Surface Mount PIN Diode Limiter LM202402-Q-C-301 Series Data Sheet Features • Surface Mount Limiter in Compact Package: • 8 mm L x 5 mm W x 2.5 mm H • Incorporates PIN Limiter Diodes, DC Blocks, Schottky Diode & DC Return • Wide Frequency Range (2 to 4 GHz) • Higher Peak Power Handling than Plastic-Packaged Limiters (1000 W Peak) • Higher Average Power Handling than Plastic-Packaged Limiters (100 W CW ) • Very Low Insertion Loss (0.5 dB) • Low Flat Leakage Power (20 dBm) • RoHS Compliant Applications • Receiver protection Description The LM202402-Q-C-301 is a surface mount, two-stage silicon PIN diode limiter which can operate over the frequency range of 2 GHz to 4 GHz. It is manufactured using Aeroflex/Metelics proven hybrid manufacturing process incorporating PIN diodes, Schottky diodes and passive devices integrated onto a ceramic substrate. This low profile, compact (8 mm L x 5 mm W x 2.5 mm H), surface mount component, offers outstanding small and large signal performance. The LM202402-Q-C-301 comprises a DC block at its input, shunt PIN limiter diodes driven by a Schottky diode detector stage, a “clean-up stage” limiter PIN diode and a DC block at its output. The very low thermal resistance (< 20 ºC/W, from the input limiter PIN diode junctions to the package mounting surface) of the PIN diodes in this device enables it to reliably handle RF incident power levels up to 50 dBm CW and RF peak incident power levels up to 60 dBm (25 µs pulse width, 1% duty cycle) at TCASE = 85 ºC. The I layer thickness of the output stage is selected to produce flat leakage of 20 dBm typical and spike leakage energy of 0.5 ergs, typical. No external control signals are required. Environmental Capabilities The LM202402-Q-C-301 limiter is ideal for 2 to 4 GHz radar, IED jammers and LTE-TDD base station applications. This device is compatible with high volume, surface mount, solder re-flow manufacturing methods. It is durable, reliable, and capable of operating reliably in military, commercial, and industrial environments. The LM202402-Q-C-301 limiter is RoHS compliant and is available in tube and tape-reel. The LM202402-Q-C-301 limiter is capable of meeting the environmental requirements of MIL-STD-750 and MILSTD-202. 1 Document No. DS 15222 Rev.A, ECN 12668 Revision Date: 3/6/2013 PIN Diode Limiter ESD and Moisture Sensitivity Level Rating As are all semiconductor devices, PIN and Schottky diodes are susceptible to damage from ESD events. The ESD rating for LM202402-Q-C-301 is Class 0 (HBM). The moisture sensitivity level rating for this device is MSL 1. Limiter Schematic Pinout 2 603-641-3800 • 888-641-SEMI (7364) • • Document No. DS 15222 Rev.A, ECN 12668 Revision Date: 3/6/2013 PIN Diode Limiter Absolute Maximum Ratings @ Z0 = 50 Ω, TA= +25ºC as measured in Aeroflex evaluation board (Unless Otherwise Defined) Parameter Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Junction Temperature Assembly Temperature Conditions Absolute Maximum Value t = 10 s -65ºC to 150ºC -65ºC to 150ºC 175ºC 260ºC for 10 s RF Peak Incident Power Handling TCASE = 85 ºC, source and load VSWR < 1.2:1, RF pulse width = 25 µs, duty cycle = 5%, derate linearly to 0 W at TCASE = 150ºC (note 1) 60 dBm RF CW Incident Power Handling TCASE = 85 ºC, source and load VSWR < 1.2:1, derate linearly to 0 W at TCASE = 150 ºC (note 1) 50 dBm Junction to bottom surface of package 40ºC/W ΘJC Thermal Resistance Notes: 1 TCASE is defined as the temperature of the bottom surface of the package LM202402-Q-C-301 Electrical Specifications Z0 = 50 Ω, TA= 25ºC as measured in Aeroflex evaluation board (Unless Otherwise Defined) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Frequency F Insertion Loss IL Return Loss RL Input 1 dB Compression Point IP1dB 2ND Harmonic 2F0 PIN = -10 dBm F0 = 3.0 GHz Peak Incident Power Pinc(Pk) RF