MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board User’s Guide © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51517B Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet. • Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions. • There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip’s Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property. • Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code. • Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable.” Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchip’s code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act. Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, RELATED TO THE INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION, QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the buyer’s risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Microchip from any and all damages, claims, suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip intellectual property rights. Trademarks The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, Accuron, dsPIC, KEELOQ, microID, MPLAB, PIC, PICmicro, PICSTART, PRO MATE, PowerSmart, rfPIC and SmartShunt are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. AmpLab, FilterLab, Migratable Memory, MXDEV, MXLAB, SEEVAL, SmartSensor and The Embedded Control Solutions Company are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. Analog-for-the-Digital Age, Application Maestro, dsPICDEM,, dsPICworks, ECAN, ECONOMONITOR, FanSense, FlexROM, fuzzyLAB, In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP, ICEPIC, Linear Active Thermistor, Mindi, MiWi, MPASM, MPLIB, MPLINK, PICkit, PICDEM,, PICLAB, PICtail, PowerCal, PowerInfo, PowerMate, PowerTool, REAL ICE, rfLAB, rfPICDEM, Select Mode, Smart Serial, SmartTel, Total Endurance, UNI/O, WiperLock and ZENA are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. SQTP is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. © 2006, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reserved. Printed on recycled paper. Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2002 certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona, Gresham, Oregon and Mountain View, California. The Company’s quality system processes and procedures are for its PICmicro® 8-bit MCUs, KEELOQ® code hopping devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and analog products. In addition, Microchip’s quality system for the design and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001:2000 certified. DS51517B-page ii © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP6SX2 PGA THERMISTOR PICtail™ DEMO BOARD USER’S GUIDE Table of Contents Preface ........................................................................................................................... 1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 1 Document Layout .................................................................................................. 1 Conventions Used in this Guide ............................................................................ 2 Recommended Reading........................................................................................ 3 The Microchip Web Site ........................................................................................ 3 Customer Support ................................................................................................. 4 Document Revision History ................................................................................... 4 Chapter 1. Product Overview ....................................................................................... 5 1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 5 1.2 What is thE MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board? .................. 5 1.3 What the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board Kit Includes .... 5 1.4 Associated Tools ............................................................................................ 6 Chapter 2. Setup and Installation ................................................................................ 9 2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Required Tools ............................................................................................... 9 2.3 Connecting The MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board ............. 9 Chapter 3. Using the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board ............... 11 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 11 3.2 Configuring Board ........................................................................................ 11 Appendix A. Schematic and Layouts ........................................................................ 19 A.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 19 A.2 Demonstration Board Description ................................................................ 19 A.3 Additional Comments ................................................................................... 20 A.4 Board Schematic ........................................................................................ 