T ODUC MENT TE PR E CE L A O L S OB REP D E nt er at D or t C e MEN p M p sc O u C S al Sheet .com/t Data NO RE r Technic ntersil .i u w o w t contac TERSIL or w IN 1- 888- Temperature Sensor with Look-Up Table Memory and DAC The X96011 is a highly integrated bias controller which incorporates a digitally controlled Programmable Current Generator and temperature compensation using one look-up table. All functions of the device are controlled via a 2-wire digital serial interface. The temperature compensated Programmable Current Generator varies the output current with temperature according to the contents of the associated nonvolatile look-up table. The look-up table may be programmed with arbitrary data by the user, via the 2-wire serial port, and an internal temperature sensor is used to control the output current response. Ordering Information PART NUMBER PART MARKING TEMP RANGE (°C) PACKAGE PKG. DWG. # X96011V14I X9601 1V I -40 to +100 14 Ld TSSOP M14.173 X96011V14IZ (Note) X9601 1VIZ -40 to +100 14 Ld TSSOP (Pb-free) M14.173 NOTE: These Intersil Pb-free plastic packaged products employ special Pb-free material sets; molding compounds/die attach materials and 100% matte tin plate PLUS ANNEAL - e3 termination finish, which is RoHS compliant and compatible with both SnPb and Pb-free soldering operations. Intersil Pb-free products are MSL classified at Pb-free peak reflow temperatures that meet or exceed the Pb-free requirements of IPC/JEDEC J STD-020. X96011 February 25, 2008 FN8215.2 Features • Single Programmable Current Generator - ±1.6mA Max. - 8-bit (256 Step) Resolution - Internally Programmable Full Scale Current Outputs Internal Voltage Reference • Integrated 8-bit A/D Converter • Temperature Compensation - Internal Sensor - -40°C to +100°C Range - 2.2°C/step resolution - EEPROM Look-up Table • Hot Pluggable • Write Protection Circuitry - Intersil BlockLock™ - Logic Controlled Protection • 2-wire Bus with 3 Slave Address Bits • 3V to 5.5V, Single Supply Operation • Package - 14 LD TSSOP • Pb-Free available (RoHS Compliant) Applications • PIN Diode Bias Control • RF PA Bias Control Pinout • Temperature Compensated Process Control X96011 (14 LD TSSOP) TOP VIEW • Laser Diode Bias Control • Fan Control A0 1 14 NC • Motor Control A1 2 13 NC • Sensor Signal Conditioning A2 3 12 NC • Data Aquisition Applications VCC 4 11 VSS • Gain vs Temperature Control WP 5 10 NC • High Power Audio SCL 6 9 NC • Open Loop Temperature Compensation SDA 7 8 IOUT • Close Loop Current, Voltage, Pressure, Temperature, Speed, Position Programmable Voltage Sources, Electronic Loads, Output Amplifiers or Function Generator 1 CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures. 1-888-INTERSIL or 1-888-468-3774 | Intersil (and design) is a registered trademark of Intersil Americas Inc. Copyright Intersil Americas Inc. 2005, 2008. All Rights Reserved All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Block Diagram VOLTAGE REFERENCE MUX ADC MUX DAC IOUT LOOK-UP TABLE TEMPERATURE SENSOR CONTROL AND STATUS SDA SCL WP 2-WIRE INTERFACE A2, A1, A0 Pin Description PIN NUMBER PIN NAME 1 A0 Device Address Select Pin 0. This pin determines the LSB of the device address required to communicate using the 2-wire interface. The A0 pin has an on-chip pull-down resistor. 2 A1 Device Address Select Pin 1. This pin determines the intermediate bit of the device address required to communicate using the 2-wire interface. The A1 pin has an on-chip pull-down resistor. 3 A2 Device Address Select Pin 2. This pin determines the MSB of the device address required to communicate using the 2-wire interface. The A2 pin has an on-chip pull-down resistor. 4 VCC Supply Voltage. 5 WP Write Protect Control Pin. This pin is a CMOS compatible input. When LOW, Write Protection is enabled preventing any “Write” operation. When HIGH, various areas of the memory can be protected using the Block Lock bits BL1 and BL0. The WP pin has an on-chip pull-down resistor, which enables the Write Protection when this pin is left floating. 6 SCL Serial Clock. This is a TTL compatible input pin. This input is the 2-wire interface clock controlling data input and output at the SDA pin. 7 SDA Serial Data. This pin is the 2-wire interface data into or out of the device. It is TTL compatible when used as an input, and it is Open Drain when used as an output. This pin requires an external pull up resistor. 8 IOUT Current Generator Output. This pin sinks or sources current. The magnitude and direction of the current is fully programmable and adaptive. The resolution is 8 bits. 9, 10, 12,13,14 NC No Connect. 11 VSS Ground. DESCRIPTION 2 FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 X96011 Absolute Maximum Ratings Thermal Information All voltages are referred to VSS. Temperature under Bias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -65°C to +100°C Storage temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -65°C to +150°C Voltage on every pin except VCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1.0V to +7V Voltage on VCC Pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0mA to 5.5V DC Output Current at pin SDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0mA to 5mA DC Output Current at pins Iout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -3 to 3mA Lead temperature (soldering, 10s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +300°C Thermal Resistance (Typical, Note 1) JA (°C/W) 14 Lead TSSOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Pb-free reflow profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see link below