Pulse Width = 25 µs, duty cycle = 1%, trise ≤ 3 µs, tfall ≤ 3 µs CW Incident Power Pinc(CW) 2 GHz ≤ F ≤ 4 GHz, PIN = -10 dBm 2 GHz ≤ F ≤ 4 GHz, PIN = -10 dBm 2 GHz ≤ F ≤ 4 GHz Min. Value Typ. Value 2 0.5 Max. Value Units 4 GHz 0.7 dB 12 14 0 8 11 dBm -40 -30 dBc 60 dBm 50 dBm 2 GHz ≤ F ≤ 4 GHz dB Flat Leakage Power FL 60 dBm, RF pulse width = 25 µs, duty cycle = 0.01, trise ≤ 3 µs, tfall ≤ 3 µs Spike Leakage Energy SL PIN = 60 dBm peak, RF pulse width = 25 µs, duty cycle = 0.01 0.5 0.7 erg Recovery Time TR 50% falling edge of RF pulse to 1 dB IL, PIN = 60 dBm peak, RF pulse width = 25 µs, duty cycle = 1%, trise ≤ 3 µs, tfall ≤ 3 µs 0.75 1.5 µs 20 23 dBm 603-641-3800 • 888-641-SEMI (7364) • • Document No. DS 15222 Rev.A, ECN 12668 Revision Date: 3/6/2013 3 PIN Diode Limiter Criteria for Proper Mounting on PCB When a large signal is incident upon the input of the LM202402-Q-C-301, the impedance of the coarse limiter diodes is forced to a low value by the charge which is injected into these diodes by the combination of the current from the internal detector stage and the large RF voltage initially present across these diodes. As the impedance of these diodes decreases, an increasingly large impedance mismatch with the impedance of the transmission line to which the limiter is connected is created. Ultimately, the impedance of the coarse limiter diodes is reduced to a few ohms or less. This mismatch creates a standing wave, with a current maximum and voltage minimum located at the position of the coarse limiter diodes. While the large majority of the input signal power is reflected back to its source due to the impedance mismatch, the significant RF current that flows at the current maximum causes Joule heating to occur in the coarse limiter diodes. In order to maintain the junction temperature of these diodes below their maximum rated value, there must be a path with minimal thermal resistance from the coarse diodes to the external system heat sink. Also, there must be a minimal electrical resistance and inductance between the underside of the limiter module package and the system ground in order to achieve maximum RF isolation between the input and the output of the limiter module. For these reasons, it is imperative that there are no voids in the electrical and thermal paths directly under the coarse limiter diodes. Care must be taken when mounting the LM202402-Q-C-301 to avoid voids in the solder joint in the area along the lengthwise axis of the package, under and between the filled vias in the AlN substrate of the module which are shown in the diagram (above). It is also important to ensure no solder voids exist between the limiter module RF ports and the PCB to which the limiter module is attached. No greater than 50% of the remaining metalized area on the bottom of the package may contain solder voids. 4 603-641-3800 • 888-641-SEMI (7364) • • Document No. DS 15222 Rev.A, ECN 12668 Revision Date: 3/6/2013 PIN Diode Limiter LM202402-Q-C-301 Typical Performance Z0 = 50 Ω, TCASE= 25ºC, PIN = -10 dBm as measured in the Aeroflex Metelics evaluation board (Unless Otherwise Defined) 603-641-3800 • 888-641-SEMI (7364) • • Document No. DS 15222 Rev.A, ECN 12668 Revision Date: 3/6/2013 5 PIN Diode Limiter SP2T Switch Evaluation Board Layout The evaluation board for the LM202402-Q-C-301 limiter is shown above. This evaluation board comprises two sections: the evaluation circuit for the limiter module; and, a reference transmission line. The limiter module is mounted in position U1. Its RF input is connected to J1 and its output port is connected to J2, via two 50-Ω microstrip transmission lines. The reference path 50-Ω microstrip transmission line structure can be utilized to determine the insertion loss of the transmission line structures connected between J1 and the limiter module input, as well as between the limiter module output and J2, so that their respective insertion losses may be subtracted from the total insertion loss measured between J1 and J2. This enables the resolution of the insertion loss of the limiter module only. The evaluation board is supplied mounted on a heat sink. The maximum RF input power specified in the Absolute Maximum Ratings table must not be exceeded. 