RTL8212-GR RTL8212N-GR RTL8211N-GR INTEGRATED 10/100/1000 SINGLE/DUAL GIGABIT ETHERNET TRANSCEIVER DATASHEET Rev. 1.2 15 November 2005 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. No. 2, Innovation Road II, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan Tel.: +886-3-578-0211. Fax: +886-3-577-6047 www.realtek.com.tw RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet COPYRIGHT ©2005 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means without the written permission of Realtek Semiconductor Corp. DISCLAIMER Realtek provides this document “as is”, without warranty of any kind, neither expressed nor implied, including, but not limited to, the particular purpose. Realtek may make improvements and/or changes in this document or in the product described in this document at any time. This document could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. TRADEMARKS Realtek is a trademark of Realtek Semiconductor Corporation. Other names mentioned in this document are trademarks/registered trademarks of their respective owners. USING THIS DOCUMENT This document is intended for the hardware and software engineer’s general information on the Realtek RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Integrated Circuits. Though every effort has been made to ensure that this document is current and accurate, more information may have become available subsequent to the production of this guide. In that event, please contact your Realtek representative for additional information that may help in the development process. REVISION HISTORY Revision 1.0 1.1 Release Date 2005/08/10 2005/09/09 1.2 2005/11/15 Summary First release. 1. Add RTL8211N-GR single PHYceiver. 2. Correct typo for page 20 P0RXDV description. 1. Update datasheet and product name to RTL8212, RTL8212N and RTL8211N. 2. Remove RSGMII interface from RTL8212 (QFP-128). Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/ Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver ii Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet Table of Contents 1. General Description .................................................................................................... 9 2. Features ...................................................................................................................... 10 3. System Applications .................................................................................................. 10 4. System Application Diagrams .................................................................................. 11 5. Block Diagram ........................................................................................................... 13 6. Pin Assignments......................................................................................................... 14 7. 6.1. RTL8212 EDHS QFP-128 PACKAGE.............................................................................................14 6.2. PACKAGE IDENTIFICATION (RTL8212 EDHS QFP-128) ...............................................................14 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 6.6. RTL8212N QFN-76 PACKAGE ......................................................................................................15 PACKAGE IDENTIFICATION (RTL8212N QFN-76) .........................................................................15 RTL8211N QFN-76 PACKAGE ......................................................................................................16 PACKAGE IDENTIFICATION (RTL8211N QFN-76) .........................................................................16 Pin Descriptions......................................................................................................... 17 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. 7.6. MEDIA DEPENDENT INTERFACE PINS .............................................................................................17 GMII/MII TRANSMIT INTERFACE PINS ..........................................................................................18 GMII/MII RECEIVE INTERFACE PINS .............................................................................................19 RGMII TRANSMIT INTERFACE PINS ...............................................................................................20 RGMII RECEIVE INTERFACE PINS ..................................................................................................21 RSGMII INTERFACE PINS ..............................................................................................................21 7.7. 7.8. 7.9. 7.10. 7.11. 7.12. SERIAL MANAGEMENT INTERFACE PINS ........................................................................................22 SERIAL LED INTERFACE PINS ........................................................................................................22 SYSTEM CLOCK INTERFACE PINS ...................................................................................................23 CONFIGURATION AND CONTROL PINS ............................................................................................24 MISCELLANEOUS PINS ....................................................................................................................25 POWER AND GROUND PINS .............................................................................................................26 Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/ Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver iii Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8. Functional Description.............................................................................................. 27 8.1. MDI INTERFACE .............................................................................................................................27 8.1.1. Crossover Detection and Auto Correction............................................................................................................27 8.1.2. Polarity Correction...............................................................................................................................................28 8.1.3. MAC Interface ......................................................................................................................................................29 8.2. GIGABIT MEDIA INDEPENDENT INTERFACE (GMII/MII) ................................................................30 8.2.1. Reduced GMII (RGMII) .......................................................................................................................................32 8.2.2. 10/100 Functionality ............................................................................................................................................33 8.2.3. TX_CTL and RX_CTL Coding..............................................................................................................................34 8.2.4. In-Band Status ......................................................................................................................................................36 8.2.5. Four RGMII Modes ..............................................................................................................................................36 8.3. REDUCED SERIAL GMII (RSGMII)................................................................................................37 8.3.1. 8.4. RSGMII Data Transfer .........................................................................................................................................39 MDC/MDIO MANAGEMENT INTERFACE .......................................................................................40 8.4.1. 8.5. 8.6. Preamble Suppression ..........................................................................................................................................41 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION INTERFACE ......................................................................................42 LED CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................................................43 8.6.1. LED System Application Examples ......................................................................................................................43 8.6.2. Serial Stream Order..............................................................................................................................................44 8.7. 8.8. SYSTEM CLOCK INTERFACE ...........................................................................................................44 REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS................................................................................................................45 8.8.1. Register Symbols ..................................................................................................................................................45 8.8.2. MII Specification Defined Registers.....................................................................................................................45 8.8.3. Register0: Control ................................................................................................................................................46 8.8.4. Register1: Status...................................................................................................................................................47 8.8.5. Register2: PHY Identifier 1 Register ....................................................................................................................48 8.8.6. Register3: PHY Identifier 2 Register ....................................................................................................................48 8.8.7. Register4: Auto-Negotiation Advertisement .........................................................................................................49 8.8.8. Register5: Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability ................................................................................................50 8.8.9. Register6: Auto-Negotiation Expansion ...............................................................................................................51 8.8.10. Register7: Auto-Negotiation Page Transmit Register ..........................................................................................51 8.8.11. Register8: Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Next Page Register............................................................................52 8.8.12. Register9: 1000Base-T Control Register..............................................................................................................52 8.8.13. Register10: 1000Base-T Status Register ..............................................................................................................53 8.8.14. Register15: Extended Status .................................................................................................................................53 Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/ Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver iv Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 9. Characteristics ........................................................................................................... 54 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS .....................................................................................................54 OPERATING RANGE ........................................................................................................................54 DC CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................................................................................55 AC CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................................................................................57 10. Design and Layout Guide ......................................................................................... 