http://www.intersil.com/pbfree/Pb-FreeReflow.asp Recommended Operating Conditions Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -40°C to +100°C Temperature While Writing to Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . .0°C to +70°C Voltage on VCC Pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3V to 5.5V Voltage on any other Pin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VCC ± 0.3V CAUTION: Do not operate at or near the maximum ratings listed for extended periods of time. Exposure to such conditions may adversely impact product reliability and result in failures not covered by warranty. NOTE: 1. JA is measured with the component mounted on a high effective thermal conductivity test board in free air. See Tech Brief TB379 for details. Electrical Specifications SYMBOL All typical values are for +25°C ambient temperature and 5V at pin VCC. Maximum and minimum specifications are over the recommended operating conditions. All voltages are referred to the voltage at pin VSS. Bit 7 in control register 0 is “1”, while other bits in control registers are “0”. 400kHz TTL input at SCL. SDA pulled to VCC through an external 2k resistor. 2-wire interface in “standby” (Notes 2 and 3 ). WP, A0, A1, and A2 floating. MAX UNIT Iccstby Standby Current Into VCC Pin PARAMETER IOUT floating, sink mode TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP 2 mA Iccfull Full Operation Current Into VCC Pin 2-wire interface reading from memory, Iout connected to VSS, DAC input bytes: FFh 6 mA Iccwrite Nonvolatile Write Current Into VCC Pin Average from START condition until tWP after the STOP condition WP: Vcc, Iout floating, sink mode VRef unloaded. IPLDN On-chip Pull Down Current At Wp, A0, V(WP), V(A0), V(A1), and V(A2) from A1,and A2 0V to Vcc VILTTL Scl And Sda, Input Low Voltage VIHTTL Scl And Sda, Input High Voltage IINTTL Scl And Sda Input Current Pin voltage between 0 and VCC, and SDA as an input. -1 10 µA VOLSDA Sda Output Low Voltage I(SDA) = 2 mA 0 0.4 V V(SDA) = VCC 0 100 µA 0 0.2 x VCC V 0.8 x VCC VCC V 100 °C 4 0 1 mA 20 µA 0.8 V 2.0 V IOHSDA Sda Output High Current VILCMOS Wp, A0, A1, And A2 Input Low Voltage VIHCMOS Wp, A0, A1, And A2 Input High Voltage TSenseRange Temperature Sensor Range TSenseAccuracy Temperature Sensor Accuracy VPOR Power-on Reset Threshold Voltage 1.5 2.8 V VccRamp VCC Ramp Rate 0.2 50 mV/µs VADCOK Adc Enable Minimum Voltage 2.6 2.8 V (Note 7) -40 ±2 (Figure 8) °C NOTES: 2. The device goes into Standby: 200 ns after any STOP, except those that initiate a nonvolatile write cycle. It goes into Standby tWC after a STOP that initiates a nonvolatile write cycle. It also goes into Standby 9 clock cycles after any START that is not followed by the correct Slave Address Byte. 3. tWC is the time from a valid STOP condition at the end of a write sequence to the end of the self-timed internal nonvolatile write cycle. It is the minimum cycle time to be allowed for any nonvolatile write by the user, unless Acknowledge Polling is used. 4. This parameter is periodically sampled and not 100% tested. 3 FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 D/A Converter Characteristics (See pg. 5 for standard conditions) SYMBOL PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT DAC input Byte = FFh, Source or sink mode, V(IOUT) is VCC -1.2V in source mode and 1.2V in sink mode. (Notes 5, 6 ) 1.56 1.58 1.6 mA 1 1 LSB -2 2 LSB -0.5 0.5 LSB -1 1 LSB IFS Iout Full Scale Current OffsetDAC Iout D/a Converter Offset Error FSErrorDAC Iout D/a Converter Full Scale Error DNLDAC Iout D/a Converter Differential Nonlinearity INLDAC Iout D/a Converter Integral Nonlinearity With Respect To A Straight Line Through 0 And The Full Scale Value VISink I1 Sink Voltage Compliance In this range the current at I1 vary < 1% 1.2 VCC V VISource I1 Source Voltage Compliance In this range the current at I1 vary < 1% 0 VCC - 1.2 V IOVER I1 Overshoot On D/a Converter Data Byte Transition 0 µA IUNDER I1 Undershoot On D/a Converter Data Byte Transition DAC input byte changing from 00h to FFh and vice versa, V(I1) is VCC - 1.2V in source mode and 1.2V in sink mode. (Note 7) 0 µA trDAC I1 Rise Time On D/a Converter Data Byte Transition; 10% To 90% 30 µs TCOI1I2 Temperature Coefficient Of Output Current Iout NOTES: 5. LSB is defined as 5 See Figure 5 [ 23 x V(VRef) 255 ] divided by the resistance between R 1 ±200 ppm/°C or R2 to Vss. 6. OffsetDAC: The Offset of a DAC is defined as the deviation between the measured and ideal output, when the DAC input is 01h. It is expressed in LSB. FSErrorDAC: The Full Scale Error of a DAC is defined as the deviation between the measured and ideal output, when the input is FFh. It is expressed in LSB. The OffsetDAC is subtracted from the measured value before calculating FSErrorDAC. DNLDAC: The Differential Non-Linearity of a DAC is defined as the deviation between the measured and ideal incremental change in the output of the DAC, when the input changes by one code step. It is expressed in LSB. The measured values are adjusted for Offset and Full Scale Error before calculating DNLDAC. INLDAC: The Integral Non-Linearity of a DAC is defined as the deviation between the measured and ideal transfer curves, after adjusting the measured transfer curve for Offset and Full Scale Error. It is expressed in LSB. 7. These parameters are periodically sampled and not 100% tested. 