ICP Test Report Certification Packet Company name : Littelfuse, Inc. Product Series: Pico Product #: 263xxxHF Series Issue Date: April 11, 2011 It is hereby certified by Littelfuse, Inc. that there is neither RoHS (EU Directive 2002/95/EC)-restricted substance nor such use, for materials to be used for unit parts, for packing/packaging materials, and for additives and the like in the manufacturing processes. In addition, it is hereby reported to you that the parts and sub-materials, the materials to be used for unit parts, the packing/packaging materials, and the additives and the like in the manufacturing processes, are all composed of the following components. Issued by: <Global EHS Engineer> (1) Parts, sub-materials and unit parts This document covers the Pico RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse, Inc. < Raw Materials Used Please see Table 1 (2) The ICP data on all measurable substances Please see appropriate pages as identifed in Table 1 Remarks: Pb (lead) contained in the high temperature melting solder > 85% and is categorized as exempt under section 7a of the RoHS Annex. Form 585-047 Rev. A 1 2/21/06 Table 1: List of Raw Materials covered by this report Total Parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 Raw Material Part Number 909-448 497xxx-001 082xxx 692321 910-272 087341 Raw Material Description Body-Ceramic Element – Ni42Fe58MCuMSn Element – 5% by weight Ag Clad Cu Solder Cap & Lead Assembly Epoxy Powder ( HF Green) 2 Page(s) 3-9 10-16 17-25 26-30 31-35 36-42 Test Report Applicant: Number : TWNC00176946 Littelfuse, Philippines Inc. LIMA Technology Center, Lipa City, Malvar, Batangas Date : Oct 08, 2010 Sample Description: One (1) group of submitted samples said to be : Part Description : Body Part Number : 909-448 Date Sample Received : Oct 04, 2010 Date Test Started : Oct 05, 2010 Test Conducted : As requested by the applicant, for details please refer to attached pages. Authorized By: On Behalf Of Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Limited K. Y. Liang Director This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. Page 1 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00176946 Test Conducted (Ⅰ) Test Result Summary : Testing Item Result (ppm) White Material Heavy Metal Cadmium (Cd) content Lead (Pb) content Mercury (Hg) content Chromium VI (Cr6+) content Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) Monobrominated Biphenyls (MonoBB) Dibrominated Biphenyls (DiBB) Tribrominated Biphenyls (TriBB) Tetrabrominated Biphenyls (TetraBB) Pentabrominated Biphenyls (PentaBB) Hexabrominated Biphenyls (HexaBB) Heptabrominated Biphenyls (HeptaBB) Octabrominated Biphenyls (OctaBB) Nonabrominated Biphenyls (NonaBB) Decabrominated Biphenyl (DecaBB) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) Monobrominated Diphenyl Ethers (MonoBDE) Dibrominated Diphenyl Ethers (DiBDE) Tribrominated Diphenyl Ethers (TriBDE) Tetrabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (TetraBDE) Pentabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PentaBDE) Hexabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (HexaBDE) Heptabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (HeptaBDE) Octabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (OctaBDE) Nonabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (NonaBDE) Decabrominated Diphenyl Ether (DecaBDE) Halogen Content Fluorine (F) Chlorine (Cl) Bromine (Br) Iodine (I) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Remarks: ppm = Parts per million based on weight of tested sample = mg/kg ND = Not detected Responsibility Of Chemist : Irene Chiou / Kevin Liu / Cathy Chen Date Sample Received Testing Period : Oct 04, 2010 : Oct 05, 2010 To Oct 07, 2010 Page 2 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00176946 Test Conducted (Ⅱ) RoHS Requirement: Restricted Substances Cadmium (Cd) Content Lead (Pb) Content Mercury (Hg) Content Chromium VI (Cr6+) Content Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ehters (PBDEs) Limits 0.01% (100ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) The above limits were quoted from 2002/95/EC and amendment 2005/618/EC for homogeneous material. (Ⅲ) Test Method: Testing Item Cadmium (Cd) content Lead (Pb) content Mercury (Hg) content Chromium VI (Cr6+) content Testing Method With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 7, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex C, by alkaline digestion and determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Reporting Limit 2 ppm 2 ppm 2 ppm 1 ppm Page 3 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00176946 Test Conducted (Ⅲ) Test Method: Testing Item Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) Halogen Content Testing Method With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex A, by solvent extraction and determined by GC-MSD and further HPLC confirmation when necessary. