ICs for Communications Content Addressable Memory Element CAME PXB 4360 F Version 1.1 Data Sheet 07.2000 Version 1.1 3;%) 5HYLVLRQ+LVWRU\&XUUHQW9HUVLRQ Previous Version: Preliminary Data Sheet 11.97 (DS 2) Page Page Subjects (major changes since last revision) (in previous (in current Version) Version) The Data Sheet has been reorganized. For questions on technology, delivery and prices please contact the Infineon Technologies Offices in Germany or the Infineon Technologies Companies and Representatives worldwide: see our webpage at http://www.Infineon.com. IOM®, IOM®-1, IOM®-2, SICOFI®, SICOFI®-2, SICOFI®-4, SICOFI®-4µC, SLICOFI®, ARCOFI® , ARCOFI®-BA, ARCOFI®-SP, EPIC®-1, EPIC®-S, ELIC®, IPAT®-2, ITAC®, ISAC®-S, ISAC®-S TE, ISAC®-P, ISAC®-P TE, IDEC®, SICAT®, OCTAT®-P, QUAT®-S are registered trademarks of Infineon Technologies AG. MUSAC™-A, FALC™54, IWE™, SARE™, UTPT™, DigiTape™ are trademarks of Infineon Technologies AG. All other brand or product names, Hardware or Software names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. (GLWLRQ This edition was realized using the software system FrameMaker. 3XEOLVKHGE\ ,QILQHRQ7HFKQRORJLHV$* 6& %DODQVWUDH 0QFKHQ © Infineon Technologies AG 2000. All Rights Reserved. $WWHQWLRQSOHDVH As far as patents or other rights of third parties are concerned, liability is only assumed for components, not for applications, processes and circuits implemented within components or assemblies. The information describes the type of component and shall not be considered as assured characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to change design reserved. For questions on technology, delivery and prices please contact the Semiconductor Group Offices in Germany or the Infineon Technologies Companies and Representatives worldwide (see address list). Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies AG is an approved CECC manufacturer. 3DFNLQJ Please use the recycling operators known to you. We can also help you – get in touch with your nearest sales office. By agreement we will take packing material back, if it is sorted. You must bear the costs of transport. For packing material that is returned to us unsorted or which we are not obliged to accept, we shall have to invoice you for any costs incurred. &RPSRQHQWVXVHGLQOLIHVXSSRUWGHYLFHVRUV\VWHPVPXVWEHH[SUHVVO\DXWKRUL]HGIRUVXFKSXUSRVH Critical components1 of Infineon Technologies AG, may only be used in life-support devices or systems2 with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies AG. 1 A critical component is a component used in a life-support device or system whose failure can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness of that device or system. 2 Life support devices or systems are intended (a) to be implanted in the human body, or (b) to support and/or maintain and sustain human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user may be endangered. 3;%) 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV 3DJH 1.1 1.2 1.3 2YHUYLHZ Logic Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Pin Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Pin Definitions and Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 6\VWHP,QWHJUDWLRQ )XQFWLRQDO2YHUYLHZ 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 'DWD)ORZDQG)XQFWLRQDO'HVFULSWLRQRIWKH&$0( Programming of the Search and Search Result Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Reading the Search Pattern for a Predefined LCI Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Configuration and Testing of the CAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Search Operation for Cell Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Data Structure of Request Commands for 16-Bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Data Structure of the Request Commands for 32-Bit Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.6.1 5.7 5.7.1 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.7.4 5.7.5 5.7.6 5.7.7 5HJLVWHUV Write Data Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Search Address Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Address Register (DLCI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Search Result Data Register (SLCI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Read Data Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Description of Status Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Status Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Testmode Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Data Field of Testmode Register (Selection is MODE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Data Field of Testmode Register (Selection is TMODE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Data Field of Testmode Register (Selection is TMUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Data Field of Testmode Register (Selection is VER0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Data Field of Testmode Register (Selection is VER1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Data Field of Testmode Register (Selection is VER2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Data Field of Testmode Register (Selection is VER3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 6.1 6.2 6.2.1 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 ,QWHUIDFH'HVFULSWLRQ Data Bus and Address Bus Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Cascade Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Cascade Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Clock and Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Boundary Scan Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Microprocessor and Control Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Reference for Internal Current Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Data Sheet 0-3 07.2000 3;%) 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV 3DJH 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5.3 (OHFWULFDO&KDUDFWHULVWLFV Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 DC Characteristics for all Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Capacitances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 AC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Boundary-Scan Test Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 AC Characteristics of CAME Data Interface to the ALP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 AC Characteristics of CAME Cascade Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 3DFNDJH2XWOLQHV 5HIHUHQFHV $FURQ\PV Data Sheet 0-4 07.2000 3;%) /LVWRI)LJXUHV Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 Figure 10 Figure 11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18 Figure 19 Figure 20 Figure 21 Data Sheet 3DJH Chipset Configuration for Main ATM Layer Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Chipset Configuration for Main ATM Layer Functionality Plus Full OAM . . . . . . . 8 Chipset Configuration for Main ATM Layer Functionality Plus Full OAM and Arbitrary Header Translation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Miniswitch Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Line Card Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 CAME Logic Symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 CAME Pin Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 ALP and CAME Application for 8k Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ALP and CAME Application for 16k Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Block Diagram of the CAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 State Diagram of Status Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Cascade Interface - Interconnection of 2 CAME Chips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Clock Interface of the CAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Example for VBIAS Reference Voltage Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Input/Output Waveform for AC Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Boundary-Scan Test Interface Timing Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Example of Execution Timing for Write Command (Request #4) . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 CAME Read Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 CAME Write Cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Timing of Cascade Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Sorts of Packing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 0-5 07.2000 3;%) /LVWRI7DEOHV Table 1: Table 2: Table 3: Table 4: Table 5: Table 6: Table 7: Table 8: Table 9: Table 10: Table 11: Table 12: Table 13: Table 14: Table 15: Data Sheet 3DJH Data Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cascade Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selection Criteria for Different Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Responding Device and Overall Result after Search Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . Overall Status in Case of Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boundary Scan Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CAME Boundary Scan Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Absolute Maximum Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Capacitances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boundary-Scan Test Interface AC Timing Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duration of Command Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parameters for Read/Write Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cascade Interface Timing Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-6 45 47 48 49 50 52 52 57 57 58 59 60 61 63 64 07.2000 3;%) 2YHUYLHZ 2YHUYLHZ The PXB 4360 F ATM Content Addressable Memory Element (CAME) is a member of the Infineon ATM622 chip set. The entire chip set consists of: • PXB 4330 E ATM Buffer Manager (ABM) • PXB 4340 E ATM OAM Processor (AOP) • PXB 4350 E ATM Layer Processor (ALP) • PXB 4360 F Content Addressable Memory Element (CAME) Main ATM Layer functionality is achieved with only two chips, ALP and ABM. The combination of these two devices provides elementary ATM functionality such as header translation, policing, OAM support, multicast, and traffic management (see ILJXUH). The functionality is upgradeable to full OAM support by the AOP (see ILJXUH) and to arbitrary header translation by the CAME (see ILJXUH). Pol. RAM UTOPIA P H Ys UTOPIA UTOPIA PXB 4350 E PXB 4330 E ALP ABM Cell RAM Conn. RAM )LJXUH Data Sheet Cell RAM Pointer RAM Switch (Loop) Conn. RAM &KLSVHW&RQILJXUDWLRQIRU0DLQ$70/D\HU)XQFWLRQDOLW\ 1-7 07.2000 3;%) 2YHUYLHZ Pol. RAM UTOPIA UTOPIA PHYs PXB 4340 E PXB 4330 E ALP AOP ABM CAME Pointer RAM Conn. RAM UTOPIA Cell RAM UTOPIA PXB 4350 E PXB 4340 E PXB 4330 E ALP AOP ABM Conn. RAM Data Sheet S wit ch Cell RAM Conn. RAM Conn. RAM Switch (Loop) Pol. RAM UTOPIA )LJXUH UTOPIA &KLSVHW&RQILJXUDWLRQIRU0DLQ$70/D\HU)XQFWLRQDOLW\3OXV)XOO2$0 Conn. RAM PHYs Cell RAM PXB 4350 E Conn. RAM )LJXUH Pointer RAM Conn. RAM Switch (Loop) Conn. RAM S wit ch Cell RAM &KLSVHW&RQILJXUDWLRQIRU0DLQ$70/D\HU)XQFWLRQDOLW\3OXV)XOO2$0DQG $UELWUDU\+HDGHU7UDQVODWLRQ 1-8 07.2000 3;%) 2YHUYLHZ The ATM 622 Layer devices can be used as .... ...a full switch in: ADSL Concentrators / Multiplexers (DSLAM) Access Multiplexers Access Concentrators Multiservice switches ...Line card in: Workgroup Switches Edge Switches Core Switches UTOPIA UTOPIA $/3 )LJXUH Data Sheet $23 UTOPIA $%0 0LQLVZLWFK&RQILJXUDWLRQ 1-9 07.2000 3;%) 2YHUYLHZ UTOPIA $/3 )LJXUH UTOPIA UTOPIA $23 $%0 6ZLWFK /LQH&DUG&RQILJXUDWLRQ Due to their immensely flexible scaling facilities, feature set, and throughput, the Infineon ATM622 layer chips are ideal devices for almost any ATM system solution. Data Sheet 1-10 07.2000 3;%) &RQWHQW$GGUHVVDEOH0HPRU\(OHPHQW &$0( 9HUVLRQ &026 )HDWXUHV • ALP Co-processor for Address Reduction to search for a Port Number PN, VPI and VCI the corresponding Local Connection Identifier LCI • Delivers search result during one cell cycle for Bit rates up to 686 MBit/s • CAME supports up to 8192 search entries • Master or Slave mode is selectable to cascade 2 CAME P-TQFP-144-2 / -3 chips to support up to 16384 search entries • 16-bit or 32-Bit Data Interface is selectable; ALP uses the 16-Bit interface • Microprocessor Interface is not necessary as CAME is configurated via Address and Data Bus • Three search modes are supported: - Search for LCI and the corresponding PN, VPI and VCI - Search for PN, VPI and VCI the corresponding LCI - Search for PN and VPI the corresponding first valid LCI for F4 OAM cells • Status Report provides: - Information on search result: single match, mismatch or multimatch - Information on whether the connection is valid or invalid for a given LCI, PN, VPI and VCI - Information on whether the VP is terminated or not for a given LCI, PN, VPI and VCI • Parity error indication for Data Bus and CAME cascade error indication • Boundary Scan support according to JTAG • Technology: - TQFP-144 package - 3.3 V Power Supply - typical Power dissipation 0.3 W - Temperature range from 0°C to +70°C 7\SH 3DFNDJH PXB 4360 F P-TQFP-144-2/-3 Data Sheet 1-11 07.2000 3;%) /RJLF6\PERO Test/JTAG Interface PXB 4360 F CAME Cascade Interface CAME ALP - Data Interface )LJXUH Data Sheet ALP - Address Interface &$0(/RJLF6\PERO 1-12 07.2000 3;%) 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 VCC GND EN16 VCC CA GND VCC GND VCC DAT32 GND DAT31 VCC DAT30 GND DAT29 VCC DAT28 GND DAT27 VCC DAT26 GND DAT25 VCC DAT24 GND DAT23 VCC GND VCC DAT22 DAT21 GND DAT20 VCC 3LQ&RQILJXUDWLRQ (Top view) 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 CAME PXB 4360 F 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 DAT19 VCC DAT18 GND DAT17 VCC DAT16 GND DAT15 VCC DAT14 GND DAT13 VCC DAT12 GND DAT11 VCC CLK GND DAT10 VCC DAT9 GND DAT8 VCC DAT7 GND DAT6 VCC DAT5 GND DAT4 VCC DAT3 GND VCC GND TDI VCC TMS GND TCK VCC TRST GND VCC ADR0 GND ADR1 VCC ADR2 GND ADR3 VCC RES GND WE VCC OE GND CS VCC GND VCC GND VCC DAT0 GND DAT1 VCC DAT2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 TMD0 GND VCC GND TMD1 VCC TMD2 GND TMD3 VCC TMD4 GND TMD5 VCC TMD6 GND TMD7 VCC CO0 GND CO1 VCC CO2 GND CI0 VCC CI1 GND CI2 VCC VBIAS RBIAS GND VCC GND TDO )LJXUH Data Sheet ITP09962 &$0(3LQ&RQILJXUDWLRQ 1-13 07.2000 3;%) 3LQ'HILQLWLRQVDQG)XQFWLRQV The following explanations apply to all pins within a field in the following table: Pins with a 1) attached are connected with an internal pull up resistor. 3LQ'HILQLWLRQVDQG)XQFWLRQV 3LQ1R 6\PERO ,QSXW, 2XWSXW2 )XQFWLRQ *HQHUDOSLQV 20 RES I Hardware reset signal Active low 54 CLK I Clock input of bus interface 'DWDDQG$GGUHVV%XV,QWHUIDFHEHWZHHQ&$0(DQG$/3SLQV 99, 97, 95, 93, 91, DAT 89, 87, 85, 83, 81, (32:0) 77, 76, 74, 72, 70, 68, 66, 64, 62, 60, 58, 56, 52, 50, 48, 46, 44, 42, 40, 38, 36, 34, 32 I/O Data bus of bus interface including parity bit (DAT(0)). 18, 16, 14, 12 ADR (3:0) I Address bus of the bus interface 26 CS I Chip enable signal of the bus interface. Active low 24 OE I Output enable signal of the bus interface. Active low 22 WE I Write enable signal of the bus interface. Active low 106 EN16 I 16-Bit mode enable signal of the bus interface. If 0, then DAT(16:0) are used. If 1, then DAT(32:0) are used. With ALP, this pin should be 0 for use with the 16-bit data bus. &$0(&DVFDGH,QWHUIDFHSLQV Data Sheet 1-14 07.2000 3;%) 3LQ'HILQLWLRQVDQG)XQFWLRQV(cont’d) 3LQ1R 6\PERO ,QSXW, 2XWSXW2 )XQFWLRQ 104 CA I Cascade interface address input 137, 135, 133 CI (2:0) I Cascade interface communication channel 131, 129, 127 CO (2:0) O Cascade interface communication channel. Do not connect in single CAME application. -7$*,QWHUIDFHSLQV 9 1) TRST I Boundary scan test reset Active low 3 1) TDI I Boundary scan test data input 7 1) TCK I Boundary scan test clock input 5 1) TMS I Boundary scan test mode select 144 TDO O Boundary scan test data output O Test Interface. Only for test purpose. Do not connect. $GGLWLRQDO7HVWSLQVSLQV 125, 123, 121, 119, 117, 115, 113, 109 TMD (7:0) 0LVFHOODQHRXVSLQV 139 VBIAS I Analog reference voltage input, used for a precise adjustment of the internal current sources. VBIAS value: 1.2 V ±10%. VBIAS = 1 switches into “powerdown” and disables CAME functionality. 