EFM8™ 8-bit microcontrollers without compromise PRODUCT SELECTOR GUIDE 8 www.silabs.com/efm8 | Smart. Connected. Energy-Friendly. EFM8 MCUs Fast, low-power 8-bit solutions featuring fully-integrated analog functionality and peripherals 8 factors that make EFM8 the world’s only no-compromise 8-bit microcontroller. Fast Processor Core Efficient Digital Peripherals With up to 50 MHz operation and with 70% of the instructions executing in less than 1 or 2 clock cycles, the EFM8 MCUs offer an economical solution that satisfy the performance needs of embedded applications. Also, the efficient architecture reduces memory requirements of the application. ADC PGA Temp Sense EFM8 CAP Sense DAC VREF Autonomous digital peripherals reduce the processor overhead. The EFM8 MCUs include high performance timers, higher resolution PWMs and fast serial communication peripherals including 12 Mbps SPI, 3 Mbps UART and 3.4 Mbps I2C. High Performance Analog Highly Integrated The EFM8 family of MCUs offer high performance analog peripherals such as 12-bit ADCs at 200 Ksps and 10-bit ADCs at 800 Ksps, high noise immune Capsense peripherals and temp sensors that reduce the system cost and simplify designs. Digital Crossbar and Analog Multiplexer Silicon Labs’ patented crossbar technology enables maximum flexibility and unparalleled ease of development, allowing designers to select any peripherals with no conflicts in pin-out or PCB layout. Ultra Low Power 2µs No Performance Compromise The EFM8 MCUs provide no compromise peripherals that are fully characterized with guaranteed performance over temperature and voltage. The EFM8 family features high precision oscillators, integrated on-board voltage regulator, USB charger detect circuitry and high performance peripherals in packages as small as 3x3 mm to reduce the PCB area and BOM cost. EFM8 150uA/ MHz 50nA Time EFM8 extends battery life with ultra-low sleep currents down to 50 nA with Brown out detection, fast wake up times with less than 2 µs, active currents as low as 150 µA/MHz and Low energy USB module for power consumption reduction of up to 90%. Simplicity Studio™ Software Free Simplicity Studio with integrated IDE, free unlimited code size Keil Compiler, demos, libraries and example codes, energy and Capsense Profiler tools, configurators, easily updated support packages, software and documentation, all at your fingertips. EFM8 Applications Industrial POS equipment Smart meters Power converters Consumer Data cables Gaming LED wristband Home and Building Fire and safety Sensors Automation Health and Fitness Medical Wearables Motor Control Model vehicles Small motors Electric tools Appliances EFM8 microcontrollers are based on the popular 8051 core. The 8051 architecture ecosystem represents nearly 25% of the existing MCU market. Select a secure architecture Select a simple solution The EFM8 is based on a Harvard architecture, allowing it to only execute code fetched from program memory, and allows locking of program memory to prevent unauthorized examination. These are two advantages in the EFM8 hardware that protect a product from security attacks. The EFM8 microcontroller is ideal for processing 8-bit data that comes from port I/O or sensor inputs. A great many applications don’t require complex mathematics processing, and benefit significantly from the code density advantages of an 8-bit processor when not tasked with 16-bit or 32-bit mathematics. Human interface functions, sensor interfaces, and distributed processing functions are examples that easily benefit from the simplicity of the EFM8 solutions. Select a low latency system Variations in interrupt