ICP Test Report Certification Packet Company name : Littelfuse, Inc. Product Series: 2AG Special Product #: 220xxxXP Series Issue Date: May 17, 2011 It is hereby certified by Littelfuse, Inc. that there is neither RoHS (EU Directive 2002/95/EC)-restricted substance nor such use, for materials to be used for unit parts, for packing/packaging materials, and for additives and the like in the manufacturing processes. In addition, it is hereby reported to you that the parts and sub-materials, the materials to be used for unit parts, the packing/packaging materials, and the additives and the like in the manufacturing processes, are all composed of the following components. Issued by: <Global EHS Engineer> (1) Parts, sub-materials and unit parts This document covers the 2AG Special RoHS-Compliant series products manufactured by Littelfuse, Inc. < Raw Materials Used Please see Table 1 (2) The ICP data on all measurable substances Please see appropriate pages as identifed in Table 1 Remarks: Form 585-047 Rev. A 1 2/21/06 Table 1: List of Raw Materials covered by this report Total Parts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Raw Material Part Number 082XXX 082779 087244 087244 497XXX-001 692535-001 910-222 910-537-3 910-537-3 082xxx-001 648106-001 C909-367-001 C909-369-001 2 Raw Material Description Wire - Ag plated Cu Lead Wire HMA - ROHS HMA - Halogen Wire – Cu Clad Fe58 Ni Ag by weight Solder Cap – base and plating Cap - base Cap - plating Wire - Cu CDA 102 Sn plated Yarn Page(s) 3-11 12-16 17-21 22-25 26-32 33-37 38-42 43-46 47-50 51-58 59-63 Body 64-67 Valid Pl6ase TestReport No.: CE12011/10410A Oale: 2O11t0'Ii1 P a g e : 1 o f g ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GI\.TBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87,D.98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY tl][ttt][littltt Thefollowingsample(s)waa/weresubmittedand identifiedby/onbehaltofthe cliontas : SampleDescription Style/ltem No. SILVERPLATED& PURESILVERWIRES (1)101.014-.---EWN02.01.-SILVER PLATEDCOPPER W|RE- Cu,Ag - - % (2)101.0131.---EWN02.01.-PURE SILVERWtRE-Ag1000 (3)101.0123.0--EWN01,03.. SILVERPLATEDPURESTNICKELWIRENi99.98%, Agl0/6 ( 4 )1 0 1 . 0 1 8 -2-.-0 EWN03-07,. SILVER-COPPER ALLOYPLATEDCOPPER CLADWIRE-ELCON D,Agcus% (5)101.0120.0--SILVERPLATEDCONSTANTAN WIRE-CuNi,t4, Ag5% Countryof Origin SampleR€ceiving Date TestingPerjod GERMANY 2011tO1t04 2011tO|tU TO2U1n1t11 Test R€ault(s) Pleasereferto nextpag€(s)- NW4) Sgn d 6rltd Ctrdr{.d t&rtrt-TS.l comFryr.irf,jnii!.-r €lt ie$d h s r6d ,eFd €ind b" tr ri '!,rn1l l'lrli.,'ra: /.iii-i!rr.1,::l:L Jii . I ,ritrrr nysub]sd|obc5e6]codlbnso,s suq3dro r€ms ad cdms tu € Test Report No.: CE2011l10410ADate: 2011to1t.l l Page:2ofg ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87,D.98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY f,]tIlt|| ttttttl Test Result{s) PARTNAMENo.1 Te8tltem (s): Cadmium(Cd) Lead (Pb) (Hg) [4ercury Hexavaler{ Chromium Cr(Vl)by Spottest / boilingwater e)dractaon Peduorooclanesulfonates (PFOS) PFOS-Acid PFOS- MetalSalt PFOS-Amide PFOA(CASNo.:000335$7-1) MIXEDALL COLORMETALWIREONCLUDING THE PLATING LAYER)(5 KINDS) Unit Method MDL Result No.l n.o. mg/Kg Withreferenc€ to IEC62321: 2 2008€ndperfomedby ICP.AES. mg/Kg With referenceto tEC62321: n.d. 2008andperfomedby ICP-AES. mg/Kg With referenceto IEC62321: 2 n.d. 2008andperform€d by lCPdES. With referenceto IEC62321: 0.02mgr'kgNegative 2008and perfornedby Spottest / with50cm'z boiling,,raater ext€ctionMethod. suface (SeeNote5) mg/xg With refer€ncelo US EPA3540C: 10 n.d. 1996methodfor PFOSContent. Anaiysiswaspertormedby LC/MS. mg/ks With referenceto Us EPA3540C: '10 n.d. 50 n.d. 50 n.d- 50 n.d. 50 n.o. 1996methodfor PFOAContent. Analysiswasp€rformedby LC/MS. Halogen (F) (CASNo.: Halogen-Fluorine 014762-94€) (Cl)(CASNo.: Halogen-Chlorine 022537-1s-1) (Br)(CASNo.: Halogen-Bromine 010097-32-2) With referenceto gS EN mg/Kg 14582:2007. Analysis w€s pefformed by lC. (l) (CASNo.: Halogen-lodine 014362-44-8) oldEd6i.4inlu .r!r!1 ;:r!rrllt::11t i.bF.9,,.1.r!,:ii',, comDary!::lrit'rJ:.-ri1;. D6tuad s ss6d by the cohpsny 3u&d b a GssBicod lionso, s suq€d b rems ad codrms ro, E l rrlllill nsibi'y6loiscLen':db"@men nolb6fopfoduc€.ot@pl'nltrr.s|MU| Memb4, orthe56s6 o!p 6GssAJ TestReport No.: CE2011l10410A Date| 2O11tO lti1 Page:3ofg ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTMSSE 87,D-98669 VEILSDORF, GERIT'ANY Test ltom (s): Sum of PBB6 Monobromobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tribromobiphenyl Tetrabromobiphenyl Pentabromobiphenyl Hexabrcmobiphenyl H€ptabrornobiphenyl Octabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Decabromobiphenyl Sumot PBDES lVonobromodiphenyl ether Dibromodiphenyl ether Tribromodiphenyl elher Tetrabromodiphenyl ether Pentabromodiphenyl ether Hexabromodiphenyl ether Heptabromodiphenyl ether Octabromodiphenyl ether Nonabromodiphenyl ether Decabromodiphenyl ether unlt tl][Ilr|I| Method TIDL 5 5 5 Re3ult No.1 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.o, n.d. 5 n.d- n.d. n.d. mgkg Withreference to IEC62321: 2008andperformed by GC/MS. 5 n.d. n.d. 5 n.o. n.d. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 in rh' 16r cpd dar6ry rorb smprslr rsdd ft sree @n €nid b.qd ,l-.1+,ildll: :--r.:,?. c@Fiy,r:rrri.iN r i - t r r : r : l l i t i l rr , l i ! t r r A i rl{'1 Thseumrt[Esuadb'lhecomMysUb]dbbGsffi:condlffids r!r,ttr rlrs6rc?2rr&ras n.d. n.o. n.d. n.o, n.o, n.o, n,d, n.d. n.o. ll TestReport paoe:4of9 No.: CEi2011l1MlOADed;e2011101t11 ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTMSSE 87,}.98669VEILSDORF, GERMANY [l lllrr||||l Note: 1. mg/kg= ppm;o.1$olo=1000ppm 2. n.d.= NotDetected 3. MDL= MethodDetection Limit 4."-"=NotRegulated 5. Spot-test: Negative= Absenceof Cr(Vt)coating/ surfacetayer, Positive= Presenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ sudacelaye.; (Thetestedsampleshouldbe furtherverifiedby boiting-water-extraction methodif the spoltestresultcannotbecontimed.) Boiling-water-extraction : Negative= Absenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ surfacelayer. Positive= Presenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ surfacelayer; the detectedconceftrationin boiling-&ater-extraclion solutionis €quator greater than 0.02mg/kgwjth 50 cm2safiple surfacearea. (NoUnit) 6. " = Qualitative analysis 7. Thesample(s) wadlvereanalyzed on beh€lfof theapplicant as mixingsamplein onetesting. Theaboveresult(s)Mras/were onlygivenas the informalityvalue. PFOSRefer€nceInformation : Directlve2006/{2ZEC ('t) Maynotbe placedonthe marketor us€das a substance or constituent of preparations In a 0/6 concentration equaltoor higherthan 0.005 by masr. (2)Maynol be placedon themarketin 6emi-finished products or adicte6, or partsthereof,if the concentrationof PFOSis equalto or higherthan0. 1% by masscalculatedwith refercnceto the massof skucturallyor microstruclurally distinctpartsthat containPFOSor, for textilesor omer coatedmaterials, if theamountof PFOSis equaltoor higherthan'1pg/m, of thecoatedm€terial. c@Fryr fttrd@md. rir;;'..:iitsrr:rfii.:;llrrlrl:.:ir np6Glb{d rhs bsrr@d €.nd e r-rr+liFxafJltr?:.I. r.t-:,'tl'l sdby'fuc.mpa 36lsd6T.ms4dcmdiloBdE rL-: ,: :!r 1i', i,s6orrrt l|l TestReport No.:CE/2011/1M10A Date| 2011t01t11 P a g e : 5 o f g ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87,D.98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY Thesesamplesweredi66ovedtotallyby pre-conditioning methodaccordingto belowflo^/chart. ( Cf' testmethodexcluded ) yang Nameof theper6onwhomademeasurementt Climbgreal 3) Nameof the pe6on in chargeof measurementTroyChang 1) Cutting/ Preparation Aciddigestion by suitable acid dependedon difierenlsampl€ material(as belowtable) Add appropriateamountof digestionreagent Heatto appropriate temperatureto exhact Cool,filterdigestate throughfiller 1) AlkaliFusion 2) HCltodissolve Add diphenyl-carbazide for colordevelopmerf SampleMaterial DigestionAcid S1eel, copper.aluminum, bolder Aqua regia,HNO3,HCl,HF,HrO, Glass HNO3/HF palladium, Gold,platinum, ceramic Aqua regia Silver HNO3 Plastic Others HrSO4, HrOr,HNO3, HCt Anyacidto totaldigestion 'd th s rsr r€pd f€1arsry ro tb smpblt redd h s 16r re@d€inor 6 r6p , t r,,i!ir. :rir, i-*rfii!:l.!c@Fny 4rlr;!i:ir..1.