2-Wire Interface AC Characteristics SYMBOL fSCL PARAMETER Scl Clock Frequency TEST CONDITIONS See Table 2-Wire Interface Test Conditions on page 5 MIN 1 (Note 10) TYP MAX UNITS 400 kHz (Figure 1, 2 and 3) tIN (Note 11) Pulse Width Suppression Time At Inputs 50 ns tAA (Note 11) Scl Low To Sda Data Out Valid 900 ns tBUF (Note 11) Time The Bus Free Before Start Of New Transmission tLOW Clock Low Time 1.3 1200 (Note 10) µs tHIGH Clock High Time 0.6 1200 (Note 10) µs tSU:STA Start Condition Setup Time 600 ns tHD:STA Start Condition Hold Time 600 ns 4 1300 ns FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 2-Wire Interface AC Characteristics (Continued) SYMBOL PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 100 ns 0 µs Stop Condition Setup Time 600 ns tDH Data Output Hold Time 50 ns tR (Note 11) Sda And Scl Rise Time 20 + 0.1Cb (Note 8) 300 ns tF (Note 11) Sda And Scl Fall Time 20 + 0.1Cb (Note 8) 300 ns tSU:WP (Note 11) Wp Setup Time 600 ns tHD:WP (Note 11) Wp Hold Time 600 ns Cb (Note 11) Capacitive Load For Each Bus Line tSU:DAT Data In Setup Time tHD:DAT Data In Hold Time tSU:STO See Table 2-Wire Interface Test Conditions on page 5 (Figure 1, 2 and 3) 400 pF 2-Wire Interface Test Conditions Input Pulse Levels 10% to 90% of VCC Input Rise and Fall Times, between 10% and 90% 10ns Input and Output Timing Threshold Level 1.4V External Load at pin SDA 2.3k to VCC and 100pF to VSS Nonvolatile WRITE Cycle Timing SYMBOL PARAMETER tWC (Note 9) Nonvolatile Write Cycle Time TEST CONDITIONS MIN See Figure 3 TYP MAX UNITS 5 10 ms NOTES: 8. Cb = total capacitance of one bus line (SDA or SCL) in pF. 9. tWC is the time from a valid STOP condition at the end of a write sequence to the end of the self-timed internal nonvolatile write cycle. It is the minimum cycle time to be allowed for any nonvolatile write by the user, unless Acknowledge Polling is used. 10. The minimum frequency requirement applies between a START and a STOP condition. 11. These parameters are periodically sampled and not 100% tested. Timing Diagrams tHIGH tF SCL tLOW tR tSU:DAT tSU:STA tHD:DAT tSU:STO tHD:STA SDA IN tAA tDH tBUF SDA OUT FIGURE 1. BUS TIMING 5 FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 STOP START SCL CLK 1 SDA IN tSU:WP tHD:WP WP FIGURE 2. WP PIN TIMING SCL SDA 8TH BIT OF LAST BYTE ACK tWC START CONDITION STOP CONDITION FIGURE 3. NON-VOLATILE WRITE CYCLE TIMING 622 Intersil Sensor Conditioner Product Family FEATURES/FUNCTIONS DEVICE TITLE INTERNAL EXTERNAL INTERNAL VOLTAGE TEMPERATURE SENSOR REFERENCE INPUT SENSOR VREF INPUT/ OUPUT GENERAL PURPOSE EEPROM LOOK-UP TABLE ORGANIZATION # OF DACS FSO CURRENT DAC SETTING RESISTORS X96010 Sensor Conditioner with Dual Look-Up Table Memory and DACs No Yes Yes Yes No Dual Bank Dual Ext X96011 Temperature Sensor with LookUp Table Memory and DAC Yes No Yes No No Single Bank Single Int X96012 Universal Sensor Conditioner with Dual Look-Up Table Memory and DACs Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Dual Bank Dual Ext / Int NOTE: FSO = Full Scale Output, Ext = External, Int = Internal 6 FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 Device Description The combination of the X96011 functionality and Intersil’s QFN package lowers system cost, increases reliability, and reduces board space requirements. The on-chip Programmable Current Generator may be independently programmed to either sink or source current. The maximum current generated is determined by using an externally connected programming resistor, or by selecting one of three predefined values. Both current generators have a maximum output of ±1.6 mA, and may be controlled to an absolute resolution of 0.39% (256 steps/8 bit). The current generator is driven using either an on-board temperature sensor or control registers. The internal temperature sensor operates over a very broad temperature range (-40°C to +100°C). The sensor output drives an 8-bit A/D converter. The six MSBs of the ADC output selects one of 64 bytes from the nonvolatile look-up table (LUT). The contents of the selected LUT row (8-bit wide) drives the input of an 8-bit D/A converter, which generates the output current. All control and setup parameters of the X96011, including the look-up table, are programmable via the 2-wire serial port. ADCFILTOFF: ADC FILTERING CONTROL (NON-VOLATILE) When this bit is “1”, the status register at 87h is updated after every conversion of the ADC. When this bit is “0” (default), the status register is updated after four consecutive conversions with the same result, on the 6 MSBs. NV13: CONTROL REGISTERS 1 AND 3 VOLATILITY MODE SELECTION BIT (NON-VOLATILE) When the NV13 bit is set to “0” (default), bytes written to Control registers 1 and 3 are stored in volatile cells, and their content is lost when the X96011 is powered down. When the NV13 bit is set to “1”, bytes written to Control registers 1 and 3 are stored in both volatile and nonvolatile cells, and their value doesn’t change when the X96011 is powered down and powered back up. See “Writing to Control Registers” on page 16. IDS: CURRENT GENERATOR DIRECTION SELECT BIT (NON-VOLATILE) The IDS bit sets the polarity of the Current Generator. When this bit is set to “0” (default), the Current Generator of the X96011 is configured as a Current Source. The Current Generator is configured as a Current Sink when the IDS bit is set to “1”. See Figure 5. Principles of Operation Control and Status Registers The Control and Status Registers provide the user with a mechanism for changing and reading the value of various parameters of the X96011. The X96011 contains five Controls, one Status, and several Reserved registers, each being one Byte wide (See Figure 4). The Control registers 0 through 6 are located at memory addresses 80h through 86h respectively. The Status register is at memory address 87h, and the Reserved registers