CLC-DRCS-PCASM CLC-DRCS-PCASM DRCS Evaluation Board User's Guide Literature Number: SNOS917C CLC-DRCS-PCASM DRCS Evaluation Board User’s Guide June 1999 N CLC-DRCS-PCASM DRCS Evaluation Board User’s Guide 0 0 Overview Required Evaluation Items n DRCS Board The DRCS Evaluation Board (CLC-DRCS-PCASM) is designed to support simple and effective evaluation of the Diversity Receiver Chipset (DRCS). This chipset consists of the CLC5956 Analog-toDigital Converter (ADC), the CLC5526 Digital Variable Gain Amplifier (DVGA), and the CLC5902 Dual Digital Tuner/AGC. The CLC5902 performs digital down conversion (DDC) and automatic gain control (AGC) with digital accuracy and repeatability. (CLC-DRCS-PCASM) n +5V power supply n Signal generator n DRCS Control Panel software e (drcscp.exe) n PC running Windows® 95/98/NT n One PC serial port The DRCS Board accepts narrowband signals at IF frequencies up to 300MHz (the LC noise filter must be retuned from the 150MHz factory setup) and outputs quadrature baseband signals in a digital format. There are two complete signal paths from the two input connectors to the Channel A and Channel B digital outputs. et Suggested Evaluation Items n Data Capture Board (CLC-CAPT-PCASM) n Data Capture Board software The configuration of the DDC/AGC is controlled by a COP8 µController which loads one of several default configurations at power up. The default configuration is selected using DIP switch SW2. These configurations can also be modified with the DRCS Control Panel software (drcscp.exe) provided with the DRCS Board that runs under Windows® 95/98/NT. bs ol (capture.exe) n Data Capture Board User’s Guide n Second PC serial port n Matlab® software or other data analysis software Also available is a Data Capture Board (CLC-CAPT-PCASM) and accompanying software (capture.exe) that mates with the evaluation board and enables the user to transfer data from the DDC/AGC output, over the serial port of a PC and into a file. Reference Documents n CLC5956 data sheet n CLC5526 data sheet n CLC5902 data sheet O This document describes in detail the DRCS Board, DRCS Control Panel software, and how to use it. AIN1 Transformer DVGA ADC 150MHz 12 4 DDC/AGC } AOUT (serial) BOUT (serial) SCK SFS RDY ParOut J1 4 AIN2 Transformer DVGA ADC 12 150MHz J9 RS-232 Serial I/O Figure 1 COP8 µController CLC-DRCS-PCASM Block Diagram ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 General Description DVGA As seen in Figure 1, the DRCS Board accepts analog IF inputs on a pair of SMA connectors and processes these into baseband digital waveforms. There are several analog components that condition the signal prior to sampling with a pair of ADCs. The most important of these is the DVGA which is the gain control element of an AGC loop. The sampled signals are applied to a two channel digital down converter (DDC) that performs a final mix to baseband, digitally filters the waveforms, and decimates to a lower output sample rate. On-board automatic gain control (AGC) loops operate in conjunction with the DVGAs to extend the dynamic range of the analog signal paths. The DVGA is a 350MHz amplifier that has a digitallycontrolled voltage gain range from -12 to +30dB in 6dB steps. It has a 3rd-order output intercept point of 24dB at 150MHz and an o utpu t noise spectral density of The DRCS Board is factory configured for an IF of 150MHz, a sampling frequency (FCK) of 52MSPS, and an overall decimation of 192. This yields an output sample rate of 270.8KSPS. The DDC/AGC features a high degree of programmability so that key parameters such as mixer frequency, decimation ratio, filter shape, etc. can be configured by the user. The DVGA, in conjunction with the DDC/AGC, forms an automatic leveling loop that compresses the dynamic range of the input IF signal prior to sampling by the ADC. By doing so, it extends the dynamic range of the ADC by as much as 42dB. The loop dynamics and threshold of the AGC are set by programming the control registers within the DDC/AGC. It is also possible to inhibit the loop and force specific DVGA gain values. These topics are addressed later within this document. Input Circuit and Signal Levels G DVGA = ( 0.21 ) ⋅ 2 AGAIN , (EQ. 3) e where AGAIN is the 3-bit data word into the DVGA digital input of channel A. Refer to the CLC5526 data sheet for further details. et The individual elements of the DRCS Board are discussed in the following paragraphs. 69 nV ⁄ Hz . At 150MHz, the data sheet plots place the maximum gain at about 28.5dB or, Noise Filter A simple noise filter resides between the DVGA and ADC. Its only purpose is to attenuate noise from the DVGA that appears at the ADC sampling image frequencies. Because of its simplicity, it does not have the ability to sufficiently reject signals from the antenna that are located at the sampling images. It is assumed that a SAW filter will precede the DVGA and provide this capability. The usefulness of the noise filter is due to the fact that both the DVGA and ADC have wide bandwidths and so there are many sampling images that fall in band. Each of these will add noise power to the output if they are not attenuated. See Figure 2. bs ol The AIN1 and AIN2 IF inputs are transformer coupled into the DVGA inputs. The transformers are included to interface with the differential analog components which follow. They also match the 200 Ω input of the DVGAs to the 50 Ω input connectors and provide a voltage gain of 2: G XFMR = 2 (EQ. 1) O In a production system, the transformer might be replaced by an IF SAW which also has differential output drive capability. Please observe from the schematic diagrams that the transformer introduces a dc short from the input connector to ground. With the DVGA set to maximum gain, the total analog gain from the input connector to the ADC is 33.8dB and an input level of -23.8dBm will drive a full-scale input at the ADC. With the DVGA set to minimum gain, the total analog gain is -8.3dB and a +18.3dBm input level is required to drive the ADC to full scale. Typically, the AGC reference level will be set such that the ADC will never see full scale and the lowest gain setting of the DVGA will not be used. The total gain of the DRCS Board, including both the analog and digital parts is best described by the equation, G TOTAL = G XFMR G DVGA G LC G DDC , (EQ. 2) where the first term has already been introduced and the others will be in subsequent sections of this manual. The noise figure of the DRCS Board is 13dB and is calculated in the ADC section on page 3. Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 2 The nominal component values for the filter provide a center frequency of 150MHz, a 3dB bandwidth of 18MHz, and an insertion loss of 0.7dB. Assuming an ADC sample rate of 52MSPS, the filter provides about 4dB of attenuation at the closest image frequency which is at 162MHz (Figure 2). The attenuation at the image frequencies not shown will of course be greater. More attenuation is possible by increasing the Q of the filter, but this would make the center frequency tolerance more critical and also increase the group delay through the filter. (The damping of the AGC loop is negatively impacted by large group delays.) More attenuation will also be achieved if the IF is moved further away from 156MHz. To change the IF frequency of the DRCS Board, the noise filter components must be changed. The equations below pertain to Figure 3 and provide a means of computing the new values: 1 ω c = ----------------L1 CT (EQ. 4) ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation Baseband Filter Translated To Sampling Images Baseband Filter 4dB LC Noise Filter 3X Sampling Frequency Sampling Image IF Frequency 150 202 162 208 214 Frequency (MHz) Illustration of the need for noise filter attenuation at the sampling images. (EQ. 5) RT C G LC = 1 + ------- ⋅ ------T QL L1 (EQ. 6) improves to 68dBFS (or, 55 nV ⁄ Hz at 52MSPS). This behavior is due to the fact that the large-signal, high-frequency SNR is dominated by clock jitter. Communication systems such as GSM require minimum SNRs of no better than 9dB which can be achieved at input levels of 59dB below full scale. Therefore, the ADC acts as though it were a 68dB device for these systems (Figure 4). The digital filters following the ADC provide processing gain that e 1 ω BW = -----------RT CT et Figure 2 156 C T = C93 ⁄ 2 + C 99 + 1.5pF (EQ. 7) In these equations, C 93 = C 94 , RT = 600 || 1K = 375Ω , G LC is the filter gain at ω c , and Q L is the quality factor of DVGA Output bs ol the inductor at ω c . SNR vs. Input Amplitude 80 Extrapolates to 68dB 70 ADC Input and Stray PCB Capacitance 60 C93 L1 C99 1.5p 1K SNR (dBc) 600 C94 50 40 30 Noise filter components for AIN1. O Figure 3 20 10 In addition to setting the center frequency of the filter, capacitors C93 and C94 absorb the transient current that is sourced out of the ADC coincident with the sampling instant. It is recommended that C 93 and C 94 be no less -45 The frequency response of the noise filter can be checked at spot frequencies by observing either the CLC5902 Mixer AI or BI outputs in debug mode with the NCO set to 0 frequency and 0 phase. ADC The ADC is a 12 bit, wideband converter capable of inputs as high as 300MHz at sample rates of 52MSPS. The SNR for an input 3dB below the full scale input of 2VPP differential is 62dBFS at an IF frequency in the range of 150MHz. For levels much below this, however, the SNR 3 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 Input Amplitude (dBFS) Figure 4 than 20pF. ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation -50 CLC5956 SNR extrapolates to 68dBFS. improve further upon this by 24dB (factory default configuration). Assuming that a single sampling image interferes at a level of -4dB (Figure 2), the total noise voltage density at the ADC input is, 2 2 55 + 69 ( 1 + 10 – 4 ⁄ 10 ) = 98nV ⁄ Hz . (EQ. 8) When this is referred through the 33.8dB maximum gain to the input connector, this yields a 13dB noise figure for the DRCS Board. Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 + 1 , B3 ; ( EXP (from AGC) ( /$ & 6 3+$6(B$ Figure 5 21 I TO OUTPUT CIRCUIT SAT 21 F2 FILTER DECIMATE BY 2 OR 4 SAT & ROUND 21 F1 FILTER DECIMATE BY 2 SAT & ROUND SHIFT UP 21 Q 17 SIN COS NCO CLC5902 down converter, channel A. The digital output format of the ADC is two’s complement. For further information, consult the CLC5956 data sheet. e )5(4B$ 22 CIC FILTER DECIMATE BY 8 TO 2K 15 17 22 SHIFT UP 15 FLOAT TO FIXED CONVERTER ROUND EXPONENT 14 & ( ' B < % B & ( ' ) ( 2 & B ) EXP 3 MUXA ) ( 2 & B ) $ B 1 , $ * 0 0 -10 DDC et -20 The ADC outputs feed into the two channel DDC/AGC. This part consists of two down converter channels (DDC) and automatic gain control (AGC) loops. The DDC performs the final mix to baseband and baseband filtering (see Figure 5). -30 -50 -60 bs ol Magnitude (dB) GSM blocker and interferer requirements -40 The NCO can tune across the full Nyquist band with 32 bit precision. With phase dither enabled, the spurious performance is -101dBc or better and SNR is 84dB. The frequency and phase of the two channels are completely independent. In addition, the phase dither of the two are uncorrelated. -70 -80 -90 -100 The FLOAT TO FIXED CONVERTER within the DDC will match any change in gain by the DVGA with a compensating digital gain change. It does this by treating the complement of the DVGA control word as an exponent to the ADC output. The overall effect of this is to make the Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 4 Figure 6 Output Power O Although the ADC combined with the processing gain of the digital filters provides 92dB of instantaneous SNR, this is not enough to meet the requirements of the GSM900 specification without some analog filtering to attenuate the blocker. Nonetheless, the digital filters can be used to relax the requirements on the analog filter. In particular, the digital filters can meet the reference interference level of ETSI GSM 05.05 paragraph 6.3 without any assistance from the analog filter. Further, the blocker performance of ETSI GSM 05.05 paragraph 5.1 can be met with only minor assistance from the analog filter. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Frequency (kHz) Frequency response of down converter O AG ve C rT O hi per s R at an es ge -110 The baseband filtering is performed by a cascade of three decimating FIR filters. The overall decimation ratio can be programmed from 8 to 16,384. The two final filters feature 21 and 63 user-programmable taps, respectively. A set of tap coefficients are published in the CLC5902 data sheet which provide adequate filtering to meet the GSM blocker and interferer requirements. The frequency response for these at a sample rate of 52MSPS is shown in Figure 6. DDC Output ADC Output Input Power Figure 7 ADC and DDC output level vs. input level ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation $*&B7$%/( $*&B/223B*$,1 Envelope Detector SHIFT DOWN AGAIN 3 MUX POUT 32X8 RAM FIXED TO FLOAT CONVERTER 2 STAGE DECIMATE BY 8 CIC FILTER ABSOLUTE VALUE AIN EXP $*&B,&B$ $*&B+2/'B,& $*&B5(6(7B(1 $*&B)25&( $*&B&2817 LOAD ONE SHOT $*&B(1 COUNTER PERIOD 16 FUNCTION PROGRAMMED INTO RAM LOG AGC circuit, channel A. -REF et Figure 8 e EN AGC The AGC loop for channel A is shown in Figure 8. Each channel has its own loop. The ADC output power is measured with an envelope detector and used to adjust the DVGA gain. Envelope detection is performed by an absolute value circuit followed by a lowpass filter whose response is shown in Figure 9. The filtered signal is used bs ol DRCS Board appear as a fixed gain channel with extremely large dynamic range as shown in Figure 7. This mode can also be inhibited by asserting (;3B,1+. An expression for the gain through the DDC channel A is, 1 4 G DDC = --- ( '(& + 1 ) 2 ⋅2 ⋅2 , (EQ. 9) [ 6&$/( – 44 – AGAIN ⋅ ( 1 – (;3B,1+ ) ] *$,1 Magnitude Spectrum of Power Detect CIC Filter 0 0 ⋅ G F1 ⋅ G F2 -10 21 ∑ h1 ( i ) -30 63 ∑ h2 ( i ) G F2 = -40 i--------------------=1 -. 16 (EQ. 11) 2 -50 The numerators of G F1 and G F2 equal the sums of the impulse response coefficients of F1 and F2, respectively. For the STD and GSM sets, G F1 and G F2 are nearly equal to unity. Observe that the AGAIN term in (EQ. 9) is cancelled by the corresponding term appearing in (EQ. 3) so that the entire gain of the DRCS Board is independent of 1 the DVGA setting when (;3B,1+ . The --- appearing 2 in (EQ. 9) is the result of the 6dB conversion loss in the mixer. ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation Magnitude (dB) Magnitude (dB) (EQ. 10) 2 O G F1 = -20 i--------------------=1 -, 16 5 -60 -60 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Frequency Normalized to Fs 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1 Frequency Normalized to FCK Figure 9 Frequency response of envelope detector filter. to address a lookup table which generates an error signal based on the programmed threshold, deadband and loop time constant targets. This error is integrated to produce the 3 bit control signal for the DVGA. Integrator gain is Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 In the course of measuring ADC power, the absolute value block within the envelope detector also generates a second harmonic of the aliased IF frequency. For example, an IF of 150MHz aliases to -6MHz at the ADC output when the sample rate is 52MHz. The absolute value block produces from this a dc term and a second harmonic at -12MHz, the latter of which is rejected by the low pass filter. If the alias frequency is too low, though, its second harmonic will fall within the passband of the filter and a clean power detection will not occur. This problem can be avoided by choosing the IF and sample rates such that the alias frequency magnitude is greater than FCK/16. Data and Clock Outputs The CLC5902 outputs several standard serial formats for interface to a DSP. These formats can be specified by loading the appropriate values in the CLC5902 registers. The CLC5902 datasheet provides complete information. The default setup of the DRCS Board is 3$&.(', 08;B02'( , and )250$7 . These settings provide a 24-bit serial output word, a frame sync output pulse once for each I/Q pair, and the outputs for channel A and B muxed onto the single output pin AOUT. The serial outputs and control signals are available at the Eurocard connector J1. This connector mates directly to the data capture board which can be used to transfer data to a PC. The serial output is also available from the 16-pin DSP interface header. Note that AND gate U12 is not factory loaded but a location is provided for compatibility with previous versions of the DRCS Board. The trace from pin 2 to 4 of U12 must be cut before installing it. bs ol Deadband 6dB DVGA Output Power et The user interface software makes programming of the AGC very easy. The user need only specify the loop time constant, reference and deadband and from these, the lookup table values and shifter values are computed. As shown in Figure 10, deadband in excess of 6dB shows up as hysteresis. Hysteresis will eliminate excessive DVGA gain changes caused by the input signal level dwelling at a transition point. to the signal level applied to the board. This mode is easiest to use and is probably suitable for most applications. The default configuration of the DRCS Board and user software is for this mode. The other mode is a gated mode and is useful, for example, in TDMA systems when one wishes the AGC to be active only during the power ramp up. In this mode, the loop is active when the gate signal is applied and then opens when the gate is removed. The gate signal can be an external pulse whose width defines the AGC active period. Alternatively, the gate can be an edge which starts a counter within the DDC/AGC. The AGC active period is then the time it takes for the counter to reach its terminal value. By using the configuration registers, it is possible to write the initial gain condition of the loop