Freescale Semiconductor Application Note Document Number: AN4917 Rev 1.0, 9/2014 Transitioning from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C Hardware and Software Considerations Contents 1 Introduction 1 Introduction................................................................1 This application note describes the hardware and software differences between FXAS21000C and FXAS21002C and provides information on transitioning from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C. It also presents a recommended application schematic that can accommodate either device via zero-ohm jumper population changes. To enable easy software migration, minor register map and digital feature differences between the two parts are highlighted. 2 Key Benefits of using FXAS21002C..... .................. 2 3 Upgrade Guide...........................................................2 4 Hardware Considerations.......................................... 3 5 Software Considerations................. .......................... 4 The key content is divided into two major sections. Section 4 explains the hardware considerations in transitioning from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C, and Section 5 details the software considerations. © 2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Preliminary Key Benefits of using FXAS21002C 2 Key Benefits of using FXAS21002C Improved battery life in portable applications by reducing overall power consumption. • Reduced current consumption in Active mode from 5.8 mA to 2.6 mA. • Reduced Standby to Active mode transition time from 200 ms to 60 ms, which reduces system power consumption. Enhanced user experience through performance improvements • Reduced noise from 55 mdps√Hz to 25 mdps√Hz • Increased maximum full-scale range (FSR) from 1600 dps to 2000 dps. Allows higher rotational rates, especially for sports and gaming applications. • Increased digital output (ADC) resolution from 14 bit to 16 bit. Allows higher precision in angular rate measurements. • Improved angular velocity resolution from 200 mdps/LSB in ±1600 dps FSR mode to 62.5 mdps/LSB in ±2000 dps FSR mode. Allows higher precision in angular rate measurements. • Increased maximum output data rate (ODR) from 200 Hz to 800 Hz. Key feature enhancements from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C • Programmable digital low-pass filter: Used for further limiting the digital output data bandwidth and noise. • Power mode transition control via external pin: Available for accelerometer-based power management (motion interrupt). • I2C interface mode: I2C Fast Mode Plus, allowing SCL frequency up to 1 MHz. • Enhanced auto-increment read address pointer behavior to facilitate faster read out of the FIFO data in a burst-read operation. 3 Upgrade Guide Switching from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C is extremely convenient. Systems designed with FXAS21000C can easily be upgraded to FXAS21002C without making any major changes in the pin layout or driver code. Here are a few minor changes that need to be made in the hardware and software: • Changes to be made in the software • Change value of WHO_AM _I register. • Configure CTRL_REG3 (new register in FXAS21002C) for additional functionalities, including external power CTRL using the INT2 pin. • Reconfigure CTRL_REG1[DR] field for setting the desired ODR and CTRL_REG0[BW] for setting the LPF cutoff frequency correctly. • Changes to be made in the hardware • When implementing SPI Interface, connect pin 8 to VDDI0. • For external power control, by configuring CTRL_REG3[EXTCTRLEN], pin 2 (INT2) can be used as an input. All the above mentioned changes in the hardware and software are described in detail in the following hardware and software consideration sections, respectively. Transitioning from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C, Rev 1.0, 9/2014 2 Preliminary Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Hardware Considerations 4 Hardware Considerations FXAS21000C and FXAS21002C are highly similar in their pin layout and digital interface (I2c and SPI) circuits. The exceptions are described in this section. 