TECHNICAL DATA Interface transceiver of RS-232 standard with one supply voltage ILX232 IC ILX232 is purposed for application in high-performance information processing systems and control devices of wide application. Input voltage levels are compatible with standard СMOS levels. Output voltage levels are compatible with input levels of K-MOS, N-MOS and TTL integrated circuits Supply voltage : 5V Low input current: 1.0 ㎂; 0.1 ㎂ at Т = 25 С Output current 24 mA Latching current not less than 450 mA at Т = 25С Enhanced ESD Specifications: ±15kV IEC61000-4-2 Air Discharge ±8kV IEC61000-4-2 Contact Discharge IC marking in package ILX232N Plastic DIP ILX232D SOIC ТА= from -40 to 85 оС For all packages Pin symbols in package Truth table C1+ 01 16 VCC Inputs Outputs V+ 02 15 GND RIN, TIN ROVT, TOVT C1- 03 14 T1OUT H L C2+ 04 13 R1IN L H C2- 05 12 R1OUT V- 06 11 T1IN T2OUT 07 10 T2IN R2IN 08 09 R2OUT Note H – voltage high level; L – low voltage level ILX232 2015. November. rev.03 ILX232 Table of pin description Pin No. 01 Symbol C1+ Pin name Output of external capacitance of positive voltage multiplier unit 02 V+ Output of positive voltage of multiplier unit 03 C1- Output of external capacitance of positive voltage multiplier unit 04 C2+ Output of external capacitance of negative voltage multiplier unit 05 C2- Output of external capacitance of negative voltage multiplier unit 06 V- Output of negative voltage of multiplier unit 07 T2OUT Output of transmitter data (levels RS – 232) 08 R2IN 09 R2OUT Output of receiver data (levels TTL/KMOS) 10 T2IN Input of transmitter data (levels TTL/KMOS) 11 T1IN Input of transmitter data (levels TTL/KMOS) 12 R1OUT Output of receiver data (levels TTL/KMOS) 13 R1IN 14 T1OUT Output of transmitter data (levels RS – 232) 15 GND Common output 16 VCC Supply output of voltage source Input of receiver data (levels RS – 232) Input of receiver data (levels RS – 232) Maximum conditions Rate Symbol Parameter min max -0.3 6.0 Unit VCC Supply voltage V V+ Transmitter high output voltage VCC -0.3 14 V- Transmitter low output voltage -0.3 -14 VTIN Transmitter input voltage -0.3 V+ +0.3 VRIN Receiver input voltage -30 30 - 842 mW - 762 Continuously 150 mA Dissipated power PD DIP – package SO - package ISC Output current of transmitter short circuit Та Ambient temperature -60 О С * Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 2015. November. rev.03 ILX232 Recommended Operating Conditions Symbol Rate Parameter min max VCC Supply voltage 4.5 5.5 V+ Transmitter output high voltage 5.0 - V- Transmitter output low voltage -5.0 - 0 VСС -30 30 - 60 -40 85 VTIN Transmitter input voltage VRIN Receiver input voltage ISC Transmitter short circuit output current Та Ambient temperature Unit V mA О С + 5V 1.0 F + 1.0 F 16 1 1.0 F + 3 1.0 F + 4 5 C1+ V+ C1- V- C2+ 6 C2- + 1.0 F 11 14 10 RS-232 7 Output 12 13 TTL/CMOS Intput TTL/CMOS Output 2 5к 9 8 RS-232 Input 5к 15 2015. November. rev.03 ILX232 