celpac® S/CLP/SILD867170/H/3/07/2006 AC Semiconductor Contactor pitch 22,5mm with Diagnostic compact size and DIN rail mounting. page 1 /5 GB SILD867170 ❏ Ready to use Single-Phase Relay: " Install it & Forget it!" ❏ Zero cross model : 150-510VAC 75A back to back thyristors on output TMS2 technology I2t value > 5000A2s for circuit breakers protection. Output : 150-510VAC 35A(*) Input : 3,5-32VDC / I<10mA Diagnostic : 30VDC - 100mA ❏ Model with diagnostic : status of the SSR and the load . Normally closed status output . Without external power supply . Status visualization by yellow LED (*). Status output can be chained. ❏ Very high immunity : Voltage protection on output and input- 4kV according IEC61000-4-4 & 5 ❏ Large control range : 3,5-32VDC with an input current < 10 mA on all the range. Green LED visualization on the input. ❏ IP20 housing ❏ Low zero cross voltage ( <15V) ❏ Mounting and dismounting on DIN rail without any tool or directly mountable on panel. ❏ Designed in conformity with EN60947-4-3 (IEC947-4-3) and EN60950 -UL-cUL Dimensions : 28A (*) see conditions (thermal curve page 4) (*) : was Red on the first pieces. Proud to serve you All technical caracteristics are subject to change without previous notice. Caractéristiques sujettes à modifications sans préavis. ® celduc r e l a i s celpac® S/CLP/SILD867170/H/3/07/2006 page 2 /5 GB Control characteristics (at 25°C) Paramètre / Parameter Control voltage Control current (@ Uc ) Release voltage Input LED Reverse voltage Clamping voltage Symbol Uc Ic Uc off Min 3,5 <10 2 DC Nom Max 5-12-24 32 <10 <10 Input : Ic = f( Uc) Unit V mA V 12 10 8 6 green Urv 32 V 4 Uclamp 42 V 2 Input immunity : EN61000-4-4 2kV Input immunity : EN61000-4-5 Output characteristics (at 25°C) Parameter Load voltage Operating range Peak voltage Clamping voltage Zero cross level Latching voltage AC-51 nominal current : permanent AC-53 nominal current Non repetitive overload current On state voltage drop (typical value) Dynamic resistance (typical value) 2KV 0 0 2 Conditions Ie nom ( see Fig. 2 page 4) tp=10ms (Fig. 3) @ 25°C Output Power dissipation (typical value) Thermal resistance between junction to air Off state leakage current Minimum load current Turn on time Turn off time Operating frequency range Off state dv/dt Maximum di/dt non repetitive I2t (<10ms) Conducted immunity level Conducted immunity level Short circuit protection @Ue, 50Hz Uc nom DC ,f=50Hz Uc nom DC ,f=50Hz IEC 1000-4-4 (burst) IEC 1000-4-5(schocks) FERRAZ General characteristics (at 25°C) Input to output insulation Output to status insulation Output to case insulation Insulation resistance Rated impulse voltage Protection level / CEI529 Pollution degree Vibration resistance 10 -55 Hz according to CEI68 : Shocks resistance according to CEI68 ( on DIN rail / with screws) Ambient temperature (with no icing or condensation) Storage temperature (with no icing or condensation) Ambient humidity Weight Conformity Conformity Ui Ui Ui Ri Uimp double amplitude HR 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Uc ( VDC) Symbol Ue Uemin-max Up Uclamp Usync Ua Ie AC-51 Ie AC-53 Itsm Vt rt Typ. 400 150-510 1200 820 (@1mA) 14 14 12 1000 0,75 8 Unit V rms V rms V V V V A rms A rms A V mΩ Pd 0,7xIe+0,008xIe2 W 35 Rthj/a Ilk Iemin ton max toff max f dv/dt di/dt I2t 3,2 (2,5) K/W <1 mA 5 mA 10 ms 10 ms 0,1-440 Hz 500 V/µs 50 A/µs 5000 A 2s 4kV criterion A 4kV criterion A gRC 25A/32A/50A/63A 14x51 4000 2500 4000 100 (@500VDC) 4000 IP20 2 1,5 30/50 -40 /+80 -40/+100 40 to 85 260 EN60947-4-3 (IEC947-4-3) UL/cUL pending VRMS VRMS VRMS MΩ V mm g °C °C % g ® celduc www.celduc.com r e l a i s 5, Rue Ampère BP30004 42290 SORBIERS - FRANCE E-mail : celduc-relais@celduc.com Fax +33 (0) 4 77 53 85 51 Service Commercial France Tél. : +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 20 Sales Dept.For Europe Tel. : +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 21 Sales Dept. Asia : Tél. +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 19 celpac® S/CLP/SILD867170/H/03/07/2006 page 3 /5 GB Status output answer characteristics (at 25°C) Paramètre / Parameter