4.1 Pinout Adjustments The pinouts of FXAS21000C and FXAS21002C are slightly different. These differences in the pin layout and the corresponding functionality can be seen in Table 1. The most significant difference is pin 8. On the FXAS21000C, pin 8 is not used. On the FXAS21002C, pin 8 is used to select the digital communications mode, either I2C or SPI. To select I2C mode, connect pin 8 to GND. To select SPI mode, connect pin 8 to VDDIO. More functionality has been added to pin 2 of the FXAS21002C. In addition to being an interrupt output, pin 2 can also serve as an input to provide power state control. Table 1. Pin changes Pin FXAS21000C Name 2 INT2 8 Reserved FXAS21002C Function Interrupt Output 2 Name Function INT2/PWR_CTRL Interrupt Output 2 / Power state transition control input I2C_B/SPI Reserved - Must be tied to ground Digital interface selection pin. This pin must be tied either high or low to select SPI or I2C interface mode, respectively. 4.2 I2C and SPI Connection Changes The FXAS21000C and FXAS21002C devices have I2C and SPI interfaces available. The differences between the devices, for each interface, are described in this section. Note: No changes need to be made in the hardware for I2C communication when switching from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C. When using the SPI interface option, the recommended circuit for the FXAS21000C will not function properly with the FXAS21002C part. In order to implement SPI mode on the FXAS21002C, pin 8 must be connected to VDDIO keeping the rest of the circuit similar to FXAS21000C. Figure 1 and Figure 2 illustrate the SPI connection layout for both sensors. Figure 1 is identical with Figure 2, except for the pin 8 connectivity. Reserved Reserved Reserved SCLK MOSI/SPI_DIO We recommend the circuit design in Figure 2, which is compatible with either part. 8 9 10 11 12 MISO 13 MISO MOSI SCLK Figure 1. SPI connection for FXAS21000C only Transitioning from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C, Rev 1.0, 9/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Preliminary 3 FXAS21000C FXAS21002C R2 DNP 0Ω R3 0Ω DNP Reserved SCLK MOSI/SPI_DIO R2 Reserved VDDIO I2C_B / SPI Software Considerations 8 9 10 11 12 MISO 13 MISO MOSI R3 SCLK Figure 2. FXAS21000C and FXAS21002C SPI connection with resistor selection network 5 Software Considerations FXAS21002C and FXAS21000C have similar register map definitions and are largely software compatible; the exceptions are described in this section. 5.1 FSR and sensitivity differences FXAS21000C and FXAS21002C have differences in FSR and ADC resolution, both of which affect the conversion from ADC LSBs to angular rate in degrees per second (dps). In both devices, the FSR is selected using the CTRL_REG0[FS] field. Table 2. Full-scale range and sensitivity CTRL_REG0[FS] FSR (dps) Sensitivity (mdps/LSB) FXAS21000C FXAS21002C FXAS21000C FXAS21002C 0b00 ±1600 ±2000 200 62.5 0b01 ±800 ±1000 100 31.25 0b10 ±400 ±500 50 15.63 0b11 ±200 ±250 25 7.82 FXAS21000C has 14 bits of ADC resolution and FXAS21002C has 16 bits of ADC resolution. FSR selections and angular rate sensitivities are shown in Table 2. The register configuration for FSR settings does not need to be changed when switching from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C. This is because for the same register configuration, the closest matching (higher) FSR and sensitivity will be obtained from the FXAS21002C as shown in Table 3. Note: In software, interpretation of output will require slight adjustment to account for the increased precision. Transitioning from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C, Rev 1.0, 9/2014 4 Preliminary Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Software Considerations 5.2 Register differences There are some differences in the registers between FXAS21000C and FXAS21002C. Table 3. Register differences Name FXAS21000C FXAS21002C OUT_X_MSB, OUT_X_LSB, OUT_Y_MSB, OUT_Y_LSB, OUT_Z_MSB, OUT_Z_LSB Format: 14-bit, left justified, 2's complement Format: 16-bit, 2's complement CTRL_REG3 Does not exist Address: 0x15 WHO_AM_I Value: 0xD1 Value: 0xD6 Note: 14 bit output for FXAS21000 is obtained by removing the last two bits of LSB data for each axis (right shifting two bits). From the perspective of device driver software, when switching from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C the following register changes need to be made: • Change the WHO_AM_I value as shown in Table 3 for the driver to identify the device correctly. • Configure the new register CTRL_REG3 (0x15) in FXAS21002C for additional functionalities. • Change CTRL_REG1[DR] to set the ODR as desired and change CTRL_REG0[BW] to set the LPF cutoff as desired. 