Bourns® Electronic Current Limiters TCS™ & TBU® High-Speed Protectors Short Form Brochure Bourns® TCS™ HSP Product Overview Basic TCS™ HSP Device Operation The Bourns® TCS™ DL Series High-Speed Protector (HSP) products contain dual, well-matched, low resistance, bidirectional, very high-speed Transient Current Suppressors. By limiting the maximum current to a safe level, a Bourns® TCS™ DL device offers superior protection for very high data rate differential lines against faults caused by momentary short circuits, induction and lightning surges. A TCS™ device is designed to trigger at a specified current level and provide a moderate amount of foldback. The following graph shows the normalized response of the device. Normalized Current (A) TCS™ Device - VI Curve 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 -40 Current Limit is Active Linear Resistance (Slope = 1/Series Resistance) -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 Choosing between a TCS™ or TBU® HSP 2 50 ns response time Low let-through energy Low series resistance Well-matched channel to channel resistance Low insertion loss Three trigger current levels available Key Benefits: • Creates ideal diode response to maximize protection - New approach: TVS diode and a TCS™ HSP working with the internal ESD protection of the protected circuit • Supports applications up to a frequency of 6 GHz • Up to 90 % reduction in stress compared to stand-alone Overvoltage Protection (OVP) • Negligible impact on differential signal balance • Improves product reliability compared to stand-alone OVP • Can reduce product repair costs Step 1: Current characterization: Determine the maximum signal current and the maximum operating temperature of the application (e.g., 100 mA and 65 °C). Maximum Voltage TCS-DL TBU® HSP High Voltage Rating Required (> 40 V) N Y Strong Foldback Required N Y Short Duration Transient Y Y Continuous or Repetitive AC Fault Condition N Y Very Low Series Resistance Required (< 3 Ω) Y N Overvoltage Protection Device Alone Provides Inadequate Protection Y Y Very Well-matched Channel to Channel Resistance Required Y N Extremely Fast Response Time Required (from Normal Operation to Protected State) Y N* Extremely Fast Reset Time Required Y N* * Except Model P40-G240-WH. • • • • • • TCS™ HSP Device-based Solution Selection Voltage (V) Condition Key Features: Step 2: Overvoltage selection: Determine the trip current derating factor using the data sheet graph and divide the maximum operating current by this number (e.g., 100 mA/0.75 = 133 mA). Step 3: TCS™ HSP device selection: Pick a TCS™ device with a minimum trip current at 25 °C that is above the number calculated in step 2 (e.g., The Model TCS-DL004-250-WH has a minimum trip current of 250 mA, making it the lowest trip current device that will work in the example). Step 4: Tertiary protection: Determine whether the selected device’s series resistance will adversely affect circuit performance. If a lower resistance device is required, then a device with a higher trip current should be selected. Bourns® TCS™ HSP Product Examples Create the Ideal Diode Response with a Bourns® TCS™ High-Speed Protector 20 18 1/2 TCS-DL004-xxx-WH To Connector DIODE CURRENT (A) 16 Protected Circuit CDSOD323-T05C “Ideal” diode response of a TVS Diode with the TCS™ HSP device at the interface requiring protection 14 12 10 8 CDSOD323-T05C IDEAL DIODE (5.5 V) NEW APPROACH 6 4 2 0 In this example the protected circuit contains an ESD protection design that clamps at ~ 5.6 V with a current of 300 mA. 0 TCS-DL004-500-WH TCS-DL004-500-WH 