Application Note, V1.0, Jan 2011 AN-EVAL3BR2280JZ 20W 5V SMPS Evaluation Board with CoolSET® F3R80 ICE3BR2280JZ Power Management & Supply N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany © 2010 Infineon Technologies AG All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics. With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office ( Warnings Due to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies components may be used in life-support devices or systems only with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. 20W 5V Demo board using ICE3BR2280JZ on board Revision History: Previous Version: Page 2011-1 none Subjects (major changes since last revision) 20W 5V SMPS Evaluation Board with CoolSET®F3R80 ICE3BR2280JZ: License to Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Kyaw Zin Min Kok Siu Kam Eric We Listen to Your Comments Any information within this document that you feel is wrong, unclear or missing at all? Your feedback will help us to continuously improve the quality of this document. Please send your proposal (including a reference to this document) to: [email protected] V1.0 AN-PS0051 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ Table of Contents Page 1 Abstract..........................................................................................................................................6 2 Evaluation board ...........................................................................................................................6 3 List of features ..............................................................................................................................7 4 Technical specifications...............................................................................................................7 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 Circuit description ........................................................................................................................8 Introduction......................................................................................................................................8 Line input.........................................................................................................................................8 Start up............................................................................................................................................8 Operation mode ..............................................................................................................................8 Soft start ..........................................................................................................................................8 RCD clamper circuit ........................................................................................................................8 Peak current control of primary current...........................................................................................8 Output stage....................................................................................................................................9 Feedback and burst entry/exit control.............................................................................................9 Blanking window for load jump........................................................................................................9 Brownout mode .............................................................................................................................10 Active burst mode .........................................................................................................................11 Jitter mode, soft gate drive and the 50Ω gate turn on resistor .....................................................11 Protection modes ..........................................................................................................................11 6 Circuit diagram............................................................................................................................13 7 7.1 7.2 PCB layout ...................................................................................................................................15 Top side.........................................................................................................................................15 Bottom side ...................................................................................................................................15 8 Component list ............................................................................................................................16 9 Transformer construction ..........................................................................................................17 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 Test results ..................................................................................................................................18 Efficiency .......................................................................................................................................18 Input standby power......................................................................................................................19 Line regulation...............................................................................................................................20 Load regulation .............................................................................................................................20 Max. input power...........................................................................................................................21 ESD test ........................................................................................................................................21 Lightning surge test.......................................................................................................................21 Conducted EMI .............................................................................................................................22 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 Waveforms and scope plots ......................................................................................................24 Start up at low and high AC line input voltage and max. load ......................................................24 Soft start at low and high AC line input voltage and max. load.....................................................24 Frequency jittering.........................................................................................................................25 Drain to source voltage and Current at max. load ........................................................................25 Load transient response (Dynamic load from 10% to 100%) .......................................................26 Output ripple voltage at max. load ................................................................................................26 Output ripple voltage during burst mode at 1 W load ...................................................................27 Entering active burst mode ...........................................................................................................27 Vcc over voltage protection (Odd skip auto restart mode)............................................................28 Over load protection (Odd skip auto restart mode).......................................................................28 Open loop protection (Odd skip auto restart mode)......................................................................29 VCC under voltage/Short optocoupler protection (Non switch auto restart mode).........................29 External protection enable (Non switch auto restart mode)..........................................................30 Brownout mode .............................................................................................................................30 12 12.1 Appendix ......................................................................................................................................31 Slope compensation for CCM operation .......................................................................................31 Application Note 4 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ Table of Contents 13 Page References ...................................................................................................................................31 Application Note 5 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 1 Abstract This document is an engineering report of a universal input 20W 5V off-line flyback converter power supply utilizing IFX F3R80 CoolSET® ICE3BR2280JZ. The application demo board is operated in Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM) and is running at 65kHz switching frequency. It has a single output voltage with secondary side control regulation. It is especially suitable for small power supply such as DVD player, set-top box, game console, charger and auxiliary power of high power system, etc. The ICE3BR2280JZ is the latest version of the CoolSET®. Besides having the basic features of the F3R CoolSET® such as Active Burst Mode, propagation delay compensation, soft gate drive, auto restart protection for major faults (Vcc over voltage, Vcc under voltage, over temperature, over-load, open loop and short opto-coupler), it also has the BiCMOS technology design, selectable entry and exit burst mode level, adjustable brownout feature, built-in soft start time, built-in and extendable blanking time, frequency jitter feature and external auto-restart enable, etc. The particular features need to be stressed are the best-in-class low standby power and the good EMI performance. 