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex A, by solvent extraction and determined by GC-MSD and further HPLC confirmation when necessary. With reference to EN 14582:2007 by calorimetric bomb with oxygen and determined by ion chromatography Reporting Limit 5 ppm 5 ppm 50 ppm Remark: Reporting limit = Quantitation limit of analyte in sample Page 4 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00176946 Test Conducted (Ⅳ) Measurement Flowchart: Test For Cd/Pb/Hg/Chromium (VI)/PBBS/PBDES Contents Reference Standard: IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 Sampling/grinding or cutting Cd/Pb/Hg Cr Weigh sample and add organic solvent By spot test Negative Confirm the tested samples are totally dissolved Make up with deionized water PBBs/PBDEs Polymers / electronics Metal For different material, digest the sample with *1 appropriate acid 6+ Get 50cm2 sample By boiling water extraction *2 Weigh sample and add alkaline solution By Soxhlet extraction or Solvent extraction Definite temp. extraction Cool and filter the extract Concentrate the extract and make up with organic solvent Analyzed by ICP-OES Analyzed by GC-MSD Make up with deionized water and add diphenylcarbazide solution Remarks: *1: List Of Appropriate Acid: Material Polymers Metals Electronics Analyzed by UV-VIS Acid Added For Digestion HNO3,HCl,HF,H2O2,H3BO3 HNO3,HCl,HF HNO3,HCl,H2O2,HBF4 *2: If the result of spot test is positive, Chromium VI would be determined as detected. Page 5 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00176946 Test Conducted (Ⅳ) Measurement Flowchart: Test For Halogen Content Reference Standard: EN 14582 Sampling/grinding or cutting Add absorbent in a calorimetric bomb & place weighed sample in equipment Fill the calorimetric bomb with oxygen Ignite then leave the flask at room temperature Transfer the absorbent into a volumetric flask Make up with deionized water Analyzed by ion chromatography End Of Report Page 6 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00176946 Test Conducted Photo Page 7 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Validi FOr QUe$l PleaseCo TestReport No.: CE20'10/C0095Oale| 2010112108Paoe: 1 of 7 POLYFILAG OBERALLMENDSTRASSE 2OA,CH€3OOZUG / SWITZERLAND Thofollowingaamplda)was/weresubmilted and id6ntifi6d by/on behalf of the cliont as: Ni42FeSSMCuMSn 10-0914 2010t12t01 201011?,01 ro 2010t12na SampleDescription Buyer/OrderNo. SampleReceiving Date TestingPeriod Pleasereferto nextpage(s) l€t Rosult(8) {Nrw4) r||l|' 3ana.lforrd Ct||||Ld t bdrtory-fdt a c m F n y ! i t ! r 1 " i ] j ; j i ' r 1 . i 1 i l t ' . : 1 1 1 ; l l1 n . l : i , l . f v . r j i hsdenalts€d6ysecom@y9b]dloiscsrelacmdi6Bds{ &b4edbTsms3ndcdddoBiolE Mons l": l.,., rr[],' rary fte c@p.its so.,o .::r' lr +r li iIa*6orrq nown TestReport paget2 of 7 No.: CE/201OC0095Datet2O10/121OA POLYFILAG OBERALLMENDSTRASSE 2OA,CH43OO ZUG/ SWITZERLAND tr] tttl|ltl|l|l Ta€t Resultls| PARTI{AMENo.1 Test ltem (s): Cadmium(Cd) SILVERCOLORED ITETAL WIRE Unlt Method MDL R€6ult No.l mg/Kg Withref€rence to IEC62321:2008and n.o. p€rfomedby ICP-AES. Lead(Pb) mg/Kg Withref€rence to IEC62321:2008and n.d, perfodned by ICP-AES. (Hg) Mercury mg/kg Withreference to IEC62321:2008and n.d. perfomedby ICP-AES. Hexavalent Chromium Cr(Vl)by Withreference to IEC62321:2008end 0.02mgr'kgNegative Spottest / boilingwaterextraction perfofinedby Spottest / boiling,,,€ter with50cm'z extraclionMethod.(SeeNote6) surface Halogsn (F) Halogen-Fluorine (CASNo.:014762-94€) (Cl) Halogen-Chlorine (CASNo.:022537-15-1) (Br) Halogon-Bromine (CASNo.:010097-32-2) (l) Halogen-lodine (CASNo.:014362-4€) Sumof PBBa Monobromobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tribromobiphenyl Tetrabromobiphenyl Pentabromobiphenyl Hexabromobiphenyl With referenceto BS EN 14582t2007. mg/Kg AnalysiswE6perfomedby lC. 50 n.d. 50 n.d. 50 n.d. 50 n-d. n.d- mg/Kg Withreference to IEC62321:2008and oerfomedbv GC/MS. Hepiabromobiphenyl 5 5 5 5 5 5 n.d. n.d. n.o. n.o. n,d, n.d. n.d. n.d, n.d. Odabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Dec6bromobiphenyl 5 n.d. p6G)r€$adIh t B1r6f.d dnnd b l l'1ti'l' c m E f r t i ! 