Static parameters Symbol ICC Parameter Consumption current static Test conditions VCC =5.0 V VIL = 0 V Unit Rate 25C min max 10.0 -40 C to 85 C min max 14.0 mA Receiver electrical parameters Vh Hysteresis voltage VCC =5.0 V 0.2 0.9 0.2 1.0 - 2.4 - 2.3 0.8 - 0.9 - V On On (operation) voltage VO 0.1 V IOL 20 uA Voff Off (dropout) voltage VO VCC -0.1 V IOH -20 uA VOL Output low voltage IOL = 3.2 mА VСС = 4.5 V VIH = 2.4 V - 0.3 - 0.4 VOH Output high voltage IOH = -1.0 mA VСС = 4.5 V VIL = 0.8 V 3.6 - 3.5 - Input resistance VСС = 5.0 V 3.0 7.0 3.0 7.0 RI V kOhm Transmitter electrical parameters VOL Output low voltage VСС = 4.5 V VIH = 2.0 V RL = 3.0 kOhm - -5.2 - -5.0 VOH Output high voltage VСС = 4.5 V VIL = 0.8 V RL = 3.0 kOhm 5.2 - 5.0 - IIL Input low current VСС =5.5 V VIL = 0 V - -1.0 - -10.0 IIH Input high current VСС =5.5 V VIH = VСС SR Speed of output front change VСС =5.0 V СL =50 - 1000 pF RL = 3.0 - 7.0 kOhm 3.0 30 2.7 27 V/㎲ RО Output resistance VСС = V+ = V- = 0 V VO = 2 V 350 - 300 - Ohm ISC Short circuit output current VСС =5.5 V VO = 0 V VI = VСС VI = 0 V ST Speed of information transmission VСС =4.5 V СL = 1000 pF RL = 3.0 kOhm tW = 7us (for extreme -tW = 8us) 1.0 V uA 10.0 mA -50 50 140 - -60 60 120 - kbps Dynamic parameters 2015. November. rev.03 ILX232 Symbol Parameter Test conditions 25 C tPHLR (tPLHR) tPHLT (tPLHT) Signal propagation delay time VСС = 4.5 V when switching on (off) СL = 150 pF VIL = 0 V VIH = 3.0 V tLH = tHL 10 ns Unit Rate min max - 9.7 Signal propagation delay time VСС = 4.5 V when switching on (off) СL = 2500 pF VIL = 0 V VIH = 3.0 V RL = 3 kOhm tLH = tHL 10 ns 5.0 from -40 C to 85 C min max 10 - 6.0 us Capacitance Parameter Symbol CIN Input capacitance CPD Dynamic capacitance VCC, Rate 5.0 9.0 Unit pF 90 Timing diagram when measuring IC dynamic parameters +3 V Rin 1.5 V 1.5 V 0V VOH 0.5Vcc 0.5Vcc Rout VOL t PHLR t PLHR Figure 3 2015. November. rev.03 ILX232 +3 V Tin 1.5 V 1.5 V 0V VOH 1.5 V 1.5 V Tout VOL t PHLT tPLHT Figure 4 Tin t SLH t SHL +3 V +3 V Tout -3 V -3 V Figure 5 tW tW tW tW TIN TOUT Control strobe Figure 6 2015. November. rev.03 ILX232 N SUFFIX PLASTIC DIP (MS - 001BB) A Dimension, mm 9 16 Symbol MIN MAX A 18.67 19.69 B 6.1 7.11 B 1 8 C F L C 5.33 D 0.36 0.56 F 1.14 1.78 G 2.54 H 7.62 -T- SEATING PLANE N G K M H D J 0.25 (0.010) M T NOTES: 1. Dimensions “A”, “B” do not include mold flash or protrusions. Maximum mold flash or protrusions 0.25 mm (0.010) per side. J 0 10 K 2.92 3.81 L 7.62 8.26 M 0.2 0.36 N 0.38 D SUFFIX SOIC (MS - 012AC) Dimension, mm A 16 9 H B 1 G P 8 R x 45 C -TK D SEATING PLANE J 0.25 (0.010) M T C M NOTES: 1. Dimensions A and B do not include mold flash or protrusion. 2. Maximum mold flash or protrusion 0.15 mm (0.006) per side for A; for B ‑ 0.25 mm (0.010) per side. F M Symbol MIN MAX A 9.8 10 B 3.8 4 C 1.35 1.75 D 0.33 0.51 F 0.4 1.27 G 1.27 H 5.72 J 0 8 K 0.1 0.25 M 0.19 0.25 P 5.8 6.2 R 0.25 0.5 2015. November. rev.03