at memory address 82h, 84h, and 88h through 8Fh. All bits in Control register 6 always power-up to the logic state “0”. All bits in Control registers 0 through 5 power-up to the logic state value kept in their corresponding nonvolatile memory cells. The nonvolatile bits of a register retain their stored values even when the X96011 is powered down, then powered back up. The nonvolatile bits in Control 0 through Control 5 registers are all preprogrammed to the logic state “0” at the factory, except the cases that indicate “1” in Figure 1. Bits indicated as “Reserved” are ignored when read, and must be written as “0”, if any Write operation is performed to their registers. A detailed description of the function of each of the Control and Status register bits follows. Control Register 0 This register is accessed by performing a Read or Write operation to address 80h of memory. 7 FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 BYTE ADDRESS 80h NON-VOLATILE MSB LSB 7 6 5 4 1 IDS NV13 ADCfiltOff Iout Direction 0: Source 1: Sink CONTROL 1, 3 VOLATILITY 0: VOLATILE 1: NONVOLATILE ADC filtering 0: On 1: Off 3 2 1 0 REGISTER NAME 0 0 0 0 CONTROL 0 LDA4 LDA3 LDA2 LDA1 LDA0 CONTROL 1 CONTROL 3 DIRECT ACCESS TO THE LUT 81h VOLATILE OR NON-VOLATILE RESERVED RESERVED LDA5 DIRECT ACCESS TO THE DAC 83h VOLATILE OR NON-VOLATILE DDA7 DDA6 DDA5 DDA4 DDA3 DDA2 DDA1 DDA0 85h NON-VOLATILE 0 0 DDAS LDAS 0 0 IFSO1 IFSO 0 Direct Access to dac 0: Disabled 1: Enabled Direct Access to lut 0: Disabled 1: Enabled 86h VOLATILE WEL CONTROL 5 R Selection 00: Reserved 01: Low Internal 10: Middle Internal 11: High Internal (Default) RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED CONTROL 6 Write Enable Latch 0: Write Disabled 1: Write Enabled ADC OUTPUT 87H VOLATILE AD6 AD7 AD5 AD4 AD3 AD2 AD1 AD0 STATUS REGISTERS IN BYTE ADDRESSES 82H, 84H, AND 88H THROUGH 8FH ARE RESERVED. REGISTERS BITS SHOWN AS 0 OR 1 SHOULD ALWAYS USE THESE VALUES FOR PROPER OPERATION. FIGURE 4. CONTROL AND STATUS REGISTER FORMULA 8 FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 X96011 Control Register 1 WEL: WRITE ENABLE LATCH (VOLATILE) This register is accessed by performing a Read or Write operation to address 81h of memory. This byte’s volatility is determined by bit NV13 in Control register 0. The WEL bit controls the Write Enable status of the entire X96011 device. This bit must be set to “1” before any other Write operation (volatile or nonvolatile). Otherwise, any proceeding Write operation to memory is aborted and no ACK is issued after a Data Byte. LDA5 - LDA0: LUT DIRECT ACCESS BITS When bit LDAS (bit 4 in Control register 5) is set to “1”, the LUT is addressed by these six bits, and it is not addressed by the output of the on-chip A/D converter. When bit LDAS is set to “0”, these six bits are ignored by the X96011. See Figure 7. • The WEL bit is a volatile latch that powers up in the “0” state (disabled). The WEL bit is enabled by writing 100000002 to Control register 6. Once enabled, the WEL bit remains set to “1” until the X96011 is powered down, and then up again, or until it is reset to “0” by writing 000000002 to Control register 6. A value between 00h (0010) and 3Fh (6310) may be written to these register bits, to select the corresponding row in the LUT. The written value is added to the base address of the LUT (90h). A Write operation that modifies the value of the WEL bit will not cause a change in other bits of Control register 6. Control Register 3 Status Register - ADC Output This register is accessed by performing a Read or Write operation to address 83h of memory. This byte’s volatility is determined by bit NV13 in Control register 0. This register is accessed by performing a Read operation to address 87h of memory. DDA7 - DDA0: D/A DIRECT ACCESS BITS AD7 - AD0: A/D CONVERTER OUTPUT BITS (READ ONLY) When bit DDAS (bit 5 in Control register 5) is set to “1”, the input to the D/A converter is the content of bits DDA7-DDA0, and it is not a row of LUT. When bit DDAS is set to “0” (default) these eight bits are ignored by the X96011. See Figure 6. This byte is the binary output of the on-chip digital thermometer. The output is 000000002 for -40°C and 111111112 for +100°C. The six MSBs select a row of the LUT. Look-Up Table Control Register 5 This register is accessed by performing a Read or Write operation to address 85h of memory. IFSO1 - IFSO0: CURRENT GENERATOR FULL SCALE OUTPUT SET BITS (NON-VOLATILE) These two bits are used to set the full scale output current at the Current Generator pin, Iout, according to the following table. The direction of this current is set by bit IDS in Control register 0. See Figure 5. I1FSO1 I1FSO0 I1 Full Scale Output Current 0 0 Reserved (Don’t Use) 0 1 0.4mA 1 0 0.85 mA 1 1 1.3 mA (Default) LDAS: LUT DIRECT ACCESS SELECT BIT (NON-VOLATILE) When bit LDAS is set to “0” (default), the LUT is addressed by the output of the on-chip A/D converter. When bit LDAS is set to “1”, LUT is addressed by bits LDA5 - LDA0. DDAS: D/A DIRECT ACCESS SELECT BIT (NON-VOLATILE) When bit DDAS is set to “0” (default), the input to the D/A converter is a row of the LUT. When bit DDAS is set to “1”, that input is the content of the Control register 3. Control Register 6 This register is accessed by performing a Read or Write operation to address 86h of memory. 