
JMK, Inc
The ZM-2282-125 filter is designed to work with systems with requirements to meet Mil-Std-461D, E or F.
The common mode insertion loss is also a minimum 50
dB from 100Mhz to 10.0Ghz. This performance is helpful in order to suppress high frequency radiated emissions.
Operating voltage = 0—100 Vdc
Operating current = 125 Amp Max.
Operating temperature = (-40°C to 85°C)
Diel. withstanding (line - case) = 350 Vdc (1.0 Minute)
Varistor voltage = 108—132V
Vibra on: DO‐160E figure 8.3 curve M (1 octave/
minute, 1 hour 3 axis, 1.5g 55‐500Hz).
Random DO‐160E figure 8.1 curve B
Shock: DO‐160E sec on 7.2 6G 11ms saw tooth 3 axis
(opera ng). 20G 11ms non‐opera ng (no damage haz‐
ard for emergency landing)
Humidity: 95% (DO‐160E Sec on 6.3.1)
Order P/N: ZM-2282-125
JMK Inc 15 Caldwell Dr. Amherst, NH 03031
PH: 603 886-4100
FX: 603 886-4115
email: [email protected]