21 A.5 Board - Top Silk-Screen And Metal Layers ................................................ 22 A.6 Board - Top Metal Layer ............................................................................ 23 A.7 Board - Bottom Metal Layer ...................................................................... 24 Appendix B. Bill Of Materials (BOM) ......................................................................... 25 B.1 Components Installed on PCB ..................................................................... 25 B.2 Separately Packaged Components ............................................................. 26 Worldwide Sales and Service .................................................................................... 28 © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51517B-page iii MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board User’s Guide NOTES: DS51517B-page iv © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP6SX2 PGA THERMISTOR PICtail™ DEMO BOARD USER’S GUIDE Preface NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS All documentation becomes dated, and this manual is no exception. Microchip tools and documentation are constantly evolving to meet customer needs, so some actual dialogs and/or tool descriptions may differ from those in this document. Please refer to our web site ( to obtain the latest documentation available. Documents are identified with a “DS” number. This number is located on the bottom of each page, in front of the page number. The numbering convention for the DS number is “DSXXXXXA”, where “XXXXX” is the document number and “A” is the revision level of the document. INTRODUCTION This chapter contains general information that will be useful to know before using the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board. Items discussed in this chapter include: • • • • • • Document Layout Conventions Used in this Guide Recommended Reading The Microchip Web Site Customer Support Document Revision History DOCUMENT LAYOUT This document describes how to use the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board as a development tool. The manual layout is as follows: • Chapter 1. “Product Overview” – An introduction to the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board. It covers the kit contents, associated tools and how they work together. • Chapter 2. “Setup and Installation” – Covers the initial set-up of the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board. It lists the required tools, shows how to connect this board and demonstates how to verify the set-up. • Chapter 3. “Using the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board” – Discusses different light sources, using the Signal Analysis PC application and setting up the board as a stand-alone. • Appendix A. “Schematic and Layouts” – Gives detailed information on the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board. Includes detailed circuit explanation, schematic and board layouts. • Appendix B. “Bill Of Materials (BOM)” – List the parts used to build the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board. © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51517B-page 1 MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board User’s Guide CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS GUIDE This manual uses the following documentation conventions: DOCUMENTATION CONVENTIONS Description Arial font: Italic characters Represents Referenced books Emphasized text A window A dialog A menu selection A field name in a window or dialog A menu path MPLAB® IDE User’s Guide the only compiler... the Output window the Settings dialog select Enable Programmer “Save project before build” A dialog button A tab A number in verilog format, where N is the total number of digits, R is the radix and n is a digit. A key on the keyboard Click OK Click the Power tab 4‘b0010, 2‘hF1 Italic Courier New Sample source code Filenames File paths Keywords Command-line options Bit values Constants A variable argument Square brackets [ ] Optional arguments Curly brackets and pipe character: { | } Ellipses... Choice of mutually exclusive arguments; an OR selection Replaces repeated text #define START autoexec.bat c:\mcc18\h _asm, _endasm, static -Opa+, -Opa0, 1 0xFF, ‘A’ file.o, where file can be any valid filename mcc18 [options] file [options] errorlevel {0|1} Initial caps Quotes Underlined, italic text with right angle bracket Bold characters N‘Rnnnn Text in angle brackets < > Courier New font: Plain Courier New Represents code supplied by user DS51517B-page 2 Examples File>Save Press <Enter>, <F1> var_name [, var_name...] void main (void) { ... } © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Preface RECOMMENDED READING This user's guide describes how to use the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board. Other useful documents are listed below. The following Microchip documents are available and recommended as supplemental reference resources. PICkit™ 1 Flash Starter Kit User’s Guide (DS40051) Contains instructions on how to use the PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit hardware and software. Signal Analysis PICtail™ Daughter Board User’s Guide (DS51476) Contains instructions on how to use the Signal Analysis PICtail™ Daughter Board’s hardware and software. AN897, “Thermistor Temperature Sensing with MCP6SX2 PGAs” (DS00897) Explains the functionality and design of this board’s circuit. Contains measurement results. MCP6S21/2/6/8 Data Sheet (DS21117) Gives detailed information on the MCP6S21/2/3/6/8 Programmable Gain Amplifiers (PGA). MCP6S91/2/3 Data Sheet (DS21908) Gives detailed information on the MCP6S91/2/3 PGAs. PIC16F684 Data Sheet (DS41202) Gives detailed information on the PICmicro microcontroller used on the Signal Analysis PICtail Daughter Board. PIC16C745/765 Data Sheet (DS41124) Gives detailed information on the PICmicro® microcontroller used on the PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit. THE MICROCHIP WEB SITE Microchip provides online support via our web site at This web site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers. Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the web site contains the following information: • Product Support – Data sheets and errata, application notes and sample programs, design resources, user’s guides and hardware support documents, latest software releases and archived software • General Technical Support – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), technical support requests, online discussion groups, Microchip consultant program member listing • Business of Microchip – Product selector and ordering guides, latest Microchip press releases, listing of seminars and events, listings of Microchip sales offices, distributors and factory representatives © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51517B-page 3 MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board User’s Guide CUSTOMER SUPPORT Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels: • • • • • Distributor or Representative Local Sales Office Field Application Engineer (FAE) Technical Support Development Systems Information Line Customers should contact their distributor, representative or field application engineer for support. Local sales offices are also available to help customers. A listing of sales offices and locations is included in the back of this document. Technical support is available through the web site at: DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY Revision B (May 2006) • Updated Bill of Materials (BOM) to show RoHS-compliant part numbers. • Updated title of this document to match web site board name. Revision A (October 2004) • Initial Release of this Document. DS51517B-page 4 © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP6SX2 PGA THERMISTOR PICtail™ DEMO BOARD USER’S GUIDE Chapter 1. Product Overview 1.1 INTRODUCTION The following name and assembly number are found on the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board’s Printed Circuit Board (PCB): • MCP6SX2DM-PICTLTH • 102-00028 This PCB goes by the following title: • MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board This board is supported by AN897, “Thermistor Temperature-Sensing with MCP6SX2 PGAs”, (DS00897). It uses a BC Components® 2322 640 55103 NTC thermistor to detect temperature. The circuit also includes a voltage divider and a MCP6S22 Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA). • • • • 1.2 Kit Contents MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board Associated Tools Initial Set-up WHAT IS THE MCP6SX2 PGA THERMISTOR PICTAIL™ DEMO BOARD? The MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board contains the analog circuitry represented in Figure 1-1. It uses BC Components’ 2322 640 55103 NTC thermistor to convert temperature to resistance. The thermistor is placed in a voltage divider which converts resistance to voltage. This voltage is filtered and placed at the MCP6S22 Programmable Gain Amplifier’s (PGA) CH0 input. The PGA gains and buffers this output, which is sent off board (VOUT). Board power is applied at the +5V and GND inputs. The SPI bus makes it possible to control the PGA; its gain and input channel can be set, as desired, from the software. 1.3 WHAT THE MCP6SX2 PGA THERMISTOR PICTAIL™ DEMO BOARD KIT INCLUDES • MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board – An assembled and tested PCB (102-00028) • PICkit™ 1 CD-ROM (DS40049) – Contains the files and literature mentioned in this user’s guide • Stand-off, screw and an additional PGA (MCP6S92) provided in an anti-static bag © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51517B-page 5 MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board User’s Guide Thermistor Temperature MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board Thermistor +5V Test Point GND Test Point +5V Voltage Divider GND CH0 Input Test Point CH1 Input Test Point FIGURE 1-1: Diagram. 4 MCP6S22 PGA SPI™ Bus VOUT MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board Block The test points make it easier to test key points in the circuit, change the input signals, and to use this as a stand-alone board. • GND Test Point – Connected to the ground plane, it is a convenient ground point for any lab equipment • +5V Test Point – Allows measurement of the positive supply voltage and provides a means to power this board with a laboratory power supply • CH0 Test Point – The place to measure the voltage divider’s output (also the PGA’s CH0 input) • CH1 Test Point – Makes it possible to send any desired signal to the PGA More details on the circuit and its design can be found in Appendix A. “Schematic and Layouts” and in AN897 (DS00897). 