9 The X96011 memory array contains a 64-byte look-up table. The look-up table is associated to pin Iout’s output current generator through the D/A converter. The output of the look-up table is the byte contained in the selected row. By default this byte is the input to the D/A converter driving pin IOUT. The byte address of the selected row is obtained by adding the look-up table base address 90h, and the appropriate row selection bits. See Figure 6. By default the look-up table selection bits are the 6 MSBs of the digital thermometer output. Alternatively, the A/D converter can be bypassed and the six row selection bits are the six LSBs of Control Register 1 for the LUT. The selection between these options is illustrated in Figure 6. Current Generator Block The Current Generator pin Iout is the output of the current mode D/A converter. D/A Converter Operation The Block Diagram for the D/A converter is shown in Figure 5. The input byte of the D/A converter selects a voltage on the non-inverting input of an operational amplifier. The output of the amplifier drives the gate of a FET. This node is also fed back to the inverting input of the amplifier. The drain of the FET is connected to the output current pin (IOUT) via a “polarity select” circuit block. FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 VCC POLARITY SELECT CIRCUIT IDS: BIT 6 IN CONTROL REGISTER 0. DAC INPUT BYTE VOLTAGE DIVIDER + - IFSO[1:0] BITS 1 AND 0 IN CONTROL REGISTER 5 11 HIGH_CURRENT MIDDLE_CURRENT 10 01 LOW_CURRENT INTERNAL REFERENCE VOLTAGE IOUT PIN VSS VSS VSS FIGURE 5. D/A CONVERTER BLOCK DIAGRAM DDA[7:0] : Control register 3 6 8 90h A D D E R 8 … LUT Row Selection bits LUT CFh 8 8 D1 D0 Out DAC Input Byte Select 90h DDAS: Bit 5 of Control register 5 FIGURE 6. LOOK-UP TABLE (LUT) OPERATION VOLTAGE REFERENCE LDA[5:0]: CONTROL REGISTER 1 6 ADC VOLTAGE INPUT FROM INTERNAL TEMPERATURE SENSOR 6 8 AD[7:0] STATUS REGISTER D1 OUT D0 SELECT LUT ROW SELECTION BITS LDAS: BIT 4 IN CONTROL REGISTER 5 FIGURE 7. LOOK-UP TABLE ADDRESSING 10 FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 By examining the block diagram in Figure 5, we see that the maximum current through pin IOUT is set by fixing values for V(VRef) and R. The output current can then be varied by changing the data byte at the D/A converter input. Bit DDAS is used to bypass the A/D converter and look-up table, allowing direct access to the input of the D/A converter with the byte in control register 3. See Figure 6, and the descriptions of the control bits. In general, the magnitude of the current at the D/A converter output pin may be calculated by Equation 1: Bit IDS in Control Register 0 select the direction of the current through pin Iout. See Figure 5, and the descriptions of the control bits. (EQ. 1) I = (V(VRef) / (384 * R)) *N where N is the decimal representation of the input byte to the corresponding D/A converter. The value for the resistor determines the full scale output current that the D/A converter may sink or source. Bits IFSO1 and IFSO0 select the full scale output current setting for Iout as described in “IFSO1 - IFSO0: Current Generator Full Scale Output Set Bits (Non-volatile)” on page 9. Bit IDS and in control register 0 select the direction of the currents through pins Iout (See “IDS: Current Generator Direction Select Bit (Non-volatile)” on page 7, and )“The IDS bit sets the polarity of the Current Generator. When this bit is set to “0” (default), the Current Generator of the X96011 is configured as a Current Source. The Current Generator is configured as a Current Sink when the IDS bit is set to “1”. See Figure 5.” D/A Converter Output Current Response Power-on Reset When power is applied to the VCC pin of the X96011, the device undergoes a strict sequence of events before the current outputs of the D/A converters are enabled. When the voltage at VCC becomes larger than the power-on reset threshold voltage (VPOR), the device recalls all control bits from non-volatile memory into volatile registers. Next, the analog circuits are powered up. When the voltage at VCC becomes larger than a second voltage threshold (VADCOK), the ADC is enabled. In the default case, after the ADC performs four consecutive conversions with the same exact result, the ADC output is used to select a byte from the look-up table. The byte becomes the input of the DAC. During all the previous sequence the input of the DAC is 00h. If bit ADCfiltOff is “1”, only one ADC conversion is necessary. Bit DDAS and LDAS, also modify the way the DAC is accessed the first time after power-up, as described in “Control Register 5” on page 9. When the D/A converter input data byte changes by an arbitrary number of bits, the output current changes from an intial current level (Ix) to some final level (Ix + Ix). The transition is monotonic and glitchless. The X96011 is a hot pluggable device. Voltage distrubances on the VCC pin are handled by the power-on reset circuit, allowing proper operation during hot plug-in applications. D/A Converter Control Serial Interface The data byte inputs of the D/A converters can be controlled in three ways: Serial Interface Conventions 3) Bypassing both the A/D converter and look-up tables, and directly setting the D/A converter input byte The device supports a bidirectional bus oriented protocol. The protocol defines any device that sends data onto the bus as a transmitter, and the receiving device as the receiver. The device controlling the transfer is called the master and the device being controlled is called the slave. The master always initiates data transfers, and provides the clock for both transmit and receive operations. The X96011 operates as a slave in all applications. The options are summarized in Table 1. Serial Clock and Data 1) With the A/D converter and through the look-up tables (default) 2) Bypassing the A/D converter and directly accessing