59 10.1. 10.2. 10.3. 10.4. 10.5. 10.6. 10.7. 10.8. GENERAL GUIDELINES ...................................................................................................................59 MII/GMII/RGMII SIGNAL LAYOUT GUIDELINES ..........................................................................59 RSGMII SIGNAL LAYOUT GUIDELINES..........................................................................................60 ETHERNET MDI DIFFERENTIAL SIGNAL LAYOUT GUIDELINES ......................................................60 CLOCK CIRCUIT ..............................................................................................................................60 POWER PLANES ..............................................................................................................................60 GROUND PLANE .............................................................................................................................61 TRANSFORMER OPTIONS ................................................................................................................61 11. Mechanical Dimensions ............................................................................................ 62 11.1. 11.2. 11.3. 11.4. EDHS-QFP-128 DIMENSIONS (RTL8212).....................................................................................62 NOTES FOR EDHS-QFP-128 DIMENSIONS (RTL8212) ..................................................................63 QFN-76 DIMENSIONS (RTL8211N & RTL8212N)........................................................................64 NOTES FOR QFN-76 DIMENSIONS (RTL8211N & RTL8212N) .....................................................65 12. Ordering Information ............................................................................................... 66 Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/ Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver v Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Table 10. Table 11. Table 12. Table 13. Table 14. Table 15. Table 16. Table 17. Table 18. Table 19. Table 20. Table 21. Table 22. Table 23. Table 24. Table 25. Table 26. Table 27. Table 28. Table 29. Table 30. Table 31. Table 32. Table 33. Pin Type Abbreviations.............................................................................................................17 Media Dependent Interface Pins...............................................................................................17 GMII/MII Transmit Interface Pins............................................................................................18 GMII/MII Receive Interface Pins .............................................................................................19 RGMII Transmit Interface Pins ................................................................................................20 RGMII Receive Interface Pins..................................................................................................21 RSGMII Interface Pins .............................................................................................................21 Serial Management Interface Pins ............................................................................................22 Serial LED Interface Pins .........................................................................................................22 System Clock Interface Pins .....................................................................................................23 Configuration and Control Pins ................................................................................................24 Miscellaneous Pins....................................................................................................................25 Power and Ground Pins ............................................................................................................26 Mapping of Twisted-Pair Outputs to RJ-45 Connectors...........................................................27 Media Dependent Interface Pin Mapping .................................................................................27 Data Rates Supported Through Each Interface.........................................................................29 MAC Interface Modes of Operation .........................................................................................29 Gigabit Media Independent Interface .......................................................................................30 MAC Interface Modes of Operation .........................................................................................32 TX_ER and TX_EN Encoding .................................................................................................34 RX_ER and RX_DV Encoding ................................................................................................35 RGMII Timing Modes ..............................................................................................................36 Configuration Pin Definitions...................................................................................................42 LED Mode ................................................................................................................................43 LED Status ................................................................................................................................43 Serial Stream Order (Mode 0)...................................................................................................44 Serial Stream Order (Mode 1)...................................................................................................44 MII Specification Defined Registers ........................................................................................45 Register0: Control.....................................................................................................................46 Register1: Status .......................................................................................................................47 Register2: PHY Identifier 1 Register ........................................................................................48 Register3: PHY Identifier 2 Register ........................................................................................48 Register4: Auto-Negotiation Advertisement.............................................................................49 Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/ Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver vi Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet Table 34. Table 35. Table 36. Table 37. Table 38. Table 39. Table 40. Table 41. Table 42. Table 43. Table 44. Table 45. Register5: Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability....................................................................50 Register6: Auto-Negotiation Expansion ...................................................................................51 Register7: Auto-Negotiation Page Transmit Register...............................................................51 Register8: Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Next Page Register ................................................52 Register9: 1000Base-T Control Register ..................................................................................52 Register10: 1000Base-T Status Register...................................................................................53 Register15: Extended Status .....................................................................................................53 Absolute Maximum Ratings .....................................................................................................54 Operating Range .......................................................................................................................54 DC Characteristics ....................................................................................................................55 Digital Timing Characteristics ..................................................................................................58 Ordering Information ................................................................................................................66 Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/ Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver vii Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure 11. Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17. Figure 18. Figure 19. Figure 20. Figure 21. Figure 22. RTL8212N with 8-Port Gigabit MAC (RTL8369) .................................................................11 RTL8212 with 24+2G MAC (RTL8326) ................................................................................12 Block Diagram ........................................................................................................................13 Pin Assignments (RTL8212 EDHS QFP-128) ........................................................................14 Pin Assignments (RTL8212N QFN-76)..................................................................................15 Pin Assignments (RTL8211N QFN-76) ..................................................................................16 Conceptual Example of Polarity Correction ...........................................................................28 GMII Signal Diagram..............................................................................................................30 MII Signal Diagram ................................................................................................................31 RGMII Signal Diagram...........................................................................................................33 RGMII Data Transmission ......................................................................................................34 RGMII Data Reception Without Error ....................................................................................35 RGMII Data Reception With Error .........................................................................................35 RSGMII Interconnection Diagram..........................................................................................37 Realtek 8G Switch Application with RSGMII........................................................................38 RSGMII Functional Block Diagram at Ethernet PHY Side....................................................39 RSGMII Functional Block Diagram at Ethernet MAC Side...................................................40 MDIO Read Frame Format .....................................................................................................41 MDIO Write Frame Format.....................................................................................................41 Clock Generated from MAC (RSGMII Mode) .......................................................................44 MII Interface Reception Data Timing .....................................................................................57 MII Interface Transmission Data Timing ................................................................................57 Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/ Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver viii Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 1. General Description The RTL8212/RTL8212N/8211N integrate dual/single independent Gigabit Ethernet transceivers into a single IC and performs all the physical layer (PHY) functions for 10Base-T, 100Base-TX, and 1000Base-T Ethernet on category 3 (10Base-T) or category 5 UTP cable (except 1000Base-T half duplex operation). The device includes the PCS, PMA, and PMD sub-layers. They perform encoding/decoding, clock/data recovery, digital adaptive equalization, echo cancellers, cross-talk elimination, line driver, as well as all other required support circuit functions. The device also integrates an internal hybrid that allows the use of inexpensive 1:1 transformer modules. Each of the two independent transceivers features an industrial standard GMII, MII, and RGMII (Reduced Gigabit Media Independent Interface). To further reduce PCB trace complexity, the RTL8211N/8212N also provides an innovative 2.5Gbps serial interface – the Reduced Serial Gigabit Media Independent Interface (RSGMII). Both dual transceivers can simultaneously communicate with the MAC through the same RSGMII interface. The RTL8212/RTL8212N/8211N adopts mixed mode 0.13µm CMOS technology and analog line driver architecture that offers lower power consumption than DAC architecture. Two package types are available; a thermally-enhanced 128-pin EDHS-QFP (Exposed Drop-in Heat Sink QFP) package, and a QFN (Quad Flat No-Lead) 76-pin package. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 9 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 2. Features Single/Dual integrated 10/100/1000Base-T Gigabit Ethernet transceiver Supports full duplex at 10/100/1000Mbps, and half duplex at 10/100Mbps Supports 2.5V I/O (3.3V input tolerance) GMII and RGMII interfaces in 10/100/1000 mode for RTL8212 (QFP-128 Package) Supports RSGMII (2.5Gbps serial high speed interface) in 10/100/1000 mode for RTL8212N and RTL8211N (QFN-76 Package) Crossover detection and auto correction at all 3 speeds Automatic detection and correction of wiring pair swaps, pair skew, and pair polarity Supports serial LED mode Line driver architecture with low power dissipation PAVE= 0.78W/port 3.3V, 1.8V, and 1.2V power supply (2.5V is generated by internal linear regulator for Digital I/O pads) Packages: EDHS QFP-128, 14x20mm, 0.5mm lead pitch package QFN-76, 9x9mm, 0.4mm pitch package 0.13µm CMOS process 3. System Applications High-density Gigabit Ethernet switches and routers Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 10 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 4. System Application Diagrams RTL8369 8-Port Ethernet MAC MAC Interface: RSGMII RTL8212N Dual-PHY (10/100/1000) RTL8212N Dual-PHY (10/100/1000) RTL8212N Dual-PHY (10/100/1000) RTL8212N Dual-PHY (10/100/1000) Magnetics RJ-45 RJ-45 Figure 1. RJ-45 RJ-45 RJ-45 RJ-45 RJ-45 RJ-45 RTL8212N with 8-Port Gigabit MAC (RTL8369) Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 11 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet RTL8326 24+2G Ethernet MAC MAC Interface: GMII/MII RGMII RTL8212 Dual-PHY (10/100/1000) RTL8208 Octa-PHY (10/100) RTL8208 Octa-PHY (10/100) RTL8208 Octa-PHY (10/100) Magnetics RJ-45 RJ-45 Figure 2. RJ-45 * 8 RJ-45 * 8 RJ-45 * 8 RTL8212 with 24+2G MAC (RTL8326) Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 12 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 5. Block Diagram PnTXD[7..0] PnGTXC PnTXEN PnTXC PnCOL PnCRS PnRXD[7..0] PnRXC PnRXDV PnRXER GMII or 1000BaseTx 4DPAM5 EnDec, Scrambler, Viterbi, & DFE RGMII Equalizer & Echo, NEXT, FEXT, Cancellers AGC, Timing Recovery, Wander Canceller A/D Pulse Shaper D/A Filter PAIR A Hybrid Line-Driver TwistedPair interface PAIR C or RSGMII PAIR B 100Base-Tx 4B/5B EnDec Scrambler/ Descrambler Filter STXP PAIR D STXN SRXP MDI (Analog Front End) 10Base-T Manchester EnDec SRXN SDS_REF Auto Negotiation MDC MDIO PHYADD[4..1] MODE[2..0] INTF_SEL[2..0] Serial Management & Mode Select Logic PORT 0 PORT 1 PLL Serial-LED MII Register RESETB Figure 3. Biasing XTAL1 XTAL2 CLK25M-IN CLK25M-OUT LEDCK LEDDA MDI_REF Block Diagram Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 13 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 6. RTL8212 EDHS QFP-128 Package 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 P0RXD1 P0RXD2 /PHYADR[1] VSS12 VDD12 P0RXD3 /PHYADR[2] P0RXD4 /PHYADR[3] P0RXD5 /PHYADR[4] VSS12 P0RXD6 /INTF_SEL[0] P0RXD7 /INTF_SEL[1] VDD12 P1TXD7 VDDIO SVDD12 NC NC AVSS CLKIN AVSS NC NC SVDD18 P1TXD6 P1TXD5 P1TXD4 VSS12 P1TXD3 P1TXD2 VDD12 P1TXD1 P1TXD0 VDDIO P1TXEN P1GTXC P1TXC VSS12 VDD12 P1CRS /P1MODE[0] 6.1. Pin Assignments 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 RTL8212 LLLLLLL TXXXV P1COL /P1MODE[1] P1RXER /P1MODE[2] P1RXC VSS12 P1RXDV /P1MODE[3] P1RXD0 VDD12 VDDIO P1RXD1 P1RXD2 /RXDLY P1RXD3 /TXDLY VSS12 P1RXD4/LEDMODE P1RXD5 VDD12 P1RXD6 P1RXD7 VSSIO RVDD33 RESETB VDDIO AVSS XTAL1 XTAL2 AVDD12 AVDD33 MDC LEDCK LEDDA AVDD33 ATEST AVDD18 P0MDIAP P0MDIAN AVSS P0MDIBP P0MDIBN AVDD18 P0MDICP P0MDICN AVSS P0MDIDP P0MDIDN AVDD18 AVDD33 P1MDIAP P1MDIAN AVSS P1MDIBP P1MDIBN AVDD18 P1MDICP P1MDICN AVSS P1MDIDP P1MDIDN AVDD18 AVDD33 AVDDPLL AVSSPLL MDI_REF AVSS RTT1 RTT2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 VDDIO VSSIO VDD12 DIS_AUTOXOVER/ P0RXD0 P0MODE[3]/ P0RXDV VSS12 P0RXC P0MODE[2]/ P0RXER VDD12 VSS12 RVDD33 P0MODE[1]/ P0COL P0MODE[0]/ P0CRS P0TXC P0GTXC P0TXEN VDDIO P0TXD0 P0TXD1 P0TXD2 P0TXD3 P0TXD4 P0TXD5 P0TXD6 P0TXD7 MDIO Figure 4. 6.2. Pin Assignments (RTL8212 EDHS QFP-128) Package Identification (RTL8212 EDHS QFP-128) Green package is indicated by a ‘G’ in the location marked ‘T’ in Figure 4. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 14 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet RTL8212N QFN-76 Package 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 VDD12 PHYADR[2] PHYADR[3] PHYADR[4] VDD12 VDDIO SVDD12 STXN STXP SVSS12 CLKIN SVSS18 SRXN SRXP SVDD18 VDD12 VDDIO NC VDD12 6.3. RTL8212N LLLLLLL TXXXV 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 P1MODE[0] P1MODE[1] P1MODE[2] P1MODE[3] VDD12 VDDIO NC VDD12 RVDD33 RESETB VDDIO AVDD12 AVDD33 RTT2 RTT1 MDIREF AVDDPLL AVDD33 AVDD18 P0MDIAP P0MDIAN P0MDIBP P0MDIBN AVDD18 P0MDICP P0MDICN P0MDIDP P0MDIDN AVDD18 P1MDIAP P1MDIAN P1MDIBP P1MDIBN AVDD18 P1MDICP P1MDICN P1MDIDP P1MDIDN PHYADR[1] NC VDDIO VDD12 DIS_AUTOXOVER P0MODE[3] P0MODE[2] VDD12 RVDD33 P0MODE[1] P0MODE[0] VDDIO MDIO MDC LEDCK LEDDA AVDD33 AVDD18 NC Figure 5. 6.4. Pin Assignments (RTL8212N QFN-76) Package Identification (RTL8212N QFN-76) Green package is indicated by a ‘G’ in the location marked ‘T’ in Figure 5. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 15 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 6.5. RTL8211N QFN-76 Package Figure 6. 6.6. Pin Assignments (RTL8211N QFN-76) Package Identification (RTL8211N QFN-76) Green package is indicated by a ‘G’ in the location marked ‘T’ in Figure 6. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 16 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 7. Pin Descriptions Table 1. Pin Type I O I/O B PU PD PWR GND Pin Type Abbreviations Definition Input Output Bi-directional Bias Internal pull-up Internal pull-down Power Ground Note: The RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N is a dual-port/single Gigabit Ethernet transceiver. Each port, defined as Port0 and Port1 (Port 0 for RTL8211N), is independent of the other, and is identical in performance and functionality. In this document, these pins for each port are specified by the port number, pin name, and signal number, respectively. For example, GMII transmit data pin 7 for port0 is shown as: P0TXD7 7.1. Media Dependent Interface Pins Table 2. QFN76 Pin# 1, 2 3, 4 6, 7 8, 9 11, 12 13, 14 16, 17 18, 19 QFP128 Pin# 7, 8 10, 11 13, 14 16, 17 20, 21 23, 24 26, 27 29, 30 Media Dependent Interface Pins Pin Name Type P0MDIAP/N P0MDIBP/N P0MDICP/N P0MDIDP/N P1MDIAP/N P1MDIBP/N P1MDICP/N P1MDIDP/N I/O Description Media Dependent Interface A~D. For 1000Base-T operation, differential data from the media is transmitted and received on all four pairs. For 100Base-Tx and 10Base-T operation, only MDIAP/N and MDIBP/N are used. Auto MDIX can reverse the pairs MDIAP/N and MDIBP/N. Each of the differential pairs has an internal 100ohm termination resister. Pins 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, and 19 of the QFN-76 package are N.C pins for the RTL8211N-GR. TheRTL8211N-GR is available in a QFN-76 package only. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 17 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 7.2. GMII/MII Transmit Interface Pins Table 3. QFN76 Pin# GMII/MII Transmit Interface Pins QFP128 Pin# 117 69 Pin Name Type P0GTXC P1GTXC I 116 68 P0TXC P1TXC O 118 70 P0TXEN P1TXEN I 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 91 80 79 78 76 75 73 72 P0TXD7 P0TXD6 P0TXD5 P0TXD4 P0TXD3 P0TXD2 P0TXD1 P0TXD0 P1TXD7 P1TXD6 P1TXD5 P1TXD4 P1TXD3 P1TXD2 P1TXD1 P1TXD0 IPD Description GMII Transmit Clock. 125MHz input clock. All transmit inputs must be synchronized to this clock during 1000Base-T operation. This clock can be stopped in 10/100Base-T modes, and also during Auto-Negotiation. MII Transmit Clock. All transmit inputs must be synchronized to this clock during 10/100 operation. It provides a 25MHz clock reference in 100Base-TX mode, and 2.5MHz clock reference in 10Base-T. The 25MHz clock is the default rate. GMII/MII Transmit Enable. The synchronous input indicates that valid data is being driven on the TXD bus. As the RTL8212 does not support 1000Base-T half-duplex mode, the carrier-extension symbol is not transmitted onto the cable. TXEN is synchronous to GTXC in 1000Base-T mode and synchronous to TXC in 10/100Base-TX mode. GMII/MII Transmit Data Bus. The width of this synchronous input bus varies with the speed mode: 1000: TXD[7:0] are used. 10/100: TXD[3:0] are used; TXD[7:4] are ignored. TXD[7:0] is synchronous to GTXC in 1000Base-T mode and synchronous to TXC in 10/100Base-TX mode. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 18 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 7.3. GMII/MII Receive Interface Pins Table 4. QFN76 Pin# GMII/MII Receive Interface Pins QFP128 Pin# 109 62 Pin Name Type Description P0RXC P1RXC OPD 107 60 P0RXDV P1RXDV OPD GMII/MII Receive Clock. The GMII/MII Receive output clock is used to synchronize received signals. Its frequency depends upon the link speed: 1000: 125MHz 100: 25MHz 10: 2.5MHz GMII/MII Receive Data valid. This synchronous output is asserted when valid data is driven on RXD. RXDV is synchronous to RXC. 115 65 114 64 110 63 P0CRS P1CRS P0COL P1COL P0RXER P1RXER OPD OPD OPD GMII/MII Carrier Sense. This asynchronous output is asserted when a non-idle condition is detected at the twisted-pair interface, and de-asserted when idle or a valid end of stream delimiter is detected. In 10/100Base-T half duplex, CRS is also asserted during transmission. CRS is asynchronous to TXC and RXC. GMII/MII Collision. This asynchronous output is asserted when a collision is detected in half-duplex modes. In full duplex mode, this out is forced low. COL is asynchronous to TXC, and RXC. GMII/MII Receive Error. When RXER and RXDV are both asserted, the symbol indicates an error symbol is detected on the cable. Since RTL8212 don’t support 1000Base-T half-duplex mode, carrier-extension receive symbol (RXER is asserted with RXDV deasserted) is not valid. RXDV is synchronous to RXC. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 19 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet QFN76 Pin# 7.4. QFP128 Pin# 93 94 96 97 98 101 102 106 48 49 51 52 54 55 56 59 Pin Name Type Description P0RXD7 P0RXD6 P0RXD5 P0RXD4 P0RXD3 P0RXD2 P0RXD1 P0RXD0 P1RXD7 P1RXD6 P1RXD5 P1RXD4 P1RXD3 P1RXD2 P1RXD1 P1RXD0 OPD GMII/MII Receive Data Bus. The width of this synchronous output bus varies with the speed mode: 1000: RXD[7:0] are used. 10/100: RXD[3:0] are used; RXD[7:4] are ignored. RGMII Transmit Interface Pins Table 5. QFN76 Pin# RXD[7:0] is synchronous to RXC. RGMII Transmit Interface Pins QFP128 Pin# 117 69 Pin Name Type P0GTXC P1GTXC I 123 122 121 120 76 75 73 72 118 P0TXD3 P0TXD2 P0TXD1 P0TXD0 P1TXD3 P1TXD2 P1TXD1 P1TXD0 P0TXEN/ P0TXCTL P1TXEN/ P1TXCTL IPD 70 Description RGMII Transmit Clock. All transmit inputs must be synchronized to this clock. Its frequency, with +/- 50ppm tolerance, depends upon the link speed: 1000: 125MHz 100: 25MHz 10: 2.5MHz RGMII Transmit Data Bus. In RGMII 1000Base-T mode, TXD[3..0] runs at a double data rate with bits[3..0] presented on the rising edge of the GTXC, and bits[7..4] presented on the falling edge of the GTXC. TXD[7..4] are ignored in this mode. In RGMII 10/100Base-T modes, the transmitted data nibble is presented on TXD[3..0] on the rising edge of GTXC and duplicated on the falling edge of GTXC. IPD RGMII Transmit Control. In RGMII mode, TXEN is used as TXCTL. TXEN is presented on the rising edge of GTXC. A logical derivative of TXEN and TXER is presented on the falling edge of GTXC. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 20 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 7.5. RGMII Receive Interface Pins Table 6. QFN76 Pin# QFP128 Pin# 109 62 Pin Name Type P0RXC P1RXC O 98 101 102 106 54 55 56 59 107 P0RXD3 P0RXD2 P0RXD1 P0RXD0 P1RXD3 P1RXD2 P1RXD1 P1RXD0 P0RXCTL/ P0RXDV P1RXCTL/ P1RXDV OPD 60 7.6. RGMII Receive Interface Pins 49 50 RGMII Receive Clock. All RGMII receive outputs must be synchronized to this clock. Its frequency, with +/- 50ppm tolerance, depends upon the link speed: 1000: 125MHz 100: 25MHz 10: 2.5MHz RGMII Receive Data Bus. In RGMII 1000Base-T mode, RXD[3..0] runs at a double data rate with bits[3..0] presented on the rising edge of the RXC and bits[7..4] presented on the falling edge of the RXC. RXD[7..4] are ignored in this mode. In RGMII 10/100Base_T modes, the received data nibble is presented on RXD[3..0] on the rising edge of RXC and duplicated on the falling edge of RXC. OPD RGMII Receive Control. In RGMII mode, RXDV is used as RXCTL. RXDV is presented on the rising edge of RXC. A logical derivative of RXDV and RXER is presented on the falling edge of RXC. RSGMII Interface Pins Table 7. QFN76 Pin# 44 45 Description QFP128 Pin# N/A N/A RSGMII Interface Pins Pin Name Type SRXP SRXN O RSGMII Receive Pair. 2.5GHz differential serial output. I The differential pair has an internal 100ohm termination resister. RSGMII Transmit Pair. 2.5GHz differential serial input. STXP STXN Description The differential pair has an internal 100ohm termination resister. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 21 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 7.7. Serial Management Interface Pins Table 8. Serial Management Interface Pins QFN76 Pin# 71 QFP128 Pin# 1 Pin Name Type MDC I 70 128 MDIO I/OPU 54 96 OPD 55 97 56 98 58 101 PHYADR[4]/ P0RXD5 PHYADR[3]/ P0RXD4 PHYADR[2]/ P0RXD3 PHYADR[1]/ P0RXD2 7.8. Description Management Data Clock. The clock reference for the serial management interface. Management Data Input/Output. MDIO transfer management data; in and out of the device synchronous to the rising edge of MDC. PHY Address Select. These pins are the four uppermost bits of the 5-bit IEEE-specified PHY address. The states of these four pins are latched during power-up or reset. The lowest bit of the 5-bit PHY address is hard-wired to each of the dual ports within the device. ‘0’ represents Port0, and ‘1’ represents Port1. Serial LED Interface Pins Table 9. Serial LED Interface Pins QFN76 Pin# 72 QFP128 Pin# 2 Pin Name Type LEDCK O 73 3 LEDDA O 32 52 LEDMODE/ P1RXD4 OPD Description Serial LED Clock. Reference output clock for serial LED interface. The 12.5MHz clock outputs periodically. Data is latched on the rising edge of LEDCK. Serial LED Data Output. Serial bit stream of link status information. Serial LED Mode Select. These pins are used to configure LED operation mode. The state of this pin is latched during power-up or reset. There are two LED display modes: 0: Mode 0 1: Mode 1 Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 22 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 7.9. System Clock Interface Pins Table 10. System Clock Interface Pins QFN76 Pin# 47 QFP128 Pin# 42 Pin Name Type XTAL1 I 41 XTAL2 O CLKIN I Description PHY Reference Clock Input. 25MHz +/- 50ppm tolerance crystal reference or oscillator input. When using a crystal, connect a loading capacitor from each pad to ground. When CLKIN is used this pin is not valid and should be pulled-low. The maximum XTAL1 input voltage is 1.8 V. PHY Reference Clock Output. 25MHz +/- 50ppm tolerance crystal reference or oscillator output. When CLKIN is used this pin is not valid and should be floating. 25MHz Clock Input. 25MHz +/- 50ppm tolerance clock input. When RSGMII is used this pin is able to accept a 25MHz clock signal generated from the MAC device (RTL8212N/RTL8211N only). The maximum CLKIN input voltage is 1.8V. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 23 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 7.10. Configuration and Control Pins Table 11. Configuration and Control Pins QFN76 Pin# QFP128 Pin# 93 94 63 107 64 110 67 114 68 115 35 60 36 63 37 64 38 65 54 55 62 106 Pin Name Type Description INTF_SEL[1]/ P0RXD7 INTF_SEL[0]/ P0RXD6 OPD P0MODE[3]/ P0RXDV P0MODE[2]/ P0RXER P0MODE[1]/ P0COL P0MODE[0]/ P0CRS OPD MAC Interface mode select. INTF_SEL[1:0] determines the MAC interface configuration for both port0 and port1: 00: RSGMII (default mode) 01: GMII 10: RGMII 11: Reserved Auto-Negotiation Configuration. PxMODE[3:0] presets each port’s advertise link ability (speed, duplex, and master/slave). The states of this pin is latched during power-up or reset. PxMODE[3:0] defined as: 0000=Auto-negotiation, advertise all capabilities, prefer MASTER. 0001=Auto-negotiation, advertise all capabilities, prefer SLAVE. 0010=Auto-negotiation, advertise only 100Base-TX half duplex. 0011=Auto-negotiation, advertise only 100Base-TX full duplex. 0100=Reserved. 0101=Reserved. 0110=Reserved. 0111=Reserved. 1000=Auto-negotiation, advertise only 1000Base-T full duplex, force MASTER. 1001=Auto-negotiation, advertise only 1000Base-T full duplex, force SLAVE. 1010=Auto-negotiation, advertise only 1000Base-T full duplex, prefer MASTER. 1011=Auto-negotiation, advertise only 1000Base-T full duplex, prefer SLAVE. 1100=Auto-negotiation, advertise all capabilities, force MASTER. 1101=Auto-negotiation, advertise all capabilities, force SLAVE. 1110=Auto-negotiation, advertise only 10Base-T half duplex. 1111=Auto-negotiation, advertise only 10Base-T full duplex. GTXC Clock Delay Select. This pin enables GTXC input delay in RGMII mode (see Table 22 for detailed configuration). P1MODE[3]/ P1RXDV P1MODE[2]/ P1RXER P1MODE[1]/ P1COL P1MODE[0]/ P1CRS TXDLY/ P1RXD3 RXDLY/ P1RXD2 DIS_AUTOX OVER/ P0RXD0 OPD OPD RXC Clock Delay Select. This pin enables RXC output delay in RGMII mode (see Table 22 for detailed configuration). OPD 1: Disable auto crossover detection 0: Enable auto crossover detection Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 24 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 7.11. Miscellaneous Pins Table 12. Miscellaneous Pins QFN76 Pin# 29 Q128 Pin# 45 Pin Name Type RESETB I 23 35 MDI_REF IB 24 37 RTT1 O 25 38 RTT2 I 5 ATEST O Description Hardware Reset. Active low reset signal. To complete the reset function, this pin must be asserted for at least 10ms. It must be pulled high for normal operation. MDI Bias Resistor. Adjusts the reference current for both PHYs. A resistor of 2.49KΩ±1% is connected between this pin and ground. Test Pin 1. Reserved pin for internal analog debugging. Connect to ground through a 1KΩ resistor. If debug is not important and there are board space constraints, this pin can be left floating. Test Pin 2. Reserved pin for internal analog debugging. Connect to ground through a 1KΩ resistor. If debug is not important and there are board space constrains, this pin can be left floating. Analog Test Pin. Reserved pin for internal analog debugging. Connect to ground through a 1KΩ resistor. If debug is not important and there are board space constraints, this pin can be left floating. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 25 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 7.12. Power and Ground Pins Table 13. Power and Ground Pins QFN76 Pin# 21, 26, 74 QFP128 Pin# Pin Name Type AVDD33 3.3V Power Supply PWR Analog Power 3.3V. 30, 66 4, 19 32, 39 46, 113 5, 10, 15, 20 22 6, 12 18, 25, 31 33 AVDDPLL 43 81 SVDD18 27 51 31, 34, 39, 42, 53, 57, 61, 65 40 89 50, 58, 66, 74, 92, 99, 105, 111 AVDD12 SVDD12 VDD12 28, 33, 41, 52, 60, 69 GND PAD 44, 57, 71, 90, 103, 119 9, 15, 22, 28, 36, 43, GND PAD 34 GND PAD 53, 61, 67, 77, 95, 100, 108, 112 GND PAD 47, 104 46 84 48 86 RVDD33 AVDD18 VDDIO Description PWR Analog Power 3.3V for Internal Regulator. 1.8V Power Supply PWR Analog Power 1.8V. PWR Analog Power 1.8V for PLL This pin is filtered with a low resistance series ferrite bead and 1000pF + 2.2uF shunt capacitors to ground. PWR Analog Power 1.8V for RSGMII. 1.2V Power Supply PWR Analog Power 1.2V. PWR Analog Power 1.2V for RSGMII. PWR Digital Power 1.2V for Digital Core. 2.5V Power Output Pin PWR Digital I/O Power 2.5V. This power is generated from an internal regulator. Connect the following group of pins together QFP-128:Group(44,57,71) ,Group(90,103,119) QFN-76: Group(28,33,41),Group (52,60,69) AVSS GND If MII/GMII/RGMII is not used, no external PCB trace is required. Only connect to ground through a decoupling capacitor. Ground Analog ground. AVSSPLL VSS12 GND GND PLL ground. Digital Core ground. VSSIO SVSS18 SVSS12 GND PWR PWR Digital I/O ground. Analog 1.8V GND for RSGMII. Analog 1.2V GND for RSGMII. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 26 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8. Functional Description 8.1. MDI Interface The RTL8212/RTL8212N/8211N uses a single common MDI interface to support 10Base-T, 100Base-Tx, and 1000Base-T. This interface consists of four signal pairs-A, B, C, and D. Each signal pair consists of two bi-directional pins that can transmit and receive at the same time. The MDI interface has internal termination resistors, and therefore reduces BOM cost and PCB complexity. For 1000Base-T, all four pairs are used in both directions at the same time. For 10/100 links and during auto-negotiation, only pairs A and B are used. Table 14 shows the mapping between the pairs and the RJ-45 signals. Table 14. Mapping of Twisted-Pair Outputs to RJ-45 Connectors Pairs A B C D 8.1.1. RJ-45 Connector 1 and 2 3 and 6 4 and 5 7 and 8 Crossover Detection and Auto Correction The RTL8212/RTL8212N/8211N automatically determines whether or not it needs to crossover between pairs; removing the need for an external crossover cable. When connecting to a device that does not perform MDI crossover, the RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N automatically switches its pin pairs to communicate with the connecting device. When connecting to a device that does have MDI crossover capability, an algorithm determines which end performs the crossover function. The crossover detection and auto correction function can be disabled by strap pin. The RTL8212/RTL8212N/8211N is set to MDI Crossover by default. The pin mapping in MDI and MDI Crossover mode is given in Table 15. Table 15. Media Dependent Interface Pin Mapping Pairs A B C D 1000Base-T A B C D MDI 100Base-TX TX RX unused unused 10Base-T TX RX unused unused Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 1000Base-T B A D C 27 MDI Crossover 100Base-TX RX TX unused unused 10Base-T RX TX Unused unused Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.1.2. Polarity