Z302 BV 20327 www.vishay.com Vishay Draloric Axial Cemented, Fusible, Wirewound Resistors FEATURES • Can operate as both a normal resistor and as a fuse • Fuses when overloaded by more than 100 times the rated power • Ceramic core • Non flammable cement coating • Mainly designed to customer requirements • Pure tin plating provides compatibility with lead (Pb)-free and lead containing soldering processes • Material categorization: For definitions of compliance please see www.vishay.com/doc?99912 STANDARD ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS GLOBAL MODEL POWER TOLERANCE HISTORICAL RATING STANDARD (MAX.) MODEL P40 °C ±% W (MAX.) Z3020414 Z302 BV 20327 3 RESISTANCE TEMP. RANGE (1) COEF. NOMINAL (TYP.) (TYP.) ppm/°C 5, 10 15 MAX. MAX. PERMISSIBLE FUSING PEAK PEAK I2 x T VALUE (3) I2 x T VALUE (3) ENERGY (1) POWER (2) AT 40 °C AT 40 °C A2s (MIN.) A2s (MIN.) Ws (MAX.) W (MAX.) 100 to 180 1.07 1875 0.07 0.27 Notes (1) Ambient temperature = 23 °C (2) Ambient temperature = 40 °C (3) Ambient temperature = 100 °C CHARACTERISTICS OF FUSIBLE RESISTORS Fusible resistors are capable of acting as both a regular resistor and as a fuse when abnormal current comes in. Since the two functions are performed by only one component the cost is lower. The Z302 BV 20327 fuses when overloaded at more than 100 times the rated power. In line-powered devices, these fusible resistors can be used to act as a fuse when malfunction occurs and line voltage drops across the resistor. To prevent flames or explosion when fusing, the device has an inflammable construction with high dielectric strength. After fusing the resistance value will be more than 100 k to realize sufficient circuit break. The components are mainly designed specifically to customer requirements. APPLICATIONS FOR FUSIBLE RESISTORS • Power supplies • Energy saving lamps • Battery charges GLOBAL PART NUMBER INFORMATION New Global Part Numbering: Z32041441509JD2FON (preferred part numbering format) Z MODEL Z302 3 2 0 4 TCR/MATERIAL 4 = SWI (special winding) 1 4 4 VALUE 3 digit value 1 digit multiplier MULTIPLIER 9 = *10-1 1 5 0 9 J D 2 TOLERANCE CODE PACKAGING J = ± 5.0 % (See Packaging table) K = ± 10.0 % F O N SPECIAL The 5 digit BV number will be encoded using a 36 character code. This code contains numbers 0...9 and letters A...Z (36 characters total and allows to encode at least 46.655 five digit BV numbers. 000 = Standard Historical Part Number Example: Z302 SWI 15R 10 % R2 G53 (will continue to be accepted) Z302 SWI 15R 10 % R2 G53 HISTORICAL MODEL TCR/MATERIAL VALUE TOLERANCE CODE PACKAGING Revision: 21-Sep-12 Document Number: 21020 1 For technical questions, contact: ww1resistors@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 Z302 BV 20327 www.vishay.com Vishay Draloric PACKAGING TABLE DRALORIC LEGACY SAP D2 PACKAGING 2 DIGITS R2 G53 Reel pack tape 53 mm, 2000 pieces Z302 BV 20327 DIMENSIONS Dmin. DIMENSIONS in millimeters [inches] WEIGHT (g) A B C DMIN. MODEL A Z302 BV 20327 13 4.8 0.8 53 ± 1 [0.512] [0.189] [0.31] [2.087 ± 0.039] 0.8 typical C B PERFORMANCE TEST TEST RESULTS Load Life, 12 000 h ± 3 % R Vibration ± 1 % R ± 1 % R Resistance to Soldering Heat ± 1 % R PULSE POWER IN W Shock 10 000 P40 Iimp max. = 3W = 25 x I40 1000 100 10 1 10- 4 10- 3 10- 2 10- 1 1 10 100 PULSE DURATION TIME ti IN s 120 TEMPERATURE RISE IN °C RATED POWER IN % Pulse performance for single square pulses at 40 °C 100 80 60 40 300 Z302 200 100 20 0 - 55 Derating 0 50 40 Revision: 21-Sep-12 150 250 350 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE IN °C 0 1 Temperature Rise 2 3 4 5 POWER IN W Document Number: 21020 2 For technical questions, contact: ww1resistors@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000 Legal Disclaimer Notice www.vishay.com Vishay Disclaimer ALL PRODUCT, PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product. Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability. Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay’s knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer’s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and/or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein. Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Material Category Policy Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. hereby certifies that all its products that are identified as RoHS-Compliant fulfill the definitions and restrictions defined under Directive 2011/65/EU of The European Parliament and of the Council of June 8, 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) - recast, unless otherwise specified as non-compliant. Please note that some Vishay documentation may still make reference to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC. We confirm that all the products identified as being compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC conform to Directive 2011/65/EU. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. hereby certifies that all its products that are identified as Halogen-Free follow Halogen-Free requirements as per JEDEC JS709A standards. Please note that some Vishay documentation may still make reference to the IEC 61249-2-21 definition. We confirm that all the products identified as being compliant to IEC 61249-2-21 conform to JEDEC JS709A standards. Revision: 02-Oct-12 1 Document Number: 91000