T UC T R O D A C EM EN a t P E r T L e E P t OL RE Ce n O B S E N D ED port l.com/tsc p u M S i COM chnical w.inters ESheet R e Data June 11, 2008 O T w N r w ct ou RSIL or a t n E co 8-INT 1-88 Quad Channel, Single Supply, Video Reconstruction Filter with On-Board Charge Pump • 3.3V Nominal Supply, Operates Down to 3.0V Ordering Information ISL59834IRZ PART MARKING TEMP. RANGE (°C) FN6268.1 Features The ISL59834 is a quad channel, single supply, video reconstruction filter with integrated charge pump. It is designed to operate on a single supply (3.0V to 3.6V) and generate its own negative supply (-1.5V) using a regulated charge pump. Input signals to the ISL59834 can be AC- or DC-coupled. When AC-coupled, the backporch clamp sets the blank level to ground at the output. Channels 1 and 3 have a sync detector whose output is available at SYNC_OUTA and SYNC_OUTB, respectively. SYNC_INA and SYNC_INB are inputs that provide timing for Channel 2 and Channel 4, respectively. Channel 2 and Channel 4 have keyed clamps, which set the outputs to ground when SYNC_INA or SYNC_INB are driven to the logic high state. Each of the four outputs are capable of driving two DC or AC-coupled standard video loads. The ISL59834 features a 4th order Butterworth reconstruction filter that provides a 9MHz nominal -3dB frequency and 40dB of attenuation at 27MHz. Nominal operational current is 63mA. When powered down, the device draws 5µA maximum supply current. The ISL59834 is available in a 44 Ld 7x7 QFN package. PART NUMBER (NOTE) ISL59834 • DC-Coupled Outputs • Inputs can be AC- or DC-Coupled • Eliminates the Need for Large Output Coupling Capacitor • Integrated Sync Tip Clamp sets the Backporch to Ground at the Output for Channels 1 and 3 • Integrated Keyed Clamp puts Channel 2 and Channel 4 Outputs to Ground During Sync • Each Output Drives 2 Standard Video Loads • Response Flat to 5MHz with 40dB Attenuation at 27MHz • Pb-Free (RoHS compliant) Applications • Set-Top Box Receiver • Television • DVD Player • Digital Camera • Cell Phone Block Diagram PACKAGE (Pb-Free) 59 834IRZ -40 to +85 44 Ld QFN PKG. DWG. # ISL59834 CHANNEL 1 L44.7x7A NOTE: These Intersil Pb-free plastic packaged products employ special Pb-free material sets, molding compounds/die attach materials, and 100% matte tin plate plus anneal (e3 termination finish, which is RoHS compliant and compatible with both SnPb and Pb-free soldering operations). Intersil Pb-free products are MSL classified at Pb-free peak reflow temperatures that meet or exceed the Pb-free requirements of IPC/JEDEC J STD-020. VIDEO IN (Y) CLAMP + SYNC DETECTOR LPF 9MHz x2 VIDEO OUT (Y) CHARGE PUMP CHANNEL 2 VIDEO IN (C) KEYED CLAMP LPF 9MHz x2 VIDEO OUT (C) CHARGE PUMP CHANNEL 3 VIDEO IN (Y) CLAMP + SYNC DETECTOR LPF 9MHz x2 VIDEO OUT (Y) CHARGE PUMP CHANNEL 4 VIDEO IN (C) KEYED CLAMP LPF 9MHz x2 VIDEO OUT (C) CHARGE PUMP 1 CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures. 1-888-INTERSIL or 1-888-468-3774 | Intersil (and design) is a registered trademark of Intersil Americas Inc. Copyright Intersil Americas Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. ISL59834 Pinout IN1 NC ENABLEA VS NC CLKA NC SYNC_OUTA SYNC_INA NC OUT1 ISL59834 (44 LD QFN) TOP VIEW 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 30 CAPA+ VCPA 5 29 CAPA- VS 6 28 CLKB ENABLEB 7 27 SYNC_OUTB IN3 8 26 SYNC_INB GND 9 25 OUT3 IN4 10 24 OUT4 GND 11 23 VEEBIN 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 VEEBOUT 4 NC GNDCPA CAPB+ 31 VEEAOUT CAPB- 3 NC GND NC 32 VEEAIN NC 2 VCPB IN2 GNDCPB 33 OUT2 NC 1 NC GND FN6268.1 June 11, 2008 ISL59834 Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA = +25°C) Thermal Information VS to GND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4V VIN to GND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GND - 0.3V to VS + 0.3V Maximum Continuous Output Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±50mA Maximum Current into Any Pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±50mA ESD Rating Human Body Model (Per MIL-STD-883 Method 3015.7) . . .3500V Machine Model (Per EIAJ ED-4701 Method C-111) . . . . . . . .350V Thermal Resistance (Typical, Note 1) JA (°C/W) 44 Lead QFN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Maximum Junction Temperature (Plastic Package) . . . . . . . +150°C Maximum Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . .-65°C to +150°C Pb-free reflow profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see link below http://www.intersil.com/pbfree/Pb-FreeReflow.asp Operating Conditions Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-40°C to +85°C CAUTION: Do not operate at or near the maximum ratings listed for extended periods of time. Exposure to such conditions may adversely impact product reliability and result in failures not covered by warranty. IMPORTANT NOTE: All parameters having Min/Max specifications are guaranteed. Typical values are for information purposes only. Unless otherwise noted, all tests are at the specified temperature and are pulsed tests, therefore: TJ = TC = TA NOTE: 1. JA is measured in free air with the component mounted on a high effective thermal conductivity test board with “direct attach” features. See Tech Brief TB379. Electrical Specifications SYMBOL VCP = VS = 3.3V, CF1 = CF2 = 0.1µF, CS1 = CS2 = 0.22µF, CFIL1 = CFIL2 = 0.4µF, CIN1 = CIN2 = CIN3 = CIN4 = 0.1µF, RL1 = RL2 = 150, Typical TA = +27°C. PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN (Note 2) TYP MAX (Note 2) UNIT 3.0 3.3 3.6 V -1.75 -1.5 -1.25 V 28 32 mA DC CHARACTERISTICS VS, VCP Supply Range Guaranteed by PSRR VEEOUT Charge Pump Output Measured at VEEIN IS Supply Current No load ICP Charge Pump Supply Current No load 35 40 mA IPD Power-down Current ENABLE = 0.4V 0.6 5 µA IIN Input Pull-down Current Channels 1 and 3, VIN = 0.5V 0.4 4 10 µA IB Input Bias Current Channels 2 and 4, VIN = 0.5V, SYNC_IN = 0V -10 -3 10 µA AV DC Gain 1.94 2 2.05 V/V Max DC Input Range DC-coupled input, guaranteed by DC gain test VCLAMPOUT1 Output Sync Tip Clamp Level (Channels 1 and 3) VIN 0, AC-coupled input -650 -590 -525 mV VCLAMPOUT2 Keyed Clamp Level (Channels 2 and 4) Output level when SYNC_IN 2.0V -60 -25 0 mV VCLAMPIN1 Input Clamp Level (Channels 1 and 3) Input floating 0 30 70 mV VCLAMPIN2 Input Keyed Clamp Level (Channels 2 and 4) Input floating, input level when SYNC_IN 2.0V 275 300 375 mV Output Level Shift (Channels 1 and 3) VIN0, output shifted relative to input, DC-coupled input -685 -620 -550 mV Output Level Shift (Channels 2 and 4) VIN0, output shifted relative to input, DC-coupled input -380 -330 -280 mV Clamp Restore Current Force VIN = -0.3V, Channels 1 and 3 -5 -2.5 mA 135 180 VIN_MAX VOS ICLAMP Force VIN = 1V, Channel 2 and 4 1.4 Force VIN = -0.3V, Channels 2 and 4 -200 VSLICE Sync Detect Threshold Channels 1 and 3 100 PSRRDC Power Supply Rejection VS = +3.0 to +3.6 50 3 V 77 µA -160 µA 200 mV dB FN6268.1 June 11, 2008 ISL59834 Electrical Specifications SYMBOL VCP = VS = 3.3V, CF1 = CF2 = 0.1µF, CS1 = CS2 = 0.22µF, CFIL1 = CFIL2 = 0.4µF, CIN1 = CIN2 = CIN3 = CIN4 = 0.1µF, RL1 = RL2 = 150, Typical TA = +27°C. (Continued) PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN (Note 2) TYP MAX (Note 2) UNIT 0 0.8 1.25 dB -35 dB AC CHARACTERISTICS APB Passband Flatness f = 5MHz relative to 100kHz ASB Stopband Attenuation f 27MHz relative to 100kHz -50 dG Differential Gain 11-step modulated staircase 0.45 % dP Differential Phase 11-step modulated staircase -0.15 ° Signal-to-Noise Ratio Peak signal (1.4VP-P) to RMS noise, f = 10kHz to 10MHz 60 dB GDMATCH DC Group Delay Match Channel-to-channel group delay matching at 100kHz 0.1 ns GD Group Delay Deviation Deviation from 100kHz to 3.58MHz 8 ns PSRR Power Supply Rejection VIN = 100mVP-P sine wave, f = 100kHz to 5MHz 25 dB XTALK Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk f = 100kHz to 5MHz, inter-channel -55 dB VNOISE Input Voltage Noise 1.44 mVRMS SNR LOGIC (ENABLEA, ENABLEB) VIL Logic Low Input Voltage VIH Logic High Input Voltage 2.0 Logic Input Current -1 II 0.8 V V 1 µA CHARGE PUMP fCP Charge Pump Clock Frequency 9.5 MHz NOTE: 2. Parameters with MIN and/or MAX limits are 100% tested at +27°C, unless otherwise specified. Temperature limits are established by characterization and are not production tested. 