response time can cause adverse effects in some applications, causing, for example, audio distortion or motor noise and vibration. With the EFM8 it’s easy to work “close to the metal” and have full control over the entire system. www.silabs.com | Smart. Connected. Energy-Friendly. Despite strong media coverage of the rapid expansion of the ARM ecosystem, the largest ecosystem in MCUs still exists around the mature and tiny 8051 MCU architecture. IHS, 2013 RAM (B) MHz GPIO SPI UART I2C EMIF ADC 1 Comparator Internal OSC Timers PCA/PWM Channels RTC Capacitive Sense LFO 2 256 25 16 1 1 1 - 12-bit, 15-ch. 2 2% 4 3 - - Y QFN20 4 512 25 16 1 1 1 - 12-bit, 15-ch. 2 2% 4 3 - - Y 2.2V to 3.6V EFM8BB10F8G-A-SOIC16 SOIC16 8 512 25 13 1 1 1 - 12-bit, 12-ch. 2 2% 4 3 - - Y 2.2V to 3.6V Operating Voltage Flash (kB) QFN20 EFM8BB10F4G-A-QFN20 Package Type EFM8BB10F2G-A-QFN20 EFM8 BUSY BEE - GENERAL PURPOSE EFM8BB10F8G-A-QFN20 EFM8BB10F8G-A-QSOP24 EFM8BB21F16G-B-QFN20 EFM8BB21F16G-B-QSOP24 EFM8BB22F16G-B-QFN28 2.2V to 3.6V QFN20 8 512 25 16 1 1 1 - 12-bit, 15-ch. 2 2% 4 3 - - Y 2.2V to 3.6V QSOP24 8 512 25 18 1 1 1 - 12-bit, 16-ch. 2 2% 4 3 - - Y 2.2V to 3.6V 2.2V to 3.6V QFN20 16 2304 50 16 1 2 2 - 12-bit, 15-ch. 2 2% 5 3 - - Y QSOP24 16 2304 50 21 1 2 2 - 12-bit, 20-ch. 2 2% 5 3 - - Y 2.2V to 3.6V QFN28 16 2304 50 22 1 1 2 - 12-bit, 20-ch. 2 2% 5 3 - - Y 2.2V to 3.6V SLEEPY BEE - LOW POWER EFM8SB10F2G-A-QFN20 QFN20 2 256 25 16 1 1 1 - 12-bit, 9-ch. 1 2% 4 3 Y 13 - 1.8V to 3.6V EFM8SB10F4G-A-QFN20 QFN20 4 512 25 16 1 1 1 - 12-bit, 9-ch. 1 2% 4 3 Y 13 - 1.8V to 3.6V EFM8SB10F8G-A-QFN20 QFN20 8 512 25 16 1 1 1 - 12-bit, 9-ch. 1 2% 4 3 Y 13 - 1.8V to 3.6V EFM8SB10F8G-A-QFN24 QFN24 8 512 25 17 1 1 1 - 12-bit, 10-ch. 1 2% 4 3 Y 14 - 1.8V to 3.6V EFM8SB10F8G-A-QSOP24 QSOP24 8 512 25 17 1 1 1 - 12-bit, 10-ch. 1 2% 4 3 Y 14 - 1.8V to 3.6V EFM8SB20F16G-A-QFN24 QFN24 16 4352 25 16 2 1 1 - 12-bit, 15-ch. 2 2% 4 6 Y - - 1.8V to 3.6V EFM8SB20F32G-A-QFN24 QFN24 32 4352 25 16 2 1 1 - 12-bit, 15-ch. 2 2% 4 6 Y - - 1.8V to 3.6V EFM8SB20F32G-A-QFN32 QFN32 32 4352 25 24 2 1 1 - 12-bit, 23-ch. 2 2% 4 6 Y - - 1.8V to 3.6V EFM8SB20F32G-A-LQFP32 LQFP32 32 4352 25 24 2 1 1 - 12-bit, 23-ch. 2 2% 4 6 Y - - 1.8V to 3.6V EFM8SB20F64G-A-QFN24 QFN24 64 4352 25 16 2 1 1 - 12-bit, 15-ch. 2 2% 4 6 Y - - 1.8V to 3.6V EFM8SB20F64G-A-QFN32 QFN32 64 4352 25 24 2 1 1 - 12-bit, 23-ch. 2 2% 4 6 Y - - 1.8V to 3.6V EFM8SB20F64G-A-LQFP32 LQFP32 64 4352 25 24 2 1 1 - 12-bit, 23-ch. 2 2% 4 6 Y - - 1.8V to 3.6V 2.2V to 5.25V UNIVERSAL BEE - USB EFM8UB10F8G-B-QFN20 QFN20 8 2304 48 13 1 2 2 - 12-bit,11-ch. 2 1.5% 5 3 - - Y EFM8UB10F16G-B-QFN20 QFN20 16 2304 48 13 1 2 2 - 12-bit,11-ch. 2 1.5% 5 3 - - Y 2.2V to 5.25V QSOP24 16 2304 48 17 1 2 2 - 12-bit,15-ch. 2 1.5% 5 3 - - Y 2.2V to 5.25V EFM8UB11F16G-B-QSOP24 EFM8UB10F16G-B-QFN28 QFN28 16 2304 48 22 1 2 2 - 12-bit, 20-ch. 2 1.5% 5 3 - - Y 2.2V to 5.25V EFM8UB20F32G-A-QFN32 QFN32 32 2304 48 25 1 2 2 Y 10-bit, 20-ch. 2 1.5% 6 5 - - - 2.2V to 5.25V EFM8UB20F32G-A-LQFP32 LQFP32 32 2304 48 25 1 2 2 Y 10-bit, 20-ch. 2 1.5% 6 5 - - - 2.2V to 5.25V EFM8UB20F32G-A-TQFP48 TQFP48 32 2304 48 40 1 2 2 Y 10-bit, 32-ch. 2 1.5% 6 5 - - - 2.2V to 5.25V EFM8UB20F64G-A-QFN32 QFN32 64 4352 48 25 1 2 2 Y 10-bit, 20-ch. 2 1.5% 6 5 - - - 2.2V to 5.25V EFM8UB20F64G-A-LQFP32 LQFP32 64 4352 48 25 1 2 2 Y 10-bit, 20-ch. 2 1.5% 6 5 - - - 2.2V to 5.25V EFM8UB20F64G-A-TQFP48 TQFP48 64 4352 48 40 1 2 2 Y 10-bit, 32-ch. 2 1.5% 6 5 - - - 2.2V to 5.25V BUSY BEE SLEEPY BEE UNIVERSAL BEE General purpose up to 50 MHz Low Power up to 25 MHz USB up to 48 MHz Flash: 2 - 16 KB Flash: 2 - 64 KB Flash: 8 - 64 KB RAM: 0.5 - 2 KB RAM: 0.5 - 4 KB RAM: 