5.3 ODR selections The output data rate (ODR) for both FXAS21000C and FXAS21002C is selected using the 3-bit CTRL_REG1[DR] field as shown in Table 4. Table 4. Output data rate Decimal number CTRL_REG1[DR] ODR (Hz) FXAS21000C FXAS21002C 0 0b000 200 800 1 0b001 100 400 2 0b010 50 200 3 0b011 25 100 4 0b100 12.5 50 5 0b101 6.25 25 6 0b110 3.125 12.5 7 0b111 1.5625 12.5 As shown in Table 4, for the same CTRL_REG1[DR] field, the ODR of FXAS21002C is four times that of FXAS21000C. This register should be reconfigured accordingly because, on switching from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C, the same register configuration would lead to significant change (four times) in the ODR. In order to maintain the same ODR as configured for FXAS21000C, starting from 200 Hz, the simplest way to reconfigure the registers is by adding the decimal equivalent 2 to the current CTRL_REG1[DR] field value. For example, suppose the system is using an FXAS21000C sensor and is configured for an ODR of 100 Hz, the CTRL_REG1[DR] field in that case would be configured to 0b001 (whose decimal equivalent is 1). Now, on switching to the sensor FXAS21002C, decimal Transitioning from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C, Rev 1.0, 9/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Preliminary 5 Software Considerations number 2 needs to be added to the CTRL_REG1[DR] field. Therefore, the field now reads 1 + 2 = 3 (0b011). The field 0b011 corresponds to the ODR of 100 Hz for FXAS21002C. This way, registers can be configured to get the same ODR for FXAS21002C. This method can cover ODRs from 200 Hz to 12.5 Hz ODR (corresponding to decimal numbers 2 to 6) for FXAS21002C. In order to achieve an ODR of 800 Hz and 400 Hz, registers can be configured for FXAS21002C, corresponding to decimal numbers 0 and 1 respectively, unlike in FXAS21000C. Note: FXAS21002C has a minimum 12.5 Hz ODR. 5.4 Zero-rate offset feature FXAS21000C has a built-in hardware feature to zero the angular rate offset by setting the ZR_COND bit in CTRL_REG0 when FXAS21000C is stationary. Zero-rate offset removal is typically best handled in host software by methods such as bias estimation and tracking in sensor fusion algorithms. As such, this feature has not been included in FXAS21002C. 5.5 Digital low-pass filter (LPF) FXAS21002C features a second-order digital LPF function that may be used to further limit the output signal bandwidth beyond the ODR/2 Nyquist limiting that is performed by the anti-aliasing filter ahead of the ADC. The LPF is not available on FXAS21000C. The LPF feature cutoff frequency is a function of the selected ODR and the BW1 and BW0 control bits in CTRL_REG0. In FXAS21000C, bits 7 and 6 in CTRL_REG0 are not implemented—writes to these bits have no effect and reads always return 0: Table 5. FXAS21000C CTRL_REG0 implementation Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 SPIW SEL[1:0] HPF_EN FS[1:0] 0 0 0 0b00 0 0b00 In FXAS21000C, output signal bandwidth is always equal to ODR/2. For example, ODR of 200 Hz leads to bandwidth of 100 Hz. In FXAS21002C, bits 7 and 6 in CTRL_REG0 are used to set the LPF cutoff frequency and are called BW1 and BW0, respectively. See Table 6. Table 6. FXAS21002C CTRL_REG0 implementation Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BW1 BW0 SPIW SEL[1:0] HPF_EN FS[1:0] 0 0 0 0b00 0 0b00 In FXAS21002C, setting up BW1 and BW0 will allow the output signal bandwidth to go below ODR/2, unlike in FXAS21000C. For example, an ODR of 800 Hz will lead to a bandwidth less than 400 Hz, ranging from 256 Hz to 64 Hz, depending on the BW1 and BW0 values. Transitioning from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C, Rev 1.0, 9/2014 6 Preliminary Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Software Considerations The LPF cutoff frequency, therefore, is a function of the ODR selection made in CTRL_REG1, and the BW1 and BW0 settings. This is illustrated in Table 7. Table 7. FXAS21002C LPF cutoff frequency BW ODR = 800 Hz ODR = 400 Hz ODR = 200 Hz ODR = 100 Hz ODR = 50 Hz ODR = 25 Hz ODR = 12.5 Hz 0b00 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 0b01 128 64 32 16 8 4 — 0b1x 64 32 16 8 4 — — When switching the sensor hardware to FXAS21002C, the BW1 and BW0, which were unimplemented in FXAS21000C, now give an output signal bandwidth, as shown in Table 7, corresponding to the configured ODR. For example, when an ODR of 200 Hz in FXAS21000C with BW[1:0] equals 0b00, the output signal bandwidth equals 200/2, or 100 Hz. On FXAS21002C, the same configuration of BW[1:0] for ODR of 200 gives an output signal bandwidth of 64 Hz. This can be further scaled down by a factor of two until the bandwidth equals 16 Hz simply by incrementing BW[1:0] by 1. Therefore, when BW[1:0] is equal to 0b01, the output bandwidth is 64/2, which equals 32 Hz. For 0b10,the output bandwidth equals 16. 