Standard Products UT04VS33P Voltage Supervisor Data Sheet July 28, 2014 INTRODUCTION FEATURES 3.0V to 3.6V Operating voltage range The UT04VS33P is a radiation-hardened Voltage Supervisor which simultaneously monitors up to four supply levels utilized in a system, providing status output for each signal, VOUTx, as well as, a system reset signal if any of the monitored signals moves out of range. To set the monitor trip points, the TH0 and TH1 pins allow the selection of three sets of preset threshold levels per channel, determined by an internal bandgap voltage reference, to reduce supply and temperature variance, and a fourth selection which allows the user to determine the level for each channel. There are two modes of operation, determined by the OVSH pin. In the first mode, when the OVSH pin is connected to VSS, four independent supplies are monitored for an under-voltage condition. In the second mode when the OVSH pin is connected to VDD, then under-voltage and over-voltage of the inputs are monitored. In this mode, two supplies can be monitored using channels 1 and 3 or channels 2 and 4, respectively. For flexibility, both system RESET and RESETB outputs are available for interfacing to the system. Each channel has an enable, ENx, allowing use of one, two, three or all four monitor channels. 6 Fixed Threshold Voltage Monitors (3.3V, 2.5V, 1.8V, 1.5V, 1.2V, 1.0V) Fixed & Adjustable Threshold Voltage Select modes Threshold Voltage Select with TH0, TH1 pins Adjustable RESET Timeout with external capacitor Independent Voltage Monitoring and Sequencing Manual Reset Input Pin Active Low and Active High RESET pins Output Voltages Open Drain Two VOUTS active high and two VOUTS programmable with INV Pin RESET, RESETB Outputs Open Drain Over-voltage Detection Mode Operating Temperature Range -55oC to +125oC Low Power Typical 1000A Tolerance Select Input Pin (5% & 10%) RESET, RESETB, VOUT1, VOUT2, VOUT3 and VOUT4 guaranteed to be in the correct state for VDD down to 1.2V The margin (or tolerance) to the given threshold voltage, for under-voltage monitoring, is determined by the setting of the TOL pin. The logic sense of the channel 3 and 4 outputs can be inverted by setting the INV pin, appropriately. Also, MRB, master reset, provides a means for a manual input to activate the RESET signals. In addition, the user can adjust two timing parameters by the addition of external capacitors to the device. These are the response times of the channel VOUTx signal when the associated input returns to a valid level, implemented by a capacitor connected to CDLYx and the time to clear RESET (and RESETB) when a channel enable or input level becomes valid; implemented by CRESET. Packaging options: - 28-lead ceramic dual flatpack Operational environment: - Total dose: 300 krad(Si) - SEL Immune: <110 MeV-cm2/mg @125oC - SET Immune: <109MeV-cm2/mg Standard Microelectronics Drawing (SMD) 5962-13206 - QML Q and V APPLICATION The UT04VS33P supervisory circuit reduces the complexity and number of circuits required to monitor power supply and battery functions in microprocessor, DSP, microcontroller, ASIC and FPGA systems. The UT04VS33P supervisory circuit significantly improves system reliability and accuracy over comparable systems that use separate ICs or discrete components. 1 CDLY1 CDLY2 CDLY3 CDLY4 INV VDD Drivers VTH MONITOR + VIN1 VOUT1 DELAY ‐ + VIN2 VOUT2 DELAY ‐ + VIN3 VOUT3 DELAY ‐ + VIN4 VOUT4 DELAY ‐ OVSH RESETB EN1 EN2 RESET EN3 EN4 THRESHOLD SELECT RESET DELAY VREF TH0 TH1 TOL CRESET VSS MRB Figure 1. UT04VS33P Block Diagram EN1 VIN1 EN3 VIN3 NC OVSH TH1 TH0 TOL EN2 VIN2 EN4 VIN4 VSS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 UT04VS33P 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 Figure 2. UT04VS33P Pin Configuration 2 VDD VOUT1 CDLY1 VOUT3 CDLY3 MRB INV RESETB CRESET RESET VOUT2 CDLY2 VOUT4 CDLY4 PIN DESCRIPTIONS Number Pins Type Description 1 EN1 Digital Input Active high enable for VIN1. Setting this pin low forces VOUT1 low regardless of the value of VIN1. Setting this pin high enables the monitor circuitry for VIN1. 