MATERIAL DECLARATION SHEET Material Number 3590S-2-L Product Line Precision Potentiometer Compliance Date May 31, 2006 RoHS Compliant Yes MSL N/A 100 Material Mass % of total unit wt. 0.0369 Subpart mass of total wt. (%) 0.0369 7440-22-4 100 4.6355 4.6355 Polyamide 63428-83-1 100 0.0005 0.0005 Nickel 7440-02-0 46 0.5912 Chromium 7440-47-3 0.1 0.0013 Manganese 7439-96-5 0.8 0.0103 Silicon 7440-21-3 0.3 0.0038 Carbon 7440-44-0 0.05 0.0007 Phosphorus 7723-14-0 0.025 0.0003 Sulfur 7704-34-9 0.025 0.0003 Iron Unsaturated Polyester Resin and Phenolformaldehyde Resin Glass 7439-98-7 52.7 0.6772 9039-25-2 100 0.5036 65997-17-3 30 4.2356 Antimony Oxide 1309-64-4 4 0.5647 No. Construction Element (subpart) Homogeneous Material Material weight [g] Homogeneous Material/ Substances if applicable Materials Mass % 1 Lube Grease 0.008 Polysiloxane 63148-62-9 2 Mandrel Copper 1.006 Copper Coating 0.0001 3 Resist Wire Metal 0.2789 4 Varnish Polyester Phenolic Resin 0.1093 5 Housing PBT 3.064 Headquarters Riverside CA CASRN CASRN: CAS Registry Number® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society 1.2851 0.5036 14.1185 page 1 of 5 MATERIAL DECLARATION SHEET Copper 6 Terminal X 2 8 9 Cover Lube Lube Headquarters Riverside CA Trade secret 11 1.5530 Poly(butylene terephthalate) 30965-26-5 55 7.7652 Copper 7440-50-8 97.47 0.5416 Zinc 7440-66-6 0.1 0.0006 Phosphorus 7723-14-0 0.03 0.0002 Iron 7439-98-7 2.4 0.0133 0.5557 Under Plating 0.0024 Copper 7440-22-4 100 0.0111 0.0111 Finish Plating 0.0061 Tin 7440-31-5 100 0.0281 0.0281 Inlay 7 0.1206 TBBPA polycarbonate polymer PBT Grease Grease 0.0013 1.3885 0.008 0.008 Silver 7440-22-4 56 0.0034 Copper 7440-50-8 22 0.0013 Zinc 7440-66-6 17 0.0010 Tin 7440-31-5 5 0.0003 Glass 65997-17-3 30 1.9194 Antimony Oxide TBBPA polycarbonate polymer 1309-64-4 Trade secret 4 0.2559 11 0.7038 Poly(butylene terephthalate) Decanoic acid, mixed esters with heptanoic acid, octanoic acid, trimethylolpropane 30965-26-5 55 3.5189 68130-53-0 55.4 0.0205 7620-77-1 5.7 0.0021 52006-45-8 33.7 0.0124 9003-27-4 5.2 0.0019 68649-12-7 58.8 0.0217 Lithium 12hydroxystearate Isohexadecylisooctadecanoate Polyisobutylene 1-Decene, tetramer, mixed with 1-decene trimer, hydrogenated 1-Propene, polymer with ethene 0.0060 6.3980 0.0369 0.0369 9010-79-1 30.8 CASRN: CAS Registry Number® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society 0.0114 page 2 of 5 MATERIAL DECLARATION SHEET Silica, amorphous fumed Ethene, tetrafluoro-, homopolymer 10 11 12 Bushing Rotor Shaft Zinc PBT Brass Plating 13 14 Slider Contact Spring Headquarters Riverside CA Nylon Pamlet 2.67 1.1115 9.507 0.014 0.11 0.0077 112945-52-5 5.4 0.0020 9002-84-0 5 0.0018 Iron 7439-98-7 0.075 0.0092 Copper Magnesium Tin Lead Aluminum Cadmium Zinc 7440-50-8 7439-98-5 7440-31-5 7439-92-1 