Application Note 1664 ISL97683 LED Driver Evaluation Board User Manual Introduction • LED dimming frequency and duty cycle The ISL97683 Evaluation Board provides a complete testing platform for ISL97683, a three channel LED driver. Please refer to the product datasheet for detailed information, including pinout, pin function descriptions, electrical specifications and applications related information. 1. As mentioned in Step #4, when the shunt on JP20 is connected to the upper position and the FPWM/DPWM pin is connected to VDC, the device enters direct PWM mode, which means both the LED dimming frequency and the duty cycle are synchronized with the external PWM signal applied on the PWMI pin. Instructions 2. When the shunt on JP20 is connected to the lower position, the FPWM/DPWM pin is connected to a resistor. Under such conditions, the LED dimming frequency of the chip is programmed by the resistance connected on the FPWM/DPWM pin per the following equation: Please follow the steps described below to start your evaluation. 1. Set Switch #1 and Switch #2 (SW1 and SW2) to position 3 (left side). 2. For the enable control jumper, JP1, set the shunt to the “ON” position (right side) to connect the EN pin to VIN. When the shunt is in the “OFF” position, it will disable the chip by pulling the EN pin to ground. 3. Connect JP14 so the VIN pin is connected to PVIN. 7 FPWM ( Hz ) = 12.4 ×10 ⁄ R_FPWM ( Ω ) (EQ. 2) The duty cycle is still modulated by the external PWM signal applied on the PWMI pin. On board, a potentiometer R11 and a few other resistors are provided for easily adjusting the LED dimming frequency under such configuration. 4. For JP20, connect the shunt to the upper position. 5. Connect WR and JP2-JP6. 6. Apply 1.5V~5.5V PWM signal between the PWMI pin and AGND. 7. Apply 4V~26.5V between PVIN and PGND and the LEDs should be lit. You may start the evaluation. Note: • In Step #1 above, the SW1, SW2 position can be adjusted to different positions for different configurations. Details are provided in the following: TABLE 1. SW1 POSITION SW2 POSITION 1 1 LX switching frequency = 600kHz, PFM CH1-CH3 3 3 LX switching frequency = 1MHz, PFM CH1-CH3 3 1 LX switching frequency = 600kHz, No PFM CH1-CH3 1 3 LX switching frequency = 1MHz, No PFM CH1-CH3 DESCRIPTION • The LED maximum DC current adjustment For each channel, the maximum DC current is set by resistance connected to the RSET pin. The current for each channel can be calculated as follows: I_LED(mA) = 402 ⁄ RSET 〈 kΩ〉 (EQ. 1) On the board, a potentiometer R5 and a few other resistors are provided for easily adjusting the LED maximum DC current; please refer to the evaluation board schematic on page 2 for more details. December 13, 2011 AN1664.0 1 CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures. 1-888-INTERSIL or 1-888-468-3774 | Copyright Intersil Americas Inc. 2011. All Rights Reserved Intersil (and design) is a trademark owned by Intersil Corporation or one of its subsidiaries. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. 