2 VIN1 Analog Input Analog input VIN1. When enabled the voltage input is monitored for an under-voltage condition; see Functional Descriptions - Thresholds, Over-voltage Setting/Tolerance. The condition is output on VOUT1. 3 EN3 Digital Input Active high enable for VIN3. Setting this pin low forces VOUT3 low when OVSH=0 (VOUT3 is forced low when OVSH=1) regardless of the value of VIN3. Setting this pin high enables the monitor circuitry for VIN3. 4 VIN3 Analog Input Analog input VIN3. When enabled and dependent on the mode of operation (OVSH), the voltage input is monitored for an under-voltage or over-voltage condition; see Functional Descriptions - Thresholds, Over-voltage Setting/Tolerance. The condition is output on VOUT3 when OVSH=0 and on VOUT1 when OVSH=1. 5 NC NC 6 OVSH Digital Input Over-voltage pin. When OVSH = 1, the over-voltage mode is enabled. This allows for the monitoring of both over-voltage and under-voltage of two supplies. Inputs VIN1 and VIN2 function normally, while VIN3 is used to monitor an over-voltage condition in conjunction with the VIN1 source and VIN4 likewise for the VIN2 source. See Functional Descriptions - Thresholds, Over-voltage Setting/Tolerance. When OVSH=0 all four inputs, VIN1, VIN2, VIN3 and VIN4 monitor undervoltage. 7 TH1 Digital Input Digital Threshold select1. Used with TH0 to select one of four analog input voltage thresholds. (See Table 2) 8 TH0 Digital Input Digital Threshold select0. Used with TH1 to select one of four analog input voltage thresholds. (See Table 2) 9 TOL Digital Input Threshold tolerance select sets the accuracy of the threshold to 5% below the nominal value by connecting TOL to logic 0. Connecting TOL to logic 1 sets the threshold voltage to 10% below the nominal value. 10 EN2 Digital Input Active high enable for VIN2. Setting this pin low forces VOUT2 low regardless of the value of VIN2. Setting this pin high enables the monitor circuitry for VIN2. 11 VIN2 Analog Input Analog input VIN2. When enabled, the voltage input is monitored for an under-voltage condition; see Functional Descriptions - Thresholds, Over-voltage Setting/Tolerance.The condition is output on VOUT2. 3 Number Pins Type Description 12 EN4 Digital Input Active high enable for VIN4. Setting this pin low forces VOUT4 low when OVSH=0 (VOUT4 is forced low when OVSH=1) regardless of the value of VIN4. Setting this pin high enables the monitor circuitry for VIN4. 13 VIN4 Analog Input Analog input VIN4. When enabled and dependent on the mode of operation (OVSH), the voltage input is monitored for an under-voltage or over-voltage condition; see Functional Descriptions - Thresholds, Over-voltage Setting/Tolerance. The condition is output on VOUT4 when OVSH=0 and on VOUT2 when OVSH=1. 14 VSS Supply GND Ground. This pin must be tied to system ground to establish a reference for voltage detection. 15 CDLY4 Analog Output External capacitor delay connection. Allows adjustment of the VOUT4 timing after VIN4 becomes valid, when OVSH = 0. See Functional Descriptions - CDLY timing section. 16 VOUT4 Open Drain Digital Output Output of VIN4 monitor when OVSH = 0; inactive when OVSH=1. With INV=0, logic 1 indicates that the VIN4 input is at a valid level. With INV=1, logic 0 indicates that VIN4 is at a valid level. Device contains active pull-down device; requires external pull-up. 17 CDLY2 Analog Output External capacitor delay connection. Allows adjustment of the VOUT2 timing after VIN2 becomes valid. See Functional Descriptions - CDLY timing section. 18 VOUT2 Open Drain Digital Output When OVSH=0, it indicates the signal state of the VIN2 monitor. When OVSH=1, it indicates the combined signal states for VIN2 and VIN4 (under-voltage and over-voltage detection). See Functional Descriptions - Thresholds, Device contains active pull-down device; requires external pull-up. 19 RESET Open Drain Digital Output Active high output indicating a system reset condition is activated by appropriate condition on VOUTx, ENx, or MRB pin. See discussion for state changes and timing information. Device contains active pulldown device; requires external pull-up. 20 CRESET Analog Output External capacitor delay connection. Allows adjustment of RESET timeout, which is the time RESET is held after all reset input conditions are cleared. See Functional Description - CRESET timing section. 