Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. APPENDIX C Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... APPLICATION EXAMPLES MOTOROLA DSP56009 User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: C-1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Examples INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-3 TYPICAL SYSTEM TOPOLOGY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-3 TYPICAL AUDIO APPLICATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-4 PROGRAM OVERLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-5 SINGLE DELAY LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-5 EARLY REFLECTION FILTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-6 TWO CHANNEL COMB FILTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-7 3-TAP FIR FILTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-10 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 C.7 C.8 C-2 DSP56009 User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Examples C.1 INTRODUCTION Several examples illustrating the use of the DSP in common audio applications are presented in this section. The examples assume that the DSP is in the SRAM mode and configured for 0 wait states, 24-bit words, and an 8-bit bus (12 clock cycles-per-word transfer). Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... C.2 TYPICAL SYSTEM TOPOLOGY Figure C-1 shows the topology of a typical DSP audio application. SRAM/ DRAM Left front Stereo D/A MA17:0 Stereo A/D Stereo A/D I2S/SONY I2S/SONY MD7:0 Right front TR0 I2S/SONY REC0 Left rear CONSUMER AUDIO DSP TR1 I2S/SONY Stereo D/A Right rear REC1 TR2 GPIO SHI I2S/SONY EXTAL Left effects Stereo D/A Right effects HOST PROCESSOR External Sinusoidal Clock Source AA0259k Figure C-1 Topology of DSP Typical Audio Application MOTOROLA DSP56009 User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: C-3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Examples C.3 TYPICAL AUDIO APPLICATION Figure C-2 depicts a sample configuration using the DSP56009 for AC3 Surround or DTS. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Host Microcontroller Right Stereo DAC SHI Left SAI Tx Center DSP56009 ICE 958 Rx SAI Rx SAI Tx Stereo DAC Subwoofer SAI Tx Surround L EMI Stereo DAC Surround R EEPROM Optional memory for soundfield effects, DTS decoding, buffering, and booting (not required for AC3 applications) AA0444 SRAM Figure C-2 Using the DSP56009 for Surround Sound C-4 DSP56009 User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Examples C.4 PROGRAM OVERLAY The following routine illustrates a program overlay by replacing N instruction words in the internal program memory. The EMI operates in the linear SRAM mode (EAM (3:0) = 0) with 0 wait states. It is also assumed that the external memory device (EPROM/SRAM) receives its chip select from GPIO3. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... overlay movep movep movep movep move movep bset do rep nop #OL_SRAM,x:ECSR $000f07x,x:GPIOR #>EXT_PROG_BUF,x:EBAR0 #0,x:EOR0 #>INT_PROG_BUF,r0 #0,x: EOR0 #ERTS,x:ECSR #(N-2),end_OL #1 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; RAM definition assert GPIO3 - enable CS start address of external buffer drive 1st read trigger start address of internal buffer drive 2nd read trigger set read triggers by reading EDDR loop to drive more (N-2) triggers movep x:EDRR0,p:(r0)+ ; move previous read data to PMEM and ; trigger next read cycle #ERTS,x:ECSR x:EDRR0,p:(r0)+ x: EDRR0,p:(r0)+ #GPIOR,x:GPIOR ; ; ; ; end_OL bclr movep movep bset C.5 turn off read triggers by EDRR read move instruction #N-1 to PMEM move instruction #N to PMEM negate GPIO3 - disable CS SINGLE DELAY LINE The following routine is an example of a single delay line, as illustrated in Figure C-3. This type of routine is typically used in surround sound or reverb applications. Delay_Line movep movep movep movep movep movep nop movep #RAM,x:ECSR y:Write_Off,x:EWOR y:Delay Base,x:EBAR0 #(T_dly-1),x:EOR0 x:SAMPLE,x:EDWR0 x:EBAR0,y:Delay_Base x:EDRR0,y0 MOTOROLA ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; use EINR = 1. optional change of write offset load base address read trigger for delayed sample write trigger for current sample store updated base address nop or other read the delayed data DSP56009 User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: C-5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Examples x(n) Current Sample Delay T x(n - T) Delayed Sample AA0447 Figure C-3 Single Delay Line Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... C.6 EARLY REFLECTION FILTER The following routine is an example of an N-taps Early Reflection filter to perform the following computation: y (n) = SUM [{i = 1...N} g(i) x(n-T (i))] movep move move movep movep clr a #RAM,x:ECSR #GAIN_Base,r4 #Off_Base,r0 y:FIR_Base,x:EBAR0 x:(r0)+,x:EOR0 x:(r0)+,x0 y:(r4)+,y0 do movep #(N-1),end_E x0,x:EOR0 nop nop movep mac x:EDRR0,x1 x1,y0,a x:(r0)+,x0 y:(r4)+,y0 ; ; ; ; ; ; ECSR with EINW = 1 gain table base offset table base FIR base address drive 1st read cycle fetch 1st gain and 2nd delay ; ; ; ; ; initiate next read trigger nop or other nop or other read current data ; sum, fetch next gain and offset ; nop or other nop end_E movep x:SAMPLE,x:EDWR0 nop movep macr movep move x:EDRR0,x1 x1,y0,a x:EBAR0,y:FIR_Base a,x:FIR_output C-6 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; write current sample to delay line. EWOR = 0 