Errata: CS5376A Rev A Errata (Reference CS5376A data sheet revision DS612F3 dated SEP’05) Erratum #1: EEPROM configuration boot loader. Description: The digital filter does not initialize properly from the EEPROM ‘Filter Start’ command. Work Around: Replace the EEPROM ‘Filter Start’ command: 07 With the following patch code: 0B 00 30 00 00 30 03 97 80 C2 FF 22 80 D7 40 00 D2 06 0E 0D 00 30 00 Erratum #2: No IIR filter at 4000 SPS (0.25 ms sampling). Description: The IIR filter does not function properly for the 4000 SPS output word rate. At 4000 SPS most of the available digital filter calculation cycles are dedicated to the FIR filter. Work Around: Enable only SINC, FIR1, or FIR2 output when operating at the 4000 SPS output word rate. CONTACTING CIRRUS LOGIC SUPPORT For a complete listing of direct Distributor, Sales, and Sales Representative contacts, visit the Cirrus Logic website at Cirrus Logic, Inc. Copyright © Cirrus Logic, Inc. 2005 (All Rights Reserved) ER612A2 SEP ‘05 Erratum #3: Minimum digital filter clock rate settings. Description: Some relatively slow output word rates (200 SPS, 40 SPS) require the maximum digital filter clock rate. The minimum required digital filter clock for each output word rate is listed below. Output Word Rate (SPS) Output Period (ms) Digital Filter Clock Rate (MHz) 4000 0.25 16.384 - no IIR 2000 0.5 16.384 1000 1 8.192 500 2 4.096 333 3 8.192 250 4 4.096 200 5 16.384 125 8 2.048 100 10 8.192 50 20 2.048 40 25 16.384 25 40 2.048 20 50 8.192 10 100 2.048 5 200 2.048 1 1000 2.048 Work Around: Always use the maximum 16.384 MHz digital filter clock, or independently select the minimum digital filter clock for each output word rate. Erratum #4: Filter stop/start required when writing a new digital filter configuration. Description: Unexpected results can occur when reconfiguring the digital filter during operation. Work Around: Send the ‘Filter Stop’ command before writing updated configuration information, followed by the ‘Filter Start’ command to restart the digital filter using the updated configuration. 2 ER612A2 Erratum #5: All zero initial data write to the serial data FIFO. Description: Initializing the digital filter with the ‘Filter Start’ command causes a false write into the output data FIFO. The first serial data available from the SD port is an all zero word followed by the first digital filter result. At the first serial data read, the FIFO contains more data than expected. Work Around: The first serial data transaction should send 8 x 32 = 256 clocks into SDCLK to purge all data in the output FIFO. Later serial data read transactions can expect the digital filter result only. Erratum #6: MCLK output at 4.096 MHz. Description: MCLK has incorrect timing for the CS5371/72 modulator when set to 4.096 MHz. Work Around: None. The 4.096 MHz setting for MCLK is normally not used. Erratum #7: Boundary scan JTAG port. Description: A break in the scan chain prevents boundary scan JTAG from functioning properly. Work Around: None. Boundary scan JTAG is not available. ER612A2 3