21 RESETB Open Drain Digital Output Active low output indicating a system reset condition is activated by appropriate condition on VOUTx, ENx, or MRB pin. See discussion for state changes and timing information. Device contains active pulldown device; requires external pull-up. 22 INV Digital Input When logic 1, inverts the sense of the VOUT3 and VOUT4 outputs. 23 MRB Digital Input Master Reset active low input. This forces the RESET/RESETB pins to their active state. See discussion for timing information. Internal Pull-up 4 Number Pins Type Description 24 CDLY3 Analog Output External capacitor delay connection. Allows adjustment of the VOUT3 timing after VIN3 becomes valid when OVSH=0. See Functional Descriptions - CDLY timing section. 25 VOUT3 Open Drain Digital Output Output of VIN3 monitor when OVSH=0; inactive when OVSH=1. With INV=0, logic 1 indicates that the VIN3 input is at a valid level. With INV=1, logic 0 indicates that VIN3 is at a valid level. Device contains active pull-down device; requires external pull-up. 26 CDLY1 Analog Output External capacitor delay connection. Allows adjustment of the VOUT1 timing after VIN1 becomes valid. See Functional Descriptions - CDLY timing section. 27 VOUT1 Open Drain Digital Output When OVSH=0, it indicates the signal state of the VIN1 monitor. When OVSH=1, it indicates the combined signal states for VIN1 and VIN3 (under-voltage and over-voltage detection). See Functional Descriptions - Thresholds, Device contains active pull-down device; requires external pull-up. 28 VDD Supply Supply voltage, 3.0 to 3.6V. 5 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT PARAMETER LIMIT UNITS Total Ionizing Dose (TID)1 300 krad(Si) Single Event Latchup Immune (SEL)2 <110 MeV-cm2/mg Single Event Transient Immune (SET) <109 MeV-cm2/mg Notes: 1. Using MIL-STD-883, TM1019, Condition A. 2. Worst case temperature and voltage of Tc = +125oC, VDD = 3.6V. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 1 SYMBOL PARAMETER LIMITS UNITS VDD Positive supply voltage 4.8 V VIO Voltage on any I/O pin -0.3 to VDD + 0.3V V IIO DC I/O current +10 mA PD Power dissipation 1.0 W JC Thermal resistance, junction to case 16 Lead temperature (soldering 10 seconds) 300 Maximum junction temperature +175 C -65 to +150 C 1000 V TLEAD TJ TSTOR Storage temperature VESD ESDHBM o C/W o C Notes: 1. Stresses outside the listed absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond limits indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not recommended. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS SYMBOL PARAMETER LIMITS UNITS VDD Positive supply voltage 3.0 to 3.6 V VSS Negative supply voltage 0.0 V TC Case temperature range -55 to +125 C VIN Analog inputs Digital inputs 0.6 to 3.6 V VSS to VDD V 6 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1,2 (VDD=3.0V to 3.6V; -55C < TC < +125C) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITION MIN MAX UNIT 1250 A Power Supply IDD VDD supply current All VOUTX high Digital Inputs and Outputs VIL Digital input low -0.3 0.3*VDD V VIH Digital input high 0.7*VDD VDD+0.3 V VILMRB MRB Digital input low -0.3 0.8 V VIHMRB MRB Digital input high 2.0 VDD+0.3 V MRB Input voltage hysteresis 60 VHYSTMRB mV IMRB MRB pull-up current MRB=0V VDD=3.6V for Max IMRB 225 A VOL Open drain digital output low VDD =3.6V I sink=1mA 0.3 V Charge current CRESET VDD =3.0V 0.35 1.25 A ICH_RESET3 IOZL Digital output leakage current low -1 1 A IOZH Digital output leakage current high -1 1 A IIL Digital input leakage current low -1 1 A IIH Digital input leakage current high -1 1 A ICH_CDLY3 Charge current CDLY VDD=3.0V 0.55 1.90 A VTH_CDLY3 Threshold CDLYx CDLY rising 1.17 1.23 V Threshold CRESET CRESET rising 1.17 1.23 V 585 615 mV 3.3V threshold, TOL= 0 2.97 3.135 V 3.3V threshold, TOL= 1 2.805 