5.6 FIFO watermark event flag behavior FXAS21000C and FXAS21002C clear the watermark interrupt event flag under different conditions. For FXAS21000C, the watermark event flag (F_WMKF) is cleared by reading the F_STATUS register. Reading F_STATUS also clears the SRC_FIFO bit in the INT_SOURCE_FLAG (0x0B) register. For FXAS21002C, the watermark event flag (F_WMKF) is cleared by reading enough samples from the FIFO for the sample count to go below the watermark level set in F_SETUP[F_WMRK]. 5.7 Additional control register (CTRL_REG3) at 0x15 FXAS21002C implements an additional control register named CTRL_REG3 at address 0x15. FXAS21000C does not include this register; the user space register map ends at address 0x14. As this is a new register in FXAS21002C, CTRL_REG3 needs to be configured to utilize new features on this sensor. Table 8. CTRL_REG3 register Bit Read Write Reset 7 6 5 4 — — — — — — — — 3 2 WRAPTOONE EXTCTRLEN 0 0 1 0 — FSR_DOUBLE — 0 WRAPTOONE controls the behavior of the auto-increment read address pointer. When WRAPTOONE = 0, the autoincrement pointer rolls over to address 0x00 (STATUS) after the Z-axis LSB register is read. When WRAPTOONE = 1, the auto-increment pointer wraps around to address 0x01 (X-axis MSB) in order to facilitate the faster read out of the FIFO data in a burst-read operation (STATUS register only needs to be read once per FIFO burst-read operation). EXTCTRLEN allows the device operating mode to be controlled using the INT2 pin (the pin becomes a high impedance input when this bit is set high). The input is level sensitive, and allows the host to transition the device operating mode from Standby to Active or from Ready to Active (and vice-versa) depending on the state of the Ready bit at the time Transitioning from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C, Rev 1.0, 9/2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Preliminary 7 Software Considerations EXTCTRLEN is set. This feature can be useful in applications where the accelerometer motion detection function is used to power manage the gyro (for example, by placing it in a lower power state when the platform is stationary within certain predetermined conditions). When EXTCTRLEN is 0, INT2 pin is used as an interrupt output (default). Note: When EXTCTRLEN = 1, the ACTIVE bit in CTRL_REG1 is directly controlled by the logic state of the INT2 pin, and this bit becomes read only using the I2C or SPI register interfaces. FSR_DOUBLE allows the full-scale range selections of FXAS21002C to be increased by a factor of 2, from ±250/500/1000/2000°/s to ±500/1000/2000/4000°/s. This feature is provided to enable a higher dynamic range for sports applications such as golf club or tennis racket swings and other applications that require an increased dynamic range. While the full-scale range is doubled in this mode, the noise and nonlinearity of the output signal are also increased. When FSR_DOUBLE = 1, the sensitivity will be increased as shown in Table 9. Table 9. Enabling a higher dynamic range FSR Selection Sensitivity (mdps/LSB) Sensitivity (mdps/LSB) FSR_DOUBLE = 0 FSR_DOUBLE = 1 CTRL_REG0[FS] = 00 62.50 125 CTRL_REG0[FS] = 01 31.25 62.5 CTRL_REG0[FS] = 10 15.63 31.25 CTRL_REG0[FS] = 11 7.81 15.63 Transitioning from FXAS21000C to FXAS21002C, Rev 1.0, 9/2014 8 Preliminary Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 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All operating parameters, including “typicals,” must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Freescale does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: Freescale and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © 2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Document Number AN4917 Revision 1.0, 9/2014 Preliminary