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 RC To Receiver TCS-DL004-500-WH CD0603-S0180 V+ CD143A-SR70 SMAJ24A VDSL Driver 6 VDSL Class H Driver Protection for ITU-T K.21 To Receiver RV 4 DIODE VOLTAGE (V) VDSL Class H Driver – Fully Resettable GR-1089 ISSUE 6 Solution for Port Types 1, 3 and 5 RC 2 TCS-DL004-500-WH 1:1.4 RV 33 nF 10 VCD0603-S0180 1:1.4 RC To Receiver RC 2036-42-SM-RPLF CDSOT236DSL03xx* RT VCD0603-S0180 V+ CD0603-S0180 2038-80-SM-RPLF To Receiver VDSL Driver Gigabit Ethernet Surge Protection – GR-1089 ISSUE 6 Port Type 4, ITU-T K.21 Basic Test Results for Gigabit Ethernet Surge Protection Circuit T T Ch1 Max 6.10 V 2 1 CT : 1 CT Not Used To Connector 5.4 V M Ethernet PHY PHY + Voltage 1/4 SM51589L PHY - Voltage Ideal Diode Response Differential PHY Voltage Ch2 Min -4.61 V Ch3 Max 595 mA CDSOD323-T05C 280 mA Ch4 Max 102 A TCS-DL004-250-WH 3 Surge Current Ch2 Ch1 5.00 V Ch3 200 mA Ch4 Math 10.0 V 5.00 V 50.0 A 400 ns PHY Input Current M 400 ns A Ch3 196 mA PHY sees: Peak Voltage: 5.4 V Peak Current: 595 mA Energy: ~ 3 µJ T 10.00 % 3 Bourns® TBU® HSP Product Overview Basic TBU® HSP Device Operation Bourns® TBU® High-Speed Protectors (HSPs) are circuit protection devices constructed using MOSFET semiconductor technology. When placed in series with a signal line, the TBU® HSP monitors the current flowing through the line. If the current exceeds a preset level, the TBU® HSP triggers, providing an effective barrier to high voltages and currents. The TBU® HSP begins protecting in less than 1 μs, once line current exceeds the TBU® device’s trigger current Itrigger. When in the protected state, the TBU® HSP restricts line current to less than 1 mA typically, and blocks voltages up to the maximum voltage rating of the device. At the end of a surge event, the TBU® HSP will begin the reset process when the voltage across the device drops below the Vreset level and will complete the reset process when the signal line returns to its normal operating range. If the line has a normal DC bias above Vreset, the voltage across the TBU® HSP may not fall below Vreset after the surge. In such cases, special care needs to be taken to ensure that the TBU® HSP will reset. Bourns’ application engineers can provide further assistance. Example TBU® HSP VI Curve (TBU-CA050-300-WH) I TRIP CURRENT (100 mA/div) VRESET VOLTAGE (5 V/div) 4 Key Features: • • • • • • TBU® HSP is a series protection device Triggers at a specified current Can block voltages up to 850 V, enabling easy coordination Provides superior protection in less than 1 µs Resets on voltage (Vreset Valve) Does not add capacitance to the signal line Key Benefits: • • • • • • • • • High-speed performance Blocks voltages and currents Extremely low let-through energy Self-resetting (Vreset Valve) Very high bandwidth up to 3 GHz Small size in DFN package Model TBU-PL series offers voltage triggering Small PCB area Ultra-low profile TBU® HSP Device-based Solution Selection Step 1: Current characterization: Determine the peak system operating current and maximum operating ambient temperature. Use the TBU® HSP data sheet’s “trigger current versus temperature” derating curve to determine the TBU® HSP derating value. Step 2: Overvoltage selection: Select an overvoltage device that has the lowest available DC breakdown voltage greater than the normal system voltages and any expected AC power faults. The selected device must also be capable of handling the required lightning current. Step 3: TBU® HSP device selection: Choose a TBU® HSP device with a maximum impulse voltage (Vimp) greater than the maximum impulse breakover