ICP Test Report Certification Packet Company name : Littelfuse, Inc. Product Series: 2AG Sub-Assembly Fuse Product #: 208xxx Series Issue Date: August 5, 2011 It is hereby certified by Littelfuse, Inc. that there is neither RoHS (EU Directive 2002/95/EC)-restricted substance nor such use, for materials to be used for unit parts, for packing/packaging materials, and for additives and the like in the manufacturing processes. In addition, it is hereby reported to you that the parts and sub-materials, the materials to be used for unit parts, the packing/packaging materials, and the additives and the like in the manufacturing processes, are all composed of the following components. Issued by: <Global EHS Engineer> (1) Parts, sub-materials and unit parts This document covers the 2AG Sub-Assembly Fuse RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse, Inc. < Raw Materials Used Please see Table 1 (2) The ICP data on all measurable substances Please see appropriate pages as identifed in Table 1 Remarks:. Form 585-047 Rev. A 1 2/21/06 Table 1: List of Raw Materials covered by this report Total Parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Raw Material Part Number 082xxx 087244 087244 082779 497xxx-001 692535-001 910-537-3 910-537-3 C909-367-001 Raw Material Description Element - Ag Plated Cu HMA - RoHS HMA - Halogens Wire – Tin plated Copper Sn Plated Wire Fe58 Ni42 Solder Cap - RoHS Cap - Halogens Glass Body Borosilicate 2 Page(s) 3-11 12-16 17-20 21-31 32-38 39-43 44-47 48-51 52-55 Valid Pl6ase TestReport No.: CE12011/10410A Oale: 2O11t0'Ii1 P a g e : 1 o f g ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GI\.TBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87,D.98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY tl][ttt][littltt Thefollowingsample(s)waa/weresubmittedand identifiedby/onbehaltofthe cliontas : SampleDescription Style/ltem No. SILVERPLATED& PURESILVERWIRES (1)101.014-.---EWN02.01.-SILVER PLATEDCOPPER W|RE- Cu,Ag - - % (2)101.0131.---EWN02.01.-PURE SILVERWtRE-Ag1000 (3)101.0123.0--EWN01,03.. SILVERPLATEDPURESTNICKELWIRENi99.98%, Agl0/6 ( 4 )1 0 1 . 0 1 8 -2-.-0 EWN03-07,. SILVER-COPPER ALLOYPLATEDCOPPER CLADWIRE-ELCON D,Agcus% (5)101.0120.0--SILVERPLATEDCONSTANTAN WIRE-CuNi,t4, Ag5% Countryof Origin SampleR€ceiving Date TestingPerjod GERMANY 2011tO1t04 2011tO|tU TO2U1n1t11 Test R€ault(s) Pleasereferto nextpag€(s)- NW4) Sgn d 6rltd Ctrdr{.d t&rtrt-TS.l comFryr.irf,jnii!.-r €lt ie$d h s r6d ,eFd €ind b" tr ri '!,rn1l l'lrli.,'ra: /.iii-i!rr.1,::l:L Jii . I ,ritrrr nysub]sd|obc5e6]codlbnso,s suq3dro r€ms ad cdms tu € Test Report No.: CE2011l10410ADate: 2011to1t.l l Page:2ofg ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87,D.98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY f,]tIlt|| ttttttl Test Result{s) PARTNAMENo.1 Te8tltem (s): Cadmium(Cd) Lead (Pb) (Hg) [4ercury Hexavaler{ Chromium Cr(Vl)by Spottest / boilingwater e)dractaon Peduorooclanesulfonates (PFOS) PFOS-Acid PFOS- MetalSalt PFOS-Amide PFOA(CASNo.:000335$7-1) MIXEDALL COLORMETALWIREONCLUDING THE PLATING LAYER)(5 KINDS) Unit Method MDL Result No.l n.o. mg/Kg Withreferenc€ to IEC62321: 2 2008€ndperfomedby ICP.AES. mg/Kg With referenceto tEC62321: n.d. 2008andperfomedby ICP-AES. mg/Kg With referenceto IEC62321: 2 n.d. 2008andperform€d by lCPdES. With referenceto IEC62321: 0.02mgr'kgNegative 2008and perfornedby Spottest / with50cm'z boiling,,raater ext€ctionMethod. suface (SeeNote5) mg/xg With refer€ncelo US EPA3540C: 10 n.d. 1996methodfor PFOSContent. Anaiysiswaspertormedby LC/MS. mg/ks With referenceto Us EPA3540C: '10 n.d. 50 n.d. 50 n.d- 50 n.d. 50 n.o. 1996methodfor PFOAContent. Analysiswasp€rformedby LC/MS. Halogen (F) (CASNo.: Halogen-Fluorine 014762-94€) (Cl)(CASNo.: Halogen-Chlorine 022537-1s-1) (Br)(CASNo.: Halogen-Bromine 010097-32-2) With referenceto gS EN mg/Kg 14582:2007. Analysis w€s pefformed by lC. (l) (CASNo.: Halogen-lodine 014362-44-8) oldEd6i.4inlu .r!r!1 ;:r!rrllt::11t i.bF.9,,.1.r!,:ii',, comDary!::lrit'rJ:.-ri1;. D6tuad s ss6d by the cohpsny 3u&d b a GssBicod lionso, s suq€d b rems ad codrms ro, E l rrlllill nsibi'y6loiscLen':db"@men nolb6fopfoduc€.ot@pl'nltrr.s|MU| Memb4, orthe56s6 o!p 6GssAJ TestReport No.: CE2011l10410A Date| 2O11tO lti1 Page:3ofg ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTMSSE 87,D-98669 VEILSDORF, GERIT'ANY Test ltom (s): Sum of PBB6 Monobromobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tribromobiphenyl Tetrabromobiphenyl Pentabromobiphenyl Hexabrcmobiphenyl H€ptabrornobiphenyl Octabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Decabromobiphenyl Sumot PBDES lVonobromodiphenyl ether Dibromodiphenyl ether Tribromodiphenyl elher Tetrabromodiphenyl ether Pentabromodiphenyl ether Hexabromodiphenyl ether Heptabromodiphenyl ether Octabromodiphenyl ether Nonabromodiphenyl ether Decabromodiphenyl ether unlt tl][Ilr|I| Method TIDL 5 5 5 Re3ult No.1 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.o, n.d. 5 n.d- n.d. n.d. mgkg Withreference to IEC62321: 2008andperformed by GC/MS. 5 n.d. n.d. 5 n.o. n.d. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 in rh' 16r cpd dar6ry rorb smprslr rsdd ft sree @n €nid b.qd ,l-.1+,ildll: :--r.:,?. c@Fiy,r:rrri.iN r i - t r r : r : l l i t i l rr , l i ! t r r A i rl{'1 Thseumrt[Esuadb'lhecomMysUb]dbbGsffi:condlffids r!r,ttr rlrs6rc?2rr&ras n.d. n.o. n.d. n.o, n.o, n.o, n,d, n.d. n.o. ll TestReport paoe:4of9 No.: CEi2011l1MlOADed;e2011101t11 ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTMSSE 87,}.98669VEILSDORF, GERMANY [l lllrr||||l Note: 1. mg/kg= ppm;o.1$olo=1000ppm 2. n.d.= NotDetected 3. MDL= MethodDetection Limit 4."-"=NotRegulated 5. Spot-test: Negative= Absenceof Cr(Vt)coating/ surfacetayer, Positive= Presenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ sudacelaye.; (Thetestedsampleshouldbe furtherverifiedby boiting-water-extraction methodif the spoltestresultcannotbecontimed.) Boiling-water-extraction : Negative= Absenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ surfacelayer. Positive= Presenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ surfacelayer; the detectedconceftrationin boiling-&ater-extraclion solutionis €quator greater than 0.02mg/kgwjth 50 cm2safiple surfacearea. (NoUnit) 6. " = Qualitative analysis 7. Thesample(s) wadlvereanalyzed on beh€lfof theapplicant as mixingsamplein onetesting. Theaboveresult(s)Mras/were onlygivenas the informalityvalue. PFOSRefer€nceInformation : Directlve2006/{2ZEC ('t) Maynotbe placedonthe marketor us€das a substance or constituent of preparations In a 0/6 concentration equaltoor higherthan 0.005 by masr. (2)Maynol be placedon themarketin 6emi-finished products or adicte6, or partsthereof,if the concentrationof PFOSis equalto or higherthan0. 