140 RBIAS O Calibration output, used to define the bias current of the internal current sources. A resistor (12.1 kΩ ±1%) must be connected between the RBIAS pin and ground. Data Sheet 1-15 07.2000 3;%) 3LQ'HILQLWLRQVDQG)XQFWLRQV(cont’d) 3LQ1R 6\PERO ,QSXW, 2XWSXW2 )XQFWLRQ 6XSSO\DQG*1'SLQV 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 29, 31, 35, 39, 43, 47, VCC 51, 55, 59, 63, 67, 71, 73, 78, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, (P3V3) 100, 102, 105, 108, 111, 114, 118, 122, 126, Supply Voltage (nominal 3.3 V) 130, 134, 138, 142 2, 6, 10, 13, 17, 21, 25, 28, 30, 33, 37, 41, 45, GND 49, 53, 57, 61, 65, 69, 75, 79, 82, 86, 90, 94, 98, Digital ground (0 V) 101, 103, 107, 110, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 141, 143 8QFRQQHFWHG3LQVSLQV unconnected pins Data Sheet 1-16 07.2000 3;%) 6\VWHP,QWHJUDWLRQ 6\VWHP,QWHJUDWLRQ One CAME chip is connected to the ALP if only 8k connections are supported. For 16k connections, a second CAME is cascaded to the first CAME. The ALP is the master device that controls the CAME. If two CAME chips are cascaded, the second CAME must be configured as a slave device to be controlled by the first CAME, which is operated in master mode. The two configurations are illustrated in ILJXUH and ILJXUH. . ALP ARCCLK CLK ARCCS CS ARCWE WE ARCOE OE ARCRES RES ARCADR(3:0) CAME (Master) ADR(3:0) 1kΩ EN16 GND ARCDAT(16:0) DAT(16:0) + 3.3 V 10 kΩ DAT(32:17) 1k Ω CI(2:0) CO(2:0) CA GND )LJXUH Data Sheet $/3DQG&$0($SSOLFDWLRQIRUN&RQQHFWLRQV 2-17 07.2000 3;%) 6\VWHP,QWHJUDWLRQ ARCCLK CLK ARCCS CS ARCWE WE ARCOE OE CAME (Master) RES ARCRES ADR(3:0) ARCADR(3:0) 1 kΩ EN16 GND DAT(16:0) ARCDAT(16:0) + 3.3 V 10 kΩ DAT(32:17) CI(2:0) CO(2:0) CA ALP 10 kΩ 1 kΩ + 3.3 V GND CO(2:0) CI(2:0) CA CLK CS WE CAME (Slave) OE RES ADR(3:0) 1 kΩ EN16 GND DAT(16:0) + 3.3 V )LJXUH Data Sheet 10 kΩ DAT(32:17) $/3DQG&$0($SSOLFDWLRQIRUN&RQQHFWLRQV 2-18 07.2000 3;%) )XQFWLRQDO2YHUYLHZ )XQFWLRQDO2YHUYLHZ The PXB 4360 F is a Content Addressable Memory Element (CAME) that searches for a programmable 32-bit pattern the corresponding programmable 14-bit pattern; or vice versa. Additionally, two search bits are provided to support the search for unused entries and to support the search for F4-OAM connections in ATM. One CAME supports up to 8192 entries. This can be extended up to 16384 entries by adding a second, cascaded CAME, without the need for additional glue logic. The target application of the CAME is the Address Reduction mechanism for ATM cells performed by the Infineon ATM layer chip ALP PXB 4350. The ALP extracts the Virtual Path Identifier of a standardized ATM cell (VPI) and the Virtual Channel Identifier of a standardized ATM cell (VCI) from the ATM Cell Header and sends them together with the Port Number as a 32-bit pattern to the CAME. After the search procedure of the CAME, the corresponding 14-Bit pattern is sent back to the ALP. The 14-bit pattern is used as a Local Connection Identifier (LCI) inserted into the ATM Cell Header. Herewith, the CAME translates any arbitrary address, within the address range of 232, into another arbitrary address within the address range of 213 (or 214 if two CAME chips are cascaded). The entire search process is completed during one ATM cell cycle with a bit rate of 686 MBit/s. Data Sheet 3-19 07.2000 3;%) 'DWD)ORZDQG)XQFWLRQDO'HVFULSWLRQRIWKH&$0( 'DWD)ORZDQG)XQFWLRQDO'HVFULSWLRQRIWKH&$0( The CAME can be configured, operated, and tested using six Request Commands. Each Request Command is a combination of various write and read commands transmitted via the Data bus of the CAME. The Address bus selects the Request Commands. The data flow for writing the search pattern into the CAME is such that the Local Connection Identifier (LCI) defines the address of the memory where the Port Number (PN), VPI, VCI, and the two auxiliary bits P_IP and VCON are stored. The CAME is operated inversely for cell processing. In the case of cell processing, the PN, VPI, and VCI address the memory in which the LCI is stored. As well as the LCI being transmitted to the ALP, a search report is also transmitted. Request Commands 1 and 2 are activated by the ALP during cell processing. Request Commands 3 through 6 are activated by the microprocessor via the ALP because the CAME has no microprocessor interface. All six Request Commands are described in the following sections. Data Address & WEN &$0( Write Data Register (0:33) Read Data Register (0:33) Address Register (0:13) Conf. Register (13:0) Configuration control logic PN(3:0), VPI(11:0), VCI(15:0), VCON, P_IP Memory LCI(13:0) Search Control logic Search Address Register (0:31) )LJXUH Search Data Register (0:13) Status Register (3:0) %ORFN'LDJUDPRIWKH&$0( 3URJUDPPLQJRIWKH6HDUFKDQG6HDUFK5HVXOW3DWWHUQ Request Command number 4 should be used for the set up and release of a connection. First, the LCI (14 bits) and the two auxiliary bits VCON and P_IP are written into the Write Data Register and Address Register via the Data bus. Subsequently, the PN, VPI, and the VCI are written into the Write Data Register. Within the 16-bit word, any subdivision by the PN and VPI is allowed. The LCI of the Address Register defines the address of the memory in which the contents of the Write Data Register are written. After writing the entry into memory, status information on the current request is stored in the Status Register. The Status Register is read out at the end of each request. Data Sheet 4-20 07.2000 3;%) 'DWD)ORZDQG)XQFWLRQDO'HVFULSWLRQRIWKH&$0( The auxiliary bit VCON defines whether an entry is valid or invalid. This mechanism is used to prevent overwriting a valid connection, if the corresponding configuration bit CEE1) in the TESTMODE register is set. A second configuration bit, CLE1) of the TESTMODE register, is available to prevent a multimatch entry. If CLE and CEE are set, the CAME checks whether the PN, VPI, and VCI already exist. For the case that an entry exists (single or multimatch), the CAME prevents the writing and outputs a failure report to the Status Register. For the case that no entry exists (mismatch), the CAME writes the entry into memory if the LCI entry is invalid; otherwise, the writing is also prevented. If CEE and CLE are not set, there is no checking whether both a valid connection is changed and a multimatch condition is generated. The CEE and CLE have an influence on the execution time of Request Command number 4. The auxiliary bit P_IP defines whether the connection point is a Path Intermediate Point. If the P_IP is set, the VCI values are ignored during the search process. In the TESTMODE register, the TWE bit is provided for testing the memory. If it is set, the write request is converted into a test write request and all memory banks are written simultaneously. 5HDGLQJWKH6HDUFK3DWWHUQIRUD3UHGHILQHG/&,9DOXH Request Command number 5 should be used to check the Search Pattern PN, VPI, and VCI and the Search result pattern VCON and P_IP for a given LCI. First, the LCI (14 bits) is written into the Address Register, via the Data bus. Then the PN, VPI, VCI, VCON, and P_IP are written from memory to the Read Data Register. The Read Data Register and the Status Register are read out via the data bus of the CAME. In the TESTMODE register, the TRE bit is provided for testing the memory. If it is set, the read request is converted into a test read request and all memory banks are read simultaneously. &RQILJXUDWLRQDQG7HVWLQJRIWKH&$0( Request Command number 3 should be used to search for a Search Pattern with deactivated search fields, as defined in the TESTMODE register. This Request Command should be activated by the microprocessor via the ALP and the CAME Interface. It is not used during normal cell processing. First, the PN, VPI, and VCI are written into the Search Address Register, via the Data bus. After a predefined search period, the search results (LCI and the two auxiliary bits VCON and P_IP) are written into the Search Data Register. The status information in the Status Register and the contents of the Search Data Register are read out via the Data bus of the CAME. In the TESTMODE register, the bits VCEN, VPEN, and VSET are provided to define whether the VCI or the PN and VPI are ignored. Furthermore, it is possible to search for invalid and free entries, identified by VCON as equal to zero. Additionally, a TSE bit is implemented to convert the search request into a test search request which compares all memory banks in parallel. Request Command number 6 is implemented to configure the CAME for operation and test. This request is a substitute for the microprocessor interface. The configuration and test mode commands are written into the TESTMODE register via the Data bus of the CAME. Herewith it is possible to: • Check the cascade interface between the Master and Slave CAME devices • Check the parity of the Data bus and Address bus of the CAME • Read the version number of the CAME 1) Note that CEE and CLE are not supported by the ALP Data Sheet 4-21 07.2000 3;%) 'DWD)ORZDQG)XQFWLRQDO'HVFULSWLRQRIWKH&$0( • Configure the response on Write Request Command number 4 • Configure the response on Search Request Command number 3 • Configure the test functions of the CAME. 6HDUFK2SHUDWLRQIRU&HOO3URFHVVLQJ Two Search Request Commands are supported by the CAME. Search Request Command number 1 is used for search processing of F4-OAM cells at the VP termination point. Normally, the F4-OAM cells are identified by VCI value 3 or 4 for segment or end-to-end flow. The ALP identifies the F4-OAM cells and uses Search Request Command number 1. Herewith, the PN and VPI are written into the Search Address Register via the Data bus of the CAME. After a predefined search period, the search results (LCI and the two auxiliary bits VCON and P_IP) are written into the Search Data