4 FN6268.1 June 11, 2008 ISL59834 Pin Descriptions NUMBER NAME 1, 3, 9, 11 GND 2 IN2 4 GNDCPA 5 VCPA 6, 41 VS 7 ENABLEB 8 IN3 Video Input 3. Luma Channel. 10 IN4 Video Input 4. Chroma Channel. 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 21, 35, 38, 40, 43 NC No Connect. 14 GNDCPB 15 VCPB 19 CAPB- Charge-Pump B Flying Capacitor Negative Terminal. Connect a 0.1µF capacitor from CAPB+ to CAPB-. 20 CAPB+ Charge-Pump B Flying Capacitor Positive Terminal. Connect a 0.1µF capacitor from CAPB+ to CAPB. 22 VEEBOUT 23 VEEBIN 24 OUT4 Video Output 4 25 OUT3 Video Output 3 26 SYNC_INB 27 SYNC_OUTB 28 CLKB Channel 3 and Channel 4 Charge Pump Clock Output. Can also be driven by external clock. CLKA must be tied to CLKB. 29 CAPA- Charge-Pump A Flying Capacitor Negative Terminal. Connect a 0.1µF capacitor from CAPA+ to CAPA-. 30 CAPA+ Charge-Pump A Flying Capacitor Positive Terminal. Connect a 0.1µF capacitor from CAPB+ to CAPB-. 31 VEEAOUT 32 VEEAIN 33 OUT2 Video Output 2 34 OUT1 Video Output 1 36 SYNC_INA 37 SYNC_OUTA 39 CLKA 42 ENABLEA 44 IN1 Video Input 1. Luma Channel. - EP Exposed Pad. Connect to VEEAIN or VEEBIN. 5 FUNCTION Ground Video Input 2. Chroma Channel. Charge Pump A Ground Charge Pump A Power Supply. Bypass with a 0.1µF capacitor to GNDCPA. Positive Power Supply. Bypass to GND with a 0.1µF capacitor. Channel 3 and Channel 4 Enable. Connect to VS to enable channels. ENABLEA must be tied to ENABLEB. Charge Pump B Ground. Charge Pump B Power Supply. Bypass with a 0.1µF capacitor to GNDCPB. Charge Pump Negative Output. Bypass with a 0.22µF capacitor to GCP2. Negative Supply for Channels 3 and 4. Connect an RC filter between VEEBIN and VEEBOUT. See Typical Application Diagram. VEEAIN must be tied to VEEBIN. Sync Input. Sync logic input for Channel 4. Sync Output. Sync logic output from Channel 3. Charge Pump Negative Output. Bypass with a 0.22µF capacitor to GNDCPA. Negative Supply for Channels 1 and 2. Connect an RC filter between VEEAIN and VEEAOUT. See Typical Application Diagram. VEEAIN must be tied to VEEBIN. Sync Input. Sync logic input for Channel 2. Sync Output. Sync logic output from Channel 1. Channel 1 and Channel 2 Charge Pump Clock Output. Can also be driven by external clock. CLKA must be tied to CLKB. Channel 1 and Channel 2 enable. Connect to VS to enable channels. ENABLEA must be tied to ENABLEB. FN6268.1 June 11, 2008 ISL59834 Functional Diagram VS ENABLEA ENABLEB SYNC DETECTOR SYNC_OUTA LPF LEVEL SHIFT (-310mV) IN1 9MHz OUT1 X2 VEEAIN + -593mV LPF LEVEL SHIFT (-165mV) IN2 9MHz X2 OUT2 VEEAIN KEYED + SYNC_OUTB 0V SYNC_INA SYNC DETECTOR LPF LEVEL SHIFT (-310mV) IN3 9MHz X2 OUT3 VEEBIN + -593mV LPF LEVEL SHIFT (-165mV) IN4 9MHz OUT4 X2 VEEBIN KEYED + VEEAIN 0V SYNC_INB VEEBIN ISL59834 CHARGE PUMP B CHARGE PUMP A GND VEEAOUT 6 GNDCPA CAPA+ CAPA- CLKA VCPA VEEBOUT GNDCPB CAPB+ CAPB- CLKB VCPB FN6268.1 June 11, 2008 ISL59834 Component (YPbPr) Application Diagram +3.3V 0.1µF ENABLEA Y CURRENT DAC ENABLEB 4.7µF VS SYNC_OUTA SYNC_INA 0.1µF IN1 SYNC_OUTB 150 SYNC_INB 75 PB CURRENT DAC OUT1 0.1µF 75 IN2 150 75 OUT2 PR CURRENT DAC 75 0.1µF IN4 75 150 MPEG DECODER OUT3 ISL59834 75 0.1µF COMPOSITE SOURCE 75 IN3 OUT4 75 75 CLKA CLKB RFIL1 0.22µF CFIL1 CS1 VEEAIN VEEBIN VEEAOUT VEEBOUT 10 10 0.47µF 0.47µF +3.3V CCP1B 0.1µF CS2 0.22µF CFIL2 +3.3V VCPA 1.0µF CCP1A RFIL2 VCPB 0.1µF GNDCPA GND CAPA+ CAPA- CAPB+ CAPB- CF1 CF2 0.1µF 