1% by masscalculatedwith refercnceto the massof skucturallyor microstruclurally distinctpartsthat containPFOSor, for textilesor omer coatedmaterials, if theamountof PFOSis equaltoor higherthan'1pg/m, of thecoatedm€terial. c@Fryr fttrd@md. rir;;'..:iitsrr:rfii.:;llrrlrl:.:ir np6Glb{d rhs bsrr@d €.nd e r-rr+liFxafJltr?:.I. r.t-:,'tl'l sdby'fuc.mpa 36lsd6T.ms4dcmdiloBdE rL-: ,: :!r 1i', i,s6orrrt l|l TestReport No.:CE/2011/1M10A Date| 2011t01t11 P a g e : 5 o f g ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87,D.98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY Thesesamplesweredi66ovedtotallyby pre-conditioning methodaccordingto belowflo^/chart. ( Cf' testmethodexcluded ) yang Nameof theper6onwhomademeasurementt Climbgreal 3) Nameof the pe6on in chargeof measurementTroyChang 1) Cutting/ Preparation Aciddigestion by suitable acid dependedon difierenlsampl€ material(as belowtable) Add appropriateamountof digestionreagent Heatto appropriate temperatureto exhact Cool,filterdigestate throughfiller 1) AlkaliFusion 2) HCltodissolve Add diphenyl-carbazide for colordevelopmerf SampleMaterial DigestionAcid S1eel, copper.aluminum, bolder Aqua regia,HNO3,HCl,HF,HrO, Glass HNO3/HF palladium, Gold,platinum, ceramic Aqua regia Silver HNO3 Plastic Others HrSO4, HrOr,HNO3, HCt Anyacidto totaldigestion 'd th s rsr r€pd f€1arsry ro tb smpblt redd h s 16r re@d€inor 6 r6p , t r,,i!ir. :rir, i-*rfii!:l.!c@Fny 4rlr;!i:ir..1.-fi+rrrlrrriir:i!1rf.ir:9!i Th'deumd6G5uadbylh6cohpanyEubdbbcff€conditrsds isbi|ys10i9c.d.ndl|6d@fun _:, r fJ Irr measurethe absotbance at 540 nm by uV-VlS Test Report No.: CE/2011/10410ADale| 2l11t01ti1 P a g e : 6 o f g ELSCHUKOMELEKTROSCHUTZKOI/|PONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D.98669VEILSDORF,GERMANY ill ||atl[m||]t Analtticalflow chartof Soxhletextraction(LC/MS)procedure 1) Nameof thepersonwhomademeasurement: LydiaFu 2) Nameofthe personin chargeof measurement ShinjyhChen rTe61ltems:PFOS/PFOA. Benzotriazole Samplepretreatmenu6eparation Datra nrh3r*rr€@1d€ronryrolbsampstrsdd comFiv f.lr,,;-' rr ,ir , rlrir i l:!rii th 3 6umdr tr csusdbyrhsconFny subr€d b b6effi condrtrsd s rhdr r $t a^d ob 0d o^3uid.r th. ta ft€radrcFd€mdbc nsb iv 6 io is c ed.d h6 dne. iiot be €pdud ace|' 'n ,u r,khtu f! r,rirr:i,,i i +s6 orrer! r+88 TestReport No.I CE/2011/'104104Date: 2011|t11t1|1page: 7 of I ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D-98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY [fffitf,IltIlttttII Analyticalflow chartof hatogancontent 1) Nameofthepersonwhomademeasurement: RitaChen 2) Nameof thepe6onin chargeof measuaement: TroyChang Samplepretre€tment / Separation Weighting €ndputtingsamplein cell OrygenBombCo.nbustion / Absorption Dilution to fixedvolume Analysas wasperfomedby lC 6G) raGd rhs Gn €p.n 6^d - J ,ltbi! u.i-il.ial4rr r:i;'']. 1i: ny suqed b {s Gm6brcdr ons oi s compary l:if,i!J. 6.€8dq€bmd Libnrddi'd 6 d @Batu slq juisdd d 6ies d |h6/rohb.dd|ad'oisuehsk rt', ,: :! rrr i r $6 ozrlerru t 'e otjrr@tt ldw{!(h TestReport No.: CEl2011l10410ADale: 2011t01t11 P a g e : 8 o f 9 ELSCHUKOMELEKTROSCHUTZKOI/|PONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D-S8669VEJLSDORF, GERMANY iul |ltt][n|l!ll PBB/PBDEanalyticatFLOWCHART 1) lbfiE of the personwho fiEde nEasurel|Ent RonBn Wong 2) MrE of the personin chargeof nEasurerEnt:TnoyChang Firsttestingprocess---+ process .--Optional screen process- .> ConfirrEtion Screenanalysis Sanple extractiod Soxhlet nEthod V ConcentlatdDilute Extracted solution Ft|ler Analysisby GC/MS I ' !,f ftsdmumd6*dbylfucwF 1: :irrri if, ,-iriif1,. \ preG) re$d rh 3 r6n @d - :: rr!!: i, r' €Dno1 b' ", \,'"''d'&d'."; Ll's6r0r Drr r r *6@ r@rr syw{!@o Test Report No.: CE/2011/10410ADate| 2011t01t11 P a g e r 9 o f g ELSCHUKOMELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GIUBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D-98669VEILSDORF, GERMANY " Endof Report Epslslrsdd Ths r€i r@n €nnorb c d p . r y r r r j l . i , , . " ri i l f l : i + : :i : \ , r l l r i - . . j r 1 . d r , : t , . i : i : I - t . " r n _ i Th6domeftssdby'bc6mp,ny9qadb8Gmlalcmdionsds g!b].db'msTdcmdhoBb.E tl||[l[Il[ttttltl TestReport No.SHAEC1018364101 Date:23 Dec2010 Page1of 5 3I,TCHINALIMITED (200239) 222#T|ANLtNROAD,SHANGHAT The following sample(s)wasi/vere submittedand identifed on behalf of the clients as : 3l!l 3779-PG SGSJobNo.: Oateof SampleRec€ived: TestingPeriod: TestRequested: - SH sP10-042093 21 Dec2010 21Dec2010- 23Dec2010 Selectedtest(s)as requestedby client. TestMethod: Pleas€referto nextpage(s). Pleasereferto nextpage(s). Test Results: Basedon the perfomedtestson submittedsamples,the resultscomplywiththe RoHSDireclive200Z9YECand its subsequent amendments. : Conclusion Signedtorendon b€halfof SGgCSTCLtd. zQv""^ FanJingiie,JJ Approved Signatory rhtdaird h bd al.d b r. o-nl ccutnotol Ltk rr lh CdB hn &odd,rqd b th. d c.dd n. El lto d'hr!!ffi .-rt -ttltrr.ia hna|co r.s rr.itf,. drtrb rrybrdll* hrddri{r |[t!6.D, ,D. rn.CMrr bfrn6Dl.lrrGhn Et dEFbfty ritr*-d.hrfi}Ifi.d.oro.L..6d,rF0.r!......drsb.rh.eMr4rcb.'rr..d'4.d.srrLtull't|||n.d9.ds{s.,t nde., br.rt tfmuM;d rrb h |Irb(.,r-E cci{ ttldnenlted&iitltdtldaorr +l.tl.aiE8lta6toltsr 2@ :1.2@ nbft.cndrd lB€Fgi)611@llElE{e-?|FffiA Hl(&21161102!aa lL{*"1)6aM0 K.dra16m ..F.d'i'.Oe.6 Mrn$ororrh. SSSG|!up (S99 SA) T€stR€port No.SHAEC10183g101 Date:23Dec2010 Page2 of 5 Test R€sults: TestPartDescription: Sp6d,n6ntlo. 1 De6('iplion SGSSemdelD Yellow translucent solid SHA10-143641.001 Remarks: (1)1 mg,/kg= 1 PPm=00001% (2) l\rOL= lrethod DeteclionLimit (3) ND= NotDetected( < MDL) (4) '-' = NotRegulated Rol{S Exr€divomo2/gs/Ec T€6tMethod: Withreferenceto IEC6232'12008 (1)Determination of Cadrnium by ICP-OES. (2) Deteminationof Leadby ICP-OES. (3)Detemination of Mercury by ICP-OES. liethod usingW-Vis. (4) Determination of Hexavalent Chromiumby Colorimetric (5)Determination contentby GC-MS. of PBBS/ PBDES Test ltem(s) cadmium(Cd) Lead(Pb) Merclry (Hg) (CrVl) Hexavalent Chromium Sumof PBBS Monobrornobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tdbromobiphenyl Tetrabromobiphenyl Pentabromobiphenyl Hexabromobiphenyl Heptabromobiphsnyl oclabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Decabromobiphenyl Sumof PBDES ethet Monobromodiphenyl MSt 0p1 UlI mg/kg 2 N D 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 mg/kg mg/kg mgr'kg mg/kg 2 2 2 - N N N N D D D D - ms/Ks msftg - m9K9 mg/Kg mg/kg - mdks 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - N N N N N N N N N N N D D D D D D D D D D D 5 N D - mg/ru 1,000 - scd ,!4- rhM ti!d! 100 d qu.r d -cff !'tlo trd- odr'.[|!r. d !a!tl!9!!r@t!a9s!4!!! t. EMd4 oosFr c.dsr.i b r. cn" b r@ 5t cd'@ 5 br d 4d e stE mgftg mgKg mg/Kg mg/kg mgKg h tlrcllnl,t|$ionttudtlrtrorr |l!.Il.lEalurra€8sil3ql r$Pb(.) i h bb. ll: 2D@3 2@ l6lE(6-r)611@ ItF2l)614029a lEl€{E-?l)6(KA Hi{6-zlFa@! Boro.c!.n .rFii.