PRODUCT CERTIFICATE No.: CQC12001084205 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT KEMET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILlE-America NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE MANUFACTURER KEMET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILlE-America NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE FACTORY PT. KEMET Electronics lndonesia(V005505) BATAMINDO INDUSTRIAL PARK, LOT325,KEL MUKA KUNING KEC, Sei Beduk, BATAM,INDONESIA NAME, MODEL AND SPECIFICATION Fixed capacitors for electromagnetic interference suppression F861 X2 310V-;0.001uF to 45uF !5o/0,t100/o,t20%; 50/60H2;401110/56 C(<1750mm3) EI 40/1 1 0/56/8(>1 750mm3) THE STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PRODUCTS 1EC60384-14:2005 CERTIFICATION MODEL Type Testing of Product + lnitial Factory lnspection + Follow up Factory lnspection This is to certify that the above mentioned products have met the requirements of certification ru les CQC1 1 -47 1112-2009. Date of issue: Sep.02,2013 Validity of this certificate is subject to positive result of the regular follow up issuing certification body untilthe expiry date. 6@,rd President: m+ #c: CHINA QUALITY CERTIFICATION CENTRE Seclion 9,No.l88,Nonsihuon Xilu; Beijing I 00070 P.R.Chino c 0fis0125 Fin+Eh+: ffi'AiliE+ CQC12001084205 f frxz*&x.rb,hL Btq,+fr rR/,}4 2835 KEMET IYAY 29681 SIMPS0NVILLE-48 +{ieHg *&,.N,rn &+fr,+frrf.z}{ 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPS0NVILT,B-*H 4.P4:tvaif&/(N,tn &+ qftfPEfafrfifr rRu}f, (voossos) BATAMIND0 INDUSTRIAL PARK, LOT325,KEL#H^ KUNING KEC, Sei Beduk, BATIM, lP Pi"Afif4"Ar,l, afl.#, 4+ ttf fri fr;R fr, F*,t Vft,tfl E E €, tseg F861 X2 310V-;0.001uF to 45uF +570, *l}Vo,*20V0; 50/60H2; 40/LL0/56 ({ tzsOmmg) *, +O/ ttl/ 56/B(>t750mm3) P$"lr$rfr+f^*+ IEC6 0384-14: 2005 z,\.iaa+Fi\. 1n f"4.drd,4f+az }. idP in + fr "'".ffi *H A Air.4 * )k a f tb d**lr6$.€t il,1fr*fl,[{ 6t * *i, ** h- *.in AC Q Ct t - 4 7 t L | 2 - 2 0 0 9 2oL3+09 NinE #: n o2A + #t fr *'W44.-W Aiililt"**J #lR.#1H.6*. A-{-i,r* , i,E+ €kffihfl Etl: 20t2+n n ^i.E E,f:[ , + trffiEi^itr H,L' . ffitr'SEffi 1888 gtr t00070 http:/lwww,cqcicorn;cn,,' r FEtr . Jbx- l c 0050125 " C