-fi+rrrlrrriir:i!1rf.ir:9!i Th'deumd6G5uadbylh6cohpanyEubdbbcff€conditrsds isbi|ys10i9c.d.ndl|6d@fun _:, r fJ Irr measurethe absotbance at 540 nm by uV-VlS Test Report No.: CE/2011/10410ADale| 2l11t01ti1 P a g e : 6 o f g ELSCHUKOMELEKTROSCHUTZKOI/|PONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D.98669VEILSDORF,GERMANY ill ||atl[m||]t Analtticalflow chartof Soxhletextraction(LC/MS)procedure 1) Nameof thepersonwhomademeasurement: LydiaFu 2) Nameofthe personin chargeof measurement ShinjyhChen rTe61ltems:PFOS/PFOA. Benzotriazole Samplepretreatmenu6eparation Datra nrh3r*rr€@1d€ronryrolbsampstrsdd comFiv f.lr,,;-' rr ,ir , rlrir i l:!rii th 3 6umdr tr csusdbyrhsconFny subr€d b b6effi condrtrsd s rhdr r $t a^d ob 0d o^3uid.r th. ta ft€radrcFd€mdbc nsb iv 6 io is c ed.d h6 dne. iiot be €pdud ace|' 'n ,u r,khtu f! r,rirr:i,,i i +s6 orrer! r+88 TestReport No.I CE/2011/'104104Date: 2011|t11t1|1page: 7 of I ELSCHUKOM ELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D-98669 VEILSDORF, GERMANY [fffitf,IltIlttttII Analyticalflow chartof hatogancontent 1) Nameofthepersonwhomademeasurement: RitaChen 2) Nameof thepe6onin chargeof measuaement: TroyChang Samplepretre€tment / Separation Weighting €ndputtingsamplein cell OrygenBombCo.nbustion / Absorption Dilution to fixedvolume Analysas wasperfomedby lC 6G) raGd rhs Gn €p.n 6^d - J ,ltbi! u.i-il.ial4rr r:i;'']. 1i: ny suqed b {s Gm6brcdr ons oi s compary l:if,i!J. 6.€8dq€bmd Libnrddi'd 6 d @Batu slq juisdd d 6ies d |h6/rohb.dd|ad'oisuehsk rt', ,: :! rrr i r $6 ozrlerru t 'e otjrr@tt ldw{!(h TestReport No.: CEl2011l10410ADale: 2011t01t11 P a g e : 8 o f 9 ELSCHUKOMELEKTROSCHUTZKOI/|PONENTENBAU GMBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D-S8669VEJLSDORF, GERMANY iul |ltt][n|l!ll PBB/PBDEanalyticatFLOWCHART 1) lbfiE of the personwho fiEde nEasurel|Ent RonBn Wong 2) MrE of the personin chargeof nEasurerEnt:TnoyChang Firsttestingprocess---+ process .--Optional screen process- .> ConfirrEtion Screenanalysis Sanple extractiod Soxhlet nEthod V ConcentlatdDilute Extracted solution Ft|ler Analysisby GC/MS I ' !,f ftsdmumd6*dbylfucwF 1: :irrri if, ,-iriif1,. \ preG) re$d rh 3 r6n @d - :: rr!!: i, r' €Dno1 b' ", \,'"''d'&d'."; Ll's6r0r Drr r r *6@ r@rr syw{!@o Test Report No.: CE/2011/10410ADate| 2011t01t11 P a g e r 9 o f g ELSCHUKOMELEKTROSCHUTZKOMPONENTENBAU GIUBH GEWERBESTRASSE 87, D-98669VEILSDORF, GERMANY " Endof Report Epslslrsdd Ths r€i r@n €nnorb c d p . r y r r r j l . i , , . " ri i l f l : i + : :i : \ , r l l r i - . . j r 1 . d r , : t , . i : i : I - t . " r n _ i Th6domeftssdby'bc6mp,ny9qadb8Gmlalcmdionsds g!b].db'msTdcmdhoBb.E tl||[l[Il[ttttltl _scs TestReDort No.TSNEC1000628003 Date: 04 Nov 2010 Page 1 of 5 TIANJINBAIRUIJIE WELDING MATERIAL CO.,LTD, NO.38,BAOYUAN ROAD,EAST ZONEOFJINNANDEVELPOPI'ENT ZONE,JINNAN OISTRICT,TIANJIN CHINA Thefollowing s€mple(s) wasl^/ere submitted andidentified on b€halfof theclientsas : TIN.PLANTING COPPER WIRE SGSJob No. SGS InternalReferenceNo. Composition Date of Sample Received TestingPeriod - TJ 1046470 4.3 CuSn 01Nov2010 01 Nov2010- 04Nov2010 Test Requested Selectedtest(s)as requestedby client. Test Method Pleasereferto nextpage(s). Test Results Pleasereferto nextpage(s). Concluaion Basedonthe performedtestson submittedsampte(s).the resutts compv wih theRoHSDirective 200295/EC anditssubsequent amendments. Signedfor and on behalfof scs-csTc Lrd. Reabecazhou ApprovedSignatory hh.id to.!r!t!oh. r4fr euhli shor! rotrr.d rFn...i o.t roh! !.hpr.l!)bd.d scs Mdndloi,No..l1 Th. 5$ awnu.r€oa.tani[chii.3@457 | 13t7r]s2880o *wc.sgscom r {F2)2529552 4E.I:liiE f*taElt*fr41escs*ll ljt 3oo4sr rt85r)(52ffi r (s-22r2529fisp e s$di,q!!!@ M.mb8ro' rh€SGSGrouptSGSSA) TestReport No.TSNEC1000628003 Test Results: lD for specimen1 Description for specifien 1 Date:04Nov2010 Page2 of5 TSN10-006280.002 silverymetalwire RoHS Dlrcdiv€ 2002105/EC Test ltem(s) Cadmiun(Cd) Lead(Pb) lvercuryGg) HexavalentChromium(CrVl)by boilingwater exlraction Sumof PBBS l\ronobromobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tribromobiphenyl Tetrabromobiphenyl Penlabromobiphenyl Hexabromobiphenyl Heptabromobiphenyl Oclabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Decabromobiphenyl l\ronobromodiphenyl elher Dibromodiphenyl ether Tribromodiphenyl elher Tel.abrcmodiphenyl ether Pentabromodiphenyl elher Hexabromodiphenyl ether Heptabromodiphenyl elher Octabromodiphenyl ether Nonabromodiph€nyl ether Decablomodiphenyl ether Test Lilethod(Reference) IEC62321Ed.1:2008, AAS IEC62321Ed.1:2008, AAS IEC62321Ed.1:2008,ICP-OES IEC62321Ed.1:2008,UV-Vis Unit mg/Kg mg/Kg 'nl* m9Kg mgKs mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mgKg mgKs mgKg mgKs m9Kg ngKg mgKg mgKg mgKs Result IVDL N,D. 2 N,D, 2 N,D, 2 Negative c N,D, N.D. N.D. N.D. N.DN.D. N,D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D. IEC62321Ed.1:2008, GC-MS IEC62321Ed.1:2008,GC-MS IEC62321Ed.l: 2008,GC-MS IEC62321Ed.1r2008,GC-MS IEC62321Ed.1:2008,GC-MS IEC62321Ed.1:2008,GC-MS IEC62321Ed.1:2008,GC,MS IEC62321Ed.1:2008,GC-MS IEC62321Ed.1:2008,GC,MS IEC62321Ed.l: 2008,GC-MS IEC62321Ed.1:2008.GC-MS IEC62321Ed.1:2008,GC-MS IEC62321Ed.1:2008,GC-MS IEC62321Ed.1:2008,GC-MS IEC62321Ed.1r2008,GC-MS IEC62321Ed.1:2008,GC-MS IEC62321Ed.1:2008,GC-[.IS IEC62321Ed.1r2008,GC-MS IEC62321Ed.1:2008,GC-MS IEC62321Ed.1r2008,GC-MS mdks mgKg mgKg mgKg mgKs mgKs mgKg mgKg 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Limit 100 1(nO 1000 # 1000 1000 Note: 1. mg/kg= ppm (< IVDL) 2. N.D.= NotDetected = 3. MDL [IethodDetection Limit 4. o = SpofTest: Negative= Absenceof CrVlcoating,Positive= Presenceof CrVlcoatingi methodif the spottest result Ohe testedsampleshouldbe furtherverifedby boiling-wateFexhaction is negative orc€nnotbeconfirmed.) Boiling-water-€\'traction I [!rd 6d td n.&rid ro.hn ddrd. $hi y.s].clb!a.d.l.|cdi.6otol3. lublrd b r.d. rid coidrlh.t tu nhrB d crrd ' f.trldbd. f.ir t mddm {nsn.d.ri; n.d.ri; In;io; In;i'!i 'o ri.-ilfii.nd I, diiwi ddwi riiia-hiiand;l o] rh. rh.c'np.ryl.obntsdblivtrld c'np.41 .ob ntsdb scs Mai.io. No.41,Th.5rh asnue TEoAtiailh,cHr :ba57 41.*lin*trfi*t&AfEtfr4lgscs*! l|ra:mas7 I (s 2216628006 I i36-?2)?5r!525? r135-?216:033t$ J tN6-2)6295?s2e.!dd'|][email protected] M6mb6.or|h6SCSGlouoISGSSAI SGS TestReport No.TSNECl000628003 Date:04 Nov 2010 Page3 of 5 Negative= Absenceof CrVtcoating = Presenc€ Positive ofCrVlcoating;the detected concentration in boiling-water-exl'adion solulionis equalor greater than0.02mg/kgwith50cm,samplesufacearea. Forcorosionprolectioncoatingson metals:lnformationon storageconditionsandproducliondateof the testedsempleis unavailable andthusresultsof Cr(Vt)represent statusof thesampteat thetimeof testing. 5. # = Positiveindicatesthe presenceof CrVlonthe testedareas. Negative indicates theabsence ofCrVlonthetestedafeas. 6. '-" = Notregulated permissible 7. Themaximum limitis quotedfromthedocrjment 2005/618/EC amendinq RoHSdirective 20mB5EC rMleuftd' rtudtrh.conraiyrbjdrobG.{dcdbi3or$ k r d.um.d,r!lc hl6.nd.e_Jltl!,irc b r.m. d coi&i. d tq. rctlor {u5 dd rLrr h ir .eutudjii Aun'o'i I d 6 'o_rilirh Dron oi o.4t !imd'd..&'i'ai';b--Ldb,h.iltfi;biioi sos [&n.im,No.ar.iE &n asu. +[ ilfiEfifi*tlglnii{rqscs*! Drdtrabrrri.rdqi 6; TEDA]ianjin,chiE3ooa57 I (36-22)w) | €6 a25205252 M.o lg.con | 1i612]d56m ' (s6-?A252ssz52 r r9r6mo.sos t!|:3ao45t Mof,bororrh6SGScro!D (SGSSAI -SGS TestReport No.TSNEC1000628003 Date:04 Nov2010 Page4 of 5 ATTACHMENTS Cd/pblHE/CllpBEi&pBDEs T.Bting Ftow Chart 1)Nameoflhe personwhomadetesting:SkyShi/James yao Wangrl,lvinnjs Zhang/Angsll 2) Nameoflheperson in charge oft€sting: CindyYin/Flex Zhu 3) Thesesamples v,eredissolved tolally by pre,conditioning method according to below fow chan. (Cf+ andPBBS/PBDEs tesi methodexcludedJ Sample PrBparalion Samplslvleasufemenl PBBs/PBDES Acid digestionwilh microwave/hotplate Fillration Sample solveit exlraction Concenhaliod Dil!lion ofexlraction s0luIt0n Adding 1,t diphenylcarbazide for colordevelopment 1)AlkaliFusion / Dry46hing 2) Acid lo dissolYe M .rd b:j!s!i"r nb irj4fi6lllf{n. rdmi docun. r- E(iq r lubj.q b 6 c.rdr Boiling water extraction A redcolorindicales lhe presence of C16*. lf necessary.conlirm coMtrbir or s! h 9xrhnoi mrriaivrhh 'i' ' ntrr Arttumub4d ! b,rpt b,dvo !ha|htE|i.d'.po(.....o.|,|.lh.nn9b{5)kn.d scs .niid,rio.l1.Th. &n Av6nu€TEDArianlii,chi@ r $-at 25295?52 3&457 I {36-21652330ft +l itin{Jtf,*,ft6tr*tfiqscs*! e 39t.hiia&9.&6 |tn:3a0457 I$8-21656em I (3&22125205232 M6hb6rollhe sGsoio!p (sGssA) TestReport No.TSNEC1000628003 Date:04Nov2010 Page5 of5 Samplephoto: TSN'10-006280.002 the photoon o.iginalreportonly SGSauthenticate "' Endof Report"* '' r;i tuc"6'$vr -h ..'""r,r iiJlii;,iind;;i';ii;;ffi, ,i,.rd(d.n4,ntui liillSirs-j6ii-iiriin'iininiii;;;,s'ifti. rni edtui, o.no,;", b--,.nn" !ho'i r,l:,r q odroidF.oa.r' n fin br ,.eoi '.r.i ody b hr $ir r(t kr.d tn awTEDAIt I scsMdturtr.r{o.a1,Th. I tf .tr C!tl4q!