2 Evaluation board Figure 1 – EVAL3BR2280JZ This document contains the list of features, the power supply specification, schematic, bill of material and the transformer construction documentation. Typical operating characteristics such as performance curve and scope waveforms are showed at the rear of the report. Application Note 6 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 3 List of features 800V avalanche rugged CoolMOS® with Startup Cell Active Burst Mode for lowest Standby Power Selectable entry and exit burst mode level 65kHz internally fixed switching frequency with jittering feature Auto Restart Protection for Over load, Open Loop, VCC Under voltage & Over voltage and Over temperature External auto-restart enable pin Over temperature protection with 50°C hysteresis Built-in 10ms Soft Start Built-in 20ms and extendable blanking time for short duration peak power Propagation delay compensation for both maximum load and burst mode Adjustable brownout feature Overall tolerance of Current Limiting < ±5% BiCMOS technology for low power consumption and wide VCC voltage range Soft gate drive with 50Ω turn on resistor 4 Technical specifications Input voltage 85Vac~282Vac Brownout detect/reset voltage 75/85Vac Input frequency 50/60Hz Input Standby Power < 100mW @ no load Output voltage 5V +/- 1% Output current 4A Output power 20W Active mode average efficiency >80% Output ripple voltage < 50mVp-p Application Note 7 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 5 5.1 Circuit description Introduction The EVAL3BR2280JZ demo board is a low cost off-line flyback switch mode power supply (SMPS) using the ICE3BR2280JZ integrated power IC from the CoolSET®-F3R80 family. The circuit, shown in Figure 3, details a 5V, 20W power supply that operates from an AC line input voltage range of 85Vac to 282Vac and brownout detect/reset voltage is 75/85Vac, suitable for applications in enclosed adapter or open frame auxiliary power supply for different system such as PC, server, DVD, LED TV, Set-top box, etc. 5.2 Line input The AC line input side comprises the input fuse F1 as over-current protection. The choke L11, X1-capacitor C11, and Y1-capacitor C15 act as EMI suppressors. Optional spark gap device SG1, SG2 and varistor VAR can absorb high voltage stress during lightning surge test. After the bridge rectifier BR1 and the input bulk capacitor C13, a voltage of 120 to 400 VDC is present which depends on input voltage. 5.3 Start up Since there is a built-in startup cell in the ICE3BR2280JZ, there is no need for external start up resistors. The startup cell is connecting the drain pin of the IC. Once the voltage is built up at the Drain pin of the ICE3BR2280JZ, the startup cell will charge up the Vcc capacitor C16 and C17. When the Vcc voltage exceeds the UVLO at 17V, the IC starts up. Then the Vcc voltage is bootstrapped by the auxiliary winding to sustain the operation. 5.4 Operation mode During operation, the Vcc pin is supplied via a separate transformer winding with associated rectification D12 and buffering C16, C17. In order not to exceed the maximum voltage at Vcc pin, an external zener diode ZD11 and resistor R14 can be added. 5.5 Soft start The Soft-Start is a built-in function and is set at 10ms. 5.6 RCD clamper circuit While turns off the CoolMOS®, the clamper circuit R11, C14 and D11 absorbs the current caused by transformer leakage inductance once the voltage exceeds clamp capacitor voltage. Finally drain-source voltage of CoolMOS® is lower than maximum break down voltage (V(BR)DSS = 800V) of CoolMOS®. 5.7 Peak current control of primary current The CoolMOS® drain source current is sensed via external shunt resistors R15 and R16 which determine the tolerance of the current limit control. Since ICE3BR2280JZ is a current mode controller, it would have a cycle-by-cycle primary current and feedback voltage control and can make sure the maximum power of the converter is controlled in every switching cycle. Besides, the patented propagation delay compensation is implemented to ensure the maximum input power can be controlled in an even tighter manner throughout the wide range input voltage. The demo board shows approximately. +/-3.86% (refer to Figure 14). Application Note 8 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 5.8 Output stage On the secondary side the power is coupled out by a schottky diode D21. The capacitor C21 & C22 provide energy buffering following with the LC filter L21 and C23 to reduce the output voltage ripple considerably. Storage capacitors C21 & C22 are selected to have a very small internal resistance (ESR) to minimize the output voltage ripple. The optional common mode choke L22 and ceramic capacitor C24 are added to suppress the high voltage electrostatic static charge during ESD test. 5.9 Feedback and burst entry/exit control FBB pin has 2 features; functions of output voltage feedback and burst entry control. The output voltage is controlled by using a