering Code Type Marking Delivery Form Delivery Quantity AS3932-BTST 16-pin TSSOP AS3932 7 inches Tape & Reel 1000 pcs AS3932-BQFT QFN 4x4 16LD AS3932 7 inches Tape & Reel 1000 pcs 1. Dry Pack: Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) = 3, according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033A. Note: All products are RoHS compliant and ams green. Buy our products or get free samples online at ICdirect: Technical Support is available at For further information and requests, please contact us mailto: [email protected] or find your local distributor at Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 19/20 AS3932-AN01 Demo Kit Manual Disclaimer Devices sold by ams AG are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Term of Sale. ams AG makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. ams AG reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with ams AG for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical life-support or lifesustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by ams AG for each application. For shipments of less than 100 parts the manufacturing flow might show deviations from the standard production flow, such as test flow or test location. The information furnished here by ams AG is believed to be correct and accurate. However, ams AG shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of ams AG rendering of technical or other services. Copyright Copyright © 1997-2012, ams AG, Tobelbader Strasse 30, 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria-Europe. Trademarks Registered ®. All rights reserved. The material herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. All products and companies mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Revision 2.0 / 06/02/13 page 20/20