or clamping voltage of the selected overvoltage protector at the required peak surge current. The selected TBU® device must also have a minimum specified Itrigger (use derating value from step 1) above the maximum peak system operating current. Step 4: Tertiary protection: In many applications, the protected circuit can source and sink sufficient current to trigger the TBU® HSP. When this is not the case, a small avalanche diode to ground or small signal diodes clamping to the power supply and ground may be placed after the TBU® device. This will ensure that the TBU® HSP triggers and properly protects the circuit. Bourns® TBU® HSP Product Examples VOICE Protection Solution Selection Guide Bourns® TBU® Device Selection Industry Standard Telcordia GR-1089-CORE Intra-building Port Type 4 Telcordia GR-1089-CORE Intra-building Port Type 4a Non-GR-1089-CORE Intrabuilding Specifications ITU-T Basic K.20, K.21, K.45 ITU-T Enhanced K.20, K.21, K.45 Surge & AC Withstand 1500 V, 100 A, 2/10 µs 120 Vrms, 25 A, 900 s TBU® Device Part Number TBU-PL050-200-WH Qty. 1 OVP Device Part Number MOV-07D201K VOICE SOLUTION EXAMPLE Qty. GND TBU-PL060-200-WH Line 1 Line 1 SLIC 2 MOV-10D201K TBU 1000 V, 100 A, 10/1000 µs TBU-PL060-200-WH 120 Vrms, 25 A, 900 s 1 MOV-10D201K MOV-10D201K 2 Line 2 SLIC Line 2 5000 V, 500 A, 2/10 µs 230 Vrms, 25 A, 900 s TBU-PL085-200-WH 1 MOV-10D361K 2 1500 V, 100 A, 2/10 µs 275 Vrms, 25 A, 900 s TBU-PL085-200-WH 1 MOV-10D431K 2 Review VOICE Protection Solution Selection Guide to select TBU® HSP and overvoltage part numbers to meet protection industry standard. TBU-PL075-200-WH 1 MOV-10D361K 2 1000 V, 100 A, 10/1000 µs Surge Test Results TBU-PL060-200-WH 1 TISP4400M3BJ 2 4000 V, 40 Ω, 10/700 µs 230 Vrms 10 Ω - 1000 Ω, 900 s 600 Vrms 600 Ω, 0.2 s 4000 V, 40 Ω, 10/700 µs 230 Vrms 10 Ω -1000 Ω, 900 s 600 Vrms 600 Ω, 0.1 s 6000 V, 40 Ω, 10/700 µs 240 Vrms 10 Ω - 1000 Ω, 900 s 600 Vrms 600 Ω, 0.2 s 600 Vrms 600 Ω, 1 s* 1500 Vrms, 200 Ω, 2 s* 6000 V, 40 Ω, 10/700 µs 240 Vrms 10 Ω - 1000 Ω, 900 s 600 Vrms 600 Ω, 1 s 1500 Vrms, 200 Ω, 2 s -VBAT Surge Voltage (100 V/DIV) TBU-PL085-200-WH 1 MOV-10D391K 2 Ch1 Max 292 V Ch4 Max 520 mA 1 TBU® HSP Current (200 mA/DIV) 4 TBU-PL060-200-WH 1 TISP4500H3BJ 2 * Gas Discharge Tube (GDT) special test protector with DC breakdown (DCBD) of less than 330 V. Notes: 1) The MOV maximum continuous rms voltage rating should not be exceeded. The exception is where the data sheet highlights withstand capability such as the 600 Vrms, 1 A for 0.2 s, for example. 2) If EN55024 EMC compliance is required, the TBU® device may require capacitors to be fitted between the Tip and Ring connections and ground (i.e., in parallel with the MOV device). The capacitance value can be chosen to meet levels as follows: • 10 nF for EN55024 Level 1 • 20 nF for EN55024 Level 2 • 47 nF for EN55024 Level 3 Selection of capacitor voltage rating depends upon TBU® HSP part number selection. Recommendations include: • TBU-PL050 & TBU-PL060 Series: 120 VAC, 500 V Peak Surge Rated • TBU-PL075 & TBU-PL085 Series: 240 VAC, 750 V Peak Surge Rated Ch1 100 V Ch4 200 mA Ω M 1.00 µs A Ch1 64 V 120 Vrms, 25 A Power Fault Test Results AC Voltage (100 V/DIV) Ch1 RMS 120 V Ch4 Max 55.6 mA 4 1 Ch4 Min -58.8 mA TBU® HSP Current (200 mA/DIV) Ch1 100 V Ch4 20.0 mA Ω M 4.00 ms A Line 1.60 mV 5 Bourns® TBU® HSP Product Examples VDSL CANBUS VDSL Driver TBU-CA065-100-WH CDSOD323-T12C 2031-23T-SM C1a CANBUS 2031-15T-SM TBU-CA050-500-WH C1b Diode voltage dependent on CANbus driver resistibility. Typically, 6 - 20 V, check specification. Video Surveillance T1/E1 Interface T1a