**F!s$j!1 t@4)Me rjh,Ctina36157 I (36-2165?3gm r 1s-z{254962t | rt6465m0 -rr:364s7 N [email protected] (SGSSA) Manborot theSGSGrouD TestReport No.SHAEC1018364101 Date:23 Dec2010 Page1of 5 3I,TCHINALIMITED (200239) 222#T|ANLtNROAD,SHANGHAT The following sample(s)wasi/vere submittedand identifed on behalf of the clients as : 3l!l 3779-PG SGSJobNo.: Oateof SampleRec€ived: TestingPeriod: TestRequested: - SH sP10-042093 21 Dec2010 21Dec2010- 23Dec2010 Selectedtest(s)as requestedby client. TestMethod: Pleas€referto nextpage(s). Pleasereferto nextpage(s). Test Results: Basedon the perfomedtestson submittedsamples,the resultscomplywiththe RoHSDireclive200Z9YECand its subsequent amendments. : Conclusion Signedtorendon b€halfof SGgCSTCLtd. zQv""^ FanJingiie,JJ Approved Signatory rhtdaird h bd al.d b r. o-nl ccutnotol Ltk rr lh CdB hn &odd,rqd b th. d c.dd n. El lto d'hr!!ffi .-rt -ttltrr.ia hna|co r.s rr.itf,. drtrb rrybrdll* hrddri{r |[t!6.D, ,D. rn.CMrr bfrn6Dl.lrrGhn Et dEFbfty ritr*-d.hrfi}Ifi.d.oro.L..6d,rF0.r!......drsb.rh.eMr4rcb.'rr..d'4.d.srrLtull't|||n.d9.ds{s.,t nde., br.rt tfmuM;d rrb h |Irb(.,r-E cci{ ttldnenlted&iitltdtldaorr +l.tl.aiE8lta6toltsr 2@ :1.2@ nbft.cndrd lB€Fgi)611@llElE{e-?|FffiA Hl(&21161102!aa lL{*"1)6aM0 K.dra16m ..F.d'i'.Oe.6 Mrn$ororrh. SSSG|!up (S99 SA) T€stR€port No.SHAEC10183g101 Date:23Dec2010 Page2 of 5 Test R€sults: TestPartDescription: Sp6d,n6ntlo. 1 De6('iplion SGSSemdelD Yellow translucent solid SHA10-143641.001 Remarks: (1)1 mg,/kg= 1 PPm=00001% (2) l\rOL= lrethod DeteclionLimit (3) ND= NotDetected( < MDL) (4) '-' = NotRegulated Rol{S Exr€divomo2/gs/Ec T€6tMethod: Withreferenceto IEC6232'12008 (1)Determination of Cadrnium by ICP-OES. (2) Deteminationof Leadby ICP-OES. (3)Detemination of Mercury by ICP-OES. liethod usingW-Vis. (4) Determination of Hexavalent Chromiumby Colorimetric (5)Determination contentby GC-MS. of PBBS/ PBDES Test ltem(s) cadmium(Cd) Lead(Pb) Merclry (Hg) (CrVl) Hexavalent Chromium Sumof PBBS Monobrornobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tdbromobiphenyl Tetrabromobiphenyl Pentabromobiphenyl Hexabromobiphenyl Heptabromobiphsnyl oclabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Decabromobiphenyl Sumof PBDES ethet Monobromodiphenyl MSt 0p1 UlI mg/kg 2 N D 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 mg/kg mg/kg mgr'kg mg/kg 2 2 2 - N N N N D D D D - ms/Ks msftg - m9K9 mg/Kg mg/kg - mdks 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - N N N N N N N N N N N D D D D D D D D D D D 5 N D - mg/ru 1,000 - scd ,!4- rhM ti!d! 100 d qu.r d -cff !'tlo trd- odr'.[|!r. d !a!tl!9!!r@t!a9s!4!!! t. EMd4 oosFr c.dsr.i b r. cn" b r@ 5t cd'@ 5 br d 4d e stE mgftg mgKg mg/Kg mg/kg mgKg h tlrcllnl,t|$ionttudtlrtrorr |l!.Il.lEalurra€8sil3ql r$Pb(.) i h bb. ll: 2D@3 2@ l6lE(6-r)611@ ItF2l)614029a lEl€{E-?l)6(KA Hi{6-zlFa@! Boro.c!.n .rFii.€4M (sqss ) u.nb.roltno sose.oup TestReport No.SHAEC1018364101 Testltem(s) unit Mot Limit Dibromodiphenyl ether Tribromodiphenylether Tetrabromodiphenyl other Pentabromodiphenyl ether Hexabromodiphenyl ether Heptabromodiphenyl ether Octabromodiphenyl ether Nonabromodiphenyl elher Oec€bromodiphenyl elher Date:23 Dec2010 mdkg ng/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mSikS mg/kg mS/kS mS/kS Page3 of 5 aal 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Notes: pe.missible (1)Themaximum limitis quotedfromthedocument 200t618/ECamending RoHSdirective 2002t9stEc *.addh.ahd,.d|'k.rs ordldr r.d!r.r. t4 MoihEhrddur.cfu'q 'fuld,'|rEhoddh.fu|q rlm 5tu nr -Fn-b ad rn cd-rr r.r. d@tllt ri ur''tud etu . ory 6tu.6rr.{.tbbd tbtlrhlCltrdrllNblltitrCr.| t!.t1.*trEl0l€3eft|}l n DdJ-d @d arEpo ll@ rEEl6-?lFa$rl |€rElr+r)6110256S l,tl'-ala!.@!l9l lLlt-apF0dl3 no4rcdn .tFlrr&Fq lloml.| ol0|sSG3Orour(scs sa) TestReport No.SH4EC10f8364101 Oate:23 Dec 2010 Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENTS RoHSTestingFlowChart '1)Nameof thepersonwhomadetesting: AllenXiao/Wesleywei/AndyZhao/ElimLin 2) Nameof the per6onin cha.geof testing:Jeff Zhang/ceoeeXdTracyYue 3) Thesesamples weredissolved lotially by pre-conditioning methodaccording to belowflowchart.(Cr" andPBBS/PBDES testmethodexcludeo Pb/cd,Hg PBBs/PBDES Aciddigestion with mic.owave/hotplate Concentration/ Dilution of extEction solution Heatingto 90-95C ior extraclion '| AlkaliFusion/ ) DryAshing 2) Acidto dissolve Addingt,5diphentcabazide for color development Adding1,5. diphenylcarbazide for color development A redcolor indicatesthe presence of Cf'. f necessary, confirm with itu .crn fuemdbku.by|b I ku. t rrr cflry .rdli,r-rd6 r4d rs.d ,J.a{i.rd.6trt dh $m 5 rr o-frr cdtd.m ati.alld ^ry . tt, d5'vre rtu t|Lo.iMv! .*i, .{sb .r. deqr5ft t r-.udddd!.Ihaaomdsr|c!.nrtrdr-d}rfl 6 $. n, rFnnbisrr6 ti-lrnt Yrred& Ft.I|.t[qittrs!€Tt tu |Irr.(.)bbd btiEidioi. d !0.x d IflrM n nqr4!{4!t!@!!4-e!4!!!l bnl.,xtrEnrrktui . 2O{ZS t*2d!.3 racfi-a)811.4!63rElEFAHffi H!(!-2!ld1a@04 tIjo-aFFqga Rd..!.ffi ..Fd*rlD*d M.nb.i ot!n€SOSOro{rlSGsSA) TestReport No.SHAEC'1018364101 Date: 23 Dec 20'10 Page 5 of 5 Samplephoto: sHA1G183641.001 reportonly SGSauthenticate thephotoonoriginal 't* Endof Report'* d!ytb c.lr@ert rdi @.q!{G dbr. o-rtr c{ridlr{..la.n|..Ftu b 16r r! drrd,.6r!l. d -.rn*, !ryr!4:!t!]!44!4-!&-e!djm. aEMddbca$r'r fudi'^lqi.b..|t|..04's|l.!4.-MI fi]EsttlCflibdllhlht4tudioir 'n!.rl *trslrllr3e?3tl {.q!d Zn('3! ll:2@ id.F.'bhd R.r..!.6 rElEt$-91)6r4@l lf!El6+rtr453670 . Eir,iEgtr o rt{6-aF|dnB| H!G?rt61{l!!L M.nb!. ol dB SGg Oroop ISGS SA) TestReport No.SHAECl018364102 Date:23 Dec2010 Page1 of 4 3MCHINALIMITED 222#T|ANLINROAD,SHANGHAT (200239) The following sarnple(s)wasl^/ere submittedand identifiedon behatfof the clients as : 3M 3779_pc SGSJobNo.: Dateof SampleReceived: TestingPeriod: TestR€quested: - SH sP'10-042093 21Dec201O 21 Dec2010- 23 Dec2010 TestMethod: Selectedtest(s)as requestedby client. Pleasereferto nextpage(s). TestResults: Pleasereferto nextpage(s). Signedfor and on behalfof SG$CSTC Ltd. 7Qv Fan Jingjie,JJ Approved Signatory hr .dnd. b.d br rb c.iF rlt d b r. o.5r cdd!6t d ..'@ orrhr. ry.r.rl d rqu.*d M.M. ki! !b!ao9.r.|-. rw mr tu E l@ridr! Eiituiao.i;e I !r{h !$h 4r hr-'.rbh.dr.dtdod hr:.1! !u!.y!'!!$th. 11..9!:'.!!,$d!h. s]llld.ffi ndldon. rrr. nrc.DaF .r. dodbE, r6n cddM,i;;iG;a;;;:; li:Tffir#,t!fiil&.:t#*jff EiF:&I:';;-;;ffi,:';ffi . '.,rrr r rdhdo rri.qlrd '.tali; ri. Ed6r #5ffi H#ffi ff;;n;;_* rr,o-Ai;; rrbh|jrb(.r6rd. !"iru$.alrri.d)cri'.4ltltaoit f l'J'f idrr|$..s.@fu '*iEaltltl0+3t, 2ooarg a), M rElE(dAid.@ Hl{&"eld{i!!44 lErE{caFffi)g r{j(&"t)tl&L mcn.{.@ . {.d*roe.o,i M.nb.rotrh6soso|!up(sos3A) TestReport No.SHAEC1018364102 Date:23 Dec2010 Page2 of4 Test Results: TestPartDescdotion: Sp€dmqrNo. SGSSamdelD D€cripto|l 1 SHA1G.1$A|1.001 Yellow translucent solid Remarks: (1)1 mgr'kg= 1 ppm=0.0001% (2)MDL= MethodDeteclion Limit (3) ND= NotDereded( < [4DL) (4) '-" = NotRegulated Haloosl TestMethod: Withreferenceto EN 145E2:2007,analysiswasperformedby lonChromatograph (lC). Test ltem(s) Fluodne(F) Chbnne(Cl) Bromine{Br) lodine(l) u!j! mg/Kg mgkg mgKg mg/kg db,bc.'ryr/t.rbr.o-'Jcddb.daaroddd.ft.r..v EEm,E!i-nh.n rr ri.t'r'.h. rr. MpL 50 50 50 50 001 ND ND ND ND !!Dr !!!:!r!,q!!t!!_!4!-E!!!!aa rh.c.|eyr t-lLt'b.cl|sed,ftr|bqtrdic i!.lja.ltrAt|l|lle|lltt ! 2M3 ltr@ rEt€6+1)0l.|025a 'EIE(6-?|B!SA Hr{n-a}a rE9a rt:(n-2tFFUB |fi.oi.a@ . .|.!tut9r6 rr.mb.rotU|.SOg€mI' (SOaSA) TestReport No.SHAEC1018364102 Date:23 Dec 2010 Page3 of4 ATTACHMENTS HalogenTesfln9FtowChart 1) Nameof thepersonwhomadetesting: DaisyGong 2) Nameof the personin chargeoftesling:Alex Jiang Samplemeasurement Combustion in oxygenbomb Dissolved anan absorption solution Anal).zed by ion chromatog€phy. Doubleconfirm by otherinstruments, if t !r h bF.r rr.d b rr 0-d c.dd' or 3fti.. !:1!t g1aa!!T:r;ij:"-cjhii;;6itr;;i .{d.ih4ftd.ri.r'.rHr*nn.irisisri li.rnbccrdl krE!.D, edd- dl.n. trv, * D "*.**^..*..-,0il. .ed6h€,|.n''.'id|ir.dhhd a._E#ffi Irbihr.ir.(.)brc fir4rilltt hdt |lan'|trcrn 2O@3a 4l .-Ll.trqtd{lo4+,|}t tti M3 tElEl6-'l)6la6lt l6iEt6+Ft5gtl hlJ{t 2116r.02s. {.:{r-slFaa6 m6..!.6 . |9rr|€[.@ M.nDefot th. 3OSOtllp (scg SA) TestR€port No.SHAECl018364t02 Dale:23Dec2010 Page4 of4 Samplephoto: SGSauthentic€te thephotoonoriginal reportonly -' Endof Report*.. llh 6td !T'*q..et b &d by in corF, qt !!r.d b i. o,nr c6do. gt3|!'.&ird-h it;,;;crt;;; nsffi hdi d lhk oid....{r|b !,N d rqu.. ry d EF$E FAmiE rmsr6frn hD.dh tu MnG ^ryhe'cru|! d ffiffiiffim#ffi ..tu,j"i,J*iHi#R*1# 4ffifrr,-ffi6F666r !.lb.0rm.rti| - " - si:g*.tsYJrr dfi;tffiJfl"tfrEffi S#"?iHl,1iT;1,hHtH!.J"1H or fi-fi ;;;i;#;;ir#; n#;ffi*?#l# 946i66;,6ggg[1,q.*rr;"*sm;r"r,affi 'c obrb.rd. md' rh r.d.db,ien;d. d6.iM h $r n. l:mee|d.D'str€d' nld nnr 6t6 tu.6pr.(.t sljunr,rrraod)thlL4tutior! St .-tl|. *E8ldrlls€e+atl Ie hbd . 2@30 lt:2@s |E&{ €rj6r@50 tEt€6-ara8536r9 rt{!-a)4fi@a lll6-aF.@! Momberolin SGSOruro(SOSSA) Validi For Q Please Test Report sGs No. : CE2010/C0094 Dale | 2O1Oh2tO8 page : 1of 7 POLYFIL AG OBERALLMENDSTRASSE 2OA,CH€3OO ZUG/ SWITZERLAND Th6followingsample(s)wa3/weresubmitted and identified by/on behalfoftha client as: SampleDescription Buyer/Order No. SampleReceiving Date TeslingPeriod Ni42Fe58MCuirAg5% 94462 2010t1?,01 20t0t1zo110 2010t1208 Te6t Rosult(s) Pleasereferto nextpage(s). (NWO ilha1d6Ftde.onyblbgnplels)l6sdThs|69@d€ndb€ c d € r y r r r , l l , l r J l .r r . l l t + i 4 r r r l i l * ft8 d@nd for.sdmr own 6 gEd hy b6 c.mp. fomar donds slq rk'ons i i. t]li, l&rl\ .:' -' l' 1.1rJts!!. i any ft6cmP4tsso6r. fttrngB.ind[946!un&rlh16 1 r .+ r { r r { i * : r t r r s { o z r r r e e |llt [lrr]||rltttt TestReport No. CE2010/C0094 Date| 2010/'12y08Page: 2 ot 7 POLYFIL AG OBERALLMENDSTRASSE 2OA,CH€3OO ZUG/ SWITZERLAND |r [tll||lI|tl|t Test Resultlsl PARTNAIVENo,1 SILVERCOLORED i'ETALWIRE Test ltem (8): Unit Cadmium(Cd) Method Result MDL mg/Kg Withreference to IEC62321:2008and 2 No.1 n.d. 5o n.d. 50 n.d. 50 n.d. 50 n.d. pedormedby ICP-AES. mgls Withreferenc€ to IEC62321:2008€nd 2 n.d. pertomedby lCPdES. Mercury(Hg) mdkg With referencelo IEC62321:2008and 2 n,d, perfomedby ICP-AES. Hexavalent ChrcmiumCr(Vl)by Withreference to IEC62321:2008and 0.02m9/kg Negative Spottest / boiling\,r€terextraction perfomedby Spottest/ boilingwEter with50cm, extradtionlrethod.(SeeNote6) sudace Lead (Pb) Halogen Halogen-Fluorine (F) (CASNo.:014762-94-8) Halogen-Chlorine (Cl) (CASNo.:022537-15-1) Halogen-Bromine (Br) (CASNo.:010097-32-2) (l) Halogen-lodine (CASNo.:01436244-8) With referenceto BS EN 14582t2007 . mg/Kg Analysiswasperformedby lC- Sum of PBB6 n.d- Monobromobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tribromobiphenyl Tetrabromobipheny Pentabromobiphenyl mgikg Hexabromobiph€nyl Heptabromobiphenyl Ociabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Decabromobiphenyl cm€ry r.r r|,;i:r} , ..rti'Ji: + i4!rj.,ijlt " ei. n6tud l d 6 Wth reference to IEC62321t2008and perfomedby GC/MS. 5 5 5 5 n.dn.d. n.d. n.d. 5 5 n.d, 5 5 5 5 n.o. n.o. n.d. n.d. n.d. p3G)rssdrh3rd.@n€ndb i:+::r 'J. i r'r"llt}rl. rn'1,1.J{7:1l 3 sdbyh6m@nyshdroisc*'dcmdibBd 6 d M E l o m a l d . @ n h . d ontandwrhrh€rmborcrds,.ddons'lary.ft8csrt3sobEspBbrt 3 o l b h e ] i m i b l d d ' a b L t y srobcltrrandrhsdEs u hdsrkr 2orcrapo cooirrriiwio/f ttti f lr: :r,rrit:il lt r is6orpDerD,re0rr2arrT ww+.on TestReport paqe:3of7 No.: CE/2010/C0094Date:2O1O/12!OB POLYFILAG OBERALLMENDSTMSSE2OA,CHS3OOZUG / SWITZERLAND Te3t ltem (s): unit Method rr] ttrr[it|lt MDL Sumof PBDES Monobromodiphenyl eth€r Oibromodiphenyl ether No.1 n.d. n.d. n.d. fnbomodiphenyl eth€r Tetrabromodiphenyl ether Pentabromodiphenyl ether Hexabromodiphenyl ether Heptabrornodiphenyl ethe. Oclabromodiphenyl ether Nonabromodiphenyl ether Decabomodiphenyl ether Result n.o, mgxg Withreference to IEC62321:2008and perfomedby GC/MS. 5 5 5 5 n.ct. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 5 n.o, n.o. Note: 1. mg/kg= ppm; 0.1M%= 100oppm 2- n.d. = Not Detected 3. MDL= MethodDeteclionLimit 4."-"=NotRegulated 5. " = Qualitative (NoUnit) analysis 6. SDot-te.st: N€gative= Absenceof Cr(Vl)coating/ surfacelayer;positive= presencoof Cr(Vt)coating/ surtacetayer; (Thetestedsampleshouldbe furthervedfiedby boiling-water-extraction methodif the spottest resuttcannot beconfimed.) Boiling-wEter-exlraclion: Negative= Absenc€of Cr(Vl)coating/ surtacelayer; Positive= Pres€nceof Cr(Vl)coating/ surtacelayer; Th6 detec{edconcentrationin boiling-water-ext.action solutionis equalor greaterthan0.02mg/kgwith SOcm. samDlesurfacearea. npsGlrsdd th316r@nendb cmponyrill4l.;i.!.illi'r.lrF,fl::tr)li"ei.nU'i.1:]S:11;:=:i:.J.1.11JF1". th6ddh€fr 3 sd by tu c.mp3iy srqd b tu GmmrcmdtuB d ss r@€.d6rc romar [email protected] 3!q sFBb|ly9locc'.d.ndlh!d6u h r n ' h s a d d ! € d b s u e h c n n d b a 4 d f d € ! € , l i f u l w i d h. imeloi or €b ry Test Report No-: CE/201UC0094Date:2OiOt12tOepaoe,4of7 POLYFILAG OBEMLLMENDSTMSSE 2OA,CH€3OOZUG / SWITZERLAND rtlt tIll|||||lllttt '1) Thesesarples w€Ie dissotr€dtoblfy by pre-conditioning rEthod accordingto belowflow chart ( Cf' test nethod e)cluded) 2) flanE of the personwho mademeasurefiEnl:Climbgreatyang 3) tlarE ofthe pe6on in charg€of r€asurenEnt TroyChang Cutting / Preparation Aciddigestion by suitable 6cid dependedon difierentsarble nEterial(asbelowtable) Microwavedigestionwith Addappropdate anbuntof digeslion reagent HNo3/rcUHF Healto appropdate tefiperatureto extEct Cool.filterdigeotae through fiher AlkaliFusion F|cIto dissolve Add diphedyl-carb€zidefor colordeveloprnent Safiple Material cNFry DigestbnAcid S'teel, copper,aluninun\solder Aqua regia,HNO3,HCl,HF,HrO, Gl€ss palladium, Gold,platinum, ceraric HNO3/HF Aquaregia Sitver HNO3 Plastic l-lrsOi, HrOr,HNO3,HCI Oh€rs Anyacidto trctaldigestion lilltt;!r; id adM'cromd nrturerGe.drorso^ryb6.smpo13)@rod Ihs'61,6p.nenddb' ,lr'!lt !;.::l!ll.l!!L.\;:+tr] .Lili:!'Ii!lJi J rrl rttrrll. ^y elttod b iE ce66rcond r onsot s @n* 3uq me€suaethe ab6orbance at 540 nmby UV-VIS he 'n,@id d iab t onryaidwih'nkhisdCr€db ndtudds iany tuCmparyss&6Fnsbriy srohC,6niadhsdmum Ihelf0hbandob]Ed6munddl|l.vs.*1.6prclud6tc€p1nfu||*ihfulffd LU:],: *-r,\:l rrl r 1s6orrrsrru r 1s610rr2arr wws<on TestReport No.: CE/2010/C0094Oale| 201U12t08 paae:Sof7 POLYFIL AG OBEMLLMENDSTRASSE 2OA, CH€3OO ZUG/ SWITZERLAND |lll/[atl|l|lt|llrr Analytical flow chart of halogen content 1) NanEoftheperson whorEdefiEasurery€nt: RitaChen 2) Naneof thepersoninchargeof neasu.eBentt TroyChang Samplepretreatment / Separation Weighlingand puttingsanple in cell Oryg€nBombCo.rbustion / Absorption Dilution lo fixedvolurE Analysis wasperfomEdby lC 6G) Gnd ft6 r€' '@n 1.r'llll!. cdhF.y;1.r1f;nr..ll{r:,+rF:1i:-1:irl*ir;..J11i l.}!}1,-r:."r,r ny s6jed b G Gse6rcod ' o^s d s tu ekmic bmd @msnb suq €nnd b , ndb..qdudgcaplnfunwibd ! idsntrzongrdF.oloe.rdwdil ::hi Fr' frr lir:,,i4 r rMrorrs TestReport No.: CE/2010/C0094Datet2O1U1Z08 Page: 6of 7 POLYFILAG OBERALLMENDSTRASSE 2OA,CH63OOZUG/ SWITZERLAND tr]flttt!]||I|tIt] PBB/PBDE analyticalFLOWCHART 1) l.lanEof the personwho rEde dFasurefi€nt:RolIEnWong 2) t{afiE of the personin chargeof ryEasuaed€nt: T.oy Chang Firsttestingprocess-----' Optional screenprocess.--CodfinrEtionprocess - .> Screenamlysis V Sanpleextraction/ SoxhletfiEthod v ConcenlratdDilute E lrac€d solution Filter Analysisby GC/MS cdp.nyiJ,:r,i! l;ii ! rlftll::..ir;i rh3fuum*ttsE3uadb!lheconF rbr.otsadd€doi3u^6,bor. ;!n-1n /.!|.rJ, pr4t ladd Dc r6d rstsd cainor 6 rri,t.' r:1,]t!11i. ndbe.4ducdqcBpl nrlr iod Test Report No.: CE/2010C0094 Da'.e'.2O1042OAP a g e : 7 o f 7 POLYFILAG OBERALLMENDSTRASSE 2OA,CH€3OO ZUG/ SWITZERLANO I [tl |l|lt[t c0094 - Endof Repon" c @ p a i yi r t , l r i t iri r.rl,,tif;i';rl Th36umdts6suedbylhecdmp, : n . { : : l ' r l . P . . : - t\ ! r i /:,.:1iihf. cisdsbecmtsiysrnd'Bsa66|[email protected] .:I^ ri t:rkf,! | (,@rorze* r r s6orrDrr ww$!rm TestReport No.SHAEC1015632437 Page1 ofs Date:04 Nov2010 IIATERIAL CO.,LTD & BRAZING ASIAGENERAL SOLDERING ZHEJIANG CITY,ZHEJIANG,PROVINCE,CHINA PARK,SANDUN,HANGZHOU XIHUINDUSTRIAL SOLDER Thefollowingsample(s)was/lveresubmittedand identifiedon behalfof the clientsas : LEAD-FREE WIRE SGgJobNo.: ModelNo.: : Composition Dateof SampleReceived: TestingPedod: Test Requested: - SH sPl0-035815 YTWl02(69253$001,692s3s"002,69253t003) Sn2.oouRE TestMethod: Test Results: : Conclusion Pleasereferto nextpage(s). Pleasereferto nextpage(s). complywiththe samples, there6ults Basedontheperformed testsonsubmitted RoHSDireclive 2002/95/EC anditssubsequent amendments. 2SOd 2010 29 Oct2010- 02 Nov2010 Selectedtest(s)as requestedby client. Signedfor andon behalfof scs-csTcLtd. ,Qv Fan Jingjie,JJ Approved Signatory LamdL col.'||1t.h.14.,'o'rrroolrs'|r|.ddd.l.l dvlxdtu o1firdrrD||il!|l'ffud'bfu bEa4i.fu|ld'|o.!dlb.l|d tllfuru|ll|rtoderlsdjhdiCtr +I -I|.