Spice Models for Metelics GaAs Hyperabrupt Varactor Diodes 1 of 4 Example circuit using MGV075-08 model .DC V1 .2 .6 .1 .PRINT DC V(2) V1 1 0 0 R1 1 2 1000 D1 2 0 MGV .MODEL MGV D (IS=55.0E-12 N=2.0 CJO=0.838E-12 VJ=0.9 M=0.675 XTI=3.0 EG=1.42 + TT=3.0E-9 BV=18.0 IBV=10.0E-6 RS=0.3) .END Metelics provides Spice models that may be used and distributed freely, provided they are not changed in any way, resold or included in any other package for resale. These models are furnished on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind. Metelics reserves the right to make changes to any model without notice. Although the use of models can be a useful tool in evaluating devices for applications, they do not exactly model all device characteristics under all conditions. Ver 1.1 07/03/2008 Spice Model Parameters for MGV075 Series Diodes Part Number M min M max Cj0 min pF Cj0 max pF MGV075-08 0.675 0.825 0.838 1.173 MGV075-09 0.675 0.825 1.173 1.508 MGV075-10 0.675 0.825 1.211 2.412 MGV075-11 0.675 0.825 2.112 2.581 MGV075-12 0.675 0.825 2.413 2.949 MGV075-13 0.675 0.825 3.016 3.687 MGV075-14 0.675 0.825 3.620 4.424 MGV075-15 0.675 0.825 4.525 5.530 MGV075-16 0.675 0.825 5.430 6.636 MGV075-17 0.675 0.825 6.033 7.374 2 of 4 IS=50e-12 to 0.23e-9 N=1.9 to 2.2 TT=2 to 7e-9 BV=18 IBV=10e-6 XTI=3 EG=1.42 VJ=0.8 to 1.2 Notes: CV curve is valid for V=2 to 18V. Below 2V the Gamma drops Ver 1.1 07/03/2008 Spice Model Parameters for MGV100 Series Diodes Part Number M min M max Cj0 min pF Cj0 max pF MGV100-08 0.90 1.10 1.505 2.006 MGV100-09 0.90 1.10 2.006 2.508 MGV100-20 0.90 1.10 1.703 4.342 MGV100-21 0.90 1.10 2.189 5.132 MGV100-22 0.90 1.10 2.694 6.316 MGV100-23 0.90 1.10 3.368 7.895 MGV100-24 0.90 1.10 5.417 6.621 MGV100-25 0.90 1.10 6.771 8.276 MGV100-26 0.90 1.10 8.176 9.379 MGV100-27 0.90 1.10 9.028 11.035 3 of 4 IS=50e-12 to 0.23e-9 N=1.9 to 2.2 TT=2 to 7e-9 BV=22 IBV=10e-6 XTI=3 EG=1.42 VJ=0.8 to 1.2 Notes: CV curve is valid for V=2 to 20V. Below 2V the Gamma drops Ver 1.1 07/03/2008 Spice Model Parameters for MGV125 Series Diodes Part Number M min M max Cj0 min pF Cj0 max pF MGV125-08 1.125 1.375 1.877 2.627 MGV125-09 1.125 1.375 2.627 3.378 MGV125-20 1.125 1.375 2.342 6.461 MGV125-21 1.125 1.375 3.279 9.046 MGV125-22 1.125 1.375 4.685 12.923 MGV125-23 1.125 1.375 5.621 13.299 MGV125-24 1.125 1.375 7.027 19.384 MGV125-25 1.125 1.375 7.964 21.968 MGV125-26 1.125 1.375 13.511 16.514 4 of 4 IS=50e-12 to 0.23e-9 N=1.9 to 2.2 TT=2 to 7e-9 BV=22 IBV=10e-6 XTI=3 EG=1.42 VJ=0.8 to 1.2 Notes: CV curve is valid for V=2 to 20V. Below 2V the Gamma drops Ver 1.1 07/03/2008