1.4 ASSOCIATED TOOLS Figure 1-2 shows the block diagram of the hardware and software tools that the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board is designed to work with. More information on these tools can be found in the “Recommended Reading” section. Hardware PC Software PICkit™ 1 Signal Analysis PC Program USB PICkit™ 1 Flash Starter Kit PICkit™ 1 Firmware 14 Signal Analysis PICtail™ Daughter Board PICA2Dlab.hex Firmware 14 MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board FIGURE 1-2: DS51517B-page 6 Measurement Set-up Block Diagram. © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Product Overview 1.4.1 PC Platform The Personal Computer (PC) shown in Figure 1-2 needs to run on Windows® 98 SE or later. It provides a convenient interface for the user, communicates with the other boards and provides power through the USB connection. 1.4.2 PICkit™ 1 Signal Analysis PC Program The PICkit™ 1 Signal Analysis PC program configures and programs the PIC16F684 PICmicro® microcontroller on the Signal Analysis PICtail Daughter Board through the USB port on the PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit. It also imports data through the same connection and displays the data in strip-chart, histogram, FFT plot and oscilloscope plot formats. Data can be output in CSV format for importing into a spreadsheet program. 1.4.3 PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit The PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit (DV164101) programs PICmicro microcontrollers. It uses the PIC16C745’s USB port to communicate with the PICkit 1 Signal Analysis PC program. It connects to the Signal Analysis PICtail Daughter Board via a header (see Figure 2-1). This board provides a single +5V supply voltage for the daughter boards. It can drive up to 5 µF on the supply; a larger capacitance may interfere with program timing. 1.4.4 PICkit 1 Firmware This software resides on the PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit’s PIC16C745 microcontroller. Use version 2.0.2 or later. 1.4.5 Signal Analysis PICtail Daughter Board This board is Microchip Development Tool AC164120. It connects to the PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit, which it uses for both power and as a communications link to the PC. The on-board PIC16F684 has a 10-bit ADC which converts the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board’s output voltage. The results are temporarily stored on the board’s 25LC640 serial EEPROM chips. The +5V single supply voltage from the PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit board is bypassed with a bulk 1 µF capacitor and local 0.1 µF capacitors for each IC. 1.4.6 Firmware for the Signal Analysis PICtail Daughter Board PICA2Dlab.hex is the standard file that supports the PICkit™ 1 Signal Analysis PC program. The PGA and 10-bit ADC configuration are selected in the Signal Analysis PC program and written to the PIC16F684. The PIC16F684 then sends the command(s) over the SPI™ bus to the PGA. It displays the ADC code on the strip chart. Therm_PGA1.hex implements the first design in AN897. It supports the PICkit™ 1 Signal Analysis PC program, but with reduced functionality; its output can be viewed on the strip chart only. The results need to be manually converted to commonly-seen temperature (codes 0 to 1023 convert to 0.0°C to 102.3°C). Therm_PGA2.hex implements the second design in AN897. It supports the PICkit™ 1 Signal Analysis PC program, but with reduced functionality; its output can be viewed on the strip chart only. The results need to be manually converted to commonly-seen temperature (codes 0 to 1023 convert to 0.0°C to 102.3°C). © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51517B-page 7 MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board User’s Guide 1.4.7 Interface Details A more detailed look at how the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board interfaces with the other boards is shown in Figure 1-3. Thermistor Temperature MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board PICkit™ 1 Flash Starter Kit Signal Analysis PICtail™ Daughter Board Thermistor +5V Test Point GND Test Point Voltage Divider GND 4 4 PGA MCP6S22 SPI Bus VOUT FIGURE 1-3: DS51517B-page 8 +5V GND SPI™ Bus CH0 Input Test Point CH1 Input Test Point Serial EEPROM +5V PIC16F684 2 PIC16F745 USB to PC ADC Detailed Interface Diagram. © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP6SX2 PGA THERMISTOR PICtail™ DEMO BOARD USER’S GUIDE Chapter 2. Setup and Installation 2.