€4M (sqss ) u.nb.roltno sose.oup TestReport No.SHAEC1018364101 Testltem(s) unit Mot Limit Dibromodiphenyl ether Tribromodiphenylether Tetrabromodiphenyl other Pentabromodiphenyl ether Hexabromodiphenyl ether Heptabromodiphenyl ether Octabromodiphenyl ether Nonabromodiphenyl elher Oec€bromodiphenyl elher Date:23 Dec2010 mdkg ng/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mSikS mg/kg mS/kS mS/kS Page3 of 5 aal 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Notes: pe.missible (1)Themaximum limitis quotedfromthedocument 200t618/ECamending RoHSdirective 2002t9stEc *.addh.ahd,.d|'k.rs ordldr r.d!r.r. t4 MoihEhrddur.cfu'q 'fuld,'|rEhoddh.fu|q rlm 5tu nr -Fn-b ad rn cd-rr r.r. d@tllt ri ur''tud etu . ory 6tu.6rr.{.tbbd tbtlrhlCltrdrllNblltitrCr.| t!.t1.*trEl0l€3eft|}l n DdJ-d @d arEpo ll@ rEEl6-?lFa$rl |€rElr+r)6110256S l,tl'-ala!.@!l9l lLlt-apF0dl3 no4rcdn .tFlrr&Fq lloml.| ol0|sSG3Orour(scs sa) TestReport No.SH4EC10f8364101 Oate:23 Dec 2010 Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENTS RoHSTestingFlowChart '1)Nameof thepersonwhomadetesting: AllenXiao/Wesleywei/AndyZhao/ElimLin 2) Nameof the per6onin cha.geof testing:Jeff Zhang/ceoeeXdTracyYue 3) Thesesamples weredissolved lotially by pre-conditioning methodaccording to belowflowchart.(Cr" andPBBS/PBDES testmethodexcludeo Pb/cd,Hg PBBs/PBDES Aciddigestion with mic.owave/hotplate Concentration/ Dilution of extEction solution Heatingto 90-95C ior extraclion '| AlkaliFusion/ ) DryAshing 2) Acidto dissolve Addingt,5diphentcabazide for color development Adding1,5. diphenylcarbazide for color development A redcolor indicatesthe presence of Cf'. f necessary, confirm with itu .crn fuemdbku.by|b I ku. t rrr cflry .rdli,r-rd6 r4d rs.d ,J.a{i.rd.6trt dh $m 5 rr o-frr cdtd.m ati.alld ^ry . tt, d5'vre rtu t|Lo.iMv! .*i, .{sb .r. deqr5ft t r-.udddd!.Ihaaomdsr|c!.nrtrdr-d}rfl 6 $. n, rFnnbisrr6 ti-lrnt Yrred& Ft.I|.t[qittrs!€Tt tu |Irr.(.)bbd btiEidioi. d !0.x d IflrM n nqr4!{4!t!@!!4-e!4!!!l bnl.,xtrEnrrktui . 2O{ZS t*2d!.3 racfi-a)811.4!63rElEFAHffi H!(!-2!ld1a@04 tIjo-aFFqga Rd..!.ffi ..Fd*rlD*d M.nb.i ot!n€SOSOro{rlSGsSA) TestReport No.SHAEC'1018364101 Date: 23 Dec 20'10 Page 5 of 5 Samplephoto: sHA1G183641.001 reportonly SGSauthenticate thephotoonoriginal 't* Endof Report'* d!ytb c.lr@ert rdi @.q!{G dbr. o-rtr c{ridlr{..la.n|..Ftu b 16r r! drrd,.6r!l. d -.rn*, !ryr!4:!t!]!44!4-!&-e!djm. aEMddbca$r'r fudi'^lqi.b..|t|..04's|l.!4.-MI fi]EsttlCflibdllhlht4tudioir 'n!.rl *trslrllr3e?3tl {.q!d Zn('3! ll:2@ id.F.'bhd R.r..!.6 rElEt$-91)6r4@l lf!El6+rtr453670 . Eir,iEgtr o rt{6-aF|dnB| H!G?rt61{l!!L M.nb!. ol dB SGg Oroop ISGS SA) TestReport No.SHAECl018364102 Date:23 Dec2010 Page1 of 4 3MCHINALIMITED 222#T|ANLINROAD,SHANGHAT (200239) The following sarnple(s)wasl^/ere submittedand identifiedon behatfof the clients as : 3M 3779_pc SGSJobNo.: Dateof SampleReceived: TestingPeriod: TestR€quested: - SH sP'10-042093 21Dec201O 21 Dec2010- 23 Dec2010 TestMethod: Selectedtest(s)as requestedby client. Pleasereferto nextpage(s). TestResults: Pleasereferto nextpage(s). Signedfor and on behalfof SG$CSTC Ltd. 7Qv Fan Jingjie,JJ Approved Signatory hr .dnd. b.d br rb c.iF rlt d b r. o.5r cdd!6t d ..'@ orrhr. ry.r.rl d rqu.*d M.M. ki! !b!ao9.r.|-. rw mr tu E l@ridr! Eiituiao.i;e I !r{h !$h 4r hr-'.rbh.dr.dtdod hr:.1! !u!.y!'!!$th. 11..9!:'.!!,$d!h. s]llld.ffi ndldon. rrr. nrc.DaF .r. dodbE, r6n cddM,i;;iG;a;;;:; li:Tffir#,t!fiil&.:t#*jff EiF:&I:';;-;;ffi,:';ffi . '.,rrr r rdhdo rri.qlrd '.tali; ri. Ed6r #5ffi H#ffi ff;;n;;_* rr,o-Ai;; rrbh|jrb(.r6rd. !"iru$.alrri.d)cri'.4ltltaoit f l'J'f idrr|$..s.@fu '*iEaltltl0+3t, 2ooarg a), M rElE(dAid.@ Hl{&"eld{i!!44 lErE{caFffi)g r{j(&"t)tl&L mcn.{.@ . {.d*roe.o,i M.nb.rotrh6soso|!up(sos3A) TestReport No.SHAEC1018364102 Date:23 Dec2010 Page2 of4 Test Results: TestPartDescdotion: Sp€dmqrNo. SGSSamdelD D€cripto|l 1 SHA1G.1$A|1.001 Yellow translucent solid Remarks: (1)1 mgr'kg= 1 ppm=0.0001% (2)MDL= MethodDeteclion Limit (3) ND= NotDereded( < [4DL) (4) '-" = NotRegulated Haloosl TestMethod: Withreferenceto EN 145E2:2007,analysiswasperformedby lonChromatograph (lC). Test ltem(s) Fluodne(F) Chbnne(Cl) Bromine{Br) lodine(l) u!j! mg/Kg mgkg mgKg mg/kg db,bc.'ryr/t.rbr.o-'Jcddb.daaroddd.ft.r..v EEm,E!i-nh.n rr ri.t'r'.h. rr. MpL 50 50 50 50 001 ND ND ND ND !!Dr !!!:!r!,q!!t!!_!4!-E!!!!aa rh.c.|eyr t-lLt'b.cl|sed,ftr|bqtrdic i!.lja.ltrAt|l|lle|lltt ! 2M3 ltr@ rEt€6+1)0l.|025a 'EIE(6-?|B!SA Hr{n-a}a rE9a rt:(n-2tFFUB |fi.oi.a@ . .|.!tut9r6 rr.mb.rotU|.SOg€mI' (SOaSA) TestReport No.SHAEC1018364102 Date:23 Dec 2010 Page3 of4 ATTACHMENTS HalogenTesfln9FtowChart 1) Nameof thepersonwhomadetesting: DaisyGong 2) Nameof the personin chargeoftesling:Alex Jiang Samplemeasurement Combustion in oxygenbomb Dissolved anan absorption solution Anal).zed by ion chromatog€phy. Doubleconfirm by otherinstruments, if t !r h bF.r rr.d b rr 0-d c.dd' or 3fti.. !:1!t g1aa!!T:r;ij:"-cjhii;;6itr;;i .{d.ih4ftd.ri.r'.rHr*nn.irisisri li.rnbccrdl krE!.D, edd- dl.n. trv, * D "*.**^..*..-,0il. .ed6h€,|.n''.'id|ir.dhhd a._E#ffi Irbihr.ir.(.)brc fir4rilltt hdt |lan'|trcrn 2O@3a 4l .-Ll.trqtd{lo4+,|}t tti M3 tElEl6-'l)6la6lt l6iEt6+Ft5gtl hlJ{t 2116r.02s. {.:{r-slFaa6 m6..!.6 . |9rr|€[.@ M.nDefot th. 3OSOtllp (scg SA) TestR€port No.SHAECl018364t02 Dale:23Dec2010 Page4 of4 Samplephoto: SGSauthentic€te thephotoonoriginal reportonly -' Endof Report*.. llh 6td !T'*q..et b &d by in corF, qt !!r.d b i. o,nr c6do. gt3|!'.&ird-h it;,;;crt;;; nsffi hdi d lhk oid....{r|b !,N d rqu.. ry d EF$E FAmiE rmsr6frn hD.dh tu MnG ^ryhe'cru|! d ffiffiiffim#ffi ..tu,j"i,J*iHi#R*1# 4ffifrr,-ffi6F666r !.lb.0rm.rti| - " - si:g*.tsYJrr dfi;tffiJfl"tfrEffi S#"?iHl,1iT;1,hHtH!.J"1H or fi-fi ;;;i;#;;ir#; n#;ffi*?#l# 946i66;,6ggg[1,q.*rr;"*sm;r"r,affi 'c obrb.rd. md' rh r.d.db,ien;d. d6.iM h $r n. l:mee|d.D'str€d' nld nnr 6t6 tu.6pr.(.t sljunr,rrraod)thlL4tutior! St .-tl|. *E8ldrlls€e+atl Ie hbd . 2@30 lt:2@s |E&{ €rj6r@50 tEt€6-ara8536r9 rt{!-a)4fi@a lll6-aF.@! Momberolin SGSOruro(SOSSA) Validi own ForQ Please Test Report No.: CE2011/10409A Dare: 2011/01/11 P a g e : 1 o f 1 1 ELSCHUKOMELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GIMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D.98669VEILSDORF,GERMANY Thefollowingsample(8)wa8/weresubmlttedand identifiedby/onbehalfof the clientas : SampleDescription Styl€/ltemNo. Countryof Origin SampleReceiving Date TestingPeriod TINNEDWIRES PLEASEREFERTO PAGE5-6 GERMANY 2011t01tu 2011toltU TO2011t01t11 Pleasereferto nextpago(s). Test Result(a) dtEd rolaard 6qrLd l.to.ert - T.b.a c o m t s r y r i . + , j r t ) r r ' - r i i { i r ' r l . r r r ' ; j .i i r ' r ' l t : e : t.itri{{r.1 D6ddmed s $dbyu€compa sr6]9dbr3m3..dcondltrsfolE nd'meiAnyhold6ollhsdcumed mprelt re$d h s roi rc@d dindr 11i, .:,,1r!.;,r b€ nlb{ys!oisced,dlhhdoohdd :1n 1i ilr46orrrerarrB MenbsofthescsGr&pirs $) sGs TestReport No.: CE/2011/104094Dale| 2o1itl1ti1 Page: 2 of 11 ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOI/|PONENTENBAU G[/|AH GEWERBESTMSSE 87,D.98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY lt][ lrfi TestResultlsl PARTMME No.1 Testltem (s): Cadmium(Cd) Lead (Pb) Mercury(Hg) Hexavalent Chromium Cr(Vl)by Spotte€t/ boilingwat€r extraction Perfluoaooct€ne sulfonates (PFOS) PFOS- Acid PFOS- MelalSalt PFOS-Amide PFOA(CASNo.:000335€7-1) MIXEDALL COLORMETALWIRE(NCLUDING THE PLATING LAYER)(14KINDS) Unit Method MDL Reault No.1 mdkg With referenceto IEC6232'1 : 2 n-d. 2008andperformedby lCp-AES. mg./Kg With referenceto IEC62321: 2 3'1 2008andperformed by ICP-AES. mg/Kg Withreference to IEC62321: 2 n.o. 2008andperfomedby ICP-AES. Withr€ference to IEC62321: 0.02m9ft9 Negative 2008and perfomedby Spottest/ with50cm, boilingwaterextractionMethod. suface (SeeNote5) mS/kg With referenceto US EPA3540C: 10 n.d. 1996methodfor PFOSContent. AnalysiswEsperformedby LC/MS. ms,/KgWith referenceto US EPA3540C: 10 n.d. 50 n.d. 50 n.d. 50 n.d. 50 n.d. 1996methodfor PFOAContent. AnalysiswEsperformedby LC|MS. Halogen Halogen-Fluorine (F)(CASNo.: 014762-94-A) (Cl)(CASNo.: Halogen-Chlorine 022537-15-1) Halogen-Bromine (Br)(CASNo.: 010097-32-2) With referenceto BS EN mgfl(g 14582:2007. Analysis was perfomedby lC. Halo€en-lodine (l) (CAS No.: 014362-44{) cmFiy td d66tr ,r:Jr,iir- N. r;1i4.!llultl;;llrlt.:!