Synchronous DC/DC Controller for Distributed Power Supply Applications AN99-7 January 4, 2000 APPLICATION NOTE FOR SC1102 INTRODUCTION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SC1102 is a low-cost, full featured, synchronous voltage-mode controller designed for use in single ended power supply applications where efficiency is of primary concern. Synchronous operation allows for the elimination of heat sinks in many applications. The SC1102 is ideal for implementing DC/DC converters needed to power advanced microprocessors in low cost systems, or in distributed power applications where efficiency is important. Internal level-shift, high-side drive circuitry, and preset shoot-thru control, allows the use of inexpensive N-channel power switches. • • • • • • • 1.265V Reference available Synchronous operation Over current fault monitor On-chip power good and OVP functions Small size with minimum external components Soft Start RDS(ON) Current sensing BLOCK DIAGRAM SC1102 features include temperature compensated voltage reference, triangle wave oscillator and current sense comparator circuitry. Power good signaling, shutdown, and over voltage protection are also provided. The SC1102 operates at a fixed 200kHz, providing an optimum compromise between efficiency, external component size, and cost. The SC1102’s manufacturing process has been optimized for 12V operation and is capable of handling up to 26V at it’s BST pin. APPLICATIONS • • • Microprocessor core supply Low cost synchronous applications Voltage Regulator Modules (VRM) 1 © 2000 SEMTECH CORP. 652 MITCHELL ROAD NEWBURY PARK CA 91320 Synchronous DC/DC Controller for Distributed Power Supply Applications AN99-7 January 4, 2000 Theory of Operation Synchronous Buck Converter Primary VCORE power is provided by a synchronous, voltage-mode pulse width modulated (PWM) controller. This section has all the features required to build a high efficiency synchronous buck converter, including “Power Good” flag, shut-down, and cycle-by-cycle current limit. The output voltage of the synchronous converter is set and controlled by the output of the error amplifier. The external resistive divider reference voltage is derived from an internal trimmed-bandgap voltage reference (See Fig. 1). The inverting input of the error amplifier receives its voltage from the SENSE pin. The internal oscillator uses an on-chip capacitor and trimmed precision current sources to set the oscillation frequency to 200kHz. The triangular output of the oscillator sets the reference voltage at the inverting input of the comparator. The non-inverting input of the comparator receives it’s input voltage from the error amplifier. When the oscillator output voltage drops below the error amplifier output voltage, the comparator output goes high. This pulls DL low, turning off the low-side FET, and DH is pulled high, turning on the high-side FET (once the cross-current control allows it). When the oscillator voltage rises back above the error amplifier output voltage, the comparator output goes low. This pulls DH low, turning off the high-side FET, and DL is pulled high, turning on the low-side FET (once the cross-current control allows it). As SENSE increases, the output voltage of the error amplifier decreases. This causes a reduction in the ontime of the high-side MOSFET connected to DH, hence lowering the output voltage. Under Voltage Lockout The under voltage lockout circuit of the SC1102 assures that the high-side MOSFET driver outputs remain in the off state whenever the supply voltage drops below set parameters. Lockout occurs if VCC falls below 4.1V. Normal operation resumes once VCC rises above 4.2V. Over-Voltage Protection The over-voltage protection pin (OVP) is high only when the voltage at SENSE is 20% higher than the target value programmed by the external resistor divider. The OVP pin is internally connected to an NPN emitter follower. Power Good The power good function is to confirm that the regulator outputs are within +/-10% of the programmed level. PWRGD remains high as long as this condition is met. PWRGD is connected to an internal open collector NPN transistor. Soft Start Initially, SS/SHDN sources 10µA of current to charge an external capacitor. The outputs of the error amplifiers are clamped to a voltage proportional to the voltage on SS/SHDN. This limits the on-time of the highside MOSFETs, thus leading to a controlled ramp-up of the output voltages. RDS(ON) Current Limiting The current limit threshold is set by connecting an external