*trAl!ftaoltol+{l ,@3 al. r@ tE!EF-t)6tLdE3lE!€{l6rAFffir9 rlJ (l-2t)al402..a Htr{f"l)6affi, {*.ci.r..m . tFdr{em MrmD ol rh. 8G8otlur (8gs3A) T€stReport No. SHAEC1015632437 Date:04 Nov 2010 Pag€ 2 of 5 Test Results: Test PartDescriotion: Spedm€nNo, SGSSamdo lD Dosqlpdon I SHA10-156324.032 Silverymetalwire Remarks: (1)1 mg/kg=1 PPm=0.0001% (2) MDL= M€thodDetec{ion Limit (3)ND= NotDetecled ( < MoL) (4)"-"= 161P"nu,","o RoHSDll€ d\,€ 200295/EC TestMethod: Withrefercnce to IEC62321:2008 (1) Detednination of Cadmium by ICP-OES. (2) Determination of Leadby ICP-OES. (3)Determination of Mercury by ICP-OES. (4)Determination by Spottest/ Colorimetric MethodusingUV-Vis. of Hexavalent Chromium (5)Determination ofPBBS/ PBDES by GC-llS. Test ltem(s) Cadmium{Cd) Lead(Pb) Mercxry(Hg) Hexavalent Chromium(C l) Sumof PBBS Monobromobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl Tribromobiphenyl Tetrabromobiphenyl Pentabromobiphenyl Hexabromobiphenyl Heptabromobiphenyl Odabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Decabromobiph6nyl tt!i! ud! 100 1,000 mS/kS mgikg 1,0_00mslks 1,000 fig/Kg - mg/kg mgftg mgKg mgKg mg/Kg mgikg mg/kg mg/Kg mg/Kg mg/kg mg/kg 1,000 - sUM OI I.EUES ether I\ronobromodiphenyl mg/kg - p32 rrpl 2 2 2 o - N D 137 N D Negative N D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 . N N N N N N N N N N N D D O D D D D D D D D 5 N O rrbtu 'rhru.) bbr tltrlital|r&.,IilrLr$bCiaor. tFt.$.*Eattl6Er'|rttll 20@36 atM3 rErEFt)61160 rHf $-aFaosD l|j&{,FaN HL{!-a)61.qg usnb€rof$e SGSOo{, lSGgSA) TestReport No.SHAEC1015632437 Test ltem(s) Oibromodiphenyl ether Tribromodiphenyl ether Tetrab.omodiphenylether Pentabromodiphenyl ether H€xabromodiphenyl ether Heptabromodiphenyl ether Octabromodiphenyl ether Nonabromodiphenyl olhea Decabromodiphenyl elher ulit tjIi! mg/kS mgikS mg/kg mg/kg mdko mdkS mS/kS mS/kS mS/kS Date:04 Nov2010 Ma! 032 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Page 3 of 5 Notes: pemissiblelimitis quotedfromthedocument (1)Themaximum 2005/618/EC RoHSdireclive amending 2002J95tEC (2) spottesi: " Negative= Absenceof CrVlcoating,Positive= Presenceof CrVIcoating; Thetestedsampleshouldbefurthervgrif€d by boiling-wateF€xtraction methodif the spottest resultis Negative or cannotbeconfmed. o Boiling-wateFextraction: Negative= Absenceof CrVlcoating;Positive= Presenceof CrVlcoating Thedetected conc€ntration in boilang-wateFextraclion solution is equalor greaterthan0.02mg/kgwith 50 cm'sampleau.fac6area. protection Forcorrosion coatings on metalsrInfomation on stoEgeconditions andproduclion dateof thetesteds€mpleis unavailable andthusresultsof Cr(Vl)repres€nt statusof thesampleat thetimeof testing. .0.rnr..icldr ..ddhd@ hdud.r. f E n,c'ayt htrtrr.i.*bnadlmt|,f 'dlqdskbtrdb.ds|a n'it' fi# h br s nFdn,.l 'ry btu.hpr.t JtltE}5lcYrnbt!tub4snrdoh rF!..tl.mAlUrl!8ef3tt -Ehc4.ir'. -1rffii-tfE;66? ..r. rs.llrr |.bh.cn.d6tfl.doaddmi.rd rnlrlntuldnrodrrh.rin i.d.md*iot!.Qdb-d idhr .rbhd r$rddotnNc.".nr. tbbc. 2@39 art M IEIEF{l)0la6tElE(6+lFl66t9 tuFalalaozta it{E-sr}5asxt ffi.c.-4.m . slrt eqF6 {.m!.r otln. 8OSSroup(SOSS ) TestREport Date:04 Nov2010 No. SHAEC1015632437 Page4 of 5 ATTACHMENTS RoHSTestingFlowChart 1)Nameof thepersonwhomadete6ting: AllenXiad WesleyWei/AndyZhao/ElimLin 2) Nameof the porsonin chargeof testing:Jeff Zhang/George Xu/TracyYue 3) Thesesamplesw€redissoltedtotallyby preconditioninghethodaci:ordingto belowflow chart.(Cr6' andPBBS/PBDES testmethodexcluded) Pb/Cd/Hg PBB9IPBDES Acid digestionwith microwave/ hotplate ConcentratiorV Dilutionof extraction solution Heating to 90-95t for extraction 1)AlkaliFusion/ DryAshing 2) Acidto di86olve Adding 1,5diphenylcarbazide forcolor clevelopment }ft.qDibb!.d0,|l' ,cq@.!rLr5r|onrd F lht n6.hh 6 6r d.rd n. ctu nnrdtb k .dim. !.ffi h .$r'.i.)br. ttil4rt rliba[rr(.|Blrtra(llr t!..tl.lf8ltl68et9|1|l i nJ.ei'|fu..dMrth;AElm-'. Adding1,$ diphenylcadazade for color development A redcolor indicatesthe pre6ence of cf'. necessary, .ffiFFhFi6iil . 2dt$ ll:2@a rErEF?i)cra@rElf (&-2!!ss'D t*6a1lata4ta i|j{E-aEa6@ fr.n!.r otln. SOgorour(S0SSl) TestReport No.SHAEC1015632437 Date:04 Nov2010 Page5 of 5 Semplephoto: sHA10-156324.032 SGSauthenticatg the photoon originalreportonly '* "' Endof Report d6||wbBdn dest6turmrr.l.,de tlbdn,l'Erbr|rll|titidnorr +l -lja.trSfd||rFf9|tt ZO@33 l*2@33 lElcF-?ri61r@lE!€{l-AHtSt9 H!(n-al!1.@a rL0s-z!F€a!a E6rr.M .{.drrol.@ l|4n!.r ol tro SC qtulp (SOS&l) TEST REPORT APPLICA]fI: NiIVIBER: WUXHo0004395 SUZHOU FI'HONG ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIAL CO. , LTD NO. 89, WEN DU ROAD, WANG TINC TOWN,XIANG CHENG DISTRICT, SUZHOU,P. R. CHINA ATTTI: DENG 'fIANLONG DATE: MAR I'7, 2oaa SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: ONE(1)PIECE OF SUBMITTED SAMPLE SAID TO BE :SILVERY UETAL. ITEM NAME : FttSE COPPERSHALL. MATERTAL : BASE:COPPER.SURFACE:NICIGLPLATING. TESTS CONDUCTED: AS REQUESTED BY THE APPLICANT, FOR DETAILS REFER TO ATTACHED PAGE(S) TO BE CONTINUED PREPARED AND CHECIGD BY: FOR INTERTEK TESTING SERVICBS WUXI LTD. .]ESSICA LU GENERAL MANAGER IntertekTestingServlcesWuxiLtd. No3 .-ub€iRo.d.x shrn E6nmh o€€bpm.|n z!re wuxi214101, Ji.ngsuChina F.r +365103€200423 E,maitrtr3um6lgood.yd@inGnekom PAGE 1 OF 5 TEST REPORT NUMBER: WIXHo00 043 95 TESTS CONDUCTED (A) TEST RESULT SUMMARY: RESI'I.T TESTING ITEX (1) CADMIIIT"' (Cd) CONTENT (mg/kg) LEAD (Pb) CoNTENT (mg/kq) MERCURY (Hg) CONTENT (mg/kg) CHROMIUM (vI) (Cr"') RESULT (BY BOII,ING WATER EXTRACTION ON META]-) (mq/kq wrTH 5ocn') (A) ND ND ND ND TBST RESULT SUM}IARY: RBSI'!'T TBSTING ITEM (2) CADMIITM (cd) CoNIENT (mglkg) /PLATING LEAD (Pb) CONTENI (mg//kg) //PI,ATING ND ND MERCURY {Hg) CONIENT (mg/Kg) /PI.ATING ND CHROMII'M (VI) (Cr.*) RESULT (BY BOIIJING WATER EXTRACTION ON METAL) ND (mq/kq WITH 5 Ocm2) REMARK: Mg/Kg = MTLLTGRA.I{ PER KI],OGRAM = PPM mg/kg wrTH socm'? = Mrr,r,rGRAM PER KILOGRAM W1TH sO SQUARE CENTTMETER ND = NOT DETECTED # = THE RESULT IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. TESTED COMPONENTS: 1. BASE OF METAL. 2. ELECTROPI,ATED I,AYER. (B) RoHS REOUIREMEI'IT: RESTRICTBD SI'BATTIICES CADMTUM (Cd) I,IlIITS 0.019 {100 mqlkq) LEAD ( Pb) 0.lg (1000 mq,/kq) 0. 1C (1000 mq/ks) MERCI'RY (Hq) (Cr"') (vI 0 . 1 .t ( 1 0 0 0 n c / k q ) CHROMIUI4 ) THE ABOVE I,IMITS WERE OUOTED FROM 2OO2/95/EC AND AMENDMENT 2OO5/ 6T8 /EC FOR HOMOGENEOUSMATERIAL. TO BE CONT]NUED PAGE 2 o F 5 IntertekTestlngSeJvlcea WuxiLtd. Nd3 Fub.i Ro.d.X.han E@nomic ow.ropm..l Zon. Wuxi214101, Jia.g& Chin. F€x +36s1033200423 E-mailtrsuh.4oodirux @n @int€rt€k TEST REPORT NWBER: WUXH00004395 TESTS CONDUCTED (c) TEST METHOD: TBSTI}IG ITBM CADMII'M (Cd) CO}fTENT REPORTING TESTING I{EIHOD LIIllIT W]TH REFERENCETO IEC 62321 EDITION 1.0: 2008, BY ACID DIGESTTON AND DETERMINED BY ICP- 2 mg/kg oEs 7[ITH REFERENCE TO IEC 6232I EDITTON1.0: 2008, BY ACID DIGESTION AND DETERMINED BY ICP- I,EAD ( Pb) CONTENT 2 fttg/kg lEs MERCURY (Hg) CONTENT CHROMII]M (VI) (cr5t) CoNTBNT (FOR METAI,) IiTTH REFERENCE 'IO IEC 62324 EDITION 1.0: 2008, BY ACID DIGEST]ON AND DETERM]NED BY ICP OES WITH RBFERENCE 'IO IEC 62327 EDITION 1.0: 2008, BY BOILING WATER EXTRACT]ON AND DETERM]NED BY W.VIS SPECTROPHOTOMETER DATE SAMPLE RECEIIGD:MAR 11, 2011 TESTING PERIOD:MAR 11, 2011 TO MAR 16, 2 ng/kg WITH 5-ocm(IN TEST]NG SO],UTION) 2011 TO BE CONTINUED PAGE 3 o F 5 IntortekTestingServicesWuxlLtd. No3 Fub.i Ro* Xbhs E@nomlc OeE opn€rn&na wui 214101, Jign06u china +35 +36 Tel 51033214567 Fax 51033200423 E.m.il 6n.um€Eood3sul@int€rlok.@m TEST REPORT NUMBER:WtiXHo0004395 TESTS CONDUCTED (D ) MEASUREMEITIIFLOWCHART: (Vr )CONTENTS TEST FOR Cd/Pb/Hg/Cr REFERENCE STANDARD: IEC 52321- EDITION SA{PI,ING/GRINDING 1 20aa OR C'TTTIINC IIATERIAT, DIGEST EE MA](E UP $ITE DEIONIZED (ANN LUo,/FRED WAI.IG/AI,LY wAN) CHEMIST: fNoRGANlc REI,IARKS : *1: I,IST OF APPROPRIATE ACIDI MATERIAI, ACID ADDED FOR DIGESTION POLYMERS t{No3 llc1, HF, H2O' HrBOI METALS HNOr HC1 . HF H N O 3 , H C 1 ,H ' O ' , H B F 4 E],ECTRONICS 12: IF THE RESULT OF SPOT TEST IS POSITIIE, CHROMIIIMVI WOULD AS DETECTED. BE DETERMINED TO BE CONT]NUED PAGE 4 OF 5 Inte ek TestlngServicoaWuxi Ltd. Zon.. No.8Fub.i R@d xsh.n EonomicD€vdoomenl wui 21,1101, Ji.nss, Chin. E-mr: @nsum'so.ds.wur@r"rcrrck.m TBST REPORT NUMBER: Wtl-XHo0004395 TESTS CONDUCTED PHOTO END OF REPORT PAGE 5 OF 5 IntertekTestlng S.Nices Wuxi Ltd. No3 FubaiRo*. XbhanE@nomc o*Lormcil zoio wu!2r.1101,Jian$u China E-nair 6nsun.rcood3rdr@i^t€r1€k.6m +865103S21.1s67 TestReport No.SHAEC1018971802 Date:06Jan2011 Page1 of4 DONGGUANCIryXNHAI METALPRODUCTSCO.,LTD. 1STWEIMINROADHENGZENGAV,XINANCOI,/IMUNITY CHANGANTOWNDONGGUANCITY GUANGDONGPROVINCE Thefollowingsample(s)was/u/€resubmittedandidentifiedon behalfof the clienbas : FUSECAP - SH SGSJobNo.: sP10-043287 Dateof SampleReceived: TestingPeriod: TestRequested: TestMethod: 30Dec2010 30Dec2010 - 06Jan201'1 Selecledte6t(s)as requestedby dient. Pleas€€fer to nExtpage(s). TestResults: Pleasereferto nextpage(s). Signedfor and on behalfof SGgCSTCLtd. zQv'"^ Fan Jingjie,JJ Approved Signatory !e d,tr!!ffi bim ffiiriE b,riE n tr rd .tah{t hdrrd.D, f,n c6arM rn cal.rM ,n |' €16... n!.C..mrt ds|Ury fltrbl9n'.bxrilttlrdlOar +l '}|.ljE8ruft.el3+l d r.a.dtfrm..dodmnrtii o.d'ft d. l*M di.r 2@B ldG6.