the look-up tables TABLE 1. D/A CONVERTER ACCESS SUMMARY LDAS DDAS CONTROL SOURCE 0 0 A/D converter through LUT (Default) 1 0 Bits LDA5 - LDA0 through LUT X 1 Bits DDA7 - DDA0 “X” = Don’t Care Condition (May be either “1” or “0”) 11 Data states on the SDA line can change only while SCL is LOW. SDA state changes while SCL is HIGH are reserved for indicating START and STOP conditions. See Figure 10. On power-up of the X96011, the SDA pin is in the input mode. Serial Start Condition All commands are preceded by the START condition, which is a HIGH to LOW transition of SDA while SCL is HIGH. The device continuously monitors the SDA and SCL lines for the START condition and does not respond to any command until this condition has been met. See Figure 9. FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 VOLTAGE VCC VADCOK 0V TIME CURRENT Ix ADC TIME IX X 10% TIME FIGURE 8. CONVERTER POWER-ON RESET RESPONSE Serial Stop Condition All communications must be terminated by a STOP condition, which is a LOW to HIGH transition of SDA while SCL is HIGH. The STOP condition is also used to place the device into the Standby power mode after a read sequence. A STOP condition can only be issued after the transmitting device has released the bus. See Figure 9. exception of a “Data Byte” addresses to location 86h; 3) “Data Bytes” following a “Data Byte” addressed to locations 80h, 85h, or 86h. Serial Acknowledge An ACK (Acknowledge), is a software convention used to indicate a successful data transfer. The transmitting device, either master or slave, releases the bus after transmitting eight bits. During the ninth clock cycle, the receiver pulls the SDA line LOW to acknowledge the reception of the eight bits of data. See Figure 11. The device responds with an ACK after recognition of a START condition followed by a valid Slave Address byte. A valid Slave Address byte must contain the Device Type Identifier 1010, and the Device Address bits matching the logic state of pins A2, A1, and A0. See Figure 13. If a write operation is selected, the device responds with an ACK after the receipt of each subsequent eight-bit word. In the read mode, the device transmits eight bits of data, releases the SDA line, and then monitors the line for an ACK. The device continues transmitting data if an ACK is detected. The device terminates further data transmissions if an ACK is not detected. The master must then issue a STOP condition to place the device into a known state. 1. The X96011 acknowledges all incoming data and address bytes except: 1) The “Slave Address Byte” when the “Device Identifier” or “Device Address” are wrong; 2) All “Data Bytes” when the “WEL” bit is “0”, with the 12 FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 SCL SDA STOP START FIGURE 9. VALID START AND STOP CONDITIONS SCL SDA DATA STABLE DATA CHANGE DATA STABLE FIGURE 10. VALID DATA CHANGES ON THE BUS SCL FROM MASTER 1 8 9 SDA OUTPUT FROM TRANSMITTER SDA OUTPUT FROM RECEIVER START ACK FIGURE 11. ACKNOWLEDGE RESPONSE FROM RECEIVER 13 FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 ADDRESS CFh SIZE 1 LOOK-UP TABLE SA6 SA5 0 1 SA4 SA3 SA2 SA1 0 AS2 AS1 AS0 SA0 R/W 64 Bytes (LUT) 90h Device Type Identifier 8Fh CONTROL AND STATUS 80h SA7 Device Address Read or Write 16 Bytes REGISTERS FIGURE 12. X96011 MEMORY MAP X96011 Memory Map The X96011 contains a 80 byte array of mixed volatile and nonvolatile memory. This array is split up into two distinct parts, namely: (Refer to Figure 12). • Look-up Table (LUT) • Control and Status Registers The Control and Status registers of the X96011 are used in the test and setup of the device in a system. These registers are realized as a combination of both volatile and nonvolatile memory. These registers reside in the memory locations 80h through 8Fh. The reserved bits within registers 80h through 86h, must be written as “0” if writing to them, and should be ignored when reading. Register bits shown as 0 or 1, in Figure 4, must be written with the indicated value if writing to them. The reserved registers, 82h, 84h, and from 88h through 8Fh, must not be written, and their content should be ignored. The LUT is realized as nonvolatile EEPROM, and extend from memory locations 90h–CFh. This LUT is dedicated to storing data solely for the purpose of setting the outputs of Current Generators IOUT. All bits in the LUT are preprogrammed to “0” at the factory. Addressing Protocol Overview All Serial Interface operations must begin with a START, followed by a Slave Address Byte. The Slave address selects the X96011, and specifies if a Read or Write operation is to be performed. It should be noted that the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit must first be set in order to perform a Write operation to any other bit. See “WEL: Write Enable Latch (Volatile)” on page 9. Also, all communication to the X96011 over the 2-wire serial bus is conducted by sending the MSB of each byte of data first. The memory is physically realized as one contiguous array, organized as 5 pages of 16 bytes each. SLAVE ADDRESS BIT(s) DESCRIPTION SA7 - SA4 Device Type Identifier SA3 - SA1 Device Address FIGURE 13. SLAVE ADDRESS (SA) FORMAT Slave Address Byte Following a START condition, the master must output a Slave Address Byte (Refer to Figure 13). This byte includes three parts: • The four MSBs (SA7 - SA4) are the Device Type Identifier, which must always be set to 1010 in order to select the X96011. • The next three bits (SA3 - SA1) are the Device Address bits (AS2 - AS0). To access any part of the X96011’s memory, the value of bits AS2, AS1, and AS0 must