0.1µF GNDCPB CCP2A 1.0µF CCP2B s 7 FN6268.1 June 11, 2008 ISL59834 S-Video Application Diagram +3.3V 0.1F ENABLEA ENABLEB 4.7F VS SYNC_OUTA SYNC_INA 0.1F IN1 Y1 SYNC_OUTB 75 SYNC_INB 75 OUT1 0.1F C1 75 IN2 75 75 OUT2 75 0.1F IN3 Y2 75 75 OUT3 ISL59834 75 0.1F 75 IN4 C2 OUT4 75 75 CLKA CLKB RFIL1 0.22F CFIL1 CS1 VEEAIN VEEBIN VEEAOUT VEEBOUT F F +3.3V CCP1B CS2 0.22F CFIL2 +3.3V VCPA F CCP1A RFIL2 VCPB F F GNDCPA 8 GND CAPA+ CAPA- CAPB+ CAPB- CF1 CF2 F F GNDCPB CCP2A F CCP2B FN6268.1 June 11, 2008 ISL59834 VCP = VS = 3.3V, CF1 = CF2 = 0.1µF, CS1 = CS2 = 0.22µF, CFIL1 = CFIL2 = 0.4µF, CIN1 = CIN2 = CIN3 = CIN4 = 0.1µF, RL1 = RL2 = 150. 10 2 0 1 -10 -20 CHANNEL 2, 4 RL = 150 CHANNEL 2, 4 RL = 75 -30 -40 CHANNEL 1, 3 RL = 150 -50 -60 -70 0.1 MAGNITUDE (dB) MAGNITUDE (dB) Typical Performance Curves 0 CHANNEL 1, 3 RL = 150 -1 CHANNEL 2, 4 RL = 150 -2 -3 -5 100M 0.1 50 -1.40 CHANNEL 1, 3 LUMA CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE (V) DELAY (ns) 30 20 10 0 -10 CHANNEL 2, 4 CHROMA -20 -30 -40 0.1 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) -1.44 -1.45 -1.46 VCP = 3.3V VS = 2.7V TO 3.6V -1.47 -10 MAGNITUDE (dB) MAGNITUDE (dB) -1.43 2.8 2.9 VCP = VS 2.7V TO 3.6V 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 3.4 3.5 3.6 0 ENABLE = LOW ANY INPUT TO ANY OUTPUT -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -90 -80 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) 100M FIGURE 5. INPUT-TO-OUTPUT ISOLATION vs FREQUENCY 9 INPUT OF CHANNEL 1/2 TO OUTPUT OF CHANNEL 3/4 -20 -80 -100 0.1 VS = 3.3V VCP = 2.7 TO 3.6V -1.42 FIGURE 4. CHARGE PUMP VOLTAGE vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE 0 -20 10M ALL MEASUREMENTS AT VEEIN -1.41 -1.48 2.7 100M FIGURE 3. GROUP DELAY vs FREQUENCY -10 1M FREQUENCY (Hz) FIGURE 2. GAIN FLATNESS vs FREQUENCY FIGURE 1. BANDWIDTH vs FREQUENCY 40 CHANNEL 1, 3 RL = 75 -4 CHANNEL 1, 3 RL = 75 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) CHANNEL 2, 4 RL = 75 -90 0.1 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) 100M FIGURE 6. INTER-CHANNEL CROSSTALK FN6268.1 June 11, 2008 ISL59834 Typical Performance Curves VCP = VS = 3.3V, CF1 = CF2 = 0.1µF, CS1 = CS2 = 0.22µF, CFIL1 = CFIL2 = 0.4µF, CIN1 = CIN2 = CIN3 = CIN4 = 0.1µF, RL1 = RL2 = 150. (Continued) 70 0 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 1M 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) 1500 60 58 56 54 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) 3.5 3.6 30 NO LOAD INPUT FLOATING 25 1200 IMPEDANCE ) DISABLED SUPPLY CURRENT (nA) 62 FIGURE 8. SUPPLY CURRENT vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE 1100 1000 900 800 700 20 15 10 5 600 500 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 SUPPLY VOTLAGE (V) 3.5 0 0.1 3.6 10M FREQUENCY (Hz) 100M 0.05 0 WAVEFORM = MODULATED RAMP 0 IRE TO 100 IRE 0.03 -10 0.01 VAC = 100mVP-P VS = +3.3V + VAC -0.01 DG (%) -20 1M FIGURE 10. OUTPUT IMPEDANCE vs FREQUENCY FIGURE 9. DISABLED SUPPLY CURRENT vs SUPPLY VOLTAGE MAGNITUDE (dB) 64 50 100M FIGURE 7. LUMA-TO-CHROMA CROSSTALK 1300 66 52 -70 0.1 1400 NO LOAD INPUT FLOATING 68 SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) MAGNITUDE (dB) INPUT OF CHANNEL 1, 3 TO OUTPUT OF -10 CHANNEL 2, 4 AND VICE-VERSA -30 -40 -0.05 -0.07 -0.09 -0.11 -50 -60 0.001 -0.03 -0.13 0.01 0.1 1M FREQUENCY (Hz) FIGURE 11. POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO vs FREQUENCY 10 10M -0.15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 STEP FIGURE 12. DIFFERENTIAL GAIN FN6268.1 June 11, 2008 ISL59834 Typical Performance Curves VCP = VS = 3.3V, CF1 = CF2 = 0.1µF, CS1 = CS2 = 0.22µF, CFIL1 = CFIL2 = 0.4µF, CIN1 = CIN2 = CIN3 = CIN4 = 0.1µF, RL1 = RL2 = 150. (Continued) 0.6 TIME SCALE = 10ns/DIV DISABLE = 1V/DIV OUTPUT = 1V/DIV WAVEFORM = MODULATED RAMP 0.5 0 IRE to 100 IRE 0.4 DP (°) 0.3 DISABLE SIGNAL 0.2 0.1 OUTPUT SIGNAL 0 -0.1 -0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 STEP 7 8 9 10 11 FIGURE 14. DISABLE TIME FIGURE 13. DIFFERENTIAL PHASE TIME SCALE = 5µs/DIV ENABLE = 1V/DIV OUTPUT = 1V/DIV ENABLE SIGNAL TIME SCALE = 500ns/DIV IN = 200mV/DIV OUT = 500mV/DIV INPUT TIME = 35µs OUTPUT OUTPUT SIGNAL FIGURE 15. ENABLE TIME TIMEBASE = 100ns/DIV IN = 200mV/DIV OUT = 500mV/DIV FIGURE 16. 