JMK ZM-1758-40

JMK, Inc
The ZM-1758-40 filter is designed to work with systems
with requirements to meet Mil-Std-461D or
The filter is designed so that there are no resonant
points in the operating range. The common mode
insertion loss is also a minimum 50 dB from 100Mhz to
1.0Ghz. This performance is needed in order to
suppress high frequency signals on the power leads
that can cause problems with radiated emissions.
Operating voltage = 28 Vdc
Operating current = 40 Amp
Operating temperature = (-55)—85C
Diel. withstanding (line - case) = 800 Vdc (1.0 Minute)
Order P/N: ZM-1758-40
JMK Inc 15 Caldwell Dr. Amherst, NH 03031
PH: 603 886-4100
FX: 603 886-4115
email: [email protected]
PH: 44-(0) 7785310729 FX: 44-(0) 141 589 1884
JMK Inc Glasgow G13 1DN Scotland UK