correspond to the logic levels at pins A2, A1, and A0 respectively. • The LSB (SA0) is the R/W bit. This bit defines the operation to be performed on the device being addressed. When the R/W bit is “1”, then a Read operation is selected. A “0” selects a Write operation (Refer to Figure 13) Nonvolatile Write Acknowledge Polling After a nonvolatile write command sequence is correctly issued (including the final STOP condition), the X96011 initiates an internal high voltage write cycle. This cycle typically requires 5ms. During this time, any Read or Write command is ignored by the X96011. Write Acknowledge Polling is used to determine whether a high voltage write cycle is completed. During acknowledge polling, the master first issues a START condition followed by a Slave Address Byte. The Slave Address Byte contains the X96011’s Device Type Identifier and Device Address. The LSB of the Slave Address (R/W) can be set to either 1 or 0 in this case. If the device is busy within the high voltage cycle, then no ACK is returned. If the high voltage cycle is completed, an ACK is returned and the master can then proceed with a new Read or Write operation. (Refer to Figure 14) The X96011 2-wire protocol provides one address byte. The next few sections explain how to access the different areas for reading and writing. 14 FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 Byte Write Operation In order to perform a Byte Write operation to the memory array, the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit of the Control 6 Register must first be set to “1”. See “WEL: Write Enable Latch (Volatile)” on page 9. BYTE LOAD COMPLETED BY ISSUING STOP. ENTER ACK POLLING ISSUE “START” ISSUE SLAVE ADDRESS BYTE (READ OR WRITE) For any Byte Write operation, the X96011 requires the Slave Address Byte, an Address Byte, and a Data Byte (See Figure 15). After each of them, the X96011 responds with an ACK. The master then terminates the transfer by generating a STOP condition. At this time, if all data bits are volatile, the X96011 is ready for the next read or write operation. If some bits are nonvolatile, the X96011 begins the internal write cycle to the nonvolatile memory. During the internal nonvolatile write cycle, the X96011 does not respond to any requests from the master. The SDA output is at high impedance. ISSUE “STOP” NO ACK RETURNED? YES HIGH VOLTAGE Writing to Control bytes which are located at byte addresses 80h through 8Fh is a special case described in the section “Writing to Control Registers” . NO COMPLETE. CONTINUE COMMAND SEQUENCE. YES ISSUE “STOP” CONTINUE NORMAL READ OR WRITE COMMAND SEQUENCE PROCEED FIGURE 14. ACKNOWLEDGE POLLING SEQUENCE WRITE SIGNALS FROM the MASTER SIGNAL AT SDA SIGNALS FROM THE SLAVE S T A R T 10 10 S T O P DATA BYTE ADDRESS BYTE SLAVE ADDRESS 0 A C K A C K A C K FIGURE 15. BYTE WRITE SEQUENCE 15 FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 Page Write Operation The 80-byte memory array is physically realized as one contiguous array, organized as 5 pages of 16 bytes each. A “Page Write” operation can be performed to any of the four LUT pages. In order to perform a Page Write operation, the Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit in Control register 6 must first be set (See “WEL: Write Enable Latch (Volatile)” on page 9.) A Page Write operation is initiated in the same manner as the byte write operation; but instead of terminating the write cycle after the first data byte is transferred, the master can transmit up to 16 bytes (See Figure 16). After the receipt of each byte, the X96011 responds with an ACK, and the internal byte address counter is incremented by one. The page address remains constant. When the counter reaches the end of the page, it “rolls over” and goes back to the first byte of the same page. For example, if the master writes 12 bytes to a 16-byte page starting at location 11 (decimal), the first 5 bytes are written to locations 11 through 15, while the last 7 bytes are written to locations 0 through 6 within that page. Afterwards, the address counter would point to location 7. If the master supplies more than 16 bytes of data, then new data overwrites the previous data, one byte at a time. (See Figure 17). The master terminates the loading of Data Bytes by issuing a STOP condition, which initiates the nonvolatile write cycle. As with the Byte Write operation, all inputs are disabled until completion of the internal write cycle. A Page Write operation cannot be performed on the page at locations 80h through 8Fh. The next section describes the special cases within that page. Writing to Control Registers The bytes at locations 80h, 81h, 83h, 85h, and 86h are written using Byte Write operations. They cannot be written using a Page Write operation. Registers Control 1 and 3 have a nonvolatile and a volatile cell for each bit. At power-up, the content of the nonvolatile cells is automatically recalled and written to the volatile cells. The content of the volatile cells controls the X96011’s functionality. If bit NV13 in the Control 0 register is set to “1”, a Write operation to these registers writes to both the volatile and nonvolatile cells. If bit NV13 in the Control 0 register is set to “0”, a Write operation to these registers only writes to the volatile cells. In both cases the newly written values effectively control the X96011, but in the second case, those values are lost when the part is powered down. If bit NV13 is set to “0”, a Byte Write operation to Control registers 0 or 5 causes the value in the nonvolatile cells of Control registers 1 and 3 to be recalled into their corresponding volatile cells, as during power-up. This doesn’t happen when the WP pin is LOW, because Write Protection is enabled. It is generally recommended to configure Control registers 0 and 5 before writing to Control registers 1 or 3. WRITE S T A R T SIGNALS FROM THE MASTER SIGNAL AT SDA 2 < n < 16 ADDRESS BYTE SLAVE ADDRESS 10 10 SIGNALS FROM THE SLAVE DATA BYTE (1) S T O P DATA BYTE (n) 0 A C K A C K A C K A C K FIGURE 16. PAGE WRITE OPERATION 5 bytes 5 BYTES 7 BYTES ADDRESS = 0 ADDRESS = 6 ADDRESS = 11 ADDRESS = 7 ADDRESS POINTER ENDS UP HERE ADDRESS = 15 FIGURE 17. EXAMPLE: WRITING 12 BYTES TO A 16-BYTE PAGE STARTING AT LOCATION 11. 