12.5T RESPONSE (CHANNELS 1 and 3) TIME SCALE = 10µs/DIV IN = 500mV/DIV OUT = 1V/DIV INPUT INPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT FIGURE 17. 2T RESPONSE (CHANNELS 1 and 3) 11 FIGURE 18. NTSC COLORBAR (CHANNELS 1 and 3) FN6268.1 June 11, 2008 ISL59834 Typical Performance Curves VCP = VS = 3.3V, CF1 = CF2 = 0.1µF, CS1 = CS2 = 0.22µF, CFIL1 = CFIL2 = 0.4µF, CIN1 = CIN2 = CIN3 = CIN4 = 0.1µF, RL1 = RL2 = 150. (Continued) TIME SCALE = 10µs/DIV LUMA OUT = 500mV/DIV CHROMA OUT = 500mV/DIV LUMA OUTPUT CHANNELS 1, 3 VIDEO SIGNAL (CHANNEL 1 or 3) TIME SCALE = 5µs/DIV OUT = 500mV/DIV SYNC_OUT = 500mV/DIV CHROMA OUTPUT CHANNELS 2, 4 SYNC_OUT FIGURE 19. S-VIDEO SCOPE SHOT INPUT = NTSC VIDEO + 2Hz SQUARE WAVE (BEFORE COUPLING CAPACITOR) TIMEBASE = 1ms/DIV INPUT: 500mV/DIV OUTPUT: 500mV/DIV CHANNEL 1 OR CHANNEL 3 OUTPUT FIGURE 21. LUMA CLAMP RESPONSE TO POSITIVE TRANSIENT (CHANNEL 1 AND 3) INPUT = NTSC S-VIDEO (CHROMA) + 2Hz SQUARE WAVE (BEFORE COUPLING CAPACITOR) FIGURE 20. SYNC_OUT SIGNAL INPUT = NTSC VIDEO + 2Hz SQUARE WAVE (BEFORE COUPLING CAPACITOR) CHANNEL 1 OR CHANNEL 3 OUTPUT TIMEBASE = 200µs/DIV INPUT: 500mV/DIV OUTPUT: 500mV/DIV FIGURE 22. LUMA CLAMP RESPONSE TO NEGATIVE TRANSIENT (CHANNEL 1 AND 3) INPUT = NTSC S-VIDEO (CHROMA) + 2Hz SQUARE WAVE (BEFORE COUPLING CAPACITOR) TIMEBASE = 2ms/DIV INPUT: 500mV/DIV OUTPUT: 500mV/DIV TIMEBASE = 2ms/DIV INPUT: 500mV/DIV OUTPUT: 500mV/DIV CHANNEL 2 OR CHANNEL 4 OUTPUT CHANNEL 2 OR CHANNEL 4 OUTPUT FIGURE 23. CHROMA CLAMP RESPONSE TO POSITIVE TRANSIENT (CHANNEL 2 AND 4) 12 FIGURE 24. CHROMA CLAMP RESPONSE TO NEGATIVE TRANSIENT (CHANNEL 2 AND 4) FN6268.1 June 11, 2008 ISL59834 Typical Performance Curves VCP = VS = 3.3V, CF1 = CF2 = 0.1µF, CS1 = CS2 = 0.22µF, CFIL1 = CFIL2 = 0.4µF, CIN1 = CIN2 = CIN3 = CIN4 = 0.1µF, RL1 = RL2 = 150. (Continued) 100 TIME SCALE = 50ns/DIV VERTICAL SCALE = 20mV/DIV RMS NOISE = 2.87mV OUTPUT REFERRED 10 µV/Hz CHARGE PUMP NOISE, CONTRIBUTES ONLY A SMALL PERCENTAGE OF THE OVERALL NOISE 1 0.1 0M 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M FREQUENCY (Hz) 7M 8M 9M 10M FIGURE 26. CHARGE PUMP FEEDTHROUGH AT AMPLIFIER OUTPUT FIGURE 25. NOISE SPECTRUM 4.5 0 POWER DISSIPATION (W) THD (dBc) VS = VCP = +3.3V -10 RL = 150 VOUT = 0 TO 2VP, SINE WAVE -20 -30 -40 fIN = 500kHz -50 fIN = 5MHz -60 -70 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.7 2.0 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 44 LD QFN PACKAGE 7mmx7mm JA = +32°C/W 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) FIGURE 28. PACKAGE POWER DISSIPATION FIGURE 27. THD (dBc) vs OUTPUT VOLTAGE (VP-P) Description of Operation and Application Information Theory of Operation Output Amplifier The ISL59834 is a single supply video driver with a reconstruction filter and an on-board charge pump. It is designed to drive SDTV displays with component (YPbPr), S-video (Y-C), or composite video (CV) signals. The input signals can be AC or DC-coupled. When AC-coupled, a sync tip clamp sets the blank level to ground at the output of Channel 1 and Channel 3. Keyed clamps force the average levels of Channel 2 and Channel 4 to ground. The keyed clamps force the outputs to ground when SYNC_INA or SYNC_INB are driven to the logic high state. The ISL59834 outputs are capable of driving two AC or DC-coupled standard video loads and have a 4th order Butterworth reconstruction filter with nominal -3dB frequency set to 9MHz, providing 40dB of attenuation at 27MHz. The ISL59834 is designed to operate with a single supply voltage range ranging from 3.0V to 3.6V. This eliminates the need for a split supply with the incorporation of two charge pumps capable of generating a bottom rail as much as 1.5V below ground; providing a 4.8V range on a single 3.3V supply. This performance is ideal for NTSC video with negative-going sync pulses. The ISL59834 output amplifiers provide a gain of +6dB. The output amplifiers are able to drive a 2.8VP-P video signal into a 150 or 75load to ground. 