TL431 (IC21) which incorporates the voltage reference as well as the error amplifier and a driver stage. Compensation network C26, C27, R23, R24, R25, R26 and R27 constitutes the external circuitry of the error amplifier of IC21. This circuitry allows the feedback to be precisely matched to dynamically varying load conditions and provides stable control. The maximum current through the optocoupler diode and the voltage reference is set by using resistors R21 and R22. Optocoupler IC12 is used for floating transmission of the control signal to the “Feedback” input of the ICE3BR2280JZ. The capacitor C19 at the FBB pin acts 2 functions; filter the noise from going to the pin and setting for the selection of the burst entry control (explained below). The optocoupler used meets DIN VDE 884 requirements for a wider creepage distance. C19 capacitor is also used to select the entry and exit burst level. The IC would generate the charge and discharge current to the FBB pin and then detect the number of count for the charge and discharge cycle during the 1st 1ms of IC start up (Vcc > 17V). Based on the detected number of count, the entry and exit burst level are set. The below table is the recommended capacitance range for the entry and exit level with the CFB (C19) capacitor. CFB Corresponding no. of counts ≥ 6.8nF 1nF~2.2nF 220pF~470pF ≤100pF ≤7 8 ~ 39 40 ~ 91 ≥ 92 Entry level % of Pin_max 10% 6.67% 4.38% 0 Exit level VFB_burst 1.6V 1.42V 1.27V never % of Pin_max 20% 13.30% 9.60% 0 Vcsth_burst 0.45V 0.37V 0.31V always 5.10 Blanking window for load jump In case of load jumps the controller provides a blanking window before activating the Over Load Protection and entering the Auto Restart Mode. There are 2 modes for the blanking time setting; basic mode and the extendable mode. If there is no capacitor added to the BBA pin, it would fall into the basic mode; i.e. the blanking time is set at 20ms. If a longer blanking time is required, a capacitor, CBK (C18) can be added to BBA pin to extend it. The extended blanking time can be achieved by the lead time of 256 times of charging and discharging of CBK capacitor, which is generated by the controller. Thus the overall blanking time is the addition of 20ms and the extended time. For example, CBK (C18) = 0.22uF, Ichg_EB (internal charging current) = 720uA ( 4 .5 − 0 .9 ) × C BK tblanking = Basic + Extended = 20ms + 256 × I chg _ EB + C BK × 500 × ln( 4.5 ) = 346.9ms 0.9 Since the BBA pin is multi-function pin, extended blanking time can be changed if the brownout resistor R110 ( 28kΩ ) is added to the system, new Ichg_EB‘ and overall blanking time can be calculated as follows, I chg _ EB ' = 720µA − Application Note (4.5 + 0.9) = 623.6µA 2 * RBO 2 9 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ ( 4 .5 − 0 .9 ) × C BK tblanking _ RBO 2 = 20ms + 256 × I ' chg _ EB + C BK × 500 × ln( 4.5 ) = 390.4ms 0.9 Note: A filter capacitor (e.g. 100pF (min. value)) may be needed to add to the BBA pin if the noise cannot be avoided to enter that pin in the physical PCB layout. Otherwise, some protection features may be mistriggered and the system may not be working properly. 5.11 Brownout mode When the AC line input voltage is lower than the input voltage range, brownout mode is detected by sensing the voltage level at BBA pin through the resistors divider from the bulk capacitor. Once the voltage level at BBA pin falls below 0.9V, the controller stops switching and enters into brownout mode. It is until the input level goes back to input voltage range and the Vcc hits 17V, the brownout mode is released. Brownout sensing resistor RBO1 and RBO2 can be calculated as below. Figure 2 – Brownout detection circuit RBO1 = where VBO _ hys I chg _ BO ; RBO 2 = VBO _ ref × RBO1 VBO _ L − VBO _ ref VBO_hys: input brownout hysteresis voltage Ichg_BO = 10µA: charging current for brownout VBO_ref = 0.9V: brownout reference voltage for IC VBO_L: input brownout voltage (low point) RBO1 and RBO2: resistors divider from input voltage to BBA pin For example, if brownout release voltage is 85Vac and entry voltage is 75Vac and assuming there is a ripple voltage of 14Vdc at the bulk capacitor before entering brownout at full load. VBO _ H = 85 × 2 = 120Vdc VBO _ L = 75 × 2 − 14 = 92Vdc VBO _ hys = VBO _ H − VBO _ L = 28Vdc RBO1 = VBO _ hys = 2.8MΩ I chg _ BO RBO 2 = VBO _ ref × RBO1 = 28kΩ VBO _ L − VBO _ ref Application Note 10 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ Note: The above calculation assumes the tapping point (bulk capacitor) has a 14Vdc ripple voltage at full load when entering brownout mode. If there is no ripple voltage at light load, the enter brownout point will be lower, 65Vac. Besides that the low side brownout voltage VBO_L added with the ripple voltage at the tapping point should always be lower than the high side brownout voltage (VBO_H); VBO_H > VBO_L + ripple voltage. Otherwise, the brownout feature cannot work properly. In short, when there is a high load running in system before entering brownout, the input ripple voltage will increase and the brownout voltage will increase (VBO_L = VBO_L+ ripple voltage) at the same time. If the VBO_hys is set too small and is close to the ripple voltage, then the brownout feature cannot work properly (VBO_L = VBO_H). If the brownout feature is not needed, it needs to tie the BBA pin to the Vcc pin through a current limiting resistor (R17), 500kΩ~1ΜΩ. The BBA pin cannot be in floating condition. If the brownout feature is disabled with a tie up resistor, there is a limitation of the capacitor CBK (C18) at the BBA pin. It is as below. 