into the integrator and also to read the final gain value from this integrator. Consult the CLC5902 data sheet for further details. e programmable via the shifter preceding it to allow loop time constants that can be varied by factors of 2. Fractional control of time constant can be achieved by altering the slope of the transfer function stored within the lookup table. Reference Hysteresis=Deadband-6dB 6dB O DVGA Input Power Figure 10 Relationship between deadband and hysteresis. The AGC has several operating modes. The simplest is the free-run mode where the loop is closed continuously and the DVGA gain setting is constantly updated in response The default serial output configuration is compatible with the TMS320C54X serial input. Figure 11 shows the timing. To interface to the ‘C54X, set the DSP serial port in continuous mode (FSM bit set to 0) with frame ignore enabled (FIG bit set to 1). In this mode the 24-bit words may be read as 3 groups of 8 bits. The overall input stream of four 24-bit words is read as twelve 8-bit words for later reassembly by the DSP. The parallel outputs from the CLC5902 are also available on the Eurocard connector J1. The parallel output bus of 96 clocks 6&. 6)6 $287 Figure 11 0 23 ... 1 0 0 23 ... 1 lsb msb lsb msb I chan A Q chan A 0 23 ... 1 msb lsb I chan B 23 ... 1 0 msb lsb Q chan B DSP Interface Timing Diagram Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 6 ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation A simple inversion of the MSB converts two’s complement data to offset binary data. In this format the MSB has the same polarity as all the other bits so that negative full scale is all zeroes and positive full scale is all ones. An inverter is provided on the board to generate this output coding for the parallel output. The inverted MSB is brought out on pin 3A of J1. Refer to the CLC5902 data sheet for further information on the parallel output. Probing of DDC/AGC Debug Nodes For optimal ADC performance the clock must have less than 1psec jitter. Higher levels of jitter will spread out the spectrum of any applied signals. In a laboratory environment, we suggest the use of a low phase noise synthesizer such as the HP8643 or the HP8644 as a sinewave source. Excessive phase noise will cause unacceptable levels of jitter. DRCS Control Panel Software The DRCS Control Panel (drcscp.exe) requires Windows 95/98/NT and a free serial port to operate. Run setup.exe from the CD ROM to copy the appropriate files to your hard drive and build the necessary directory structure. Run drcscp.exe to start the program. To configure the COM port, choose &RQILJXUH,2 from the )LOH menu. The DRCS Control Panel is a program interface which allows the CLC5902 configuration registers to be programmed. All register settings are controlled from the four tabs on the left. The 5HJLVWHUV page allows you to view a summary of the register values that are down-loaded to the CLC5902. Except for the 5HJLVWHUV page, each page has a 6HQG3DJH or 6HQG button. When pressed, the register values associated with that page are down-loaded to the CLC5902. In addition, a 6HQG$OO'DWD command is available under the )LOH menu. Although the registers within the CLC5902 can also be read, the present version of the software does not provide this capability. bs ol et The user has the ability to probe internal nodes within the CLC5902 by selecting the desired node using the internal configuration registers. The node is then switched on to the 20-bit wide parallel debug bus which is a collection of output pins that are re-assigned to this function when the debug mode is enabled. (Refer to the CLC5902 data sheet for pin assignments, output data formats, and configuration register parameters.) Both the DRCS Control Panel and Data Capture Board support this mode. removed. The CLK connector hooks to a sine-to-PECL clock converter to drive the ADCs. This circuit requires a 2-3VPP (10 to 16dBm) sinewave at the clock SMA connector. The PECL clock is further converted to a TTL clock for use by DDC/AGC. e the CLC5902 is 16 bits wide and a set of enable and address lines allow the I/Q data from channels A and B to be accessed from 8 internal registers. These control lines also connect to J1. A set of DIP switches SW1D allow the enable and address lines to be statically set. These switches must be open if the Data Capture Board is used for parallel data capture. When this mode is enabled, signal pin SCK is re-configured as a data strobe with the proper timing for the selected internal node. This gives the user the ability to debug his design when trouble arises. The internal nodes available for probing include the outputs of the mixers, CIC filters, and AGC power detectors. µController O The COP8 microcontroller contains preprogrammed data to load into the CLC5902. When the board is powered up or the reset switch is closed, the COP8 reads the 8-position dip switch SW2 to determine which set of data to load. The CLC5902 is loaded, the LEDs alternate briefly, and the COP8 enters an idle loop awaiting further serial communication. To change the operating program in the CLC5902, change the SW2 dip switch setting and press the ’RESET’ switch. The new data is loaded and the COP8 again enters the idle loop. The COP8 provides an RS-232 serial port for connection to an external controller on connector J9. This port allows the DRCS Control Panel software to access the DDC registers thus providing greater configuration flexibility. System Clock The DRCS Board is equipped with an SMA connector labeled as CLK so that an external clock signal can be applied. However, the board is factory-configured with an on-board 52MHz crystal oscillator (Y2) and so the external clock signal is not needed. If the user wishes to use an external clock, the socketed oscillator must first be ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation 7 The configuration data entered into the various pages can be written to a .dcp configuration file. This provides