13 The outputs are highly-stable, low distortion, low power, high frequency amplifiers capable of driving moderate (~10pF) capacitive loads. Input/Output Range The ISL59834 has a dynamic input range of 0 to 1.4VP-P This allows the device to handle high amplitude video signal inputs. As the input signal moves outside the specified range, the output signal will exhibit increasingly higher levels of harmonic distortion. Charge Pump The ISL59834 contains two charge pumps; charge pump A supplies Channel 1 and 2, while charge pump B supplies Channel 3 and 4. The ISL59834 charge pumps provide a bottom rail up to 1.5V below ground while operating on a 3.0V to 3.6V power supply. The charge pumps are internally regulated and are driven by internal 9.5MHz clocks. The FN6268.1 June 11, 2008 ISL59834 clock pins for both charge pumps (CLKA and CLKB) must be shorted together. AC-Coupled Inputs To reduce the noise on the power supply generated by the charge pump, connect a lowpass RC-network between VEEOUT and VEEIN. See the “Typical Application Circuits” for further information. The ISL59834 features a sync tip clamp that forces the black level of the output video signal to ground. This ensures that the sync-tip voltage level will be approximately -300mV at the back-termination resistor of a standard video load. The clamp is activated whenever the input voltage falls below 0V. The correction voltage required to do this is stored across the input AC-coupling capacitor. Refer to Typical Application Circuit for a detailed diagram. VEEOUT Pins VEEAOUT and VEEBOUT are the output pins for the charge pumps. Keep in mind that these outputs are fully regulated supplies that must be properly bypassed. Bypass these pins with a 0.47µF ceramic capacitor placed as close to the pin and connected to the ground plane of the board. VEEIN Pins VEEAIN and VEEBIN are the subtrate connections for the ISL59834, these two pins must be shorted together. To reduce the noise on the power supply generated by the charge pump, connect a lowpass RC-network between VEEOUT and VEEIN. See the “Typical Application Circuits” for further information. Video Performance DIFFERENTIAL GAIN/PHASE For good video performance, an amplifier is required to maintain the same output impedance and the same frequency and phase response as DC levels are changed at the output. Special circuitry has been incorporated into the ISL59834 to reduce the output impedance variation with the current output. This results in outstanding differential gain and differential phase specifications of 0.45% and 0.15°, while driving 150 at a gain of +2V/V. SYNC TIP CLAMP (CHANNEL 1 AND 3) KEYED CLAMP (CHANNEL 2 AND 4) Channel 2 and Channel 4 have a keyed clamp, which forces the output to ground when SYNC_INA (Channel 2) or SYNC_INB (Channel 4) are driven to the logic high state. The SYNC_IN pins may be connected to either SYNC_OUT pins or they may be driven by external sources. SYNC DETECTOR AND CLAMP TIMING Channel 1 and Channel 3 also have sync detectors whose outputs are available at SYNC_OUTA and SYNC_OUTB pins respectively. The slice level for the sync detectors is between 100mV to 200mV. This means that if the signal level is below 100mV at Channel 1 or 3, then SYNC_OUTA or SYNC_OUTB are high. If the signal level is above 200mV, then SYNC_OUTA or SYNC_OUTB are low. Figure 29 shows the operation of the sync detector. NTSC LUMINANCE CHANNEL 1 OR 3 INPUT +1.00V NTSC The ISL59834, generating a negative rail