Voltage range Output current On resistance Open delay (faults) - fig. 1 Total open delay (faults) - fig. 1 Closed mains delay Conditions Symbol Us Id Rdson Uenom to1 Uenom, Uc=0V to2 Uenom, Uc=Ucnom tc1 Closed mains delay Uenom, Uc=Ucnom Min 1 0 tc2 Maximum cable length for open load ( maximum load due to capacitor) Nom 12-24 0,1 Max 32 0,1 2 20 Unit V A Ω ms ms ms 20 ms 40 m 70 120 Diagnostic description Control Control LED Mains Load SSR Status LED Output status 0 No x x Open 1 No x x Open 0 Yes OK OK closed 1 Yes OK OK closed 0 Yes Open OK Open 0 OK short-circuit 1 Yes Yes Yes Open OK Open p Open 1 Yes OK short-circuit Open Notices • The red LED luminosity depends on : - Ue voltage. - Control : ON,OFF - Load type. • The status outputs can be connected in serial for only one information. • NPN/ PNP output is possible with status ( insulation with the control) and no power supply for the relay. • In case of using with a mains voltage lower than specifications, the SSR works correctly, but an alarm status can be given with control OFF. In this case, the status works only with control ON with the diagnostic of open load or SSR short-circuit. * Status (static output) is normally closed without failure on the relay and the load, and the yellow LED is switched ON : That means there is - voltage across the SSR without control. - current inside the SSR with control . Synoptic : * In case of failure on the load ( opened) or on the SSR (short-circuited) : - the status is opened . - the yellow LED is switched OFF . Important : In case of long wiring cable between the SSR and the load ( > 25 meters), it is possible than the diagnostic system can't detect an open load. ® celduc www.celduc.com r e l a i s 5, Rue Ampère BP30004 42290 SORBIERS - FRANCE E-mail : celduc-relais@celduc.com Fax +33 (0) 4 77 53 85 51 Service Commercial France Tél. : +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 20 Sales Dept.For Europe Tel. : +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 21 Sales Dept. Asia : Tél. +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 19 celpac® S/CLP/SILD867170/H/03/07/2006 page 4 / 5/GB Thermal specifications. Current according ambient temperature : 45 40 1 35 30 I (A ) ÿ The curve "1" gives the limits of the product. The temperature reached are acceptable for the components. These values are in compliance with most of SSRs manufacturers. In a cabinet with a minimum of ventilation or a non permanent current, these values are correct. ÿ The curve "2" gives the limits of the product according to EN60947-4-3 with a maximum rise temperature of 50°C (@ 40°C) for a permanent working and in air calm ( test during 8 hours). 25 20 2 15 10 ÿ For a non permanent current, you can calcule the average power = Pd x duty cycle and check the rise 5 temperature : ∆Tj = Pd x Rthj/a (Pd and Rthj/a are given 0 page 2)). The junction temperature must not exceed 125°C at the maximum ambient temperature. 0 5 10152025303540455055606570758085 The maximum current is limited to the size of the T ambient(°C ) thyristors = 75A. ÿ The thermal constant (Cth) of the product is 7 minutes. That means the rise temperature is only 63% of the stabilized temperature after a running time of fig 2 7 minutes. Overload current. 1 - No repetitive Itsm is given without voltage reapplied . This curve is used for the determination of the protection. 2 - Repetitive Itsm is given for inrush current with initial Tj = 70°C. In normal working , this curve musn't be exceed. Be carefull, the repetition of the surge current decrease the lifetime SSR's . fig 3 Panel Mounting Mounting and dismounting on DIN rail without any tool. ÿ Warning ! semiconductor relays don't provide any galvanic insulation between the load and the mains. Always use in conjunction with an adapted circuit breaker with isolation feature or a similar device in order to ensure a reliable isolation in the event of wrong function and when the relay must be insulated from the mains (maintenance ; if not used for a long duration ...). ® celduc www.celduc.com r e l a i s 5, Rue Ampère BP30004 42290 SORBIERS - FRANCE E-mail : celduc-relais@celduc.com Fax +33 (0) 4 77 53 85 51 Service Commercial France Tél. : +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 20 Sales Dept.For Europe Tel. : +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 21 Sales Dept. Asia : Tél. +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 19 celpac® S/CLP/SILD867170/H/03/07/2006 page 5 /5 GB Connections . wires (mm2) L ♦ For the output terminals, the wire cross sections must be adapted to the load current and to the overcurrent protection device characteristics. The relay rated voltage must be adapted to the mains rated voltage. ♦ celpac L control 1 x(0,75-->2,5) L = 6mm use screw clamp connections. Power 1x(1,5-->16) 1 x(1,5-->10) L = 10mm torques screwdriver s c rewdrive 0,4N.m (0,6N.m max) 3,5x0,5mm 1,2N.m (1,8N.m max) Pozidriv2/ 0,8x5,5 (1x6) Mounting ♦ Only in vertical position: The user should protect heat sensitive materials as well as persons against any contacts with the heatsink. For non vertical mounting , the load current must be 50% lower than the rated one . For a good cooling, the SSR needs an air convection. Less convection air produces an abnormal heating. Keep a distance between the upper SSR and the lower SSR. In case of no space between two SSR (zero space between two SSRs) , please reduce the load current. For further details refer to below : ♦ Derating current with no space between SSRs AC-51 nominal currents are given with a space of 22,5mm between each SSR, for a permanent current during a minimum time of 8 hours in air calm according to IEC60947-4-3. In case of non permanent currents or in case of SSRs are mounted with no space, you must check the heatsink temperature never exceed 90°C. When the SSRs are mounted side to side ( no space between each relay) a derating current of 25% must be take into account. A forced cooling ( fan inside the cabinet) improves significantly the thermal performances. Typical application : LOADS SILD product is designed mainly for AC-51 résistive load. AC-53 motor current are also given . For other loads, check the inrush current at turn ON and possible overvoltages at turn OFF or consult us : * AC-55b : Incandescent lamps : Inrush current is generally 10 times In during few 10ms. So limit the nominal current at about 15A. * AC-55a : Electric discharge lamp : These loads often have overcurrent at turn ON and overvoltage at turn OFF, so we advise to use 400VAC SSR on 230VAC mains. * AC-56a : Transformers loads : Very high inrush current up to 100 times In . We advise to use random SSR. * AC-56b : Capacitors loads : Very high current at turn ON and overvolatge at turn OFF, please consult us with 1600V peak SSR with high inrush current. Protection : To protect the SSR against a short-circuit of the load , use a fuse with a I2t value = 1/2 I2t value specified page 2. A test has been made with FERRAZ fuse ( see page 2). It is possible to protect SSR by MCB ( miniature circuit breaker). In this case, see application note ( SSR protection) and use a SSR with high I2t value (5000A2s minimum). EMC : ♦ Immunity : We give in our data-sheets, the immunity level of our SSRs according to the main standards for this type of products : EN61000-4-4 &5. You can see the high immunity level in comparison with the products on the market. ♦ Emission: SSRs are complex devices which must be interconnected with other equipment (loads, cables,etc.) to form a system. Because the other equipment or the interconnections may not be under the control of celduc, it shall be the responsibility of the system integrator to ensure that systems containing SSRs comply with the requirements of any rules and regulations applicable at the system level.. Consult celduc laboratory which can make some tests in your application. ® celduc www.celduc.com r e l a i s 5, Rue Ampère BP30004 42290 SORBIERS - FRANCE E-mail : celduc-relais@celduc.com Fax +33 (0) 4 77 53 85 51 Service Commercial France Tél. : +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 20 Sales Dept.For Europe Tel. : +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 21 Sales Dept. Asia : Tél. +33 (0) 4 77 53 90 19