2.970 V 2.5V threshold, TOL= 0 2.25 2.375 V 2.5V threshold, TOL= 1 2.125 2.250 V 1.8V threshold, TOL= 0 1.620 1.710 V 1.8V threshold, TOL= 1 1.530 1.620 V 1.5V threshold, TOL= 0 1.350 1.425 V 1.5V threshold, TOL= 1 1.275 1.350 V 1.2V threshold, TOL= 0 1.080 1.140 V 1.2V threshold, TOL= 1 1.020 1.080 V 1.0V threshold, TOL= 0 0.90 0.950 V 1.0V threshold, TOL= 1 0.85 0.915 V 15 pF VTH_CRESET3 VRFTH3 Reference threshold voltage Analog Inputs VTH_VIN CVINX3 Analog threshold under-voltage case VINx input capacitance 7 Notes: 1. For devices procured with a total ionizing dose tolerance guarantee, the post-irradiation performance is specified at 25oC per MIL-STD-883 Method 1019, Condition A, up to the maximum TID level procured (see ordering information). 2. RESET, RESETB, VOUT1, VOUT2, VOUT3 and VOUT4 guaranteed to be in the correct state for VDD down to 1.2V. 3. Guaranteed by design but not tested. 8 AC CHARACTERISTICS READ CYCLE (Post-Radiation)* (VDD = 3.0V to 3.6V; -55C < TC < +125C) SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITION MIN MAX UNIT tDELAY+1 VIN+ to VOUT propagation delay VIN rising, CDLY open 11 60 s tDELAY+ VIN+ to VOUT propagation delay VIN rising, Cdly capacitance value on CDLYx=112pF (Figure 3, Test Circuit Load) 81 263 s tDELAY- VIN- to VOUT propagation delay VIN falling 40 s tRP1 Reset timeout period CRESET open 37 170 s tRP Reset timeout period Creset capacitance value on CRESET =65pF (Figure 3, Test Circuit Load) 100 283 s tON1 EN+ to VOUT propagation delay EN rising to VOUT going high CDLY open 11 60 s tON EN+ to VOUT propagation delay EN rising to VOUT going high, Cdly capacitance value on CDLYx=112PF (Figure 3, Test Circuit Load) 81 263 s tOFF EN- to VOUT propagation delay EN falling to VOUT deasserted 4 s tMRST MRB- to RESET/RESETB propagation delay MRB falling to RESET/RESETB asserted 5 s tMPW Minimum MRB Input pulse width tMRP MRB+ to RESET/RESETB propagation delay tRST_DELAY tGLITCH tGLITCH_VINx1 s 2.5 3 s VINx- to RESET/RESETB asserted VIN falling 40 s ENx or MRB glitch rejection 270 ns VINx glitch rejection 800 ns MRB rising to RESET/RESETB deasserted Notes: *Post-radiation performance guaranteed at 25oC per MIL-STD-883 Method 1019 at 300 krad(Si). 1. Guaranteed by design but not tested . VDD DUT Zo = 50-ohms CL Figure 3: Test Circuit Load used for AC timing 9 Test Point channel 1 and channel 2, respectively. Also, threshold levels are determined differently, see the section on Determining a Channel Detection Threshold and Tables 1A and 1B. The undervoltage condition from channel 1 and the over-voltage condition detected by channel 3 are combined to indicate the occurrence of either condition at the channel 1 output. Likewise, conditions for channel 2 and 4 are combined and indicated at the channel 2 output. Note: When OVSH is logic 1, disabling channel 1 or 3 forces VOUT1 to logic 0. The same is true for VOUT2, with respect to the enables for channels 2 and 4. However, only CDLY1 and CDLY2, respectively, are utilized for output timing. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONS Voltage Inputs Monitoring of supply levels is done at the VINx pins. Based on the mode of operation (TH0, TH1, OVSH state), the monitored voltage is connected directly to the pin or via a resistive divider. These connections are described further in the Determining a Channel Detection Threshold section. RESETS The (RESET and RESETB) outputs respond to changes in the state of the enabled channels (either an ENx signal going to the enabled state or a VOUTx signal, of an enabled channel, changing state) and to changes in the master, MRB pin. Timing values are given in the AC Characteristics table and in Figures 4,5 and 6. These pins are digital output open drain having an active pull-down device, with drive information given in the DC Characteristics table. Determining Channel Detection Threshold For the case of under-voltage sensing utilizing the preset thresholds (TH1 and TH0 both not being logic 1), the actual threshold is based on the nominal threshold levels as shown in Table 2. The actual