Register. Subsequently, the search data and status information are read from the ALP. In the case of a valid search result, the LCI value is written into the GFC, VPI and UDF1 fields of the ATM cell. Herewith, the CAME and ALP borrow a VCI from the user cell which identifies the F4-OAM cells as VCI value 3 or 4 in order to transmit the F4-OAM cell to the AOP. This mechanism reduces the number of LCI needed for to transport F4-OAM cells between the ALP and the AOP. The ALP ignores the multimatch alarm from the CAME for the F4-OAM cells as it is obvious that a terminated VP delivers a match for all VCIs if only the PN and VPI value are used as a search pattern. The LCI value used is the lowest LCI. Search request number 2 is used for search processing of cells belonging to a VC or VP connection. This search request is identical to Search Request Command 1 except that the VCI value is also written into the Search Address Register. For VP connections, the auxiliary bit P_IP must be set which suppresses the VCI search pattern. Herewith, only the PN and VPI values are considered. The data structures of the six Request Commands and the corresponding write and read commands for the 16-bit and 32 bit modes are described in the following sections. Data Sheet 4-22 07.2000 3;%) 'DWD)ORZDQG)XQFWLRQDO'HVFULSWLRQRIWKH&$0( 'DWD6WUXFWXUHRI5HTXHVW&RPPDQGVIRU%LW0RGH CAME Data bit (16) is used as parity line and completes the ARCDAT(1:15) and ACRADR(0:3) to odd parity. Note: Shaded fields represent unused bits. 5HTXHVW1XPEHU 6HDUFK3URFHVVLQJIRU2$0))ORZ bit: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Write to address CH 9 8 7 PN(3:0) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 VPI(11:0) Wait for command execution Read from address 6H V I LCI(13:0) Read from address EH S3 S2 S1 S0 5HTXHVW1XPEHU 6HDUFKSURFHVVLQJIRU$70&HOOVEHORQJLQJWR93&DQG9&& bit: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Write to address DH 9 8 7 PN(3:0) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 VPI(11:0) Write to address 5H VCI(15:0) Wait for command execution Read from address 6H V I LCI(13:0) Read from address EH S3 S2 S1 S0 5HTXHVW1XPEHU 6HDUFK3URFHVVLQJDFWLYDWHGE\WKH0LFURSURFHVVRU bit: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Write to address EH PN(3:0) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 VPI(11:0) Write to address 6H VCI(15:0) Wait for command execution Read from address 6H V I LCI(13:0) Read from address EH 1) S3 S2 S1 S0 Structure applies to 4-bit PN and 12-bit VPI. If 6-bit PN and 10-bit VPI are selected, the structure of the first dword is bit 15..10 = PN(5:0), bit 9..0 = VPI(9:0) for all requests. Data Sheet 4-23 07.2000 3;%) 'DWD)ORZDQG)XQFWLRQDO'HVFULSWLRQRIWKH&$0( 5HTXHVW1XPEHU :ULWH&RPPDQGIRU6HWXSDQG5HOHDVHRI&RQQHFWLRQVE\WKH0LFURSURFHVVRU bit: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Write to address 2H V Write to address BH 9 8 I 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LCI(13:0) PN(3:0) VPI(11:0) VCI(15:0) Write to address 3H Wait for command execution Read from address 6H Read from address EH S3 S2 S1 S0 5HTXHVW1XPEHU 5HDG&RPPDQGIRU9HULILFDWLRQRIWKH&RQQHFWLRQ(QWU\E\WKH0LFURSURFHVVRU bit: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Write to address 0H 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LCI(13:0) Wait for command execution Read from address 1H PN(3:0) VPI(11:0) Read from address 9H Read from address 6 H VCI(15:0) V I Read from address EH S3 S2 S1 S0 5HTXHVW1XPEHU &$0(7HVWDQG&RQILJXUDWLRQ&RPPDQGE\WKH0LFURSURFHVVRU bit: 15 14 13 12 11 10 Write to address 7H 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Testmode(13:0) Wait for command execution Read from address 7H Testmode(13:0) Read from address FH Data Sheet S3 S2 S1 S0 4-24 07.2000 3;%) 'DWD)ORZDQG)XQFWLRQDO'HVFULSWLRQRIWKH&$0( 'DWD6WUXFWXUHRIWKH5HTXHVW&RPPDQGVIRU%LW0RGH Note: Shaded fields represent unused bits. 5HTXHVW1XPEHU1) 6HDUFK3URFHVVLQJIRU2$0))ORZ bit: Write to address 4H of CAME PN(3:0) VPI(11:0) Wait for command execution Read from address 6H of CAME S3S2S1S0 V I LCI(13:0) 5HTXHVW1XPEHU 6HDUFKSURFHVVLQJIRU$70&HOOVEHORQJLQJWR93&DQG9&& bit: Write to address 5H of CAME PN(3:0) VPI(11:0) VCI(15:0) Wait for command execution Read from address 6H of CAME S3S2S1S0 V I LCI(13:0) 5HTXHVW1XPEHU 6HDUFK3URFHVVLQJDFWLYDWHGE\WKH0LFURSURFHVVRU bit: Write to address 6H of CAME PN(3:0) VPI(11:0) VCI(15:0) Wait for command execution Read from address 6H of CAME S3S2S1S0 V I 1) LCI(13:0) Structure applies to 4-bit PN and 12-bit VPI. If 6-bit PN and 10-bit VPI are selected, the structure of the first dword is bit 31..26 = PN(5:0), bit 25..16 = VPI(9:0) for all requests. Data Sheet 4-25 07.2000 3;%) 'DWD)ORZDQG)XQFWLRQDO'HVFULSWLRQRIWKH&$0( 5HTXHVW1XPEHU :ULWH&RPPDQGIRU6HWXSDQG5HOHDVHRI&RQQHFWLRQVE\WKH0LFURSURFHVVRU bit: Write to address 2H of CAME V I LCI(13:0) Write to address 3H of CAME PN(3:0) VPI(11:0) VCI(15:0) Wait for command execution Read from address 6H of CAME S3S2S1S0 5HTXHVW1XPEHU 5HDG&RPPDQGIRU9HULILFDWLRQRIWKH&RQQHFWLRQ(QWU\E\WKH0LFURSURFHVVRU bit: Write to address 0H of CAME LCI(13:0) Wait for command execution Read from address 1H of CAME PN(3:0) VPI(11:0) VCI(15:0) Read from address 6H of CAME S3S2S1S0 V I 5HTXHVW1XPEHU &$0(7HVWDQG&RQILJXUDWLRQ&RPPDQGE\WKH0LFURSURFHVVRU bit: Write to address 7H of CAME TESTMODE(13:0) Wait for command execution Read from address 7H of CAME S3S2S1S0 1RWH TESTMODE(13:0) 7KH,ELWUHSUHVHQWVWKH3B,3IODJWKH9ELWUHSUHVHQWVWKH9&21IODJ Data Sheet 4-26 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV 5HJLVWHUV A request command is a sequence of write and read commands at different addresses. The address selects the register and the consequent action performed by the CAME. Therefore, different request commands can write to or read from the same register. :ULWH'DWD5HJLVWHUV Each of these registers contains a complete entry consisting of PN/VPI/VCI, the P_IP flag and the VCON flag. The registers are loaded from the bus interface at the beginning of write request #4. During request #4, their contents are transferred to the line in CAME memory which is selected with the Address Register (DLCI). Write Address 2H, 3H, BH Value after reset undefined VCON P_IP PN(3:0) VPI(11:8) VPI(7:0) VCI(15:8) VCI(7:0) 16-Bit Mode request 4: 2H for VCON, P_IP 3H for VCI(15:0) BH for PN(3:0), VPI(11:0) 32-Bit Mode request 4: 2H for VCON, P_IP 3H for PN(3:0), VPI(11:0), VCI(15:0) 1RWH 6WUXFWXUHDSSOLHVWRELW31DQGELW93,,IELW31DQGELW93,DUHVHOHFWHGWKHVWUXFWXUHLVELW 31DQGELW 93,IRUDOOUHJLVWHUVZLWK31DQG93, Data Sheet 5-27 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV 9&21 3B,3 31 Valid Connection flag: 0 Connection not valid. 1 Connection valid. Path Intermediate point flag: 0 Address reduction is performed over PN, VPI and VCI. 1 Path intermediate point; address reduction is performed only over PN and VPI. Port Number 93, VPI value of the ATM Header. PN and VPI are in a 16-bit field. Within the 16 bits, any subdivision into the PN and VPI is allowed. 9&, VCI value of the ATM Header. Data Sheet 5-28 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV 6HDUFK$GGUHVV5HJLVWHU These registers contain the PN, VPI, VCI combination which will be compared to all lines in CAME during search requests #1,#2 and #3. The registers are loaded from the bus interface at the beginning of the respective search request. Write Address 4H, 5H, 6H, CH, DH, EH Value after reset undefined PN(3:0) VPI(11:8) VPI(7:0) VCI(15:8) VCI(7:0) 16-Bit Mode 32-Bit Mode 31 request 1: CH for PN (3:0), VPI (11:0) request 2: 5H for VCI (15:0) DH for PN (3:0), VPI (11:0) request 3: 6H for VCI (15:0) EH for PN (3:0), VPI (11:0) request 1: 4H for PN (3:0), VPI (11:0) request 2: 5H for PN (3:0), VPI (11:0), VCI (15:0) request 3: 6H for PN (3:0), VPI (11:0), VCI (15:0) Port Number 93, Virtual Path Identifier value of the ATM Header. PN and VPI are in a 16-bit field. Any subdivision within the 16-bits for the PN and VPI is allowed. 