EM MICROELECTRONIC - MARIN SA EM6353 Reset Circuit with Fixed Delay Description Features The EM6353 is an ultra-low current reset circuit available in a large variety of configurations and very small packages for maximum flexibility in all end-applications up to 125°C and using power supplies between 1.5V and 5.5V. This circuit monitors the supply voltage of any electronic system, and generates the appropriate reset signal after a fixed reset timeout period. The threshold defines the minimum allowed voltage which guarantees the good functionality of the system. When VDD rises above VTH, the output remains active for an additional delay time. This allows the system to stabilize before getting fully active. The EM6353 features three output types: active-low pushpull, active-low open-drain and active-high push-pull. Small SOT23-3L package as well as ultra-low supply current of 2.9μA make the EM6353 an ideal choice for portable and battery-operated devices. VDD * VDD RESET EM6353 MPU, DSP GND GND * REXT for open-drain version only Pin Configuration (top view) RESET 1 (RESET) 1 3 3 GND VDD RESET 2 (RESET) VDD Active-low RESET open-drain Active-high RESET push-pull No external components Immune to short negative VDD transients Guaranteed Reset valid down to 0.8V Threshold hysteresis: 2.1% of VTH Very small SOT23-3L package Applications RESET GND GND 1.5% reset threshold accuracy 11 reset threshold voltages VTH: 4.63V, 4.4V, 3.08V, 2.93V, 2.63V, 2.2V, 1.8V, 1.66V, 1.57V, 1.38V, 1.31V 3 reset output options: Active-low RESET push-pull Typical Application VDD 200ms reset timeout period (25ms on request) Ultra-low supply current of 2.9μA (VDD=3.3V) Operating temperature range: -40°C to +125°C Block Diagram 2 SOT23-3L SOT23-3L "beta" bonding "alpha" bonding Mobile phones Set-top boxes Video, digital cameras, DVD players and recorders Modems Personal computers Switching hubs Copiers and fax Utility meters VDD Oscillator + Voltage Reference - Reset Logic RESET RESET GND Pin Description Pin Function SOT23-3L “beta” SOT23-3L “alpha” 1 2 3 - 3 Name GND RESET Active-low RESET output. RESET remains low for the reset timeout period after all reset conditions are deasserted and then goes high. RESET Active-high RESET output. RESET remains high for the reset timeout period after all reset conditions are deasserted and then goes low. 1 2 - Ground VDD N.C. Copyright 2015, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 6353-DS, Version 3.0, 2-Jun-15 Supply Voltage (5.5V max.) Not connected. Not internally connected. 1 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 2.0 EM6353 Ordering Information EM6353 Note: B X 2SP3B - 2.9 + Reset Output Type: B = 200ms A = 25ms RoHS Compliance: + = lead-free/green mold compliant [blank] = leaded Reset Output Type: Reset Threshold Voltage (VTH): X = Active-low /RES push-pull Y = Active-low /RES open-drain Z = Active-high RES push-pull 1.3 = 1.31V 1.6 = 1.57V 2.6 = 2.63V 2.9 = 2.93V 3.1 = 3.08V Package: 1.7 = 1.66V 4.4 = 4.40V 1SP3B = SOT23-3 "alpha", Tape&Reel 3k pcs 2SP3B = SOT23-3 "beta", Tape&Reel 3k pcs 1.8 = 1.80V 2.2 = 2.20V 4.6 = 4.63V 1.4 = 1.38V Subject to availability (see standard versions list below). Please give complete Part Number when ordering. All parts are offered in tape-and-reel only (3000 units). Standard Versions (Top Marking) Part Number EM6353BX2SP3B-3.1+ EM6353BY1SP3B-2.2+ EM6353BZ2SP3B-3.1+ EM6353BX1SP3B-4.4+ EM6353BX2SP3B-4.4+ EM6353BY1SP3B-4.4+ EM6353BX2SP3B-2.6+ EM6353BY2SP3B-2.6+ EM6353BY1SP3B-2.6+ Top Top Marking Marking1) 2) with 4 Characters C5## BLWJ CM## CJ## BLW7 C2## BLBK C8## BLWK BP## BW## BLWG C9## BLWT CU## Part Number EM6353BX2SP3B-4.6+ EM6353BY2SP3B-4.6+ EM6353BZ2SP3B-4.6+ EM6353BX2SP3B-1.8+ EM6353BX1SP3B-2.9+ EM6353BX2SP3B-2.9+ EM6353BY1SP3B-2.9+ EM6353BY2SP3B-2.9+ EM6353BZ2SP3B-2.9+ Top Top Marking Marking1) 2) with 4 Characters CE## BLWL CF## BLWX CB## BLW9 CC## BLWE C1## BLBH BR## BLWH BS## BLBU C7## BLWU BV## BLW6 1) Top marking is the standard from 2006. No bottom marking exists. Where ## refers to the lot number (EM internal reference only) 2) Top marking with 4 characters is standard from 2003. For lead-free/green mold (RoHS) parts, the first letter of top marking with 4 characters begins with letter “B” instead of letter “A”. Bottom marking indicates