threshold voltage, accounting for tolerance, based on the TOL pin setting and circuit variations, is given by the following equation (values also listed in the DC Characteristics table): Outputs The VOUTx pins indicate the state of the corresponding supply monitor input source. When the input level is in a valid region, based on the mode and threshold settings, the VOUTx pin is in the logic 1 state. If the channel is disabled or the input level is invalid, the VOUTx pin is in the logic 0 state. In addition, when in over-voltage detect mode (OVSH=1), VOUT3 and VOUT4 are inactive. The INV function, when set to logic 1, inverts the sense of the VOUT3 and VOUT4 pins. There are several timing parameters associated with the state transitions which are described in the Determining a Channel Detection Threshold section. Values for drive and timing are in the DC and AC Characteristics tables. Vth_actual(nom) = Vthresh_nominal * [1 - 5% *(1 + TOL) - 2.5%] where Vthresh-nominal is given in Table 2, TOL is 0 when logic 0 and 1 when logic 1, and 2.5% accounts for circuit variances. For adjustable under-voltage thresholds, when TH0 = TH1 = logic 1, and over-voltage sensing on the channel 3 and 4 inputs when OVSH = logic 1, the over-voltage (Vth_adj-overV) thresholds are determined by user-implemented resistive dividers placed at the input to the given channel. These threshold levels are determined by the following equation: Thresholds/Over-Voltage Setting/Tolerance Thresholds are determined by several pin settings, TH0, TH1, OVSH and TOL. The variations in operation and setup of the channel inputs, including external components, are described below. The setting of the OVSH pin determines the threshold detection mode for the four channels. When logic 0, all four channels sense when the corresponding input falls below the associated threshold, the under-voltage condition (see Determining a Channel Detection Threshold). In this mode when the signal level falls below the threshold, the corresponding VOUT is switched to logic 0, after a fixed time delay. When the signal returns to a level above the threshold and after the default or user defined delay, (see the CDLY timing section), the VOUT output is switched to the logic 1 state, indicating a valid level (see Figure 6). Vth_adj-overV = [(RT + RB)/RB +/- 2.5%] * VRFTH where RT is the top resistor of the divider and RB is the lower resistor tied to VSS, 2.5% accounts for circuit variances and VRFTH is an internally-generated reference voltage with value as given in the DC Characteristics table. Note: The TOL pin function is not applicable in these modes. In addition to the 2.5% added to account for circuit variations, the user should consider resistor and supply variation tolerances when calculating the values for the resistive divider. Other considerations for the choice of resistor values are power consumption and time delay impact. The nominal capacitance of the input channel is given in the DC Characteristics table. For the mode when OVSH is logic 1, over- and under-voltage detection, the input threshold for channels 1 and 2 are handled in the same fashion as for the previously described mode. In this mode, the channel 3 and 4 inputs are checked for an over-voltage condition in conjunction with the voltage monitored on Note: The maximum level at any analog channel input is limited to 3.6V. This limits the maximum voltage level of the monitored signal. When the device is placed in the adjustable threshold state (TH0 = TH1 = logic 1) utilizing an external re- 10 sistive divider, the maximum voltage of the monitored signal can be greater than the maximum level when using the preset threshold, as given by: current with value given in the DC Characteristics table and VTH_CDLY is the threshold voltage utilized by this function, also given in the DC Characteristics table. Vmonitor < [(RT + RB)/RB] * VRFTH CRESET timing The timeout for the outputs (tRP) when activated by changes of an ENx or VINx signal, is adjustable by the addition of an external capacitor to the CRESET pin. The equation that