16 FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 A “Byte Write” operation to Control register 1 or 3, causes the value in the nonvolatile cells of the other to be recalled into the corresponding volatile cells, as during power-up. issued. If the read operation continues the output bytes are unpredictable. If the byte address is set between 00h and 7Fh, or higher than CFh, the output bytes are unpredictable. When reading either of the control registers 1 or 3, the Data Bytes are always the content of the corresponding nonvolatile cells, even if bit NV13 is “0” (Figure 5). A Read operation internal pointer can start at any memory location from 80h through CFh, when the Address Byte is 80h through CFh respectively. When reading any of the control registers 1, 2, 3, or 4, the Data Bytes are always the content of the corresponding nonvolatile cells, even if bit NV13 is "0". See “IDS: Current Generator Direction Select Bit (Non-volatile)”. See Figure 5. Read Operation A Read operation consist of a three byte instruction followed by one or more Data Bytes (See Figure 18). The master initiates the operation issuing the following sequence: a START, the Slave Address byte with the R/W bit set to “0”, an Address Byte, a second START, and a second Slave Address byte with the R/W bit set to “1”. After each of the three bytes, the X96011 responds with an ACK. Then the X96011 transmits Data Bytes as long as the master responds with an ACK during the SCL cycle following the eigth bit of each byte. The master terminates the read operation (issuing a STOP condition) following the last bit of the last Data Byte (Figure 18). Data Protection There are three levels of data protection designed into the X96011: 1- Any Write to the device first requires setting of the WEL bit in Control 6 register; 2- The Write Protection pin disables any writing to the X96011; 3- The proper clock count, data bit sequence, and STOP condition is required in order to start a nonvolatile write cycle, otherwise the X96011 ignores the Write operation. WP: Write Protection Pin The Data Bytes are from the memory location indicated by an internal pointer. This pointer initial value is determined by the Address Byte in the Read operation instruction, and increments by one during transmission of each Data Byte. After reaching the memory location CFh a stop should be SIGNALS FROM THE MASTER S T A R T SIGNAL AT SDA SLAVE ADDRESS WITH ADDRESS BYTE R/W = 0 10 10 SLAVE ADDRESS WITH A C K A C K R/W = 1 10 10 0 A C K SIGNALS FROM THE SLAVE S T A R T When the Write Protection (WP) pin is active (LOW), any Write operations to the X96011 is disabled, except the writing of the WEL bit. See S T O P A C K 1 A C K FIRST READ DATA BYTE LAST READ DATA BYTE FIGURE 18. READ SEQUENCE 17 FN8215.2 February 25, 2008 Thin Shrink Small Outline Plastic Packages (TSSOP) M14.173 N INDEX AREA E 0.25(0.010) M E1 2 INCHES GAUGE PLANE -B1 14 LEAD THIN SHRINK SMALL OUTLINE PLASTIC PACKAGE B M SYMBOL 3 L 0.05(0.002) -A- MAX MILLIMETERS MIN MAX NOTES A - 0.047 - 1.20 - A1 0.002 0.006 0.05 0.15 - A2 0.031 0.041 0.80 1.05 - b 0.0075 0.0118 0.19 0.30 9 A D -C- e A2 A1 b 0.10(0.004) M 0.25 0.010 SEATING PLANE MIN c 0.10(0.004) C A M B S c 0.0035 0.0079 0.09 0.20 - D 0.195 0.199 4.95 5.05 3 E1 0.169 0.177 4.30 4.50 4 e 0.026 BSC 1. These package dimensions are within allowable dimensions of JEDEC MO-153-AC, Issue E. - E 0.246 0.256 6.25 6.50 - L 0.0177 0.0295 0.45 0.75 6 8o 0o N NOTES: 0.65 BSC 14 0o 14 7 8o Rev. 2 4/06 2. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5M-1982. 3. Dimension “D” does not include mold flash, protrusions or gate burrs. Mold flash, protrusion and gate burrs shall not exceed 0.15mm (0.006 inch) per side. 4. Dimension “E1” does not include interlead flash or protrusions. Interlead flash and protrusions shall not exceed 0.15mm (0.006 inch) per side. 5. The chamfer on the body is optional. If it is not present, a visual index feature must be located within the crosshatched area. 6. “L” is the length of terminal for soldering to a substrate. 7. “N” is the number of terminal positions. 8. Terminal numbers are shown for reference only. 9. Dimension “b” does not include dambar protrusion. Allowable dambar protrusion shall be 0.08mm (0.003 inch) total in excess of “b” dimension at maximum material condition. Minimum space between protrusion and adjacent lead is 0.07mm (0.0027 inch). 10. Controlling dimension: MILLIMETER. Converted inch dimensions are not necessarily exact. (Angles in degrees) For additional products, see www.intersil.com/en/products.html Intersil products are manufactured, assembled and tested utilizing ISO9001 quality systems as noted in the quality certifications found at www.intersil.com/en/support/qualandreliability.html Intersil products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design, software and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see www.intersil.com 18 FN8215.2 February 25, 2008