Spansion ® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Atmel EON AMIC Winbond ESMT Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V – 128 PC28F128G18 x16 Uniform Sector/ 8 Banks 96ns/133MHz 64-Ball Easy-BGA -30 to +85C S29WS128P No No Spansion S29WS128P has 16 banks. Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADP ADM 1.7-2.0V – 256 PC28F256G18 x16 Uniform Sector/ 8 Banks 96ns/133MHz 64-Ball Easy-BGA -30 to +85C ADP: S29WS256P ADM: S29VS256R No No Spansion S29WS256P has 16 banks. Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V – 512 PC28F512G18 x16 Uniform Sector/ 8 Banks 96ns/133MHz 64-Ball Easy-BGA -30 to +85C S29WS512P No No Spansion S29WS512P and S29NS512P has 16 banks. Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V – 1G PC28F00AG18 x16 Uniform Sector/ 8 Banks 96ns/133MHz 64-Ball Easy-BGA -30 to +85C S29WS-P No No Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADP ADM 1.7-2.0V – 128 PF48F3000M0Y x16 Uniform Sector/ 8 Banks 96ns/133MHz 88-Ball FBGA -30 to +85C ADP: S29WS128P ADM: S29VS128R No No Spansion S29WS128P has 16 banks. Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V – 256 PF48F4000M0Y x16 Uniform Sector/ 8 Banks 96ns/133MHz 107-Ball FBGA -30 to +85C S29WS256P No No Spansion S29WS256P has 16 banks. Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADP ADM 1.7-2.0V – 512 PF48F5000M0Y x16 Uniform Sector/ 8 Banks 96ns/133MHz 105-Ball FBGA -30 to +85C ADP: S29WS512P ADM: S29NS512P No No Spansion S29WS512P and S29NS512P has 16 banks. Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADP ADM 1.7-2.0V – 1G PF48F6000M0Y x16 Uniform Sector/ 8 Banks 96ns/133MHz 105-Ball FBGA -30 to +85C ADP: S29WS-P ADM: S29NS-P No No Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADP ADM 1.7-2.0V – 256 PF48F4000L0Y x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 100ns/110MHz 88-Ball MCP -25 to +85C ADP: S29WS256P ADM: S29VS256R No No Spansion S29VS256R has 8 banks. Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADP ADM 1.7-2.0V – 512 PF48F5000L0Y x16 Uniform Sector/ 16 Banks 100ns/110MHz 88-Ball MCP 105-Ball MCP -25 to +85C ADP: S29WS512P ADM: S29NS512P No No Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-2.0V 512 M58PR512LE x16 Uniform Sector/ 8 Banks 96ns/108MHz 105-Ball FBGA 107-Ball FBGA -30 to +85C S29WS512P No No Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-2.0V 1G M58PR001LE x16 Uniform Sector/ 8 Banks 96ns/108MHz 105-Ball FBGA 107-Ball FBGA -30 to +85C S29WS-P No No Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADM 1.7-2.0V 1.7-2.0V 128 M58LR128KC M58LR128KD x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/66MHz 44-Ball FBGA -30 to +85C S29VS128R Yes No Spansion S29VS128R offers faster burst speed. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-2.0V 128 M58LR128KT M58LR128KB x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/66MHz 56-Ball FBGA -30 to +85C S29WS128P No No Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADM 1.7-2.0V 1.7-2.0V 256 M58LR256KC M58LR256KD x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/66MHz 44-Ball FBGA -30 to +85C S29VS256R Yes No Spansion S29VS256R offers faster burst speed. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-2.0V 256 M58LR256KT M58LR256KB x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/66MHz 79-Ball FBGA 88-Ball FBGA -30 to +85C S29WS256P No No Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 2.7-3.6V 128 M58LT128 x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 85ns/52MHz 64-Ball TBGA -40 to +85C S29WS128P No No Spansion does not offer 3V VIO for 1.8V VCC devices. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 2.7-3.6V 256 M58LT256 x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 85ns/52MHz 64-Ball TBGA -40 to +85C S29WS256P No No Spansion does not offer 3V VIO for 1.8V VCC devices. Micron ADM 1.7-2.0V 1.7-2.0V 16 M58WR016KU M58WR016KL x16 Boot Sector/ 4 Banks 70ns/66MHz 44-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29AS016J No No S29AS016J is a standard NOR device. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-2.0V 16 M58WR016KT M58WR016KB x16 Boot Sector/ 4 Banks 70ns/66MHz 56-Ball FBGA 88-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29AS016J No No S29AS016J is a standard NOR device. Micron ADM 1.7-2.0V 1.7-2.0V 32 M58WR032KU M58WR032KL x16 Boot Sector/ 8 Banks 70ns/66MHz 44-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29VS064R Yes No Spansion S29VS064R is pin-compatible with 44-Ball FBGA. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-2.0V 32 M58WR032KT M58WR032KB x16 Boot Sector/ 8 Banks 70ns/66MHz 56-Ball FBGA 88-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29WS064R No No Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADM 1.7-2.0V 1.7-2.0V 64 M58WR064KU M58WR064KL x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/66MHz 44-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29VS064R Yes No Spansion S29VS064R is pin-compatible with 44-Ball FBGA. NAND Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 2 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Atmel EON AMIC Winbond ESMT Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-2.0V 64 M58WR064KT M58WR064KB x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/66MHz 56-Ball FBGA 88-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29WS064R No No Contact factory for alternate solutions. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 2.7-3.3V 32 M58WT032 x16 Boot Sector/ 8 Banks 70ns/52MHz 88-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29WS064R No No Spansion does not offer 3V VIO for 1.8V VCC devices. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 2.7-3.3V 64 M58WT064 x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/52MHz 88-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29WS064R No No Spansion does not offer 3V VIO for 1.8V VCC devices. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-3.6V 64 JS28F640P30 PC28F640P30 RC28F640P30 x16 Boot Sector 65ns (BGA) 75ns (TSOP)/52MHz 64-Ball Easy-BGA 56-Pin TSOP -40 to +85C S29WS064R No No Spansion does not offer 3V VIO for 1.8V VCC devices. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-3.6V 128 JS28F128P30 PC28F128P30 RC28F128P30 x16 Boot Sector 65ns (BGA) 75ns (TSOP)/52MHz 64-Ball Easy-BGA 56-Pin TSOP -40 to +85C S29WS128P No No Spansion does not offer 3V VIO for 1.8V VCC devices. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-3.6V 256 JS28F256P30 PC28F256P30 RC28F256P30 x16 Boot Sector 100ns (BGA) 110ns (TSOP)/52MHz 64-Ball Easy-BGA 56-Pin TSOP -40 to +85C S29WS256P No No Spansion does not offer 3V VIO for 1.8V VCC devices. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-3.6V 512 JS28F512P30 PC28F512P30 x16 Uniform/ Boot Sector 100ns (BGA) 110ns (TSOP)/52MHz 64-Ball Easy-BGA 56-Pin TSOP -40 to +85C S29WS512P No No Spansion does not offer 3V VIO for 1.8V VCC devices. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-3.6V 1G JS28F00AP30 PC28F00AP30 RC28F00AP30 x16 Uniform/ Boot Sector 100ns (BGA) 105ns (TSOP)/52MHz 64-Ball Easy-BGA 56-Pin TSOP -40 to +85C S29GL01GS No No Spansion does not offer 3V VIO for 1.8V VCC devices. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-3.6V 2G PC28F00BP30 x16 Uniform 100ns/52MHz 64-Ball Easy-BGA -40 to +85C S70GL02GS No No Spansion does not offer 3V VIO for 1.8V VCC devices. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-3.6V 64 PF48F2000P0Z RD48F2000P0Z x16 Boot Sector 85ns/52MHz 88-Ball SCSP -40 to +85C S29WS064R No No Spansion does not offer 3V VIO for 1.8V VCC devices. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-3.6V 128 PF48F3000P0Z RD48F3000P0Z x16 Boot Sector 85ns/52MHz 88-Ball SCSP -40 to +85C S29WS128P No No Spansion does not offer 3V VIO for 1.8V VCC devices. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-3.6V 256 PF48F4000P0Z RD48F4000P0Z x16 Boot Sector 85ns/52MHz 88-Ball SCSP -40 to +85C S29WS256P No No Spansion does not offer 3V VIO for 1.8V VCC devices. Micron ADP 1.7-2.0V 1.7-3.6V 512 PC48F4400P0V PF48F4400P0V RC48F4400P0V RD48F4400P0V x16 Boot Sector 100ns/52MHz 64-Ball Easy-BGA 88-Ball SCSP -40 to +85C S29WS512P No No This Numonyx device is a dual-die stack. Spansion does not offer 3V VIO for 1.8V VCC devices. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 8 M29W800D x8, x16 Boot Sector 45, 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 44-Pin SOP -40 to +85C S29AL008J Yes Yes Numonyx device does not have WP#. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 8 M29W800F x8, x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +125C S29AL008J Yes Yes Numonyx device does not have WP#. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 16 M29W160E x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 80, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 64-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29AL016J Yes Yes S29AL016J is pin compatible with 48-Pin TSOP and 48-Ball TFBGA. Numonyx device does not have WP#. Micron ADP 2.5-3.6 2.5-3.6 16 M29W160F x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 80ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +125C S29AL016J Yes Yes Numonyx device does not have WP#. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 32 M29W320D x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 80, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S29GL032N Yes Yes Different boot sector architecture. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 32 M29W320E x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29GL032N Yes Yes – Micron ADP 2.5-3.6 2.5-3.6 32 M29W320F x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 80ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +125C S29GL032N Yes Yes Different boot sector architecture. NAND Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 3 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 64 M29W640F x8, x16 Boot Sector 60, 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85C S29GL064N Yes Yes S29GL064N has larger page-read size. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 64 M29W640G x8, x16 Uniform/ Boot Sector 60, 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S29GL064N Yes Yes S29GL064N has larger page-read size. S29GL064N supports VIO of 1.65 to 3.6 on uniform sector models. Refer to datasheet for best match package and sector architecture model. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 64 M29W064F x8, x16 Boot Sector 60, 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S29GL064N Yes Yes S29GL064N has larger page-read size. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 128 M29W128F x8, x16 Uniform Sector 60ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball TBGA -40 to +85C S29GL128S S29GL128P Yes Yes S29GL128S supports x16-only. S29GL128P supports x8/x16. Different sector sizes. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 128 M29W128G x8, x16 Uniform Sector 60, 70, 80ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball TBGA 64-Ball FBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S29GL128S S29GL128P Yes Yes Numonyx device access time is 80ns if full VIO is needed. S29GL128S supports x16-only. S29GL128P supports x8/x16. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 256 M29W256G x8, x16 Uniform Sector 60, 70, 80ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball TBGA 64-Ball FBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29GL256S S29GL256P Yes Yes Numonyx device access time is 80ns if full VIO is needed. S29GL256S supports x16-only. S29GL256P supports x8/x16. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 32 M29DW323D x8, x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29JL032J S29PL032J Yes Yes Bank architecture is similar to S29JL032J model 31 or 32. S29JL032J is not a page-mode device; S29PL032J is available as 48-ball FBGA only. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 32 M29DW324D x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29JL032J S29PL032J Yes Yes Bank architecture is similar to S29JL032J model 41 or 42. S29JL032J is not a page mode device; S29PL032J is available as 48-ball FBGA only. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 64 M29DW640F x8, x16 Boot Sector 60, 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29JL064J S29PL064J Yes Yes S29JL064J is not a page-mode device; S29PL064J is available as 48-ball FBGA only. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 64 M29DW641F x16 Boot Sector 60, 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29JL064J S29PL064J Yes Yes S29JL064J is not a page mode device; S29PL064J is available as 48-ball FBGA only. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 128 M29DW128F x8, x16 Boot Sector 60ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball TBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29PL127J Yes Yes S29PL127J is pin compatible with 56-Pin TSOP. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 128 M29DW127G x8, x16 Boot Sector 60, 70, 80ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball TBGA -40 to +85C S29PL127J Yes Yes Numonyx device access time is 80ns if full VIO is needed. S29PL127J is pin compatible with 56-Pin TSOP. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 128 M29DW128G x16 Boot Sector 60, 70, 80ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball TBGA -40 to +85C S29PL127J Yes Yes Numonyx device access time is 80ns if full VIO is needed. S29PL127J is pin compatible with 56-Pin TSOP. ESMT Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 256 M29DW256G x16 Boot Sector 60, 70ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball TBGA 64-Ball FBGA 0 to 70C -40 to +85C S29GL256S Yes Yes Numonyx device access time is 80ns if full VIO is needed. Pin compatible with S29GL256S x16 mode with no simul-op. Different sector architecture. Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 32 JR28F032M29EW PZ28F032M29EW x8, x16 Uniform/ Boot Sector 60ns (BGA) 70ns (TSOP) 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball BGA -40 to +85C S29GL032N Yes Yes S29GL032N is pin-compatible with boot sector models. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 64 JR28F064M29EW JS28F064M29EW PC28F064M29EW PZ28F064M29EW x8, x16 Uniform/ Boot Sector 60ns (BGA) 70ns (TSOP) 48-Pin TSOP 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball FBGA 48-Ball BGA -40 to +85C S29GL064N Yes Yes – Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 128 JS28F128M29EW PC28F128M29EW RC28F128M29EW x8, x16 Uniform Sector 60ns (BGA) 70ns (TSOP) 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29GL128S S29GL128P Yes Yes S29GL128S supports x16-only. S29GL128P supports x8/x16. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 256 JS28F256M29EW PC28F256M29EW RC28F256M29EW x8 x16 Uniform Sector 100ns (FBGA) 110ns (TSOP) 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29GL256S S29GL256P Yes Yes Spansion offers 90ns access time. S29GL256S supports x16-only. S29GL256P supports x8/x16. NAND Winbond AMIC EON Atmel SST Samsung Macronix Micron Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 4 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Atmel EON AMIC Winbond ESMT Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 512 JS28F512M29EW PC28F512M29EW RC28F512M29EW x8, x16 Uniform Sector 100ns (FBGA) 110ns (TSOP) 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29GL512S S29GL512P Yes Yes Spansion offers 100ns access time. S29GL512S supports x16-only. S29GL512P supports x8/x16. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 1G JS28F00AM29EW PC28F00AM29EW RC28F00AM29EW x8, x16 Uniform Sector 100ns (FBGA) 110ns (TSOP) 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29GL01GS S29GL01GP Yes Yes Spansion offers 100ns access time. S29GL01GS supports x16-only. S29GL01GP supports x8/x16. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 2G JS28F00BM29EW PC28F00BM29EW RC28F00BM29EW x8, x16 Uniform Sector 100ns (FBGA) 110ns (TSOP) 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S70GL02GS Yes Yes Spansion offers 110ns access time. S70GL02GS supports x16-only. S70GL02GP supports x8/x16. Micron ADP 2.3-3.6 2.3-3.6 64 JS28F640P33 PC28F640P33 RC28F640P33 x16 Boot sector 60ns (BGA) 70ns (TSOP) 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball Easy BGA -40 to +85C S29GL064N No No Different sector architecture pinouts and command set. Micron ADP 2.3-3.6 2.3-3.6 128 JS28F128P33 PC28F128P33 RC28F128P33 x16 Boot sector 60ns (BGA) 70ns (TSOP) 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball Easy BGA -40 to +85C S29GL128S No No Different sector architecture pinouts and command set. Micron ADP 2.3-3.6 2.3-3.6 256 JS28F256P33 PC28F256P33 RC28F256P33 x16 Boot sector 95ns (BGA) 105ns (TSOP) 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball Easy BGA -40 to +85C S29GL256S No No Different sector architecture pinouts and command set. Micron ADP 2.3-3.6 2.3-3.6 512 JS28F512P33 PC28F512P33 x16 Uniform/ Boot Sector 95ns (BGA) 105ns (TSOP) 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball Easy BGA -40 to +85C S29GL512S No No Different pinouts and command set. S29GL512S has similar sector architecture for uniform sector models. Micron ADP 2.3-3.6 2.3-3.6 1G PC28F00AP33 x16 Uniform/ Boot Sector 95ns (BGA) 105ns (TSOP) 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball Easy BGA -40 to +85C S29GL01GS No No Different pinouts and command set. S29GL01GS has similar sector architecture for uniform sector models. Micron ADP 2.3-3.6 2.3-3.6 2G PC28F00BP33 x16 Uniform Sector 100ns 64-Ball Easy BGA -40 to +85C S29GL02GS No No Different pinouts and command set. S29GL02GS has similar uniform sector architecture. Micron ADP 2.3-3.6 2.3-3.6 64 PF48F2000P0X x16 Boot sector 85ns 88-Ball SCSP -40 to +85C S29GL064N No No This Numonyx device is EOL. Different sector architecture pinouts and command set. Micron ADP 2.3-3.6 2.3-3.6 128 RD48F3000P0X x16 Boot sector 85ns 88-Ball SCSP -40 to +85C S29GL128S No No This Numonyx device is EOL. Different sector architecture pinouts and command set. Micron ADP 2.3-3.6 2.3-3.6 256 PF48F4000P0X RD48F4000P0X x16 Boot sector 85ns 88-Ball SCSP -40 to +85C S29GL256S No No This Numonyx device is EOL. Different sector architecture pinouts and command set. Micron ADP 2.3-3.6 2.3-3.6 512 PF48F4400P0T RD48F4400P0T x16 Boot sector 85ns 64-Ball Easy BGA 88-Ball SCSP -40 to +85C S29GL512S No No The SCSP devices are EOL. Different pinouts and command set. This Numonyx device is a dual-die stack. S29GL512S has similar sector architecture for uniform sector models. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 32 JS28F320J3 PC28F320J3 RC28F320J3 x8, x16 Uniform Sector 75ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball Easy BGA -40 to +85C S29GL032N No No Different pinouts and command set. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 64 JS28F640J3 PC28F640J3 RC28F640J3 x8, x16 Uniform Sector 75ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball Easy BGA -40 to +85C S29GL064N No No Different pinouts and command set. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 128 JS28F128J3 PC28F128J3 RC28F128J3 x8 x16 Uniform Sector 75ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball Easy BGA -40 to +85C S29GL128S S29GL128P No No Different pinouts and command set. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 256 JS28F256J3 TE28F256J3 PC28F256J3 RC28F256J3 x8 x16 Uniform Sector 95ns (BGA) 105ns (TSOP) 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball Easy BGA -40 to +85C S29GL256S S29GL256P No No Different pinouts and command set. NAND Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 5 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Atmel Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 16 M28W160C x16 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 46-Ball TFBGA 0 to 70C -40 to +85C S29AL016J No No Different sector architecture pinouts and command set. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 16 M28W160EC x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 46-Ball TFBGA 0 to 70C -40 to +85C S29AL016J No No Different sector architecture pinouts and command set. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 32 M28W320FC x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 47-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85C S29GL032N No No Different pinout & command set Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 64 M28W640FC x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to 70C -40 to +85C S29GL064N Yes No Pin compatible with S29GL064N model numbers 06, 07, V6, V7 (48-Pin TSOP). Different sector architecture and command set. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 64 M28W640HC x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85C S29GL064N Yes No Pin compatible with S29GL064N model numbers 06, 07, V6, V7 (48-Pin TSOP). Different sector architecture and command set. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.4-3.6 16 M58BW016D M58BW016F x32 Boot Sector 70, 80ns 80-Pin PQFP 80-Ball LBGA -40 to 90C -40 to 125C S29CL016J Yes No Numonyx device does not have RY/BY# and has additional Burst Address Advance and Output Disable pins. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.5-3.3 2.4-3.6 16 M58BW16F x32 Boot Sector 45, 55ns 80-Pin PQFP 80-Ball LBGA -40 to 125C S29CD016J S29CL016J Yes No 45ns access only available with 2.7-3.6 voltage range for this Numonyx device. Numonyx device does not have RY/BY# replaces ACC with Program/Erase Enable and has additional Burst Address Advance and Output Disable pins. Micron ADP 2.7-3.6 2.5-3.3 2.4-3.6 32 M58BW32F x32 Boot Sector 45, 55ns 80-Pin PQFP 80-Ball LBGA -40 to 125C S29CD032J S29CL032J Yes No 45ns access only available with 2.7-3.6 voltage range for this Numonyx device. Numonyx device does not have RY/BY# replaces ACC with Program/Erase Enable and has additional Burst Address Advance and Output Disable pins. Micron ADP 4.5-5.5 – 2 M29F200F x8, x16 Boot Sector 55ns 44-Pin SO 48-Pin TSOP -40 to +85C -40 to +125C Am29F200B Yes Yes – Micron ADP 4.5-5.5 – 4 M29F400F x8, x16 Boot Sector 55ns 44-Pin SO 48-Pin TSOP -40 to +85C -40 to +125C Am29F400B Yes Yes – Micron ADP 4.5-5.5 – 8 M29F800F x8, x16 Boot Sector 55ns 44-Pin SO 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85C -40 to +125C Am29F800B Yes Yes – Micron ADP 4.5-5.5 – 16 M29F160F x8, x16 Boot Sector 55ns 48-Pin TSOP -40 to +85C -40 to +125C Am29F160D Yes Yes – Micron SPI 2.3-3.6 N/A 4 M25P40 x1 Uniform 64KB 75MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil, 8-Land SON 6x5 4x3 or 2x3 -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S25FL204K Yes Yes S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Spansion device supports 4KB sector size dual data output. Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 8 M25P80 x1 Uniform 64KB 75MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 or 4x3 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S25FL208K Yes Yes S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Spansion device supports 4KB sector size dual data output. Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 16 M25P16 x1 Uniform 64KB 75MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 8x6, 6x5 or 4x3 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. S25FL116K suppports quad I/O. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. S25FL216K suppports dual output. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 6 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 32 M25P32 x1 Uniform 64KB 75MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Land SON 6x8 -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S25FL032P Yes Yes Package pinout sector size and core command set compatible. Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 64 M25P64 x1 Uniform 64KB 75MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x8 -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S25FL064P Yes Yes Package pinout sector size and core command set compatible. Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 128 M25P128 x1 Uniform 256KB 75MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL128S Yes Yes Package pinout sector size and core command set compatible. Spansion offers faster performance at 133MHz clock rate. Spansion also offers a uniform 64KB and 256KB sector device option. Spansion device suppports quad I/O. Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 4 M25PE40 x1 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 75MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL204K No Yes Page Erase RESET# pin not supported by S25FL204K. Spansion device supports dual output Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 8 M25PE80 x1 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 75MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL208K No Yes Page Erase RESET# pin not supported by S25FL208K. Spansion device suppports dual output. Atmel Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 16 M25PE16 x1 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 75MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. S25FL116K suppports quad I/O. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. S25FL216K suppports dual output. EON Micron SPI 2.3-3.6 N/A 8 M25PX80 x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 75MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S25FL208K Yes Yes S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. AMIC Micron SPI 2.3-3.6 N/A 16 M25PX16 x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 75MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil, 24-Ball BGA 6x8 and 8-Land SON 6x5. S25FL116K suppports quad I/O. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. S25FL216K suppports dual output. Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 32 M25PX32 x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 75MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S25FL032P Yes Yes Package pinout sector size and core command set compatible. Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 64 M25PX64 x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 75MHz 8-Land SON 6x8 16-Pin SO 300mil 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S25FL064P Yes Yes Package pinout sector size and core command set compatible. Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 32 N25Q032 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 108MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 8x6, 6x5, 4x3 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S25FL032P Yes Yes S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil, 16-Pin SO 300mil, 8-Land SON 8x6 or 6x5 and TFBGA 6x8. Core command set compatible. Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 64 N25Q064 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 108MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 8x6, 6x5 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S25FL064P Yes Yes S25FL064P is pin-compatible with 16-Pin SO 300mil, 8-Land SON 8x6 and TFBGA 6x8. Core command set compatible. Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 128 N25Q128 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 64KB /w 8 top/ bottom 4KB subsectors 108MHz 8-Land SON 6x8 16-Pin SO 300mil 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S25FL128S Yes Yes Package pinout and core command set compatible. Sector size compatible for Uniform 64KB models. S25FL128S has 133Mhz Fast Read Clock Frequency. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond SST Samsung Macronix Micron Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 7 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 128 N25Q128A x1, x2, x4 Uniform 64KB /w 8 top/ bottom 4KB subsectors 108MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Land SON 6x8, 6x5 16-Pin SO 300mil 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S25FL128S Yes Yes Core command set compatible. S25FL128S has 133Mhz Fast Read Clock Frequency. Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 256 N25Q256 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 108MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 8x6 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL256S Yes Yes Core command set compatible. S25FL256S has 133Mhz Clock Frequency and higher DDR Fast dual and quad read frequencies. Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 512 N25Q512 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 108MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 8x6 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL512S Yes Yes Core command set compatible. N25Q512 is stacked device (2x256Mb). S25FL512S has 133Mhz Clock Frequency and higher DDR Fast dual and quad read frequencies. Micron SPI 2.7-3.6 N/A 1024 N25Q00A x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 108MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C S70FL01GS Yes Yes Core command set compatible. N25Q500A is a stacked device (4x256Mb). S70FL01GS has 133Mhz Clock Frequency and higher DDR Fast dual and quad read frequencies. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Atmel Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 8 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Macronix ADP 1.65-2.2 – 8 MX29SL800C T/B MX29SL802C T/B x8, x16 Boot Sector 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball CSP0.8mm pitch (TFBGA, LFBGA) 0.5mm pitch (WFBGA, XFLGA) 0 to 70C -40 to +85C S29AS008J Yes Yes Spansion S29AS008J is pin-compatible with 48-Pin TSOP, 48-Ball TFBGA, and 48-Ball LFBGA. Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 3.0-3.6 – 8 MX29LV800C x8, x16 Boot Sector 45, 55, 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball T/LFBGA 44-Pin SOP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL008J Yes Yes Macronix device does not have WP#. S29AL016J is pin-compatible with 48-Pin TSOP, 48-Ball TFBGA and 48-Ball LFBGA. Macronix device 45 and 55ns access times only available with restricted Vcc (3.0-3.6V). Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 – 16 MX29LV160D x8, x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball T/LFBGA 48-Ball WFBGA/ XFLGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL016J Yes Yes S29AL016J is pin-compatible with 48-Pin TSOP, 48-Ball TFBGA and 48-Ball LFBGA. Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 16 MX29LV161D x16 Boot Sector 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 48-Ball WFBGA/ XFLGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL016J Yes Yes S29AL016J is pin-compatible with 48-Pin TSOP and 48-Ball TFBGA. MXIC replaces BYTE# with VIO. Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 – 32 MX29LV320D x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball T/LFBGA 44-Pin SOP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29GL032N Yes Yes This Macronix device is EOL. S29GL032N is pincompatible with 48-Pin TSOP, 48-Ball TFBGA and 48-Ball LFBGA. S29GL032N supports Page Mode. This Macronix device is EOL. Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 32 MX29LV321D x16 Boot Sector 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29GL032N Yes Yes S29GL032N is pin-compatible with 48-Pin TSOP and 48-Ball TFBGA. Macronix replaces BYTE# with VIO. S29GL032N supports Page Mode. This Macronix device is not recommended for new designs. Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 – 32 MX29LV320E x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 44-Pin SOP 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball T/LFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29GL032N Yes Yes S29GL032N is pin-compatible with 48-Pin TSOP, 48-Ball TFBGA and 48-Ball LFBGA. S29GL032N supports Page Mode. Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 – 64 MX29LV640D x8, x16 Boot Sector 90ns 44-Pin SOP 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball LFBGA -40 to +85C 0 to +70C S29GL064N Yes Yes This Macronix device is EOL. S29GL064N is pin-compatible with 48-Pin TSOP and 48-Ball LFBGA. S29GL064N supports Page Mode. This Macronix device is EOL. Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 – 64 MX29LV640E x8, x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C 0 to +70C S29GL064N Yes Yes S29GL064N supports Page Mode. Macronix ADP 3.0-3.6 – 128 MX29LV128D x8, x16 Uniform Sector 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 56-Pin TSOP 70-Pin SSOP -40 to +85C S29GL128S S29GL128P Yes Yes S29GL128S and S29GL128P are pin-compatible with 56-Pin TSOP. S29GL128S supports x16-only and Page Mode. S29GL128P supports x8/ x16-only and Page Mode. This Macronix device is EOL. Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 – 32 MX29GL320E x8, x16 Boot/Uniform Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball LFBGA 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball LFBGA -40 to +85C S29GL032N Yes Yes – Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 – 64 MX29GL640E x8, x16 Boot/Uniform Sector 70, 9ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball LFBGA 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball LFBGA -40 to +85C S29GL064N Yes Yes – NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Atmel SST Samsung Macronix Micron Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 9 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 128 MX29GL128E x8, x16 Uniform Sector 90, 110ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball FBGA 64-Ball LFBGA 70-Pin SSOP -40 to +85C 0 to +70C S29GL128S S29GL128P Yes Yes S29GL128S and S29GL128P are pin compatible with 56-pin TSOP, 64-Ball FBGA. S29GL128S supports x16-only. S29GL128P supports x8/x16. Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 128 MX29GL128F x8, x16 Uniform Sector 90, 110ns 56-Pin TSOP 56-Ball FBGA 64-Ball LFBGA -40 to +85C S29GL128S S29GL128P Yes Yes S29GL128S supports x16-only. S29GL128P supports x8/x16. Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 3.0-3.6 1.65-3.6 256 MX29GL256E x8, x16 Uniform Sector 90, 100, 110ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball FBGA 64-Ball LFBGA 70-Pin SSOP -40 to +85C S29GL256S S29GL256P Yes Yes S29GL256S and S29GL256P are pin compatible with 56-pin TSOP, 64-Ball FBGA. S29GL256S supports x16-only. S29GL256P supports x8/x16. This Macronix device is not recommended for new designs. Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 3.0-3.6 1.65-3.6 256 MX29GL256F x8, x16 Uniform Sector 90, 100, 110ns 56-Pin TSOP 56-Ball FBGA 64-Ball LFBGA -40 to +85C S29GL256S S29GL256P Yes Yes S29GL256S supports x16-only S29GL256P supports x8/x16. Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 3.0-3.6 – 512 MX29GL512E x8, x16 Uniform Sector 100, 110ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball LFBGA 70-Pin SSOP -40 to +85C 0 to +70C S29GL512S S29GL512P Yes Yes S29GL512S and S29GL512P are pin compatible with 56-pin TSOP, 64-Ball LFBGA. S29GL512S supports x16-only. S29GL512P supports x8/x16. This Macronix device is not recommended for new designs. Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 3.0-3.6 1.65-3.6 512 MX29GL512F x8, x16 Uniform Sector 100, 110ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball LFBGA -40 to +85C S29GL512S S29GL512P Yes Yes S29GL512S supports x16-only. S29GL512P supports x8/x16. Macronix ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 1G MX68GL1G0F x8, x16 Uniform Sector 110, 120ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball LFBGA -40 to +85C S29GL01GS S29GL01GP Yes Yes S29GL01GS supports x16-only. S29GL01GS supports x8/x16. Macronix ADP 4.5-5.5 – 2 MX29F200CT/B x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 44-Pin SO 48-Pin TSOP 48-Pin RTSOP -40 to +85C Am29F200B Yes Yes – Macronix ADP 4.5-5.5 – 4 MX29F400CT/B x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 44-Pin SO 48-Pin TSOP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C Am29F400B Yes Yes – Macronix ADP 4.5-5.5 – 4 MX29F040C x8 Uniform Sector 70, 90ns 32-Pin PLCC 32-Pin TSOP -40 to +85C Am29F040B Yes Yes – Macronix ADP 4.5-5.5 – 8 MX29F800C T/B x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 44-Pin SO 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85C Am29F800B Yes Yes – Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 4 MX25L4005A x1 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 85MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 or 4x4 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes This Macronix device is EOL. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 4 MX25L4005C x1 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 85MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes This Macronix device is EOL. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 4 MX25L4006E x1, x2 Uniform 4K /w 64KB Blocks x1: 86MHz x2: 80MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5, 2x3 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 4 MX25L4025C x1 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 85MHz (@15pF) 66MHz (@30pF) 8-Pin SO 150mil -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes This Macronix device is EOL. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Atmel Macronix Macronix Samsung Density Device (Mb) SST Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 10 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 4 MX25L4026E x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 86MHz x2: 80MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil. Macronix SPI 2.3-3.6 – 4 MX25V4006E x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 75MHz x2: 70MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil. Macronix SPI 2.3-3.6 – 4 MX25V4035 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 66MHz x2, x4: 50MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes Spansion device supports dual output mode only. S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 8 MX25L8005 x1 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 86MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 or 4x4 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes Spansion device supports dual output. S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. This Macronix device is EOL. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 8 MX25L8008E x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 86MHz x2: 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 8 MX25L8073E x1, x2,x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1,x4: 108MHz x2: 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. Spansion device supports dual output mode only. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 8 MX25L8075E x1, x2,x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1,x4: 108MHz x2: 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. Spansion device supports dual output mode only. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 8 MX25L8006E x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 86MHz x2: 80MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil, 8-Land SON 6x5, or 4x4 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 8 MX25L8035E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 108MHz x2: 80MHz (2.7-3.6V), 104MHz (3.0-3.6V) x4: 108MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes Core command set compatible. Pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil, Spansion device support dual output mode only. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 8 MX25L8036E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 133MHz (@10pF) 8-Pin SO 208mil -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes Core command set compatible. Spansion device support dual output mode only. Macronix SPI 2.3-3.6 – 8 MX25V8006E x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 75MHz x2: 70MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil. Macronix SPI 2.3-3.6 – 8 MX25V8035 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 66MHz x2, x4: 50MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes Spansion device supports dual outoput mode only. S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 MX25L1605D x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 86MHz (@15pF), 66MHz (@30pF) x2: 50MHz (@15pF) 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5, or 4x4 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL116K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. This Macronix device is EOL. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 MX25L1606E x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 86MHz x2: 80MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5, or 4x4 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 24-Ball BGA -40 to +85C S25FL116K / S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil, 8-Land SON 6x5, and 24Ball BGA. S25FL116K is quad output device. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 MX25L1608E x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 86MHz x2: 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil -40 to +85C S25FL116K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. S25FL116K is quad output device. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Atmel Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 11 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 MX25L1633E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2,x4: 85MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Land SON 6x5, 4x4 -40 to +85C S25FL116K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 MX25L1635D x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2, x4: 75MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL116K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. This Macronix device is EOL. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 MX25L1635E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 108MHz x2: 80MHz (2.7-3.6V), 104MHz (3.0-3.6V) x4: 108MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil -40 to +85C S25FL116K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. Core command set compatible. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 MX25L1636D x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 86MHz x2,x4: 75MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL116K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 MX25L1673E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2,x4: 85MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil -40 to +85C S25FL116K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 MX25L1675E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2, x4: 85MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil -40 to +85C S25FL116K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 MX25L1655D x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2, x4: 75MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 24-Ball BGA -40 to +85C S25FL116K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil and 24-Ball BGA. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 MX25L1636E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 133MHz (@10pF) 8-Pin SO 208mil -40 to +85C S25FL116K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. EON Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 MX25L3205D x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 86MHz (@15pF), 66MHz (@30pF) x2: 50MHz (@15pF) -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-pin/16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. This Macronix device is EOL. AMIC 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5, or 4x4 8-Pin PDIP 300mil Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 MX25L3206E x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 86MHz x2: 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil, 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5/4x4 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 24-BALL BGA -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-pin/ 16-pin SO, 8-Land SON and 24-BALL BGA. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 MX25L3225D x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2, x4: 75MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Macronix part does not have HOLD#. ESMT Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 MX25L3235D x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2, x4: 75MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 or 8x6 -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Macronix part does not have HOLD#. Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 MX25L3236D x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2, x4: 75MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Macronix part does not have HOLD#. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 1.65-2.7 2.7-3.6 32 MX25L3237D x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks VIO=2.7-3.6V: 86MHz x2 or x4 mode: 75MHz VIO=1.65-2.7V: 40MHz x2 or x4 mode: 33MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Macronix 16-Pin SO package uses pin 3 as VIO. Macronix 8-Land SON does not support x4 mode. Macronix part does not have HOLD#. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 MX25L3239E x1, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1, x4: 104MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Pin VSOP 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Spansion device supports automotive temperature range. S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 MX25L3235E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2: 86MHz x4: 104MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Spansion device supports automotive temperature range. S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-pin/16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. NAND Winbond Atmel SST Samsung Macronix Micron Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 12 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 MX25L3275E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2: 86MHz x4: 104MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Spansion device supports automotive temperature range. S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-pin/16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 MX25L3237E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2: 86MHz x4: 104MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Spansion device supports automotive temperature range. S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-pin/16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 64 MX25L6405D x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 86MHz (@15pF) 66MHz (@30pF) x2: 50MHz (@15pF) 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes This Macronix device is EOL. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 64 MX25L6439E x1, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1/x4: 104MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes – Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 64 MX25L6406E x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 86MHz x2: 80MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Land SON 6x8 24 Ball BGA -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes S25FL064P is pin-compatible with 16-pin SO, 8-Land SON 6x8, 24-Ball BGA. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 64 MX25L6436E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2: 70MHz x4: 75MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Land SON 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes S25FL064P is pin-compatible with 16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x8. Macronix part does not have HOLD#. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 64 MX25L6435E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2, x4: 86MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Land SON 6x8 24 Ball BGA -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes S25FL064P is pin-compatible with 16-pin SO, 8-Land SON 6x8, 24-Ball BGA. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 64 MX25L6445E x1 , x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2, x4: 70MHz Double Transfer Rate x1, x2, x4: 50MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 8x6 -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes S25FL064P does not support Macronix Double Transfer Rate Mode where address and data is latched on both SCK rising and falling edge. Macronix part does not have HOLD#. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 64 MX25L6473E x1 , x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1,x4: 104MHz x2: 86MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes – Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 64 MX25L6475E x1 , x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1,x4: 104MHz x2: 86MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes S25FL064P is pin-compatible with 16-pin SO. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 64 MX25L6465E x1 , x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2,x4: 70MHz Double Transfer Rate x1, x2, x4: 50MHz 8-Pin SO, 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 8x6 -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes S25FL064P does not support Macronix Double Transfer Rate Mode where address and data is latched on both SCK rising and falling edge. Macronix part does not have HOLD#. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 128 MX25L12805D x1 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 50MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL128S Yes Yes Spansion offers faster performance at 133MHz clock rate. This Macronix device is EOL. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 128 MX25L12835F x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1,x2,x4: 133MHz 8-Pin SO 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL128S Yes Yes Spansion offers DDR scheme. Macronix part does not have HOLD#. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 128 MX25L12835E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2,x4: 70MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x8/5x6 -40 to +85C S25FL128S Yes Yes Spansion offers faster performance at 133MHz x1 clock rate. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 128 MX25L12836E x1, x2, x4, Parallel x8 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2, x4: 70MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL128S Yes Yes Macronix part does not have HOLD#. Spansion offers 133MHz x1 clock rate and 104MHz x2, x4 clock rate. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Atmel Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 13 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Atmel Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 128 MX25L12845E x1 , x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2, x4: 70MHz Double Transfer Rate x1, x2, x4: 50MHz 16-Pin SO, 300mil 8-Land SON 8x6 -40 to +85C S25FL128S Yes Yes Macronix part does not have HOLD#. Spansion offers 133MHz x1 clock rate, 104MHz x2, x4 clock rate, and 80MHz DDR. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 128 MX25L12865E x1 , x2, x4, Parallel x8 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2, x4: 70MHz Double Transfer Rate x1, x2, x4: 50MHz 16-Pin SO, 300mil 8-Land SON 8x6 -40 to +85C S25FL128S Yes Yes Macronix part does not have HOLD#. Spansion offers 133MHz x1 clock rate, 104MHz x2, x4 clock rate, and 80MHz DDR. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 256 MX25L25635E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 80MHz x2, x4: 70MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 8x6 -40 to +85C S25FL256S Yes Yes Core command set compatible. Spansion device has DDR scheme and 133MHz x1 clock rate, 104MHz x2, x4 clock rate. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 256 MX25L25735E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 80MHz x2, x4: 70MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 8x6 -40 to +85C S25FL256S Yes Yes Core command set compatible. Spansion device has DDR scheme and 133MHz x1 clock rate, 104MHz x2, x4 clock rate. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 256 MX25L25835E x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2, x4: 70MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL256S Yes Yes Macronix device is a dual-die stack, uses two CS# pins. Spansion device has DDR scheme and 133MHz x1 clock rate, 104MHz x2, x4 clock rate. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 256 MX25L25635F x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1, x2, x4: 133MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 8x6 -40 to +85C S25FL256S Yes Yes Core command set compatible. Spansion device has DDR scheme. Macronix part does not have HOLD#. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 256 MX25L25639F x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1, x2: 133MHz 8-Land SON 8x6 -40 to +85C S25FL256S No Yes Spansion device has DDR scheme and 133Mhz Clock Frequency. Macronix SPI 2.7-3.6 – 512 MX66L51235F x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 133MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 8x6 24 Ball BGA -40 to +85C S25FL512S Yes Yes Spansion device has DDR scheme and 133Mhz Clock Frequency. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 14 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Atmel EON AMIC Winbond ESMT Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 32 K8A3215ETE K8A3215EBE x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/66MHz MCP-only -25 to +85C S29WS064R No No This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 64 K8A6415ETB K8A6415EBB x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/66MHz MCP-only -25 to +85C S29WS064R No No This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 64 K8A6415ETC K8A6415EBC x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/108MHz 88-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29WS064R No No This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 128 K8A2815ETB K8A2815EBB x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/66MHz MCP-only -25 to +85C S29WS128P No Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 128 K8A2815ETC x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/108MHz MCP-only -25 to +85C S29WS128P No Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 128 K8A2615ETE x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/108MHz MCP-only -25 to +85C S29WS128P No Yes – Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 256 K8A5615ETA K8A5615EBA x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/66MHz MCP-only -25 to +85C S29WS256P No Yes – Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 256 K8A5515ETC x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 95ns/108MHz MCP-only -25 to +85C S29WS256P No Yes – Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 512 K8A1115ETC x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 95ns/108MHz MCP-only -25 to +85C S29WS512P No Yes – Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 256 K8C5415ETM K8C5415EBM x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 100ns/83MHz 167-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29WS256P No Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 256 K8C5615ETM K8C5615EBM x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 100ns/83MHz MCP-only -25 to +85C S29WS256P No Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 256 K8C5715ETM K8C5715EBM x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 100ns/133MHz 167-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29WS256P No Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 256 K8C5615ETA K8C5615EBA x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 100ns/83MHz 44-Ball FBGA 88-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29WS256P No Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 256 K8C5715ETA K8C5715EBA x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 100ns/133MHz 44-Ball FBGA 88-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29WS256P No Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 512 K8C1015ETM K8C1015EBM x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 110ns/83MHz 167-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29WS512P No Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 512 K8C1215ETM K8C1215EBM x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 110ns/83MHz 167-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29WS512P No Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 512 K8C1315ETM K8C1315EBM x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 110ns/133MHz 167-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29WS512P No Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 512 K8C1215EBA x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 110ns/83MHz 64-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29WS512P No Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 1.7-1.95 – 512 K8C1315ETA x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 110ns/133MHz 64-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29WS512P No Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 – 32 K8S3215ETD x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 90ns/54MHz 44-Ball FBGA -45 to +85C S29VS064R Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 – 32 K8S3215ETE K8S3215EBE x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/66MHz 44-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29VS064R Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 – 32 K8S3215ETF K8S3215EBF x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/108MHz 44-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29VS064R Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 15 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 – 64 K8S6415ETB K8S6415EBB x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/66MHz 44-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29VS064R Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 – 64 K8S6415ETC x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/108MHz MCP-only -25 to +85C S29VS064R No Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 64 K8S6015ETD x16 Boot Sector 70ns/66MHz 44-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29VS064R Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 64 K8S6615ETD x16 Boot Sector/ 8 Banks 70ns/108MHz 44-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29VS064R Yes Yes S29VS064R has 4 banks. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 128 K8S2815ETB K8S2815EBB x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/66MHz 44-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29VS128R Yes No This Samsung device is EOL. S29VS128R has simplified command set. S29VS128R has 8 banks. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 128 K8S2815ETC K8S2815EBC x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/108MHz 44-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29VS128R Yes No This Samsung device is EOL. S29VS128R has simplified command set. S29VS128R has 8 banks. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 128 K8S2615ETE x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/108MHz 44-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29VS128R Yes No S29VS128R has simplified command set. S29VS128R has 8 banks. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 256 K8S5615ETA K8S5615EBA x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 70ns/66MHz 44-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29VS256R Yes No This Samsung device is EOL. Spansion offers faster burst speed. S29VS256R has simplified command set. S29VS256R has 8 banks. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 256 K8S5515ETC x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 95ns/108MHz 44-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29VS256R Yes No S29VS256R has simplified command set. S29VS256R has 8 banks. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 512 K8S1115ETC x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 95ns/108MHz 64-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29NS512P Yes Yes – Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 256 K8F5615ETM K8F5615EBM x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 100ns/83MHz 44-Ball FBGA 88-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29VS256R Yes No This Samsung device is EOL. S29VS256R has simplified command set. S29VS256R has 8 banks. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 256 K8F5715ETM K8F5715EBM x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 100ns/133MHz 44-Ball FBGA 88-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29VS256R Yes No This Samsung device is EOL. S29VS256R has simplified command set. S29VS256R has 8 banks. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 256 K8F5615ETA K8F5615EBA x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 100ns/83MHz 44-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29VS256R Yes No This Samsung device is EOL. S29VS256R has simplified command set. S29VS256R has 8 banks. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 256 K8F5715ETA K8F5715EBA x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 100ns/133MHz 44-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29VS256R Yes No This Samsung device is EOL. S29VS256R has simplified command set. S29VS256R has 8 banks. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 512 K8F1215ETM K8F1215EBM x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 110ns/83MHz 64-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29NS512P Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 512 K8F1315ETM K8F1315EBM x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 110ns/133MHz 64-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29NS512P Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 512 K8F1215EBA x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 110ns/83MHz 64-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29NS512P Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 512 K8F1315ETA x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 110ns/133MHz 64-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29NS512P Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADM 1.7-1.95 - 512 K8F1115EBM x16 Boot Sector/ 16 Banks 100ns/108MHz 64-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29NS512P Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-1.95 2.7-3.6 16 K8P1615UQB x16 Dual Boot Sector/4 Banks 60ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C -40 to +85C S29PL032J S29JL032J Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Different sector architecture. S29JL032J is not a page-mode device. S29PL032J is available as 48-ball FBGA only. Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-1.95 2.7-3.6 32 K8P3215UQB x16 Dual Boot Sector/4 Banks 55ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball FBGA 64-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C -40 to +85C S29PL032J S29JL032J Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Different sector architecture to S29JL032J. S29JL032J is not a page-mode device. S29PL032J is available as 48-ball FBGA only. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Atmel SST Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 16 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-1.95 2.7-3.6 32 K8P3315UQB x16 Dual Boot Sector/8 Banks 60ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball FBGA 0 to +70C -25 to +85C -40 to +85C S29PL032J S29JL032J Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Different bank architecture. S29JL032J is not a page-mode device. S29PL032J is available as 48-ball FBGA only. Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-1.95 2.7-3.6 64 K8P6415UQB x16 Dual Boot Sector/4 Banks 60ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball FBGA 64-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C -40 to +85C S29PL064J S29JL064J Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. S29JL064J is not a page-mode device. S29PL064J is available as 48-ball FBGA only. Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-1.95 2.7-3.6 64 K8P6515UQB x16 Dual Boot Sector/8 Banks 60ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball FBGA 64-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29PL064J S29JL064J Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. S29JL064J is not a page-mode device. S29PL064J is available as 48-ball FBGA only. Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-1.95 2.7-3.6 128 K8Q2815UQB x16 Dual Boot Sector/8 Banks 60ns 56-Pin TSOP -25 to +85C -40 to +85C S29GL128S Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Different sector sizes. S29GL128S is a monolithic, single bank device. This Samsung device is a 2-die, multibank device. Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-1.95 2.7-3.6 128 K8P2815UQB x16 Dual Boot Sector/4 Banks 60ns 64-Ball FBGA 80-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C -40 to +85C S29PL127J S29GL128S Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. S29PL127J is pin-compatible with 80-Ball FBGA. S29PL127J offers faster access speeds. S29GL128S is pincompatible with 64-Ball FBGA. S29GL128S is a single bank device. Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-1.95 2.7-3.6 128 K8P2915UQB x16 Boot Sector 60ns 64-Ball FBGA 80-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C S29PL127J Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung device is a dual-CE# device. The 2nd CE# is equal to AMAX on S29PL127J. Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 1.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 128 K8P2716UZC x8, x16 Uniform Sector 65, 70, 80ns 64-Ball FBGA 56-Pin TSOP -25 to +85C -40 to +85C S29GL128S S29GL128P Yes Yes S29GL128S supports x16-only. S29GL128P supports x8/x16. Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-1.95 2.7-3.6 128 K8P2815UQC x16 Dual Boot Sector/4 Banks 65, 70ns 64-Ball FBGA 80-Ball FBGA 56-Pin TSOP -25 to +85C -40 to +85C S29PL127J S29GL128S Yes Yes S29GL128P supports x8/x16. Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 256 K8P5515UZB x16 Uniform Sector 80ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C -40 to +85C S29GL256S Yes Yes – Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 256 K8P5616UZB x8, x16 Uniform Sector/4 Banks 80ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C -40 to +85C S29GL256S S29GL256P Yes Yes S29GL256S supports x16-only. S29GL256P supports x8/x16. Both GL-S and GL-P are singlebank devices. Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 256 K8P5615UQA x16 Dual Boot Sector/4 Banks 70ns 56-Pin TSOP 84-Ball FBGA -25 to +85C -40 to +85C S29GL256S Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. S29GL256S is pin-compatible with 56-Pin TSOP. S29GL256S is a single bank device. This Samsung device is a multibank device. Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 512 K8Q1116UZB x8, x16 Uniform Sector 80ns 64-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29GL512S S29GL512P Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. S29GL512S supports x16-only. S29GL512P supports x8/x16. Both GL-S and GL-P are monolithic devices. This Samsung device is a 2-die stack. Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 16 K8D1716UTC K8D1716UBC x8, x16 Boot Sector/ 2 Banks 70ns 48-Ball FBGA 48-Pin TSOP -40 to +85C S29AL016J Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. S29AL016J is a single-bank device. Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 32 K8D3216UTC K8D3216UBC x8, x16 Boot Sector/ 2 Banks 70ns 48-Ball FBGA 48-Pin TSOP -40 to +85C S29JL032J Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. Samsung ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 64 K8D6316UTM K8D6316UBM x8, x16 Boot Sector/ 2 Banks 70ns 48-Ball FBGA 48-Pin TSOP -40 to +85C S29JL064J Yes Yes This Samsung device is EOL. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Atmel SST Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 17 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Atmel Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes SST ADP 1.65-1.95 – 8 SST39WF800A x16 Uniform Sector 90ns 48-Ball BGA 48-Ball WFBGA 48-Bump FLGA 0 to 70C -40 to +85C S29AS008J Yes Yes This SST device is EOL. Spansion S29AS008J is pin-compatible with 48-Ball TFBGA. SST device does not have RESET#, RY/BY#, or BYTE# and has different sector sizes. SST ADP 1.65-1.95 – 8 SST39WF800B x16 Uniform Sector 70ns 48-Ball BGA 48-Ball WFBGA 48-Bump FLGA 0 to 70C -40 to +85C S29AS008J Yes Yes Spansion S29AS008J is pin-compatible with 48-Ball TFBGA. SST device does not have RESET#, RY/BY#, or BYTE# pins and has different sector sizes. SST ADP 1.65-1.95 – 16 SST39WF1601/2 x16 Uniform Sector 70, 90ns 48-Ball TFBGA 48-Ball WFBGA 0 to 70C -40 to +85C S29AS016J Yes Yes Spansion S29AS016J is pin-compatible with 48-Ball TFBGA. SST device does not have RY/BY#, or BYTE# pins and has different sector sizes. This SST device is EOL. SST ADM 1.7-1.95 – 16 SST34WA1601/2 x16 Boot Sector/ 4 Banks 70ns/66MHz 44-Ball FBGA -20 to +85C S29VS064R Yes Yes This SST device is EOL. SST ADM 1.7-1.95 – 32 SST34WA3203/4 x16 Boot Sector/ 4 Banks 70ns/66MHz 44-Ball FBGA -20 to +85C S29VS064R Yes Yes This SST device is EOL. SST ADP 2.7-3.6 – 8 SST39VF800A x16 Uniform Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 48-Ball WFBGA/ XFLGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL008J Yes Yes Different sector architecture. SST supports 4KB sectors with 64KB overlay block. SST ADP 3.0-3.6 – 8 SST39LF800A x16 Uniform Sector 55ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 48-Ball WFBGA/ XFLGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL008J Yes Yes Different sector architecture. SST supports 4KB sectors with 64KB overlay block. SST ADP 2.7-3.6 – 8 SST39VF801C/2C x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 48-Ball WFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL008J Yes Yes Different sector architecture. SST supports 4KB sectors with 64KB overlay block. Spansion sector size is equivalent to SST block size. SST device does not have BYTE#. SST ADP 2.7-3.6 – 16 SST39VF1601C/2C x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 48-Ball WFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL016J Yes Yes Different sector architecture. SST supports 4KB sectors with 64KB overlay block. Spansion sector size is equivalent to SST block size. SST device does not have BYTE#. SST ADP 2.7-3.6 – 16 SST39VF1601/2 x16 Uniform Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL016J Yes Yes Different sector architecture, SST supports 4KB sectors with 64KB overlay block. SST device does not have RY/BY# and BYTE# pins. SST ADP 2.7-3.6 – 16 SST39VF1681/2 x8 Uniform Sector 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL016J Yes Yes Different sector architecture. SST supports 4KB sectors with 64KB overlay block. SST ADP 2.7-3.6 – 32 SST39VF3201/2 x16 Uniform Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29GL032N Yes Yes Different sector architecture, SST supports 4KB sectors with 64KB overlay block. SST device does not have RY/BY# and BYTE# pins. SST ADP 2.7-3.6 – 32 SST39VF3201B/2B x16 Uniform Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29GL032N Yes Yes Different sector architecture. SST supports 4KB sectors with 64KB overlay block. Spansion sector size is equivalent to SST block size. SST ADP 2.7-3.6 – 32 SST39VF3201C/2C x16 Uniform Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29GL032N Yes Yes Different sector architecture. SST supports 4KB sectors with 64KB overlay block. Spansion sector size is equivalent to SST block size. SST ADP 2.7-3.6 – 64 SST39VF6401B/2B x16 Uniform Sector 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85C 0 to +70C S29GL064N Yes Yes Different sector architecture. SST supports 4KB sectors with 64KB overlay block. Spansion sector size is equivalent to SST block size. SST ADP 2.7-3.6 – 64 SST38VF6401/2/3/4 x16 Uniform/ Boot Sector 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85C 0 to +70C S29GL064N Yes Yes Different sector architecture. SST supports 4KB sectors with 64KB overlay block. Spansion sector size is equivalent to SST block size. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 18 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes SST ADP 2.7-3.6 – 16 SST36VF1601/2E x8, x16 Uniform Sector/2 Banks 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL016J Yes Yes Different sector architecture. SST supports 4KB sectors with 64KB overlay block. SST device is Simul-Op. This SST device is EOL. SST ADP 2.7-3.6 – 16 SST36VF1601/2G x8, x16 Uniform Sector/2 Banks 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 56-Ball LFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL016J Yes Yes Different sector architecture. SST supports 4KB sectors with 64KB overlay block. SST device is Simul-Op. This SST device is EOL. SST ADP 2.7-3.6 – 32 SST36VF3203/4 x8, x16 Boot Sector/ 2 Banks 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -20 to +85C -40 to +85C S29JL032J S29PL032J Yes Yes Different bank/sector architecture. SST supports 4KB sectors with 64KB overlay block. S29JL032J is available in 48-pin TSOP, no pagemode. S29PL032J has page mode and available as 48-ball FBGA. This SST device is EOL. SST ADP 4.5-5.5 – 512K SST29EE512 x8 Uniform Sector 70ns 32-Pin PLCC 32-Pin TSOP 32-Pin PDIP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C Am29F010B Yes Yes – SST ADP 4.5-5.5 – 1 SST29EE010 x8 Uniform Sector 70, 90ns 32-Pin PLCC 32-Pin TSOP 32-Pin PDIP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C Am29F010B Yes Yes This SST device is EOL. SST ADP 4.5-5.5 – 1 SST39SF010A x8 Uniform Sector 45, 70ns 32-Pin PLCC 32-Pin TSOP 32-Pin PDIP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C Am29F010B Yes Yes – SST ADP 4.5-5.5 – 2 SST39SF020A x8 Uniform Sector 45, 70ns 32-Pin PLCC 32-Pin TSOP 32-Pin PDIP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C Am29F002NB Yes Yes – SST ADP 4.5-5.5 – 2 SST29SF020 x8 Uniform Sector 55ns 32-Pin PLCC 32-Pin TSOP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C Am29F002NB Yes Yes – SST ADP 4.5-5.5 – 4 SST39SF040 x8 Uniform Sector 45, 70ns 32-Pin PLCC 32-Pin TSOP 32-Pin PDIP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C Am29F040B Yes Yes – SST ADP 4.5-5.5 – 4 SST29SF040 x8 Uniform Sector 55ns 32-Pin PLCC 32-Pin TSOP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C Am29F040B Yes Yes This SST device is EOL. SST SPI 2.7-3.6 – 4 SST25VF040B x1 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes S25FL204K supports dual output feature. Spansion device is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. SST SPI 2.7-3.6 – 8 SST25VF080B x1 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes S25FL208K supports dual output feature. Spansion device is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. ESMT SST SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 SST25VF016B x1 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K supports quad i/o feature and is pincompatible with 8-Pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. S25FL216K supports dual output feature and is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP SST SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 SST26VF016 x1, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 8x8KB 2x32KB & 30x64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K supports quad i/o feature and is pincompatible with 8-Pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. S25FL216K supports dual output feature and is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. SST SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 SST25VF032B x1 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Package, pinout and core command set compatible. SST SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 SST26VF032 x1, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 8x8KB 2x32KB & 62x64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Package, pinout and core command set compatible SST device offers individual block protection. SST device does not have HOLD#. SST SPI 2.7-3.6 – 64 SST25VF064C x1, x2 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes Package, pinout and core command set compatible. NAND Winbond AMIC EON Atmel SST Samsung Macronix Micron Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Uniform 4KB x1: 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil /w 32KB Blocks x2: 75MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil & 64KB Blocks 8-Land SON 8x6 Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 19 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes SPI 2.3-3.6 2.7-3.6 – 4 AT25DF041A x1 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 70MHz (2.7-3.6V) 50MHz (2.3-3.6V) 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes Spansion device supports dual ouput. S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Atmel SPI 2.7-3.6 – 8 AT25DF081A x1 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 70MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes Spansion device supports dual ouput. S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Atmel SPI 2.3-3.6 2.7-3.6 – 16 AT25DF161 x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks RapidS: 100MHz (@15pF) x1, x2: 85MHz (@15pF) 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K supports quad i/o feature and is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. S25FL216K supports dual output feature and is is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. Atmel device has RapidS mode which is a nonstandard SPI -based operation. Atmel SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 AT25DQ161 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks RapidS: 100MHz (@15pF) x1, x2, x4: 85MHz (@15pF) 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K supports quad i/o feature and is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Atmel device has RapidS mode which is a non-standard SPI -based operation. Atmel SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 AT25DQ321A x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks RapidS: 100MHz (@15pF) x1, x2, x4: 85MHz (@15pF) 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 16-pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Atmel offers individual 64KB block protection. Atmel device has RapidS mode which is a nonstandard SPI -based operation. Spansion device support dual output mode only. Atmel SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 AT25DF321A x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks RapidS: 100MHz (@15pF) x1, x2: 85MHz (@15pF) 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Atmel offers individual 64KB block protection. Atmel device has RapidS mode which is a nonstandard SPI -based operation. Atmel SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 AT25DF321 x1 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 70MHz (@15pF) 66MHz (@30pF) 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Atmel offers individual 64KB block protection. This Atmel device is EOL. Atmel SPI 2.7-3.6 – 64 AT25DF641A x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks RapidS: 100MHz (@15pF) x1, x2: 85MHz (@15pF) 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes Atmel offers individual 64KB block protection. Atmel device has RapidS mode which is a nonstandard SPI -based operation. Atmel SPI 2.7-3.6 – 64 AT25DF641 x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks RapidS: 100MHz (@15pF) x1, x2: 85MHz (@15pF) 8-Land SON 6x8 16-Pin SO 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes Atmel offers individual 64KB block protection. Atmel device has RapidS mode which is a nonstandard SPI -based operation. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Macronix Atmel Samsung Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages SST Density Device (Mb) Atmel Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 20 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Atmel EON AMIC Winbond ESMT Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes EON ADP 1.65-1.95 – 8 EN39SL800 x16 Uniform Sector 70ns 48-Ball TFBGA 48-Ball WFBGA -40 to +85C S29AS008J Yes Yes Spansion S29AS008J is pin-compatible with 48-Ball TFBGA. EON device does not have RESET#, RY/BY#, BYTE#, and WP#. EON device has 64KB blocks with 4KB sectors. EON ADP 1.65-1.95 – 8 EN39SL801 x16 Uniform Sector 70ns 48-Ball TFBGA 48-Ball WFBGA -40 to +85C -40 to +125C S29AS008J Yes Yes Spansion S29AS008J is pin-compatible with 48-Ball TFBGA. EON device does not have RY/ BY#, BYTE#, and WP#. EON device has 64KB blocks with 4KB sectors. EON ADP 1.65-1.95 – 16 EN39SL160AL x16 Uniform Sector 70ns 48-Ball TFBGA 48-Ball WFBGA -40 to +85C S29AS016J Yes Yes Spansion S29AS016J is pin-compatible with 48Ball TFBGA and 48-Ball WFBGA. EON device does not have RY/BY# and BYTE#. EON device has 64KB blocks with 4KB sectors. EON ADP 2.7-3.6 – 8 EN29LV800B x8, x16 Boot Sector 55, 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL008J Yes Yes This EON device is EOL. EON device does not have WP#. EON ADP 2.7-3.6 – 8 EN29LV800C x8, x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85C -45 to +125C S29AL008J Yes Yes EON device does not have WP#. EON ADP 2.7-3.6 – 16 EN29LV160B x8, x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85C S29AL016J Yes Yes This EON device is EOL. EON device does not have WP#. EON ADP 2.7-3.6 – 16 EN29LV160C x8, x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85C S29AL016J Yes Yes EON device does not have WP#. EON ADP 2.7-3.6 – 32 EN29LV320B x8, x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85C S29GL032N Yes Yes S29GL032N supports page mode. EON ADP 2.7-3.6 – 32 EN29LV320C x8, x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85C S29GL032N Yes Yes S29GL032N supports page mode. EON ADP 2.7-3.6 – 64 EN29LV640A x8, x16 Boot Sector 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29GL064N Yes Yes S29GL064N supports page mode. EON ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 64 EN29GL064 x8, x16 Uniform Sector 70ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29GL064N Yes Yes – EON ADP 2.7-3.6 – 64 EN29GL064A x8, x16 Boot Sector 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29GL064N Yes Yes – EON ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 128 EN29GL128 x8/x16 Uniform Sector 70ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29GL128S S29GL128P Yes Yes S29GL128S supports x16-only. S29GL128P supports x8/x16. EON ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 256 EN29GL256 x8/x16 Uniform Sector 90ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball FBGA -40 to +85C S29GL256S S29GL256P Yes Yes S29GL256S supports x16-only. S29GL128P supports x8/x16. EON SPI 2.3-3.6 – 4 EN25F40 x1 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100MHz (@20pF) 75MHz (@30pF) 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes Spansion device supports dual output. S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 – 4 EN25Q40 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 100MHz (@20pF) x2, x4: 80MHz (@30pF) 8-Pin SO 150mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Land SON 2x3 -40 to +85C S25FL204K No Yes Spansion device supports single I/O and dual output. S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil. EON device does not have HOLD#. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 – 8 EN25F80 x1 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100MHz (@20pF) 75MHz (@30pF) 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes Spansion device supports dual output. S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 – 8 EN25Q80A x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 100MHz (@20pF) x2, x4: 80MHz (@30pF) 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL208K No Yes Spansion device supports single I/O and dual output. S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. EON device does not have HOLD#. NAND Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 21 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes EON SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 EN25F16 x1 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100MHz (@20pF) 75MHz (@30pF) 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K supports quad I/O and is pincompatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. S25FL216K supports single I/O and dual output only and is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. EON device does not have HOLD#. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 EN25Q16 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 100MHz (@20pF) x2, x4: 80MHz (@30pF) 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL116K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. EON device does not have HOLD#.This EON device is EOL. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 EN25Q16A x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 104MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL116K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. EON device does not have HOLD#. This EON device is EOL. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 EN25QH16 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 104MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL116K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil, 8-Land SON 6x5, and 24-Ball BGA 6x8. EON device does not have HOLD#. This EON device is EOL. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 EN25P32 x1 Uniform 64KB 100MHz (@20pF, 3.0-3.6V) 75MHz (@30pF, 2.7-3.6V) 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Package, pinout and core command set compatible . This EON device is EOL. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 EN25B32 x1 Split sectors (2x4KB, 1x8KB, 1x16KB, 1x32KB, 63x64KB) 100MHz (@20pF, 3.0-3.6V) 75MHz (@30pF, 2.7-3.6V) 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-pin/16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. This EON device is EOL. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 EN25F32 x1 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100MHz (@20pF) 75MHz (@30pF) 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-pin/16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. This EON device is EOL. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 EN25Q32A x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 100MHz (@20pF) x2, x4: 80MHz (@30pF) 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL032P No Yes S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-pin SO/16pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. EON device does not have HOLD#.This EON device is EOL. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 EN25Q32B x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz (@20pF) x2, x4: 80MHz (@30pF) 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL032P No Yes Package, pinout and core command set compatible. EON device does not have HOLD#. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 EN25QH32 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz x2, x4: 80MHz x4: 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 24-Ball BGA 6x8 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Package, pinout and core command set compatible. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 - 64 EN25B64 x1 Split sectors (2x4KB, 1x8KB, 1x16KB, 1x32KB, 127x64KB) 100MHz (@20pF); 75MHz (@30pF) 16-Pin SO 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes Package, pinout and core command set compatible.This EON device is EOL EON SPI 2.7-3.6 - 64 EN25P64 x1 Uniform 64KB 100MHz (@20pF); 75MHz (@30pF) 16-Pin SO 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes Package, pinout and core command set compatible.This EON device is EOL NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Atmel SST Samsung Macronix Micron Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 22 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes EON SPI 2.7-3.6 - 64 EN25QH64 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz; x2: 80MHz; x4: 50MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil; 16-Pin SO 300mil; 8-Land SON 6x5 or 8x6; 8-Pin PDIP 300mil; 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes FL064P is pin compatible with 16-Pin SO, 8-Land SON 6x8, and 24-Ball BGA 6x8 package EON SPI 2.7-3.6 - 64 EN25Q64 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz (@20pF); x2, x4: 80MHz (@30pF) 8-Pin SO 208mil; 16-Pin SO 300mil; 8-Land SON 6x5 or 8x6; 8-Pin PDIP 300mil; 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes Package, pinout and core command set compatible. EON device does not have HOLD#. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 - 128 EN25Q128 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz (@20pF); x2, x4: 80MHz (@30pF) 16-Pin SO 300mil; 8-Land SON 6x5 or 8x6; 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL128S Yes Yes Package, pinout and core command set compatible. EON device does not have HOLD#. Spansion supports 133MHz x1 clock rate, and 104MHz x2, x4 clock rate. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 - 128 EN25QH128 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz (@20pF); x2, x4: 80/50MHz (@30pF) 16-Pin SO 300mil; 8-Land SON 6x5 or 8x6; 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL128S Yes Yes Package, pinout and core command set compatible. Spansion supports 133MHz x1 clock rate, and 104MHz x2, x4 clock rate. EON SPI 2.7-3.6 - 256 EN25QH256 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks x1: 104MHz (@20pF); x2, x4: 80MHz (@30pF) 16-Pin SO 300mil; 8-Land SON 8x6; 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL256S Yes Yes S25FL256S is pin-compatible with 16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 8x6. Spansion supports 133MHz x1 clock rate, and 104MHz x2, x4 clock rate. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Atmel SST Samsung Macronix Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 23 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes AMIC ADP 4.5-5.5 - 1 A29010 x8 Uniform Sector 55, 70, 90ns 32-Pin PLCC 32-Pin TSOP 32-Pin PDIP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C Am29F010B Yes Yes – AMIC ADP 4.5-5.5 - 1 A29001/ A290011 x8 Boot Sector 55, 70, 90ns 32-Pin PLCC 32-Pin TSOP 32-Pin PDIP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C Am29F010B Yes Yes – AMIC ADP 4.5-5.5 - 2 A29002/ A290021 x8 Boot Sector 70, 90, 120, 150ns 32-Pin PDIP 32-Pin PLCC 32-Pin TSOP 0 to +70C Am29F002B/NB Yes Yes – AMIC ADP 4.5-5.5 - 4 A29040B x8 Uniform Sector 55, 70ns 32-Pin PDIP 32-Pin PLCC 32-Pin TSOP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C Am29F040B Yes Yes – AMIC ADP 4.5-5.5 - 8 A29800 x8, x16 Boot Sector 55, 70, 90ns 44-Pin SO 48-Pin TSOP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C Am29F800B Yes Yes – AMIC ADP 4.5-5.5 - 8 A29801 x8, x16 Boot Sector 55, 70ns 44-Pin SO 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -25 to +84C -40 to +85C Am29F800B Yes Yes – AMIC ADP 2.7-3.6 - 8 A29L800A x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 44-Pin SOP 0 to +70C -25 to +85C -40 to +85C S29AL008J Yes Yes AMIC device does not have WP#. AMIC ADP 2.7-3.6 - 8 A29L008A x8 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 40-Pin TSOP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL008J No Yes – AMIC ADP 2.7-3.6 - 8 A29L008 x8 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 40-Pin TSOP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL008J No Yes – AMIC ADP 4.5-5.5 - 16 A29016 x8 Uniform Sector 55, 70, 90ns 44-Pin SO 40-Pin TSOP 48-Pin TSOP 0 to +70C -40 to +85C Am29F016D Yes Yes – AMIC ADP 4.5-5.5 - 16 A29160 x8, x16 Boot Sector 55, 70ns 44-Pin SO 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -25 to +84C -40 to +85C Am29F160D Yes Yes – AMIC ADP 3.0-3.6 - 16 A29L160A x8, x16 Boot Sector 55, 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball FBGA 44-Pin SOP 0 to +70C -25 to +85C -40 to +85C S29AL016J Yes Yes AMIC device does not have WP#. ESMT AMIC ADP 2.7-3.6 3.0-3.6 - 32 A29L320A x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 80, 90, 120ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -25 to +85C -40 to +85C S29GL032N Yes Yes This AMIC device only supports full VCC (2.7-3.6) for commercial temperature range. Regulated VCC (3.0-3.6) needed for Industrial & Wireless temperature ranges. Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP AMIC ADP 2.7-3.6 - 64 A29L640 x8, x16 Boot Sector 70ns 44-Pin SOP 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA 0 to +70C -25 to +85C -40 to +85C S29GL064N Yes Yes S29GL064N is pin-compatible with 48-Pin TSOP and 48-Ball TFBGA. AMIC SPI 2.7-3.6 - 4 A25L040 x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. AMIC SPI 2.7-3.6 - 8 A25L080 x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100MHz 8-Pin SO 150/209mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. NAND Winbond AMIC EON Atmel SST Samsung Macronix Micron Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 24 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes AMIC SPI 2.7-3.6 - 16 A25L016 x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. AMIC SPI 2.7-3.6 - 16 A25LQ16 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100MHz 8-Pin SO 150/209mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. S25FL216K supports single I/O and dual out. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. AMIC SPI 2.7-3.6 - 32 A25L032 x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Spansion device supports quad mode and automotive temp range. S25FL032P is pincompatible with 8-Pin//16-Pin SO and 8-land SON. AMIC SPI 2.7-3.6 - 32 A25LQ32A x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100MHz 8-Pin SO 209mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Spansion device supports automotive temp range. S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-Pin/16-Pin SO. AMIC SPI 2.7-3.6 - 64 A25LQ064A x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 104MHz 8-Pin SO 209mil 16-pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 24-ball BGA -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes Spansion device supports automotive temp range. S25FL064P is pin-compatible with 16-Pin SO and BGA. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Atmel Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 25 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Atmel EON AMIC Winbond Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Winbond ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 32 W29GL032C x8, x16 Boot Sector Uniform Sector 70ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball LFBGA 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85 S29GL032N Yes Yes Winbond ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 64 W29GL064C x8, x16 Boot Sector Uniform Sector 70ns 56-Pin TSOP 64-Ball LFBGA 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball TFBGA -40 to +85 S29GL064N Yes Yes Winbond ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 128 W29GL128C x8, x16 Uniform Sector 90ns 56-PinTSOP 64-Ball LFBGA -40 to +85 S29GL128S, S29GL128P Yes Yes S29GL128S supports x16-only. S29GL128P supports x8/x16. Winbond ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 256 W29GL256C x8, x16 Uniform Sector 90ns 56-PinTSOP 64-Ball LFBGA -40 to +85 S29GL256S Yes Yes Under Development Winbond ADP 2.7-3.6 1.65-3.6 512 W29GL512C x8, x16 Uniform Sector 90ns 56-PinTSOP 64-Ball LFBGA -40 to +85 S29GL512S Yes Yes Under Development Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 4 W25X40AV x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 75MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes Spansion device supports single I/O and dual out. S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. This Winbond device is EOL. Winbond SPI 2.3-3.6 - 4 W25X40AL x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 50MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes Spansion device supports 2.7-3.6V, single I/O and dual out. S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. This Winbond device is EOL. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 4 W25X40BV x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes Spansion device supports single I/O and dual out. S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Winbond SPI 2.3-3.6 - 4 W25X40BL x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 50MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 8-VSOP 150mil 8-USON 2x3 -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes Spansion device supports 2.7-3.6V, single I/O and dual out. S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Winbond SPI 2.3-3.6 - 4 W25X40CL x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 104MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 8-VSOP 150mil 8-USON 2x3 -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes Spansion device supports 2.7-3.6V, single I/O and dual out. S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Winbond SPI 2.6-3.6 - 4 W25X40CV x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 104MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-USON 2x3 -40 to +85C -40 to +105C S25FL204K Yes Yes Spansion device supports 2.7-3.6V, single I/O and dual out. S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Winbond SPI 2.3-3.6 - 4 W25Q40BL x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 50MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil, 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes Spansion device supports 2.7-3.6V, single I/O and dual out. S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Winbond SPI 2.3-3.6 2.7-3.6 - 4 W25Q40CL x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 104MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil VSOP8 150mil USON8 2X3mm -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes Spansion device supports 2.7-3.6V, single I/O and dual out. S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 26 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 4 W25Q40BV x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes Spansion device supports single I/O and dual out. S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 8 W25X80AV x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 75MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes Spansion device supports single I/O and dual out. S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. This Winbond device is EOL. Winbond SPI 2.3-3.6 - 8 W25X80AL x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 50MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes Spansion device supports 2.7-3.6V, single I/O and dual out. S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. This Winbond device is EOL. Winbond SPI 2.3-3.6 - 8 W25Q80BL x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 50MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes Spansion device supports 2.7-3.6V, single I/O and dual out. S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 8 W25Q80BV x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C -40 to +105C S25FL208K Yes Yes Spansion device supports single I/O and dual out. S25FL208K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 16 W25X16AV x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 75MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. FL216K device supports single I/O and dual out. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. This Winbond device is EOL. Winbond SPI 2.3-3.6 - 16 W25X16AL x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 50MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. FL216K device supports single I/O and dual out. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. This Winbond device is EOL. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 16 W25X16BV x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. FL216K device supports single I/O and dual out. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. This Winbond device is EOL. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 16 W25Q16BV x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. FL216K device supports single I/O and dual out. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. This Winbond device is not recommended for new designs. Winbond SPI 2.3-3.6 - 16 W25Q16CL x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 50MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 16-pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. FL216K device supports single I/O and dual out. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Atmel SST Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 27 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 16 W25Q16CV x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 24 Ball TFBGA 6X8mm -40 to +85C -40 to +105C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil, 24 Ball TFBGA 6X8mm and 8-Land SON 6x5. FL216K device supports single I/O and dual out. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 16 W25Q16DV x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 104MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/ 208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 24 Ball TFBGA 6X8mm 8-pin VSOP 150/ 208mil -40 to +85C -40 to +105C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil, 24 Ball TFBGA 6X8mm and 8-Land SON 6x5. FL216K device supports single I/O and dual out. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. S25FL216K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 32 W25X32V x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 75MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 8x6 -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-pin/16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 8x6. This Winbond device is EOL. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 32 W25X32AV x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 75MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-pin/16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. This Winbond device is EOL. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 32 W25X32BV x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-pin/16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. This Winbond device is EOL. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 32 W25Q32V x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 16-Pin SO 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Package, pinout and core command set compatible. This Winbond device is EOL. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 32 W25Q32BV x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 24 Ball TFBGA 6X8mm -40 to +85C -40 to +105C S25FL032P Yes Yes S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-pin/16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x5. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 32 W25Q32FV x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 104MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Pin VSOP 208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5/8x6 24 Ball TFBGA 6X8mm -40 to +85C -40 to +105C S25FL032P Yes Yes Core command set compatible.S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-pin SO, 8-Land SON 6x5, 8-Land SON 6x8, and 24 Ball TBGA. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 64 W25X64V x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 75MHz 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes S25FL064P is pin-compatible with 16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x8.This Winbond device is EOL. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 64 W25X64BV x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes S25FL064P is pin-compatible with 16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x8. This Winbond device is EOL. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Atmel SST Samsung Macronix Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 28 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 64 W25Q64BV x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes S25FL064P is pin-compatible with 16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x8. This Winbond device is EOL. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 64 W25Q64CV x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 80MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 or 6x8 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 24 Ball TFBGA 6x8mm -40 to +85C -40 to +105C S25FL064P Yes Yes S25FL064P is pin-compatible with 16-pin SO and 8-Land SON 6x8. This Winbond device is not recommended for new designs. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 64 W25Q64FV x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 104MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Pin VSOP 208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5/8x6, 24 Ball TFBGA 6X8mm -40 to +85C -40 to +105C S25FL064P Yes Yes Core command set compatible. S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-pin/16-pin SO, 8-Land SON 6x8, and 24 Ball TBGA. Atmel Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 128 W25Q128BV x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks x1,x2: 104MHz x4: 70MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil, 8-Land SON 6x8, 24 Ball TFBGA 6x8mm -40 to +85C -40 to +105C S25FL128S Yes Yes S25FL128S is pin-compatible with 8-Land SON 6x8. Winbond device does not have #Reset pin and DDR feature. Spansion device has 133Mhz x1 clock frequency. This Winbond device is not recommended for new designs. EON Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 128 W25Q128FV x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 104MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil, 8-Pin VSOP 208mil, 8-Pin PDIP 300mil, 16-Pin SO 300mil, 8-Land SON 6x5 8x6, 24 Ball TFBGA 6X8mm -40 to +85C -40 to +105C S25FL128S Yes Yes S25FL128S is pin-compatible with 16-pin SO, 8-Land SON 6x8. Winbond device does not have the DDR feature. Spansion device has 133Mhz x1 clock frequency. Winbond SPI 2.7-3.6 - 256 W25Q256FV x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32KB Blocks & 64KB Blocks 104MHz 16-Pin SO 300mil, 8-Land SON 8x6, 24 Ball TFBGA 6X8mm -40 to +85C -40 to +105C S25FL256S Yes Yes S25FL256S is pin-compatible with 16-pin SO, 8-Land SON 6x8. Winbond device does not have the DDR feature. Spansion device has 133Mhz x1 clock frequency. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC SST Samsung Macronix Micron Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 29 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 8 F49L800UA/BA x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 0 to 70C S29AL008J Yes Yes ESMT device does not have WP#. ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 16 F49L160UA/BA x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 0 to +70C S29AL016J Yes Yes ESMT device does not have WP#. ESMT ADP 2.7-3.6 2.7-3.6 32 F49L320UA/BA x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 0 to +70C S29GL032N Yes Yes ESMT SPI 2.7-3.6 – 4 F25L004A x1 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100 MHz (@15pF, 3.0-3.6V) 50 MHz (@30pF, 2.7-3.6V) 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes S25FL204K supports dual output feature. Spansion device is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. ESMT SPI 2.7-3.6 – 4 F25L04UA x1 Split sectors (1x8KB, 2x4KB, 1x16KB, 1x32KB, 7x64KB) 100 MHz (@15pF, 3.2-3.6V) 75 MHz (@15pF, 2.7-3.6V) 50 MHz (@30pF, 2.7-3.6V) 8-Pin SO 150mil 0 to +70C S25FL204K Yes Yes S25FL204K supports dual output feature. Spansion device is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil. ESMT SPI 2.3-3.3 – 4 F25S04PA x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100 MHz (@15pF,2.3-3.3V) 86 MHz (@15pF, 2.3-3.3V) 50 MHz (@30pF, 2.3-3.3V) 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 0 to +70C S25FL204K Yes Yes S25FL204K (2.7-3.6V) supports dual output feature. Spansion device is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. ESMT SPI 2.7-3.6 – 8 F25L008A x1 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100 MHz (@15pF, 3.0-3.6V) 50 MHz (@30pF, 2.7-3.6V) 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes S25FL208K supports dual output feature. Spansion device is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. ESMT SPI 2.7-3.6 – 8 F25L08PA x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100 MHz (@15pF, 3.0-3.6V) 50 MHz (@30pF, 2.7-3.6V) 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes S25FL208K supports dual output feature. Spansion device is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. ESMT SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 F25L016A x1 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100 MHz (@15pF, 3.0-3.6V) 50 MHz (@30pF, 2.7-3.6V) 8-Pin SO 208mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K supports dual and quad I/O feature and is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. S25FL208K supports dual output feature and is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. ESMT SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 F25L16PA x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100 MHz (@15pF, 3.0-3.6V) 50 MHz (@30pF, 2.7-3.6V) 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K supports dual and quad I/O feature and is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. S25FL208K supports dual output feature and is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. ESMT SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 F25L16QA x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32/64KB Blocks 100 MHz (@15pF, 3.0-3.6V) 86 MHz (@15pF, 3.0-3.6V) 50 MHz (@30pF, 2.7-3.6V) 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Pin PDIP 300mil 16-Pin SO 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K supports dual and quad I/O feature and is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. S25FL208K supports dual output feature and is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. ESMT SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 F25L32PA x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100 MHz (@15pF, 3.0-3.6V) 86 MHz (@15pF, 3.0-3.6V) 50 MHz (@30pF, 2.7-3.6V) 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Package, pinout and core command set compatible. ESMT SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 F25L32QA x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100 MHz (@15pF, 3.0-3.6V) 86 MHz (@15pF, 3.0-3.6V) 50 MHz (@30pF, 2.7-3.6V) 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes Package, pinout and core command set compatible. ESMT SPI 2.7-3.6 – 64 F25L64QA x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100 MHz (@15pF, 3.0-3.6V) 86 MHz (@15pF, 3.0-3.6V) 50 MHz (@30pF, 2.7-3.6V) 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes 16-pin SO package, pinout and core command set compatible. ESMT SPI 2.7-3.6 – 128 F25L128QA x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB Blocks 100 MHz (@15pF, 3.0-3.6V) 86 MHz (@15pF, 3.0-3.6V) 50 MHz (@30pF, 2.7-3.6V) 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +85C S25FL128S Yes Yes 16-pin SO package, pinout and core command set compatible; Spansion offers faster read performance. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP AMIC EON Atmel SST Samsung Macronix ESMT ESMT Winbond Density Device (Mb) ESMT Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 30 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes ESI ADP 2.7-3.6 – 8 ES29LV800E x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 90, 120ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball FBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL008J Yes Yes ESI device does not have WP#. ESI ADP 2.7-3.6 – 16 ES29LV160E x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball FBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL016J Yes Yes ESI device does not have WP#. ESI ADP 2.7-3.6 – 16 ES29LV160F x8, x16 Boot Sector 55, 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball FBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29AL016J Yes Yes ESI device does not have WP#. ESI ADP 2.7-3.6 – 32 ES29LV320E x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball FBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29GL032N Yes Yes – ESI ADP 2.7-3.6 – 32 ES29LV320F x8, x16 Boot Sector 70, 90ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball FBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29GL032N Yes Yes – ESI ADP 2.7-3.6 3.0-3.6 – 64 ES29LV640 x8, x16 Boot Sector 55, 70ns 48-Pin TSOP 48-Ball FBGA 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S29GL064N Yes Yes 55ns access time only available for 3.0-3.6 voltage range. Chingis ISSI SPI 2.3 - 3.6 – 4 IS25LD040 x1, x2 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB blocks 33M/104MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-pin PDIP 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +105C S25FL204K Yes No Spansion FL204K is 2.7V-3.6V Vcc. S25FL204K is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Chingis ISSI SPI 2.3 - 3.6 – 4 IS25LQ040 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB blocks 33M/104MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-pin PDIP 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-Land SON 2x3 -40 to +125C S25FL204K Yes Yes Spansion FL204K is 2.7V-3.6V Vcc. S25FL204K supports dual output feature and is pincompatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Chingis ISSI SPI 2.3 - 3.6 – 8 IS25LQ080 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB blocks 33M/104MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-pin PDIP 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +125C S25FL208K Yes Yes Spansion FL208K is 2.7V-3.6V Vcc. S25FL208K supports dual output feature and is pincompatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Chingis ISSI SPI 2.3 - 3.6 – 16 IS25LQ016 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB blocks 33M/104MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-pin PDIP 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +125C S25FL116K / S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K supports dual and quad I/O feature and is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. S25FL208K supports dual output feature and is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil. Chingis ISSI SPI 2.7 - 3.6 – 32 IS25CQ032 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 64KB blocks 33M/104MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-pin PDIP 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 -40 to +125C S25FL032P Yes Yes S25FL032P is support automotive grade at +105C. Spansion device supports 8-Pin SO 208mil, 16-Pin SO 300mil and 8-Land SON 6x5. GigaDevice SPI 2.7-3.6 – 4 GD25Q40 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB/w 32/64KB Blocks 120MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-Land SON 6x5/3x2 -40 to +85C S25FL204K Yes Yes S25FL204K has dual output. GigaDevice SPI 2.7-3.6 – 8 GD25Q80 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB/w 32/64/128KB Blocks 120MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes S25FL208K has dual output. GigaDevice SPI 2.7-3.6 – 8 GD25Q80B x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB/w 32/64KB Blocks 120MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL208K Yes Yes S25FL208K has dual output. GigaDevice SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 GD25Q16 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB/w 32/64/128KB Blocks 120MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-pin PDIP 300mil -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K supports quad I/O and is pincompatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. S25FL216K supports dual output and is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Atmel SST Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 31 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung Density Device (Mb) Bus Sector Type/ Initial Access Times/ Width Bank(s) Clock Frequency Packages Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command Compatible Compatible* Notes GigaDevice SPI 2.7-3.6 – 16 GD25Q16B x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32/64KB Blocks 120MHz 8-Pin SO 150mil/208mil 8-pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL116K/ S25FL216K Yes Yes S25FL116K supports quad I/O and is pincompatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. S25FL216K supports dual output and is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil. GigaDevice SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 GD25Q32 x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32/64KB Blocks 120MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil, 8-Land SON 6x5 8-pin PDIP 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes S25FL032P supports automotive temprature range. S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil and 8-USON 5x6. GigaDevice SPI 2.7-3.6 – 32 GD25Q32B x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32/64KB Blocks 120MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-pin PDIP 300mil 24-Ball BGA 6x8 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL032P Yes Yes S25FL032P supports automotive temprature range. S25FL032P is pin-compatible with 8-Pin SO 208mil, 8-USON 5x6, and BGA 6x8. GigaDevice SPI 2.7-3.7 – 64 GD25Q64B x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32/64KB Blocks 120MHz 8-Pin SO 208mil 16-Pin SO 300mil 8-Land SON 6x5 8-pin PDIP 300mil 24-Ball BGA 6x8 -40 to +85C S25FL064P Yes Yes S25FL064P supports automotive temprature range. S25FL064P is pin-compatible with 16-Pin SO 300mil, and BGA 6x8. GigaDevice SPI 2.7-3.8 – 128 GD25Q128B x1, x2, x4 Uniform 4KB /w 32/64KB Blocks 104MHz 8-Land SON 6x8 16-pin SO 300mil 0 to +70C -40 to +85C S25FL128S Yes Yes Pin-compatible with 16-Pin SO and 8- SON. Spansion device has 133MHz x1 clock frequency, DDR feature and automotive temp range support. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond AMIC EON Atmel SST Voltage VIO Manufacturer Interface (V) (V) Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 32 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Atmel EON AMIC Winbond ESMT Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP NAND Manufacturer Device NOR pSRAM DRAM NAND Sector VCC (V) VIO (V) Bus Type Bus Width Packages Recommended Spansion OPN Notes Micron PF38F6070M0Q0C 1Gb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 107-ball/11x11mm S71WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F6070M0Q1C 1Gb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 107-ball/11x11mm S71NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F6070M0Y0C 1Gb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 107-ball/11x11mm S71WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron JZ58F0049M0Q0G 1Gb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 128-ball PoP/12x12mm S71WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF58F0064M0Y0W 1Gb – 1Gb SDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x32 165-ball/11x13mm S72WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF58F0083M0Q0V 1Gb – 1Gb SDR 2Gb Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 165-ball/9x11mm S72WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF58F0051M0Y0W 1Gb – 512Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 165-ball/9x11mm S72WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF58F0051M0Y1W 1Gb – 512Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 165-ball/9x11mm S72NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF58F0051M0Q1W 1Gb – 512Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 165-ball/9x11mm S72NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F6070M0Y0B 1Gb – 256Mb SDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 105-ball/9x11mm S72WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F6070M0Y0V 1Gb – 256Mb SDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 165-ball/10x11mm S72WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF58F0033M0Y0B 1Gb – – 2Gb Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 105-ball/9x11mm WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF58F0033M0Y1B 1Gb – – 2Gb Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 105-ball/9x11mm NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF58F0062M0Y1B 1Gb – – 2x2Gb Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 105-ball/9x11mm NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF58F0080M0Y1B 1Gb – – 4Gb Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 105-ball/11x13mm NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5070M0Y0C 512Mb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 107-ball/9x11mm S71WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5070M0Y3C 512Mb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 107-ball/9x11mm S71NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5070M0Q3C 512Mb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 107-ball/9x11mm S71NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5070M0Y3D 512Mb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 56-ball/8x11mm S71NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron JZ58F0101M0Y0G 512Mb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 104-ball PoP/10x10mm S71WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5066M0Y3D 512Mb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 56-ball/10x10mm S71NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5066M0Y0C 512Mb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 107-ball/10x10mm S71WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5060M0Y0C 512Mb 128Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 107-ball/8x11mm S71WS512PD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5060M0Y3C 512Mb 128Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 107-ball/8x11mm S71NS512PD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5060M0Y3D 512Mb 128Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 56-ball/8x11 or 8x8mm S71NS512PD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5060M0Y0Y 512Mb 128Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 84-ball/8x10mm S71WS512PD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5060M0Y1Y 512Mb 128Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 84-ball/8x10mm S71NS512PD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron JZ58F0085M0Y0G 512Mb 128Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 104-ball PoP/10x10mm S71WS512PD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5050M0Y0C 512Mb 64Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 107-ball/8x11mm S71WS512PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF58F0075M0Y1W 512Mb – 512Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 165-ball/9x11mm S72NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5070M0Y0B 512Mb – 256Mb SDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 105-ball/9x11mm S72WS512PE0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5070M0Y1E 512Mb – 256Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 133-ball/8x8mm S72NS512RE0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5070M0Y1V 512Mb – 256Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 165-ball/9x11mm S72NS512RE0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF58F0058M0Y1W 512Mb – 256Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 165-ball/9x11mm S72NS512RE0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5060M0Y0B 512Mb – 128Mb SDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 105-ball/9x11mm S72WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5060M0Y1E 512Mb – 128Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 133-ball/8x8mm S72NS512RD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF58F0065M0Y1W 512Mb – 128Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 165-ball/9x11mm S72NS512RD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F4060M0Y3C 256Mb 128Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 107-ball/8x10mm S71VS256RD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F4060M0Y0C 256Mb 128Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 107-ball/8x10mm S71WS256PD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. 33 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Atmel EON AMIC Winbond ESMT Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP NAND Bus Width Packages Recommended Spansion OPN Notes ADP x16 84-ball/8x10mm S71WS256PD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. ADM x16 84-ball/8x10mm S71VS256RD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. 1.8 ADM x16 56-ball/8x8mm S71VS256RD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 107-ball/8x10mm S71WS256PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 107-ball/8x10mm S71VS256RC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 84-ball/8x10mm S71WS256PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 84-ball/8x10mm S71VS256RD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 56-ball/8x8 or 7.7x6.2mm S71VS256RD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71WS256PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. 64Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71VS256RD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. 256Mb – 256Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 128-ball PoP/12x12mm S72VS256RE0 Contact factory for best replacement option. 256Mb – 128Mb SDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 105-ball/9x11mm S72VS256RE0 Contact factory for best replacement option. PF58F0097M0Y1B 256Mb – – 4Gb Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 105-ball/11x13mm NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F3050M0Y0C 128Mb 64Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 107-ball/8x10mm S71WS128PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F3050M0Y0Y 128Mb 64Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 84-ball/8x10mm S71WS128PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F3050M0Y1Y 128Mb 64Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 84-ball/8x10mm S71VS128RC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F3050M0Y3D 128Mb 64Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 56-ball/6.2x7.7mm S71VS128RC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F3050M0Y3Q 128Mb 64Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71VS128RC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F3050M0Y0Q 128Mb 64Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71WS128PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F3040M0Y0C 128Mb 32Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 107-ball/8x10mm S71WS256PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F3040M0Y3D 128Mb 32Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 56-ball/6.2x7.7mm S71VS128RB0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F3040M0Y3Q 128Mb 32Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71VS128RB0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F3040M0Y0Q 128Mb 32Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71WS256PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F3060M0Y1E 128Mb – 128Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 133-ball/8x8mm S72VS256RE0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF58F0079LLY0W 512Mb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 165-ball/9x11mm S71WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M39LNR9A90E3P5HF 512Mb – 512Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 160-ball PoP/15x15mm S72WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F5070L0YB 512Mb – 256Mb SDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 105-ball/9x11mm S72WS512PE0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron JZ58F0046L0YGG 512Mb – 256Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 128-ball PoP/12x12mm S72NS512RE0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F4470LLYBBE 2 x 256Mb – 256Mb SDR – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 105-ball/9x11mm S72WS512PE0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F4460LLYBBE 2 x 256Mb – 128Mb SDR – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 105-ball/9x11mm S72WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F4050L0YQE 256Mb 64Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71VS256RC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0R8060L/U3ZAM 256Mb 64Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71VS256RC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0R8060B/T9ZAQ 256Mb 64Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71WS256PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0T8060B/T3ZAQ 256Mb 64Mb – – Boot 1.8 3 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71WS256PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0T8060B/T3ZSP 256Mb 64Mb – – Boot 1.8 3 ADP x16 80-ball/7.7x9mm S71WS256PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F4040L0YWAE 256Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 44-ball/7.7x6.2mm S71VS256RC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F4040L0YWAF 256Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 44-ball/7.7x6.2mm S71VS256RC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron PF38F4040L0YWAG 256Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 44-ball/7.7x6.2mm S71VS256RC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0R8050L/U2ZB 256Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 44-ball/7.7x9mm S71VS256RC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. DRAM NAND Sector VCC (V) VIO (V) Bus Type 128Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 128Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 128Mb – – Uniform 1.8 256Mb 64Mb – – Uniform 256Mb 64Mb – – Uniform PF38F4050M0Y0Y 256Mb 64Mb – – Micron PF38F4050M0Y1Y 256Mb 64Mb – Micron PF38F4050M0Y3D 256Mb 64Mb Micron PF38F4050M0Y0Q 256Mb 64Mb Micron PF38F4050M0Y1Q 256Mb Micron JZ58F0084M0Y1G Micron PF38F4060M0Y0B Micron Manufacturer Device Micron PF38F4060M0Y0Y 256Mb Micron PF38F4060M0Y1Y 256Mb Micron PF38F4060M0Y3D 256Mb Micron PF38F4050M0Y0C Micron PF38F4050M0Y3C Micron NOR pSRAM Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. 