TH97/2478 TH09/2479 IATF 0113686 SGS TH07/1033 BAT42 - BAT43 SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODES DO - 35 Glass (DO-204AH) FEATURES : • For general purpose applications. • These diodes feature very low turn-on voltage and fast switching. These devices are protected by a PN junction guard ring against excessive voltage, such as electro-static discharges • These diodes are also available in the MiniMELF case with the type designations LL42 to LL43. • Pb / RoHS Free 1.00 (25.4) min. 0.079(2.0 )max. 0.150 (3.8) max. Cathode Mark MECHANICAL DATA : 1.00 (25.4) min. 0.020 (0.52)max. Case: DO-35 Glass Case Weight: approx. 0.13g Dimensions in inches and ( millimeters ) Maximum Ratings and Thermal Characteristics (Rating at Parameter Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 25 °C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified.) Symbol Value Unit VRRM 30 V IF Continuous Forward Current IFRM Repetitive Peak Forward Current at tp < 1s, IFSM Forward Surge Current at tp < 10 ms, Power Dissipation ,Ta = 65 °C mA 500 (1) mA 4 PD Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient Air 200 (1) RθJA (1) A 200 (1) mW 300 (1) °C/W Junction Temperature TJ 125 °C Ambient Operating Temperature Range Ta -65 to + 125 °C Storage temperature range TS -65 to + 150 °C Note: (1) Valid provided that leads at a distance of 4mm from case are kept at ambient temperature. Electrical Characteristics (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted) Parameter Symbol V(BR)R Reverse Breakdown Voltage Reverse Current Pulse Test tp <300μs , δ <2% Forward Voltage Pulse Test tp <300μs , δ <2% Diode Capacitance Reverse Recovery Time Page 1 of 2 IR BAT42 , 43 BAT42 BAT42 BAT43 BAT43 VF Cd Trr Test Condition IR = 100 μA (pulsed) VR = 25 V VR = 25 V , TJ = 100°C IF = 200mA IF = 10mA IF = 50mA IF = 2mA IF = 15mA VR = 1V, f = 1MHz IF = 10mA, IR = 10mA , Irr = 1mA, RL = 100Ω Min Typ Max Unit 30 0.26 - 7 1.0 100 1.00 0.40 0.65 0.33 0.45 - V - - 5 μA V pF ns Rev. 04 : June 30, 2009 TH09/2479 TH97/2478 IATF 0113686 SGS TH07/1033 RATING AND CHARACTERISTIC CURVES ( BAT42 AND BAT43 ) Admissible Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temperature Typical Forward Characteristics 250 1000 Forward Current , IF (mA) Power Dissipation , PD (mW) TJ = 25°C 200 150 100 50 100 10 1 0.1 0 0 200 100 Ambient Temperature , Ta (°C) 0.01 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Forward Voltage , VF (V) Typical Reverse Characteristics 1000 TJ = 125°C Reverse Current , IR (μA) 100 10 1 0.1 TJ = 25°C 0.01 0 10 20 30 40 50 Reverse Voltage , V R (V) Page 2 of 2 Rev. 04 : June 30, 2009