CC-0310-10 The CF-0310-10 filter has a wide operating temperature range and is designed to sustain severe shock and vibration environments and will perform well in Mil-Std-461D, E and F test conditions. The filter will function well with switching power supplies where a considerable amount of common mode and differential mode electrical noise is present. The high frequency performance has been increased to beyond 1.0 GHz. Order P/N: CC-0310-10 Operating Voltage = ___________________ 95/250 Vac Operating Current Max = __________________ 10 Amp Operating Frequency = _________50/60 Hz @ 95/250 V = ______ 50/400 Hz @ 95—140 V Temperature Range = __________________-40 to 50°C INSERTION LOSS vs. FREQUENCY Diel. Withstand (Line to Case) = ______1500 Vdc; 1 Min Diel. Withstand (Line to Line) = _______ 1500Vdc; 1 Min Leakage Current = _______ 1.0 mA Max @250 V /60 Hz = ______ 3.0 mA Max @ 125 V /400Hz Discharge Volt after 1.0 second = __________ 34 V Max Calculated MTBF = ________2,466,608 Hrs @ 30°C GB USA JMK Inc 15 Caldwell Dr. Amherst, NH 03031 PH: 603 886-4100 FX: 603 886-4115 email: PH: 44-(0) 7785310729 Fax: 44-(0) 141 589 1884 EUR JMK Inc Glasgow G13 1DN Scotland UK