-I-dffiFifiEiii6-l ldG6.-ltd ib.n ar6ddrah@dEhcdF/r r.b r. c d rd ut! d.olmr.6 bbr.O].r, r. dqrgl d.n d d6!r hturroE6 hr'rrroE6 'l{rnon dhdmd coi'..ry $r6vdotm. coir *.or,'d . .Fd'|lo.r6 |I.mlor otihaSOSg|urD(soaSA) rErE&2rj6ra@rErEt64rt6n HL{t-a)d.l!s lt(l!a)6am TestReport No.SHAEC1018971802 Page2 of 4 Date:06 Jan 2011 Test ResultsI TestPartDesdiotion: Spo.ime||tlo. 1 SGSS plelD De6.ridion SHA1G189718.002 Silvermetal(base) Remarks: (1)1 mg/kg= 1 PPm=00001% (2) MDL= MelhodDetectionLimit (3) ND= NotD€tected( < MDL) (4)--" = NotRegulated RoHSDli€diw 200295/EC TestM€thod: Withr€ferenc€to IEC62321:2008 (1)Determin€tion of Cadmium by ICP-OES. (2) Determination of Leadby ICP-OES. (3) Deteminationof Merorryby ICP-OES. (4) Determination of Hexavalent Chromiumby Spottest/ Colorimetric MethodusingUV-Vis. Limit !d! UDt OA 100 ms/ks 2 N D Test ltem(s) (Cd) Cadmium Lead(Pb) Mercury(Hg) (CrVl) H€xavalent Chromium 1,000 1,000 ngfl(g mg/kg 2 2 O 1 5 N D Negative Notes: (1)Themaximum permissible RoHSdircctive limitis quotedfromthedocum€nt 200t618/ECamending 200z95tEC (2) spot'test: " Negative= Absenceof CrVlcoating,Positive= Presenceof CrVlcoating; methodif the spottest resultis Thetestedsampleshouldbefurtherverifedby boiling-wateFextraciion confirmed. Negativeor cannotbe . Boiling-water-extraction: Negative= Al6€nc€of Crvl coating;Positive= Presenceof CrVlcoating in boiling-wateFextraction solutionis equalor greaterthan0.02mg/kgwith The detectedconcentration 50 crn"samolesurfacearee. dateof on stoEgeconditionsand produc-tion Forconosionprotec-tion coatingson metals:Information andthusresultsof Cr(Vl)representstatusof the sampleat the timeof the testedsampleis unavailable testang. br.dMIn.!brrbcdDqitdbrro-dlsfl r!n. .rIryk @mqrrl€ t Ihr ra r'i.!rroD, ,n ln.Cmyt ri.hq.rcrnrl '.r'aorrtrrd.ud,litrtr *raoM||,it b4qd'i.||db(nniehte dh rhsl h s b..rd nirr6rt6h ttr$ri'rrnhtrirLrt$ndrlnr +1.I|.ltrgldrllr9l3tl the: F!t!ryrrr-.rrd.{trqlli{$!fr * ddl|lnr tldmdd'rl a! !.n9o.!'{d.r-tIntul, id ri.-th oo.r..r'. ii.hr ibhd qsbtsdrbrirldd nrMrrh.rilb.!rdr.|fisno.ii 6rr.(.)bb. 20@33 l*2@ rElE{6-a)fia!2161} IE!E(6{|FSA H.j6-21)i1a@s i{.:{F2l)6a6@ m.o.4..!6 . rFr*r0.Ntr (SGSSA) lr.m!.r oflnsSGSOroup SGS TestReport Date:06Jan2011 No.SHAEC1018971a02 Page3 of4 ATTACHMENTS RoHSTsstingFlowChart 1) Nameof lhe personwhomad€tosting: AllenXiac,WesleyWei/ AndyZhao xu 2) Nameof the pe6on in chargeof testing:JeffZhang/George w€redissolved methodaccording t5 belowflowafiad.(Cfl 3) Thesesampl€6 totallyby preconditioning test methodexcluded) 59mplePreparation SampleMeasurement PbtcdrHg Aciddigestionwith midowave/hotplate Positive Negative 1)AlkaliFusion / DryAshing 2) Acad to dissolve Adding1,& for diphenylcarbazide colordevelopment Adding1,5diphenylcarbazide for color development !b!a,b!! d dir in &r.d d* rytdddMdhdt .M t ,ndn o$r.l E n4b ooolffi h t n crdirtdrd|.. nir fidfrdoid r rF! tu4r{- h*dn rt oornm *4bb d$b 6.t!.nq d E[tEs6ar4!!99!!!!!4^|h&i n.rraidtu.4eddt'hi-466 dfi ffi GEEEiiF.nd-fr h. DE tuorr rd!! A aedcolorindicates ofcf'. thepresence lf necessary,confrm n nq]44!4!4 Eft cs,' -r|n6 r ni h nn,lnnsdrrh. d-L16'rbtu16!bl.)ar. f!lbrLtl| bd,ohillmrciotl +l .Il .trdldrlqD||efl l* zdzst 2@ lElC&r)614!!6glElE6-?lFaet9 Hro.2tlala@{ l{j{F-AFeEa a.4.!am . $dtroq6 Monlerolrt so8Gbup(sossa) TestReport No.SHAEC1018971802 Date:06 Jan 20 11 Pag€ 4 of 4 Sample photo: sHA10-189718.002 photoonoriginal SGSauthenticateth€ reportonly "' Endof Report"" rni dwLi 0b dd!!!!d I rrd !!Fd b b Gtqr cc'ar{slor5rr{ 'fu t 0r c4'E rFi|d odhr,.nr!i.d hn ddm,!{d ! rN $r codre n e*rs. Do*i.nr .r fir'Mrirnn ..o4nrir!, r6l6i--at6E a.sddrt d $.nr.. Adi.r.'.{tri *ffirr. rdidh.rl .6'ndfuc..\,dl'/.iidh!.{hhd dcir.'rr rild$r.fr, ,rt, ft.coteyl rlitCoMvl .r. urqxbll|Y drqxblftt FL alrbCrduc0ir orqmt!* id d ldroourtu-ch .n..t y!.rrndfub..rurffit rdshifi nan 4Ddo.d 3-rr h rdr,r&!6 @ dnn?6tbhrner.h,blc trtN,5t9l|Fed,{tu|lttsrdrorr +l..tit.ltrAltaqp$tl ll@ 20@33 IElEF-el)5ra@lEl€&ratrWll l|-{r-erl6ra029r l&{E-?r)a.@ ffi.6..{.d .Fdr€.Fd il.mborol lno8OSomur(8OSS ) TestReport No.SHAEC1018971801 Date: 06 Jan 201 1 Page1 ol4 DONGGUAN CIryXNHAI METALPRODUCTS CO,,LTD. 1STWEIMINROADHENGZENG AV.XINANCOMMUNITY CHANGAN TOWNDONGGUAN CITY PROVINCE GUANGDONG Thefollowingsample(s)was/w€rosubmitledandidentifedon behalfof theclientsas : FUSECAP - SH sP10-043287 30Dec2010 30Dec20'10- 06Jan2011 Selectedtest(r)as requestedby di6r(. Pleas€referto nextpage(s). Pleasereferto nextpage(s). SGSJobNo.: Dateof SampleReceived: TestjngPeriod: TestRequested: TestMethod: TestResults: Signedforandon behalfof SGgCSTCLtd. ,23r"- FanJingjie,JJ Approved Signatory q!.adKFh.nrlE/'iw.d.mrffi r&dudrr.!dar rhG..rFnrrq.dt b o-nrc6add d !.nr..rdi!i &*t .'firbd lrod,Blrlp!*h@n6 r..|!,fi-il|lrF.h{ hfi da 6. c4,/r d.o- ortrb &, r......r h 6Mr..id h h.0.rrd6 d{hd Fnde L{fl l|ld|fu, ,r. ?nCqrjrr Eraxr!'5tur'il..randl d. rr..Foliy ht (.cl|'n .r illF.! rd.[rrrdr elr rE r.r.d|{dstrrb.rnt &dd ai.l !.rs!d!.d.st h tull,,rorllt r.!d 5r(,.e. ryted*te ri.i{ti. 6'i-r' tr@ird?:rMb * dn d#*rrbnr$rqr)'!.. flr-rqlrilrr.drlf,u6 ri-drDrr.tonldrrarlltv'iorr f l..Li.ttrAl||ll0!g||otl 20063 ll:2(@3 l€!E{6-a)i|10aatEE@?t)6*sr9 iL&r!fi@r H.;{+n)t& rd ondtnt idhF .rb.hd M.6r{.d . rFdno+6 l|mb!. or0|oSCSSroup(SGgSA) Test R€port No. SHAECl018971801 Date:06 Jan 2011 Page 2 of 4 TestResults: TestPartDescription: SpednsrNo. SGSSandelD Ds6cdpdon 1 SHA10-1897'18.001 Silvormetal(pleting) Remarks: (1)1 mgikg=1 PPm=0.0001% (2) MDL= MethodDetectionLimit (3)ND= NotDetected ( < MDL) '-" (4) = NotRegulaled Rol{S DNl€Jve 2d}2/95/EC TestMethod: (1)lEC62321:2008 application of modilied digestion bysurfaceetcfiing forCadmium, Leadand Mercury.analysisby ICP-OES (2)Wthreferenceto IEC62321:2008 for HexavalertChromiumby spottest/ ColorimehicMethod. Test ltem(s) Lead(Pb) Cadmium(Cd) Mercury(Hg) (CrVl) Hexavalent Chromium !!d! ud! 1,000 10O 1,000 mg/kg mgikS mg/kg MDt 0p1 10 10 10 o ND ND ND Negative Notos: permissible (1)Themaximum limitis quotedfromthedocument 2005/618/EC amending RoHSdirective 2002,9stEc (2) spot-lest: " Negalive= Abs€nc€of CrVlcoating,Positive= Presenceof CrVlcoatingi Thetestgdsampleshouldbe furtherverifedby boiling-wateFextraction methodif the spottest resultis Negativeor cannotb€ confirmed. o Boiling-water-extraction: Negative= Absenceof CrVlcoatjng;Positive= Presenceof CrVlcoating Thedetectedconcentration in boiling-waterextraction solutionis equalor greaterthan0.02mg/kgwith 50 cm2samplesurfacearea. eunr.iMIl 6bb.nrd nJtr6rtb tu MDr.(.)bbd fi&rntrl bdea|r.4ltfiOri +l .-tl .lf6ltftnq|{|l l l|: . 2@B z@r t EIE(S-ti) 614@563 lE|EFllFaA6tl Hl''{E-a}a(@a Hi{l-A)aeKl me..e.m . $.dli{s@ M.mbd ol lno SOSO|uD (SOSSA) TestReport No.SHAEC'1018971801 Date:06Jan2011 Page3 of4 ATTACHMENTS PlatlngPb/Cd/HgrcreTestingFlowChart 1 )Nam€of the pe6on who madete€ting:Wesley Wei 2) Name of the person in charge of testing: Jeff Zhang Acidwashingof platinglayer Precisely weighing sampleafteracid wasnrng Adding 1,$ diphenYcarbazide for colordevelopment A redcolorindic€les the presenceof cr8t. lf necess€ry,confirm [email protected]!l.cbr.oi-rcdire.rrrtiornftd.!nn,st!r.dds.{did{bl.n *ftdc dm doi..6,rqdr.Tmr !bd,b rt c.draF b ELdurr. oo&mr d *$.ffim.4.!'td t'lltt itYtudlln Fl..t'l.l[At|I|li30tstl lhb,lj.idijoir z!@3t ll:2@ rEtEF{t)611@ IE|E&a)6g3tD r* Fala!402!04 i&ln-all5,LlB (saNlS } {.rDorofDo SOgC|ouD TestRepon No.SHAECl01897'l801 Date:06Jan2011 Page4 of 4 Samplephoto: sHA10-189718.001 photoonoriginal SGSauthenticatethe reportonly '*' Endof Repon'* arF |. |l oMrccld{{. GqF o'lnv* e'-d,-!td6 16..r c.dh r. €r*l d|lffirsa.th.ah6 & |dh.i.'