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter shows how to set up the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board. This chapter discusses: • Required Tools • Connecting the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board • Set-up Verification 2.2 REQUIRED TOOLS The PICkit™ 1 Flash Starter Kit User’s Guide explains how to set up the PC and the PICkit™ 1 Flash Starter Kit. Use firmware version 2.0.2 or later. The Signal Analysis PICtail™ Daughter Board User’s Guide shows how to install the PICkit 1 Signal Analysis PC Program on the PC and set up the Signal Analysis PICtail Daughter Board. It also covers the features of the PICkit 1 Signal Analysis PC program. The PICkit 1 CD-ROM (DS40049) contains many of the necessary files. 2.3 CONNECTING THE MCP6SX2 PGA THERMISTOR PICTAIL™ DEMO BOARD An exploded view of how the different boards connect is shown in Figure 2-1. MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board Mounting hole for screw and standoff Signal Analysis PICtail™ Daughter Board USB Cable Expansion Header (J3) Remove PICmicro® MCU from Evaluation Socket PICkit™ 1 Flash Starter Kit PIC16C745 Firmware Version 2.0.2 or later FIGURE 2-1: © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Board Connections. DS51517B-page 9 MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board User’s Guide 2.3.1 PCB Standoff The standoff and screw listed in Table B-2 are installed at the mounting hole shown in Figure 2-1. The standoff goes on bottom, and the screw on top. 2.3.2 PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit 1. Remove any PICmicro microcontroller that may be in the evaluation socket. 2. Connect the USB cable to the PC and the PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit board. The status LEDs (green POWER and yellow BUSY in the LED array) should light up. It is easiest to use this board when it lays directly on a bench top. 2.3.3 Signal Analysis PICtail Daughter Board This board plugs into the PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit’s expansion header J3 and must not cover the LED array. There should be no change in the status LEDs on the PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit board after it is plugged in. 2.3.4 MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board If you would rather use the MCP6S92 PGA, take it out of the anti-static bag and replace the already installed MCP6S22 PGA. 1. Plug this board into, and directly above, the Signal Analysis PICtail Daughter Board. There should be no change in the status LEDs on the PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit board after it is plugged in. 2.3.4 Set-up Verification 1. 2. 3. 4. Select the Real Time Mode radio button. Click on the Strip Chart button. Change the sample speed to 20 Sample/Secs. Click on the green GO button; the strip chart will show the measured output of the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board. 5. Change the switch positions (SW1 and SW2) and verify that the strip chart changes. Figure 2-2 shows the result when RA was set to 10 kΩ and Rvar to 0Ω, then 12.8 kΩ, and then 217.6 kΩ (see Section 3.2 “Configuring Board”). FIGURE 2-2: DS51517B-page 10 Strip Chart. © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP6SX2 PGA THERMISTOR PICtail™ DEMO BOARD USER’S GUIDE Chapter 3. Using the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board 3.1 INTRODUCTION This demonstration board makes it easy to explore the operation of two thermistor applications using the MCP6S22 PGA. Items discussed in this chapter include: • Configuring the Board • Using the Signal Analysis PC Program for This Board • Stand-Alone Board Set-up 3.2 CONFIGURING BOARD 3.2.1 Configuring Jumper JMP1 (select Thermistor or Rvar) Figure 3-1 shows how jumper JMP1 configures the circuit. When the shorting bar is on the right side of jumper JMP1, the thermistor RTH is connected to the circuit. When it is on the left side of jumper JMP1, the thermistor emulator Rvar is connected to the circuit. Refer to Figure A.4 for the complete schematic. VDD = 5.0V RA Thermistor Rvar To filter and PGA’s CH0 input JMP1 Rvar FIGURE 3-1: © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. RTH Simplified Jumper Circuit. Draft DS51517B-page 11 MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board User’s Guide 3.2.2 Configuring DIP Switch SW1 (RA) DIP switch SW1 and resistors R1 – R7 in Figure 3-2 emulate the voltage divider resistor (RA in Figure 3-1). R1 is placed in series with the others to prevent shorting the supplies together. These resistors produce a binary sequence of values between 0.5 kΩ and 32.0 kΩ. Refer to Figure A.4 for the complete schematic. +5V R1 499 500 SW1 500 1,000 2,000 4,000 8,000 16,000 FIGURE 3-2: R2 499Ω R3 1.00 kΩ R4 2.00 kΩ R5 4.02 kΩ R6 8.06 kΩ R7 16.0 kΩ RA Emulator. Each resistor with its switch (in SW1) pointing to the right, away from the silk screen resistor values, is not added into the total for RA (it shorts that resistor). Each resistor with its switch (in SW1) pointing to the left, towards the silk screen resistor values, is added into the total for RA. As an example, if the top four switches are to the right, and the bottom two are to the left, then RA is calculated as 500 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 8,000 + 16,000 = 24,500Ω. 3.2.3 Using the Thermistor (RTH) R21 in Section A.4 “Board Schematic” is the thermistor (RTH in Figure 3-1). The resistance changes depending