9&, Virtual Channel Identifier value of the ATM Header. Data Sheet 5-29 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV $GGUHVV5HJLVWHU'/&, This register contains the address of the line to which data is written in a write request #4, or from which data is read in a read request #5. The DLCI register is loaded from the bus interface at the beginning of the respective read or write request. Write Address 0H, 2H Value after reset undefined LCI(13:8) LCI(7:0) 16-Bit Mode 32-Bit Mode request 4: 2H for LCI (13:0) request 5: 0H for LCI (13:0) request 4 2H for LCI (13:0) request 5: 0H for LCI (13:0) /&, Local Connection Identifier Data Sheet 5-30 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV 6HDUFK5HVXOW'DWD5HJLVWHU6/&, The result of searching in the memory array is the LCI value of the first line that matches the data in the SPN/SVPI/SVCI registers. This result is stored in the SLCI register. At the end of all search requests (#1..3), the ALP can read the resulting LCI from the SLCI register. For the other requests (# 4 & #5), the LCI value is set to zero. Read Address 6H Value after reset undefined LCI(13:8) LCI(7:0) 16-Bit Mode 32-Bit Mode request 1, 2, 3: request 1, 2, 3: 6H for LCI (13:0) 6 H for LCI 13:0) /&, Local Connection Identifier Data Sheet 5-31 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV 5HDG'DWD5HJLVWHU These registers contain a complete entry consisting of PN/VPI/VCI, the P_IP flag and the VCON flag. The read data contained in the CAME memory line, selected with the DLCI register contents, is transferred to these registers. At the end of a read request #5, the ALP can read the resulting data from the RPN,RVPI,RVCI,RI,RV registers. Read Address 1H, 6H, 9H Value after reset undefined VCON P_IP PN(3:0) VPI(11:8) VPI(7:0) VCI(15:8) VCI(7:0) 16-Bit Mode request 5: 32-Bit Mode request 5: 9&21 3B,3 Data Sheet 1H for PN(3:0), VPI(11:0) 6H for VCON, P_IP 9H for VCI(15:0) 1H for PN(3:0), VPI(11:0), VCI(15:0) 6H for VCON, P_IP Valid Connection flag: 0 Connection not valid. 1 Connection valid. Path Intermediate Point flag: 0 Address reduction is performed over PN / VPI / VCI. 1 Path Intermediate Point; address reduction is performed only over PN / VPI. 5-32 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV 31 Port Number 93, Virtual Path Identifier value of the ATM Header. PN and VPI are in a 16-bit field. Any subdivision within the 16 bits for the PN and VPI is allowed. 9&, Virtual Channel Identifier Data Sheet 5-33 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV 'HVFULSWLRQRI6WDWXV,QIRUPDWLRQ Status information generated by the control logic in the CAME indicates the success of commands or detected failures. At the end of each command cycle, status information about the current operation is transferred from the CAME to the ALP. The 4-bit status field consists of two bits (S3,S2) with command independent information and two bits (S1,S0) with command related details. The data bus parity error is returned if a parity error at the data bus interface was detected by the CAME since the last completed request. In all requests, the master CAME checks whether the slave also accepted a request. This information is transferred at the Cascade Interface. If the slave signals at CO(1..0) that it has recognized no request the “cascade error” status is generated in the master (Note: if LCI 2000..3FFFH is accessed in a single CAME configuration, “cascade error” is also indicated because this case cannot be distinguished from a two-chip configuration with a defect on the second chip). A “command cycle error” is internally set after reading the status at the end of a request, or if a write access was performed while a command cycle was running. If a parity error is detected in one of the write accesses at the start of a command, the command is discarded, internal status information is set to “parity error”, and the control logic waits for one of the two possible final bus read accesses (address #6 or #7). After the final bus read access, the CAME is ready for the next command cycle. After a command cycle is finished, the internal status contains a “command cycle error”. This status is changed with the start of a new command cycle. If the start of a command cycle is not recognized by the CAME, the error status above is still present at the next status read access. For S3/S2 = 1/0, coding of S1/S0 depends on the command just finished in the following way: Status information can be read any time at address 6 and address 7. ILJXUH at page 35 shows the conditions under which the status information changes. The five states, named as OK, Busy, Alarm, Error(cmd), Error(parity) and shown in this figure, are coded by the status bits S3..0. The start of a request can take place in the “OK”, “Alarm”, or “Error (cascade or command cycle)” state. If a parity error is detected, the “Parity Error” state is entered. This state is left only on reading of the status information. All write accesses are ignored while the status is in “Parity Error” state. If no parity error has occurred, the command is processed. This is indicated by the “Busy” state. In this state, writing generates a “command cycle error” and no internal register is changed by the write access. Reading is allowed in “Busy” state. Depending on the result of the request, either the “OK”, “Alarm”, or “Error (cascade or command cycle)” status is entered. After reading the status once, the “Error (command cycle)” is entered. This supports the recognition of a missing command cycle start. Data Sheet 5-34 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV OK 6) 3) Error (parity) 2) 6) 1) 4) or any write Error (cmd cyc. or casc.) Busy 5) 6) Alarm Transition conditions: )LJXUH 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Start of a request (write access) Parity error occurred at start of a request Internal processing of request finished Error occurred during internal processing Alarm occurred during internal processing Status read access 6WDWH'LDJUDPRI6WDWXV*HQHUDWLRQ 6WDWXV5HJLVWHU Read Address 6H, 7H, EH, FH Value after reset 0000H S3 16-Bit Mode 32-Bit Mode Data Sheet request 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: EH for S3, S2, S1, S0 request 6: FH for S3, S2, S1, S0 request 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: 6H for S3, S2, S1, S0 request 6: 7H for S3, S2, S1, S0 5-35 S2 S1 S0 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV 6 S3 / S2 :S1/S0 00 Ok Command was executed without problems. Indication in S1/S0: S1/S0 = 0/0. 01 Busy Command execution is still in progress. Indication in S1/S0: S1/S0 = 0/0. 10 Alarm Operation was not successful for CAME memory content dependent reasons. Indication in S1 / S0: 00 Mismatch (at search requests #1..3). The search pattern was not found in any line. The LCI returned is invalid (01FFH). 01 Multimatch (at search requests #1..3). The search pattern was found in more than one line. The LCI of the lowest matching line is returned. 10 Test search fault (at search requests #1..3). After “test search,” the search pattern was not found in all 16 blocks at the same line offset and nowhere else. The LCI returned is invalid. 00 Refused entry (at write request #4). Attempt to write an entry to CAME which is already stored in a line of this chip (or the second CAME). This mode can be activated with MODE register bit CEE. 01 Refused line (at write request #4). Attempt to write a valid entry in a line already containing valid information. This mode can be activated with MODE register bit CLE. 00 Test read fault (at read request #5). The contents read from all 16 blocks at the same line offset were not equal. The read result returned is invalid. Error A hardware error was detected. Indication in S1 / S0: 00 Data bus parity error. 01 Cascade error. 10 Command cycle error. 11 Data Sheet 5-36 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV 7HVWPRGH5HJLVWHU The testmode register is used in the test request #6. The testmode register acts as an intermediate stage for access to the configuration (MODE, TMODE), test (TMUX) and version (VER0..3) registers which are selected by the selection field. The control field defines the read and modify-and-read operation as well as access to the master or slave device. The data field is used as MODE, TMODE, and TMUX registers as well as Version register (VER0..3) selected by the selection register. Read/write Address 7H Value after reset undefined Selection(2:0) Control(1:0) Data(8) Data(7:0) 16-Bit Mode request 6: 7H for TESTMODE(13:0) 3-Bit Mode request 6: 7H for TESTMODE(13:0) 6HOHFWLRQ Selection field defines which one of the eight registers is selected Data Sheet 000 MODE register used for Cascade Interface test, configuration of the request #3 and #4 001 TMODE register used for checking of the internal memory 010 TMUX register for test purposes only. 011 Reserved 100 Read Version number Octet 0; VER0 register used for reading 101 Read Version number Octet 1; VER1 register used for reading 110 Read Version number Octet 2; VER2 register used for reading 111 Read Version number Octet 3; VER3 register used for reading 5-37 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV &RQWURO &RQWURO 'DWD Data Sheet Control field 0 Modify and Read; not usable for selection (100:111) 1 Read Control field 0 Master is accessed 1 Slave is accessed Data field 5-38 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV 'DWD)LHOGRI7HVWPRGH5HJLVWHU6HOHFWLRQLV02'( For request #1, the VSET portion for comparison is LQWHUQDOO\ set to 1, VPED is set to 0 and VCED set to 1. In request #2, the settings VSET = 1, VCED = 0 and VPED = 0 are used. For request #3, all three VSET, VCED and VPED DUHSURJUDPPDEOH in the MODE register. Both modes of searching as well as searching for invalid lines are possible under microprocessor control during cell processing. For SW convenience and acceleration of the connection data update, write request #4 may be extended by using the CEE and CLE bits in the MODE register. If CEE is set to 1 before writing a pattern to a line, searching for this pattern in the CAME (and the optional second CAME) is performed. If this pattern is already present, the command cycle is finished without writing to the line. This failure is reported in the status register. Next, if enabled, prior to writing with CLE set to 1, the destination line is checked to determine if it already contains a valid entry (with VCON = 1). Writing is prevented only if a valid pattern (VCON =1) is intended to be written over a valid entry and the failure is reported in the status field. 