*.:.iri iy suqed b ds csoEr c tomd @msds slq cddi li,lt. ::t ons oi s l.rLl l,.lii! s@6b19 sro 6crsl'^d63 @ rr rr r:,lt r..irreorrr! tl]l Test Report No.: CE/2011/10409ADate| 2011t01t11 P a g e : 3 o f 1 1 ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D.9@9 VEILSDORF. GERMANY Test lt6m (s): Sum of PBB6 Monobromobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tribromobiphenyl Tetrabromobiphenyl Pentabromobiphenyl Hexabromobiphenyl Heptabromobiphenyl Octabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Decabromobiphenyl Sumof PBOES Monobromodiphenyl ether Dibromodiphenyl ether Tribromodiphenyl eth€r Tetrabromodiphenyl ether Pentabromodiphenyl ether Unit I]|||ltt]tlttttt|l Method MDL 5 n.d. 5 5 5 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. mg/Kg Heptabromodiphenyl ether Oclabromodiphenyl ether Nonabromodiphenyl ether DecabromodiDhenvl ether nprels)6ned D s 16*,6Fd 6i.d ,i,l j .,,, rr[]tl .rlit!,r!,{?i::ii,rt.,flc.1.;t{i:{r4l,1\r by h€ company subrd ro c GsmG cmdioB &b,8d|olsmsandconditrs6lE 5 5 5 n.d. n.d. n.d. n,o, n.d. n.o. n.d. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. Withreference to IEC6232'1: 2008andperfomedby GC/MS. Hexabromodiphenyl ether cmFry *t:rjf:r. TnE tuad 3 s3d Result No.1 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. s d s only3idwlhnbelmi3dcLsii5ns lMr.ghtsadd|'galssUdibh .: :r.r f!rrr+:F ri, erdrra!nr r1s6orrerr vw,'a,! TestReport No.: CE/2011i'10409A Dele: 2011t0it1'l P a g e : 4 o f 1 1 ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOITPONENTENBAU GI/|BH GEWERBESTRASSE 87,D-98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY ||||]|ltlt ltttl! Note: 1 mg/kg=ppm;0.1M%= 1000ppm 2. n.d. = Not Detected 3. lrDL = [4ethodDetection Limit 4-"-"=NotRegulated 5. Spot{est: Negative= Abdencecf C(Vl) coating/ 6urfacelayer, Positive= Presenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ surfacetayel (Thelestedsampledhouldbefudherverifiedby boiling-wEter€xtraction methodif the spotte6tresultcannotbeconfirmed.) Boiling-wEterextraclion: Negative= Absenc€of Cr(Vl)coating/ suface layer. Positive= Presenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ surtacelayer; thedetected concent€tion in bojling-wateFextraclion so'utionis equalorgreater than0.02mg/kgwith50cm,samplesurfac€area. (NoUnit) 6. "' = Qualitative analysis 7. Thesample(s) was/u€reanalyzed on behalfof theapplicant as mixingsamplein onetesting Theaboveresult(s) wtss^vere onlygivenastheinformality value. PFOSReferenceIntormation : Di.ective 2006/122lEC (l) Maynolbe placedonthema*et or usedas a subslance or constituent of oreDarations in a concentration equaltoor higherthan 0.005o/oby mass. (2)Maynotbe plac€donthemaftetin s€mi-finished products or articles, or partsthereof,if the concentration of PFOSis equalto or higherthan0.'1% by masscalculated withrgference to the massof 6tructurally partsthatcontainPFOSor,for textilesor orner or microstructurally distinc{ coatedmaterials, if theamountof PFOSis equallo or higherthen1pgy'm2 of thecoatedmateriat. r ::,' }.. . ? : ittrlli:!:qts .t--.r+t1n^rr: comFnv,r+,jtr,r! . -r i,ri:111{::1.; ny&qsd b I GmaBr cmdibBor s ,d ekdrc ha ems& 1/ t t suq he,M erle6 ihe cmp.ny s i^d n$ a tud ms r '^y fte cmpants soe 6p.i5 b' I c 106 crmr sd 66 dn mlb€6plod!c€.d@pl'nlu|.d|hod tt,: ,1 t:! ,it'. rl, er0rr4t7e,. s6 on)Bti7 !fr$.on M,nb{o.Lhes65co!p6GS(Ar Test Report No.: CE2011110409AO€d'e : 2l1110'lh1 P a g e : 5 o f 1 1 ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, 0.98669VEILSDORF, GERMANY Ilfl|lanfllflt]l StyldltemNo.: l 1 ' t) 0 1 - - 2 7 t . 0 - - E\ iN 02.02.- TINNEDCOppERW|RE- Cu,Sn- - % ( 2 )1 0 1- - 2 8 3 . 0 - - EW! 02,02,. TINNEDCOPPER oLADWIRE- ELcoN30,sn - - % ( 3 )1 O 1- - 2 7 2 . 0 - - EW{ 02.02.- TINNEO COppERCLADW|RE- ELCONF,Sn__% ( 4 ) 1 0-1- 2 8 1 . 0 _ _ _ EWN02.02.. TINNEDCOPPER CLADWIRE- ELcoND, sn.. % (5)1O1--221.---- CuNi44, TINNEDCOPPER NICKELALLOYWIRE Sn- % ( 6 )1 0 1- - 2 4 - . 0 - - - C!,Ag - -%,Sn- - % EWN04.06.- TINNEDSILVER PLATED COppERW|RE \ 7 ) 1 0'12.02. 1--257.0--- TINNEDBRASSWIRE- Cu80Zn20, EWN Sn- - % ( 8 )1 0 1- - 2 3 2 . 0 - - -AgCuso,Sn - - % EWN04.02.- TINNEO SILVER COPPERALLOYWIRE conFnyr,:lr,ri;ir..-r l|:, !i?'r'r::iirlt!.a.r-11+ih/;f, :;i.ir!t. f.: .qq!: ny 3uq6d b ,u c'e6r amdd oc d s* suqsd b T.ms ad csdhoc tu E tud ds t 'dy fre cmpsnts 3dd €poi3 b' t a ro tr3cror ad 6s dn th€r r qhts5d d 6r,ons und $e ea Test Report No.: CE/2011/104094Date: 2011t01h1 P a g e r 6 o f l l ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMEH GEWERBESTRASSE 87,D.98669 VEILSDORF. GERIdANY t]tI|t||t ( 9 )1 0 1- - 2 3 4 . 0 - - -Agcugo,Sn - - 0/6 E!ryN03.06.- TINNEDSILVER COPPERALLOYWIRE (ELCUgo,Sn--%) ( 1 0 1) 0 1- - - 5 8 . 0 - - TINNEDZINCMANGANESE ALLOYWIRE- ZnMn0.03%, Sn- - % ( 1 11) 0 1- - 2 5 5 . - - - - TINNEDCOPPER EWN.11.09. ZINCALLOY WIRE- Cu70Zn3O, Sn - - % 112')101--229.---- CuNi12, TINNED COPPER NICKELALLOYWIRE Sn- - % o 3 ) 1 0 1- - 2 3 5-. - - -A972Cu28, TINNEDS'LVERCOPPERALLOYWIRE Sn - - o/o 1141101--231.----A91000,Sn- - o/o TINNEDSILVERWIRE ( 1 5 )1 0 1- - 2 3 6 . - - - TINNEDSILVERCOPPERALLOYWIRE - Ag45Cu55,Sn 'n h 3 ra i*n dd ony ross soprsc) rsdd rhs6a@n€nidbc 'r4r1r1 i!r{l ;:rrilt:!!* ril .'rl{4 . i l l ' / : . 1 i t { a 1 i". : i : i ] ft6d@nd16ts3dbylh6conpany3uq6db6c56m]cod'onsds ld€.dloi.f6m.tdodnsb.sub] % (Agouss, Sn) tttllt! Test Report No.: CE/2011/10409ADale12011t01t11P a g e : 7 o f 1 1 ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D-98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY I][ttl][ttltllt 1) Thes€samples,r'/eredissolvedtotallyby preronditioningmethodaccordingto belowflo/vchart. ( Cf' test methodexcluded) yang 2) Nameofthe personwfiomademeasurement: Climbgreat 3) Nameof the personin chargeof measurenent:TroyChang Aciddigestion by suitable acid deDended on difierent samole material {asbelowtable) lricrow€vedig€stionwith HNq/HCt/HF Addappropriate amountof dige6tion reagent Heatto appropriate temperatueto extract 1) AlkaliFusion 2) HCltodissolve Add diphenyl-carbazide f or colordevelopment SampleMaterial DigestionAcid Steel,copper,aluminum, solder Aquaregia,HNO3, HCl,HF,HrO, measure the absorbance Glass HNO3/HF at 540 nm by W-VIS Gold,pldinum,palladium, ceramic Aquaregia Silver HNOs Plastic Others HrSOAHrOr,HNO3, HCI cmpany Llirlf:;i! Ds ddhd c sd Anyacidto totaldigestion 'nth3t6ll€Mi6l€rony1oh.ghp.Gl|€{.drhshi@nendbelqd .j+ir'tllti.,,,r.