defines the RESET timeout period is: where RT is the top resistor of the divider and RB is the lower resistor, tied to VSS. One should account for resistor tolerances. Also, with the resistive divider tied to VSS, the minimum voltage that can be monitored is VRFTH. It is possible to tie the resistive divider to the VDD supply and, hence, monitor signals lower than VRFTH. If this arrangement is used, the variation in the VDD supply will affect the result. tRP=(Creset+ 40pF)*(VTH_CRESET) /ICH_RESET where Creset is the user chosen, external capacitance, 40pF is the device default and parasitic capacitance (any significant board capacitance should be added), ICH_RESET is the charging current with value given in the DC Characteristics table and VTH_CRESET is the threshold voltage utilized by this function, also given in the DC Characteristics table. Enables Each channel has an enable, ENx. When a channel is disabled its corresponding output is held in the logic 0 state. Also, the outputs are not affected by any changes of signals that may occur on disabled channels. However, when a channel is enabled, the outputs are put into the mode for the length of time as determined by RESET timeout. As noted, when the OVSH is logic 1, the enables of channels 1 and 3 are connected together to affect channel 1 output and those for channels 2 and 4 affect channel 2 output. See Figure 4 for timing. The condition whereby all four enables are in the logic 0 state is reserved and should not be used. Output drive (open drain - power, speed) The outputs from the device, RESET, RESETB and VOUTx are of the open drain type, having only an active pulldown, with characteristics given in the DC and AC Characteristics tables. Hence, the user must supply an appropriate valued resistor for the pullup. Note: This allows for 1) the connecting of several outputs from the given device or other devices and 2) provides for voltage drive-level adjustment by connecting the resistor to an appropriate supply (note the voltage level is constrained by the operating voltage of this device, VDD). Master Reset The device has a master reset (inverted logic) input, MRB, which provides a means for the system reset to be combined with the voltage supervisor reset functionality. The timing of this input with respect to the RESET/RESETB outputs is shown in Figure 5. Timing specifications are given in the AC Characteristics table. An RC time constant can be associated with this pin to extend the RESET state. INV function For further system interface flexibility, the INV pin provides for the logical inversion of the channel 3 and 4 VOUT signals. In all modes, the logic level of the output is inverted from its normal state. Timing (CDLY, CRESET) Many of the timing parameters of the device are fixed and listed in the AC Characteristics table. Along with those are the default value for the CDLY function, response time of VOUTx after the corresponding input signal becomes valid, and the C function, defining the timeout until an output is released after an event (an ENx or all enabled VOUTx becoming valid). CDLY timing The delay time (tDELAY+) for each channel is independently adjustable by adding a capacitor to the desired CDLYx pin. The equation that defines the delay is: tDELAY+ = (Cdly + 18pF) * (VTH_CDLY)/ ICH_CDLY where Cdly is the user chosen, external capacitance connected to CDLY pin, 18pF is the internal capacitance (any significant board capacitance should be added), ICH_CDLY is the charging 11 VDD MRB VSS VDD VINx VSS VDD ENx VSS tON tOFF VDD VOUTx VSS tRP VDD RESET VSS tRP VDD RESETB VSS Figure 4. ENx Timing Diagram VDD ENx VSS VDD VINx VSS tMPW VDD MRB VSS tMRST tMRP RESET VDD VSS tMRST tMRP RESETB VDD VSS VDD VOUTx VSS Figure 5. MRB Timing Diagram 12 VDD ENx VSS VDD MRB VSS VDD VINx VSS tDELAY- tDELAY+ VDD VOUTx VSS tRST_DELAY tRP VDD RESET VSS tRST_DELAY tRP VDD RESETB VSS Figure 6. VINx Timing Diagram 13 Table 1A. Logic Levels for Digital Outputs with Corresponding Digital and Analog Inputs, OVSH=0 ENx INV VINx VOUT1-2 VOUT3-4 0 0 VINx<VTH_VIN 0 0 1 0 VINx<VTH_VIN 