1RWH &RPPDQG H[HFXWLRQ WLPH YDULHV ZLWK &(( DQG &/( XVDJH 7KH QXPEHU RI FORFN F\FOHV UHTXLUHG IRU UHTXHVWSURFHVVLQJSURKLELWVWKHLUXVDJHLQ 0ELWVV\VWHPV7KHFRPPDQGH[HFXWLRQWLPHVDUHOLVWHG LQWDEOH RQ SDJH VCED VPED 9&(' 93(' 96(7 Data Sheet VSET DPG CIO2 CIO1 CIO0 CLE CEE VCI Evaluation Disable. This bit has no influence on any requests except request #3: 0 Default 1 VCI is ignored in search requests of type #3. VPI Evaluation Disable. This bit has no influence on any requests except request #3: 0 Default 1 PN / VPI is ignored in search requests of type #3. For VCON comparison internally Set value for search request #3: 0 Free empty lines are localized. 1 Default 5-39 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV '3* Disturbed Parity Generation. Generate a bus parity error in the read access at the end of this command cycle. This bit is automatically reset. DPG is not supported by the ALP! 0 &,2 CI(2) / CO(2) data If this bit is written, it determines the setting of the CO(2) output while it is used for Cascade Interface check. If it is read, it reflects the level at the CI(2) input. y &,2 Default Check of an Entry before write Enable. Search is performed for occurrence of write pattern in the CAME (and a cascaded CAME, if connected). If the pattern is already present, the related line will not be updated and an alarm is returned in the status field. Activation of this bit prolongs the write request (restricted usage in 622 Mbit/s systems). CEE is not supported by the ALP! 0 Data Sheet Default y depends on the CI input with the same index Check of a Line before write Enable. This means writing of a valid entry (with its VCON bit set to 1) over a valid entry in memory (also with VCON bit contained in this line set to 1) is not performed; instead, in the status field, an alarm is returned. Activation of this bit prolongs the write request (restricted usage in 622 Mbit/s systems). CLE is not supported by the ALP! 0 &(( Default y depends on the CI input with the same index CI(0) / CO(0) data If this bit is written, it determines the setting of the CO(0) output while it is used for Cascade Interface check. If it is read, it reflects the level at the CI(0) input. y &/( Default y depends on the CI input with the same index CI(1) / CO(1) data If this bit is written, it determines the setting of the CO(1) output while it is used for cascade interface check. If it is read, it reflects the level at the CI(1) input. y &,2 Default Default 5-40 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV 'DWD)LHOGRI7HVWPRGH5HJLVWHU6HOHFWLRQLV702'( TMODE register use is allowed only if the MODE register is set to the default values mentioned in VHFWLRQ on page 39. The TMODE register bits cause the following functional changes: reserved(5) reserved(4:0) TWE TRE TSE UHVHUYHG Reserved, do not activate. 000000 7:( Test Write Enable. Enables writing to all memory banks in parallel. This bit changes a write request #4 to a “test write” request. 0 75( Default Test Search Enable. Enables parallel comparing in all banks. This bit changes a search request #3 to a “test search” request. 0 Data Sheet Default Test Read Enable. Enables parallel reading from all banks at the same offset. This bit changes a read request #5 to a “test read” request. 0 76( Default Default 5-41 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV 'DWD)LHOGRI7HVWPRGH5HJLVWHU6HOHFWLRQLV708; TMUX(8) TMUX(7:0) 708; For test only. This register should be set to 0 for normal operation (TMUX disabled): 000000000 Default 'DWD)LHOGRI7HVWPRGH5HJLVWHU6HOHFWLRQLV9(5 VER0(8) VER0(7:0) 9(5 0 9(5 Data Sheet Value Version number, octet 0. Version number bits 7..0 contain 2FH. 5-42 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV 'DWD)LHOGRI7HVWPRGH5HJLVWHU6HOHFWLRQLV9(5 VER1(8) VER1(7:0) 9(5 0 9(5 Value Version number, octet 1. Version number bits 15..8 contain 70H. 'DWD)LHOGRI7HVWPRGH5HJLVWHU6HOHFWLRQLV9(5 VER2(8) VER2(7:0) 9(5 0 9(5 Data Sheet Value Version number, octet 2. Version number bits 23..16 contain 0BH. 5-43 07.2000 3;%) 5HJLVWHUV 'DWD)LHOGRI7HVWPRGH5HJLVWHU6HOHFWLRQLV9(5 VER3(8) VER3(7:0) 9(5 0 9(5 Data Sheet Value Version number, octet 3. Version number bits 31..24 contain 0BH. 5-44 07.2000 3;%) ,QWHUIDFH'HVFULSWLRQ ,QWHUIDFH'HVFULSWLRQ 'DWD%XVDQG$GGUHVV%XV,QWHUIDFH All communication with ALP is done using the data interface. The data interface consists of the following signals, as shown in WDEOH: 7DEOH 'DWD,QWHUIDFH6LJQDOV 6LJQDO1DPH ([SODQDWLRQ DAT(0) Odd parity. Selected to create parity over ADR and DAT bidirectional DAT(31..1)1) Data Bus bidirectional DAT(32) Data Bus bidirectional ADR(2..0) Address Bus input ADR(3) Address Bus input WE Write Enable input OE Output Enable input CE Chip Enable input CLK Clock input EN16 Selection of bus width input 1) 7\SH DAT(15:1) are needed with ALP V1.1. DAT(32:17) are reserved for future use. CAME will be accessed only if CE is low at the rising edge of CLK. If WE is low at the time, a write cycle will be executed; if WE is high, a read cycle will be executed. The OE signal controls the CAME output buffers for read accesses only. The EN16 signal determines data bus width, which is 16-bit for EN16 at low level, and 32-bit otherwise. This signal is intended for static adjustment of bus width. Parity generation in 16-bit Mode extends over DAT(16..0) and ADR(3..0). In 32-bit Mode, it extends over DAT(32..0) and ADR(3..0). In 32-bit interface mode, ADR(3) is not needed and must be connected to ground; thus, parity generated over DAT(32..0) and ADR(2..0) is accepted correctly. In both cases, DAT(0) is used as a parity line and completes the corresponding DAT and ADR lines to odd parity. In 16-bit Mode, only the lower part of the data bus is used. The upper bus half (index 17..32) is ignored during write accesses to CAME and is 0 during read accesses. Data Sheet 6-45 07.2000 3;%) ,QWHUIDFH'HVFULSWLRQ &DVFDGH,QWHUIDFH For more demanding applications, two CAME chips can be cascaded to build up one virtual device with double capacity and the identical physical bus interface to an external controller. The Cascade Interface is used for this purpose and consists of the CO(2..0) outputs and the CI(2..0) and CA inputs as shown in ILJXUH. CAME (Master) ALP Bus interface CA 1k Ω GND CI(2:0) CO(2:0) CAME ALP Bus interface CA CI( 0) CI( 1) CI( 2) CO(0) CAME (Slave) 1kΩ GND Bus interface CO(1) CA CO(2) 10kΩ + 3.3 V CI(2:0) CO(2:0) a) Single CAME application )LJXUH a) 2 CAME application &DVFDGH,QWHUIDFH,QWHUFRQQHFWLRQRI&$0(&KLSV Both CAME chips receive the same requests from ALP. Depending on the request, the determination of which chip may answer at the end of the request is either known in advance (read, write and test requests #4..6) or results from the operation (search requests #1..3). In the second case, the master must inform the slave of its search result and indicate whether or not it processes the search request. The same report takes place from the slave to the master. This is done with the signals CO(1..0). Processing the crosswise transferred status information is done according to WDEOH . The timing of this transfer is defined in WDEOH . The interpretation of the CO(1..0) signals at this time is done according to WDEOH . In order to avoid bus conflicts on reading of cascaded CAME chips, the master has the opportunity to disable data output of the slave CAME using the CO(2) signal. This signal is important in case of a parity error, for example. The CO(2..0) outputs must be connected to the CI(2..0) inputs of the opposite CAME. Data Sheet 6-46 07.2000 3;%) ,QWHUIDFH'HVFULSWLRQ For single chip applications, the CAME device must be configured as master by CA and the CI(1..0) inputs must be supplied with low level, pretending an “always mismatch” condition of the non-existent slave. The CI(2) input is not evaluated by a chip configured as master, but it needs connection to ground. 