(ili.-ila i-ii1|/.trl.r\ .!il:l fl.'l)ftti bylh.cmr 6i6 ry s rc b C €d and ih s d6med no|beqJducdetc4lnfu| Test Report No.: CE/2011/10409ADate.2011101111P a g e : 8 o f 1 1 ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKO[/|PONENTENBAU GI,|BH GEWERBESTRASSE 87,D.98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY I|It tlt Analltical flow chartof Soxhletextraction(LCTMS) procedure 1) Nameofthe p€r6on whomademeasurement: LydiaFu 2) Nameofthe personin chargeof me€surement: ShinjyhChen r Testltems:PFOS/PFOA. Benzotriazole Samplepret€atrnenvseparation I cmFry :rfrjqF mpreGr rssd . -r]rrF,:-l:l!:j.; ;lirrli::e t r-i]+iF4rr:'ji+i..,::rjltl iy sL4.d b 6 Gs.6rcddioN or sfl suqd b rems fd cmdirdB b E spo6b I6 ft s Gn ,eFd €inor e rd 6 cr6r 'nd $6 ddo lf'fLghbadd]gd]onsUnfuhskM rL r I I!r'irii iirs6[rre ltttt|ll TestReport No.: CE/201 1/10409A Dde 2]lltlitil| Page:9of11 ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87,0.98669VEILSDORF. GERMANY tl|||lrr|||||ttlttll Analtticalflow chad of halogencontent 1) Nameofthe pe6onwhomademgasurement: RitaChen 2) Nameof thepersonin chargeof me€surement: TroyChang Sampleprekeatrnent / Separation Wdghtingandputtingsamplein cell OxygenBornbCombuslion / Ab6orption Dilution to fxedvolume Analysis wasperfomedby lC cm€fr n6dmd r.r ! I r,.. j ril.! '!,ii -.riillt t!a.,rill]r:{ s sdbys€comr &qd b roms ad cddlns l,l.. ii 6G) r6id rh s rse r@( n I rttr't ii,l 6r E i b l l q h B 6 f u d ] ' g a h s u e i e h n o l b e € p d u d e i c € p l i f u l w i M l €nrclb. r6*d Test Report No.: CE/20f1/1040SA Date| 20111o1h'l Page: 10of 11 ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKO[TPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87,D.98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY PBB/PBDEanalyticalFLOWCHART '1) NanEof the personwhonEdenEasurenEnt: RonEnWong 2) NarE ofthe personin chargeof fipasurenEnt: TrcyChang Filst testingprocess----> Optional screenprocess....... process - .> Con{irftEtion Screenanaly6i6 Sarple extractior/ SoxhletrEthod ConcentratdDih.rte E lractedsolrtion Filter Analysisby GC/MS comoary::l ,ii::i,r . -r ir:1r:rrl?r., lrr,tl::El] sd1ed brMs ,l-:ljir:1{r.f 5ndcoidltr3b E :;r'r. ,: '.]ilrl!d. lllt[ttt][t[If,]l Test Report No.: CE/2011/104094Dale:2011101111Page: 11 of 11 ELSCHUKOMELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D-98669VEILSDORF,GERMANY ||lt[ttt][]|l[]t "' Endof Repod*' onlh316lBpddelon|y1o1ksamp€1'bdedrhsGd€tsn€indh '"i 1r' ,:'ii . -.i ,"i. rh 5 ddumd a se6d by rtu corFny subrsdb 6 Ga6drcod i onsor s rhe. r shb ad d aa onsudda,rh6ua sFBbr9 sro 6 cral andb s &! p,r, M cn apr@vbror'ri6 cddFry ay maubd ue,ra r.rario^ ?rr aii iiie6li)r,r7e,,@ Validi FOr QUe$l PleaseCo TestReport No.: CE20'10/C0095Oale| 2010112108Paoe: 1 of 7 POLYFILAG OBERALLMENDSTRASSE 2OA,CH€3OOZUG / SWITZERLAND Thofollowingaamplda)was/weresubmilted and id6ntifi6d by/on behalf of the cliont as: Ni42FeSSMCuMSn 10-0914 2010t12t01 201011?,01 ro 2010t12na SampleDescription Buyer/OrderNo. SampleReceiving Date TestingPeriod Pleasereferto nextpage(s) l€t Rosult(8) {Nrw4) r||l|' 3ana.lforrd Ct||||Ld t bdrtory-fdt a c m F n y ! i t ! r 1 " i ] j ; j i ' r 1 . i 1 i l t ' . : 1 1 1 ; l l1 n . l : i , l . f v . r j i hsdenalts€d6ysecom@y9b]dloiscsrelacmdi6Bds{ &b4edbTsms3ndcdddoBiolE Mons l": l.,., rr[],' rary fte c@p.its so.,o .::r' lr +r li iIa*6orrq nown TestReport paget2 of 7 No.: CE/201OC0095Datet2O10/121OA POLYFILAG OBERALLMENDSTRASSE 2OA,CH43OO ZUG/ SWITZERLAND tr] tttl|ltl|l|l Ta€t Resultls| PARTI{AMENo.1 Test ltem (s): Cadmium(Cd) SILVERCOLORED ITETAL WIRE Unlt Method MDL R€6ult No.l mg/Kg Withref€rence to IEC62321:2008and n.o. p€rfomedby ICP-AES. Lead(Pb) mg/Kg Withref€rence to IEC62321:2008and n.d, perfodned by ICP-AES. (Hg) Mercury mg/kg Withreference to IEC62321:2008and n.d. perfomedby ICP-AES. Hexavalent Chromium Cr(Vl)by Withreference to IEC62321:2008end 0.02mgr'kgNegative Spottest / boilingwaterextraction perfofinedby Spottest / boiling,,,€ter with50cm'z extraclionMethod.(SeeNote6) surface Halogsn (F) Halogen-Fluorine (CASNo.:014762-94€) (Cl) Halogen-Chlorine (CASNo.:022537-15-1) (Br) Halogon-Bromine (CASNo.:010097-32-2) (l) Halogen-lodine (CASNo.:014362-4€) Sumof PBBa Monobromobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tribromobiphenyl Tetrabromobiphenyl Pentabromobiphenyl Hexabromobiphenyl With referenceto BS EN 14582t2007. mg/Kg AnalysiswE6perfomedby lC. 50 n.d. 50 n.d. 50 n.d. 50 n-d. n.d- mg/Kg Withreference to IEC62321:2008and oerfomedbv GC/MS. Hepiabromobiphenyl 5 5 5 5 5 5 n.d. n.d. n.o. n.o. n,d, n.d. n.d. n.d, n.d. Odabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Dec6bromobiphenyl 5 n.d. p6G)r€$adIh t B1r6f.d dnnd b l l'1ti'l' c m E f r t i ! 1 1; i I . I l i l r l : ? r s l . . ; , \ j r l t 1 : n r l L l . t r l l l : + . i ' ' l T.sd@hd s *u€d by t€ compsnyebled ro B Gm,dc4dd 06 d s ror.edmr fomd @d6tu eq r.@nr@!m andjudsdidtr ssB d sponrbr{ystobc 3n{af,!rh6d@ dnLyandwrhLi$€h'lsdcr€ds Bl pM w b^ 4!6va drho companvAnvu s r€groduc€d *..pi 'nru | rbr r otu ad dEdds undd rh. vdc&r "{hod ! rdsorzoe,raiFcolivrdwd/: rll:r,1r rlrr IFf,-rf r+s610r)rstTef 1d{02)22e07 w!$.om Test Report No.: CE/201oC0095 Odl€:2010h?J(]f P a g e : 3 o f 7 POLYFIL AG OBERALLMENDSTMSSE 2OA,CH.63OO ZUG/ SWITZERLAND T€t ltem (s): Sumof PBDES lllonobromodiphenyl ether Dibromodiphenyl ether f ribromodiphenyl ether fetrabromodiphenyl ether Pentabromodiphenyl ether Hexabrcmodiphenyl ether Hoptabromodiphenyl ether Octabromodiphenyl ether Nonabromodiphenyl ether Decabromodiphenyl ether Unit r l||t||t Roault method "DL Withreferenc€ to IEC62321:2008and pedormed by GC/[,S. No.l n.d. n.o, 5 mg/Kg [tll n.o, n.d. 5 5 5 n.d. n.d. n.d. 5 5 5 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. Note : 1. mg/kg= ppm : 0.1we/6 = 1000ppm 2. n.d.= NotDetected 3. MOL= MethodDot€ction Limit 4."-"=NotRegulated (NoUnit) 5. " = Qualitative analysis 6. Spot-test: Negative= Absenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ surfacelayer;Positive= presenceof Cr(Vt)coating/ surfacetayer; Cfhetestedsampleshouldbefuftherverifiedby boiling-wEter-€xtraclion methodif the spottest esult cannot be confirmed.) BoiIing-water-extraclion: Negative= Absenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ surfacelayer; Positive= Presenc€of Cr(Vl)coating/ surfacel€yer; The detectedconcentrationin boiling-water+xhaction solutionis €quator greaterthan0.02mg/kgwith 50 cm, samplesurfacearea. c o m F r yi ' : l l i r r ; i t .tiil-!'rFlln;;-1111*-ir;.rlll-r.{l:-r,l ny sdted b 6 G*Ercdd ltrs oj s 51r 18red hts re* €@d 6nd 1l t , lirtl}11!. b e turetr €ids be compa0ysr drnss a ont atu w rh'ntu rm{s d cr€dt nd l b . r 9 h b a d d E d ] o n s u n 6 s g ' a n d b s t s p d u d q € p l ' n 1 u | W o d .