1 2 Vcc tie up resistor 500kΩ 1MΩ CBK_max 0.47µF 0.22µF 5.12 Active burst mode At light load condition, the SMPS enters into Active Burst Mode. For this 800V CoolSET, the enter/exit burst mode level is selected by a FB capacitor (refer to section 5.9). The light load condition is actually reflected to the FB voltage level for the DCM operation; i.e. FB voltage drops according to how light the load is. With the selectable feature, the enter burst mode level, VFB_burst is determined by the capacitor at FB capacitor. After entering burst mode, the controller is always active and thus the VCC must always be kept above the switch off threshold VCCoff ≥ 10.5V. During the active burst mode, the efficiency maintains in a very high level and at the same time it supports low ripple on VOUT and fast response on load jump. To avoid mis-triggering of the burst mode, there is a 20ms internal blanking time. Once the FB voltage drops below VFB_burst, the internal blanking timer starts to count. When it reaches the built-in 20ms blanking time, it then enters Active Burst Mode. During Active Burst Mode the current sense voltage limit is reduced from 1V to Vcsth_burst so as to reduce the conduction losses and audible noise. All the internal circuits are switched off except the reference and bias voltages to reduce the total VCC current consumption to below 0.62mA. At burst mode, the FB voltage is changing like a sawtooth between 3.2 and 3.5V. To leave Burst Mode, FB voltage must exceed 4V. It will reset the Active Burst Mode and turn the SMPS into Normal Operating Mode. Maximum current can then be provided to stabilize VOUT. 5.13 Jitter mode, soft gate drive and the 50Ω gate turn on resistor In order to obtain better EMI performance, the ICE3BR2280JZ is implemented with frequency jittering, soft gate drive and 50Ω gate turn on resistor. The jitter frequency is internally set at 65kHz (± 2.6kHz) and the jitter period is set at 4ms. 5.14 Protection modes Protection is one of the major factors to determine whether the system is safe and robust. Therefore sufficient protection is necessary. ICE3BR2280JZ provides two kinds of protection mode; odd skip auto restart mode and non switch auto restart mode. In odd skip auto restart mode, there is no detect of fault and no switching pulse for the odd number restart cycle. At the even number of restart cycle, the fault detects and soft start switching pulses maintained. If the fault persists, it would continue the auto-restart mode. However, if the fault is removed, it can release to normal operation only at the even number auto restart cycle. Non switch auto restart mode is similar to odd skip auto restart mode except the start up switching pulses are also suppressed at the even number of the restart cycle. The detection of fault still remains at the even number of the restart cycle. When the fault is removed, the IC will resume to normal operation at the even number of the restart cycle. Application Note 11 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ The main purpose of the odd skip auto restart is to extend the restart time such that the power loss during auto restart protection can be reduced when a small Vcc capacitor is used. A list of protections and the failure conditions are shown in the following table. Protection functions VCC overvoltage(1) VCC overvoltage(2) Over load Open loop VCC under voltage short optocoupler Over temperature External protection enable Application Note Failure condition VCC > 20.5V & VFBB > 4.5V & during soft start period VCC > 25.5V VFBB > 4.5V, after blanking time -> Overload VCC < 10.5V -> VCC Undervoltage TJ > 130°C ( recovered with 50°C hysteresis) VBBA < 0.4V 12 Protection Modes Odd skip auto restart Odd skip auto restart Odd skip auto restart Odd skip auto restart Non switch auto restart Non switch auto restart Non switch Auto restart Non switch auto restart 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 6 Circuit diagram Figure 3 – 20W 5V ICE3BR2280JZ power supply schematic Application Note 13 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ N.B. : In order to get the optimized performance of the CoolSET®, the grounding of the PCB layout must be connected very carefully. From the circuit diagram above, it indicates that the grounding for the CoolSET® can be split into