1 2 3 4 6 5 JP11 JP12 LED12 LED24 LED36 LED11 LED23 LED35 P8 AGND P7 R8 AGND D D 0 R5 1M TP8 RSET R7 PGND R9 Open 10k R1 150k 100k 3 5 RSET 2 P4 PWMI TP5 6 P3 ISL97683 EN CH3 TP4 7 3 JP1 VIN 14 CH2 VDC 8 FPWN/DPWM LED21 LED33 LED8 LED20 LED32 LED7 LED19 LED31 CH2 LED6 LED18 LED30 LED5 LED17 LED29 C CH1 27k P2 JP19 2A Fuse PVIN C1 10uF/50V 10k WR L1 357k C10 C12 1nF/50V C11 LED4 C9 3.3nF/50V LX B F1 R4 C13 1nF/50V R3 C4 1uF/16V TP1 P1 1nF/50V VDC VDC Open JP14 12 11 TP7 0 R13 VIN EN can be connected in the following ways to enable/disable the device: (1) Connected it to VIN directly on JP1 to enable (2) Connected it to GND directly on JP1 to disable (3) Directly apply external voltage on P3(EN) to enable/disable the device without putting shunt on JP1. R10 R11 100k 10 R12 9 3 LX JP20 13 CH1 CH3 LED16 JP15 TP2 D1 LED28 100pF/50V LED3 JP16 LED15 JP17 LED27 B VOUT 12 15uH XAL6060-153MEB PMEG6030 C5 C6 4.7uF/50V 4.7uF/50V C7 NC C8 NC LED2 LED14 JP7 2-layer board. Connect top layer PGND and bottom layer AGND at one single point through the via on the thermal pad under the chip. JP2 LED26 JP8 JP9 LED1 LED13 LED25 JP3 JP4 JP5 I_OUT A A Title Rev. A Size B Date: File: 1 2 3 4 FIGURE 1. EVALUATION BOARD SCHEMATIC 5 Number Revision ISL97683EVAL1Z 10-Oct-2011 Sheet of C:\ISL97682_3_4\ISL97682EVAL1Z_RevA.ddb Drawn By: 6 Application Note 1664 2 When SW1=SW2=1: Fsw=1.2MHz, WITH phase shift SW1=SW2=3: Fsw=600KHz, WITH phase shift SW1=1, SW2=3: Fsw=1.2MHz, WITHOUT phase shift SW1=3, SW2=1: Fsw=600KHz, WITHOUT phase shift LED9 OVP C2 0.1uF/50V VDC 1 TP3 PGND 1 JP2: For measuring total output current JP3-JP6: For measuring current on CH1-CH4 respectively JP7-JP10, JP13-JP16: For easy configuration of 8x LED or 10x LED per string 15 2 EN LED34 16 NC PWMI C LED22 U1 SW2 FSW SW1 1 1 LED10 C15 8.2nF AGND 3 COMP 1 2 R2 VDC C3 33pF TP9 FSW/PHS 3 P9 PGND 2 P5 AGND 4 AGND R6 5k P10 2 P6 AN1664.0 December 13, 2011 PCB Layout 3 Application Note 1664 FIGURE 2. TOP SILKSCREEN LAYER AND TOP LAYER AN1664.0 December 13, 2011 (Continued) PCB Layout 4 Application Note 1664 FIGURE 3. BOTTOM LAYER AN1664.0 December 13, 2011 Application Note 1664 Bill of Materials (BOM) DESIGNATOR PART TYPE FOOTPRINT PART MANUFACTURER/NUMBER R1 150k 603 1% SMD Resistor R2 100k 603 General purpose R3 357k 603 R4 10k 603 R5 1M VRES R6 0 603 R7 Open 603 R8 5k 603 R9 10k 603 R10 0 603 R11 100k VRES R12 27k 603 R13 Open 603 L1 15µH CoilCraft, XAL6060-153MEB D1 PMEG6030 SOD128 NXP SEMICONDUCTOR C1 10µF/50V 1210 General purpose C2 0.1µF/50V 603 Ceramic X5R/X7R capacitors C3 33pF 603 C4 1µF/16V 603 C5 4.7µF/50V 1210 Murata, GRM32ER71H475KA88L C6 4.7µF/50V 1210 C7 Place Holder 1210 Not Populated C8 Place Holder 1210 C9 100pF/50V 603 General purpose C10 3.6nF/50V 603 Ceramic X5R/X7R capacitors C11 1nF/50V 603 C12 1nF/50V 603 C13 1nF/50V 603 C14 Place Holder 603 C15 8.2nF 603 F1 2A Fuse 1206 Bel Fuse Inc, C1Q 2 U1 QFN16 3MM Intersil, ISL97682/3/4 JP2-JP19 JUMPER-2PIN JUMPER-2PIN FCI WR JUMPER-2PIN JUMPER-2PIN 68000-236HLF-1x2 JP1 JUMPER-3PIN JUMPER-3PIN FCI JP20 JUMPER-3PIN JUMPER-3PIN 68000-236HLF-1x3 LED1-LED48 LED-SMT LW_Y87C TP1 LX TEST POINT Keystone Electronics TP2 VOUT TEST POINT 5010 5 AN1664.0 December 13, 2011 Application Note 1664 Bill of Materials (BOM) DESIGNATOR PART TYPE FOOTPRINT PART MANUFACTURER/NUMBER TP3 CH1 TEST POINT TP4 CH2 TEST POINT TP5 CH3 TEST POINT TP6 CH4 TEST POINT TP7 VDC TEST POINT TP8 RSET TEST POINT TP9 FSW/PHS TEST POINT P5 AGND TEST POINT Keystone Electronics P6 AGND TEST POINT 5011 P9 PGND TEST POINT P1 PVIN POWERPOST Mill Max P2 VIN POWERPOST 3156-1-00-00-00-00-08-0 P3 EN POWERPOST P4 PWMI POWERPOST P7 AGND POWERPOST P8 AGND POWERPOST P10 PGND POWERPOST SW2 SPDT SWITCH-SLIDE-SPDT EAO SW1 SPDT SWITCH-SLIDE-SPDT 09.03201.02 Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design, software and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that the Application Note or Technical Brief is current before proceeding. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see 6 AN1664.0 December 13, 2011