-$r i !rr +r,. !r,46 anrer7efis6r02D4'7 w-!,-- Msber dr(he5G56@p r5C5sA) Test Report No.: CE/2010/C0095D€['e 2O.\O|1ZOApaget4ofz POLYFIL AG OBERALLMENDSTRASSE 2OA,CH€3OO ZUG/ SWITZERLAND lll[lrr L|I||rl 1) Thesesarples weredissoh€dtotallyby preronditioningfiEthodaccordingto betowflowchat ( Cft bst rEthod e)(ctuded ) 2) llarne of the personwho rtsde nEasurerEnttClimbgreatyarE 3) Mrne of the personin chargeof dEasurernent: TroyChang A.id digestion by suitable acid dependedon differentsarple rnaterial(as belowtable) Add appropdate anDunt of digestionre€gent Fleatto appropriate ternperature to extract Cool,frlterdigestate throughfilter 1) AlkaliFusion 2) HCltodissotue Adddipheny l-carbazide for colordeveloprEnt SanpleMaterial DigestionAcid So9l, copper,alufiinum,solder Aquaregia,HNO3,HCl,HF,l-lro, rEasure the abGorbanc€ Glass HNO3/HF at 540 nmby UV-VIS Gold,platinun\palhdium,ceranic Aqua€gia Silver HNos Plastic l-ISOr, HrOr,HNOg,t-tCl Othe|s Anyacidto tctraldig€stion Lllii llrrrltl .,,\)rll !!n.rtii cdpsny irrrli;irt 1.dt-lii:il DsdomdE sd t r* 6mpa.y sqad roG c*eGrcddi oG ot s re €.d6€ romal d@mdds s6j ont andw thI b€ rmis ot cr€il! i3r hlioh9adob|Edffsue$6h i J i I r,llt::' e€$6i6dshecmFiystnd!res3 Test Report No. I CE/2010/C0095 D&e: 201U1210EPage: 5of 7 POLYFILAG OBERALLMENOSTRASSE 2OA,CH$3OO ZUG/ SWITZERLAND Analytical flow chart of halogen content 1) t,lanpoftheperson whonEdenEa6urcd€nt: RitaChen 2) l.lanEofthepersonin chargeof fiFasurerEnt: TroyChang Sanplepretreatient / Separation Weighting andputtingsarple in cell OxygenBombConbustion /Ab€oDtion Dilution to fixedvolurp Analysiswas perfonrEdby lC nnihsi6|cpdld&onybihegndsG]isndThsbsi@dendb !'raz!,. cmFiyni;rlltr!;.rri:l,r:+df::r.n\t(,1:iia.r1l1.tr.l!rr-\lrl!iil,1. fts dum6l6 's*d bybecmr r6ionq f 3ry ftscmrys bnghsandob|Ea|trss6'blE so3€s@b' t€ro 6crsrandbsdn I]|||tu l|tItIl Test Report No.: CE/2010/C0095Dale:2O1U121O8Page: 6 of 7 POLYFILAG OBERALLMENDSTRASSE 2OA,CH$3OO ZUG/ SWITZERLAND PBB/PBDEanalyticatFLOWCHART 1) Narneofthe pe6on who fiECbnEasuler€nt: Rornanwong 2) Narneofthe personin chargeof rEasurerent: Troy Chang Firstt€stingprocess-.--+ Optionalscreenprocess---, proce6s - .> ConfirnEtion Scaeen analysis """""'1"""""' 56rple ext€ctiorV SoxhletflFthod I ConcentratdDih.rte Extracted solution Filter Analysis by GC/lrS c @ p . n yl j j i t l f : ! : r l j !.il !rl11i:.i,\irl,{ f ,.".1.'l 1.t!rl-\. rhlons f ary '$s dsGlrsdd Th3r3{@d€nrcrb Ijll. 4it!1. rl Cm@ts so€ mspBbL! sro bclsrandlhsddu f i ! r : i r r 1 ir ' ! i r s 6 r o z ] ) r e |l]tI|t||fiIltln TestReport No.: CE2010/C0095 Dale 21iOh2JOa Page 7 ol7 POLYFIL AG OBEMLLMENDSTRASSE 2OA,CH63OO ZUG/ SWITZERLAND ll]flt!t]ll|Itll c009s " Endof Repod* cmpanyr!lr4li;rirE.-llil l:Frr1; .,irrlt"!1i.il?1 T.ad@md€ npaGlrsddrh 5 16r'€oonennd* 1.1{+l:ii+lir I i lrr,nttr. sdbyhcompl 3-qod b r6ms .nd codroB rdom ror E /,ny h6cmFsso.,. rLFi.lr:* rarl r,trrs6@r!e$,rm6orrr$rr wwe<m TestReport No.SHAEC1015632437 Page1 ofs Date:04 Nov2010 IIATERIAL CO.,LTD & BRAZING ASIAGENERAL SOLDERING ZHEJIANG CITY,ZHEJIANG,PROVINCE,CHINA PARK,SANDUN,HANGZHOU XIHUINDUSTRIAL SOLDER Thefollowingsample(s)was/lveresubmittedand identifiedon behalfof the clientsas : LEAD-FREE WIRE SGgJobNo.: ModelNo.: : Composition Dateof SampleReceived: TestingPedod: Test Requested: - SH sPl0-035815 YTWl02(69253$001,692s3s"002,69253t003) Sn2.oouRE TestMethod: Test Results: : Conclusion Pleasereferto nextpage(s). Pleasereferto nextpage(s). complywiththe samples, there6ults Basedontheperformed testsonsubmitted RoHSDireclive 2002/95/EC anditssubsequent amendments. 2SOd 2010 29 Oct2010- 02 Nov2010 Selectedtest(s)as requestedby client. Signedfor andon behalfof scs-csTcLtd. ,Qv Fan Jingjie,JJ Approved Signatory LamdL col.'||1t.h.14.,'o'rrroolrs'|r|.ddd.l.l dvlxdtu o1firdrrD||il!|l'ffud'bfu bEa4i.fu|ld'|o.!dlb.l|d tllfuru|ll|rtoderlsdjhdiCtr +I -I|.*trAl!ftaoltol+{l ,@3 al. r@ tE!EF-t)6tLdE3lE!€{l6rAFffir9 rlJ (l-2t)al402..a Htr{f"l)6affi, {*.ci.r..m . tFdr{em MrmD ol rh. 8G8otlur (8gs3A) T€stReport No. SHAEC1015632437 Date:04 Nov 2010 Pag€ 2 of 5 Test Results: Test PartDescriotion: Spedm€nNo, SGSSamdo lD Dosqlpdon I SHA10-156324.032 Silverymetalwire Remarks: (1)1 mg/kg=1 PPm=0.0001% (2) MDL= M€thodDetec{ion Limit (3)ND= NotDetecled ( < MoL) (4)"-"= 161P"nu,","o RoHSDll€ d\,€ 200295/EC TestMethod: Withrefercnce to IEC62321:2008 (1) Detednination of Cadmium by ICP-OES. (2) Determination of Leadby ICP-OES. (3)Determination of Mercury by ICP-OES. (4)Determination by Spottest/ Colorimetric MethodusingUV-Vis. of Hexavalent Chromium (5)Determination ofPBBS/ PBDES by GC-llS. Test ltem(s) Cadmium{Cd) Lead(Pb) Mercxry(Hg) Hexavalent Chromium(C l) Sumof PBBS Monobromobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tribromobiphenyl Tetrabromobiphenyl Pentabromobiphenyl Hexabromobiphenyl Heptabromobiphenyl Odabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Decabromobiph6nyl tt!i! ud! 100 1,000 mS/kS mgikg 1,0_00mslks 1,000 fig/Kg - mg/kg mgftg mgKg mgKg mg/Kg mgikg mg/kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/kg mg/kg 1,000 - sUM OI I.EUES ether I\ronobromodiphenyl mg/kg - p32 rrpl 2 2 2 o - N D 137 N D Negative N D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 . N N N N N N N N N N N D D O D D D D D D D D 5 N O rrbtu 'rhru.) bbr tltrlital|r&.,IilrLr$bCiaor. tFt.$.*Eattl6Er'|rttll 20@36 atM3 rErEFt)61160 rHf $-aFaosD l|j&{,FaN HL{!-a)61.qg usnb€rof$e SGSOo{, lSGgSA) TestReport No.SHAEC1015632437 Test ltem(s) Oibromodiphenyl ether Tribromodiphenyl ether Tetrab.omodiphenylether Pentabromodiphenyl ether H€xabromodiphenyl ether Heptabromodiphenyl ether Octabromodiphenyl ether Nonabromodiphenyl olhea Decabromodiphenyl elher ulit tjIi! mg/kS mgikS mg/kg mg/kg mdko mdkS mS/kS mS/kS mS/kS Date:04 Nov2010 Ma! 032 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Page 3 of 5 Notes: pemissiblelimitis quotedfromthedocument (1)Themaximum 2005/618/EC RoHSdireclive amending 2002J95tEC (2) spottesi: " Negative= Absenceof CrVlcoating,Positive= Presenceof CrVIcoating; Thetestedsampleshouldbefurthervgrif€d by boiling-wateF€xtraction methodif the spottest resultis Negative or cannotbeconfmed. o Boiling-wateFextraction: Negative= Absenceof CrVlcoating;Positive= Presenceof CrVlcoating Thedetected conc€ntration in boilang-wateFextraclion solution is equalor greaterthan0.02mg/kgwith 50 cm'sampleau.fac6area. protection Forcorrosion coatings on metalsrInfomation on stoEgeconditions andproduclion dateof thetesteds€mpleis unavailable andthusresultsof Cr(Vl)repres€nt statusof thesampleat thetimeof testing. .0.rnr..icldr ..ddhd@ hdud.r. f E n,c'ayt htrtrr.i.*bnadlmt|,f 'dlqdskbtrdb.ds|a n'it' fi# h br s nFdn,.l 'ry btu.hpr.t JtltE}5lcYrnbt!tub4snrdoh rF!..tl.mAlUrl!8ef3tt -Ehc4.ir'. -1rffii-tfE;66? ..r. rs.llrr |.bh.cn.d6tfl.doaddmi.rd rnlrlntuldnrodrrh.rin i.d.md*iot!.Qdb-d idhr .rbhd r$rddotnNc.".nr. tbbc. 2@39 art M IEIEF{l)0la6tElE(6+lFl66t9 tuFalalaozta it{E-sr}5asxt ffi.c.