several groups; signal ground, Vcc ground, Current sense resistor ground and EMI return ground. All the split grounds should be connected to the bulk capacitor ground separately. • Signal ground includes all small signal grounds connecting to the CoolSET® GND pin such as filter capacitor ground, C17, C18, C19 and opto-coupler ground. • Vcc ground includes the Vcc capacitor ground, C16 and the auxiliary winding ground, pin 2 of the power transformer. • Current Sense resistor ground includes current sense resistor R15 and R16. • EMI return ground includes Y capacitor, C15. Application Note 14 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 7 7.1 PCB layout Top side Figure 4 – Top side component legend 7.2 Bottom side Figure 5 – Bottom side copper & component legend Application Note 15 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 8 Component list No Designator 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 BR1 C11 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C21, C22 C23 C26 D11 D12 D21 F1 IC11 IC12 IC21 J1,J3,J4,J5,R25,L22 L11 L21 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R18 R19 R21 R22 R23 R24, R26 R110 TR1 ZD11 Application Note Component description DF08M(800V,1.5A) 0.22µF/305V 82µF/450V 2.2nF/400V 2.2nF/250V,Y1 22µF/35V 0.1µF 220nF 1nF 1000µF/25V 220µF/25V 1µF UF4006 1N485B(200V,0.2A) STPS30L45CT 1A ICE3BR2280JZ SFH617A-3 TL431 Jumper 2 x 27mH, 0.9A 1.5µH 330k(2W,5%) 0R(SMD 0805) 20R(SMD 0805) 47R(SMD 0805) 1R(0.5W,1%) 20R(SMD 1206) 1.8M 1M 150R(SMD 0805) 1.1K(SMD 0805) 510R(SMD 0805) 10k 28k(SMD 0805) 725µH(80:6:18)V1.0 22V 16 Part No. Manufacturer B32922C3224K000 B43504A5826M000 EPCOS EPCOS DE1E3KX222MA4BL01 MURATA RPER71H104K2K1A03B RPER71H224K2K1C03B RPE5C1H102J2K1A03B MURATA MURATA MURATA UF4006 VISHAY ICE3BR2280JZ INFINEON B82732F2901B001 EPCOS B662061110T001 EPCOS 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 9 Transformer construction Core: E20/10/6, N87(EPCOS) Bobbin: Horizontal Version Primary Inductance, Lp=725µH, measured between pin 4 and pin 5 (Gapped to inductance) Transformer structure: 5 6 3 4 7 2 1 Figure 6 – Transformer structure and top view of transformer complete Wire size requirement: Application Note Start 2 Stop 1 No. of turns 18 Wire size 1XAWG#30 3 7 7 4 6 6 40 6 6 1XAWG#30 2XAWG#26 2XAWG#26 /2 Primary Secondary Secondary 5 3 40 1XAWG#30 1 17 Layer Auxiliary 1 /2 Primary 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 10 Test results 10.1 Efficiency Active-Mode Efficiency versus AC Line Input Voltage 85.00 82.68 Efficiency [ % ] 82.33 82.56 82.09 81.20 82.19 81.68 80.00 81.95 82.02 81.19 80.75 78.63 75.00 85 115 150 180 230 282 AC Line Input Voltage [ Vac ] Full load Efficiency Average Efficiency(25%,50%,75% & 100%) Figure 7 – Efficiency vs. AC line input voltage Efficiency versus Output Power 95.00 Efficiency [ % ] 90.00 83.42 85.00 83.18 82.39 82.09 81.98 80.75 77.85 80.00 82.63 80.98 75.00 71.80 70.00 65.00 0 25 50 75 100 Output Power [ % ] Vin=115Vac Vin=230Vac Figure 8 – Efficiency vs. output power @ low and high line Application Note 18 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 10.2 Input standby power Stanby Power @ no-load versus AC Line Input Voltage Input Power [ mW ] 100 80 64.40 60 87.80 45.80 37.60 40 24.60 29.50 20 19.56 20.12 22.31 32.50 27.60 25.50 0 85 115 150 180 230 282 AC Line Input Voltage [ Vac ] Po = 0W(Enable Brownout) Po=0W(Disable Brownout) Figure 9 – Input standby power @ no load vs. AC line input voltage (measured by Yokogawa WT210 power meter - integration mode) Standby Power versus AC Line Input Voltage(Enable Brownout) Input Power [ W ] 5.0 4.0 3.0 3.65 2.41 2.0 1.22 3.70 3.53 2.45 2.41 1.23 1.26 3.73 2.47 1.27 3.78 3.86 2.52 2.58 1.31 1.35 1.0 0.0 0.63 0.64 0.66 0.67 0.70 0.73 85 115 150 180 230 282 AC Line Input Voltage [ Vac ] Po=0.5W Po=1W Po=2W Po=3W Figure 10 – Input standby power vs. AC line input voltage Application Note 19 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 10.3 Line regulation Output Voltage [ V ] Line Regulation : Output Voltage @ Max. Load versus AC Line Input Voltage 5.2000 5.1000 5.0000 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 85 115 150 180 230 282 4.9000 4.8000 AC Line Input Voltage [ Vac ] Vo @ max. load Figure 11 – Line regulation Vo @ full load vs. AC line input voltage 10.4 Load regulation Load Regulation: Vout versus Outoput Power Ouput Voltage [ V ] 5.10 5.05 4.99 4.98 5.00 4.99 4.95 4.97 4.98 4.97 4.96 4.96 4.95 4.95 4.90 0 25 50 75 100 Output Pow er [ % ] Output Voltage @ 230Vac Output Voltage @ 115Vac Figure 12 – Load regulation Vout vs. output power Application Note 20 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 10.5 Max. input power Max. Overload Input Pow er ( Peak Pow er ) versus AC Line Input Voltage Max. Overload Input Power [ W ] Pin=30.18±2.02% 32 30.79 30.03 30 30.13 30.18 150 180 30.36 29.57 28 85 115 230 282 AC Line Input Voltage [ Vac ] Peak Input Power Figure 13 – Max. input power (before over-load protection) vs. AC line input voltage 10.6 ESD test Pass* (EN61000-4-2): 20kV for contact discharge. *Add L22 and C24 10.7 Lightning surge test Pass* (EN61000-4-5) 6kV for line to earth *Add SG1 & SG2 (DSP-301N-S00B) Application Note 21 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 10.8 Conducted EMI The conducted EMI was measured by Schaffner (SMR4503) and followed the test standard of EN55022 (CISPR 22) class B. The demo board was set up at maximum load (20W) with input voltage of 115Vac and 230Vac. 80 EN_V_QP EN_V_AV QP AV 70 60 dBµV 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0.1 1 10 100 f / MHz Figure 14 – Max. Load (20W) with 115 Vac (Line) 80 EN_V_QP EN_V_AV QP AV 70 60 dBµV 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0.1 1 10 100 f / MHz Figure 15 – Max. Load (20W) with 115 Vac (Neutral) Application Note 22 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 80 EN_V_QP EN_V_AV QP AV 70 60 dBµV 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0.1 1 10 100 f / MHz Figure 16 – Max. Load (20W) with 230 Vac (Line) 80 EN_V_QP EN_V_AV QP AV 70 60 dBµV 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 0.1 1 10 100 f / MHz Figure 17 – Max. Load (20W) with 230 Vac (Neutral) Pass conducted EMI EN55022 (CISPR 22) class B with > 8dB margin. Application Note 23 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 11 Waveforms and scope plots All waveforms and scope plots were recorded with a LeCroy 6050 oscilloscope 11.1 Start up at low and high AC line input voltage and max. load 508ms 508ms Entry/exit burst selection Entry/exit burst selection Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA) Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA) Startup time = 508ms Startup time = 508ms Figure 18 – Startup @ 85Vac & max. load Figure 19 – Startup @ 282Vac & max. load 11.2 Soft start at low and high AC line input voltage and max. load 9.7ms 9.7ms Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA) Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA) Soft Star time = 9.7ms(32 steps) Soft Star time = 9.7ms(32 steps) Figure 20 – Soft Start @ 85Vac & max. load Figure 21– Soft Start @ 282Vac & max. load Application Note 24 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 11.3 Frequency jittering 66.5kHz 66.3kHz (2msX2) (2msX2) 61.6kHz 61.7kHz Channel 1; C1 : Drain voltage (VDrain) Channel 1; C1 : Drain voltage (VDrain) Frequency jittering from 61.6 kHz ~ 66.3 kHz, Jitter period is approximately 4ms(2msX2) Frequency jittering from 61.7kHz ~ 66.5 kHz, Jitter period is approximately 4ms(2msX2) Figure 22 – Frequency jittering @ 85Vac and max. load Figure 23 – Frequency jittering @ 282Vac and max. load 11.4 Drain to source voltage and Current at max. load Channel 1; C1 : Drain voltage (VDrain) Channel 2; C2 : Drain current (IDS) Duty cycle = 41%, VDrain_peak = 321V Figure 24 – Operation @ 85Vac and max. load Application Note Channel 1; C1 : Drain voltage (VDrain) Channel 2; C2 : Drain current (IDS) Duty cycle = 13%, VDrain_peak = 627V Figure 25 – Operation @ 282Vac and max. load 25 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 11.5 Load transient response (Dynamic load from 10% to 100%) Channel 1; C1 : Output ripple voltage (Vo) Channel 2; C2 : Output current (Io) Channel 1; C1 : Output ripple voltage (Vo) Channel 2; C2 : Output current (Io) Vripple_pk_pk=524mV (Load change from10% to 100%,100Hz,0.4A/µS slew rate) Vripple_pk_pk=527mV (Load change from10% to 100%,100Hz,0.4A/µS slew rate Figure 26 – Load transient response @ 85Vac Figure 27 – Load transient response @ 282Vac 11.6 Output ripple voltage at max. load Channel 1; C1 : Output ripple voltage (Vo) Channel 1; C1 : Output ripple voltage (Vo) Vripple_pk_pk=17mV Vripple_pk_pk = 17mV Probe terminal end with decoupling capacitor 0.1uF(ceramic) & 1uF(Electrolytic), 20MHz filter of Figure 28 – AC output ripple @ 85Vac and max. load Application Note Probe terminal end with decoupling capacitor of 0.1uF(ceramic) & 1uF(Electrolytic), 20MHz filter Figure 29 – AC output ripple @ 282Vac and max. load 26 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 11.7 Output ripple voltage during burst mode at 1 W load Channel 1; C1 : Output ripple voltage (Vo) Channel 1; C1 : Output ripple voltage (Vo) Vripple_pk_pk=35mV Vripple_pk_pk = 37mV Probe terminal end with decoupling capacitor 0.1uF(ceramic) & 1uF(Electrolytic), 20MHz filter of Figure 30 – AC output ripple @ 85Vac and 1W load Probe terminal end with decoupling capacitor of 0.1uF(ceramic) & 1uF(Electrolytic), 20MHz filter Figure 31 – AC output ripple @ 282Vac and 1W load 11.8 Entering active burst mode 19ms 19ms Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA) Blanking time to enter burst mode : 19ms (load step down from 4A to 0.2A) Figure 32 – Active burst mode @ 85Vac Application Note Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA) Blanking time to enter burst mode : 19ms (load step down from 4A to 0.2A) Figure 