Correction The RTL8212/RTL8212N/8211N automatically correct polarity errors on the receiver pairs in 10Base-T and 1000Base-T modes. In 100Base-Tx mode, the polarity is irrelevant. In 1000Base-T mode, receive polarity errors are automatically corrected based on the sequence of idle symbols. Once the descrambler is locked the polarity is also locked on all pairs. The polarity becomes unlocked only when the receiver loses lock. In 10Base-T mode, polarity errors are corrected based on the detection of valid spaced link pulses. The detection begins during the MDI crossover detection phase and locks when the 10Base-T link is up. The polarity becomes unlocked when the link is down. Figure 7. + RX _ + _ TX + TX _ _ + + _ RX Conceptual Example of Polarity Correction Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 28 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.1.3. MAC Interface The RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N MAC interface supports GMII/MII, RGMII, and RSGMII (2.5Gbps serial interface; RTL8212N and RTL8211N only). The MAC interface selection is set by INTF_SEL[1..0]. Table 16 shows the data rates supported through each interface, and Table 17 shows each MAC interface operation mode. Table 16. Data Rates Supported Through Each Interface MAC Interface GMII 10Base-T 100Base-TX MII RGMII RSGMII (RTL8212N/RTL8211N only) √ √ √ √ √ √ 1000Base-T √ √ √ Table 17. MAC Interface Modes of Operation MAC Interface GMII Speed Data Width Clock Frequency Clock Edge Notes 1000 8 bits 125MHz Rising 100 4 bits 25MHz Rising MII 10 4 bits 2.5MHz Rising 1000 4 bits 125MHz Rising/Falling RGMII 100 4 bits 25MHz Rising 1 10 4 bits 2.5MHz Rising 1 1000 1 bits 125MHz Rising 2 RSGMII (RTL8212N/RTL8211N 100 1 bits 125MHz Rising 3 only) 10 1 bits 125MHz Rising 3 Note 1: The data may be duplicated on the falling edge of the appropriate clock when the interface operates at 10 and 100Mbps speeds. Note 2: The internal PLL generates 20 sub-phase clock signals by dividing the 125MHz clock. The data can be latched on the rising edge of each sub-phase signal. The data bandwidth of the RSGMII interface is up to 2.5Gbps (125M*20*1). Note 3: Operation at 10 and 100Mbps uses respectively only 1% and 10% of the RSGMII Interface bandwidth. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 29 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.2. Gigabit Media Independent Interface (GMII/MII) Table 18 indicates the signal mapping of the RTL8212 to the Gigabit Media Independent Interface (GMII/MII). MII signaling to support 100Base-Tx and 10Base-T modes is implemented by sharing pins of the GMII interface. The interface supports GMII to copper connections at all three speeds. The GMII mode does not support carrier extension and packet concatenation in both the transmit and receive directions, due to no TXER pin. Table 18. Gigabit Media Independent Interface RTL8212 Pins GTXC TXC TXEN TXD[7..4] TXD[3..0] RXC RXER RXDV RXD[7..4] RXD[3..0] CRS COL GMII GTX_CLK TX_EN TXD[7..4] TXD[3..0] RX_CLK RX_ER RX_DV RXD[7..4] RXD[3..0] CRS COL Figure 8. MII TXC TX_EN TXD[3..0] RX_CLK RX_ER RX_DV RXD[3..0] CRS COL GMII Signal Diagram Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 30 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet In 1000Base-T operation, when GMII mode is selected, a 125MHz transmit clock is expected on GTXC, and RXC sources the 125MHz receive clock. At the same time, TXC sources 25MHz, 2.5MHz, or 0MHz depending on the MDI status. In 10Base-T and 100Base-TX modes, when MII mode is selected, both TXC and RXC source 25MHz or 2.5MHz, respectively. TXD[3:0] and RXD[3:0] signals are used. GTXC and TXD[7..4] signals must be pulled high or low and must not be left floating. RXD[7..4] are driven low. Figure 9. MII Signal Diagram During the transition from one speed to another, a dead time of 1.5 clock cycles may occur in RXC and TXC (in order to ensure a glitch-free clock). Note: The GMII and MII interfaces are enabled by hardware configuration bits INTF_SEL[1..0] that are latched at the end of hardware reset. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 31 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.2.1. Reduced GMII (RGMII) The RTL8212 supports the RGMII Rev. 2.0 specification. This interface reduces the interconnection between the MAC and the PHY to 12 pins. In order to accomplish this objective, the data paths and all associated control signals are reduced. Control signals are multiplexed and both edges of the clock are used. For Gigabit operation, the transmit and receive clocks operate at 125MHz. For 10/100 operation, the clocks operate at 2.5MHz or 25MHz respectively. Once the RGMII is selected in all three speeds, transmit control is presented on both clock edges of GTXC (TXC). Receive control (RX_CTL) is presented on both clock edges of RXC (RXC). The RGMII interface is selected by setting INTF_SEL[1..0] to ‘10’. Table 19. MAC Interface Modes of Operation RTL8212 Pins RGMII GTXC TXC TXEN TX_CTL TXD[3..0] TD[3..0] RXC RXC RXDV RX_CTL RXD[3..0] RD[3..0] Description 125MH, 25MHz, or 2.5MHz transmit clock, with +/- 50 ppm tolerance, based on the selected speed. Transmit Control Signals. TX_EN is encoded on the rising edge of GTXC. TX_ER XOR TX_EN is encoded on the falling edge of GTXC. Transmit data. In 1000Base-T mode, bits 3:0 are presented on the rising edge of GTXC, and bits 7:4 is presented on the falling edge of GTXC. In 10/100 mode, bits 3:0 is presented on the rising edge of GTXC, and duplicated on the falling edge of GTXC. 125MH, 25MHz, or 2.5MHz receive clock, with +/- 50 ppm tolerance, based on the selected speed. Receive Control Signals. RX_DV is encoded on the rising edge of RXC, RX_ER XOR RX_DV is encoded on the falling edge of RXC. Receive data. In 1000Base-T mode, bits 3:0 is presented on the rising edge of RXC, and bits 7:4 are presented on the falling edge of RXC. In 10/100 mode, bits 3:0 is presented on the rising edge of RXC, and duplicated on the falling edge of RXC. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 32 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet Figure 10. RGMII Signal Diagram 8.2.2. 10/100 Functionality This interface can be used to implement the 10/100Mbps Ethernet Media Independent Interface (MII) by reducing the clock rate to 25MHz for 100Mbps operation and 2.5MHz for 10Mbps. The TXC will always be generated by the MAC and RXC will always be generated by the PHY. During packet reception, the RXC may be stretched on either the positive or negative pulse to accommodate the transition from the free running clock to a data-synchronous clock domain. When the speed of the PHY changes, a similar stretching of the positive or negative pulses is allowed. No glitch of the clocks are allowed during speed transitions. The interface will operate at 10 and 100Mbps speeds exactly the same way it does at Gigabit speed with the exception that the data may be duplicated on the falling edge of the appropriate clock. The MAC must hold TXEN (TX_CTL) low until the MAC has ensured that TXEN (TX_CTL) is operating at the same speed as the PHY. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 33 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.2.3. TX_CTL and RX_CTL Coding To reduce power consumption of this interface, TX_ER and RX_ER are encoded in a manner that minimizes transitions during normal network operation. This is done via the following encoding method. Note that the RTL8212 does not support Half-Duplex in 1000Base-T and the GMII_TX_ER signal is tied to logic low at all times, carrier extend and transmit errors never appear at the transmitting and receiving end. TX_CTL Í GMII_TX_ER (XOR) GMII_TX_EN RX_CTL Í GMII_RX_ER (XOR) GMII_RX_DV While receiving a valid frame with no errors, RX_DV=true is generated as a logic high on the rising edge of RXC, and RX_ER=false is generated as a logic high on the falling edge of RXC. When no frame is being received, RX_DV=false is generated as a logic low on the rising edge of RXC, and RX_ER=false is generated as a logic low on the falling edge of RXC. When receiving a valid frame with errors, RX_DV=true is generated as a logic high on the rising edge of RXC, and RX_ER=true is generated as a logic low on the falling edge of RXC. During normal frame transmission, the signal stays at high for both edges of TXC. During normal inter-frame, the signal stays low for both edges. Table 20. TX_ER and TX_EN Encoding TX_CTL 0, 0 1, 1 GMII_TX_EN 0 1 GMII_TX_ER 0 0 Description Normal inter-frame Normal data transmission Note: As GMII_TX_ER is always tied to logic low in the RTL8212, no transmit error symbol or carrier extend symbol occurs in data transmission. Figure 11. RGMII Data Transmission Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 34 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet Table 21. RX_ER and RX_DV Encoding RX_CTL GMII_RX_DV GMII_RX_ER Description 0, 0 0 0 Normal inter-frame 0, 1 0 1 Carrier sense 1, 1 1 0 Normal data reception 1, 0 1 1 Data reception error Note 1: The MAC is designed to acquire the link status, speed and duplex mode of the PHY via MDC/MDIO polling, so the RTL821 does not implement specific code onto RXD[3..0] to inform MAC of the PHY status during normal inter-frame. Note 2: In addition to the encoding of RX_DV and RX_ER as indicated in Table 21, a value of ‘FF’ also exists on the RXD[7..0] simultaneously when the Carrier Sense symbol occurs. Figure 12. RGMII Data Reception Without Error Figure 13. RGMII Data Reception With Error Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 35 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.2.4. In-Band Status CRS is indicated where: • • RX_DV is true Where RX_DV is false, RX_ER is true, and a value of ‘FF’ exists on the RXD[7..0] bits simultaneously Carrier Extend and Carrier Extend Error are not supported by the RTL8212. Collision is determined at the MAC by the assertion of TXEN being true while either CRS or RXDV are true. The PHY will not assert CRS as a result of TXEN being true. 8.2.5. Four RGMII Modes The RTL8212 supports four different timing modes of operation. Hardware strapping pins TXDLY and RXDLY can be used to select between the four RGMII timing modes. Refer to Table 44, page 58, for RGMII Mode timing. Each bit adjusts the delay of data with respect to clock edges. For both inputs and outputs of the PHY the data can change either simultaneously with the clock edges, or the data can have setup and hold with respect to clock edges. Table 22. RGMII Timing Modes Mode TXDLY RXDLY Mode 0 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 PHY Input GTXC vs. data Meet setup and hold time Meet setup and hold time Simultaneous with clock edge Simultaneous with clock edge Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 36 PHY Output RXC vs. data Simultaneous with clock edge Meet setup and hold time Simultaneous with clock edge Meet setup and hold time Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.3. Reduced Serial GMII (RTL8212N & RTL8211N Only) To reduce PCB complexity and IC pin count, Realtek offers a proprietary interface; the Realtek Reduced Serial Gigabit Media Independent Interface (RSGMII). This innovative 2.5Gbps serial interface provides an upto 5 inch long MAC to PHY communication path. The RSGMII can carry the full duplex gigabit Ethernet data streams of two ports simultaneously, and recover clock from the data rather than use a dedicated clock. The RSGMII reduces the interconnection between the gigabit Ethernet PHY and MAC to only 4 pins. Figure 14 depicts the RSGMII interconnection. MAC Port0 PHY TX TX RSGMII Port1 Port0 RSGMII RX RX Port1 Figure 14. RSGMII Interconnection Diagram The RSGMII interface runs at 2.5Gbps in 10M/100M/1000Mbps modes. Clearly, a 2.5Gbps data rate is excessive for interfaces operating at 10M/100Mbps. When operating in these conditions, the interface elongates each byte of data by 10 times for 100Mbps, and by 100 times for 10Mbps, through a rate adaptation block. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 37 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet The data paths and all associated control signals are transmitted from each port and recovered at the receiver side via proprietary transmission encode/decode and Serial/De-serial translation. Taking the Realtek RTL8369 and RTL8212N as examples (see Figure 15), the RTL8369 contains four RSGMII (4 pairs) and the RTL8212N contains one RSGMII (1 pair). The RTL8369 generates SnTX+/-, n=0-3 signals to four RTL8212N’s, and receives SnRX+/-, n=0-3 signals from four RTL8212N’s. Each RSGMII carries two gigabits of Ethernet data from PHY to MAC and MAC to PHY. In traditional GMII applications, the MAC to PHY interface requires at least 20 pins to carry 1 port’s bi-directional gigabit Ethernet traffic. A MAC to PHY RSGMII needs only 4 pins to carry two port’s gigabit Ethernet traffic. This greatly improves PCB layout size and complexity in gigabit switch design. Figure 15. Realtek 8G Switch Application with RSGMII Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 38 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.3.1. RSGMII Data Transfer At the receive side, GMII signals of the two gigabit Ethernet PHY ports enter at 10/100/1000Mbps, clocked at 2.5/25/125MHz. Each port passes these signals through Ethernet PHY receive rate adaptation to output data RXD[7..0] in the 125MHz clock domain. Both RXD are then sent to the individual PCS Transmit State Machine to generate proprietary encoded code-words A and B. The PHY combines the code-words A and B generated from the two ports to a code-word C, and converts it to a serial (bit by bit) stream for the Ethernet MAC at a 2.5Gbps data rate. At the transmit side, the PHY de-serializes data to recover the encoded code-word C. Next the synchronization block checks the code-word C to determine the synchronization status between links, and to realign if it detects a loss of synchronization. The Ethernet PHY separates the synchronous code-word C, into A and B for each port. Each port’s code-word is then recovered to the GMII signal in the 125MHz clock domain by passing through individual PCS Receive State Machines. Both the decoded GMII signals have to pass the PHY Transmit Rate Adaptation block to output data segments according to the port speed. The transmitting and receiving operation flow on the Ethernet MAC side is the same as the Ethernet PHY side. Figure 16 and Figure 17 show the functional block diagram at the PHY and MAC side respectively. They illustrate how the PCS layer is modified and incorporated at the PHY and MAC side within the RSGMII interface. code-word A RX Serializer code-word C Port1 Port0 P1RX_DV P1RX_ER P1RXD[7..0] PCS Transmit State Machine TX DeSerializer code-word C Port1 Port0 Port0 P0RX_ER P0RXD[7..0] P1TX_EN P1TX_ER P1TXD[7..0] PCS Receive State Machine Synchronization P0RX_DV PHY Receive Rate Adaptation GMII Signals from port1 P1RX_CLK 2.5/25/125MHz GMII Signals from port0 P0RX_CLK 2.5/25/125MHz P0RX_CLK 125MHz code-word B code-word A P1RX_CLK 125MHz Port1 Port0 code-word B P1TX_CLK 125MHz P0TX_DV P0TX_ER P0TXD[7..0] Port1 Port0 PHY Transmit Rate Adaptation GMII Signals from port1 P1TX_CLK 2.5/25/125MHz GMII Signals from port0 P0TX_CLK 2.5/25/125MHz P0TX_CLK 125MHz Figure 16. RSGMII Functional Block Diagram at Ethernet PHY Side Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 39 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet Figure 17. RSGMII Functional Block Diagram at Ethernet MAC Side 8.4. MDC/MDIO Management Interface The RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N support the IEEE compliant Management Data Input/Output (MDIO) Interface. This is the only method for the MAC to acquire the PHY statuses. The MII management interface registers are written and read serially, using the MDC/MDIO pins. Data transferred to and from the MDIO pins is synchronized with the MDC clock. All transfers are initiated by the MAC. A clock of up to 12.5MHz must drive the MDC pin of the RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N. The MDIO frame structure starts with a 32-bit preamble, which is required by the RTL8212/8211. Following bits include a start-of-frame marker, an op-code, a 10-bit address field, and a 16-bit data field. The address field is divided into two 5-bit segments. The first segment identifies the PHY address and the second identifies the register being accessed. The four uppermost bits of the 5-bit PHY address are determined by the hardware strapping values during power up. The LSB of the PHY address is ‘0’ for Port0 and ‘1’ for Port1. The MDIO protocol provides both read and write operations. During a write operation, the MAC drives the MDIO line for the entire Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 40 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet frame. For a read operation, a turn-around time is inserted in the frame to allow the PHY to drive back to the MAC. The MDIO pin of the MAC must be put in a high-impedance during these bit times. Figure 18 and Figure 19, page 41 depict the MDIO read and write frame format respectively. 8.4.1. Preamble Suppression The RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N is permanently programmed for preamble suppression. A preamble of 32 bits is required only for the first read or write. The management preamble may be as short as 1 bit. Figure 18. MDIO Read Frame Format Figure 19. MDIO Write Frame Format Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 41 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.5. Hardware Configuration Interface The RTL8212/RTL8212N is a dual-port device. The RTL8211N is a single-port device. Configuration options like MAC interface, physical address, PHY operating mode are configured by using the configuration pins. These pins are shared with GMII/RGMII receive pins. Except for the PHY operating mode, both ports may be configured independently. Settings are implemented simultaneously after power-on reset. Table 23 shows the configuration definitions. Table 23. Configuration Pin Definitions Configuration INTF_SEL[1:0] PHYADR[4:1] LEDMODE GTXCLK RXCLK Description Interface Select: INTF_SEL[1:0] specifies the MAC interface operating mode for both ports. 00=RSGMII 01=GMII/MII 10=RGMII 11=Reserved PHY Address: PHYADR[4:1] sets the uppermost 4 bits of the 5-bit PHY address upon reset. The LSB is ‘0’ for Port 0 and ‘1’for Port1. Serial LED Mode Select: LEDMODE specifies the serial LED display mode for both ports. There are two LED display modes in the RTL8212/8211. 0=Mode 0 1=Mode 1 GTXCLK Clock Delay Select: GTXCLK determines the GTXCLK input delay in RGMII mode. 0=Output data may change simultaneously with the GTXCLK edges 1=Output data can have setup time and hold time with respect to GTXCLK edges RXCLK Clock Delay Select: RXCLK determines the RXCLK output delay in RGMII mode. 0=Output data may change simultaneously with the RXCLK edges 1=Output data can have setup time and hold time with respect to RXCLK edges Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 42 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.6. LED Configuration The RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N supports serial LED status streams for LED display. The forms of LED status streams are controlled by LEDMODE pins (see Table 24) which are latched upon reset. All LED statuses are represented as active-low. Table 24. LED Mode LED Mode 0 1 Output Sequences Dup/Col, Link/Act, Spd1000, Spd100 Dup/Col, Spd1000/Act, (Spd100,Spd10)/Act Table 25. LED Status LED Status Col/Fulldup Link/Act Spd1000 Spd1000/Act (Spd100,Spd10)/Act 8.6.1. • • • • Description Collision, Full duplex Indicator. Blinks every 43ms when collision occurs. Low for full duplex, and high for half duplex mode. Link, Activity Indicator. Low for link established. Blinks every 43ms when the corresponding port is transmitting or receiving. 1000Mbps Speed Indicator. Low for 1000Mbps. 1000Mbps Speed/Activity Indicator. Low for 1000Mbps. Blinks every 43ms when the corresponding port is transmitting or receiving. 10/100Mbps, Speed/Activity Indicator. Low for 10/100Mbps. Blinks every 43ms when the corresponding port is transmitting or receiving. LED System Application Examples 4 single-color LEDs: Link/Act, Spd1000, Spd100, Dup/Col (set LEDMODE=0) 3 single-color LEDs: Link/Act, Spd1000, Spd100 (set LEDMODE=0) 2 single-color, 1 bi-color LEDs: Link/Act, Dup/Col, Spd1000/Spd100 (set LEDMODE=0) 1 single-color, 1 bi-color LED: Dup/Col, Spd100/Spd10/100/Act (set LEDMODE=1) Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 43 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.6.2. Serial Stream Order Every bit stream is output port by port, from port0 to port1 with Col/Fulldup as the first bit in a port stream. Table 26. Serial Stream Order (Mode 0) Clock Mode 0 0 Port 0 Dup/Col H 74164 Pin 1 Port 0 Link/Act G 2 Port 0 Spd1000 F 3 Port 0 Spd100 E 4 Port 1 Dup/Col D 5 Port 1 Link/Act C 6 Port 1 Spd1000 B 7 Port 1 Spd100 A Table 27. Serial Stream Order (Mode 1) Clock Mode 1 74164 Pin 8.7. - - 0 Port 0 Dup/Col H G F 1 Port 0 Spd1000/Act E 2 Port 0 Spd100/Act D 3 Port 1 Dup/Col C 4 5 Port 1 Port 1 Spd1000/Act Spd100/Act B A System Clock Interface Figure 20. Clock Generated from MAC (RSGMII Mode) Note: When CLKIN is used, pull the X1 pin low to GND. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 44 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.8. Register Descriptions The first six registers of the MII are defined by the MII specification. Other registers are defined by Realtek Semiconductor Corp. for internal use and are reserved for specific uses. 8.8.1. Register Symbols RO: Read Only LH: Latch High until cleared RW: Read/Write SC: Self Clearing LL: Latch Low until cleared 8.8.2. MII Specification Defined Registers Table 28. MII Specification Defined Registers Register 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 Description Control Register. Status Register. PHY Identifier 1 Register. PHY Identifier 2 Register. Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register. Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register. Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register. Auto-Negotiation Page Transmit Register. Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Next Page Register. 1000Base-T Control Register. 1000Base-T Status Register. Extended Status. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 45 Default 0x1140 0x7949 0x001C 0xC912 0x01E1 0x0000 0x0000 0x2001 0x0000 0x0F00 0x0000 0x3000 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.8.3. Register0: Control Table 29. Register0: Control Bit(s) 0.15 Reset 0.14 Loopback 0.13 Speed Selection[0] 0.12 Auto Negotiation Enable 0.11 Power Down 0.10 Isolate 0.9 0.8 Restart Auto Negotiation Duplex Mode 0.7 Collision Test 0.6 0.[5:0] Name Speed Selection[1] Reserved Description 1=PHY reset 0=Normal operation This bit is self-clearing. This will loopback TXD to RXD and ignore all activity on the cable media. 1=Enable loopback 0=Normal operation [0.6,0.13] Speed Selection[1:0]. 11=Reserved 10=1000 Mbps 01=100 Mbps 00=10 Mbps Note: The SMI: Serial Management Interface which is composed of MDC, MDIO, allows the MAC to manage the PHY. This bit can be set through SMI (Read/Write). 