1 1; i I . I l i l r l : ? r s l . . ; , \ j r l t 1 : n r l L l . t r l l l : + . i ' ' l T.sd@hd s *u€d by t€ compsnyebled ro B Gm,dc4dd 06 d s ror.edmr fomd @d6tu eq r.@nr@!m andjudsdidtr ssB d sponrbr{ystobc 3n{af,!rh6d@ dnLyandwrhLi$€h'lsdcr€ds Bl pM w b^ 4!6va drho companvAnvu s r€groduc€d *..pi 'nru | rbr r otu ad dEdds undd rh. vdc&r "{hod ! rdsorzoe,raiFcolivrdwd/: rll:r,1r rlrr IFf,-rf r+s610r)rstTef 1d{02)22e07 w!$.om Test Report No.: CE/201oC0095 Odl€:2010h?J(]f P a g e : 3 o f 7 POLYFIL AG OBERALLMENDSTMSSE 2OA,CH.63OO ZUG/ SWITZERLAND T€t ltem (s): Sumof PBDES lllonobromodiphenyl ether Dibromodiphenyl ether f ribromodiphenyl ether fetrabromodiphenyl ether Pentabromodiphenyl ether Hexabrcmodiphenyl ether Hoptabromodiphenyl ether Octabromodiphenyl ether Nonabromodiphenyl ether Decabromodiphenyl ether Unit r l||t||t Roault method "DL Withreferenc€ to IEC62321:2008and pedormed by GC/[,S. No.l n.d. n.o, 5 mg/Kg [tll n.o, n.d. 5 5 5 n.d. n.d. n.d. 5 5 5 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. Note : 1. mg/kg= ppm : 0.1we/6 = 1000ppm 2. n.d.= NotDetected 3. MOL= MethodDot€ction Limit 4."-"=NotRegulated (NoUnit) 5. " = Qualitative analysis 6. Spot-test: Negative= Absenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ surfacelayer;Positive= presenceof Cr(Vt)coating/ surfacetayer; Cfhetestedsampleshouldbefuftherverifiedby boiling-wEter-€xtraclion methodif the spottest esult cannot be confirmed.) BoiIing-water-extraclion: Negative= Absenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ surfacelayer; Positive= Presenc€of Cr(Vl)coating/ surfacel€yer; The detectedconcentrationin boiling-water+xhaction solutionis €quator greaterthan0.02mg/kgwith 50 cm, samplesurfacearea. c o m F r yi ' : l l i r r ; i t .tiil-!'rFlln;;-1111*-ir;.rlll-r.{l:-r,l ny sdted b 6 G*Ercdd ltrs oj s 51r 18red hts re* €@d 6nd 1l t , lirtl}11!. b e turetr €ids be compa0ysr drnss a ont atu w rh'ntu rm{s d cr€dt nd l b . r 9 h b a d d E d ] o n s u n 6 s g ' a n d b s t s p d u d q € p l ' n 1 u | W o d .-$r i !rr +r,. !r,46 anrer7efis6r02D4'7 w-!,-- Msber dr(he5G56@p r5C5sA) Test Report No.: CE/2010/C0095D€['e 2O.\O|1ZOApaget4ofz POLYFIL AG OBERALLMENDSTRASSE 2OA,CH€3OO ZUG/ SWITZERLAND lll[lrr L|I||rl 1) Thesesarples weredissoh€dtotallyby preronditioningfiEthodaccordingto betowflowchat ( Cft bst rEthod e)(ctuded ) 2) llarne of the personwho rtsde nEasurerEnttClimbgreatyarE 3) Mrne of the personin chargeof dEasurernent: TroyChang A.id digestion by suitable acid dependedon differentsarple rnaterial(as belowtable) Add appropdate anDunt of digestionre€gent Fleatto appropriate ternperature to extract Cool,frlterdigestate throughfilter 1) AlkaliFusion 2) HCltodissotue Adddipheny l-carbazide for colordeveloprEnt SanpleMaterial DigestionAcid So9l, copper,alufiinum,solder Aquaregia,HNO3,HCl,HF,l-lro, rEasure the abGorbanc€ Glass HNO3/HF at 540 nmby UV-VIS Gold,platinun\palhdium,ceranic Aqua€gia Silver HNos Plastic l-ISOr, HrOr,HNOg,t-tCl Othe|s Anyacidto tctraldig€stion Lllii llrrrltl .,,\)rll !!n.rtii cdpsny irrrli;irt 1.dt-lii:il DsdomdE sd t r* 6mpa.y sqad roG c*eGrcddi oG ot s re €.d6€ romal d@mdds s6j ont andw thI b€ rmis ot cr€il! i3r hlioh9adob|Edffsue$6h i J i I r,llt::' e€$6i6dshecmFiystnd!res3 Test Report No. I CE/2010/C0095 D&e: 201U1210EPage: 5of 7 POLYFILAG OBERALLMENOSTRASSE 2OA,CH$3OO ZUG/ SWITZERLAND Analytical flow chart of halogen content 1) t,lanpoftheperson whonEdenEa6urcd€nt: RitaChen 2) l.lanEofthepersonin chargeof fiFasurerEnt: TroyChang Sanplepretreatient / Separation Weighting andputtingsarple in cell OxygenBombConbustion /Ab€oDtion Dilution to fixedvolurp Analysiswas perfonrEdby lC nnihsi6|cpdld&onybihegndsG]isndThsbsi@dendb !'raz!,. cmFiyni;rlltr!;.rri:l,r:+df::r.n\t(,1:iia.r1l1.tr.l!rr-\lrl!iil,1. fts dum6l6 's*d bybecmr r6ionq f 3ry ftscmrys bnghsandob|Ea|trss6'blE so3€s@b' t€ro 6crsrandbsdn I]|||tu l|tItIl Test Report No.: CE/2010/C0095Dale:2O1U121O8Page: 6 of 7 POLYFILAG OBERALLMENDSTRASSE 2OA,CH$3OO ZUG/ SWITZERLAND PBB/PBDEanalyticatFLOWCHART 1) Narneofthe pe6on who fiECbnEasuler€nt: Rornanwong 2) Narneofthe personin chargeof rEasurerent: Troy Chang Firstt€stingprocess-.