Parts Not Suitable for New Designs For Additional Information End-Of-Life Product Change Notice Order this document by MC68341UMAD/AD Microprocessor and Memory Technologies Group MC68341 ADDENDUM TO MC68341 Integrated Processor User's Manual April 19, 1995 This addendum to the initial release of the MC68341UM/AD User’s Manual provides corrections to the original text, plus additional information not included in the original. This document and other information on this product is maintained on the AESOP BBS, which can be reached at (800)843-3451 (from the US and Canada) or (512)891-3650. Configure modem for up to 14.4Kbaud, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. Terminal software should support VT100 emulation. Internet access is provided by telneting to [] or through the World Wide Web at 1. Signal Index On page 2-4, Table 2-4, the QSPI serial clock QSCLK should be listed as an I/O signal. At the bottom of Table 2-5, FC3/DTC is an output-only signal. 2. Operand Alignment On page 3-9, last paragraph, change the first two lines to: “The CPU32 restricts all operands (both data and instructions) to be word-aligned. That is, word and long-word operands must be located on a word boundary.” Long-word operands do not have to be long-word aligned. 3. WE on Fast Termination On page 3-17, Figure 3-6, UWE and LWE do not assert for fast termination writes. 4. Write Cycle Timing Waveforms On page 3-25, the M68300 write cycle timing diagram (Figure 3-12) shows incorrect timing for DS, UWE, and LWE. On page 3-28, the M68000 write cycle timing diagram (Figure 3-14) shows incorrect timing for AS68K, CSx, UDS/LDS, and UWE/LWE. Replace these figures with the following corrected figures. 5. Additional Note on MBAR Decode Add to the CPU Space Cycles description on page 3-31: The CPU space decode logic allocates the 256-byte block from $3FF00-3FFFF to the SIM module. An internal 2-clock termination is provided by this initial decode for any access to this range, but selection of specific registers depends on additional decode. Accesses to the MBAR register at long word $3FF00 are internal only, and are only visible by enabling show cycles. Users should directly access only the MBAR register, and use the LPSTOP instruction to generate the LPSTOP broadcast access to $3FFFE. The remaining address range $3FF04-3FFFD is Motorola reserved and should not be accessed. This document contains information on a product under development. Motorola reserves the right to change or discontinue this product without notice. SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCT INFORMATION MOTOROLA, 1995 S0 S2 S4 S0 S2 S4 S0 S2 S4 CLKOUT A31–A2 A1 A0 FC3–FC0 SIZ1 BYTE WORD SIZ0 R/W AS CSx DS AS68K UDS, LDS UWE LWE DSACK DTC D15–D8 OP2 D7–D0 OP3 WORD WRITE OP3 OP3 BYTE WRITE BYTE WRITE Figure 3-12. M68300 Write Cycle timing MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 2 S0 S2 S4 S0 S2 S4 S0 S2 CLKOUT A31–A2 A1 A0 FC3–FC0 SIZ1 BYTE WORD SIZ0 R/W AS68K CSx DS AS UDS LDS UWE LWE DSACK DTC D15–D8 OP2 D7–D0 OP3 WORD WRITE OP3 OP3 BYTE WRITE BYTE WRITE Figure 3-14. M68000 Write Cycle Timing MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 3 6. Additional Notes on CPU Space Address Encoding On page 3-31, Figure 3-16, the BKPT field for the Breakpoint Acknowledge address encoding is on bits 4-2, and the T bit is on bit 1. The Interrupt Acknowledge LEVEL field is on bits 3-1. 7. Breakpoints On page 3-31, the last paragraph implies that either a software breakpoint (BKPT instruction) or hardware breakpoint can be used to insert an instruction. As noted in the following paragraphs, only a software breakpoint can be used to insert an instruction on the breakpoint acknowledge cycle. 