33 – Active burst mode @ 282Vac 27 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 11.9 Vcc over voltage protection (Odd skip auto restart mode) VCC OVP2 VCC OVP1 VCC OVP2 Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA) VCC OVP2 first & follows VCC OVP1 (R24 disconnected during system operating @ no load) Figure 34 – Vcc overvoltage protection @ 85Vac 11.10 VCC OVP1 Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA) VCC OVP2 first & follows VCC OVP1 (R24 disconnected before system start up @ no load) Figure 35 – Vcc overvoltage protection @ 282Vac Over load protection (Odd skip auto restart mode) built-in + extended blanking time built-in + extended blanking time Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA) Over load protection with (built-in+extended) blanking time = 470ms (output load change from 4A to 5.5A) Figure 36 – Over load protection with extended blanking time @ 85Vac) Application Note 28 Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA) Over load protection with (built-in+extended) blanking time = 409ms (output load change from 4A to 5.5A) Figure 37 – Over load protection with extended blanking time @ 282Vac) 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 11.11 Open loop protection (Odd skip auto restart mode) Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA) Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA) Open loop protection (R24 disconnected during system operation at max. load) – over load protection Open loop protection (R24 disconnected during system operation at max. load) – over load protection Figure 38 – Open loop protection @ 85Vac Figure 39 – Open loop protection @ 282Vac 11.12 VCC under voltage/Short optocoupler protection (Non switch auto restart mode) Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA) Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA VCC under voltage/short optocoupler protection (short the transistor of optocoupler during system operating @ full load) VCC under voltage/short optocoupler protection (short the transistor of optocoupler during system operating @ full load) Figure 40 – Vcc under voltage/short optocoupler protection @ 85Vac Figure 41 – Vcc under voltage/short optocoupler protection @ 282Vac Application Note 29 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 11.13 External protection enable (Non switch auto restart mode) Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA Channel 1; C1 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Feedback voltage (VFBB) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA External protection enable (short BBA pin to Gnd by 10Ω resistor) External protection enable (short BBA pin to Gnd by 10Ω resistor) Figure 42 – External protection enable @ 85Vac Figure 43 – External protection enable @ 282Vac 11.14 Brownout mode 120Vdc 105Vdc 22.6Vdc 90.5Vdc 120Vdc 22.6Vdc 22.6Vdc 22.6Vdc Channel 1; C1 : Bulk voltage(Vbulk) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA) Channel 1; C1 : Bulk voltage(Vbulk) Channel 2; C2 : Supply voltage (VCC) Channel 3; C3 : Current sense voltage (VCS) Channel 4; C4 : BBA voltage (VBBA) IC on & 1st detect brownout: Vbulk= 22.6Vdc (16Vac) IC on & 1st detect brownout:Vbulk= 22.6Vdc (16Vac) Brownout reset: Vbulk= 120Vdc (85Vac) Brownout reset: Vbulk= 120Vdc (85Vac) Brownout triggered: Vbulk= 105Vdc (74Vac) Brownout triggered: Vbulk= 90.5Vdc (64Vac) IC off: Vbulk= 22.6Vdc (16Vac) IC off: Vbulk= 22.6Vdc (16Vac) Figure 44 – Brownout mode with max. load Figure 45 – Brownout mode with no load Application Note 30 2011-01-03 20W 5V Demoboard using ICE3BR2280JZ 12 Appendix 12.1 Slope compensation for CCM operation This demo board is designed in Discontinuous Conduction Mode ( DCM ) operation. If the application is designed in Continuous Conduction Mode ( CCM ) operation where the maximum duty cycle exceeds the 50% threshold, it needs to add the slope compensation network. Otherwise, the circuitry will be unstable. In this case, three more components ( 2 ceramic capacitors C17 / C18 and one resistor R19) is needed to add as shown in the circuit diagram below. Figure 46 – Circuit Diagram Switch Mode Power Supply with Slope Compensation More information regarding how to calculate the additional components, see application note AN_SMPS_ICE2xXXX – available on the internet: (directory : Home > Power Semiconductors > Integrated Power ICs > CoolSET® F2) 13 References [1] Infineon Technologies, Datasheet “CoolSET®-F3R80 ICE3BR2280JZ Off-Line SMPS Current Mode Controller with integrated 800V CoolMOS® and Startup cell( brownout & Frequency Jitter) in DIP-7” [2] Kyaw Zin Min, Kok Siu Kam Eric, Infineon Technologies, Design Guide “ICE3XRxx80JZ CoolSET® F3R80 (DIP-7) brownout & frequency jitter version Design Guide” [3] Harald Zoellinger, Rainer Kling, Infineon Technologies, Application Note “AN-SMPS-ICE2xXXX-1, CoolSET® ICE2xXXXX for Off-Line Switching Mode Power supply (SMPS )” Application Note 31 2011-01-03