internally, is ideally suited for NTSC video with its accompanying negative-going sync signals. +300mV 100mV < VSLICE < 200mV +0mV S-VIDEO For a typical S-video application with two S-video signals, connect the luma signals to Channel 1 and 3, and connect the chrominance signals to Channel 2 and 4. For clamp timing, connect SYNC_OUTA to SYNC_INA and SYNC_OUTB to SYNC_INB. See the “S-Video Typical Application Circuit” on page 8. YPbPr For a typical component video application, connect Y to Channel 1, Pb to Channel 2 and Pr to Channel 4. Channel 3 can be optionally used a composite signal. For the clamp timing, connect SYNC_OUTA to both SYNC_INA and SYNC_INB and leave SYNC_OUTB floating. See the “YPbPr Typical Application Circuit” on page 7. 14 SYNC_OUTA OR SYNC_OUTB +3.3V +0mV FIGURE 29. SYNC DETECTOR SLICE LEVEL DC-Coupled Inputs (Channel 1 and 3) When DC-coupling the inputs, ensure that the lowest signal level is greater than +50mV to prevent the clamp from turning on and distorting the output. When DC-coupled, the ISL59834 shifts the signal by -620mV. Amplifier Disable The ISL59834 can be disabled and its output placed in a high impedance state. ENABLEA shuts off Channel 1 and 2 while ENABLEB shuts off Channel 3 and 4. Both ENABLE pins must be shorted together. The turn-off time is around 10ns and the turn-on time is around 35µs. The turn-on time FN6268.1 June 11, 2008 ISL59834 is longer because extra time is needed for the charge pump to settle before the amplifiers are enabled. When disabled, the device supply current is reduced to 5µA. Power-down is controlled by standard TTL or CMOS signal levels at the ENABLE pins. The applied logic signal is relative to the GND pin. Applying a signal that is less than 0.8V above GND will disable the device. The device will be enabled when the ENABLE signals are 2V above GND. Output Drive Capability The maximum output current for the ISL59834 is ±50mA. Maximum reliability is maintained if the output current never exceeds ±50mA, after which the electro-migration limit of the process will be exceeded and the part will be damaged. This limit is set by the design of the internal metal interconnections. Driving Capacitive Loads and Cables The ISL59834 (internally-compensated to drive 75 cables) will drive 10pF loads in parallel with 150 or 75 with less than 1.3dB of peaking. Power Dissipation With the high output drive capability of the ISL59834, it is possible to exceed the +150°C absolute maximum junction temperature under certain load current conditions. Therefore, it is important to calculate the maximum junction temperature for an application to determine if load conditions or package types need to be modified to assure operation of the amplifier in a safe operating area. The maximum power dissipation allowed in a package is determined according to Equation 1: T JMAX – T AMAX PD MAX = -------------------------------------------- JA (EQ. 1) Where: TJMAX = Maximum junction temperature TAMAX = Maximum ambient temperature JA = Thermal resistance of the package The maximum power dissipation actually produced by an IC is the total quiescent supply current times the total power supply voltage, plus the power in the IC due to the load, or: for sourcing: V OUT i PDMAX = V S I SMAX + V S – V OUT i --------------------R i (EQ. 2) LOAD Where: VS = Supply voltage ISMAX = Maximum quiescent supply current VOUT = Maximum output voltage of the application RLOAD = Load resistance tied to ground ILOAD = Load current i = Number of output channels By setting Equation 1 equal to Equation 2 and 3, we can solve for the output current and RLOAD values needed to avoid exceeding the maximum junction temperature. Power Supply Bypassing and Printed Circuit Board Layout As with any high frequency device, a good printed circuit board layout is necessary for optimum performance. Strip line design techniques are recommended for the