Si87xx OptoComp EVB UG Si87 XX LE D E MULATOR I NPUT I SOLATOR VS . O PTO C OMPA RISON E VALUATION B OAR D U SER ’ S G UIDE 1. Introduction The Si87xx isolator vs. opto-comparison evaluation board allows designers to evaluate Silicon Lab's family of CMOS based LED Emulator Input isolators and simultaneously compare an optocoupler with the same input signal and load. The Si87xx isolators are pin-compatible, single-channel, drop-in replacements for popular optocouplers with data rates up to 15 Mbps. These devices isolate high-speed signals and offer performance, reliability, and flexibility advantages not available with optocoupler solutions. The Si87xx series is based on Silicon Labs' proprietary CMOS isolation technology for low-power and high-speed operation and are resistant to the wear-out effects found in optocouplers that degrade performance with increasing temperature, forward current, and device age. As a result, the Si87xx series offer longer service life and dramatically higher reliability compared to optocouplers. Ordering options for the family include open collector output with or without integrated pull-up resistor or with an output enable pin. For more information on configuring the isolator itself, see the Si87xx product data sheet and as well as application notes “AN681: Using the Si87xx Family of Digital Isolators” and “AN729: Replacing Traditional Optocouplers with Si87xx Digital Isolators”. 1.1. Kit Contents The Si87xx OptoComp Evaluation Kit contains the following items: Si87xx Si87xx Si8710 based evaluation board as shown in Figure 1. LED Emulator Input isolator (installed on the evaluation board) (DIP8) Optocoupler (installed on the evaluation board) Figure 1. Si87xx Isolator vs. Opto Comparison Evaluation Board Overview Rev. 0.1 4/13 Copyright © 2013 by Silicon Laboratories Si87xx OptoComp EVB UG Si87xx OptoComp EVB UG 2. Required Equipment The following equipment is required to demonstrate the evaluation board: 1 digital multimeter multimeter test leads (red and black) 1 oscilloscope (Tektronix TDS 2024B or equivalent) 2 dc power supplies (HP6024A, 30 V dc, 0–100 mA or equivalent) 1 function generator (Agilent 33220A, 20 MHz or equivalent) 1 BNC splitter 4 coaxial cables 2 BNC to clip converters (red and black) 4 Banana to clip wires (red and black) Si87xx OptoComp Evaluation Board (board under test) Si87xx LED Emulator Input Isolator vs. Opto Comparison Evaluation Board User's Guide (this document) 2 2 Rev. 0.1 Si87xx OptoComp EVB UG 3. Hardware Overview and Demo Figure 2 illustrates the connection diagram to demonstrate the Si87xxOptoComp-EVB. This demo simultaneously transmits a 500 kHz (5 V peak, 50 percent duty cycle) square wave through the Si87xx isolator and the optocoupler to their outputs (Vo). In this example, VDD1 is powered from 5V and VDD2 is powered by a 15 V supply. The external digital input signal is buffered and fed into the inputs of both devices while the output signals are observed on an oscilloscope. Figure 3 shows the outputs of both devices at 25 °C, while Figure 4 shows the outputs at 80 °C. Note the faster propagation delay rise times provided by the Si87xx device. The Channel 2 waveform is the output of the Si8710A, and the Channel 1 waveform is the output of the HCPL-4506. Note that if a user wants to evaluate an Si87xx LED Emulator Input isolator or optocoupler other than the ones pre-populated, this can be accomplished by removing the installed device and replacing it with the desired footprint-compatible isolator device. Signal Input (500 kHz, >2 Vpk) Square Wave Output to Scope CH2 Input to Scope CH4 + + Power Supply (5 V, 100 mA) Power Supply (15 V, 100 mA) - Output to Scope CH1 Figure 2. Summary Diagram and Demo Setup Rev. 0.1 3 Si87xx OptoComp EVB UG Figure 3. Optocoupler Comparison EVB at 25 °C Figure 4. Optocoupler Comparison EVB at 80 °C Figure 4 uses the same setup as Figure 3, but, this time, operating at an elevated temperature. Again, the Channel 2 waveform is the output of the Si8710A, and the Channel 1 waveform is the output of the HCPL-4506. As operating temperature increases, the HCPL 4506 output falling edge is substantially slower, and the propagation delay worsens compared to Figure 3. Note that the Si8710A output performance is essentially the same, as shown in Figure 3. 