34 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Atmel EON AMIC Winbond ESMT Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP NAND Recommended Spansion OPN Manufacturer Device NOR pSRAM DRAM NAND Sector VCC (V) VIO (V) Bus Type Bus Width Packages Notes Micron PF38F4060L0Y1EE 256Mb – 128Mb DDR – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 133-ball/8x8mm S72WS256PD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M39L0R8070B1P5HF 256Mb – 128Mb DDR – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 160-ball PoP/15x15mm S72WS256PD0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0R7060L/U3ZS 128Mb 64Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 56-ball/8x6mm S71VS128RC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0R7060U3ZAM 128Mb 64Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71VS128RC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0R7060B/T2ZAQ 128Mb 64Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71WS128PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0T7060B/T3ZAQ 128Mb 64Mb – – Boot 1.8 3 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71WS128PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0T7060B/T3ZSP 128Mb 64Mb – – Boot 1.8 3 ADP x16 80-ball/7.7x9mm S71WS128PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0R7050B/T3ZAQ 128Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71WS256PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0R7050B/T4ZAQ 128Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71WS256PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0R7050L/U3ZAM 128Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71VS128RB0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0R7050L/U3ZS 128Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 56-ball/8x6mm S71VS128RB0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0T7050B/T3ZAQ 128Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 3 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71WS256PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0T7050B/T4ZAQ 128Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 3 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71WS256PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0T7050B/T3ZSP 128Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 3 ADP x16 80-ball/7.7x9mm S71WS256PC0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36L0R7040U3ZA 128Mb 16Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 40-ball/7.5x5mm S71NS-P/S71VS-R Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M39L0R7070U3ZE 128Mb – 128Mb DDR – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 133-ball/8x8mm S72VS256RE0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M39L0R7070U3P2W 128Mb – 128Mb DDR – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 128-ball PoP/12x12mm S72VS256RE0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R6050U/L4ZAM 64Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71VS064RB0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R6050U/L4ZS 64Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 56-ball/8x6mm S71VS064RB0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R6050U/L5ZS 64Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 56-ball/8x6mm S71VS064RB0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R6050U/L5ZAM 64Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71VS064RB0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R6050B/T4ZAQ 64Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S98WS064RB0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0T6050T/B3ZAQE 64Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S98WS064RB0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0T6040T/B3ZAQE 64Mb 16Mb – – Boot 1.8 3 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S98WS064RA0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R6040B/T4ZAQ 64Mb 16Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S98WS064RA0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R6040B/T7ZAQ 64Mb 16Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S98WS064RA0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R6040U/L4ZAM 64Mb 16Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 88-ball/8x10mm S98WS064RA0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R6040U/L4ZS 64Mb 16Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 56-ball/8x6mm S71VS064RB0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R6040U/L6ZS 64Mb 16Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 52-ball/6x4mm S71VS064RB0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R6040B/T8ZAQ 64Mb 16Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S98WS064RA0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R5040B/T4ZAQ 32Mb 16Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S98WS064RA0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R5040B/T7ZAQ 32Mb 16Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S98WS064RA0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R5040B/T8ZAQ 32Mb 16Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S98WS064RA0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0T5040T/B1ZAQ 32Mb 16Mb – – Boot 1.8 3 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S98WS064RA0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0T5040B0ZAQ 32Mb 16Mb – – Boot 1.8 3 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S98WS064RA0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R5030B/T7ZAQ 32Mb 8Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 88-ball/8x10mm S71WS-R Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R5030U/L5ZS 32Mb 8Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 52-ball/6x4mm S71VS-R Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36W0R5030U3ZS 32Mb 8Mb – – Boot 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 52-ball/6x4mm S71VS-R Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36A0W6050B/T0ZSP 64Mb 32Mb – – Boot 3 3 ADP x16 80-ball/7x9mm S98GL064NB0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. 35 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Atmel EON AMIC Winbond ESMT Device NOR pSRAM DRAM NAND Sector VCC (V) VIO (V) Bus Type Bus Width Packages Recommended Spansion OPN Notes Micron M36A0W6040B/T0ZSP 64Mb 16Mb – – Boot 3 3 ADP x16 80-ball/7x9mm S98GL064NB0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36A0W5040B/T1ZAI 32Mb 16Mb – – Boot 3 3 ADP x16 8x12mm S71GL032NA0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36A0W5040B/T0ZSP 32Mb 16Mb – – Boot 3 3 ADP x16 80-ball/7x9mm S71GL032NA0 Contact factory for best replacement option. Micron M36A0W5030B/T0ZSP 32Mb 8Mb – – Boot 3 3 ADP x16 80-ball/7x9mm S71GL032NA0 Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF38F6070M0Q0C 1Gb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 107-ball/11x11mm S71WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF38F6070M0Q1C 1Gb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 107-ball/11x11mm S71NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF38F6070M0Y0C 1Gb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 107-ball/11x11mm S71WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST JZ58F0049M0Q0G 1Gb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 128-ball PoP/12x12mm S71WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF58F0064M0Y0W 1Gb – 1Gb SDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x32 165-ball/11x13mm S72WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF58F0083M0Q0V 1Gb – 1Gb SDR 2Gb Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 165-ball/9x11mm S72WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF58F0051M0Y0W 1Gb – 512Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 165-ball/9x11mm S72WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF58F0051M0Y1W 1Gb – 512Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 165-ball/9x11mm S72NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF58F0051M0Q1W 1Gb – 512Mb DDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 165-ball/9x11mm S72NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF38F6070M0Y0B 1Gb – 256Mb SDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 105-ball/9x11mm S72WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF38F6070M0Y0V 1Gb – 256Mb SDR – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 165-ball/10x11mm S72WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF58F0033M0Y0B 1Gb – – 2Gb Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 105-ball/9x11mm WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF58F0033M0Y1B 1Gb – – 2Gb Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 105-ball/9x11mm NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF58F0062M0Y1B 1Gb – – 2x2Gb Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 105-ball/9x11mm NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF58F0080M0Y1B 1Gb – – 4Gb Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 105-ball/11x13mm NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF38F5070M0Y0C 512Mb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 107-ball/9x11mm S71WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF38F5070M0Y3C 512Mb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 107-ball/9x11mm S71NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF38F5070M0Q3C 512Mb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 107-ball/9x11mm S71NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST PF38F5070M0Y3D 512Mb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADM x16 56-ball/8x11mm S71NS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST JZ58F0101M0Y0G 512Mb 256Mb – – Uniform 1.8 1.8 ADP x16 104-ball PoP/10x10mm S71WS-P Contact factory for best replacement option. SST SST34HF32A4 32Mb 16Mb – – Boot 2.7-3.3 2.7-3.3 ADP x8, x16 56-ball/8x10mm 62-ball/8x10mm S71GL032NA0 S71GL032NA0 is pin-compatible with the 56-ball MCP. SST device is a dual-bank device. EON EN71GL064B0 64Mb 32Mb – – Boot 2.7-3.3 2.7-3.3 ADP x16 56-ball/7x9mm S71GL064NB0 – EON EN71NS064B0 64Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.7-1.95 1.7-1.95 ADM x16 56-ball/6.2x7.7mm S71VS064RB0 S71VS064R does not have WP#. EON EN71NS128B0 128Mb 32Mb – – Boot 1.7-1.95 1.7-1.95 ADM x16 56-ball/6.2x7.7mm S71VS128RB0 S71VS128R uses a simplified command set and does not have WP#. EON EN71NS128C0 128Mb 64Mb – – Boot 1.7-1.95 1.7-1.95 ADM x16 56-ball/6.2x7.7mm S71VS128RC0 S71VS128R uses a simplified command set and does not have WP#. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP Manufacturer Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. 36 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix I/O Bus Number Page size Width of Blokcs (Bytes) Sequential Random Page Block Acces Access Program Erase Time (ns) Time (uS) Time (uS) Time (mS) Packages Hynix 2.7-3.6 1 HY27FUF081G2A x8 1024 2048+64 20 to 30 25 to 35 200 to 300 2 to 3 Hynix 2.7-3.6 1 H27U1G8 x8 1024 2048+64 20 to 30 25 to 35 200 to 300 Hynix 2.7-3.6 2 HY27UF082G x8 2048 2048+64 20 to 30 25 to 35 Hynix 2.7-3.6 4 HY27UG084G x8 4096 2048+64 50 Hynix 1.7-1.95 1 H27S1G8F2B x8 1024 2048+64 Hynix 1.7-1.95 1 H27S1G6F2B x16 1024 Hynix 1.7-1.95 2 H27S2G6F2B x16 Hynix 2.7-3.6 2 H27U2G6F2B Micron 2.7-3.6 1 Numonyx (Micron) 2.7-3.6 Numonyx (Micron) Recommended Spansion OPN TSOP 48-pin 12x20x1.2mm USOP 12x17x0.65mm VFBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm -40 to +85C S34ML01G1/ S34ML01G2 Yes Yes Spansion 1G part doesn’t support copyback commands. Seq. Access 25ns, Random 30uS, Program 200uS, Erase 2ms. 2 to 3 TSOP 48-pin 12x20x1.2mm -40 to +85C S34ML01G1/ S34ML01G2 Yes Yes Spansion1G part doesn’t support copyback commands. Seq. Access 25ns, Random 25uS, Program 200uS, Erase 3ms. 200 to 300 2 to 3 TSOP 48-pin 12x20x1.2mm VFBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm ULGA 52-ball 12x17x0.65mm -40 to +85C S34ML02G1 Yes Yes Seq. Access 25ns, Random 25uS, Program 200uS, Erase 2ms. 25 to 35 200 to 300 2 to 3 TSOP 48-pin 12x20x1.2mm ULGA 52-ball 12x17x0.65mm -40 to +85C S34ML04G1/ S34ML04G2 Yes Yes Seq. Access 50ns, Random 30uS, Program 200uS, Erase 2ms. 45 25 250 3.5 FBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm -40 to +85C S34MS01G1 Yes Yes 1.8V, x8 1Gb. 1024+ 32 words 45 25 250 3.5 FBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm -40 to +85C S34MS01G1 Yes Yes 1.8V x16 1Gb. 2048 1024+ 32 words 45 25 250 3.5 FBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm -40 to +85C S34MS01G1 Yes Yes 1.8V x16 2Gb. x16 2048 2048+64 20 to 30 25 to 35 200 to 300 2 to 3 VFBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm -40 to +85C S34ML02G1 Yes Yes Seq. Access 25ns, Random 25 uS, Program 200uS, Erase 2ms. MT29F1G08A x8 1024 2048+64 20 to 30 25 to 35 200 to 300 2 to 3 TSOP 48-pin 12x20x1.2mm VFBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm -40 to +85C S34ML01G1/ S34ML01G2 Yes Yes Spansion 1G part doesn’t support copyback commands. Seq. Access 25/45ns, Random 25uS, Program 200uS, Erase 2/3.5ms. 1 NAND01GW3B x8 1024 2048+64 50 25 to 35 200 to 300 2 to 3 TSOP 48-pin 12x20x1.2mm VFBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm TFBGA 63-ball 9.5X11X1.2mm -40 to +85C S34ML01G1/ S34ML01G2 Yes Yes Seq. Access 50ns, Random 25uS, Program 300uS, Erase 2ms. 2.7-3.6 1 NAND01GR3B x8 1024 2048+64 20 to 30 25 to 35 200 to 300 2 to 3 TSOP 48-pin 12x20x1.2mm VFBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm TFBGA 63-ball 9.5X11X1.2mm -40 to +85C S34ML01G1/ S34ML01G2 Yes Yes Seq. Access 50ns, Random 25uS, Program 300uS, Erase 2ms. Micron 2.7-3.6 2 MT29F2G08A x8 2048 2048+64 20 to 30 25 to 35 200 to 300 2 to 3 TSOP 48-pin 12x20x1.2mm VFBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm -40 to +85C S34ML02G1 Yes Yes Seq. Access 20/25ns, Random 25uS, Program 200uS, Erase 700uS. Micron 2.7-3.6 4 MT29F4G08A x8 4096 2048+64 20 to 30 25 to 35 200 to 300 2 to 3 TSOP 48-pin 12x20x1.2mm VFBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm -40 to +85C S34ML04G1/ S34ML04G2 Yes Yes Seq. Access 20/25ns, Random 25uS, Program 200uS, Erase 700uS. Atmel EON AMIC Winbond ESMT NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP Pin Command ComComNotes patible patible Temp Range SST Samsung Voltage Density Manufacturer (V) (Gb) Device Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 37 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide Micron Macronix Samsung SST Atmel EON AMIC I/O Bus Number Page size Width of Blokcs (Bytes) Sequential Random Page Block Acces Access Program Erase Time (ns) Time (uS) Time (uS) Time (mS) Packages Micron 2.7-3.6 8 MT29F8G08A x8 8112 2048+64 20 to 30 25 to 35 200 to 300 2 to 3 Micron 1.7-1.95 1 MT29F1G08A x8 1024 2048+64 20 to 30 25 to 35 200 to 300 Micron 1.7-1.95 1 MT29F1G16A x16 1024 1024+32 words 20 to 30 25 to 35 Micron 1.7-1.95 2 MT29F2G16A x16 2048 1024+32 words 45 Micron 2.7-3.6 2 MT29F8G16A x16 2048 2048+64 Samsung 2.7-3.6 1 K9F1G08U0D x8 1024 Samsung 2.7-3.6 2 K9F2G08U0D x8 Samsung 2.7-3.6 4 K9F4G08U0D Samsung 2.7-3.6 8 Toshiba 2.7-3.6 Toshiba 2.7-3.6 Temp Range Recommended Spansion OPN Pin Command ComComNotes patible patible TSOP 48-pin 12x20x1.2mm VFBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm -40 to +85C S34ML08G1 Yes Yes TSOP – Two Chip Enables, BGA – Single Chip Enable. 2 to 3 VFBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm -40 to +85C S34ML01G1 Yes Yes 1.8V, x8 1Gb. 200 to 300 2 to 3 VFBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm -40 to +85C S34ML01G1 Yes Yes 1.8V x16 1Gb. 25 250 3.5 FBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm -40 to +85C S34MS01G1 Yes Yes 1.8V x16 2Gb. 20 to 30 25 to 35 200 to 300 2 to 3 VFBGA 63-ball 9x11x1mm -40 to +85C S34ML02G1 Yes Yes Seq. Access 25ns, Random 25uS, Program 200uS, Erase 2ms. 2048+64 20 to 30 40 200 to 300 2 to 3 TSOP 48-pin 12x20x1.2mm FBGA 63-ball 9x11x0.8mm -40 to +85C S34ML01G1/ S34ML01G2 Yes Yes Spansion 1G part doesn’t support copyback commands. Seq. Access 25/45ns, Random 25uS, Program 200uS, Erase 2/3.5ms. 2048 2048+64 20 to 30 40 200 to 300 2 to 3 TSOP 48-pin 12x20x1.2mm FBGA 63-ball 9x11x0.8mm -40 to +85C S34ML02G1/ S34ML02G2 Yes Yes Seq. Access 20/25ns, Random 25uS, Program 200uS, Erase 700uS. x8 4096 2048+64 20 to 30 40 200 to 300 2 to 3 TSOP 48-pin 12x20x1.2mm FBGA 63-ball 9x11x0.8mm -40 to +85C S34ML04G1/ S34ML04G2 Yes Yes Seq. Access 20/25ns, Random 25uS, Program 200uS, Erase 700uS. K9F8G08U0D x8 8112 2048+64 20 to 30 40 200 to 300 2 to 3 TSOP 48-pin 12x20x1.2mm FBGA 63-ball 9x11x0.8mm -40 to +85C S34ML08G1/ S34ML04G2 Yes Yes TSOP – Two Chip Enables, BGA – Single Chip Enable 2 TC58NVG1S3 x8 2048 2048+64 20 to 30 25 to 35 200 to 300 2 to 3 TSOP 48-pin 12x20x1.2mm VFBGA 63-ball 9x11x1 mm -40 to +85C S34ML01G1/ S34ML01G2 Yes Yes Spansion 1G part doesn’t support copyback commands. Seq. Access 25/45ns, Random 25uS, Program 200uS, Erase 2.5ms. 4 TC58NVG2S3 x8 4096 2048+64 20 to 30 25 to 35 200 to 300 2 to 3 P-TFBGA63-10130.80AZ -40 to +85C S34ML04G1/ S34ML04G2 No Yes TC58NVG2S3EBAI5 not available in TSOP. Seq. Access 25ns, Random 30uS, Program 300uS, Erase 2.5ms. NAND Micron, SST ESI, Chingis, GigaDevice EON MCP ESMT Winbond Voltage Density Manufacturer (V) (Gb) Device Bus Types – ADP: Address Data Parallel, ADM: Address Data Multiplexed, AADM: Address-High, Address-Low, Data Multiplexed. * Core command set compatible. 38 Spansion® NOR and NAND Flash Memory Competitive Cross Reference Guide about spansion Spansion’s (NYSE: CODE) technology is at the heart of electronics systems, powering everything from the internet of today to the smart grid of tomorrow, positively impacting people’s daily lives at work and play. Spansion’s broad Flash memory product portfolio, smart innovation and industry leading service and support are enabling customers to achieve greater efficiency and success in their target markets. For more information, visit spansion 915 Deguigne Drive / PO Box 3453 Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3453 USA +1 (408) 962-2500 1 866 SPANSION twitter: @spansion 43714D April 2013 ©2013 Spansion®, the Spansion logo, MirrorBit®, MirrorBit® Eclipse™ and combinations thereof, are trademarks and registered trademarks of Spansion LLC in the United States and other countries. Other names used are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.