Transformer TBU1 TTIP P850-U T1/E1 TRING Physical Line Interface RTIP Unit 1 T1b CM Transformer 1 2 3 4 8 7 6 5 1.25 A Fuse Fuse 1.25 A TBU1 P850-U TxTIP 2031-42T-SM 1.25 A Fuse TBU-CA065-100-WH (TBU-CA085-100-WH) 2031-23T-SM CDSOD323-T05LC (2015-23-xxx) SDI TxRING RxTIP 2031-42T-SM 1 RRING Fuse 1.25 A RxRING RS232 Interface Intelligent Transport System TBU-CA065-100-WH (TBU-CA085-100-WH) RS232 TBU-CA065-200-WH (TBU-CA085-100-WH) 2031-23T-SM (2015-23-xxx) CDSOD323-T24C 75 Ω RS422 Interface 2031-23T-SM (2015-23-xxx) Microwave Link TBU-CA065-100-WH CDSOD323-T12C MOV-10D201K RS422 75 Ω Coax Composite Video TBU-CA025-300-WH HV LP Filter DC or AC Power IF TX/RX 2031-15T-SM Protection for higher power split-mounted infrared feed equipment 6 Ethernet Surge and Power Cross Protection – GR-1089 ISSUE 6, Port Type 4 RS485 Interface TBU-CA065-300-WH CDSOT23-SM712 MOV-10D201K 1 CT : 1 CT RS485 2031-23T-SM-RPLF Not Used Ethernet PHY To Connector 2031-23T-SM-RPLF 1/4 SM51589L TBU-DT065-300-WH MOV-10D201K Ethernet Protection Circuit Test Results – Differential Surge Test: 800 V, 1.2/50 μs Voltage, 8/20 μs Current TBU® HSP Current (2 A/DIV) Ch1 Max 552 V 3 4 Total Surge Current (50 A/DIV) Ch1 Max 510 V Ch3 Max 2.12 A Ch3 Max 2.12 A 3 Ch4 Max 109.0 A TBU® HSP Current (2 A/DIV) GDT Voltage (200 V/DIV) 1 1 GDT Voltage (500 V/DIV) M 40.0 ns A Ch1 140 V M 4.00 µs A Ch1 80 V AC Power Cross Test 120 Vrms, 25 A M Ch3 Min -410 mA Ch3 Max 430 mA Power Cross Voltage (100 V/DIV) Math RMS 120 V 3 TBU® HSP Current (500 mA/DIV) M 4.00 ms A Ch1 -12 V 7 Dual Channel Bidirectional TCS™ HSP TCS-DL Product Family Maximum Ratings Part Number Itrigger (mA) Ron (Ω) Max. 375 500 50 2.3 4.00 x 2.50 500 750 1000 50 1.4 4.00 x 3.50 750 1100 1500 50 1.0 4.00 x 4.50 Min. Typ. TCS-DL004-250-WH 40 250 TCS-DL004-500-WH 40 TCS-DL004-750-WH 40 Maximum peak impulse voltage withstand with duration less than 10 ms. Current required for the device to go from operating state to protected state. Time for the device to go from normal operating state to current limiting state. Series resistance of the TCS™ device. See data sheet for detailed specifications. Device Size (mm) tlimit (ns) Vimp (V) Vimp Itrigger tlimit Ron 8 Operating Characteristics Typ. Form Factor D A R0B42 C D A R0B45 C D A R0B47 C Unidirectional Dual TBU® HSP TBU-DT Product Family Maximum Ratings Part Number Operating Characteristics Vimp (V) Vrms (V) Itrigger Min. (mA) Itrigger Max. (mA) tblock (µs) Rtyp (Ω) TBU-DT065-100-WH 650 300 100 200 1 8.5 TBU-DT065-200-WH 650 300 200 400 1 5.6 TBU-DT065-300-WH 650 300 300 600 1 4.6 TBU-DT065-500-WH 650 300 500 1000 1 4.0 TBU-DT085-100-WH 850 425 100 200 1 10.3 TBU-DT085-200-WH 850 425 200 400 1 7.4 TBU-DT085-300-WH 850 425 300 600 1 6.8 TBU-DT085-500-WH 850 425 500 1000 1 5.8 Vimp Vrms Itrigger tblock Rtyp Device Size (mm) 5.00 x 5.00 Form Factor T85 5 007 4 Maximum peak impulse voltage withstand with duration less than 10 ms. Maximum continuous alternating current RMS voltage. Minimum and maximum current required for the device to go from operating state to protected state. Maximum time for the device to go from normal operating state to protected state. Typical series resistance of the TBU® device. Consult factory for alternate specification values. See data sheet for detailed specifications. 