6 603-641-3800 • 888-641-SEMI (7364) • • Document No. DS 15222 Rev.A, ECN 12668 Revision Date: 3/6/2013 PIN Diode Limiter Assembly Instructions The LM202402-Q-C-301 limiter is capable of being placed onto a circuit board by pick-and-place manufacturing equipment from tube or tape-reel dispensing. The device is attached to the circuit board using conventional solder re-flow or wave soldering procedures with RoHS type or Sn60/Pb40 type solders per the recommended time-temperature profile shown below. Table 1. Time-Temperature Profile for Sn60/Pb40 or RoHS Type Solders Profile Feature SnPb Solder Assembly Pb-Free Solder Assembly 3°C /second maximum 3°C /second maximum - Temperature Min (TSMIN) 100°C 150°C - Temperature Max (TSMAX) 150°C 200°C 60-120 s 60-180 s Average Ramp-Up Rate (TL to TP) Preheat: - Time (min to max)(tS) TSMAX to TL - Ramp-Up Rate Time Maintained Above: - Temperature (TL) - Time (tL) Peak temperature (TP) Time Within 5°C of Actual Peak Temperature (tP) Ramp-Down Rate Time 25°C to Peak Temperature 3°C/s maximum 183°C 217°C 60-150 s 60-150 s 225 +0/-5°C 260 +0/-5°C 10 – 30 s 20 – 40 s 6°C /s maximum 6°C /s maximum 6 minutes maximum 8 minutes maximum Figure 1. Solder Re-Flow Time-Temperature Profile 603-641-3800 • 888-641-SEMI (7364) • • Document No. DS 15222 Rev.A, ECN 12668 Revision Date: 3/6/2013 7 PIN Diode Limiter LM202402-Q-C-301Limiter Outline (CS301) 8 603-641-3800 • 888-641-SEMI (7364) • • Document No. DS 15222 Rev.A, ECN 12668 Revision Date: 3/6/2013 PIN Diode Limiter RF Circuit Solder Footprint for Case Style 301 (CS301) Notes: 1 2 Recommended PCB material is Rogers 4350, 10 mils THK. Hatched area is RF, DC, and thermal ground. Vias should be solid copper filled and gold plated for optimum heat transfer from backside of limiter module through circuit vias to thermal ground. 603-641-3800 • 888-641-SEMI (7364) • • Document No. DS 15222 Rev.A, ECN 12668 Revision Date: 3/6/2013 9 PIN Diode Limiter Part Number Ordering Information Part Number Description Packaging LM202402-Q-C-301-T Tube LM202402-Q-C-301-R Tape-Reel (Quantities of 250 or 500) LM202402-Q-C-301-W Waffle Pack LM202402-Q-C-301-E RF Evaluation Board with Heat Sink Aeroflex / Metelics, Inc. ISO 9001:2008 certified companies 54 Grenier Field Road, Londonderry, NH 03053 Tel: (603) 641-3800 Sales: (888) 641-SEMI (7364) Fax: (603)-641-3500 975 Stewart Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Tel: (408) 737-8181 Fax: (408) 733-7645 Aeroflex / Metelics, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to any products and services herein at any time without notice. Consult Aeroflex or an authorized sales representative to verify that the information in this data sheet is current before using this product. Aeroflex does not assume any responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any product or service described herein, except as expressly agreed to in writing by Aeroflex; nor does the purchase, lease, or use of a product or service from Aeroflex convey a license under any patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or any other of the intellectual rights of Aeroflex or of third parties. Our passion for performance is defined by three attributes represented by these three icons: solution-minded, performance-driven and customer-focused. Copyright 2012 Aeroflex / Metelics. All rights reserved. Document No. DS 15222 Rev.A, ECN 12668 Revision Date: 3/6/2013 10