8. Interrupt Latency Add to the Interrupt Acknowledge Bus Cycles section on page 3-36: Interrupt latency from IRQx assert to prefetch of the first instruction in the interrupt handler is about 37 clocks + worst case instruction length in clocks (using 2-clock memory and autovector termination). From the instruction timing tables, this gives 37+71 (DIVS.L with worst-case <fea>) = 108 clocks worst case interrupt latency time. For applications requiring shorter interrupt response time the latency can be reduced by using simpler addressing modes and/or avoiding use of longer instructions (specifically DIVS.L, DIVU.L, MUL.L). 9. Interrupt Hold Time and Spurious Interrupts Add to the Interrupt Acknowledge Bus Cycles section on page 3-36: Level sensitive interrupts must remain asserted until the corresponding IACK cycle; otherwise, a spurious interrupt exception may result or the interrupt may be ignored entirely. This is also true for level sensitive external interrupts which are autovectored using either the AVEC signal or the AVEC register, since the SIM will not respond to an interrupt arbitration cycle on the IMB if the external interrupt at that level has been removed. External interrupts configured as edge sensitive only have to be held a minimum of 1.5 clocks - see section PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT REGISTER (PIR). Note that the level 7 interrupt is also level sensitive, and must be held until a level 7 IACK begins. The level 7 interrupt is unique in that it cannot be masked - another level 7 interrupt exception can be created after the IACK cycle by negating IRQ7 and reasserting, even though the interrupt mask level in the SR is now set to level 7. 10. Typos in IACK Cycle Timing Waveforms On page 3-38, Figure 3-21, the text “VECTOR FROM 16-BIT PORT” should be on D7-D0, and “VECTOR FROM 8-BIT PORT” should be on D15-D8. The responding device returns the vector number on the least significant byte of the data port. 11. Additional Note on Internal Autovector Operation Add to the Autovector Interrupt Acknowledge Cycle section on page 3-38: If an external interrupt level is autovectored either by the AVEC register programming or the external AVEC signal, an external IACK will be started and terminated internally. The interrupting device should not respond to this IACK in any way, or the resulting operation is undefined. 12. Additional Notes on Retry Termination On page 3-42, Table 3-4: When HALT and BERR are asserted together in case #5 to force a retry of the current bus cycle, relative timing of HALT and BERR must be controlled to avoid inadvertently causing bus error ter- MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 4 mination case #3. This can be done by asserting HALT and BERR either synchronously to the clock to directly control which edge each is recognized on, or asynchronously with HALT asserted for time [spec 47A+spec 47B] ns before BERR to guarantee recognition on or before the same clock edge as BERR. 13. Active Negate on Bus Arbitration The 68341 actively pulls up all tri-stateable bus pins other than the data bus before tristating them during bus arbitration. This pullup function is not guaranteed to result in spec VOH levels before tristating, but will help reduce rise time on these signals when using weak external bus pullups. 14. Additional Note on Bus Arbitration Priority For the bus arbitration description beginning on page 3-49: The arbitration priority between possible bus masters for this device is external request via BR (highest priority), DMA, then CPU (lowest). The priority of DMA channels 1 and 2 relative to each other is selected by their respective MAID levels which must be unique. 