the lot number. Standard Versions (Samples) Part Number Part Number EM6353BX2SP3B-3.1+ EM6353BY1SP3B-2.2+ EM6353BZ2SP3B-3.1+ EM6353BX1SP3B-4.4+ EM6353BX2SP3B-4.4+ EM6353BY1SP3B-4.4+ EM6353BX2SP3B-2.6+ EM6353BY2SP3B-2.6+ EM6353BY1SP3B-2.6+ EM6353BX2SP3B-4.6+ EM6353BY2SP3B-4.6+ EM6353BZ2SP3B-4.6+ EM6353BX2SP3B-1.8+ EM6353BX1SP3B-2.9+ EM6353BX2SP3B-2.9+ EM6353BY1SP3B-2.9+ EM6353BY2SP3B-2.9+ EM6353BZ2SP3B-2.9+ Sample stock is generally held on standard versions only. Please contact factory for other versions not shown here and for availability of non standard versions. Copyright 2015, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 6353-DS, Version 3.0, 2-Jun-15 2 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 2.0 EM6353 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Handling Procedures Symbol Conditions Voltage at VDD to GND Minimum voltage at any signal pin Maximum voltage at any signal pin VDD VMIN VMAX -0.3V to +6V GND - 0.3V VDD + 0.3V Electrostatic discharge max. to MIL-STD-883C method 3015.7 with ref. to VSS VESD 2000V Max. soldering conditions Storage Temperature Range TMAX TSTG 250°C x 10s -65°C to +150°C Stresses above these listed maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure beyond specified operating conditions may affect device reliability or cause malfunction. This device has built-in protection against high static voltages or electric fields; however, anti-static precautions must be taken as for any other CMOS component. Unless otherwise specified, proper operation can only occur when all terminal voltages are kept within the voltage range. Unused inputs must always be tied to a defined logic voltage level. Operating Conditions Parameter Supply voltage (note 1) Operating Temperature Symbol Min Max Unit VDD 0.8 5.5 V TA -40 +125 °C Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise specified: VDD= 0.8V to 5.5V, TA=-40°C to +125°C (note 1). Parameter Symbol Conditions Min +25°C VDD=1.5V -40°C to +125°C +25°C VDD=3.3V -40°C to +125°C +25°C VDD=5.0V -40°C to +125°C +25°C EM6353 – 1.3 -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +125°C +25°C EM6353 – 1.4 -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +125°C +25°C EM6353 – 1.6 -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +125°C +25°C EM6353 – 1.7 -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +125°C +25°C EM6353 – 1.8 -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +125°C +25°C EM6353 – 2.2 -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +125°C +25°C EM6353 – 2.6 -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +125°C +25°C EM6353 – 2.9 -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +125°C +25°C EM6353 – 3.1 -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +125°C +25°C EM6353 – 4.4 -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +125°C +25°C EM6353 – 4.6 -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +125°C TA=+25°C 1.290 1.245 1.221 1.359 1.311 1.286 1.546 1.492 1.463 1.635 1.577 1.547 1.773 1.710 1.678 2.167 2.090 2.050 2.591 2.499 2.451 2.886 2.784 2.731 3.034 2.926 2.871 4.334 4.180 4.101 4.561 4.399 4.315 - Supply current (note 2) Threshold voltage (note 3) Threshold hysteresis Note 1: Note 3: IDD VTH VHYS Typ Max 2.3 2.9 3.4 1.31 1.38 1.57 1.66 1.80 2.20 2.63 2.93 3.08 4.40 4.63 2.1%VTH 4.6 7 5.5 8.3 6.3 9.6 1.330 1.382 1.387 1.401 1.456 1.461 1.594 1.656 1.663 1.685 1.751 1.758 1.827 1.899 1.906 2.233 2.321 2.330 2.669 2.775 2.785 2.974 3.091 3.103 3.126 3.249 3.262 4.466 4.642 4.660 4.699 4.885 4.903 - Unit A V V Production tested at +25°C only. Over temperature limits are guaranteed by design, not production tested. VDD min=0.9V for active-high versions (EM6353_Z). Threshold voltage is specified for VDD falling. Copyright 2015, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 6353-DS, Version 3.0, 2-Jun-15 3 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 2.0 EM6353 Electrical Characteristics (continued) Unless otherwise specified: VDD= 0.8V to 5.5V, TA=-40°C to +125°C (note 1). Parameter Symbol Reset timeout period Propagation delay time VDD to RESET (RESET) delay Open-drain RESET output Voltage tPOR VOL Push-pull RESET / RESET Output voltage VOH ILEAK Min Typ Max EM6353B 155 200 224 EM6353A 19.4 25 28 2 130 255 VDD drops from VTH (typ)+0.2V to VTH (typ)-0.2V (note 2). TA= +25°C tP VOL Output leakage current Conditions VDD from 0V to VTH (typ)+15% (note 2 and 4). TA= +25°C VDD>1V IOL=100A - - 0.3 VDD>2.5V IOL=1.5mA - - 0.3 VDD>5V IOL=3mA - - 0.3 VDD>1V IOL=100A - - 0.3 VDD>2.5V IOL=1.5mA - - 0.3 VDD>5V IOL=3mA - - 0.35 VDD>1V IOH=-30A 0.8 - - VDD>2.5V IOH=-1.5mA 2 - - VDD>5V IOH=-3mA 4 - - - - 0.5 Only for EM6353_Y (open-drain) Unit ms s V V A Note 1: Production tested at +25°C only. Over temperature limits are guaranteed by design, not production tested. VDD min=0.9V for active-high versions (EM6353_Z). Note 2: Note 4: RESET (RESET) open. Standard version is EM6353B (tPOR =200ms), available at all times. EM6353A (tPOR =25ms) is available by mask option and upon minimum order quantity. Please contact EM sales. Timing Waveforms tSEN VDD VTH Overdrive VHYS 0.8V t logic "1" tPOR RESET tP logic "0" t logic "1" RESET RESET logic "0" t Note 6: tSEN = Maximum Transient Duration. Please refer to figure on next page. Note 7: Overdrive = VTH- -VDD. Please refer to figure on next page. Copyright 2015, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 6353-DS, Version 3.0, 2-Jun-15 4 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 2.0 EM6353 Typical Operating Characteristics (Typical values are at TA=+25°C unless otherwise noted, RESET or RESET open.) 7 300 VDD 3 . 3 V 6 250 5 200 VDD 5 . 0 V [ uA ] [ us ] 4 150 3 VDD 1. 5 V 100 2 50 1 0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 0 -50 -25 100 125 0 25 [ °C ] 50 75 100 125 [ °C ] IDD vs. Temperature Propagation Time tP vs. Temperature 200% 400 175% tPOR (°C) 350 150% tPOR (25°C) 300 125% 250 [ us ] 100% 200 75% 150 50% 100 25% 50 Reset occurs above this line 0 0% -50 -25 0 25 50 75 1 100 125 10 [ °C ] 100 1000 [ mV ] Reset Timeout Period tPOR vs. Temperature (normalized with respect to tPOR 25°C) Maximum Transient Duration tSEN vs. Overdrive VTH-VDD 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% -2% -4% -6% -8% -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 [°C] Threshold Voltage Variation vs. Temperature (normalized) Copyright 2015, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 6353-DS, Version 3.0, 2-Jun-15 5 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 2.0 EM6353 Package Information Traceability for small packages Due to the limited space on the package surface, the bottom marking contains a limited number of characters that provide only partial information for lot traceability. Full information for complete traceability is however provided on the packing labels of the product at delivery from EM. It is highly recommended that the customer insures full lot traceability of EM product in his final product. EM Microelectronic-Marin SA (“EM”) makes no warranties for the use of EM products, other than those expressly contained in EM's applicable General Terms of Sale, located at http://www.emmicroelectronic.com. EM assumes no responsibility for any errors which may have crept into this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property rights of EM are granted in connection with the sale of EM products, neither expressly nor implicitly. In respect of the intended use of EM products by customer, customer is solely responsible for observing existing patents and other intellectual property rights of third parties and for obtaining, as the case may be, the necessary licenses. Important note: The use of EM products as components in medical devices and/or medical applications, including but not limited to, safety and life supporting systems, where malfunction of such EM products might result in damage to and/or injury or death of persons is expressly prohibited, as EM products are neither destined nor qualified for use as components in such medical devices and/or medical applications. The prohibited use of EM products in such medical devices and/or medical applications is exclusively at the risk of the customer Product qualification is performed according to internal EM quality standards for industrial products. For any special requirement (eg. automotive grade) please contact EM Microelectronic-Marin S.A. Copyright 2015, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 6353-DS, Version 3.0, 2-Jun-15 6 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 2.0