7429-90-5 7440-43-9 7440-66-6 0.1 0.03 0.002 0.004 4 0.003 95.786 0.0123 0.0037 0.0002 0.0005 0.4921 0.0004 11.7846 Glass 65997-17-3 30 1.5365 Antimony Oxide 1309-64-4 4 0.2048 TBBPA polycarbonate polymer Trade secret 11 0.5634 Poly(butylene terephthalate) 30965-26-5 55 2.8169 Copper 7440-50-8 61.5 26.9413 Lead 7439-92-1 3.1 1.3580 Zinc 7440-66-6 35.4 15.5077 Nickel 7440-02-0 100 0.0645 Nylon 32131-17-2 55 0.2788 Glass 65997-17-3 30 0.1521 Polytetrafluoroethylene 9002-84-0 13 0.0659 Carbon black 1333-86-4 2 0.0101 Copper 7440-50-8 16 0.0057 Nickel 7440-02-0 1 0.00035 CASRN: CAS Registry Number® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society 12.3030 5.1216 43.8070 0.0645 0.5069 0.0355 page 3 of 5 MATERIAL DECLARATION SHEET Beryllium Copper 15 Collector Bar 44 0.0156 Silver 7440-22-4 38 0.0135 Copper 7440-50-8 98.1 0.1243 Silicon 7440-21-3 0.2 0.00025 Beryllium 7440-41-7 1.5 0.0019 Aluminum 7429-90-5 0.2 0.00025 0.1267 7440-02-0 100 0.0184 0.0184 Gold 7440-57-5 100 0.0184 0.0184 Copper 7440-50-8 94.8 8.5181 1.95 Tin 7440-31-5 5 0.4493 Phosphorus 7723-14-0 0.2 0.0179 8.9853 Under Plating 0.0007 Nickel 7440-02-0 100 0.0032 0.0032 Finish Plating 0.0016 Gold 7440-57-5 100 0.0074 0.0074 0.0025 18 Washer 2 PTFE 0.0082 Headquarters Riverside CA 7440-06-4 Nickel PTFE Epoxy 1 Platinum 0.004 Washer 1 20 0.00035 0.004 Wiper Terminal Retaining Ring 1 Finish Plating 17 19 7440-05-3 Under Plating Bronze 16 0.0275 Palladium Stainless Steel Epoxy 0.082 0.1276 Polytetrafluoroethylene 9002-84-0 15 0.0017 1-Dichloro-1-Fluoroethane 1717-00-6 85 0.0098 Polytetrafluoroethylene 9002-84-0 15 0.0057 1-Dichloro-1-Fluoroethane 1717-00-6 85 0.0321 Chromium 7440-47-3 14.5 0.0548 Nickel 7440-02-0 7.5 0.0283 Carbon 7440-44-0 0.085 0.0003 Molybdenum 7439-98-7 2 0.0076 Aluminum 7429-90-5 1 0.0038 Iron 7439-89-6 74.91 0.2831 Epoxy resin 25068-38-6 64 0.3763 Antimony trioxide 1309-64-4 11 0.0647 Aluminum oxide 1344-28-1 10 0.0588 CASRN: CAS Registry Number® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society 0.0115 0.0378 0.3779 0.5880 page 4 of 5 MATERIAL DECLARATION SHEET 21 Epoxy 2 Epoxy Total weight 0.0725 Kaolin clay 1332-57-8 6 0.0353 Magnesium alumino silicate 1302-88-1 9 0.0529 2386-87-0 65 0.2172 37625-56-2 20 0.0668 1344-28-1 10 0.0334 112945-52-5 3.5 0.0117 108-32-7 1.5 0.0050 Epoxy resin Caprolacton, trimethylpropan polymer Aluminum trioxide Hydrophobic pyrogenic silica Propylene carbonate 0.3341 21.702 This Document was updated on: July 22, 2014 Important remarks: 1. It is the responsibility of the user to verify they are accessing the latest version. 2. RoHS Exempt with Exemption 6c: Copper alloy containing up to 4% lead by weight. Headquarters Riverside CA CASRN: CAS Registry Number® is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society page 5 of 5