7DEOH &DVFDGH,QWHUIDFH6LJQDOV 6LJQDO 1DPH &RGH )XQFWLRQ 7\SH CA 0 Device is master, its LCI range is 0..8191 input 1 Device is slave, its LCI range is 8192..16383 00 A search request (#1..3 or #4 with MODE.CEE= 1) is running with the result mismatch on the opposite chip 01 A search request (#1..3 or #4 with MODE.CEE= 1) is running with the result of single match or multimatch on the opposite chip 10 No request is processed by the opposite chip 11 Request #4..6 is processed by the opposite chip 0 CI(2) is ignored by a master. A slave interprets CI(2) as follows: Data output at DAT is prohibited in read cycles 1 Data output at DAT is allowed in read cycles CI(1..0) CI(2) CO(1..0) 00 A search request (#1..3 or #4 with MODE.CEE= 1) is running with the result mismatch 01 A search request (#1..3 or #4 with MODE.CEE= 1) is running with the result of single match or multimatch 10 No request is processed 11 Request #4..6 is processed 0 CO(2) of a slave is undefined.A master outputs CO(2) as follows: Prohibit data output of a slave in read cycles 1 Allow data output of a slave in read cycles CO(2) input input output output &DVFDGH/RJLF If two CAME chips are cascaded, the selection of which device will react and may respond is made based on the command started. No additional preparation at the bus interface is necessary. In read or write command cycles, the LCI - at least part of the command word Data Sheet 6-47 07.2000 3;%) ,QWHUIDFH'HVFULSWLRQ determines which chip performs the operations and may send back the results to ALP. Therefore, the chip not selected chip must also wait for the end of the current request before a new request may be started. In search cycles, both CAME chips start searching in parallel. Only one chip will respond to ALP, determined by the search result. Only for test request #6 must an extra bit, TESTMODE(9), be spent in the instruction word for selection between master and slave. 7DEOH 6HOHFWLRQ&ULWHULDIRU'LIIHUHQW,QVWUXFWLRQV &RPPDQG7\SH 6HOHFWLRQRI0DVWHU 6HOHFWLRQRI6ODYH Search - Requests #1..3 Refer to table 4 Write - Request #4 0 ≤ LCI ≤ 8191 8192 ≤ LCI ≤ 16383 Read - Request #5 0 ≤ LCI ≤ 8191 8192 ≤ LCI ≤ 16383 Test - Request #6 TESTMODE(9) = 0 TESTMODE(9) = 1 With two cascaded CAME chips, each CAME first searches alone. When the match state of master and slave is known, the master reports his local result to the slave. It is only necessary to report “mismatch” or “not mismatch” conditions. The same is done by the slave. Both chips determine their reaction and the overall status according to WDEOH , which includes all combinations of local master and slave search results. The fields of this table contain the overall status of the result for which device returns the result to ALP and which stays inactive. For example, if both chips detect a single match, the slave knows about its own state and the detection of at least an additional match in the master (Master.CO(2..0) = Slave.CI(2..0)) and knows that a global multimatch results. As the slave in this case, it must not respond to ALP. The master also detects a global multimatch the same way (Slave.CO(2..0) = Master.CI(2..0)) and responds to ALP. Data Sheet 6-48 07.2000 3;%) ,QWHUIDFH'HVFULSWLRQ 7DEOH 5HVSRQGLQJ'HYLFHDQG2YHUDOO5HVXOWDIWHU6HDUFK2SHUDWLRQ 0DVWHU'HYLFH Mismatch Master.CO(1..0) = 00 Single Match Master.CO(1..0) = 01 Multimatch Master.CO(1..0) = 01 Mismatch Slave.CO(1..0) = 00 Master: Mismatch Slave: inactive Master: Single Match Slave: inactive Master: Multimatch Slave: inactive Single Match Slave.CO(1..0) = 01 Master: inactive Slave: Single Match Master: Multimatch Slave: inactive Master: Multimatch Slave: inactive Multimatch Slave.CO(1..0) = 01 Master: inactive Slave: Multimatch Master: Multimatch Slave: inactive Master: Multimatch Slave: inactive 6ODYH'HYLFH In summary, the condition for the CAME to become active at the end of an error-free search cycle is: If the Slave receives 00 for “Mismatch” on CI(1..0) and recognizes an internal “Single Match” or “Multimatch” condition it may respond to the master; it must not respond in all other cases. A master will not respond at the end of the current command cycle only if it detects an internal “Mismatch” condition and the slave reports at CI(1..0) with 01 no “Mismatch”; in all other cases the master responds. In the case of a communication fault at the beginning of a request, the determination of which chip may respond is not performed. The reason may be a parity error. To avoid bus conflicts, the slave always must be controlled by the master chip for data output in case of reading. This is done by the master with the CO(2) signal. If the slave outputs the codes 10 (no request processed) or 11 (request #4..6 processed) at CO(1..0) while the master processes a search request, the overall status “cascade error” is reported by the master. If the master processes one of the requests without searching, then only if the slave outputs the code 10 (no request processed) is the overall status “cascade error”. In the other cases, no error is recognized. The code 00 from a slave is accepted intentionally, even if it pretends a search operation, because, for non-cascaded applications, the CI(2..0) inputs are connected to ground. Finally, if the master holds the internal status “data bus parity error” or “command cycle error,” no request is processed by the master. In this case, the slave status is ignored. This behavior is summarized in WDEOH . The master will always report the cascade, parity, and command cycle errors. Data Sheet 6-49 07.2000 3;%) ,QWHUIDFH'HVFULSWLRQ 7DEOH 2YHUDOO6WDWXVLQ&DVHRI(UURUV 0DVWHU CO(1..0) = 00 or 01 (requests with searching) CO(1..0) = 11 (requests without searching) CO(1..0) = 10 (No request processed) 6ODYH CO(1..0) = 00 or 01 See table 4 Status of read, write and test requests Parity or command cycle error CO(1..0) = 11 Cascade error Reported by the preselected device Parity or command cycle error CO(1..0) = 10 Cascade error Cascade error Parity or command cycle error Data Sheet 6-50 07.2000 3;%) ,QWHUIDFH'HVFULSWLRQ &ORFNDQG5HVHW The system clock is passed to CAME at the CLK input. For typical applications, it will be equal to ALP SYS_CLK/2 = 25.92 MHz. This is the only clock supply for the CAME (if the BSCAN interface clock is ignored). It determines operation of the bus interface and the timing of all clocked internal functions. The ALP delivers the CLK signal for the CAME without any glue logic, as depicted in ILJXUH. &$0( &$0(&ORFN 6<6&ORFN 8WRSLD3+<&ORFN ≤ 6<6&ORFN 8WRSLD$70&ORFN ≤ 6<6&ORFN 1:2 3+< $/3 $23 $%0 6<6&ORFN 0+] )LJXUH &ORFN,QWHUIDFHRIWKH&$0( The RESET signal is an active low input. As long as it is connected to a low level, the data bus DAT(32..0) will be forced to a high-impedance state, CO(2..0) are set to 000. TDO and TMD(7..0) are not influenced. When the transition low → high is detected at RESET, the internal control logic is reset, the internal status is “ok” and all test function registers are set to their default values as outlined in section 5.7 on page 37. Thus, test multiplexer selection and the CO(2..0) outputs are influenced. Internal registers around the memory array are also cleared. The contents of the memory array are not changed intentionally, but memory protection during reset is not implemented. As long as RESET stays at a high level, normal operation will occur. Data Sheet 6-51 07.2000 3;%) ,QWHUIDFH'HVFULSWLRQ %RXQGDU\6FDQ,QWHUIDFH Factory test is supported by the Boundary Scan Interface. It consists of four inputs for control of the TAP-controller and one output described in table 6. The TAP-controller is a part of the BSCAN logic. 