9 Bidirectional Dual TBU® HSP P40, TBU-PL & P850-G Product Families Maximum Ratings Part Number Operating Characteristics Vrms (V) Itrigger Min. (mA) Itrigger Max. (mA) tblock (µs) Rtyp (Ω) P40-G240-WH 40 28 240 480 0.2 3.6 TBU-PL050-100-WH 500 300 100 200 1 50 TBU-PL050-200-WH 500 300 200 400 1 50 TBU-PL060-100-WH 600 350 100 200 1 50 TBU-PL060-200-WH 600 350 200 400 1 50 TBU-PL075-100-WH 750 400 100 200 1 50 TBU-PL075-200-WH 750 400 200 400 1 50 TBU-PL085-100-WH 850 425 100 200 1 50 TBU-PL085-200-WH 850 425 200 400 1 50 P850-G120-WH 850 425 100 200 1 50 4.00 x 8.25 P850-G200-WH 850 425 200 400 1 50 4.00 x 8.25 Vimp Vrms Itrigger tblock Rtyp Form Factor 4.00 x 4.00 6.50 x 4.00 Maximum peak impulse voltage withstand with duration less than 10 ms. Maximum continuous alternating current RMS voltage. Minimum and maximum current required for the device to go from operating state to protected state. Maximum time for the device to go from normal operating state to protected state. Typical series resistance of the TBU® device. Consult factory for alternate specification values. See data sheet for detailed specifications. 10 Device Size (mm) Vimp (V) L C955401 Bidirectional Single TBU® HSP TBU-CA Product Family Maximum Ratings Part Number Operating Characteristics Vimp (V) Vrms (V) Itrigger Min. (mA) Itrigger Max. (mA) tblock (µs) Rtyp (Ω) TBU-CA025-050-WH 250 100 50 100 1 13.3 TBU-CA025-100-WH 250 100 100 200 1 7.1 TBU-CA025-200-WH 250 100 200 400 1 4.2 TBU-CA025-300-WH 250 100 300 600 1 3.2 TBU-CA025-500-WH 250 100 500 1000 1 2.6 TBU-CA040-050-WH 400 200 50 100 1 14.3 TBU-CA040-100-WH 400 200 100 200 1 8.1 TBU-CA040-200-WH 400 200 200 400 1 5.2 TBU-CA040-300-WH 400 200 300 600 1 4.3 TBU-CA040-500-WH 400 200 500 1000 1 3.6 TBU-CA050-050-WH 500 250 50 100 1 15.7 TBU-CA050-100-WH 500 250 100 200 1 9.5 TBU-CA050-200-WH 500 250 200 400 1 6.6 TBU-CA050-300-WH 500 250 300 600 1 5.6 TBU-CA050-500-WH 500 250 500 1000 1 5.0 TBU-CA065-050-WH 650 300 50 100 1 17.7 TBU-CA065-100-WH 650 300 100 200 1 11.5 TBU-CA065-200-WH 650 300 200 400 1 8.6 TBU-CA065-300-WH 650 300 300 600 1 7.6 TBU-CA065-500-WH 650 300 500 1000 1 7.0 TBU-CA085-050-WH 850 425 50 100 1 21.4 TBU-CA085-100-WH 850 425 100 200 1 15.2 TBU-CA085-200-WH 850 425 200 400 1 12.3 TBU-CA085-300-WH 850 425 300 600 1 11.3 TBU-CA085-500-WH 850 425 500 1000 1 10.7 Device Size (mm) 6.50 x 4.00 Form Factor A E075050 5 11 Worldwide Sales Offices CountryPhone Americas: +1-951-781-5500 Brazil: +55 11 5505 0601 China: +86 21 64821250 EMEA: +36 88 520 390 Japan: +81 49 269 3204 Singapore: +65 6348 7227 Taiwan: +886 2 25624117 Other Asia-Pacific Countries: +886 2 25624117 Fax +1-951-781-5006 +55 11 5505 4370 +86 21 64821249 +36 88 520 211 +81 49 269 3297 +65 6348 1272 +886 2 25624116 +886 2 25624116 Technical Assistance RegionPhone Asia-Pacific: +886 2 25624117 EMEA: +36 88 520 390 Americas: +1-951-781-5500 Fax +886 2 25624116 +36 88 520 211 +1-951-781-5700 Bourns® products are available through an extensive network of manufacturer’s representatives, agents and distributors. To obtain technical applications assistance, a quotation, or to place an order, contact a Bourns representative in your area. Specifications are subject to change without notice. The device characteristics and parameters in this brochure can and do vary in different applications and actual device performance may vary over time. Users should verify actual device performance in their specific applications. “TCS” is a trademark of Bourns, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. “TBU” is a registered trademark of Bourns, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries, except Japan. All references to TBU® in this document for use in Japan shall be deemed to be replaced with Bourns® TBU™. “Bourns” is a registered trademark of Bourns, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. COPYRIGHT© 2015, BOURNS, INC. • PSG • 4/15 • 3M/FU1409