1=Enable Auto-negotiation process 0=Disable Auto-negotiation process 1=Power down. All functions will be disabled except SMI read/write function 0=Normal operation 1=Electrically isolates the PHY from MII/GMII/RGMII/RSGMII. PHY is still able to respond to MDC/MDIO 0=Normal operation 1=Restart Auto-Negotiation process 0=Normal operation 1=Full duplex operation 0=Half duplex operation When Auto-Negotiation is enabled, this bit reflects the result of Auto-Negotiation (Read Only). When Auto-Negotiation is disabled, this bit can be configured through SMI (Read/Write). 1=Collision test enabled 0=Normal operation When set, this bit will cause the COL signal to be asserted in response to the assertion of TXEN within 512-bit times. The COL signal will be de-asserted within 4-bit times in response to the de-assertion of TXEN. See bit 13. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 46 Mode RW/SC Default 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 1 RW 0 RW 0 RW/SC 0 RW 1 RO 0 RW RO 1 0 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.8.4. Register1: Status Table 30. Register1: Status Bit(s) 1.15 1.14 1.13 1.12 1.11 1.10 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 Name 100Base-T4 Description Mode 0=No 100Base-T4 capability RO The RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N does not support 100Base-T4 mode. This bit should always be 0. 100Base-X Full Duplex 1=100Base-X full duplex capable RO 0=Not 100Base-X full duplex capable 100Base-X Half Duplex 1=100Base-X half duplex capable RO 0=Not 100Base-X half duplex capable 10Mbps Full Duplex 1=10Mbps full duplex capable RO 0=Not 10Mbps full duplex capable 10Mbps Half Duplex 1=10Mbps half duplex capable RO 0=Not 10Mbps half duplex capable 100Base-T2 Full Duplex 0=No 100Base-T2 full duplex capability. RO The RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N does not support 100Base-T2 mode. This bit should always be 0. 100Base-T2 Half Duplex 0=No 100Base-T2 half duplex capability RO The RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N does not support 100Base-T2 mode. This bit should always be 0. Extended Status 1=Extended status information in Register 15 RO The RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N always supports Extended Status Register. Reserved Reserved. RO RO MF Preamble The RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N will accept Suppression management frames with preamble suppressed. 1=Auto-negotiation process completed. RO Auto-negotiate Complete 0=Auto-negotiation process not completed. Remote Fault RO/LH 1=Remote fault indication from link partner has been detected. 0=No remote fault indication detected. This bit will remain set until it is cleared by reading register 1 via management interface. Auto-Negotiation Ability 1=Auto-negotiation capable (permanently =1) RO 0=Without Auto-negotiation capability. Link Status 1=Link has never failed since previous read RO/LL 0=Link has failed since previous read If link fails, this bit will be set to 0 until bit is read. Jabber Detect 1=Jabber detected RO/LH 0=No Jabber detected Jabber is supported only in 10Base-T mode. Extended Capability 1=Extended register capable. (permanently =1) RO 0=Not extended register capable Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 47 Default 0 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.8.5. Register2: PHY Identifier 1 Register The PHY Identifier Registers #1 and #2 together form a unique identifier for the PHY section of this device. The Identifier consists of a concatenation of the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI), the vendor's model number and the model revision number. A PHY may return a value of zero in each of the 32 bits of the PHY Identifier if desired. The PHY Identifier is intended to support network management. Table 31. Register2: PHY Identifier 1 Register Reg. bit 2.[15:0] 8.8.6. Name OUI Description Composed of the 3rd to 18th bits of the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI), respectively. Mode RO Default 001C h Mode RO RO RO Default 110010 010001 0010 Register3: PHY Identifier 2 Register Table 32. Register3: PHY Identifier 2 Register Reg. bit 3.[15:10] 3.[9:4] 3.[3:0] Name OUI Model Number Revision Number Description Assigned to the 19th through 24th bits of the OUI. Manufacturer’s model number. Manufacturer’s revision number. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 48 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.8.7. Register4: Auto-Negotiation Advertisement This register contains the advertisement abilities of this device as they will be transmitted to its Link Partner during Auto-negotiation. Table 33. Register4: Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Reg. bit 4.15 Name Next Page Description 1=Additional next pages exchange desired 0=No additional next pages exchange desired 4.14 Reserved Permanently =0 4.13 Remote Fault 1=Set remote fault bit 0=Do not set remote fault bit 4.12 Reserved For future technology 4.11 Asymmetric Pause 1=Advertises that the RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N has asymmetric flow control capability 0=No asymmetric flow control capability 4.10 Pause 1=Advertises that the RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N has flow control capability. 0= No flow control capability. 4.9 100Base-T4 1=100Base-T4 capable 0=Not 100Base-T4 capable (Permanently =0) 4.8 100Base-TX-FD 1=100Base-TX full duplex capable 0=Not 100Base-TX full duplex capable 4.7 100Base-TX 1=100Base-TX half duplex capable 0=Not 100Base-TX half duplex capable 4.6 10Base-T-FD 1=10Base-TX full duplex capable 0=Not 10Base-TX full duplex capable 4.5 10Base-T 1=10Base-TX half duplex capable 0=Not 10Base-TX half duplex capable 4.[4:0] Selector Field [00001]=IEEE802.3 Note 1: The setting of Register 4 has no effect unless auto-negotiation is restarted or link down. Note 2: If 1000Base-T is advertised, then the required next pages are automatically transmitted. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 49 Mode RW Default 0 RO RW 0 0 RW RW 0 0 RW 0 RO 0 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RO 00000 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.8.8. Register5: Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability This register contains the advertised abilities of the Link Partner as received during Auto-negotiation. The content changes after a successful Auto-negotiation. Table 34. Register5: Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Reg. bit 5.15 Name Next Page 5.14 Acknowledge 5.13 Remote Fault 5.12 5.11 Reserved Asymmetric Pause 5.10 Pause 5.9 100Base-T4 5.8 100Base-TX-FD 5.7 100Base-TX 5.6 10Base-T-FD 5.5 10Base-T 5.[4:0] Selector Field Description 1=Link partner desires Next Page transfer 0=Link partner does not desire Next Page transfer 1=Link Partner acknowledges reception of FLP words 0=No acknowledgement by Link Partner 1=Remote Fault indicated by Link Partner 0=No remote fault indicated by Link Partner Reserved. 1=Asymmetric Flow control supported by Link Partner 0=No Asymmetric flow control supported by Link Partner When auto-negotiation is enabled, this bit reflects Link Partner ability. (read only). 1=Flow control supported by Link Partner 0=No flow control supported by Link Partner When auto-negotiation is enabled, this bit reflects Link Partner ability. (read only) 1=100Base-T4 supported by Link Partner 0=100Base-T4 not supported by Link Partner 1=100Base-TX full duplex supported by Link Partner 0=100Base-TX full duplex not supported by Link Partner 1=100Base-TX half duplex supported by Link Partner 0=100Base-TX half duplex not supported by Link Partner 1=10Base-TX full duplex supported by Link Partner 0=10Base-TX full duplex not supported by Link Partner 1=10Base-TX half duplex supported by Link Partner 0=10Base-TX half duplex not supported by Link Partner [00001]=IEEE802.3 [00000]=No Information from Link Partner Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 50 Mode RO Default 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO RW 0 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 00000 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.8.9. Register6: Auto-Negotiation Expansion Table 35. Register6: Auto-Negotiation Expansion Reg. bit 6.[15:5] 6.4 Name Reserved Parallel Detection Fault 6.3 Link Partner Next Page Ability 6.2 Local Next Page Ability Page Received 6.1 6.0 8.8.10. Link Partner Auto-Negotiation Ability Description 1=A fault has been detected via the Parallel Detection function 0=No fault has been detected via the Parallel Detection function 1=Link Partner is Next Page able 0=Link Partner is not Next Page able 1= RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N is Next Page able (permanently=1) 1=A New Page has been received 0=A New Page has not been received If Auto-Negotiation is enabled, this bit means: 1=Link Partner is Auto-Negotiation able 0=Link Partner is not Auto-Negotiation able Mode RO RO Default 0 0 RO 0 RO 1 RO/LH 0 RO 0 Register7: Auto-Negotiation Page Transmit Register Table 36. Register7: Auto-Negotiation Page Transmit Register Reg. bit 7.15 7.14 7.13 7.12 7.11 7.10:0 Name Next Page Description 1=Another next page desired 0=No next page to send Reserved Message Page Acknowledge 2 1=Message page 1=Local device has the ability to comply with the message received 0=Local device has no ability to comply with the message received Toggle Toggle bit. Message/Unformatted Content of message/unformatted page. Field Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 51 Mode RW Default 0 RO RW RW 0 1 0 RO RW 0 0x001 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.8.11. Register8: Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Next Page Register Table 37. Register8: Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Next Page Register Reg. bit 8.15 8.14 8.13 8.12 8.11 8.10:0 8.8.12. Name Next Page Acknowledge Message Page Acknowledge 2 Toggle Message/Unformatted Field Description Received link code word bit 15. Received link code word bit 14. Received link code word bit 13. Received link code word bit 12. Received link code word bit 11. Received link code word bit 10:0. Mode RO RO RO RO RO RO Default 0 0 0 0 0 0x000 Description Test mode select: 000=Normal mode 001=Test mode 1 – Transmit waveform test 010=Test mode 2 – Transmit jitter test in MASTER mode 011=Test mode 3 – Transmit jitter test in SLAVE mode 100=Test mode 4 – Transmitter distortion test 101, 110, 111=Reserved 1=Enable MASTER/SLAVE manual configuration 0=Disable MASTER/SLAVE manual configuration Mode RW Default 000 RW 0 1=Configure PHY as MASTER during MASTER/SLAVE negotiation, only when 9.12 is set to logical one 0=Configure PHY as SLAVE during MASTER/SLAVE negotiation, only when 9.12 is set to logical one 1=Multi-port device 0=Single-port device 1=Advertise PHY is 1000Base-T full duplex capable 0=Advertise PHY is not 1000Base-T full duplex capable 1=Advertise PHY is 1000Base-T half duplex capable 0=Advertise PHY is not 1000Base-T half duplex capable Reserved. RW 1 RW 1 RW 1 RW 0 RW 0 Register9: 1000Base-T Control Register Table 38. Register9: 1000Base-T Control Register Reg. bit 9.15:13 9.12 9.11 Name Test Mode MASTER/SLAVE Manual Configuration Enable MASTER/SLAVE Configuration Value 9.10 Port Type 9.9 1000Base-T Full Duplex 1000Base-T Half Duplex Reserved 9.8 9.7:0 Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 52 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 8.8.13. Register10: 1000Base-T Status Register Table 39. Register10: 1000Base-T Status Register Reg. bit 10.15 10.14 10.13 10.12 10.11 10.10 10.9:8 10.7:0 8.8.14. Name MASTER/SLAVE Configuration Fault MASTER/SLAVE Configuration Fault Resolution Local Receiver Status Remote Receiver Status Link Partner 1000Base-T Full Duplex Link Partner 1000Base-T Half Duplex Reserved Idle Error Count Description 1=MASTER/SLAVE configuration fault detected 0=No MASTER/SLAVE configuration fault detected 1=Local PHY configuration resolved to MASTER 0=Local PHY configuration resolved to SLAVE Mode RO Default 0 RO 0 1=Local receiver OK 0=Local receiver not OK 1=Remote receiver OK 0=Remote receiver not OK 1=Link partner is capable of 1000Base-T full duplex 0=Link partner is not capable of 1000Base-T full duplex RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 1=Link partner is capable of 1000Base-T half duplex 0=Link partner is not capable of 1000Base-T half duplex RO 0 Reserved Idle error counter. The counter stops automatically when it reaches 0xFF RO RO 0 0 Description 0=1000Base-X full duplex not capable Mode RO Default 0 0=1000Base-X half duplex not capable RO 0 1=1000Base-T full duplex capable RO 1 0=1000Base-T half duplex not capable RO 0 Reserved RO 0 Register15: Extended Status Table 40. Register15: Extended Status Reg. bit 15.15 15.14 15.13 15.12 15.11:0 Name 1000Base-X Full Duplex 1000Base-X Half Duplex 1000Base-T Full Duplex 1000Base-T Half Duplex Reserved Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 53 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 9. 