0 0 0 0 VINx>VT_VIN 0 0 1 0 VINx>VTH_VIN 1 1 0 1 VINx<VTH_VIN 0 1 1 1 VINx<VTH_VIN 0 1 0 1 VINx>VTH_VIN 0 1 1 1 VINx>VTH_VIN 1 0 Note: 1. Effect of INV on VOUT (TOL = x and OVSH = 0), ENx and VINx refer to the corresponding output. Table 1B. Logic Levels for Digital Outputs with Corresponding Digital and Analog Inputs, OVSH=1 ENx/ENy 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 INV 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 VINx/VINy Any VINx and VINy VINx<VTH or VINy>VTH _OVRV Any VINxand VINy VTH <VINx and VINy <VTH _OVRV Any VINx and VINy VINx<VTH or VINy>VTH _OVRV Any VINx and VINy VTH <VINx and VINy<VTH _OVRV VOUT1-2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 VOUT3-4 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Notes: 1. Effect of INV on Vout (TOL= x and OVSH=1). ENx/ENy refers to EN1 and EN3 or EN2 and EN4, respectively. VINx/VINy refers to VIN1 and VIN3 or VIN2 and VIN4, respectively. Note: Vout3/Vout4 are not used in this mode. 2. Having all four enables low is an invalid state for the device operation. This state will not cause any harm to the device or system, but operation may not be as expected. 3. For OVSH=1, VTH _OVRV is the threshold which is set with external resistors to either the VIN3 or VIN4 input to monitor an over-voltage condition in conjunction with the under-voltage monitor by VIN1 or VIN2, respectively, as shown in Figure 8 and Figure 9. Table 2. Quad Input Voltage Threshold Selections TH1 TH0 VIN1 VIN2 VIN3 VIN4 0 0 3.3 2.5 1.8 1.5 0 1 3.3 1.8 1.5 1.2 1 0 3.3 1.5 1.2 1.0 1 1 ADJ ADJ ADJ ADJ Note: Refer to the section, "Thresholds/Over-Voltage Setting/Tolerance" for information regarding the adjustable threshold. 14 Table 3: Analog Input Resistance Referenced to VSS (VDD = 3.0V to 3.6V; -55oC < TC < +125oC) ANALOG INPUT RESISTANCE THRESHOLD SELECT MIN MAX UNIT TH1 TH0 RIN1 RIN2 RIN3 RIN4 RIN1 RIN2 RIN3 RIN4 RIN1 RIN2 RIN3 RIN4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 94 282 205 172 94 205 172 137 94 172 137 114 160 485 355 295 160 355 295 235 160 295 235 197 k k k k k k k k k k k k Note: Listed in Table 3 are the estimated input resistances, as referenced to VSS, seen at each of the VINx pins. The resistance can be used to estimate the expected load current at that VINx input. 15 APPLICATION DIAGRAMS VDD RVDD VDD Cbypass RL (3) VIN1 VDD VIN1 VIN3 VOUT1 VOUT1 VIN2 VOUT2 VIN3 VOUT3 VOUT3 VIN4 VOUT4 EN1 Features: 5% tolerance Only channel 1 & 3 used Drives 3.3v device with RL for RESETB , VOUT1 & VOUT3 outputs. Default timing Under Voltage is monitored on channel 1 & 3. EN2 EN3 UT04VS33P EN4 CDLY1 CDLY2 RESET CDLY3 RESETB RESETB CDLY4 TH1 TH0 TOL INV OVSH VSS CRESET RVSS Figure 7. Application example of basic connection Shown in Figure 7 is a basic application with pullup resistors on VOUTx and RESETB. Inputs INV, MRB, TH0, TH1, TOL, OVSH and ENx are tied to appropriate signals or supplies. VINx are hooked to supplies that are to be monitored and supply is connected. Letting CDLYx and CRESET float, sets the associated delays at their default value. RVDD VDD VDD Cbypass RL2 VDD VIN1 VIN 1 RT VOUT2 VOUT3 VIN4 VOUT4 EN1 Features: 10% tolerance Only channel 1 & 3 used, in OVSH=1 m ode (over & under voltage detect) Drives 3.3v device with RL1 & RL2 for RESETB & VOUT1 outputs. Lengthened tim ing for Vout1 and Reset tim eout EN2 EN3 UT04VS33P EN4 CDLY1 Cdly1 VOUT1 VOUT1 VIN2 VIN3 RB RL1 CDLY2 RESET CDLY3 RESETB RESETB CDLY4 TH1 TH0 TOL INV OVSH VSS CRESET Creset RVSS Figure 8. Extended use application showing OVSH connection for channel 1 Shown in Figure 8 is an extended application showing the use of Cdly and Creset capacitors. OVSH is set to logic 1 to highlight the under- and over-voltage detection mode connections. Thus, a resistor voltager-divider on channel 3 is connected from the channel 1 source. 