nop or other read last data compute the output store FIR base store result in internal memory DSP56009 User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Examples Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... C.7 TWO CHANNEL COMB FILTER The following program implements a two channel (left and right) comb filter structure in which gain and delays are not equal. This type of program is typically used in surround sound and reverb applications. The filter structure is illustrated in Figure C-4. This example makes extensive use of the dual channel capability and pipeline mechanism of the EMI. The code is optimized for SRAM (0 wait-state) 24-bit words and 8-bit bus (6 instruction cycles per access). In the event that another EMI mode is being selected, NOP instructions might be added in the noted points (#1, #2, and #3). The optimized code for Fast DRAM mode, 24-bit words and 8-bit bus (7 I cyc per access and data available for read at last Icyc of the access) is achieved by adding 4 NOP instructions at point #3. This code assumes EWOR is already loaded with offset zero. ; dual_comb move move move move move move move movep #<Base_buff,r0 #<Off_buff,r1 #<Gain_buff,r2 #<SAMPLE,r4 #0,x0 #0,x1 #0,y1 #MODE,x:ECSR ; ; ; ; do #N,end_comb move movep movep movep movep add x1,b x:(r0),x:EBAR0 x:(r1),x:EOR0 y:(r0),x:EBAR1 y:(r1),x:EOR1 x0,b x:(r2),x0 y:(r4),a movep x:EBAR0,x:(r0) base address values offset (delay)values gains values left/right samples ; ; ; ; ; load base read base read right channel output address of left channel trigger of left channel address of right channel trigger of right channel ; get left sample and gain values ; update base address left movep macr x:EDRR0,y0 x0,y0,a d,x1 movep move add movep a,x:EDWR0 y1,b y0,b y;(r2)+,y0 x:(r4),a x:EBAR1,y:(r0)+ MOTOROLA to to to to ; x1 accumulates right comb outputs ; x1 accumulates left comb outputs ; EINR = 1, ERTS = 0 ; point (#1} ; point (#2} pointer pointer pointer pointer ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; insert “nop or other” instructions if required read data of left channel compute input to delay buffer (left) and store right channel output insert input in delay buffer (left) load left channel output get right sample and gain values update base address (right) ; insert “nop or other” ; instructions if required DSP56009 User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: C-7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Examples movep macr x:EDRR1,x0 x0,y0,a b,y1 movep a,x:EDWR1 ; point (#3} Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... nop nop end comb move add move C-8 x1,b x0,b y1,y:out_left b,x:out_right ; ; ; ; read data of right channel compute input to delay buffer (right) and store left channel output insert input in delay buffer (right) ; ; ; ; insert “nop or other” instructions if required nop or other nop or other ; store left output ; store right output DSP56009 User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Examples + Delay T1 G1 ∑ • • • Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... + Delay TN GN Comb Filters for One Channel X Y r0 Base Buffers (Left) r0 Base Buffers (Right) r1 Offset Buffers (Left) r1 Offset Buffers (Right) r2 Gain Buffers (Left) r2 Gain Buffers (Right) r4 Sample (Left) r4 Sample (Right) AA0448 Figure C-4 Two-Channel Comb Filter Structure MOTOROLA DSP56009 User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: C-9 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Examples C.8 3-TAP FIR FILTER The following program implements a 3-tap FIR filter. This type of program is typically used in generating early reflection information for surround sound and reverb applications. The filter structure is illustrated in Figure C-5. This code segment assumes accesses of 16-bit words on an 8-bit bus, “fast” DRAM timing (26 instruction cycles), and 0-wait state SRAM timing (20 instruction cycles). Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Number of memory storage locations = T3(seconds) × fs (Hz). For a 50 ms delay and 44.1 KHz sampling rate: 0.05 × 44100 = 2205 locations. FIR Filter Assembler Code (EMI mode: increment EBAR on write operation): movep movep movep clr a movep movep mac movep mac movep movep mac C-10 x:FIR_BASE,x:EBAR0 #T1_OFF,x:EOR0 ; set FIR base address ; offset T1 and trigger mem. read ; wait 3 (DRAM) or 1 (SRAM) inst. ; cycles or do other tasks #T2_OFF,x:EOR0 ; offset T2 and trigger mem. read x:G1,x0 ; get G1,clear accumulator x:EDRR0,y0 ; get x(n-T1) #T3_OFF,x:EOR0 ; offset T3 and trigger r mem. read x0,y0,a x:G2,x0 ; y(n) = G1 x(n-T1),get G2 ; wait 2 (DRAM) or 0(SRAM) ; inst. cycles or do other tasks x:EDRR0,y0 ; get x(n-T2) x0,y0,a x:G3,x0 y(n) = y(n)+G2 x(n-T2) ; get G3, wait 4 (DRAM)or 2 (SRAM) inst. cycles ; or do other tasks x:EDRR0,y0 ; get x(n-T3) x:SAMPLE,x:EDWR0 ; store x(n) in mem. x0,y0,a ; calculate y(n) = y(n) + G3 x(n-T3) DSP56009 User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Examples x(n-T1) x(n) Delay T1 Delay T2 Gain G1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... x(n-T2) x(n-T3) Delay T3 Gain G2 Gain G3 + y(n) = G1 x (n - T1) + G2 x (n - T2) + G3 x (n - T3) AA0449 Figure C-5 3 Tap FIR Filter MOTOROLA DSP56009 User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: C-11 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Application Examples C-12 DSP56009 User’s Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA