PRODUCT CERTIFICATE No.: CQC13001088081 NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE APPLICANT KEM ET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILlE-America NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE MANUFACTURER KEM ET Electronics Corporation 2835 KEMET WAY 29681 SIMPSONVILlE-America NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE FACTORY KEM ET E LECTRON ICS MACE DON lA DOOE L Skopje(VO 17 420) Technologicalindustrialdevelopmentzone Skopje 1, NN, 1041 llinden, R. Macedonia NAME, MODEL AND SPECIFICATION Fixed capacitors for electrom F 87 2 x1 480v-; 0. 00 1 u ag netic interference suppression F to 5. 6u F + 5o/o,!1 0o/0,+20% ; 50/60 40/1 1 0/56/8(> 1 750mm3) H z; 40 t 1 10 I s6 c (< 1 750mm3) El THE STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PRODUCTS 1EC60384-14:2005 CERTIFICATION MODEL Type Testing of Product + lnitial Factory lnspection + Follow up Factory lnspection This is to certify that the above mentioned products have met the requirements of certification rules CQCI 1 -47 1112-2009. Date of issue: Feb.20,2013 Date of expiry: Feb.20,2017 Validity of this certificate is subject to positive result of the regular follow up issuing certification body until the expiry date. (*, /s olEltfil President: \r K4 z-\ CHINA QUALITY CERTIFICATION CENTRE Seciion 9,No.l88,Nonsihusn Xilu, Beijing 100070 P.R.Chino hllp:// c 0009654 Xxt"\ a ?tt IJ c) ln c.'.\/ 61 F ffit i*+Afih+: ffifr# CQc13001 088081 Ffrxz+&Lt*,rt 4iq,+frrR/,}A 2835 KEMET l'/Ay 29681 STMPSONVTLLE-FE +'l€62 +&r.N,IL a* fr,tfrrK^4 2835 KEMET \vAy 29681 SIMPS0NVILLE-48 APA:ILffttr4.6'rn a+€,f4+ +frfrrK^4 0017420) Technological industrial development zone skopje 1, NN, 1041 Ilinden, Er P g"Z+efi" *fl,#, 8.+ tyfilfr")R€.nfitllutfl ^t,1, F872 Xl R. *+fr H E A,*# 480V'';0.001uF to 5.6uF *570, -f 10Vo, *20V0; S0/60H2; 40/110/56 (( tzsomme) *, +o/ t t0/56/B()1750mm3) Ps"*+t\fr*f^*{i IEC6 0 384-1 4: 2005 t,ti.r.+Fr\ F {"8.{tib+aa krf tt-t#-,n+-fK€. }. idP f" ff AC c L t - 4 7 L t | 2 - 2 0 0 9 il\1J.*Lft,l 6t *{i, **A,tb-ir hinH S: 20t3+02 n 20a 6*#A: 2or7+o2n ifr + 6 *# A + fri fr *,1+14.+E hifrilWhi R4lH6# ^i,a Q " HT {Pa+\ E,{1 's/ slrc B -\* \s , v.\ + trffiEi,IiEF,L' +tr .lbtr. ffi'ElsEsg188€ eE htlp ://www.cqc,com. c n c 0009654 100070 tr/g $/ 67