--+ Optionalscreenprocess---, proce6s - .> ConfirnEtion Scaeen analysis """""'1"""""' 56rple ext€ctiorV SoxhletflFthod I ConcentratdDih.rte Extracted solution Filter Analysis by GC/lrS c @ p . n yl j j i t l f : ! : r l j !.il !rl11i:.i,\irl,{ f ,.".1.'l 1.t!rl-\. rhlons f ary '$s dsGlrsdd Th3r3{@d€nrcrb Ijll. 4it!1. rl Cm@ts so€ mspBbL! sro bclsrandlhsddu f i ! r : i r r 1 ir ' ! i r s 6 r o z ] ) r e |l]tI|t||fiIltln TestReport No.: CE2010/C0095 Dale 21iOh2JOa Page 7 ol7 POLYFIL AG OBEMLLMENDSTRASSE 2OA,CH63OO ZUG/ SWITZERLAND ll]flt!t]ll|Itll c009s " Endof Repod* cmpanyr!lr4li;rirE.-llil l:Frr1; .,irrlt"!1i.il?1 T.ad@md€ npaGlrsddrh 5 16r'€oonennd* 1.1{+l:ii+lir I i lrr,nttr. sdbyhcompl 3-qod b r6ms .nd codroB rdom ror E /,ny h6cmFsso.,. rLFi.lr:* rarl r,trrs6@r!e$,rm6orrr$rr wwe<m Valid Pl6ase TestReport No.: CE12011/10410A Oale: 2O11t0'Ii1 P a g e : 1 o f g ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GI\.TBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87,D.98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY tl][ttt][littltt Thefollowingsample(s)waa/weresubmittedand identifiedby/onbehaltofthe cliontas : SampleDescription Style/ltem No. SILVERPLATED& PURESILVERWIRES (1)101.014-.---EWN02.01.-SILVER PLATEDCOPPER W|RE- Cu,Ag - - % (2)101.0131.---EWN02.01.-PURE SILVERWtRE-Ag1000 (3)101.0123.0--EWN01,03.. SILVERPLATEDPURESTNICKELWIRENi99.98%, Agl0/6 ( 4 )1 0 1 . 0 1 8 -2-.-0 EWN03-07,. SILVER-COPPER ALLOYPLATEDCOPPER CLADWIRE-ELCON D,Agcus% (5)101.0120.0--SILVERPLATEDCONSTANTAN WIRE-CuNi,t4, Ag5% Countryof Origin SampleR€ceiving Date TestingPerjod GERMANY 2011tO1t04 2011tO|tU TO2U1n1t11 Test R€ault(s) Pleasereferto nextpag€(s)- NW4) Sgn d 6rltd Ctrdr{.d t&rtrt-TS.l comFryr.irf,jnii!.-r €lt ie$d h s r6d ,eFd €ind b" tr ri '!,rn1l l'lrli.,'ra: /.iii-i!rr.1,::l:L Jii . I ,ritrrr nysub]sd|obc5e6]codlbnso,s suq3dro r€ms ad cdms tu € Test Report No.: CE2011l10410ADate: 2011to1t.l l Page:2ofg ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87,D.98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY f,]tIlt|| ttttttl Test Result{s) PARTNAMENo.1 Te8tltem (s): Cadmium(Cd) Lead (Pb) (Hg) [4ercury Hexavaler{ Chromium Cr(Vl)by Spottest / boilingwater e)dractaon Peduorooclanesulfonates (PFOS) PFOS-Acid PFOS- MetalSalt PFOS-Amide PFOA(CASNo.:000335$7-1) MIXEDALL COLORMETALWIREONCLUDING THE PLATING LAYER)(5 KINDS) Unit Method MDL Result No.l n.o. mg/Kg Withreferenc€ to IEC62321: 2 2008€ndperfomedby ICP.AES. mg/Kg With referenceto tEC62321: n.d. 2008andperfomedby ICP-AES. mg/Kg With referenceto IEC62321: 2 n.d. 2008andperform€d by lCPdES. With referenceto IEC62321: 0.02mgr'kgNegative 2008and perfornedby Spottest / with50cm'z boiling,,raater ext€ctionMethod. suface (SeeNote5) mg/xg With refer€ncelo US EPA3540C: 10 n.d. 1996methodfor PFOSContent. Anaiysiswaspertormedby LC/MS. mg/ks With referenceto Us EPA3540C: '10 n.d. 50 n.d. 50 n.d- 50 n.d. 50 n.o. 1996methodfor PFOAContent. Analysiswasp€rformedby LC/MS. Halogen (F) (CASNo.: Halogen-Fluorine 014762-94€) (Cl)(CASNo.: Halogen-Chlorine 022537-1s-1) (Br)(CASNo.: Halogen-Bromine 010097-32-2) With referenceto gS EN mg/Kg 14582:2007. Analysis w€s pefformed by lC. (l) (CASNo.: Halogen-lodine 014362-44-8) oldEd6i.4inlu .r!r!1 ;:r!rrllt::11t i.bF.9,,.1.r!,:ii',, comDary!::lrit'rJ:.-ri1;. D6tuad s ss6d by the cohpsny 3u&d b a GssBicod lionso, s suq€d b rems ad codrms ro, E l rrlllill nsibi'y6loiscLen':db"@men nolb6fopfoduc€.ot@pl'nltrr.s|MU| Memb4, orthe56s6 o!p 6GssAJ TestReport No.: CE2011l10410A Date| 2O11tO lti1 Page:3ofg ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTMSSE 87,D-98669 VEILSDORF, GERIT'ANY Test ltom (s): Sum of PBB6 Monobromobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tribromobiphenyl Tetrabromobiphenyl Pentabromobiphenyl Hexabrcmobiphenyl H€ptabrornobiphenyl Octabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Decabromobiphenyl Sumot PBDES lVonobromodiphenyl ether Dibromodiphenyl ether Tribromodiphenyl elher Tetrabromodiphenyl ether Pentabromodiphenyl ether Hexabromodiphenyl ether Heptabromodiphenyl ether Octabromodiphenyl ether Nonabromodiphenyl ether Decabromodiphenyl ether unlt tl][Ilr|I| Method TIDL 5 5 5 Re3ult No.1 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.o, n.d. 5 n.d- n.d. n.d. mgkg Withreference to IEC62321: 2008andperformed by GC/MS. 5 n.d. n.d. 5 n.o. n.d. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 in rh' 16r cpd dar6ry rorb smprslr rsdd ft sree @n €nid b.qd ,l-.1+,ildll: :--r.:,?. c@Fiy,r:rrri.iN r i - t r r : r : l l i t i l rr , l i ! t r r A i rl{'1 Thseumrt[Esuadb'lhecomMysUb]dbbGsffi:condlffids r!r,ttr rlrs6rc?2rr&ras n.d. n.o. n.d. n.o, n.o, n.o, n,d, n.d. n.o. ll TestReport paoe:4of9 No.: CEi2011l1MlOADed;e2011101t11 ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTMSSE 87,}.98669VEILSDORF, GERMANY [l lllrr||||l Note: 1. mg/kg= ppm;o.1$olo=1000ppm 2. n.d.= NotDetected 3. MDL= MethodDetection Limit 4."-"=NotRegulated 5. Spot-test: Negative= Absenceof Cr(Vt)coating/ surfacetayer, Positive= Presenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ sudacelaye.; (Thetestedsampleshouldbe furtherverifiedby boiting-water-extraction methodif the spoltestresultcannotbecontimed.) Boiling-water-extraction : Negative= Absenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ surfacelayer. Positive= Presenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ surfacelayer; the detectedconceftrationin boiling-&ater-extraclion solutionis €quator greater than 0.02mg/kgwjth 50 cm2safiple surfacearea. (NoUnit) 6. " = Qualitative analysis 7. Thesample(s) wadlvereanalyzed on beh€lfof theapplicant as mixingsamplein onetesting. Theaboveresult(s)Mras/were onlygivenas the informalityvalue. PFOSRefer€nceInformation : Directlve2006/{2ZEC ('t) Maynotbe placedonthe marketor us€das a substance or constituent of preparations In a 0/6 concentration equaltoor higherthan 0.005 by masr. (2)Maynol be placedon themarketin 6emi-finished products or adicte6, or partsthereof,if the concentrationof PFOSis equalto or higherthan0. 1% by masscalculatedwith refercnceto the massof skucturallyor microstruclurally distinctpartsthat containPFOSor, for textilesor omer coatedmaterials, if theamountof PFOSis equaltoor higherthan'1pg/m, of thecoatedm€terial. c@Fryr fttrd@md. rir;;'..:iitsrr:rfii.:;llrrlrl:.:ir np6Glb{d rhs bsrr@d €.nd e r-rr+liFxafJltr?:.I. r.t-:,'tl'l sdby'fuc.mpa 36lsd6T.ms4dcmdiloBdE rL-: ,: :!r 1i', i,s6orrrt l|l TestReport No.:CE/2011/1M10A Date| 2011t01t11 P a g e : 5 o f g ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87,D.98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY Thesesamplesweredi66ovedtotallyby pre-conditioning methodaccordingto belowflo^/chart. ( Cf' testmethodexcluded ) yang Nameof theper6onwhomademeasurementt Climbgreal 3) Nameof the pe6on in chargeof measurementTroyChang 1) Cutting/ Preparation Aciddigestion by suitable acid dependedon difierenlsampl€ material(as belowtable) Add appropriateamountof digestionreagent Heatto appropriate temperatureto exhact Cool,filterdigestate throughfiller 1) AlkaliFusion 2) HCltodissolve Add diphenyl-carbazide for colordevelopmerf SampleMaterial DigestionAcid S1eel, copper.aluminum, bolder Aqua regia,HNO3,HCl,HF,HrO, Glass HNO3/HF palladium, Gold,platinum, ceramic Aqua regia Silver HNO3 Plastic Others HrSO4, HrOr,HNO3, HCt Anyacidto totaldigestion 'd th s rsr r€pd f€1arsry ro tb smpblt redd h s 16r re@d€inor 6 r6p , t r,,i!ir. :rir, i-*rfii!:l.!c@Fny 4rlr;!i:ir..1.-fi+rrrlrrriir:i!1rf.ir:9!i Th'deumd6G5uadbylh6cohpanyEubdbbcff€conditrsds isbi|ys10i9c.d.ndl|6d@fun _:, r fJ Irr measurethe absotbance at 540 nm by uV-VlS Test Report No.: CE/2011/10410ADale| 2l11t01ti1 P a g e : 6 o f g ELSCHUKOMELEKTROSCHUTZKOI/|PONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D.98669VEILSDORF,GERMANY ill ||atl[m||]t Analtticalflow chartof Soxhletextraction(LC/MS)procedure 1) Nameof thepersonwhomademeasurement: LydiaFu 2) Nameofthe personin chargeof measurement ShinjyhChen rTe61ltems:PFOS/PFOA. Benzotriazole Samplepretreatmenu6eparation Datra nrh3r*rr€@1d€ronryrolbsampstrsdd comFiv f.lr,,;-' rr ,ir , rlrir i l:!rii th 3 6umdr tr csusdbyrhsconFny subr€d b b6effi condrtrsd s rhdr r $t a^d ob 0d o^3uid.r th. ta ft€radrcFd€mdbc nsb iv 6 io is c ed.d h6 dne. iiot be €pdud ace|' 'n ,u r,khtu f! r,rirr:i,,i i +s6 orrer! r+88 TestReport No.I CE/2011/'104104Date: 2011|t11t1|1page: 7 of I ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D-98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY [fffitf,IltIlttttII Analyticalflow chartof hatogancontent 1) Nameofthepersonwhomademeasurement: RitaChen 2) Nameof thepe6onin chargeof measuaement: TroyChang Samplepretre€tment / Separation Weighting €ndputtingsamplein cell OrygenBombCo.nbustion / Absorption Dilution to fixedvolume Analysas wasperfomedby lC 6G) raGd rhs Gn €p.n 6^d - J ,ltbi! u.i-il.ial4rr r:i;'']. 