15. Additional Note on Bus Arbitration and Operand Coherency For the bus arbitration description beginning on page 3-49: Each bus master maintains operand coherency when a higher priority request is recognized. For example, a CPU write of a long-word operand to a byte port results in a sequence of four bus cycles to complete the operand transfer - the CPU will not release the bus until the completion of the fourth bus cycle. A single address DMA transfer is handled in a similar manner. For a dual address DMA transfer, the read and write portions are handled as separate operands, allowing arbitration between the read and write bus cycles. Also, if different port sizes are specified in the DMA configuration for the source and destination, arbitration can occur between each of the multiple operand accesses which must be made to the smaller port for each operand access to the larger port. The RMC read/write sequences for a TAS instruction is also indivisible to guarantee data coherency. Arbitration is allowed between each operand transfer of a multi-operand operation such as a MOVEM instruction or exception stacking. 16. Additional Notes on RESET Interaction with Current Bus Cycle Add to the Reset Operation description beginning page 3-55: Hardware resets are held off until completion of the current operand transfer in order to maintain operand coherency. The processor resets at the end of the bus cycle in which the last portion of the operand is transferred, or after the bus monitor has timed out. The bus monitor operates for this specific case whether it is enabled or not, for the period of time that the BMT bits are set to. The following reset sources reset all internal registers to their reset state: external, POR, software watchdog, double bus fault, loss of clock. Execution of a RESET instruction resets the peripheral module registers with the exception of the MCR registers. The MCR register in each module, the SIM41 registers, and the CPU state are not affected by execution of a RESET instruction. 17. External Reset On page 3-56, Figure 3-33, the RESET signal negates for two clocks between internal and external assertions, not one. Note that RESET is not actively negated, and its rise time is dependent on the pullup resistor used. 18. Power-On Reset On page 3-57, Figure 3-34. Power-Up Reset Timing Diagram: CLKOUT is not gated by VCO lock or other internal control signals, and can begin toggling as soon as VCC is high enough for the internal logic to begin operating. For crystal mode and external clock with VCO mode, after the VCO frequency has reached an initial MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 5 stable value, the 328*TCLKIN delay is counted down, and VCO lock is set after completion of the 328 clock delay. For external clock mode without VCO, the 328*TCLKIN delay starts as soon as EXTAL clock transitions are recognized. See note for page11-3 for more POR information. 19. Internal IMB Arbitration On page 4-6, first paragraph, change the first sentence to read “There are eight arbitration levels for the various bus masters on the MC68341 to access the inter-module bus (IMB).” 20. Additional Note for External Clock Mode with PLL On page 4-9, Table 4-1, External Clock Mode with PLL: the PLL phase locks the CLKOUT falling edge to the falling edge of the EXTCLK input clock. Maximum skew between falling edges of the EXTCLK and CLKOUT signals is specified in the Section 12 Electrical Characteristics. 21. External Clock Mode Operation The next-to-last paragraph on page 4-11 incorrectly states that the SYNCR V, W, X, Y, and Z bits can all affect the system frequency in external clock mode. In external clock mode only the V bit affects the system frequency, by selecting either EXTCLK or EXTCLK/2 as reference input to the phase comparator. The VCO frequency divided by 2 is used both for CLKOUT as well as the feedback input to the phase comparator. A reset forces V=0, resulting in an initial processor operating frequency of 1/2 the EXTCLK frequency. For applications using external clock mode, the 32KHz crystal connected to EXTAL and XTAL is only required if the realtime clock function is needed - ground EXTAL if the RTC is not used. Also, the clock input on EXTCLK should be very clean when the 32KHz oscillator is used. Excessive undershoot or overshoot, as well as fast edge rates may result in coupling to the adjacent XTAL input, affecting operation of the 32kHz oscillator. 