2 - 4 KB Highlights Highlights Highlights SAR ADC – 12-bit at 200 ksps; 10-bit at 800 ksps Energy friendly – 50 nA sleep mode with BOR No external crystal or regulator needed for USB 2x low-current comparators with built-in DAC Active mode - 150 µA/MHz Low energy USB - up to 90% power reduction 2x UART (3 Mbps), 1x SPI (12 Mbps), 2x I2C (3.4 Mbps) Fast wake up - < 2 µs USB charger detect circuit (USB-BCS 1.2) “Priority crossbar” – simplifies PCB design Capacitive sense - < 1 µA wake on touch average 2x UART (3 Mbps), 1x SPI (12 Mbps), 2x I2C (3.4 Mbps) Package Options Get started with EFM8 today Debugger Display Expansion Header A 1.28 inch 128x128 pixel Memory LCD enables interactive applications. 20-pin expansion header for connection to plug in boards and for future expansion to your design. Integrated debugger provides everything you need for downloading and debugging your code. It can be used as a standalone debugger for other external boards. Energy Profile Visualize the energy consumption of your application using the Simplicity Energy Profiler tool. Humidity and Temperature sensor An integrated Si7021 humidity and temperature sensor to enable data logging applications. Easy pin access Capsense Pads Breakout pads at the top and bottom edges of the kit can be soldered to provide easy access to the MCU pins. Capsense pads enable button and slider applications using Capsense Profiler tool. Joystick Analog joystick with eight measurable positions for better demo experience. EFM8 Starter Kits Silicon Labs offers 6 different starter kits to get started with the EFM8 family of MCUs. All the kits are priced at $29.99. Part number Description Demo Highlights Tools SLSTK2020A EFM8BB1 Family Starter Kit ADC, Temperature sensor, Fast core Energy Profiler, Configurator SLSTK2021A EFM8BB2 Family Starter Kit ADC, Temperature sensor, Fast core Energy Profiler, Configurator SLSTK2000A EFM8UB1 Family Starter Kit Low energy USB, Charger Detect Energy Profiler, Configurator SLSTK2001A EFM8UB2 Family Starter Kit USB HID, USB-UART bridge Energy Profiler, Configurator SLSTK2010A EFM8SB1 Family Starter Kit Capsense, Low energy modes Capsense Profiler, Energy Profiler, Configurator SLSTK2011A EFM8SB2 Family Starter Kit Low energy modes, Temperature sensor Energy Profiler, Configurator Silicon Labs Simplicity Studio tools make EFM8 development fast and simple. Simplicity Studio Easy access to the Simplicity IDE, configuration tools, demos, examples, datasheets, application notes, community forum and Silicon Labs support, plus an unlimited code size Keil compiler, all free of charge. www.silabs.com/simplicity s licon Lab Si C O MM T LONGEVITY IT M E N EFM8 Starter Kits Capacitive Sense Profiler Longevity Commitment Silicon Labs Community This $29.99 kit is an excellent starting point to get familiar with EFM8 microcontrollers. This tool simplifies the fine tuning of buttons, sliders, wheels, touch pads and proximity sensors. Silicon labs is committed to a minimum 10-year life cycle. Find the support and answers you need on Silicon Labs community forum. www.silabs.com/efm8-kits community.silabs.com To buy or sample online, or find your nearest distributor, see details at www.silabs.com/efm8 ©2015, SILICON LABORATORIES INC. SIMPLICITY STUDIO, SILICON LABS AND THE SILICON LABS LOGO ARE TRADEMARKS OR REGISTERED TRADEMARKS OF SILICON LABORATORIES INC. ALL OTHER PRODUCT OR SERVICE NAMES ARE THE PROPERTY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. FOR THE MOST UP TO DATE INFORMATION PLEASE SEE YOUR SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.SILABS.COM. CSI, 5000. FEBRUARY 2015, REV A SEL-EFM8