a convenient method of retrieving previous configurations because these files can also be read into the DRCS Control Panel. The file is ASCII and has one line for each byte that is written to the CLC5902. The first column is the address and the second is the data. Both are in hex format. The /RDG&RQILJXUDWLRQ and 6DYH&RQILJXUDWLRQ commands can be found under the )LOH menu. When you start the DRCS Control Panel, it will load the last used .dcp file within the Data subdirectory. If you have not yet created one, it will look for default.dcp. If default.dcp is not found, it will use a set of hard-coded defaults for everything except FIR Filters F1 and F2. For the filters, the program will search for default.f1 and default.f2. If they are not found, zeros will be loaded for the coefficients. The data entry fields are designed to allow values to be entered using pulldown menus or edit boxes in familiar engineering terms, as opposed to the integer values that are required by the CLC5902. The engineering values are converted to the appropriate integer values and appear on the 5HJLVWHUV page. For example, when -150.03 is entered into )UHT, &KDQQHO$, the 5HJLVWHUV page displays the value 493095284 for )5(4B$. When the mouse is held over a Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 data entry field, a balloon is displayed which describes the function. If a value is entered that is outside the valid range, a warning is displayed. Output Page - 6&.5DWH must be selected low enough to allow all serial bits to exit within one output sample period. See the CLC5902 data sheet for further discussion. For the most part, the data entry fields are intuitive given an understanding of the CLC5902 data sheet. A few exceptions are noted below: Filter Data Page - The coefficient values for each of the symmetric FIR filters can be manually entered or loaded from an ASCII text file using the /RDG button. The file must have a .f1 extension for ),5)LOWHU and a .f2 extension for ),5)LOWHU. The file format is one signed integer coefficient per line and the number of lines must equal the number of unique coefficients. Also, there must be no blank space before the values in the files. Channels Page - )UHT is the frequency of the NCO. You can either enter the IF frequency at the ADC input or the aliased frequency at the ADC output. To down-convert without a phase inversion, enter the negative of the frequency of interest. For example, an IF frequency of 150.03MHz requires an entry of -150.03 for no phase inversion. An alternative is to recognize that 150.03MHz aliases to -5.97MHz when )&. is 52MHz and, for no phase inversion, enter +5.97. )&. refers to the sample rate of the DRCS Board, which has a factory default of 52MHz. 6FDOH refers to the bit shift prior to the CIC filter (Figure 5). 6FDOH&DOFXODWHG is calculated by the program and is the value required of 6FDOH to maintain the gain of the DDC up to and including the CIC filter to unity or just less. It changes when &,&'HFLPDWLRQ changes. 6FDOH$GMXVW is a bit shift value added to 6FDOH prior to downloading to the CLC5902. You can enter either a positive or negative value with the restriction that 6FDOH$GMXVW + 6FDOH&DOFXODWHG fall within the range of 0 to +44 inclusive. A warning is issued for values entered outside this range. *DLQ refers to the bit shift after the CIC filter (Figure 5). There is no handshaking between the DRCS Board and the PC. If the system is operating correctly, all the LEDs will light during transmission and only LED1 will remain lit at the completion of transmission. If the transmit sequence is upset, reset the DRCS Board and re-send. e Data Capture Board Settings bs ol et The Data Capture Board and companion software provides the ability to capture data from the DRCS Board as well as a variety of analog-to-digital converter products. When used together, it is important that the settings of one board do not conflict with those of the other. If any conflicts occur, it will be with entries on the 2XWSXW page of the DRCS Control Panel and often will result in the data being unintelligible. The first step to ensure compatibility is by making sure all switches on the Data Capture Board are off. The next step is to obtain a copy of the Data Capture Board documentation. AGC Page - The popup menus for initial conditions and gains refer to the gain of the DVGA. The loop dynamics for the AGC are set in the lower left box. Press the Calculate button after entering values for 7KUHVKROG, 'HDGEDQG, and 7LPH&RQVWDQW and the AGC lookup table values and $*&B/223B*$,1 are computed. Default Configuration and SW2 Settings The CLC-DRCS-PCASM is shipped configured with an on-board 52MHz crystal clock source. The LC noise filter has an 18MHz bandwidth centered at 150MHz. These SW2 Switch Settings (4321) Register Name 0001 '(&B%<B 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 47 3 7 47 47 47 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O '(& 0000 6&$/( 21 36 32 21 21 21 21 )5(4B$ -493,095,283a -493,095,283 -493,095,283 0 -479,054,044b -479,054,044 -479,054,044 )5(4B% -493,095,283 -493,095,283 -493,095,283 0 -1,156,337,348c -479,054,044 -1,156,337,348 ',7+B$% 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 $*&B/223B*$,1 1d 1 1 1 1 1 1 '(%8*B(1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 7$3B6(/ 0 6 (F1 AI Input) 6 (F1 AI Input) 12 (NCO AI) 0 0 8 (NCO A cosine) Table 1 eCLC5902 configurations for SW2 segment 1 settings (continued in Table 2). a. With FCK=52MHz, -493,095,283 (0xE29BF68D) provides an NCO frequency of -5.97MHz. FIN=150.03MHz aliases to 150.03MHz3*52MHz=-5.97MHz b. With FCK=52MHz, -479,054,044 (0xE3723724) provides an NCO frequency of -5.8MHz. c. With FCK=52MHz, -1,156,337,348 (0xBB13B13C) provides an NCO frequency of -14MHz. d. Yields a loop time constant of 1.5µs for FCK=52MHz and either position of switch number 6. e. See Table 3 for register values common to all SW2 configurations. Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 8 ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation SW2 Switch Settings (4321) Register Name 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 '(& 47 23 1 47 47 23 '(&B%<B 0 1 0 0 0 1 6&$/( 21 25 40 21 21 25 )5(4B$ -479,054,044 -493,095,283 -493,095,283 0 0 -479,054,044 )5(4B% -1,156,337,348 -493,095,283 -493,095,283 0 0 -1,156,337,348 ',7+B$% 0 1 1 0 0 1 $*&B/223B*$,1 1 1 1 0a 1 1 '(%8*B(1 1 0 1 1 1 0 7$3B6(/ 10 (NCO B cosine) 0 6 (F1 AI Input) 12 (Mixer AI) 14 (Mixer BI) 0 Table 2 b CLC5902 configurations for SW2 segment 1 settings (continued from Table 1). apart from building their own interface. The set of configurations available with SW2 is described below. Requests for configurations not presently available should be directed to the factory. et values are designed to operate in combination with SW2 configured to 0000|0000 as discussed below. e a. Yields a loop time constant of 3.0µs for FCK=52MHz and either position of switch number 6. b. See Table 3 for register values common to all SW2 configurations. On power up (or on reset), the COP8 reads the value of DIP switch SW2 and programs the CLC5902 configuration registers. SW2 can be thought of as being segmented into two pieces. Segment 1 comprises switch positions 1 through 4. These program the CLC5902 as shown in Table 1 and Table 2. The CLC5902 register values that are common to all of these configurations are given in Table 3. bs ol It is advised that the reader has a copy of the CLC5902 data sheet available while reading the following material even though it is not necessary to fully understand that document before using the DRCS Board. Immediate results can be obtained most easily when the DRCS Board is used in conjunction with the DRCS Control Panel software, Data Capture Board and the capture board software. The DRCS Control Panel software allows a user to communicate with the DRCS Board using plain-English commands from a menu. If the user wishes to configure the board without a PC, though, SW2 is the only other means Register Name Value 2 5$7( 1 6287B(1 1 6&.B32/ 0 6)6B32/ 0 5'<B32/ 0 08;B02'( 1 3$&.(' 1 )250$7 2 (24 bit) 3+$6(B$% 0 $B6285&( 0 %B6285&( 1 7(67B5(* 4096 O *$,1B$% Table 3 Segment 2 is comprised of the remaining switches, each of which programs an independent function as shown in Table 4. The CLC5902 data sheet should be referenced for the F1/F2 filter coefficients corresponding to the STD Set and the GSM Set coefficients. The AGC lookup table values corresponding to the two choices of AGC dynamics are given in Table 5. SW2 Switch Settings Switch Position Function F1/F2 Coefficient Set 0 1 5 STD Set GSM Set AGC Dynamics (Threshold/Deadband) 6 -12dB/12dB -15dB/15dB AGC Mode 7 Continuous Burst Dither 8 On Off a Table 4 Common register values for segment 1 of SW2. ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation a. SW2 Segment 2 settings. $*&B/223B*$,1 is controlled from segment 1. See Table 1 and Table 2. 9 Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 Table 6 gives the configuration register values for each of the AGC modes associated with switch position 7 as mentioned in Table 4. Decimal Values (Hex) Decimal Register Address (Hex) -12dB/-12dB -15dB/-15dB 128 (0x80) -88 (0xA8) -82 (0xAE) 129 (0x81) -88 (0xA8) -82 (0xAE) 130 (0x82) -75 (0xB5) -68 (0xBC) 131 (0x83) -66 (0xBE) -60 (0xC4) 132 (0x84) -61 (0xC3) -54 (0xCA) 133 (0x85) -56 (0xC8) -49 (0xCF) 134 (0x86) -53 (0xCB) -46 (0xD2) 135 (0x87) -50 (0xCE) -43 (0xD5) 136 (0x88) -47 (0xD1) -40 (0xD8) 137 (0x89) -42 (0xD6) -36 (0xDC) 138 (0x8A) -39 (0xD9) -32 (0xE0) 139 (0x8B) -36 (0xDC) -29 (0xE3) 140 (0x8C) -33 (0xDF) -26 (0xE6) 141 (0x8D) -29 (0xE3) -22 (0xEA) 142 (0x8E) -25 (0xE7) -18 (0xEE) 143 (0x8F) -22 (0xEA) 0 (0x00) SW2 Switch Position 7 Settings Register Name -19 (0xED) 0 (0x00) -15 (0xF1) 0 (0x00) 0 (0x00) 0 (0x00) 0 (0x00) 0 (0x00) 0 (0x00) 0 (0x00) 0 (0x00) 0 (0x00) 0 (0x00) 0 (0x00) 0 (0x00) 0 (0x00) 0 (0x00) 0 (0x00) 153 (0x99) 0 (0x00) 20 (0x14) 154 (0x9A) 17 (0x11) 23 (0x17) 155 (0x9B) 20 (0x14) 26 (0x1A) 156 (0x9C) 22 (0x16) 29 (0x1D) 157 (0x9D) 27 (0x1B) 34 (0x22) 158 (0x9E) 30 (0x1E) 37 (0x25) 159 (0x9F) 34 (0x22) 40 (0x28) 145 (0x91) 146 (0x92) 147 (0x93) 148 (0x94) 149 (0x95) 150 (0x96) 151 (0x97) O 152 (0x98) Table 5 1 $*&B+2/'B,& 0 0 $*&B5(6(7B(1 0 0 $*&B)25&( 1 0 (;3B,1+ 0 0 $*&B&2817 2815 2815 $*&B,&B$% 32 32 Register values corresponding to SW2 switch position 7. e Table 6 et Any of these default configurations can be modified by using the DRCS Control Panel software. See the DRCS Control Panel Software section on page 7. Initial Operation This procedure will verify proper operation of the DRCS Board and Data Capture Board bs ol 144 (0x90) 0 It is assumed that the you will be conducting this test in conjunction with the Data Capture Board. If not, you will have to solve the problem of data capture. Refer to the CLC5902 data sheet to understand its data capture requirements. The sequence below requires an unmodulated source such as an HP8643 or the HP8644. AGC lookup table values for the two AGC dynamics options. For either selection, a loop time constant τ of 1.5µs results when $*&B/223B*$,1 and F CK =52MHz. Each increase of $*&B/223B*$,1 by 1 will decrease τ by a factor of 2. Halving FCK will increase τ by a factor of 2. Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 10 1. If you have not already done so, install the DRCS Control Panel and Data Capture Board software. 2. Connect +5V to VCC and ground to GND of connector J3 on the Data Capture Board. When the boards are connected together in the next step, these connections will power both boards. Note that VEE is not required because neither board needs a negative power supply. 3. Connect J1 of the DRCS Board to J1 of the Data Capture Board. 4. Connect a serial cable from the PC to J9 on the DRCS Board. 5. If two serial ports are available on the PC, connect the other to J9 of the Data Capture Board. If not, the single port will have to be shared. 