on temperature; see AN897, “Thermistor Temperature Sensing with MCP6SX2 PGAs” (DS00897). DS51517B-page 12 Draft © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board 3.2.4 Configuring DIP Switch SW2 (RTH Emulator, Rvar) DIP switch SW2 and resistors R8 – R19 in Figure 3-3 comprise the thermistor emulator (Rvar in Figure 3-1). Rvar produces a binary sequence of resistances between 0Ω and 409.5 kΩ. Refer to Figure A.4 for the complete schematic. SW2 100 200 400 800 1,600 3,200 6,400 12,800 25,600 51,200 102,400 204,800 FIGURE 3-3: R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 100Ω 200Ω 402Ω 806Ω 1.6 kΩ 3.24 kΩ 6.49 kΩ 12.7 kΩ 25.5 kΩ 51.1 kΩ 102 kΩ 205 kΩ RTH Emulator (Rvar). Each resistor with its switch (in SW2) pointing to the right, away from the silk screen resistor values, is not added into the total for RA (it shorts that resistor). Each resistor with its switch (in SW2) pointing to the left, towards the silk screen resistor values, is added into the total for RA. As an example, if the top ten switches are to the right, and the bottom two are to the left, then Rvar is calculated as 0 + 0 + ... + 0 + 102,400 + 204,800 = 307,200Ω. AN897, “Thermistor Temperature Sensing with MCP6SX2 PGAs” (DS00897) contains information on converting this resistance to the equivalent, nominal thermistor temperature, and visa-versa. 3.2.5 Using the Signal Analysis PC Application for This Board See “Chapter 2. Using the PICkit™ Signal Analysis PC Application” of the “Signal Analysis PICtail™ Daughter Board User’s Guide” (DS51476) for details on displaying measured results. The possible formats include: oscilloscope, FFT, histogram and strip-chart. The measured results can then be interpreted as temperature; see AN897, “Thermistor Temperature Sensing with MCP6SX2 PGAs” (DS00897). © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Draft DS51517B-page 13 MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board User’s Guide 3.2.6 Choosing Firmware for the Signal Analysis PICtail Daughter Board Use the standard PICA2Dlab.hex file to measure and analyze the PGA’s output voltage. This file supports all of the display functionality of the PICkit 1 Signal Analysis PC application program. Use Therm_PGA1.hex to implement the first design shown in AN897, “Thermistor Temperature Sensing with MCP6SX2 PGAs” (DS00897). Its output can only be viewed on the strip chart. The results need to be manually converted to commonly-seen temperatures (codes 0 to 1023 convert to 0.0°C to 102.3°C). Use Therm_PGA2.hex to implement the second design in AN897, “Thermistor Temperature Sensing with MCP6SX2 PGAs” (DS00897). Its output can only be viewed on the strip chart. The results need to be manually converted to commonly-seen temperatures (codes 0 to 1023 convert to 0.0°C to 102.3°C). DS51517B-page 14 Draft © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board 3.2.7 Configure the PGA The PICkit 1 Signal Analysis PC program can configure the PGA; see Figure 3-4. The MCP6S22 PGA defaults to a gain of 1 and CH0. Note: The MCP6S92 PGA powers up to a random state; it must have its gain and input written to it before it will operate as expected. 1. Open the PGA window by clicking the External Devices button. 2. Select the correct PGA from the indicated pull-down list. 3. Select the desired PGA input. Usually the selection will be CH0 for the thermistor output, but it can be CH1 when another input source is provided at the CH1 test point (Figure 1-1). a. Select Write to Register from the indicated pull-down list. (Figure 3-4, #5) b. Set A0 = 1. (Figure 3-4, #6) c. Set C2:C0 to all zeros. (Figure 3-4, #7) d. Execute the command by clicking on the Write to PGA button. (Figure 3-4, #8) 4. Select the desired PGA gain. a. Select Write to Register from the indicated pull-down list. (Figure 3-4, #5) b. Set A0 = 0. (Figure 3-4, #6) c. Select PGA gain from the pull-down list. (Figure 3-4, #4)) d. Execute the command by clicking on the Write to PGA button. (Figure 3-4, #8) 3. Select Channel 5. Select Operation 8. Execute 2. Select PGA 1. Open PGA Window 6. Set Register Pointer 4. Select Gain 7. Set Input Channel FIGURE 3-4: © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. PGA Configuration. Draft DS51517B-page 15 MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board User’s Guide 3.2.8 Configure the ADC The ADC is automatically setup by the PICkit 1 Signal Analysis PC program. The two possible inputs are shown in Figure 3-5. 1. If in the Real Time Mode of operation (Strip Chart), select the Number of Samples from the first pull-down list. 2. Select the Sample Rate from the second pull-down list. 1. Select Number of Samples 2. Select Sample Rate FIGURE 3-5: Standard ADC Options. The PICkit 1 Signal Analysis PC program allows the user to manually configure the ADC. 1. Clicking the ADC button (see Figure 3-6) opens the ADC configuration window. This window starts at the power-on default conditions for the ADC; therefore, it must be configured before use. See the PIC16F684 data sheet (DS41202) for more information on configuring the registers. 