input and output signal traces to help control the characteristic impedance. Furthermore, the characteristic impedance of the traces should be 75. Trace lengths should be as short as possible between the output pin and the series 75 resistor. The power supply pin must be well bypassed to reduce the risk of oscillation. For normal single supply operation, a single 4.7µF tantalum capacitor in parallel with a 0.1µF ceramic capacitor from VS and VCP to GND will suffice. The AC performance of this circuit depends greatly on the care taken in designing the PC board. The following are recommendations to achieve optimum high frequency performance from your PC board. • Use low inductance components, such as chip resistors and chip capacitors whenever possible. • Minimize signal trace lengths. Trace inductance and capacitance can easily limit circuit performance. Avoid sharp corners; use rounded corners when possible. Vias in the signal lines add inductance at high frequency and should be avoided. PCB traces longer than 1" begin to exhibit transmission line characteristics with signal rise/fall times of 1ns or less. To maintain frequency performance with longer traces, use striplines. • Match channel-to-channel analog I/O trace lengths and layout symmetry. This will minimize propagation delay mismatches. • Route all signal I/O lines over continuous ground planes (i.e. no split planes or PCB gaps under these lines). • Place termination resistors in their optimum location as close to the device as possible. for sinking: PD MAX = V S I SMAX + V OUT i – V S I LOAD i 15 (EQ. 3) FN6268.1 June 11, 2008 ISL59834 • Use good quality connectors and cables, matching cable types and keeping cable lengths to a minimum when testing. • Place flying and output capacitors as close to the device as possible for the charge pump. Decouple well, using a minimum of 2 power supply decoupling capacitors, placed as close to the device as possible. Avoid vias between the capacitor and the device because vias add unwanted inductance. Larger capacitors may be farther away. When vias are required in a layout, they should be routed as far away from the device as possible. 16 FN6268.1 June 11, 2008 ISL59834 Quad Flat No-Lead Plastic Package (QFN) L44.7x7A A B 44 LEAD QUAD FLAT NO-LEAD PLASTIC PACKAGE (COMPLIANT TO JEDEC MO-220) N (N-1) (N-2) D MILLIMETERS SYMBOL 1 2 3 PIN #1 I.D. MARK E (2X) 0.075 C TOP VIEW (2X) (N/2) 0.075 C MIN SEATING PLANE 0.08 C N LEADS AND EXPOSED PAD NOTES A 0.80 0.85 0.90 - 0.00 0.02 0.05 - b 0.20 0.25 0.30 - c 0.203 REF - D 7.00 BASIC - D2 5.10 REF 8 E 7.00 BASIC - E2 5.10 REF 8 L 0.10 C e MAX A1 e C NOMINAL 0.50 BASIC 0.50 0.55 0.60 - N 44 REF 4 ND 11 REF 6 NE 11 REF 5 Rev. 1 1/07 SEE DETAIL “X” NOTES: SIDE VIEW 1. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ASME Y14.5M-1994. 2. Tiebar view shown is a non-functional feature. 3. Bottom-side pin #1 I.D. is a diepad chamfer as shown. 0.01 M C A B 4. N is the total number of terminals on the device. (N-2) (N-1) N b L N LEADS PIN #1 I.D. 3 1 2 3 5. NE is the number of terminals on the “E” side of the package (or Y-direction). 6. ND is the number of terminals on the “D” side of the package (or X-direction). ND = (N/2)-NE. (E2) 7. Inward end of terminal may be square or circular in shape with radius (b/2) as shown. (N/2) NE 5 (D2) 8. If two values are listed, multiple exposed pad options are available. Refer to device-specific datasheet. 9. One of 10 packages in MDP0046 7 BOTTOM VIEW C A 2 (c) A1 (L) N LEADS DETAIL “X” All Intersil U.S. products are manufactured, assembled and tested utilizing ISO9001 quality systems. Intersil Corporation’s quality certifications can be viewed at www.intersil.com/design/quality Intersil products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design, software and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see www.intersil.com 17 FN6268.1 June 11, 2008