9.1. Characteristics Absolute Maximum Ratings WARNING: Absolute maximum ratings are limits beyond which permanent damage may be caused to the device, or device reliability may be affected. All voltages are specified reference to GND unless otherwise specified. Table 41. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Storage Temperature Supply Voltage Referenced to VSS12 ,AVSS, AVSSPLL: VDD12, AVDD12, SVDD12 and AVDDPLL Supply Voltage Referenced to AVSS: AVDD18 and SVDD18 Supply Voltage Referenced to AVSS: AVDD33 and RVDD33 Digital Input Voltage DC Output Voltage 9.2. Min -55 Max +150 GND-0.5 +1.32 Units °C V GND-0.5 +1.98 V GND-0.5 +3.63 V GND-0.5 GND-0.5 VDDD VDDD V V Operating Range Table 42. Operating Range Parameter Ambient Operating Temperature (Ta) Min 0 Max +65 1.2V VDDD, VDDA, and VDDIO Supply Voltage Range 1.8V VDDD, VDDA, and VDDIO Supply Voltage Range 3.3V VDDIO Supply Voltage Range 1.14 1.26 Units °C V 1.71 1.89 V 3.14 3.46 V Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 54 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 9.3. DC Characteristics Table 43. DC Characteristics Parameter Power Supply Current for Analog 1.2V SYM Icc Power Supply Current for Digital 1.2V Icc Power Supply Current for Analog 1.8V Icc Power Supply Current for Analog 3.3V Icc Condition 10Base-T, Idle 10Base-T, Peak continuous 100% utilization 100Base-TX, Idle 100Base-TX, Peak continuous 100% utilization 1000Base-T, Idle 1000Base-T, Peak continuous 100% utilization Power saving 10Base-T, Idle 10Base-T, Peak continuous 100% utilization 100Base-TX, Idle 100Base-TX, Peak continuous 100% utilization 1000Base-T, Idle 1000Base-T, Peak continuous 100% utilization Power saving 10Base-T, Idle 10Base-T, Peak continuous 100% utilization 100Base-TX, Idle 100Base-TX, Peak continuous 100% utilization 1000Base-T, Idle 1000Base-T, Peak continuous 100% utilization Power saving 10Base-T, Idle 10Base-T, Peak continuous 100% utilization 100Base-TX, Idle 100Base-TX, Peak continuous 100% utilization 1000Base-T, Idle 1000Base-T, Peak continuous 100% utilization Power saving Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 55 Min 40 40 40 40 Typical 45 45 45 45 Max 50 50 50 50 40 40 40 45 45 45 50 50 50 15 15 15 105 105 450 470 15 20 20 20 110 110 460 480 20 30 30 30 120 120 480 500 30 mA 5 5 90 90 10 10 100 100 15 15 110 110 mA 190 190 5 200 200 10 210 210 15 60 230 50 50 70 240 60 60 80 250 70 70 110 110 40 120 120 50 150 150 60 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Units mA mA Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet Parameter Total Power Consumption for all ports SYM PS Condition 10Base-T, Idle 10Base-T, Peak continuous 100% utilization 100Base-TX, Idle 100Base-TX,Peak continuous 100% utilization 1000Base-T, Idle 1000Base-T, Peak continuous 100% utilization Power saving Min 273 834 393 501 Typical 327 888 456 564 Max 387 948 525 633 1293 1317 207 1362 1386 261 1509 1533 321 Units mW TTL Input High Voltage Vih 2.0 - - V TTL Input Low Voltage Vil - - 0.8 V TTL Input Current Iin -10 - 10 uA TTL Input Capacitance Cin - 3 - pF Output High Voltage Voh 2.2 - 2.8 V Output Low voltage Vol 0.0 - 0.4 V Output Three State Leakage Current |IOZ| - - 10 µA Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 56 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 9.4. AC Characteristics MRXC/PTXC, MDC MRXD/PTXD[3: 0], MRXDV/PTXEN, MCOL, MDIO Th Ts Figure 21. MII Interface Reception Data Timing MRXC/PTXC, MDC Tcyc Tos Toh MRXD/PTXD[3: 0], MRXDV/PTX EN, MCOL, MDIO Figure 22. MII Interface Transmission Data Timing Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 57 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet Table 44. Digital Timing Characteristics Parameter SYM Condition I/O 100BaseT RXC, TXC Tcyc MII Mode Timing RXC, TXC clock cycle time O 40±50 ppm ns 10BaseT RXC, TXC, RXD[3:0], RXDV, PCOL, Output Setup time RXD[3:0], RXDV, COL, Output Hold time TXD[3:0], TXEN, Setup time TXD[3:0], TXEN, Hold time Tcyc RXC, TXC clock cycle time O 400±50 ppm ns Tos Output Setup time from RXC rising edge to RXD[3:0], RXDV, COL O 21 23 25 ns Toh O 13 15 18 ns I 4 ns I 2 ns RXC Tcyc Output Hold time from RXC rising edge to RXD[3:0], RXDV, COL TXD[3:0], TXEN to TXC rising edge setup time TXD[3:0], TXEN to TXC rising edge hold time GMII Mode Timing RXC clock cycle time RXD[7:0],RXDV, COL Output Setup time RXD[7:0], RXDV, COL Output Hold time Tos Output Setup time from RXC rising edge to RXD[0..7], RXDV, COL Output Hold time from RXC rising edge to RXD[0..7], RXDV, COL RGMII Mode Timing RXC clock cycle time O O Ts Th Toh Min O Typ Max Units ns 5.4 100±50 ppm 6.6 - ns 0.9 1.2 - ns 1.8 ns 2.7 ns RXC Tcyc RXD[3:0],RXCTL Output Setup time (When RXDLY=1) RXD[3:0], RXCTL Output Hold time (When RXDLY=1) RGMII Signal Rising Time RGMII Signal Rising Time Tos Output Setup time from RXC rising/falling edge to RXD[0..3], RXCTL O 1.35 100±50 ppm 1.6 Toh Output Hold time from RXC rising/falling edge to RXD[0..3], RXCTL O 2.2 2.4 Tr RGMII Signals 20% to 80% rising time O 0.75 ns Tf RGMII Signals 80% to 20% falling time O 0.75 ns LED Timing While LED blinking O 43 ms While LED blinking O 43 ms LED On Time LED Off Time tLED on tLED off Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 58 O ns Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 10. Design and Layout Guide In order to achieve maximum performance using the RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N, good design attention is required throughout the design and layout process. The following are some recommendations on how to implement a high performance system. 10.1. General Guidelines • Provide a good power source, minimizing noise from switching power supply circuits (<100mV). • Verify the ability of critical components, e.g. clock source and transformer, to meet application requirements. • • Use bulk capacitors (4.7µF-10µF) between the power and ground planes. Use 0.1µF de-coupling capacitors to reduce high-frequency noise on the power and ground planes. • Keep de-coupling capacitors as close as possible to the RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N (within 200 mil). • The transformer should be placed as close as possible to the RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N (within 12cm). • • The RJ-45 phone jack should be placed as close as possible to the transformer. Prevent right angles on all traces. 10.2. MII/GMII/RGMII Signal Layout Guidelines • Keep inter-trace spacing with 3 times of trace width, to reduce crosstalk (for example, if the width of the signal trace is 6 mil, the inter-trace spacing should be 18 mil or more). • For traces longer than 5 inches, guard traces should be placed between signal traces. The guard traces should have many vias to GND. • Place source termination resisters near output pins. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 59 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 10.3. RSGMII Signal Layout Guidelines • Ensure the differential pairs maintain 100 ohm impedance • (5/7/5 for 4 Layer PCB: Trace width 5 mil, inter-pair spacing 7 mil, dielectric layer thickness 4.4 mil) • • • • • • (9/6/9 for 2 Layer PCB: Trace width 9 mil, inter-pair spacing 6 mil, dielectric layer thickness 59 mil) Separate the differential pair and other signals by at least 30mil. Keep intra-pair length mismatch less than 5mil. Place AC coupling capacitors near output pins of differential pairs. Route both traces of differential pairs symmetrically. Avoid vias on differential pairs. 10.4. Ethernet MDI Differential Signal Layout Guidelines • Ensure the differential pairs maintain 100 ohm impedance and route both traces as identically as possible. • Keep intra-pair length mismatch less than 50mil (from the IC to the transformer and from the transformer to the RJ-45). • • Avoid vias on differential pairs. Maintain a 30mil minimum gap between differential pairs. 10.5. Clock Circuit • • The clock should be 25M +/-50ppm with jitter less than 0.5ns. If possible, surround the clock by ground trace to minimize high-frequency emissions. 10.6. Power Planes • • Divide the power plane into 1.2V digital, 1.2V analog, 1.8V analog and 3.3V analog. Use 0.1µF decoupling capacitors and bulk capacitors between each power plane and ground plane. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 60 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 10.7. Ground Plane • Keep the system ground region as one continuous, unbroken plane that extends from the primary side of the transformer to the rest of the board. • Isolate the AVSS pin of the RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N (Pin 46, 48 on the QFN76, and Pin 84, 86 on the QFP128) with system ground via beads. • • Place a moat (gap) between the system ground and chassis ground. Ensure the chassis ground area is voided at some point such that no ground loop exists on the chassis ground area. 10.8. Transformer Options The RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N uses a transformer with a 1:1 turn ratio. There are many venders offering transformer designs that meet the RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N’s requirements, e.g., Pulse H5014, Bothhand GS5014R, and LANKom LG-4803-1(R) for the RTL8212/RTL8212N. Pulse H5004 and Bothhand 24HST1041-2 for the RTL8211N. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 61 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 11. Mechanical Dimensions 11.1. EDHS-QFP-128 Dimensions (RTL8212) See the Mechanical Dimensions notes on the next page. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 62 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 11.2. Notes for EDHS-QFP-128 Dimensions (RTL8212) Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 63 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 11.3. QFN-76 Dimensions (RTL8211N & RTL8212N) See the Mechanical Dimensions notes on the next page. Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 64 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 11.4. Notes for QFN-76 Dimensions (RTL8211N & RTL8212N) Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 65 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2 RTL8212/RTL8212N/RTL8211N Datasheet 12. Ordering Information Table 45. Ordering Information Part Number Package RTL8212-GR EDHS QFP-128 in ‘Green’ package RTL8212N-GR QFN-76 in ‘Green’ package RTL8211N-GR QFN-76 in ‘Green’ package Note: See page 14, 15, and 16 for package identification information. Status Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Headquarters No. 2, Innovation Road II Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan Tel.: +886-3-578-0211. Fax: +886-3-577-6047 www.realtek.com.tw Integrated 10/100/1000 Single/Dual Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver 66 Track ID: JATR-1076-21 Rev. 1.2