No. AN9213 Application Note March 1993 ADVANTAGES AND APPLICATION OF DISPLAY INTEGRATING A/D CONVERTERS Author: Walter Borlase, Product Marketing, Intersil Corporation Introduction As shown in Figure 1, the width of the conversion window limits the useful bandwidth of the input signal but, as the result of the conversion can be any value of δV portrayed in the interval tA. The result may well be an interpretation of an input noise pulse that can lead to a non-meaningful answer. One alternative is to use a sample and hold in front of the converter. While this will improve input bandwidth, which is just the opposite effect we were looking for, it would also pass through any noise pulse that does not average to zero during the acquisition period. Thus, for normal mode rejection, the user will have to provide an independent input amplifier configuration that will limit the input bandwidth as there is no inherent immunity in the SAR architecture. Finally unlike the integrating A/D, the SAR is not inherently monotonic, In fact simply testing the converter at the major carry’s for 1/2 LSB does not necessarily guarantee the device will have no missing codes either. There is always some interaction along the transfer curve, and aging can cause many a converter to drift out of specification. In making basic bridge and dc measurements, the integrating A/D converter has become the workhorse for many significant reasons. While cost and the availability of architectures with built in display drivers are certainly among them, the advantage of the integrating converter is its relative immunity to noise that is synchronous with the integrating period, both common and normal mode, and the fact that a true integrator features no missing codes. The purpose of this paper is to acquaint the user with some of the basic idiosyncracies of the popular A/D architectures and to demonstrate why the integrating format is the preferred format for dc and low frequency (generally <1Hz) measurements. Popular A/D Architectures One of the major limitations of any A/D system is noise. Aside from any uniquely generated internal noise, the system also has to deal with noise that is both common mode (common to both inputs) and normal mode (unwanted noise appearing in series with, or across the input terminals.) A/D’s using the successive approximation algorithm (SAR) can’t really deal with either. The algorithm only tells the user that the value measured was indeed present sometime during the conversion cycle. The Flash Converter A flash converter is considered the epitome in gaining accurate measurement of high speed events. In general the user is trying to look at all aspects of the input signal and hence will use front end analog filters to eliminate aliasing errors or DSP techniques on the digital output if it is appropriate to filter out known sources of noise, or to create other high pass, low pass, bandpass characteristics. While many flash converters feature internal sample hold functions, they frequently present a non-trivial capacitive load to the source and the user has to take some bold steps to compensate the amplifier. δV = tA dVdt δV = AMPLITUDE UNCERTANTY OF THE OUTPUT The basic architecture of a full flash converter uses one comparator for every bit, with the comparators stacked on top of each other on a continuous ladder. The result of such a conversion is frequently called a thermometer code, which is subsequently decoded to produce its binary equivalent. On the surface one would believe that the system is inherently monotonic; and designers go to great lengths to try to achieve it, starting with auto zeroed comparators such as those found in the HI5700 and HI5701. But timing and routing of internal components can make or break the design. In the case of HI5700 and HI5701 significant effort went into the design of the comparators to insure quick settling and tA = APERTURE TIME, OR CONVERSION FIGURE 1. APERTURE TIME AND AMPLITUDE UNCERTAINTY 1-888-INTERSIL or 321-724-7143 | Copyright © Intersil Corporation 1999 1 Application Note 9213 30 NOISE REJECTION, (dB) recovery from overload, to eliminate the ‘sparkle code’ phenomena that leads to non-monotonic operation. And while the cost of flash converters has come down considerably over the past few years it is clearly overkill to use this architecture to measure dc events, and it has virtually no ability to filter out common mode noise. Normal mode noise would require a sophisticated DSP filter, but as the flash architecture is frequently used to capture these mysterious events it’s simply a case of using the wrong converter for the job. The Integrating Converter 20 10 TINT = INTEGRATION PERIOD f = INPUT OR NOISE FREQUENCY The integrating converter offers the designer several unique advantages. First, the converter is monotonic (no missing codes) by definition. Integrators can become very nonlinear, but this writer has never seen one whose second derivative changed sign! Second, choosing the period of integration to be a multiple of the powerline period will virtually eliminate normal mode noise (noise appearing in series with the input) at the powerline frequency when making dc measurements. As depicted in Figure 2, this is a major advantage of the integrating architecture as the integrator behaves as a virtual band reject filter for frequencies whose periods are multiples of the integrating period and as a low pass filter for all others. Though not necessarily inherent in the integrating archi- 0 0.1/TINT FIGURE 2. NORMAL MODE REJECTION OF AN INTEGRATING CONVERTER AS A FUNCTION OF FREQUENCY tecture, (or any other conversion architecture, for that matter), excellent common mode rejection can be achieved with careful chip design and layout. And finally, many versions come complete with an LED or LCD display driver, such as HI7131 and HI7133. The functional diagram of an integrating converter is shown in Figure 3. FIXED INTEGRATION TIME CINT VIN f 10/TINT 1/TINT VARIABLE DEINTEGRATION TIME t RINT +VREF + -VREF + INTEGRATOR SWITCH DRIVE REFERENCE VOLTAGE COMPARATOR VARIABLE SLOPE FIXED SLOPE TIMING SIGNALS INTEGRATOR OUTPUT FOR POSITIVE INPUT CONTROL LOGIC 31/2 DIGIT BCD COUNTER MAXIMUM COUNT: 1999 RESET ENABLE CLK fCLK COUNTER OUTPUT CLOCK GENERATOR LATCHES LATCH AND DISPLAY DRIVERS 1000 DISPLAY t 0 T AV INT INT V I = ------------------------------ ∫ IN H C INT INT 0 T I = -----------------------------R C INT INT DEINT ∫ V REF T 0 I V T V I INT INT REF DEINT AV = ------------------------------ = --------------------------------------INT R C R C INT INT INT INT TINT INT DEINT t1 t2 I = 1000 -------------- ICLK I = ACCUMULATED COUNTS -------------- ICLK V IN = DISPLAY READING ACCUMULATED COUNTS = 1000 ---------------V REF VIN = INPUT AVERAGE DURING INTEGRATION FIGURE 3. DUAL SLOPE INTEGRATING A/D CONVERTER 2 Application Note 9213 A complex switch configuration at the front end is required to alternately short the input terminals to “COMMON” during the autozero phase, to the source during the integrate phase, and to the reference during the de-integrate phase. As will be shown later, these converters generally feature a differential input, and the polarity of the reference (which way it is connected between the differential inputs) is determined by the sign of the input signal. Using the same reference (and not just an inverter) assures greater accuracy when using this common reference in bridge type (radiometric) measurements. IN HI Internal logic senses the polarity of the integrated signal from the previous phase to insure the capacitor is connected in such a way that the integrator input will be driven toward zero. The time required for the output of the integrator to cross zero is then proportional to the input signal. For the 31/2 digit HI7133 A/D Converter that translates specifically to V IMP 1, 000 V REF One of the interesting vagaries of the integrating architecture is how to optimize CMRR in the presence of an architecture that provides for differential