-4.m . slrt eqF6 {.m!.r otln. 8OSSroup(SOSS ) TestREport Date:04 Nov2010 No. SHAEC1015632437 Page4 of 5 ATTACHMENTS RoHSTestingFlowChart 1)Nameof thepersonwhomadete6ting: AllenXiad WesleyWei/AndyZhao/ElimLin 2) Nameof the porsonin chargeof testing:Jeff Zhang/George Xu/TracyYue 3) Thesesamplesw€redissoltedtotallyby preconditioninghethodaci:ordingto belowflow chart.(Cr6' andPBBS/PBDES testmethodexcluded) Pb/Cd/Hg PBB9IPBDES Acid digestionwith microwave/ hotplate ConcentratiorV Dilutionof extraction solution Heating to 90-95t for extraction 1)AlkaliFusion/ DryAshing 2) Acidto di86olve Adding 1,5diphenylcarbazide forcolor clevelopment }ft.qDibb!.d0,|l' ,cq@.!rLr5r|onrd F lht n6.hh 6 6r d.rd n. ctu nnrdtb k .dim. !.ffi h .$r'.i.)br. ttil4rt rliba[rr(.|Blrtra(llr t!..tl.lf8ltl68et9|1|l i nJ.ei'|fu..dMrth;AElm-'. Adding1,$ diphenylcadazade for color development A redcolor indicatesthe pre6ence of cf'. necessary, .ffiFFhFi6iil . 2dt$ ll:2@a rErEF?i)cra@rElf (&-2!!ss'D t*6a1lata4ta i|j{E-aEa6@ fr.n!.r otln. SOgorour(S0SSl) TestReport No.SHAEC1015632437 Date:04 Nov2010 Page5 of 5 Semplephoto: sHA10-156324.032 SGSauthenticatg the photoon originalreportonly '* "' Endof Report d6||wbBdn dest6turmrr.l.,de tlbdn,l'Erbr|rll|titidnorr +l -lja.trSfd||rFf9|tt ZO@33 l*2@33 lElcF-?ri61r@lE!€{l-AHtSt9 H!(n-al!1.@a rL0s-z!F€a!a E6rr.M .{.drrol.@ l|4n!.r ol tro SC qtulp (SOS&l) TestReport No.SHAEC1018971802 Date:06Jan2011 Page1 of4 DONGGUANCIryXNHAI METALPRODUCTSCO.,LTD. 1STWEIMINROADHENGZENGAV,XINANCOI,/IMUNITY CHANGANTOWNDONGGUANCITY GUANGDONGPROVINCE Thefollowingsample(s)was/u/€resubmittedandidentifiedon behalfof the clienbas : FUSECAP - SH SGSJobNo.: sP10-043287 Dateof SampleReceived: TestingPeriod: TestRequested: TestMethod: 30Dec2010 30Dec2010 - 06Jan201'1 Selecledte6t(s)as requestedby dient. Pleas€€fer to nExtpage(s). TestResults: Pleasereferto nextpage(s). Signedfor and on behalfof SGgCSTCLtd. zQv'"^ Fan Jingjie,JJ Approved Signatory !e d,tr!!ffi bim ffiiriE b,riE n tr rd .tah{t hdrrd.D, f,n c6arM rn cal.rM ,n |' €16... n!.C..mrt ds|Ury fltrbl9n'.bxrilttlrdlOar +l '}|.ljE8ruft.el3+l d r.a.dtfrm..dodmnrtii o.d'ft d. l*M di.r 2@B ldG6.-I-dffiFifiEiii6-l ldG6.-ltd ib.n ar6ddrah@dEhcdF/r r.b r. c d rd ut! d.olmr.6 bbr.O].r, r. dqrgl d.n d d6!r hturroE6 hr'rrroE6 'l{rnon dhdmd coi'..ry $r6vdotm. coir *.or,'d . .Fd'|lo.r6 |I.mlor otihaSOSg|urD(soaSA) rErE&2rj6ra@rErEt64rt6n HL{t-a)d.l!s lt(l!a)6am TestReport No.SHAEC1018971802 Page2 of 4 Date:06 Jan 2011 Test ResultsI TestPartDesdiotion: Spo.ime||tlo. 1 SGSS plelD De6.ridion SHA1G189718.002 Silvermetal(base) Remarks: (1)1 mg/kg= 1 PPm=00001% (2) MDL= MelhodDetectionLimit (3) ND= NotD€tected( < MDL) (4)--" = NotRegulated RoHSDli€diw 200295/EC TestM€thod: Withr€ferenc€to IEC62321:2008 (1)Determin€tion of Cadmium by ICP-OES. (2) Determination of Leadby ICP-OES. (3) Deteminationof Merorryby ICP-OES. (4) Determination of Hexavalent Chromiumby Spottest/ Colorimetric MethodusingUV-Vis. Limit !d! UDt OA 100 ms/ks 2 N D Test ltem(s) (Cd) Cadmium Lead(Pb) Mercury(Hg) (CrVl) H€xavalent Chromium 1,000 1,000 ngfl(g mg/kg 2 2 O 1 5 N D Negative Notes: (1)Themaximum permissible RoHSdircctive limitis quotedfromthedocum€nt 200t618/ECamending 200z95tEC (2) spot'test: " Negative= Absenceof CrVlcoating,Positive= Presenceof CrVlcoating; methodif the spottest resultis Thetestedsampleshouldbefurtherverifedby boiling-wateFextraciion confirmed. Negativeor cannotbe . Boiling-water-extraction: Negative= Al6€nc€of Crvl coating;Positive= Presenceof CrVlcoating in boiling-wateFextraction solutionis equalor greaterthan0.02mg/kgwith The detectedconcentration 50 crn"samolesurfacearee. dateof on stoEgeconditionsand produc-tion Forconosionprotec-tion coatingson metals:Information andthusresultsof Cr(Vl)representstatusof the sampleat the timeof the testedsampleis unavailable testang. br.dMIn.!brrbcdDqitdbrro-dlsfl r!n. .rIryk @mqrrl€ t Ihr ra r'i.!rroD, ,n ln.Cmyt ri.hq.rcrnrl '.r'aorrtrrd.ud,litrtr *raoM||,it b4qd'i.||db(nniehte dh rhsl h s b..rd nirr6rt6h ttr$ri'rrnhtrirLrt$ndrlnr +1.I|.ltrgldrllr9l3tl the: F!t!ryrrr-.rrd.{trqlli{$!fr * ddl|lnr tldmdd'rl a! !.n9o.!'{d.r-tIntul, id ri.-th oo.r..r'. ii.hr ibhd qsbtsdrbrirldd nrMrrh.rilb.!rdr.|fisno.ii 6rr.(.)bb. 20@33 l*2@ rElE{6-a)fia!2161} IE!E(6{|FSA H.j6-21)i1a@s i{.:{F2l)6a6@ m.o.4..!6 . rFr*r0.Ntr (SGSSA) lr.m!.r oflnsSGSOroup SGS TestReport Date:06Jan2011 No.SHAEC1018971a02 Page3 of4 ATTACHMENTS RoHSTsstingFlowChart 1) Nameof lhe personwhomad€tosting: AllenXiac,WesleyWei/ AndyZhao xu 2) Nameof the pe6on in chargeof testing:JeffZhang/George w€redissolved methodaccording t5 belowflowafiad.(Cfl 3) Thesesampl€6 totallyby preconditioning test methodexcluded) 59mplePreparation SampleMeasurement PbtcdrHg Aciddigestionwith midowave/hotplate Positive Negative 1)AlkaliFusion / DryAshing 2) Acad to dissolve Adding1,& for diphenylcarbazide colordevelopment Adding1,5diphenylcarbazide for color development !b!a,b!! d dir in &r.d d* rytdddMdhdt .M t ,ndn o$r.l E n4b ooolffi h t n crdirtdrd|.. nir fidfrdoid r rF! tu4r{- h*dn rt oornm *4bb d$b 6.t!.nq d E[tEs6ar4!!99!!!!!4^|h&i n.rraidtu.4eddt'hi-466 dfi ffi GEEEiiF.nd-fr h. DE tuorr rd!! A aedcolorindicates ofcf'. thepresence lf necessary,confrm n nq]44!4!4 Eft cs,' -r|n6 r ni h nn,lnnsdrrh. d-L16'rbtu16!bl.)ar. f!lbrLtl| bd,ohillmrciotl +l .Il .trdldrlqD||efl l* zdzst 2@ lElC&r)614!!6glElE6-?lFaet9 Hro.2tlala@{ l{j{F-AFeEa a.4.!am . $dtroq6 Monlerolrt so8Gbup(sossa) TestReport No.SHAEC1018971802 Date:06 Jan 20 11 Pag€ 4 of 4 Sample photo: sHA10-189718.002 photoonoriginal SGSauthenticateth€ reportonly "' Endof Report"" rni dwLi 0b dd!!!!d I rrd !!Fd b b Gtqr cc'ar{slor5rr{ 'fu t 0r c4'E rFi|d odhr,.nr!i.d hn ddm,!{d ! rN $r codre n e*rs. Do*i.nr .r fir'Mrirnn ..o4nrir!, r6l6i--at6E a.sddrt d $.nr.. Adi.r.'.{tri *ffirr. rdidh.rl .6'ndfuc..\,dl'/.iidh!.{hhd dcir.'rr rild$r.fr, ,rt, ft.coteyl rlitCoMvl .r. urqxbll|Y drqxblftt FL alrbCrduc0ir orqmt!* id d ldroourtu-ch .n..t y!.rrndfub..rurffit rdshifi nan 4Ddo.d 3-rr h rdr,r&!6 @ dnn?6tbhrner.h,blc trtN,5t9l|Fed,{tu|lttsrdrorr +l..tit.ltrAltaqp$tl ll@ 20@33 IElEF-el)5ra@lEl€&ratrWll l|-{r-erl6ra029r l&{E-?r)a.@ ffi.6..{.d .Fdr€.Fd il.mborol lno8OSomur(8OSS ) TestReport No.SHAEC1018971801 Date: 06 Jan 201 1 Page1 ol4 DONGGUAN CIryXNHAI METALPRODUCTS CO,,LTD. 1STWEIMINROADHENGZENG AV.XINANCOMMUNITY CHANGAN TOWNDONGGUAN CITY PROVINCE GUANGDONG Thefollowingsample(s)was/w€rosubmitledandidentifedon behalfof theclientsas : FUSECAP - SH sP10-043287 30Dec2010 30Dec20'10- 06Jan2011 Selectedtest(r)as requestedby di6r(. Pleas€referto nextpage(s). Pleasereferto nextpage(s). SGSJobNo.: Dateof SampleReceived: TestjngPeriod: TestRequested: TestMethod: TestResults: Signedforandon behalfof SGgCSTCLtd. ,23r"- FanJingjie,JJ Approved Signatory q!.adKFh.nrlE/'iw.d.mrffi r&dudrr.!dar rhG..rFnrrq.dt b o-nrc6add d !.nr..rdi!i &*t .'firbd lrod,Blrlp!*h@n6 r..