4 Rev. 0.1 Si87xx OptoComp EVB UG 3.1. Board Jumper Settings The steps below detail how to run the demo. Before starting, ensure that JP1, JP2, JP4, JP6, JP7, JP9, and P1 (position 1–2) are installed as shown in Figure 1 on page 1. See Figures 2 and 6 if necessary. 3.2. DC Supply Configuration 1. Turn OFF the dc power supply, and ensure that the output voltage is set to its lowest output voltage. 2. Connect the banana ends of the black and red banana to clip terminated wires to the outputs of the dc supply. 3. Next, connect the clip end of the red and black banana-to-clip wires to J2 and J4. The red wire goes to J2, and the black wire goes to J4. 4. Now, connect the clip end of the red and black banana-to-clip wires to J1 and J5. The red wire goes to J1, and the black wire goes to J5. 5. Turn ON the dc power supply. 6. Adjust the dc power supplies to provide 5 V on its output for the J2 and J4 supply. 7. Adjust the dc power supplies to provide 15 V on its output for the J1 and J5 supply. 8. Ensure that the current draw is less than 25 mA. If it draws more than 25 mA, this indicates that either the board or the Si87xx has been damaged or the supply is connected backward. 3.3. Waveform Generator 1. Turn ON the arbitrary waveform generator with the output disengaged. 2. Adjust its output to provide a 500 kHz, 0 to 5 V peak square wave (50 percent duty cycle) to its output. 3. Split the output of the generator with a BNC splitter. 4. From the BNC splitter, connect a coaxial cable to CH4 of the scope. This will be the input. 5. Connect a second coaxial cable to the BNC splitter at the waveform generator, and connect the other end of this coaxial cable to the BNC J3. 6. Connect one end of a third coaxial cable to a BNC-to-clip converter (note that a scope probe can be used here instead). 7. Connect one end of a fourth coaxial cable to a BNC-to-clip converter (note that a scope probe can be used here instead). 8. From here, connect the clip end of the BNC-to-clip converter to TP6 (red wire here) and GND2 (black wire here). Si87xx VO is on TP6. 9. Connect the other end of the coaxial cable to CH2 of the oscilloscope. This will be the Si87xx output. 10. From here, connect the clip end of the BNC-to-clip converter to TP5 (red wire here) and GND2 (black wire here). Opto VO is on TP5. 11. Connect the other end of the coaxial cable to CH1 of the oscilloscope. This will be the Opto output. 12. Engage the output waveform generator. 3.4. Oscilloscope Setup 1. Turn the oscilloscope ON. 2. Set the scope to Trigger on CH4 and adjust the trigger level to 100 mV minimum (check 10x probe setting). 3. Set CH1 and CH2 to 5 V per division and, and set CH4 to 100 mV per division in 10x mode. 4. Adjust the seconds/division setting to 400 ns per division. 5. Adjust the level indicators for all channels to properly view each channel as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. A 500 kHz square wave should be displayed on CH4 of the scope for the input, and an inverted 5 V version of this square wave should display the outputs on CH1 and CH2, as shown in Figure 3. This concludes the basic demo. Rev. 0.1 5 Si87xx OptoComp EVB UG 4. Open Loop POL Evaluation Board The power and jumper connections descriptions are summarized here: J2, JP1, JP2 External input side power connections External output side power connections External input signal BNC connector for driving input buffer Opto output signal