6. Make sure that all DIP switches on both boards are set to off. 7. Turn on the power supply. 8. Start the DRCS Control Panel and Data Capture Board software. 9. Configure the COM ports for the DRCS Control Panel and Data Capture Board software. The COM ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation port setup for the DRCS Control Panel is located under )LOH, &RQILJXUH,2. The COM port setup for the Data Capture Board software is accessed by right-mouse-button clicking anywhere on the program window and selecting &RQILJXUH,2. Note that power must be applied to the Data Capture Board and the serial cable must be connected in order for the software to accept the COM port configuration. 10. Connect a -10dBm sinewave at 150.00MHz to the DRCS Board AIN1 input. Screen configuration for step 12. %LWV box. Press 2. The screen should appear as in Figure 13. 13. Press 6WDUW on the front panel of the Data Capture Board software window. When the completion bar reaches 100%, the captured data will be written to the file C:\TEMP\DATA.DAT. et The first measurement will be to use the debug mode of the CLC5902 to probe the output of the ADC. Figure 13 e The DVGA should ser vo to a gain of either 0dB (AGAIN=2) or +6dB (AGAIN=3) and the ADC should be operating at a level of -16 or -10dBFS. Because (;3B,1+ is not asserted for this configuration, the DDC output (which will be observed below) should be at -32dBFS. This can be computed from the gain equations presented earlier and the register data provided in the 5HJLVWHUV page of the DRCS Control Panel. If the TEMP directory did not previously exist, the software will create it. You can also specify a different file name and directory by right-mouse-button-clicking on the Data Capture Board software window and choosing the &KDQJH'DWD)LOH command. bs ol 11. On the &KDQQHOV page of the DRCS Control Panel, enter 0 for )UHT within the &KDQQHO$ box to set the frequency of the channel A NCO to zero. Also check 'HEXJ(QDEOHG and select 0L[HU$, from the 3UREHDW pulldown menu within the &RPPRQ box. The screen should appear as in Figure 12 Click on the 6HQG3DJH button. Immediately following this, a data transfer indicator box will appear on the monitor and all the LEDs on the DRCS Board will light momentarily. O 12. On the &RQILJXUH&DSWXUH screen of the Data Capture Board software, choose &DSWXUH'HEXJwithin the 0RGH box. Then choose 8SSHU%LWV within the The values in DATA.DAT represent 24-bit 2’s complement integers. When 0L[HU$, is selected, only the upper 15 bits are non-zero. These numbers can be converted to signed fractional values using the following MATLAB script: ORDGF?WHPS?GDWDGDW GDWD GDWDA GDWD GDWDGDWDGDWDGDWD! Verify that the waveform is sinusoidal with amplitude of either -16 or -10dBFS and frequency of 150MHz(3*52MHz) = -6MHz. The next measurement will be to observe the output of the DDC. 14. On the &KDQQHOV page of the DRCS Control Panel, enter -150.03 for )UHT of &KDQQHO$, uncheck 'HEXJ (QDEOHG. The screen should appear as in Figure 14. Click on the 6HQG3DJH button. 15. Choose &DSWXUH within the 0RGH box of the &RQILJ XUH&DSWXUH screen of the Data Capture Board software. Then choose %LWV within the %LWV box and &DSWXUHVW%LW within the VW%LW box. Finally, choose &KDQQHO$ from the &KDQQHO box and press 2.. The screen should appear as in Figure 15. Figure 12 16. Click 6WDUW on the front panel of the Data Capture Board software window. Screen configuration for step 11. ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation 11 Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 DDC Large-Signal Nonlinearity Exercise This exercise is intended to illustrate the two types of large-signal nonlinearity that can be encountered when the CLC5902 is incorrectly configured. Both can be observed at the input of filter F1. The same equipment is used as in the Initial Operation section on page 10. Screen configuration for step 14. Connect a -10dBm sinewave at 150.000MHz to the DRCS Board AIN1 input. 2. Load default.dcp by choosing /RDG &RQILJXUDWLRQ from the )LOH menu of the DRCS Control Panel. 3. On the &KDQQHOV page, enter -150.005 for )UHT within the &KDQQHO$ box and enter 6 for 6FDOH$GMXVW within the &RPPRQ box. Also check 'HEXJ(QDEOHG and select ),Q$, from the 3UREHDW pulldown menu. Click on the 6HQG3DJH button. 4. On the &RQILJXUH&DSWXUH screen of the Data Capture Board software, choose &DSWXUH'HEXJ within the 0RGH box and %LWV from the %LWV box. Click on 2.. Press 6WDUW on the front panel of the Data Capture Board software window. et 5. e Figure 14 1. bs ol As before, the values in DATA.DAT represent 24-bit 2’s complement integers and only the upper 18 bits are nonzero. After conversion to signed values, the first 300 points when plotted look like Figure 16. This distortion is 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Figure 15 Screen configuration for step 15. 0 O The values in the file again represent 24-bit 2’s complement integers except now all 24 bits are non-zero. The same MATLAB script can be used to convert to signed fractional values. Regardless of the true width of the word being captured, the Data Capture Board will always write 24-bit, 2s complement numbers to DATA.DAT. The only exception to this is when probing $*&&,&$% in which case each number represents two appended 9 bit numbers. (Refer to the CLC5902 data sheet.) Ve r if y t h a t t h e o u tp u t i s - 3 2 d B F S a t f r e q u e n c y 150.00MHz-150.03MHz = -0.03MHz. A slight frequency offset may exist due to variations in the frequency of the on-board 52MHz crystal oscillator. Note that the output sample rate is 52MHz/192 = 270.8KHz. If you perform an FFT you will see the CLC5902’s filter bandwidth reflected in the shape of the noise floor. 17. Repeat steps 10 through 13 for input AIN2 replacing all occurrences of &KDQQHO$with &KDQQHO%. This completes the verification of the board operation. Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 12 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 0 Figure 16 50 100 150 200 250 300 CIC overflow distortion. caused by overflow in the CIC filter due to 6&$/( being set too large. This overflow cannot be sensed and the only way to avoid it is by making sure that 6&$/( is set consistent with the chosen CIC decimation value so that the CIC output is less than full scale. Figure 16 may not look exactly as yours. The exact look depends greatly on the frequency error between the on-board clock oscillator and the input source. The important characteristic of the distortion is that the positive sinusoid peaks have been translated ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation to negative values and the negative peaks to positive values. Pin J1 A J1 B Go back to the &KDQQHOV page of the DRCS Control Panel and change 6FDOH$GMXVW back to 0. Next, select G% from the *DLQ pulldown menu in the &KDQQHO$ box. Click on 6HQG3DJH. 7 N/C D11_T 8 N/C D10_T 9 N/C D9_T 10 N/C D8_T Press 6WDUW on the front panel of the Data Capture Board software window. 11 N/C D7_T 12 N/C D6_T Convert the numbers in DATA.DAT to signed values and plot the first 300 points. You should see the clipping as shown in Figure 17. This represents the type of nonlinearity at all stages of the DDC other than within the CIC filter. 13 N/C D5_T 14 N/C D4_T 15 N/C D3_T 16 N/C D2_T 17 N/C D1_T 18 N/C LSB_T 19 GND GND 20 N/C RDY 21 SFS SCK 22 BOUT AOUT 0.4 23 POUT_SEL2 N/C 0.2 24 POUT_SEL1 N/C 25 POUT_SEL0 RDY 26 POUT_EN AGC_EN 27 GND GND 28 GND GND 6. 7. 1 e 0.8 et 0.6 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.8 -1 0 bs ol -0.6 50 100 150 200 250 29 N/C N/C 30 N/C N/C 31 +5V (DIGITAL) +5V (DIGITAL) 32 +5V (ANALOG) +5V (ANALOG) 300 Table 7 Figure 17 Eurocard connector J1 pinout. Data path saturation at the input of F1. Pin This completes this exercise. O Connector Pinouts Table 7 describes the 64-pin Eurocard connector (J1) pinouts on the DRCS Board. Table 8 describes 10-pin JTAG header and 16-pin DSP header pinouts. The schematics provide the pinout for J9, a female DB-9 used to connect the standard RS-232 serial cable from the PC. Power is supplied through J1. If the Data Capture Board is connected to J1, power must be connected to the power connector on the Data Capture Board. Pin J1 A J1 B JTAG DSP 1 TCK N/C 2 GND GND 3 TDO SCK 4 VCC GND 5 TMS BFSR 6 N/C GND 7 TRST BDR 8 SCAN_EN GND 9 TDI GND 10 GND GND 11 N/C 1 N/C N/C 12 GND 2 GND GND 13 N/C 3 MSB_T MSB_F 14 GND 4 N/C D14_T 15 N/C 5 N/C D13_T 16 GND 6 N/C D12_T Table 7 Table 8 JTAG and DSP header pinouts. Eurocard connector J1 pinout. ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation 13 Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 Schematics O bs ol et e Figure 18, Figure 19, Figure 20, and Figure 21 are the CLC-DRCS-PCASM schematics. Figure 18 ADC Input AIN1 Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 14 ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation e et bs ol O Figure 19 ADC Input AIN2 ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation 15 Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 e et bs ol O Figure 20 CLC5902 Dual Digital Tuner/AGC Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 16 ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation e et bs ol O Figure 21 COP8 Microprocessor ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation 17 Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 PC Board Layout Silk screen parts placement drawings are shown below. The complete board layout package can also be provided. Primary areas of concern are the analog inputs to the ADC and the ADC digital outputs. Care has been exercised to prevent ground loops and noise coupling on the circuit board at the inputs. Figure 22 and Figure 23 show the DRCS parts placement. Figure 24, Figure 25, Figure 26, and Figure 27 show the PC board layers. O bs ol et e The ADC outputs have been kept as short as possible to minimize capacitive loading. The internal ground plane has been removed under these traces to reduce the parasitic capacitance. Higher capacitance values will load the ADC output drivers causing additional noise on the internal analog signals. This will degrade the ADC performance. Analog and digital grounds have been star connected to minimize crosstalk. The supplies have series inductors for each section to provide as much isolation as is practical. Figure 22 DRCS Board layout, top. Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 18 ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation e et bs ol DRCS Board layout, bottom. O Figure 23 ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation 19 Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 e et DRCS Board layout, L1. O bs ol Figure 24 Figure 25 DRCS Board layout, L2. Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 20 ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation e et DRCS Board layout, L3. O bs ol Figure 26 Figure 27 DRCS Board layout, L4. ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation 21 Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 e et bs ol CLC-DRCS-PCASM DRCS Evaluation Board User’s Guide Customer Design Applications Support National Semiconductor is committed to design excellence. For sales, literature and technical support, call the National Semiconductor Customer Response Group at 1-800-272-9959 or fax 1-800-737-7018. Life Support Policy National’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of the president of National Semiconductor Corporation. As used herein: Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. O 1. 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. N National Semiconductor Corporation National Semiconductor Europe National Semiconductor Hong Kong Ltd. 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All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. ©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation 22 Rev. 3.01 June 4, 1999 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. 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