2. ADC Window FIGURE 3-6: DS51517B-page 16 1. Select ADC window Manual ADC Configuration. Draft © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Using the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board 3.2.9 Measurement Example Jumper JMP1 was configured to select the thermistor, R21 (RTH in Figure 3-1). RA was set at 10 kΩ (Design # 1). The thermistor was at room temperature. The MCP6S22 PGA was at its default settings, input CH0 and gain = 1. The results using the PICA2Dlab.hex file (Section 3.2.6 “Choosing Firmware for the Signal Analysis PICtail Daughter Board”) are shown in Figure 3-7. The output voltage is 2.568V. FIGURE 3-7: Measurement Results. The output voltage was used to calculate RTH ≈ 10.56 kΩ and TTH ≈ 23.5°C (74.3°F). See AN897, “Thermistor Temperature Sensing with MCP6SX2 PGAs” (DS00897). © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Draft DS51517B-page 17 MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board User’s Guide 3.2.10 Stand-Alone Board Setup Figure 3-8 shows one possible method for using the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board as a stand-alone (without the accompanying tools shown in Figure 1-2). Most of the probes from the lab equipment (on the left) connect to the test points. The oscilloscope (O-Scope) probe to VOUT connects to header J2’s pin # 10 (labeled RC0). Power Supply +5V Test Point O-Scope Function Generator FIGURE 3-8: Diagram. GND Test Point CH0 Input Test Point CH1 Input Test Point MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board Thermistor Temperature 4 SPI Bus VOUT MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board Block The PGAs’ power supply range is between 2.5V and 5.5V. The SPI bus needs to be connected to a microcontroller with the appropriate firmware. The MCP6S22 PGA powers up to input CH0 and 1 V/V gain. The MCP6S92 needs to be initialized after power-up. DS51517B-page 18 Draft © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP6SX2 PGA THERMISTOR PICtail™ DEMO BOARD USER’S GUIDE Appendix A. Schematic and Layouts A.1 INTRODUCTION This appendix contains the schematics and layouts for the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board. The MCP6SX2-PICTLTH demonstration board is constructed using a two-layer Printed Circuit Board (PCB). The top layer is for components and traces, while the bottom layer is the ground plane. Information on this board includes: • • • • A.2 Board Schematic Board - Top Silk-Screen And Metal Layers Board - Top Metal Layer Board - Bottom Metal Layer DEMONSTRATION BOARD DESCRIPTION A simplified block diagram of this board is shown in Figure 1-1. The detailed schematic is given in Figure A.4. DIP switch SW1 and resistors R1 – R7 emulate the voltage divider’s series resistor (RA in Figure 3-1). R1 is placed in series with the others to prevent shorting the supplies together. Resistors R1 – R7 produce a binary sequence of values between 0.5 kΩ and 32.0 kΩ. R21 is the thermistor (RTH in Figure 3-1). DIP switch SW2 and resistors R8 – R19 (labeled Rvar in top silk screen) emulate the thermistor. Rvar produces a binary sequence between 0Ω and 409.5 kΩ. The jumper JMP1 selects either the thermistor or its emulator Rvar. R20 and C1 are the low-pass analog filters used to minimize noise. They also act as anti-aliasing filters for the ADC. U1 is either the MCP6S22 or the MCP6S92 Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA). The PGA buffers the transimpedance amplifier output and makes it possible to gain up weak signals before conversion by the ADC. J2 connects this board to the Signal Analysis board. C2 and C3 are bypass capacitors that minimize power supply noise. The demonstration board includes test points for convenience on the bench. The +5V and GND test points connect to the board’s supply voltages. The CH0 test point connects to the PGA’s CH0 input; it is also connected to the voltage divider’s output (with filtering). The CH1 test point allows the user to place any desired signal at the PGA’s CH1 input. Note: © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. While headers J1, J2, and J3 are shown together in the schematic (see Figure A.4), J2 is installed (see Table B-1), while J1 and J3 are not. J2 and J3 are placeholders only. DS51517B-page 19 MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board User’s Guide A.3 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS The demonstration board includes test points for convenience on the bench. The +5V and GND test points connect to the board’s supply voltages. The CH0 test point connects to the PGA’s CH0 input; it is also connected to the voltage divider’s output (with filtering). The CH1 test point allows the user to place any desired signal at the PGA’s CH1 input. The PIC16F684 (and 10-bit ADC) are not part of the demo board schematic; see Figure 1-3 instead. The PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit provides a +5V single supply voltage. It can drive up to 5 µF on the supply; a larger capacitive load causes current loading and timing issues. The PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit Signal Analysis PICtail Daughter Board uses the +5V single supply voltage. It has 0.1 µF local bypass capacitors for each IC, and a 1 µF bulk bypass capacitor