test point Si87xx output signal test point Si87xx input RF selection jumper JP6, JP7 Opto input RF selection jumper JP4, JP5 JP9, JP10 Si87xx output enable (Si8712 only) or internal pullups (Si8711 only) jumper Si87xx output load selection jumpers Opto output load selection jumpers J1, J4 J5 J3 TP5 TP6 P1 JP3, JP8, 4.1. Additional Test Points The Si87xx evaluation board has several test points. These test points correspond to the respective pins on the Si87xx integrated circuits as well as other useful inspection points. See Figure 5 for a silkscreen overview. See the schematic in Figure 6 for more details. Figure 5. Si87xx Isolator vs. Opto Comparison Evaluation Board Silkscreen 6 Rev. 0.1 J4 Turret VDD1 1 J2 Turret GND1 1 GND1 J3 BNC R7 49.9 330 R6 C4 1uF 4 3 2 1 U2 GND OUT2 OUT1 EN1 LMV112SD EN2 IN2 IN1 VCC 5 6 7 8 R9 1K 2 2 2 2 JUMPER 1 JP7 JUMPER 1 JP6 JUMPER 1 JP2 JUMPER 1 JP1 330 R12 750 R8 330 R5 750 R1 GND1 C7 47pF NI <Silk> TP4 WHITE C8 47pF NI <Silk> 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 HCPL-4506-300E NC CATHODE ANODE NC U3 Si8710 NC CATHODE ANODE NC U1 8 VO VE VO VE 6 7 6 7 P1 HEADER 1x3 1 2 3 GND2 C5 1uF C1 1uF C2 0.1uF C6 0.1uF Figure 6. Si87xx Isolator vs. Opto Comparison Evaluation Board Schematic C3 0.1uF <Silk> TP7 WHITE <Silk> ISOLATION ISOLATION VDD VSS 5 8 VDD VSS 5 2 R10 20K JP8 JUMPER R2 20K R11 1.5K R13 330 JP9 JP10 JUMPER JUMPER R3 1.5K R4 330 JP3 JP4 JP5 JUMPER JUMPER JUMPER 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 <Silk> TP5 WHITE <Silk> TP6 WHITE J1 Turret J5 Turret VDD2 1 TP2 WHITE GND2 1 TP3 WHITE Si87xx OptoComp EVB UG 5. Si87xx Isolator vs. Opto Comparison Evaluation Board Schematic Rev. 0.1 7 Si87xx OptoComp EVB UG 6. Bill of Materials Table 1. Si87xx Isolator vs. Opto Comparison Evaluation Board Bill of Materials Item Qty Ref Part # Supplier Description Value 1 3 C1, C4, C5 C1206X7R500-105K Venkel CAP, 1 µF, 50 V, ±10%, X7R, 1206 1 µF 2 2 C2, C6 C0603X7R500-104K Venkel CAP, 0.1 µF, 50 V, ±10%, X7R, 0603 0.1 µF 3 1 C3 C1632X7R1H104K TDK CAP, 0.1 µF, 50 V, ±10%, X7R, 0612 0.1 µF 4 2 C7, C8 C0805C0G201-470K Venkel CAP, 47 pF, 200 V, ±10%, COG, 0805 47 pF 5 4 J1, J2, J4, J5 2551-2-00-44-00-0007-0 Mill-Max Solder Turret, .064inD, .105inL Turret 6 1 J3 227699-2 Tyco Conn, Jack BNC Vert 50 PCB AU BNC 7 10 JP1, JP2, JP3, JP4, JP5, JP6, JP7, JP8, JP9, JP10 TSW-102-07-T-S Samtec Header, 2x1, 0.1in pitch, Tin Plated JUMPER 8 1 P1 TSW-103-07-L-S Samtec Header, 3x1, 0.1in pitch, gold/tin Header 1x3 9 2 R1, R8 CR0603-16W-7500F Venkel RES, 750 , 1/10 W, ±1%, ThickFilm, 0603 750 10 2 R2, R10 CR0805-10W-2002F Venkel RES, 20 k, 1/10 W, ±1%, ThickFilm, 0805 20 k 11 2 R3, R11 CR0603-10W-1501F Venkel RES, 1.5 k, 1/10 W, ±1%, ThickFilm, 0603 1.5 k 12 5 R4, R5, R6, R12, R13 CR0805-10W-3300F Venkel RES, 330 , 1/10 W, ±1%, ThickFilm, 0805 330 13 1 R7 CR1210-2W-49R9F Venkel RES, 49.9 , 1/2 W, ±1%, ThickFilm, 1210 49.9 14 1 R9 CR0603-10W-1001F Venkel RES, 1 k, 1/10 W, ±1%, ThickFilm, 0603 1 k 15 6 TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6, TP7 151-201-RC Kobiconn Testpoint, White, PTH WHITE 16 1 U1 Si8710AC-B-IP Silicon Labs IC, Optocoupler, IPM 1MBD 8-SMD Gull Wing Si8710 17 1 U2 LMV112SD TI IC, Buffer, 40 MHz Dual, 8Pin LLP LMV112SD 18 1 U3 HCPL-4506-300E Avago Technologies IC, Optocoupler, IPM 1MBD 8-SMD Gull Wing HCPL-4506-300E 8 Rev. 0.1 Si87xx OptoComp EVB UG 7. Ordering Guide Table 2. Si87xx Isolator vs. Opto Comparison Evaluation Kit Ordering Guide Ordering Part Number (OPN) Description Si87xxOptoComp-KIT Si87xx Isolator vs. Opto Comparison Evaluation Kit Rev. 0.1 9 Smart. Connected. Energy-Friendly Products Quality Support and Community Disclaimer Silicon Laboratories intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Laboratories products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. 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