input, and differential reference with separable analog and digital ground references. Manufacturers also have some options that can lead to improved performance under certain conditions. COMPARATOR + - INTEGRATOR CREF One such combination compares HI7133 with ICL7137. The basic difference is simply that INLO is ALWAYS connected to the non-inverting input of the integrator in the HI7133. In the case of ICL7137 the non-inverting input to the integrator uses INLO as a reference only during the integrate phase and COMMON during the autozero and de-integrate periods. REF LO FIGURE 4. AUTOZERO PHASE Signal Integrate Phase In this phase the converter integrates the differential voltage between INHI and INLO for a fixed period of time, generally selected to be a multiple of the powerline frequency to optimize normal mode rejection. The approach used in HI7133 works very well for DC common mode errors, and for those in sync with the integration period, which is normally multiples of the power line, as users tend to select the integration period to optimize normal rejection at the power line frequency. Thus for designing panel meters that will be used in basic bridge and dc measurements (temperature, pressure, flow, volts, amperes, etc.) in the presence of dc or powerline related common mode noise HI7133 will provide improved CMR performance over the standard ICL7137. However, if non-synchronous CMV noise can be a significant factor users may find ICL7137 to be the better choice. For HI7133 this differential voltage can be within a wide common mode range (within 1 volt of either supply). At the end of this phase the polarity of the integrated signal is determined for use in the next phase. IN HI CREF RINT + CINT BUFFER CAZ - Optimizing CMRR CAZ REF HI + FIGURE 6. DEINTEGRATE PHASE CINT IN LO COMPARATOR INTEGRATOR BUFFER COM CAZ CREF The comparator (now inside the feedback loop) places incremental charges onto CAZ until the output no longer changes. The reference capacitor, CREF, is charged to the reference voltage. IN HI CINT BUFFER IN LO During this phase the inputs are shorted to common and fed, differentially, to the integrator configured in an autozero loop with a comparator. RINT RINT COM Auto-Zero Phase + + COMPARATOR + - Applications IN LO INTEGRATOR Integrating A/D Converters with on-chip display drivers are ideally suited for the construction of Digital MultiMeters (DMM) for classical Volt-Ohm measurements, or as an integral part of closed loop systems, such as flow meters, weigh/ counting scales, digital thermometers etc. FIGURE 5. SIGNAL INTEGRATE PHASE De-Integrate Phase In this final phase the input to the integrator is connected across the previously charged reference capacitor, CREF . A simple capacitance meter is depicted in Figure 7. 3 Application Note 9213 2-19, 21-25 V- 3 C1 4 2 1 + 14 1F X 13 8 1M CX 0.1 1M 3,5 250k 0.01 31 4.5 m BIN 4,6 OSC V ANA COM 1k 1 38 50kHz 100pF OSC 40 V9V TEST VCC 11 GND R 1, 2 POS 1-4 TEST 37 32 COM V+ V+ 4 16 6 7 VC IN CD4052 V00 B A V0 8 9 10 V+ 8 9 5 VCC 10 OC OD 74C9 GND BI R R 1 2, 3 6, 7 SW1 30 IN LO 100K 100K POSN 7 OO 74C93 8 POS 5, 6, 7 IN HI 12 AIN 38 CREF ICL710 ICL712 ICL713 33 CREF 2Y SW1 QA 34 0Y CD4052 13 REF 13k 3 Y OSC 35 CD4052 13k 2 36 REF HI 10 3X 1µF V 10M 14 1X 11 POSN 1 21 V 100pF 26 SWITCH 1A SWITCH 1B MAXx C 1 10M 6kHz 200pF 0Y COUNTER/SWITCH PHASES 00 Charge CX 2 1M 6kHz 2nF 1Y 01 VCX on CREF 3 100k 6kHz 20nF 2Y 10 Discharge CX thru Rnet 4 10k 6kHz 0.2 F 3Y 11 Reset Ct to zero 5 100k 60kHz 2F 6 10k 60kHz 20 F 7 1k 60kHz 200 F FIGURE 7. CAPACITANCE METER (200pf to 200 F) range, while the 5k potentiometers trim any offset at 218 K (-55 C), and sets the scale factor. Designed to measure capacitance in the range 200 pF to 200 F , the circuit works by alternately charging and discharging the capacitor at a crystal controlled rate and stores the change in voltage on a sample- difference amplifier. The current that flows during the discharge cycle is averaged and measured ratiometrically in