for the entire board. This demonstration board also uses the +5V single supply voltage. It has a 0.1 µF local bypass capacitor for the PGA, and a 1 µF bulk bypass capacitor for the entire board. A solid ground plane provides a good ground for the PGA. High-frequency design practices are used to minimize digital interference: • • • • DS51517B-page 20 Solid ground plane Surface-mount devices Separate digital and analog lines and sections Straight and short lines to the PGA © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Schematic and Layouts BOARD SCHEMATIC M A.4 © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51517B-page 21 MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board User’s Guide A.5 BOARD - TOP SILK SCREEN AND METAL LAYERS DS51517B-page 22 © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Schematic and Layouts A.6 BOARD - TOP METAL LAYER © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51517B-page 23 MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board User’s Guide A.7 BOARD - BOTTOM METAL LAYER DS51517B-page 24 © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP6SX2 PGA THERMISTOR PICtail™ DEMO BOARD USER’S GUIDE Appendix B. Bill Of Materials (BOM) B.1 COMPONENTS INSTALLED ON PCB Table B-1 shows the Bill of Materials for the MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board as it comes from Microchip. TABLE B-1: BILL OF MATERIALS Qty Reference Description Manufacturer Part Number 2 C1,C3 1.0 µF, 16V, 10%, X7R, 0805 SMD, Ceramic Kemet® C0805C105K4RACTU 1 C2 0.1 µF, 25V, 10%, X7R, 0805 SMD, Ceramic Panasonic® - ECG ECJ-2VB1E104K 1 J2 Header, 1 × 14, 0.100" Pitch, Vertical, Tin AMP®/Tyco® Electronics 1-640454-4 1 JMP1 Header, 1 × 3, 0.100" Pitch, Vertical, Tin AMP/Tyco Electronics 3-644456-3 1 (for JMP1) Shunt, 1 × 2, With Handle , Gold AMP/Tyco Electronics 881545-2 2 R1, R2 499Ω, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF4990V 1 R3 1.00 kΩ, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF1001V 1 R4 2.00 kΩ, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF2001V 1 R5 4.02 kΩ, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF4021V 1 R6 8.06 kΩ, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF8061V 1 R7 16.2 kΩ, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF1622V 1 R8 100Ω, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF1000V 1 R9 200Ω, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF2000V 1 R10 402Ω, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF4020V 1 R11 806Ω, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF8060V 1 R12 1.62 kΩ, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF1621V 1 R13 3.24 kΩ, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF3241V 1 R14. 6.49 kΩ, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF6491V 1 R15 12.7 kΩ, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF1272V 1 R16 25.5 kΩ, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF2552V 1 R17 51.1 kΩ, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF5112V 1 R18 102 kΩ, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF1023V 1 R19 205 kΩ, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF2053V 1 R20 100 kΩ, 1/8W, 1%, 0805 SMD Panasonic - ECG ERJ-6ENF1003V 1 R21 Thermistor, NTC, 10 kΩ, 1% tolerance at 25°C, Leaded (Note 1) BC Components 2381 640 55103 1 SW1 DIP Switch, 6 Position, SPST, Extended, Sealed Grayhill, Inc 78B06ST 1 SW2 DIP Switch, 12 Position, SPST, Extended Grayhill, Inc 78B12ST 4 CH0, CH1, PC Test Point, Compact, SMT GND, +5V Keystone Electronics® 5016 Note 1: When this thermistor is out of stock, the BC Components, 2381 640 54103 thermistor (2%), or equivalent, will be substituted. © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51517B-page 25 MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board User’s Guide TABLE B-1: BILL OF MATERIALS (CONTINUED) Qty Reference Description Manufacturer Part Number 1 U1 MCP6S22, PGA, 10 MHz, 2 inputs, PDIP-8 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP6S22-I/P 1 (for U1) IC Socket, 8-pin DIP, Tin, 0.300" AMP/Tyco Electronics 2-641260-1 1 PCB Lead Free RoHS Compliant PCB — 104-00028 0 J1, J3 Not Populated — — Note 1: B.2 When this thermistor is out of stock, the BC Components, 2381 640 54103 thermistor (2%), or equivalent, will be substituted. SEPARATELY PACKAGED COMPONENTS Table B-2 lists the components that are packaged separately in an anti-static bag. TABLE B-2: Qty Reference BILL OF MATERIALS – SEPARATELY PACKAGED COMPONENTS Description Manufacturer Part Number 1 U1 MCP6S92, PGA, 10 MHz, 2 inputs, PDIP-8 (Note 1) Microchip Technology Inc. MCP6S92-E/P 1 — Nylon Standoff, Hex, 1.000", 4-40 Thread (Note 2) Keystone Electronics® 1902E 1 — Phillips Machine Screw, 3/8", 4-40 Thread (Note 2) Building Fasteners NY PMS 440 0038 PH Note 1: 2: Section 2.3.4 “MCP6SX2 PGA Thermistor PICtail™ Demo Board” and Section 3.2.7 “Configure the PGA” discuss installing and using this PGA. Section 2.3.1 “PCB Standoff” describes the installation of these parts. DS51517B-page 26 © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. Bill Of Materials (BOM) NOTES: © 2006 Microchip Technology Inc. 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