1i: ny suqed b {s Gm6brcdr ons oi s compary l:if,i!J. 6.€8dq€bmd Libnrddi'd 6 d @Batu slq juisdd d 6ies d |h6/rohb.dd|ad'oisuehsk rt', ,: :! rrr i r $6 ozrlerru t 'e otjrr@tt ldw{!(h TestReport No.: CEl2011l10410ADale: 2011t01t11 P a g e : 8 o f 9 ELSCHUKOMELEKTROSCHUTZKOI/|PONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D-S8669VEJLSDORF, GERMANY iul |ltt][n|l!ll PBB/PBDEanalyticatFLOWCHART 1) lbfiE of the personwho fiEde nEasurel|Ent RonBn Wong 2) MrE of the personin chargeof nEasurerEnt:TnoyChang Firsttestingprocess---+ process .--Optional screen process- .> ConfirrEtion Screenanalysis Sanple extractiod Soxhlet nEthod V ConcentlatdDilute Extracted solution Ft|ler Analysisby GC/MS I ' !,f ftsdmumd6*dbylfucwF 1: :irrri if, ,-iriif1,. \ preG) re$d rh 3 r6n @d - :: rr!!: i, r' €Dno1 b' ", \,'"''d'&d'."; Ll's6r0r Drr r r *6@ r@rr syw{!@o Test Report No.: CE/2011/10410ADate| 2011t01t11 P a g e r 9 o f g ELSCHUKOMELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GIUBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D-98669VEILSDORF, GERMANY " Endof Report Epslslrsdd Ths r€i r@n €nnorb c d p . r y r r r j l . i , , . " ri i l f l : i + : :i : \ , r l l r i - . . j r 1 . d r , : t , . i : i : I - t . " r n _ i Th6domeftssdby'bc6mp,ny9qadb8Gmlalcmdionsds g!b].db'msTdcmdhoBb.E tl||[l[Il[ttttltl Test Report Number : TWNC00183554 Applicant: Littelfuse, Philippines Inc. LIMA Technology Center, Lipa City, Malvar, Batangas Date : Nov 29, 2010 Sample Description: One (1) group of submitted samples said to be : Part Description : Solder Part Number : 692321 Date Sample Received : Nov 25, 2010 Date Test Started : Nov 25, 2010 Test Conducted : As requested by the applicant, for details please refer to attached pages. Authorized By: On Behalf Of Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Limited K. Y. Liang Director This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. Page 1 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00183554 Test Conducted (Ⅰ) Test Result Summary : Testing Item Heavy Metal Cadmium (Cd) content Lead (Pb) content Mercury (Hg) content Chromium VI (Cr6+) content (mg/kg with 50cm2) Result (ppm) Silvery Metal ND 961722 ND Negative (< 0.02)(#) Remarks: ppm = Parts per million based on weight of tested sample = mg/kg ND = Not detected < = Less than mg/kg with 50cm2 = milligram per kilogram with 50 square centimetre Negative = A negative test result indicated positive observation was not found at the time of testing. # = Due to the insufficient sample area, reduced total sample surface of 10 cm2 was used and the dilution factor was adjusted accordingly. Responsibility Of Chemist : Irene Chiou / Kevin Liu / Cathy Chen Date Sample Received Testing Period : Nov 25, 2010 : Nov 25, 2010 To Nov 29, 2010 (Ⅱ) RoHS Requirement: Restricted Substances Cadmium (Cd) Content Lead (Pb) Content Mercury (Hg) Content Chromium VI (Cr6+) Content Limits 0.01% (100ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) The above limits were quoted from 2002/95/EC and amendment 2005/618/EC for homogeneous material. Page 2 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00183554 Test Conducted (Ⅲ) Test Method: Testing Item Cadmium (Cd) content Lead (Pb) content Mercury (Hg) content Chromium VI (Cr6+) content Reporting Limit Testing Method With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested 2 ppm samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested 2 ppm samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 7, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are 2 ppm totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 0.02 1.0:2008 in annex B, by boiling water extraction and determined by UV-Vis mg/kg with 50cm2 spectrophotometer. Remark: Reporting limit = Quantitation limit of analyte in sample Page 3 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00183554 Test Conducted (Ⅳ) Measurement Flowchart: Test For Cd/Pb/Hg/Chromium (VI) Reference Standard:IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 Sampling/grinding or cutting Cd/Pb/Hg Cr Polymers / Electronics Metal For different material, digest the sample with *1 appropriate acid By spot test Negative Confirm the tested samples are totally dissolved Make up with deionized water 6+ *2 Weigh sample