16 VDD RVDD VDD Cbypass RL (3) VDD VIN1 VIN1 (nom 3.3v) VIN2 RT1 VIN3 RB1 VOUT1 VOUT2 VOUT2 VOUT3 VIN4 VIN2 VOUT1 VOUT4 EN1 RT2 Features: 10% tolerance In OVSH=1 mode (over & under voltage detection on channel 1 & 2) Drives 3.3v device with RL for VOUT1 , VOUT2 & RESETB outputs Lengthened timing for VOUT1, VOUT2 and Reset timeout EN2 EN3 RB2 UT04VS33P EN4 CDLY1 Cdly1 CDLY2 RESET CDLY3 RESETB RESETB CDLY4 Cdly2 TH1 TH0 TOL INV OVSH VSS CRESET Creset RVSS Figure 9. Extended use application showing OVSH connection for channel 1 and 2 Shown in Figure 9 is an extended application showing the use of Cdly and Creset capacitors. OVSH is set to logic 1 to highlight the under- and over-detection mode connections on channel 1 and channel 2. Thus an r-divider on channel 3 and 4 are connected from the channel 1 and 2 source, respectively VDD RVDD VDD Cbypass RL2 VIN1 RT1 VDD VIN1 RT3 VOUT2 VIN3 VOUT3 VIN4 VOUT4 Features: Tolerance is not utilized Channel 1 & 3 are used in OVSH=1 mode to monitor under & over voltage detection. Channel 1 is set for adjustable threshold. Drives 3.3v device w/ RL1 & RL2 for RESETB and VOUT1 outputs. Lengthened timing for VOUT1 and RESETB timeout EN1 EN2 EN3 UT04VS33P EN4 CDLY1 Cdly1 VOUT1 VOUT1 VIN2 RB1 RB3 RL1 CDLY2 RESET CDLY3 RESETB RESETB CDLY4 TH1 TH0 TOL INV OVSH VSS RVSS CRESET Creset Figure 10. Extended use application showing OVSH connection for channel 1 and 3 for adjustable threshold Shown in Figure 10 is an extended application showing the use of Cdly and Creset capacitors. OVSH is set to logic 1 to highlight the under and over-voltage detection mode connections with adjustable threshold on channel 1. Two resistor voltage dividers will be used for channel 1and 3. The resistor voltage divider (RT1, RB1) on channel 1 sets the threshold under-voltage monitor. The resistor voltage divider (RT3, RB3) is connected from the channel 1 source to channel 3 to monitor over-voltage on source 1 17 Figure 11. 28-pin Flatpack 18 ORDERING INFORMATION UT04VS33P VOLTAGE SUPERVISOR UT**** * * * * * Lead Finish: (Notes: 1) (C) = Gold Screening Level: (Notes: 2 and 3) (P) = Prototype Flow (C) = HiRel Flow (Temperature range -55oC to +125oC) Case Outline: (X) = 28-lead Ceramic Flat Package TID Tolerance: (-) = None Device Type (33P)= 3.3V Quad Voltage Supervisor Generic UT04VS33P part number: (04VS) Notes: 1. Lead finish is "C" (Gold) only. 2. Prototype flow per Aeroflex Manufacturing Flows Document. Devices are tested at 25C only. Lead finish is Gold "C" only. Radiation neither tested nor guaranteed. 3. HiRel Flow per Aeroflex Manufacturing Flows Document. Radiation neither tested nor guaranteed. 19 UT04VS33P VOLTAGE SUPERVISOR: SMD 5962 * ***** ** * * * Lead Finish: (Note 1) (C) = Gold Case Outline: (X) = 28-lead ceramic flatpack Class Designator: (Q) = QML Class Q (V) = QML Class V Device Type: (01) = UT04VS33P (Temperature Range: -55C to +125C) Drawing Number: (13206) = 3.3V Voltage Supervisor Total Dose: (R) = 100 krad(Si) (F) = 300 krad(Si) Federal Stock Class Designator: No options Notes: 1. Lead finish is "C" (Gold) only. 20 Aeroflex Colorado Springs - Datasheet Definition Advanced Datasheet - Product In Development Preliminary Datasheet - Shipping Prototype Datasheet - Shipping QML & Reduced Hi-Rel This product is controlled for export under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). A license from the U.S. Government is required prior to the export of this product from the United States. [email protected] Aeroflex Colorado Springs, Inc., reserves the right to make changes to any products and services described herein at any time without notice. Consult Aeroflex or an authorized sales representative to verify that the information in this data sheet is current before using this product. Aeroflex does not assume any responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any product or service described herein, except as expressly agreed to in writing by Aeroflex; nor does the purchase, lease, or use of a product or service from Aeroflex convey a license under any patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or any other of the intellectual rights of Aeroflex or of third parties. Our passion for performance is defined by three attributes represented by these three icons: solution-minded, performance-driven and customer-focused 21