|!,fi-il|lrF.h{ hfi da 6. c4,/r d.o- ortrb &, r......r h 6Mr..id h h.0.rrd6 d{hd Fnde L{fl l|ld|fu, ,r. ?nCqrjrr Eraxr!'5tur'il..randl d. rr..Foliy ht (.cl|'n .r illF.! rd.[rrrdr elr rE r.r.d|{dstrrb.rnt &dd ai.l !.rs!d!.d.st h tull,,rorllt r.!d 5r(,.e. ryted*te ri.i{ti. 6'i-r' tr@ird?:rMb * dn d#*rrbnr$rqr)'!.. flr-rqlrilrr.drlf,u6 ri-drDrr.tonldrrarlltv'iorr f l..Li.ttrAl||ll0!g||otl 20063 ll:2(@3 l€!E{6-a)i|10aatEE@?t)6*sr9 iL&r!fi@r H.;{+n)t& rd ondtnt idhF .rb.hd M.6r{.d . rFdno+6 l|mb!. or0|oSCSSroup(SGgSA) Test R€port No. SHAECl018971801 Date:06 Jan 2011 Page 2 of 4 TestResults: TestPartDescription: SpednsrNo. SGSSandelD Ds6cdpdon 1 SHA10-1897'18.001 Silvormetal(pleting) Remarks: (1)1 mgikg=1 PPm=0.0001% (2) MDL= MethodDetectionLimit (3)ND= NotDetected ( < MDL) '-" (4) = NotRegulaled Rol{S DNl€Jve 2d}2/95/EC TestMethod: (1)lEC62321:2008 application of modilied digestion bysurfaceetcfiing forCadmium, Leadand Mercury.analysisby ICP-OES (2)Wthreferenceto IEC62321:2008 for HexavalertChromiumby spottest/ ColorimehicMethod. Test ltem(s) Lead(Pb) Cadmium(Cd) Mercury(Hg) (CrVl) Hexavalent Chromium !!d! ud! 1,000 10O 1,000 mg/kg mgikS mg/kg MDt 0p1 10 10 10 o ND ND ND Negative Notos: permissible (1)Themaximum limitis quotedfromthedocument 2005/618/EC amending RoHSdirective 2002,9stEc (2) spot-lest: " Negalive= Abs€nc€of CrVlcoating,Positive= Presenceof CrVlcoatingi Thetestgdsampleshouldbe furtherverifedby boiling-wateFextraction methodif the spottest resultis Negativeor cannotb€ confirmed. o Boiling-water-extraction: Negative= Absenceof CrVlcoatjng;Positive= Presenceof CrVlcoating Thedetectedconcentration in boiling-waterextraction solutionis equalor greaterthan0.02mg/kgwith 50 cm2samplesurfacearea. eunr.iMIl 6bb.nrd nJtr6rtb tu MDr.(.)bbd fi&rntrl bdea|r.4ltfiOri +l .-tl .lf6ltftnq|{|l l l|: . 2@B z@r t EIE(S-ti) 614@563 lE|EFllFaA6tl Hl''{E-a}a(@a Hi{l-A)aeKl me..e.m . $.dli{s@ M.mbd ol lno SOSO|uD (SOSSA) TestReport No.SHAEC'1018971801 Date:06Jan2011 Page3 of4 ATTACHMENTS PlatlngPb/Cd/HgrcreTestingFlowChart 1 )Nam€of the pe6on who madete€ting:Wesley Wei 2) Name of the person in charge of testing: Jeff Zhang Acidwashingof platinglayer Precisely weighing sampleafteracid wasnrng Adding 1,$ diphenYcarbazide for colordevelopment A redcolorindic€les the presenceof cr8t. lf necess€ry,confirm Ihrd@rdIra-trrrrcorF.u!l.cbr.oi-rcdire.rrrtiornftd.!nn,st!r.dds.{did{bl.n *ftdc dm doi..6,rqdr.Tmr !bd,b rt c.draF b ELdurr. oo&mr d *$.ffim.4.!'td t'lltt itYtudlln Fl..t'l.l[At|I|li30tstl lhb,lj.idijoir z!@3t ll:2@ rEtEF{t)611@ IE|E&a)6g3tD r* Fala!402!04 i&ln-all5,LlB (saNlS } {.rDorofDo SOgC|ouD TestRepon No.SHAECl01897'l801 Date:06Jan2011 Page4 of 4 Samplephoto: sHA10-189718.001 photoonoriginal SGSauthenticatethe reportonly '*' Endof Repon'* arF |. |l oMrccld{{. GqF o'lnv* e'-d,-!td6 16..r c.dh r. €r*l d|lffirsa.th.ah6 & |dh.i.'., ,h, ,rr, lt collFyt d$hnrt .!ro$dl rl r'6r.i.D, CoMvl rndoa|(r|..t ucd0rr$t ctn rrb h t'lr.Er$.dl|rbEn|tidt Tl .ll.if,Ellrla€r9lor+t o.ffi a ns.dtffi .r. .r. dFdSll|' dBdSlli |5Db(.)bb. daorr ll .tur.tu. 6di.d h.d dn;i-filffiFFhEtml dl6 h c4n/. iblrc|rrxcr$coqdrd-.drodr.rrd.ibrtudm nrrldrod"Dlhn .drEdrnr tdht dhhd . 2@3 2d!A, rE E(6-21)ita0?!50 tEt€(6-AF$St Hr{i-al6 @. rr(6-2rF@ ||r.!!..!rcoh . sd*re.rs M.mborol0ro SOaOroup lgog S ) Test Report No.:GZ1106081316/CHE[.{ Date:JUN 24, 2011 Page1 ol 4 XIAMENLICHUNELECTRONIC ELEMENTCO.,LTD 42.2 XINGLINWEST RD,361OO2 JIMEIOISTRICT, XIAMENFUJIAN.P.R.C Thefollowingsample(s)was/weresubmittedand identifiedon behatfol the applicantas BOS|GLASSTUBE SGSJobNo. SGSInte.nal RoferenceNo. Dat€ol SampleReceived JUN23,2011 TestingPeriod JUN23,2011TOJUN24,2011 TestRequestod Selectedtest (s) as requestedby ctient. Tesl Method Pleasereferto nextpage(s). TestBosult(s) Pleaserefer to next page{s). Conclusion Basedon the perlomedlestson submittedsampte(s), the resultscompty wilh the RoHSDirective20O2/95/EC and its subsequent amendmentg. xM13205987EC Signedfor and on behalfol scs-csTcLrd. rk .roldr 8ssqq?ieo8€^) Test Report No.:GZl 106081316i/CHEM Dale:JUN 24, 2011 Page2ol 4 TestResults: Description torspecimen 1 : Transparent glasstube RoHSDirective2OO2yS5/EC Testltem(s) Cadmium(Cd) Lead(Pb) lrercury(Hg) HexavalentChromium(CrVl)by alkalineextraction Monobromobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tdbromobiphenyl Tetrabromobiphenyl Pentabroftobiph€nyl Hoxabromobiphenyl Heptabromobiphenyl Octabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Decabromobiphenyl Monobromodiphenyl ether Dibromodiphenyl elher Tdbrornodiphenyl ether Tetrabromodiphenyl elher Pentabromodiphenyl ether Hexabromodiphenyl elher Heptab(omodiphenyl ether Oclabromodiphenylether Nonabromodiphenyl elher Decabromodiphenyl ether Unit Test Method(Reference) Resull mgKg mg/kg mgikg IEC62321:2008,ICP-OES IEC62321:2008,ICP-OES IEC62321:2008,ICP-OES N.D. N.D. N.D. IEC62321:2008, UV-Vis N.D, mgag m9Kg mg/Kg mgKg m9Kg mdkg mgKg msiks mgfts mgikg mgftg mges mgKg mg/Kg mgKg mgKg mgKg m(yKg MEKg mgKg ms/kg ms/ks m9{(g N.D. N.D. N.D, N.D, N.D. N.D. N,D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D, N.D, N.D. N,D. N,D. N,D. N,D. N.D. N.D. N,D. N.O. N,D. IEC62321:2008,GC,MS IEC62321:2008,GC-MS tEc 62321:2008,GC-MS IEC62321:2008,GC-MS IEC62321:2008,GC-LrS IEC62321:2008,GC-[.4S IEC62321:2008,GC-[,!S IEC62321:2008, GC-MS IEC62321:2008, GC-MS IEC62321:2008, GC'MS IEC62321:2008,GC-MS IEC62321:2008,GC-MS IEC62321:2008,GC-MS IEC62321:2008,GC-MS IEC62321:2008, GC-MS IEC62321:2008, GC-MS IEC62321:2008,GC-frS IEC62321:2008, GC-MS IEC62321:2008, GC-MS IEC62321:2008, GC-IIS MDL 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Note: L mq/kg = ppm 2. N.D.= Not Detected(< tuDL) 3. MDL= MethodDetectionLimit 4. '-" = Not regulated |{ard,rlqrr.lf.rFi.ldL C.An rk.rladf,849qt|p|ao9€A) Limit 100 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 TestReport No.:G21106081316/CHEM Date:JUN24,2oi1 page3 ot ATTACHMENTS RoHSTestingFtow Chart 1) Nameof the personwho madetesting:Be a Wang/ Cuteyyu / RossZhan 2) Nameol the personin chargeot Fsting:Adamsyu / Ryanyang J)r nesesampEsw€red|ssotved lolallyby pre-conditioning methodaccordingto belowflowchart (C6+ and PBBS/PBDEs testmethod€xctudeo,. Pb/Cd/Hg PBBS/PBDEs Aciddigeslionwith microwave/hoiplate Negative '1 AlkaliFusion/ ) DryAshing 2) Acid to Adding1,t diphenylcarbazide Adding1,$' diphenylcarbazide indicatesthe presenceof cF.. lf development rrf,ta..rrabi E-.an lba aa-aa ir-. L-.ryr.!r rr {qtd4.. tc-t-x!.ri.' ortr r- r*'d|l r$rai|-...F ..!..4-..! r!ji!s.! ! ffi -i( -r.r. +! !!a!r.t r-a.hrt r..rr.F..dglr.h-.r.rnlr, 3rr{||.tl.|x.lnaa.rn*lart-qaEirS rt.rL4.rdd-c.ei, x.||l!..Cnr s8AC.r?{8gag ) TestReport No.:G21106081316/CHEMDate:JUN 24,2011 Page4 ot 4 Samplephoto: SGS authenticate the photoon originalreportonty "' Endot Repon"' r.'I..r.-.r.n,'' -r.i}rrid .hrr.r.drr-trlrnda.rbtn e-rliatrF*tar.{d.it5r.a.t*a'-dbti.a'..a.,qrr14 & ri! Ir5fltry*r *?r,n lll.ft.atlblltlgl+&lltltli$i {Ddr.6!E ltlr rp{0tE rFdls J-c.-.+ *...ra . rd{r.a-(rhr!.rC ||!. 8EaC!.r trlcgE^l tt{t[na rF{nt6