., ,h, ,rr, lt collFyt d$hnrt .!ro$dl rl r'6r.i.D, CoMvl rndoa|(r|..t ucd0rr$t ctn rrb h t'lr.Er$.dl|rbEn|tidt Tl .ll.if,Ellrla€r9lor+t o.ffi a ns.dtffi .r. .r. dFdSll|' dBdSlli |5Db(.)bb. daorr ll .tur.tu. 6di.d h.d dn;i-filffiFFhEtml dl6 h c4n/. iblrc|rrxcr$coqdrd-.drodr.rrd.ibrtudm nrrldrod"Dlhn .drEdrnr tdht dhhd . 2@3 2d!A, rE E(6-21)ita0?!50 tEt€(6-AF$St Hr{i-al6 @. rr(6-2rF@ ||r.!!..!rcoh . sd*re.rs M.mborol0ro SOaOroup lgog S ) Test Report Applicant: Number : TWNC00189732 Littelfuse, Philippines Inc. LIMA Technology Center, Lipa City, Malvar, Batangas Date : Jan 26, 2011 Sample Description: One (1) group of submitted samples said to be : Part Description : Element (Cu CDA 102 Sn Plated) Part Number : 082418-001 Date Sample Received : Jan 21, 2011 Date Test Started : Jan 21, 2011 Test Conducted : As requested by the applicant, for details please refer to attached pages. Authorized By: On Behalf Of Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Limited K. Y. Liang Director This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. Page 1 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00189732 Test Conducted (Ⅰ) Test Result Summary : Testing Item Heavy Metal Cadmium (Cd) content Lead (Pb) content Mercury (Hg) content Chromium VI (Cr6+) content (mg/kg with 50cm2) Result (ppm) Silvery Metal Thread ND ND ND Negative (< 0.02) Remarks: ppm = Parts per million based on weight of tested sample = mg/kg ND = Not detected < = Less than mg/kg with 50cm2 = milligram per kilogram with 50 square centimetre Negative = A negative test result indicated positive observation was not found at the time of testing. Responsibility Of Chemist : Irene Chiou / Kevin Liu / Cathy Chen Date Sample Received Testing Period : Jan 21, 2011 : Jan 21, 2011 To Jan 21, 2011 (Ⅱ) RoHS Requirement: Restricted Substances Cadmium (Cd) Content Lead (Pb) Content Mercury (Hg) Content Chromium VI (Cr6+) Content Limits 0.01% (100ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) The above limits were quoted from 2002/95/EC and amendment 2005/618/EC for homogeneous material. Page 2 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00189732 Test Conducted (Ⅲ) Test Method: Testing Item Cadmium (Cd) content Lead (Pb) content Mercury (Hg) content Chromium VI (Cr6+) content Testing Method With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 7, by microwave digestion until the tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex B, by boiling water extraction and determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Reporting Limit 2 ppm 2 ppm 2 ppm 0.02 mg/kg with 50cm2 Remark: Reporting limit = Quantitation limit of analyte in sample Page 3 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00189732 Test Conducted (Ⅳ) Measurement Flowchart: Test For Cd/Pb/Hg/Chromium (VI) Reference Standard:IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 Sampling/grinding or cutting Cd/Pb/Hg Cr Polymers / Electronics Metal For different material, digest the sample with *1 appropriate acid By spot test Negative Confirm the tested samples are totally dissolved Make up with deionized water 6+ *2 Weigh sample and add alkaline solution Get 50cm2 sample Definite temp. extraction Boiling water extraction Cool and filter the extract Analyzed by ICP-OES Make up with deionized water and add diphenylcarbazide solution Analyzed by UV-VIS Remarks: *1: List Of Appropriate Acid: Material Polymers Metals Electronics Acid Added For Digestion HNO3,HCl,HF,H2O2,H3BO3 HNO3,HCl,HF HNO3,HCl,H2O2,HBF4 *2: If the result of spot test is positive, Chromium VI would be determined as detected. End Of Report Page 4 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Number : TWNC00189732 Test Conducted Photo Page 5 Of 5 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd. 8F., No. 423, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu District, Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C. 全國公證檢驗股份有限公司 114 台北市內湖區瑞光路 423 號 8 樓 Tel: (+886-2) 6602-2888.2797-8885 Fax: (+886-2) 6602-2400.6602-2401 Intertek Testing Services Ltd., Shanghai TFH Division Block B, Jinling Business Square,No.801 Yi Shan Road, Shanghai, China, 200233 Tel: +86 21 6120 6565 Fax: +86 21 6127 9740 www.intertek.com www.intertek.com.cn China Toll-Free: 800 999 1338 TEST REPORT APPLICANT: LITTELFUSE,INC. 800 E. NORTHWEST HWY ATTN: A. CESISTA/ K. BACILA NUMBER: SHAH00251051 DATE: APR 13, 2011 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: One(1) submitted sample said to be White yarn. Part Description : Yarn. Part Number : 648106-001. Date Sample Received : Apr.7, 2011. Date Test Started : Apr.7, 2011. *********************************************************************** TESTS CONDUCTED: AS REQUESTED BY THE APPLICANT, FOR DETAILS REFER TO ATTACHED PAGE(S) *********************************************************************** TO BE CONTINUED PREPARED AND CHECKED BY: FOR INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES LTD., SHANGHAI AUTHORIZED BY: FOR INTERTEK TESTING SERVICES LTD., SHANGHAI MYRA LV CHEMICAL LAB SENIOR MANAGER STEPHEN TSANG GENERAL MANAGER PAGE 1 OF 8 Intertek Testing Services Ltd., Shanghai TFH Division Block B, Jinling Business Square,No.801 Yi Shan Road, Shanghai, China, 200233 Tel: +86 21 6120 6565 Fax: +86 21 6127 9740 www.intertek.com www.intertek.com.cn China Toll-Free: 800 999 1338 TEST REPORT NUMBER: SHAH00251051 TESTS CONDUCTED (I) Test Result Summary : Result (ppm) Testing Item Heavy Metal Cadmium (Cd) content ND Lead (Pb) content ND Mercury (Hg) content ND Chromium VI (Cr6+) content ND Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) Monobrominated Biphenyls (MonoBB) ND Dibrominated Biphenyls (DiBB) ND Tribrominated Biphenyls (TriBB) ND Tetrabrominated Biphenyls (TetraBB) ND Pentabrominated Biphenyls (PentaBB) ND Hexabrominated Biphenyls (HexaBB) ND Heptabrominated Biphenyls (HeptaBB) ND Octabrominated Biphenyls (OctaBB) ND Nonabrominated Biphenyls (NonaBB) ND Decabrominated Biphenyl (DecaBB) ND Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) Monobrominated Diphenyl Ethers (MonoBDE) ND Dibrominated Diphenyl Ethers (DiBDE) ND Tribrominated Diphenyl Ethers (TriBDE) ND Tetrabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (TetraBDE) ND Pentabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PentaBDE) ND Hexabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (HexaBDE) ND Heptabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (HeptaBDE) ND Octabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (OctaBDE) ND Nonabrominated Diphenyl Ethers (NonaBDE) ND Decabrominated Diphenyl Ether (DecaBDE) ND *********************************************************************** TO BE CONTINUED PAGE 2 OF 8 Intertek Testing Services Ltd., Shanghai TFH Division Block B, Jinling Business Square,No.801 Yi Shan Road, Shanghai, China, 200233 Tel: +86 21 6120 6565 Fax: +86 21 6127 9740 www.intertek.com www.intertek.com.cn China Toll-Free: 800 999 1338 TEST REPORT NUMBER: SHAH00251051 TESTS CONDUCTED Testing Item Halogen Content Fluorine (F) Chlorine (Cl) Bromine (Br) Iodine (I) Result (ppm) ND ND ND ND Remarks: ppm = Parts per million = mg/kg ND = Not detected Responsibility Of Chemist : Dent Fang / Ken He (II) RoHS Requirement: Restricted Substances Cadmium (Cd) Content Lead (Pb) Content Mercury (Hg) Content Chromium VI (Cr6+) Content Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ehters (PBDEs) Limits 0.01% (100ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) 0.1% (1000ppm) The above limits were quoted from 2002/95/EC and amendment 2005/618/EC for homogeneous material. *********************************************************************** TO BE CONTINUED PAGE 3 OF 8 Intertek Testing Services Ltd., Shanghai TFH Division Block B, Jinling Business Square,No.801 Yi Shan Road, Shanghai, China, 200233 Tel: +86 21 6120 6565 Fax: +86 21 6127 9740 www.intertek.com www.intertek.com.cn China Toll-Free: 800 999 1338 TEST REPORT NUMBER: SHAH00251051 TESTS CONDUCTED (III) Test Method: Testing Item Testing Method Reporting Limit With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by Cadmium (Cd) microwave digestion until the 2 ppm content tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICPOES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 8/9/10, by digestion until the Lead (Pb) content microwave 2 ppm tested samples are totally dissolved and determined by ICPOES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in clause 7, by microwave Mercury (Hg) digestion until the tested samples 2 ppm content are totally dissolved and