and add alkaline solution Get 50cm2 sample Definite temp. extraction Boiling water extraction Cool and filter the extract Analyzed by ICP-OES Make up with deionized water and add diphenylcarbazide solution Analyzed by UV-VIS Remarks: *1: List Of Appropriate Acid: Material Polymers Metals Electronics Acid Added For Digestion HNO3,HCl,HF,H2O2,H3BO3 HNO3,HCl,HF HNO3,HCl,H2O2,HBF4 *2: If the result of spot test is positive, Chromium VI would be determined as detected. End Of Report Page 4 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00183554 Test Conducted Photo Page 5 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Test Report Applicant: Number : TWNC00177120 Littelfuse, Philippines Inc. LIMA Technology Center, Lipa City, Malvar, Batangas Date : Oct 11, 2010 Sample Description: One (1) group of submitted samples said to be : Part Description : Cap and Lead assembly Part Number : 910-272 Date Sample Received : Oct 05, 2010 Date Test Started : Oct 06, 2010 Test Conducted : As requested by the applicant, for details please refer to attached pages. Authorized By: On Behalf Of Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Limited K. Y. Liang Director This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. Page 1 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00177120 Test Conducted (Ⅰ) Test Result Summary : Testing Item Heavy Metal Cadmium (Cd) content Lead (Pb) content Mercury (Hg) content Chromium VI (Cr6+) content (mg/kg with 50cm2) Result (ppm) (A) (B) ND ND ND Negative (< 0.02) ND ND ND Negative (< 0.02) Remarks: ppm = Parts per million based on weight of tested sample = mg/kg ND = Not detected < = Less than mg/kg with 50cm2 = milligram per kilogram with 50 square centimetre Negative = A negative test result indicated positive observation was not found at the time of testing. Test Component (1) Coppery Metal (2) Silvery Plating Responsibility Of Chemist : Irene Chiou / Kevin Liu Date Sample Received Testing Period : Oct 05, 2010 : Oct 06, 2010 To Oct 08, 2010 (Ⅱ ) RoHS Requirement: Restricted Substances Cadmium (Cd) Content Lead (Pb) Content Mercury (Hg) Content Chromium VI (Cr6+) Content Limits 0.01% (100ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) The above limits were quoted from 2002/95/EC and amendment 2005/618/EC for homogeneous material. Page 2 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00177120 Test Conducted (Ⅲ) Test Method: Testing Item Cadmium (Cd) content Lead (Pb) content Mercury (Hg) content Chromium VI (Cr6+) content Testing Method With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 7, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex B, by boiling water extraction and determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Reporting Limit 2 ppm 2 ppm 2 ppm 0.02 mg/kg with 50cm2 Remark: Reporting limit = Quantitation limit of analyte in sample Page 3 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00177120 Test Conducted (Ⅳ) Measurement Flowchart: Test For Cd/Pb/Hg/Chromium (VI) Reference Standard:IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 End Of Report Page 4 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00177120 Test Conducted Photo Page 5 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Test Report Applicant: Number : TWNC00182410 Littelfuse, Philippines Inc. LIMA Technology Center, Lipa City, Malvar, Batangas Date : Nov 22, 2010 Sample Description: One (1) group of submitted samples said to be : Part Description : Epoxy Powder (Green-HF) Part Number : 087341 Date Sample Received : Nov 16, 2010 Date Test Started : Nov 17, 2010 Test Conducted : As requested by the applicant, for details please refer to attached pages. Authorized By: On Behalf Of Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Limited K. Y. Liang Director This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. Page 1 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00182410 Test Conducted (Ⅰ) Test Result Summary : Testing Item Heavy Metal Cadmium (Cd) content Lead (Pb) content Mercury (Hg) content Chromium VI (Cr6+) content Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) Monobrominated Biphenyls (MonoBB) Dibrominated Biphenyls (DiBB) Tribrominated Biphenyls (TriBB) Tetrabrominated Biphenyls (TetraBB) Pentabrominated Biphenyls (PentaBB) Hexabrominated Biphenyls (HexaBB) Heptabrominated Biphenyls (HeptaBB) Octabrominated Biphenyls (OctaBB) Nonabrominated Biphenyls (NonaBB) Decabrominated Biphenyl (DecaBB) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) Monobrominated Diphenyl Ethers (MonoBDE) Dibrominated Diphenyl Ethers (DiBDE) Tribrominated Diphenyl Ethers (TriBDE) Tetrabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (TetraBDE) Pentabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PentaBDE) Hexabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (HexaBDE) Heptabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (HeptaBDE) Octabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (OctaBDE) Nonabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (NonaBDE) Decabrominated Diphenyl Ether (DecaBDE) Result (ppm) Green Powder ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Page 2 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00182410 Test Conducted (Ⅰ) Test Result Summary : Testing Item Result (ppm) Green Powder Halogen Content Fluorine (F) Chlorine (Cl) Bromine (Br) Iodine (I) ND 652 ND ND Remarks: ppm = Parts per million based on weight of tested sample = mg/kg ND = Not detected Responsibility Of Chemist : Irene Chiou / Kevin Liu / Cathy Chen Date Sample Received Testing Period : Nov 16, 2010 : Nov 17, 2010 To Nov 19, 2010 (Ⅱ) RoHS Requirement: Restricted Substances Cadmium (Cd) Content Lead (Pb) Content Mercury (Hg) Content Chromium VI (Cr6+) Content Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ehters (PBDEs) Limits 0.01% (100ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) The above limits were quoted from 2002/95/EC and amendment 2005/618/EC for homogeneous material. Page 3 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00182410 Test Conducted (Ⅲ) Test Method: Testing Item Cadmium (Cd) content Lead (Pb) content Mercury (Hg) content Chromium VI (Cr6+) content Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) Halogen Content Testing Method With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 7, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex C, by alkaline digestion and determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometer. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex A, by solvent extraction and determined by GC-MSD and further HPLC confirmation when necessary. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex A, by solvent extraction and determined by GC-MSD and further HPLC confirmation when necessary. With reference to EN 14582:2007 by calorimetric bomb with oxygen and determined by ion chromatography Reporting Limit 2 ppm 2 ppm 2 ppm 1 ppm 5 ppm 5 ppm 50 ppm Remark: Reporting limit = Quantitation limit of analyte in sample Page 4 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00182410 Test Conducted (Ⅳ) Measurement Flowchart: Test For Cd/Pb/Hg/Chromium (VI)/PBBS/PBDES Contents Reference Standard: IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 Sampling/grinding or cutting Cd/Pb/Hg Cr Confirm the tested samples are totally dissolved Make up with deionized water PBBs/PBDEs Polymers / electronics Metal For different material, digest the sample with *1 appropriate acid 6+ Weigh sample and add organic solvent By spot test Negative Get 50cm2 sample By boiling water extraction *2 Weigh sample and add alkaline solution By Soxhlet extraction or Solvent extraction Definite temp. extraction Cool and filter the extract Analyzed by ICP-OES Concentrate the extract and make up with organic solvent Analyzed by GC-MSD Make up with deionized water and add diphenylcarbazide solution Analyzed by UV-VIS Remarks: *1: List Of Appropriate Acid: Material Polymers Metals Electronics Acid Added For Digestion HNO3,HCl,HF,H2O2,H3BO3 HNO3,HCl,HF HNO3,HCl,H2O2,HBF4 *2: If the result of spot test is positive, Chromium VI would be determined as detected. Page 5 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00182410 Test Conducted (Ⅳ) Measurement Flowchart: Test For Halogen Content Reference Standard: EN 14582 Sampling/grinding or cutting Add absorbent in a calorimetric bomb & place weighed sample in equipment Fill the calorimetric bomb with oxygen Ignite then leave the flask at room temperature Transfer the absorbent into a volumetric flask Make up with deionized water Analyzed by ion chromatography End Of Report Page 6 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00182410 Test Conducted Photo Page 7 Of 7 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401