惠州同为电子有限公司 是国内最具规模的进口特种光源供应商之一,是著名跨国集
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彩色印刷用的曝光灯、晒版灯、红外线灯、超高压水银灯、短弧汞氙灯、 UV光固灯、
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医疗仪器用灯泡 光学仪器灯泡
剧院与舞台灯灯泡 演播厅用光源
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工业检测用光源 PCB、印刷、SMT 行业光源 生产设备用灯, 其特殊光
为突出。 同为人本着 “货真价实、客户满意”的原则,一如既往地坚持“以人为本、
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我们的主营产品是:进口特种灯泡;PHILIPS 灯泡;OSRAM 灯泡;光学仪器灯泡;PHILIPS 卤素灯
泡;PHILIPS 卤钨灯泡;医疗灯泡;进口灯泡;OSRAM 卤素灯泡;OSRAM 卤钨灯泡;飞利
浦灯泡; 欧司朗灯泡; 飞利浦卤素 灯泡; 欧司朗卤素灯泡;飞利浦卤钨灯泡; 欧司朗卤钨
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Light bulbs Lamps > UV lamps > UV Sunlamps > Ultra Vitalux 300W E27
68 号 银 湖 大 厦
Ultra Vitalux 300W E27
Manufacturer : Osram
Model : 543929
General Description
Sstl-Number 4779248
SEG number 8333590
Base (standard designation) E27
Technical - Electrical Data
Rated wattage 300W
Construction voltage 230V
Lamp voltage 230V
Technical - Geometries
Diameter 127mm
Length 185mm
Light centre length (LCL) 150mm
Technical - Lifespan
Lifespan 1000h
Technical - Light Technical Data
UVA radiated power 315…400 nm 13.6W
UVB radiated power 280…315 nm 3.0W
OSRAM ULTRA-VITALUX?with special bulb and internal reflector for a wide range of applications. Wellness
- Equine solariums and zoos
- Terrariums (reptiles)
- Curing of special adhesives and plastics
- Sunlight simulation in industrial material testing
- Exposure of UV-sensitive photoresist coatings
- Testing for suitability for use in the tropics
- Artificial aging/weathering
The radiation composition of this lamp is similar to the radiation mixture of natural alpine sunlight. The lamp emits
mixed light which is generated by a high-pressure lamp and a tungsten filament. The special mushroom-shaped
special bulb of the Ultra-Vitalux lamp, with internal reflector, absorbs the most damaging UVC radiation. The
radiation mixture has been seen to have a positive effect on the skin and organism of reptiles, just like natural
ULTRA-VITALUX lamps are suitable for technical applications such as curing special adhesives and plastic and
sunlight simulation in industrial material testing. ULTRA-VITALUX lamps can also be used for the exposure of
UV-sensitive photoresist coatings. Other areas of application include terrariums and equine solaria.
Safety information
Because of the intense heat produced the lamps should be operated only in suitable fixtures. Protect the
lamps against moisture and splashes. If used incorrectly, UV radiation may lead to sunburn and conjunctivitis.
Always follow the instructions. Always wear goggles. Be aware that medication and cosmetics can increase the skin‘s
sensitivity to radiation. Persons with sensitive skin and anyone under the age of 18 should not be exposed to the
radiation from solariums or UV sunlamps.
公司电话(Compony telephone):
(0752)2227601/2227602/2227603 -