the A/D using the voltage change as the reference. Multirange voltage and current measurements are shown in Figure 9A and 9B, respectively. For measuring resistance, (Figure 9C), the unknown resistor is put in series with a known standard and a current is passed through the pair. The voltage developed across the unknown is applied to the input terminals while the voltage developed across the standard resistance is applied to the reference input. The displayed reading can be determined from the following expression, R Unknown × 1, 000 Display Reading = R Known A temperature measurement circuit, with zero adjust, is shown in Figure 8. Using the Intersil AD590 two-wire current output temperature transducer with HI7131 or HI7133, the user can adjust the circuit to achieve a direct reading in degrees Kelvin or Fahrenheit. This circuit allows “zero adjustment” as well as slope adjustment. The ICL8069 precision reference brings the input within the common mode 4 Application Note 9213 V+ 121k 7.5k ICL8069 ZERO ADJ HI 7131 HI 7133 15k 402 REF HI REF LO 5k 1.000V 5k 1k , 0.1% SCALE ADJ 26.1k COM IN HI IN LO AD590 V+ SCALE VIN RANGE (V) RINT(k ) CAZ( F) K 0.223 to 0.473 220 0.47 C -.25 to +1.0 220 0.1 F -0.29 to +0.996 220 0.1 FIGURE 8. BASIC DIGITAL THERMOMETER Guidelines for Using Integrators 5. Tie unused digital inputs up to vt (or down to the test pin) if not in use. This will reduce noise due to unwanted spikes. 1. Plan grounding carefully. Keep separate grounds for digital and analog signals, and connect only back at the supply. 6. Bypass all supplies with a large and small capacitor close to the device package. 2. Plan layout very carefully. Keep oscillator and digital signal and timing traces away from analog signal paths. If space is an issue isolate the analog paths from timing and digital paths using ground planes, guard rings and/or traces. Particularly watch for capacitive coupling to the reference, autozero and integrating capacitors. 7. Guard against stray paths that can either result in dc leakage currents or capacitive coupling into sensitive low level analog signals. Bibliography: 3. While component selection is generally not critical for integrating converters, dielectric absorption in the integrating autozero and reference capacitor is, and the integrating resistor must have negligible voltage coefficient to ensure linearity. A002 Principles of Data Acquisition and Conversion (Intersil Applications Handbook 1988) 4. If possible include any input signal conditioning or instrumentation amplifier in the autozero loop. Many integrating converters provide a digital control signal for just such a purpose. A047 Games People Play with Intersil’s A/D Converters (Intersil Applications Handbook 1988) ? A016 Selecting A/D Converters (Intersil Applications Handbook 1988) 5 Application Note 9213 200mV F.S. 9M 2V F.S. 900k IN HI 20V VIN 90k 200V HI 7131 HI 7133 9k 2000V 1k IN LO. CAUTION: HIGH VOLTAGES CAN BE LETHAL. PROPER OPERATING PRECAUTIONS MUST BE OBSERVED BY THE USER. INTERSIL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR UNSAFE OPERATION. (A) MULTIRANGE VOLTMETER EVALUATION KIT (VREF = 100mV) OR IC OPTIONAL RESISTOR (NEEDED FOR 200mV FULL SCALE SET-UP) 200 A F .S. 900 SELECT FOR CORRECT VOLTAGE DROP 2mA F.S. V+ REF HI R STANDARD 90 20mA F.S. VOLTAGE ACROSS STANDARD REF LO DISPLAY IIN IN HI R UNKNOWN VOLTAGE ACROSS UNKNOWN HI 7131 HI 7133 9 HI 7131 HI 7133 200mA F.S. 0.9 2A F.S. IN LO 0.1 COMMON B) RESISTANCE MEASUREMENTS. THE OPTIONAL RESISTOR CAN BE REPLACED BY A DIODE STRING (C) MULTIRANGE CURRENT METER FIGURE 9. DVM CIRCUITS. VOLTAGE AND CURRENT MEASUREMENTS FOR METERING. FOR AUTO-RANGING CIRCUITS SEE A046 FOR THE 3-1/2 DIGIT DEVICES, AND A028 FOR THE 4-1/2 DIGIT PARTS. 6 Application Note 9213 All Intersil semiconductor products are manufactured, assembled and tested under ISO9000 quality systems certification. Intersil products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. 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