resistor from the VCC supply to OCSET. The voltage drop across this resistor is due to the 200µA internal sink sets the voltage at the pin. This voltage is compared to the voltage at the PHASE node. This comparison is made only when the high-side drive is high to avoid false current limit triggering due to uncontributing measurements from the MOSFET’s offvoltage. When the voltage at PHASE is less than the voltage at OCSET, an overcurrent condition occurs and the soft start cycle is initiated. The synchronous switcher turns off and SS/SHDN starts to sink 2µA. When SS/SHDN reaches 0.8V, it then starts to source 10µA and a new cycle begins. Hiccup Mode During power up, the SS/SHDN pin is internally pulled low until VCC reaches the undervoltage lockout level of 4.2V. Once VCC has reached 4.2V, the SS/SHDN pin is released and begins to source 10µA of current to the external soft-start capacitor. As the soft-start voltage rises, the output of the internal error amplifier is clamped to this voltage. When the error signal reaches the level of the internal triangular oscillator, which swings from 1V to 2V at a fixed frequency of 200 kHz, switching occurs. As the error signal crosses over the oscillator signal, the duty cycle of the PWM signal continues to increase until the output comes into regulation. If an over-current condition has not occurred the soft-start voltage will continue to rise and level off at about 2.2V. An over-current condition occurs when the high-side drive is turned on, but the PHASE node does not 2 © 2000 SEMTECH CORP. 652 MITCHELL ROAD NEWBURY PARK CA 91320 Synchronous DC/DC Controller for Distributed Power Supply Applications AN99-7 January 4, 2000 Theory of Operation (Cont.) CHARACTERISTIC CURVES reach the voltage level set at the OCSET pin. The PHASE node is sampled only once per cycle during the valley of the triangular oscillator. Once an over-current occurs, the high-side drive is turned off and the lowside drive turns on and the SS/SHDN pin begins to sink 2uA. The soft-start voltage will begin to decrease as the 2uA of current discharges the external capacitor. When the soft-start voltage reaches 0.8V, the SS/ SHDN pin will begin to source 10uA and begin to charge the external capacitor causing the soft-start voltage to rise again. Again, when the soft-start voltage reaches the level of the internal oscillator, switching will occur. SC1102 Voltage Regulation, Vin=5V 2% 1% 3.3V 2.5V 2.0V 1.3V 0% -1% -2% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Current, A If the over-current condition is no longer present, normal operation will continue. If the over-current condition is still present, the SS/SHDN pin will again begin to sink 2uA. This cycle will continue indefinitely until the over-current condition is removed. SC1102 Effiency, Vin=5V 100% 90% 3.3V 2.5V 2.0V 1.3V 80% 70% 60% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Current, A TYPICAL APPLICATION +5V + R2 R1 1k 620 C2 820/16V C1 820/16V R3 10 C3 820/16V C4 820/16V C5 0.1 Vin 12V _ C7 1.0 U1 SC1102 1 VCC GND PWRGD 2 R4 1k PWRGD SS/SHDN LL42 14 13 C8 0.3 SHDN VREF 3 OVP OVP VREF 12 R9 124* 4 C9 0.1 OCSET SENSE 11 R8 127 5 6 LL42 7 PHASE BSTH DRVH BSTL PGND DRVL 10 Q1 STP40NE 9 8 R7 3.9 C11 0.1 L1 4uH + Q2 STP40NE D4 C11 1500/6.3 C12 1500/6.3 C13 1500/6.3V C14 1500/6.3V C15 0.1 Vout +2.5V _ R 3.9 NOTE:*) Vout = 1.265 x (1+R9/R8) 3 © 2000 SEMTECH CORP. 652 MITCHELL ROAD NEWBURY PARK CA 91320 Synchronous DC/DC Controller for Distributed Power Supply Applications AN99-7 January 4, 2000 Component View Top Top Copper Layer Bottom Bottom 4 © 2000 SEMTECH CORP. 652 MITCHELL ROAD NEWBURY PARK CA 91320 Synchronous DC/DC Controller for Distributed Power Supply Applications AN99-7 January 4, 2000 TYPICAL PLOTS & WAVEFORMS Output Ripple Voltage Gate Drive Waveforms 1. VIN = 5V; VO = 3.3V; IOUT = 12A Ch1: Vo_rpl Ch1: Top FET Ch2: Bottom FET 2. VIN = 5V; VOUT = 1.3V; IOUT = 12A Ch1: Vo_rpl Ch1: Top FET Ch2: Bottom FET 5 © 2000 SEMTECH CORP. 652 MITCHELL ROAD NEWBURY PARK CA 91320 Synchronous DC/DC Controller for Distributed Power Supply Applications AN99-7 January 4, 2000 Start Up Ch1: Vin Ch2: Vss Ch3: Top Gate Ch4: Vout Vin = 5V Vout = 3.3V Iout = 2A Vbst = 12V Hiccup Mode Ch1: Vin Ch2: Vss Ch3: Top Gate Ch4: Vout Vin = 5V Vout = 3.3V Vbst = 12V Iout = S.C. 6 © 2000 SEMTECH CORP. 652 MITCHELL ROAD NEWBURY PARK CA 91320 Synchronous DC/DC Controller for Distributed Power Supply Applications AN99-7 January 4, 2000 OUTLINE DRAWING SO-14 7 © 2000 SEMTECH CORP. 652 MITCHELL ROAD NEWBURY PARK CA 91320