PRODUCT CERTIFICATE No.: CQCl2001084815 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT KEMET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILlE-America N AM = o* o" o uRER ?*,:].ilL:H ilil:Jf* 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILLE-America NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE FACTORY Shanghai Arcohonics Components & Machineries Co., Ltd(V010304) 55 Taifeng RD,Anting Town, J iaD ing,20181 4 Shang hai, Ch ina NAME, MODEL AND SPECIFICATION Fixed capacitors for electromagnetic interference suppression F873 0.01pF-1.8pF !5o/o, t10o/o, t20%: X1; 760V; 50/O0Hz; 40/110/56 B THE STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PRODUCTS 1EC60384-14:2005 CERTIFICATION MODEL Type Testing of Product + lnitial Factory lnspection + Follow up Factory lnspection This is to certify that the above mentioned products have met the requirements of certification rules CQCI 1 47 1112.2009. Date of issue: Dec.05,2012 Date of expiry: Dec.05,2016 Validity of this gertificate is subject to positive result of the regular follow up issuing certification body untilthe expiry date. President: w \r CHINA QUALITY CERTIFICATION CENTR Section 9,No.l88,Nonsihuon Xilu, Beijing 100070 P.R.Chino n c 0042013 a\ + $/ F ffii,Iimifr+ ift+gfb+: cQCl2001084815 FfrxzfttrL*,hL 4lfr,+frrR^A 2835 KEMET }YAY 29681 SIMPSONVILIE_IE +{€6* 4&r-N,!n AR fr.+;6 TRzN'f, 2835 KEMET WAy 29681 STMPS0NVTLLE-48 APAJLAfttrLN,'N 6 ' TE*#*g *{;y-il, 030 JLli 4) PAZ+&fu{r\, *fltF, 4+ try+'J { )fr. fr,n*,+ tufiJ HR {, trZS F873 0.01pF-1.8pF *570, -f 1070, *20V0; Xl; 760V; S0/60H2; 40/trc/56 PE"*SEfr+r^*{i I8C60384-1 4:2005 tztin4*d. #6*#-rn6if.6 P tr"8.A.ii,&+az IiAP&.ff A-cQctl-47t112-2009il'ifriLn{ft 4{a,*f ArtLiot. ktf fr*#E: ifr + 6 rk$ 6 + fi 6 *,WiiL# Airfidqfi 20t6ft12 n R.# jH6X ^i,E {P'} E,fs, + trffiEi,IiEF,L' +E . lbH . ffiErsE'fif res€ str c 0042013 0s a n 100070