7DEOH %RXQGDU\6FDQ,QWHUIDFH 6LJQDO ([SODQDWLRQ TCK Clock input TDI Serial Data Input, accepted with rising TCK edge TDO Serial Data Output, changes with falling TCK edge TMS Test Mode Select signal, accepted with rising TCK edge, defines TAP controller operation mode. TRST Test interface Reset signal, low level initializes the TAP-controller asynchronously According to IEEE-Standard 1149.1, boundary scan also provides a 32-bit identification register. In CAME, it contains the boundary scan ID number 0B0B702FH. 7DEOH &$0(%RXQGDU\6FDQ7DEOH %RXQGDU\ 6FDQ1XPEHU 3,11U 6LJQDO1DPH 7\SH 1 12 ADR(0) I 2 14 ADR(1) I 3 16 ADR(2) I 4 18 ADR(3) I 5 20 RES I 6 22 WE I 7 24 OE I 8 26 CS I 9 32 DAT(0) O 10 32 DAT(0) I 11 34 DAT(1) O 12 34 DAT(1) I Data Sheet 6-52 07.2000 3;%) ,QWHUIDFH'HVFULSWLRQ 7DEOH &$0(%RXQGDU\6FDQ7DEOH(cont’d) %RXQGDU\ 6FDQ1XPEHU 3,11U 6LJQDO1DPH 7\SH 13 36 DAT(2) O 14 36 DAT(2) I 15 38 DAT(3) O 16 38 DAT(3) I 17 40 DAT(4) O 18 40 DAT(4) I 19 42 DAT(5) O 20 42 DAT(5) I 21 44 DAT(6) O 22 44 DAT(6) I 23 46 DAT(7) O 24 46 DAT(7) I 25 48 DAT(8) O 26 48 DAT(8) I 27 50 DAT(9) O 28 50 DAT(9) I 29 52 DAT(10) O 30 52 DAT(10) I 31 54 CLK I 32 - Control pad for DAT(32:0) - 33 56 DAT(11) O 34 56 DAT(11) I 35 58 DAT(12) O 36 58 DAT(12) I 37 60 DAT(13) O 38 60 DAT(13) I Data Sheet 6-53 07.2000 3;%) ,QWHUIDFH'HVFULSWLRQ 7DEOH &$0(%RXQGDU\6FDQ7DEOH(cont’d) %RXQGDU\ 6FDQ1XPEHU 3,11U 6LJQDO1DPH 7\SH 39 62 DAT(14) O 40 62 DAT(14) I 41 64 DAT(15) O 42 64 DAT(15) I 43 66 DAT(16) O 44 66 DAT(16) I 45 68 DAT(17) O 46 68 DAT(17) I 47 70 DAT(18) O 48 70 DAT(18) I 49 72 DAT(19) O 50 72 DAT(19) I 51 74 DAT(20) O 52 74 DAT(20) I 53 76 DAT(21) O 54 76 DAT(21) I 55 77 DAT(22) O 56 77 DAT(22) I 57 81 DAT(23) O 58 81 DAT(23) I 59 83 DAT(24) O 60 83 DAT(24) I 61 85 DAT(25) O 62 85 DAT(25) I 63 87 DAT(26) O 64 87 DAT(26) I Data Sheet 6-54 07.2000 3;%) ,QWHUIDFH'HVFULSWLRQ 7DEOH &$0(%RXQGDU\6FDQ7DEOH(cont’d) %RXQGDU\ 6FDQ1XPEHU 3,11U 6LJQDO1DPH 7\SH 65 89 DAT(27) O 66 89 DAT(27) I 67 91 DAT(28) O 68 91 DAT(28) I 69 93 DAT(29) O 70 93 DAT(29) I 71 95 DAT(30) O 72 95 DAT(30) I 73 97 DAT(31) O 74 97 DAT(31) I 75 99 DAT(32) O 76 99 DAT(32) I 77 104 CA I 78 106 EN16 I 79 109 TMD(0) O 80 113 TMD(1) O 81 115 TMD(2) O 82 117 TMD(3) O 83 119 TMD(4) O 84 121 TMD(5) O 85 123 TMD(6) O 86 125 TMD(7) O 87 127 CO(0) O 88 129 CO(1) O 89 131 CO(2) O 90 133 CI(0) I Data Sheet 6-55 07.2000 3;%) ,QWHUIDFH'HVFULSWLRQ 7DEOH &$0(%RXQGDU\6FDQ7DEOH(cont’d) %RXQGDU\ 6FDQ1XPEHU 3,11U 6LJQDO1DPH 7\SH 91 135 CI(1) I 92 137 CI(2) I 0LFURSURFHVVRUDQG&RQWURO,QWHUIDFH No Microprocessor Interface is implemented in the CAME. In the CAME, data and control interfaces are identical. For the interface description, refer to "Data Bus and Address Bus Interface" on page 6-45. The CAME mode register access takes place with request #6. For details about command transfer, refer to VHFWLRQpage 37. 5HIHUHQFHIRU,QWHUQDO&XUUHQW6RXUFHV Adjustment of internal current sources is done using the RBIAS and VBIAS pins. VBIAS must be connected to a precision voltage reference with 1.2 V ± 10%. Additionally, between the RBIAS pin and ground, a resistor with 12.1 kΩ ± 1% is necessary. VBIAS= 1 is interpreted as “powerdown” and disables the CAME functionality. . V33 R=10k REF VBIAS 1.2V GND LM4041EIM3-1.2 C=100nF GND )LJXUH Data Sheet ([DPSOHIRU9%,$65HIHUHQFH9ROWDJH&LUFXLW 6-56 07.2000 3;%) (OHFWULFDO&KDUDFWHULVWLFV (OHFWULFDO&KDUDFWHULVWLFV $EVROXWH0D[LPXP5DWLQJV 7DEOH $EVROXWH0D[LPXP5DWLQJV 3DUDPHWHU 6\PERO Supply Voltage 9CC -0.5 to 4.6 V Input Voltage 9IN -0.5 to 9CC+0.5 V Output Voltage 9OUT Power Dissipation 3V <0.3 W Storage Temperature 7S -65 to 150 °C 1RWH /LPLW9DOXHV 8QLW V 6WUHVVHV DERYH WKRVH OLVWHG KHUH PD\ FDXVH SHUPDQHQW GDPDJH WR WKH GHYLFH ([SRVXUH WR DEVROXWH PD[LPXPUDWLQJFRQGLWLRQVIRUH[WHQGHGSHULRGVPD\DIIHFWGHYLFHUHOLDELOLW\ 2SHUDWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV 7DEOH 2SHUDWLQJ&RQGLWLRQV 3DUDPHWHU Supply Voltage 6\PERO 9CC 3.135 to 3.465 V Ground *1' 0 V Input Voltage 9IN 0 to 9CC V Output Voltage 9OUT 0 to 9CC V Input low Voltage 9IN 0 to 0.8 V Input high Voltage 9IN 2.0 to 9CC V Ambient Temperature 7A 0 to 70 °C Junction Temperature 7J max. 100 °C Data Sheet 7-57 /LPLW9DOXHV 8QLW 07.2000 3;%) (OHFWULFDO&KDUDFWHULVWLFV '&&KDUDFWHULVWLFVIRUDOO,QWHUIDFHV 7DEOH '&&KDUDFWHULVWLFV 3DUDPHWHU 6\PERO /LPLW9DOXHV PLQ W\S PD[ 8QLW 7HVW&RQGLWLRQ Input Low Voltage 9IL 0 0.8 V Input High Voltage 9IH 2.0 9CC V Output Low Voltage 9OL 0.4 V Output High Voltage 9OH 2.4 V 9OH=9DD or9SS Output Current at high Voltage ,OH -8 mA 9IN=9CC or 0 V 8 mA 9IN=9CC or 0 V Output Current at low Volt- ,OL age Input Leakage Current at low Voltage (all inputs except TCK, TMS, TDI, TRSTN) ,IL -1 1 mA 9IN=9CC or 0 V Input Leakage Current at high Voltage (all inputs except TCK, TMS, TDI, TRSTN) ,IH -1 1 mA 9IN=9CC or 0 V Input Leakage Current at low Voltage (inputs TCK, TMS, TDI, TRSTN) ,IL -1 -14 mA 9IN=0 V Input Leakage Current at high Voltage (inputs TCK, TMS, TDI, TRSTN) ,IH -1 1 mA 9IN=9CC Data Sheet 7-58 07.2000 3;%) (OHFWULFDO&KDUDFWHULVWLFV &DSDFLWDQFHV 7DEOH &DSDFLWDQFHV 3DUDPHWHU 6\PERO PLQ Input Capacitance Input/Output Capacitance /LPLW9DOXHV PD[ 8QLW &IN 5 pF &IN/OUT 7 pF $&&KDUDFWHULVWLFV 7A = 0 to 70 °C, 9CC = 3.3 V ± 5%, 9SS = 0 V All inputs are driven to 9IH = 2.4 V for a logical 1 and to 9IL = 0.4 V for a logical 0 All outputs are measured at 9H = 2.0 V for a logical 1 and at 9L = 0.8 V for a logical 0 The AC testing input/output waveforms are shown in ILJXUH . )LJXUH Data Sheet ,QSXW2XWSXW:DYHIRUPIRU$&0HDVXUHPHQWV 7-59 07.2000 3;%) (OHFWULFDO&KDUDFWHULVWLFV %RXQGDU\6FDQ7HVW,QWHUIDFH )LJXUH %RXQGDU\6FDQ7HVW,QWHUIDFH7LPLQJ'LDJUDP 7DEOH %RXQGDU\6FDQ7HVW,QWHUIDFH$&7LPLQJ&KDUDFWHULVWLFV 1R 3DUDPHWHU /LPLW9DOXHV 0LQ 7\S 0D[ 8QLW 1 7TCK: Period TCK 160 1A )TCK: Frequency TCK 0 2 Set up time TMS, TDI before TCK rising 10 ns 3 Hold time TMS, TDI after TCK rising 10 ns 4 Delay TCK falling to TDO valid 0 30 ns 5 Delay TCK falling to TDO high impedance 0 30 ns 6 Pulse width TRST low Data Sheet 100 7-60 ns 6.25 MHz ns 07.2000 3;%) (OHFWULFDO&KDUDFWHULVWLFV $&&KDUDFWHULVWLFVRI&$0('DWD,QWHUIDFHWRWKH$/3 1 2 n-1 n CLK CS OE WE ADR(3:0) DAT(16:0) Start (first write) )LJXUH End (last read) ([DPSOHRI([HFXWLRQ7LPLQJIRU:ULWH&RPPDQG5HTXHVW 7DEOH 'XUDWLRQRI&RPPDQG([HFXWLRQ 3DUDPHWHU 0D[H[HFXWLRQWLPH 8QLW IRUELW IRUELW LQWHUIDFH LQWHUIDFH Request number 1: Cell processing search for PN/VPI reduction 12 13 clock cycles Request number 2: Cell processing search for, PN/VPI/VCI reduction 12 14 clock cycles Request number 3: Search request by the microprocessor 12 14 clock cycles Request number 4: CAME Write command 8 101) clock cycles MODE.CEE = 0, MODE.CLE = 1 12 14 clock cycles MODE.CEE = 1, MODE.CLE = 0 14 16 clock cycles MODE.CEE = 1, MODE.CLE = 1 16 18 clock cycles Request number 5: CAME Read command 11 13 clock cycles Request number 6: Test and configuration of the CAME 8 9 clock cycles Extended modes: 1) Only this mode is selected by the ALP PXB 4350 E. Data Sheet 7-61 07.2000 3;%) (OHFWULFDO&KDUDFWHULVWLFV 2 1 CLK 3 6 4 CS 5 OE WE ADR(3:0) DAT(16:0) 8 7 )LJXUH &$0(5HDG&\FOH CLK 3 4 CS OE WE ADR(3:0) DAT(16:0) )LJXUH Data Sheet &$0(:ULWH&\FOH 7-62 07.2000 3;%) (OHFWULFDO&KDUDFWHULVWLFV 7DEOH 3DUDPHWHUVIRU5HDG:ULWH$FFHVV 1R 3DUDPHWHU 8QLW PLQ /LPLW9DOXHV W\S PD[ 1 CLK frequency 0.01 25.92 MHz 2 CLK duty cycle 40 60 % 3 Set up time of CS, WE, ADR and DAT in 4 read and write cycle to CLK ↑ ns 4 Hold time of CS, WE, ADR and DAT in 4 read and write cycle from CLK ↑ ns 5a1) Data access of DAT in read cycle from CLK ↑ (32-bit access) 35 ns 5b1) Data access of DAT in read cycle from CLK ↑ (16-bit access) 19 ns 6 Data hold of DAT in read cycle from CLK ↑ 7 OE low of DAT in read cycle to Output active 21 ns 8 OE high of DAT in read cycle to Output Z 21 ns 1) 4 ns The ALP PXB 4350 E uses only the 16-bit access $&&KDUDFWHULVWLFVRI&$0(&DVFDGH,QWHUIDFH Transfer of status information 1 CLK 2 2 valid CO(2:0) 3 CI(2:0) )LJXUH Data Sheet 4 valid 7LPLQJRI&DVFDGH,QWHUIDFH 7-63 07.2000 3;%) (OHFWULFDO&KDUDFWHULVWLFV 7DEOH &DVFDGH,QWHUIDFH7LPLQJ3DUDPHWHUV 1R 3DUDPHWHU PLQ 8QLW 25.92 MHz 22 ns 1 CLK frequency 2 CO change from CLK ↓ 3 Set up time to CLK ↑ 17 ns 4 Hold time from CLK ↑ 2 ns Data Sheet 0.01 /LPLW9DOXHV W\S PD[ 7-64 07.2000 3;%) 3DFNDJH2XWOLQHV 3DFNDJH2XWOLQHV GPP05616 74)3 (144 pin Thin Plastic Quad Flatpack) )LJXUH 6RUWVRI3DFNLQJ Package outlines for tubes, trays etc. are contained in our Data Book “Package Information”. Dimensions in mm SMD = Surface Mounted Device Data Sheet 8-65 07.2000 3;%) 5HIHUHQFHV 1. 5HIHUHQFHV Joint Test Action Group JTAG standard IEEE Std. 1149.1 $FURQ\PV ABM ALP AOP ARC byte CAME double word F4 F5 HT I/O IP LCI LSB octet OAM PN SSRAM tbd TEP VCC VCI VPVPC VPI word Data Sheet PXB 4330 E $TM %uffer 0anager PXB 4350 E $TM /ayer 3rocessor PXB 4340 E $TM 2AM 3rocessor $ddress 5eduction &ircuit octet = 8 bits &ontent $ddressable 0emory (lement 32 bits Virtual Path Layer Virtual Channel Layer +eader 7ranslation ,nput/2utput ,ntermediate 3oint /ocal &onnection ,dentifier /east 6ignificant %it byte = 8 bits 2peration $nd 0aintenance 3ort 1umber 6ynchronous 6tatic 5andom$ccess0emory Wo Ee Gefined 7erminating (nd 3oint 9irtual &hannel &onnection 9irtual &hannel ,dentifier of standardized ATM cell 9irtual 3ath specific 9irtual 3ath &onnection 9irtual 3ath ,dentifier of standardized ATM cell 16 bits 9-66 07.2000