PRODUCT CERTIFICATE No.: CQCl2001084009 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT KEMET Elechonics Corporation 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILlE-America NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE MANUFACTURER KEMET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILlE-America NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE FACTORY KEMET ELECTRoNICS OY(V01 2614) Sll MRANNANTIE 3, Fin-89600 SUOMUSSALMT, Fintand NAME, MODEL AND SPECIFICATION Fixed capacitors for electromag netic interference suppression F871 Series 0.001 to 12uF +5o/o, t10o/o, -200/o; X1 ; 330V; 50/60H2; 40/1 10/56 C ( <17b0mm3 ) and 40/110/56B(>1750mm3) THE STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PRODUCTS 1EC60384-14:2005 CERTIFICATION MODEL Type Testing of Product + lnitial Factory lnspection + Follow up Factory lnspection This is to certify that the above mentioned products have met the requirements of certification rules CQCI 1 47 11 12-2009. Date of issue: Nov.28,2012 Date of expiry: Nov.28,2016 Validity of this certificate is subject to positive result of the regular follow up issuing certification body until the expiry date. President: a,/& a\ \s ctl 'lE x-\ K,) CHINA AUALITY CERTIFICATION CENTRE Seclion 9,No.l88,Nonsihuon Xilu, Beiiing 100070 P.R.Chino c 0039365 * w F ffit^imifr# ift+ Aiht: cQcl2 001 084 00e Ftrx**&Lrb,hL &ifr,+frrK^4 2835 KEMET l)llAy 29681 SrMpSONVrLln-iE +'l€fi'g fttrr-&,,n 2835 &F{+ArR/,}4 KEMET }YAY 29681 SIMPSONVILIT-IE APA-*.A+&At*,& SIIKARANNANTIE 3, Fin-89600 SU0MUSSALMI, ++ Paz*trfuarl, *fl,#, 4.+ +rP+'l F;Rfr,frh,tlh,fil qE a,tr# perla,FtJ 0.001 to 12uF *570, *1070, *20v0; ( {tZSOnrn3 ) and 40/tI0/56 xl; e( 330V; 50/60H2; 40/110/56 c >1750mm3 ) P€"16>84"+f^**. ir:: . i;:, IEC60384-1 4:2005 ii:' r^in+H{ P tr"4.i.2\{f*az ktf tt-*#-tt6li6 }. itP tr .&AcQ cr|- 47 trr2*2 0 aer/t-iE*4,.n{ 6t4*, *t E-*+,t. hifrH #: 2012+trn2SA fr*#E: 2ot6+1,tf 2sa ifr + 6 *# h 8in + #t 6 *,Wiiitrp 2in7o*6t RSrH6#. i fi,ff , +trEEi,IiEF,L' +E . lbH . ffiEr6trS$ 18Sg sE 100070 http://www.cec;cort.G 1r c 0039365