determined by ICP-OES. With reference to IEC 62321 edition Chromium VI (Cr6+) 1.0:2008 in annex C, by alkaline 1 ppm content digestion and determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometer. With reference to IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 in annex A, by solvent Polybrominated and determined by GC-MSD 5 ppm Biphenyls (PBBs) extraction and further HPLC confirmation when necessary. With reference to IEC 62321 edition Polybrominated 1.0:2008 in annex A, by solvent Diphenyl Ethers extraction and determined by GC-MSD 5 ppm (PBDEs) and further HPLC confirmation when necessary. With reference to EN 14582:2007 by Halogen Content 50 ppm combustion flask with oxygen and determined by ion chromatography Remark: Reporting limit = Quantitation limit of analyte in sample Date Sample Received : APR.7, 2011 Testing Period : APR.7, 2011 TO APR.11, 2011 *********************************************************************** TO BE CONTINUED PAGE 4 OF 8 Intertek Testing Services Ltd., Shanghai TFH Division Block B, Jinling Business Square,No.801 Yi Shan Road, Shanghai, China, 200233 Tel: +86 21 6120 6565 Fax: +86 21 6127 9740 www.intertek.com www.intertek.com.cn China Toll-Free: 800 999 1338 TEST REPORT NUMBER: SHAH00251051 TESTS CONDUCTED (IV) Measurement Flowchart: Test For Cd/Pb/Hg/Chromium (VI)/PBBs/PBDEs Contents Reference Standard: IEC 62321 edition 1.0:2008 sampling/grinding or cutting Cr6+ Cd/Pb/Hg metal weigh sample and for different material, digest the sample with confirm the tested samples are totally dissolved spot test negative*2 No polymers / electronics weigh sample and add alkaline solution get 50cm2 samples definite temp. boiling water extraction cool and filter the extract PBBs/PBDEs weigh sample and add organic soxhlet extraction or solvent extraction make up with deionized water analyzed by ICP-OES make up with deionized water and add diphenylcarbazide solution concentrate the extract and make up with organic analyzed by GCMSD analyzed by UV-VIS *********************************************************************** TO BE CONTINUED PAGE 5 OF 8 Intertek Testing Services Ltd., Shanghai TFH Division Block B, Jinling Business Square,No.801 Yi Shan Road, Shanghai, China, 200233 Tel: +86 21 6120 6565 Fax: +86 21 6127 9740 www.intertek.com www.intertek.com.cn China Toll-Free: 800 999 1338 TEST REPORT NUMBER: SHAH00251051 TESTS CONDUCTED REMARKS: *1: List of appropriate acid: Material Acid added for digestion Polymers HNO3,HCl,HF,H2O2,H3BO3 Metals HNO3,HCl,HF Electronics HNO3,HCl,H2O2,HBF4 *2: If the result of spot test is positive, Chromium VI would be determined as detected. *********************************************************************** TO BE CONTINUED PAGE 6 OF 8 Intertek Testing Services Ltd., Shanghai TFH Division Block B, Jinling Business Square,No.801 Yi Shan Road, Shanghai, China, 200233 Tel: +86 21 6120 6565 Fax: +86 21 6127 9740 www.intertek.com www.intertek.com.cn China Toll-Free: 800 999 1338 TEST REPORT NUMBER: SHAH00251051 TESTS CONDUCTED Test For Halogen Content Reference Standard: EN 14582 sampling/grinding or cutting add absorbent in a combustion flask & place weighed sample in equipment fill the combustion flask with oxygen ignite then leave the flask at room temperature transfer the absorbent into a volumetric flask make up with deionized water analyzed by ion chromatography *********************************************************************** TO BE CONTINUED PAGE 7 OF 8 Intertek Testing Services Ltd., Shanghai TFH Division Block B, Jinling Business Square,No.801 Yi Shan Road, Shanghai, China, 200233 Tel: +86 21 6120 6565 Fax: +86 21 6127 9740 www.intertek.com www.intertek.com.cn China Toll-Free: 800 999 1338 TEST REPORT NUMBER: SHAH00251051 TESTS CONDUCTED *********************************************************************** END OF REPORT PAGE 8 OF 8 Test Report D a t e : J U 1 0 1 , 2 0 1 0 Page1 oJ 4 No.:G21006071499/CHEM ELEMENTCO,,LTD XIAMENLICHUNELECTRONIC 42.2XINGLINWEST RD,361022JIMEIDISTRICT, XIAMEN,FUJIANP.R.C The followingsample(s)was^/vere submjttedand identitiedon behallof lhe applicantas 1R&4HtEfi€ xM12594739EC SGSJob No. SGS InlemalReferenceNo. ClientReferenceInlormation BOS|glasstube Dateof SampleReceived : JUN28, 2010 TestingPeriod : JUN28,2010TOJUL01,2010 Tesl Request€d Selectedlest (s)as reqlestedby client. Test Method Pleaserelerto nextpage(s). TestResult(s) Please referlo nextpage(s). Conclusion sample(s), theresultscomply Basedontheperformed testsonsubmitled amendments. withtheRoHSDirecve 2002/9tECandilssubsequenl Signedtor and on behallol scs-csrc Ltd. Manson Yang ApprovedSignatory tdd||{..|'||'.d!.!' ,rrbtui.hb4o.nFrc.|fuct.etrtd..J !.|..' b rf,q d (.er bd &-.n ;..;;iii;-;;i.#i;';;; :fi b.ei. c6Er oGd d r*.d(ddE*r i r4t!t@q!! '-.s rFbcrrd fi *i;i{i.d-bry6d5.f i li;;.;;;;i;fiiooioi'rod;ai;artit'iorf,or*"rvrso*cot ala ldho.trldlrdtDgul+a.&6 fr .,-{.ttlltitaf+tilrrrrarl al trffi ?!q!1 .!. n!9{rE!!11.tt!ll-X-1114 darts I(..altn66a6 |Fo@tElr! ' r'dtra{'6 I F{q321sd I F{qidElll ra.ria.iolt' sOSGl!1D{S€gSA) Test Report No.:G21006071499/CHEM Date:JUL 01, 2010 Page2 ol TestResults: glasstube Description lor sp€cimen 1 : Transparent RoHS Olrecllve 2(x)2/95/EC Test ltem(s) (Cd) Cadmaum Lead(Pb) lrercury(Hg) HexavalentChromium(CrVl)by alkalineextraction Unit Test Method(Relerence) Result MDL Limil m9/kS IEC62321:2008,ICP-OES IEC62321:2008,ICP-OES IEC62321:2008,ICP-OES N.O. N.D. N,D. 2 2 2 100 1000 1000 IEC62321:2008, UV-Vis N.D. 2 1000 ms4(g MEKg mgK9 mg/kg Monobromobiphenyl Dibromobiphenyl T bromobiphenyl Tetrabromobiphenyl Pentabromobiphenyl Hexabromobiphenyl Heptabromobiphenyl Octabromobiphenyl Nonabromobiphenyl Dgcabromobiphenyl msfts Monobromodiphenyl €ther ether Dibromodiphenyl Tdbromodiphenyl elher ether TetEbromodiphenyl Pentabromodiphenyl ether Hoxabromodiphenyl ether ether Heptabromodiphenyl ether Octabromodiphenyl Nonabromodiph€nyl ether Decabromodiphenyl ether m9Kg mgKg m9Kg mg/kg mdkg IEC62321:2008, GC-MS IEC62321:2008, GC'MS IEC62321:2008, GC-MS IEC62321r2008,GC-[,|S IEC62321:2008,GC-MS IEC62321:2008, GC-MS IEC62321:2008, GC-MS IEC62321:2008, GC-MS IEC62321:2008,GC-IIS IEC62321:2008,GC-MS m[yKg MEKg mgKg m!/Kg mS/kS ms4(s mgKg MEKg mg/Kg msfts IEC62321:2008, GC-MS IEC62321:2008,GC-I.I|S IEC62321:2008,GC-[/S IEC62321:2008,GC-MS IEC62321:2008, GC-MS IEC62321:2008, GC-MS IEC62321:2008, GC-MS IEC62321:2008,GC-[,,S IEC62321:2008,GC-MS IEC62321:2008, GC'MS mdks MEKg mg/Kg mdks msfts 1000 N,D. N,D. N.D. N.D, N.D. N.D. N.D. N.D, N.D, N.D. N,D. N,D, N.D. N.D, N.D. N,D. N.D, N.D, N.D, N.D. N,D. N.D, 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 - 1000 5 5 5 5 5 5 Note: 1. nE/kg = ppm 2. N.D.= Not Detected(< MDL) 3. MDL- MethodDetectionLimit 4. "-' = Not regulated rnt4!!4t-*!d-6--!-!d!l]g nr-r.&l!-ss* t I ffiJ"Tf':,s.ffi "i,*#ffiE$#3fisE 1ffi Hffi s;ffi C*e;'r":g E#::,ffit iE;;;;a;-r;E;ha-;n;;d;6aaElr-.Ei-''-i'-cryi'r" rnii4,tr -'FirI'.bEcdddd!*"!!'d!!!t!.9!!!!1:j: ;E;i-i;dan'i; ;;;;na'lab-;;;;;.,r.,iiti.rtca.!,5i'darg s|b ffi hd.dnrd'...r6rtbhrie{r)dd tl-artdtrasrt-llqbdHhFp. ii.ii .ira*ire*|lrirt*+ d6 rt:.tc | {&ola$6s6 I &lq&@ltl d 6'*6 t F-rqiers i 6.olrrollrr I ''d*rtoo Mrin!.r ol6. s€S G@, {SCss ) Tesl Report No.:G21006071499/CHEM Dale: JUL01,2010 Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENTS RoHSTestlng Flow Chart 1) Nameof the personwho madetesting:BellaWang/ CuteyYu / RossZhan 2) Nameol the personin chargeof testing:AdamsYu / RyanYang 3) Thes€ sampleswere dissolvedtotally by pre-conditioningmethodaccordingto belowflow chart (Cr6+and PBBS/PBDES testmethodexcluded). Ptr/CdiHg PBBSiPBDES Negative Heatingto 90-95'C for €nlactiOn 1) AlkaliFusion/ DryAshing 2) Acid to dissolve Addingl,t diphenylcarbazide Adding1,$ diphenylcalbazide for color development indicaleslhe presenceof cp., lf rr.tn*srteFlE fl.rf-t,'tf*nlEftlltllrc|l rrto.4d0q0rFo.. 6idtl r patal3s r lFlqels ll616 *.a'96 | &2q&t ! t I P.4q&dgl!! . e.cr{so s66b.roli. scs ordD (sos s ) Test Beport No.:Gz1006071499/CHEM Date:JU101,2010 Page4 ol 4 Samplephoto : SGSauthenticate the photoon originalreportonly *" End of Report*" tr*d.rd ndegth rhccri,.ldo t{.6-lddb hr*c*.t i.or.rrccs.ic..ri..rdd;-.*-q.d lli.. drE 3.d drc6 16 rhca-rr ocd.hrr*q.&4Eh dD.n|Elllr rffiilil-i-b $. ru d hcqG...'l4..Lhd d. n r...a{ 'i.fu.dbt!,...44 rr-lrdfr l.i-lElq.elFh ,it.rit.ltll*f,ia*t{till.|l tt6 tt:516 tu+a I F{Oar5!6 | Gaq@$$ . 9drcr6 r {l.lq61tr I Fiq466 {o.s.r ol oi sOgGtuD (scs s )