22. Recommended XFC Capacitor Values On page 4-12, third paragraph, and page 11-2, last paragraph: The XFC capacitor recommendation of 0.01µF to 0.1µF applies specifically to crystal mode operation. When using external clock with VCO mode, for phase detector refernce frequencies > 1MHz start with a capacitance value of 10000pf/F_MHz. For example at 16.0MHz the recommended XFC capacitance is approximately 10000pf/16.0 = 625pf - choose the next higher standard value available. 23. CLKOUT and VCO Frequency Programming On pages 4-13 and 4-14, the column for W=1:Z=0:X=1 is incorrect - the correct value for each entry in this column is 2x the frequency in the X=0 column immediately to the left. A corrected table is shown on the following pages. Note that although a complete table is shown for all W:X:Y:Z combinations, both CLKOUT and VCO frequency limits must be observed when programming the SYNCR. For example, a system operating frequency (CLKOUT) of 25.16MHz can be selected with W:X:Y:Z=1:1:23:1, resulting in a VCO frequency of 50.3MHz. However, programming W:X:Y:Z=1:0:47:1 to achieve the same system frequency would result in a VCO frequency of greater than 100MHz, which is outside the spec VCO frequency operating range. 24. Additional Note for Global Chip Select On page 4-16, section When operating as a global chip select, CS0 does not assert for accesses to either the MBAR or to internal peripheral module registers. MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 6 Table 4-2. System Frequencies from 32.768-kHz Reference CLKOUT (kHz) VCO (kHz) CLKOUT (kHz) VCO (kHz) W=0 W=0 W=1 W=1 Z=0 Z=1 Z=x Y 0 X=0 X=1 X=0 X=1 16 33 131 262 1 33 66 262 524 2 49 98 393 786 3 X=x Z=0 Z=1 X=0 X=1 524 66 1049 131 1573 Z=x X=0 X=1 X=x 131 524 1049 2097 262 1049 2097 4194 197 393 1573 3146 6291 66 131 524 1049 2097 262 524 2097 4194 8389 4 82 164 655 1311 2621 328 655 2621 5243 10486 5 98 197 786 1573 3146 393 786 3146 6291 12583 6 115 229 918 1835 3670 459 918 3670 7340 14680 7 131 262 1049 2097 4194 524 1049 4194 8389 16777 8 147 295 1180 2359 4719 590 1180 4719 9437 18874 9 164 328 1311 2621 5243 655 1311 5243 10486 20972 10 180 360 1442 2884 5767 721 1442 5767 11534 23069 11 197 393 1573 3146 6291 786 1573 6291 12583 25166 12 213 426 1704 3408 6816 852 1704 6816 13631 27263 13 229 459 1835 3670 7340 918 1835 7340 14680 29360 14 246 492 1966 3932 7864 983 1966 7864 15729 31457 15 262 524 2097 4194 8389 1049 2097 8389 16777 33554 16 279 557 2228 4456 8913 1114 2228 8913 17826 35652 17 295 590 2359 4719 9437 1180 2359 9437 18874 37749 18 311 623 2490 4981 9961 1245 2490 9961 19923 39846 19 328 655 2621 5243 10486 1311 2621 10486 20972 41943 20 344 688 2753 5505 11010 1376 2753 11010 22020 44040 21 360 721 2884 5767 11534 1442 2884 11534 23069 46137 22 377 754 3015 6029 12059 1507 3015 12059 24117 48234 23 393 786 3146 6291 12583 1573 3146 12583 25166 50332 24 410 819 3277 6554 13107 1638 3277 13107 26214 52429 25 426 852 3408 6816 13631 1704 3408 13631 27263 54526 26 442 885 3539 7078 14156 1769 3539 14156 28312 56623 27 459 918 3670 7340 14680 1835 3670 14680 29360 58720 28 475 950 3801 7602 15204 1901 3801 15204 30409 60817 29 492 983 3932 7864 15729 1966 3932 15729 31457 62915 30 508 1016 4063 8126 16253 2032 4063 16253 32506 65012 31 524 1049 4194 8389 16777 2097 4194 16777 33554 67109 MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 7 Table 4-2. System Frequencies from 32.768-kHz Reference (Continued) CLKOUT (kHz) VCO (kHz) CLKOUT (kHz) VCO (kHz) W=0 W=0 W=1 W=1 Z=0 Z=1 Z=x Z=0 Z=1 Z=x Y 32 X=0 X=1 X=0 X=1 X=x X=0 X=1 X=0 X=1 X=x 541 1081 4325 8651 17302 2163 4325 17302 34603 69206 33 557 1114 4456 8913 17826 2228 4456 17826 35652 71303 34 573 1147 4588 9175 18350 2294 4588 18350 36700 73400 35 590 1180 4719 9437 18874 2359 4719 18874 37749 75497 36 606 1212 4850 9699 19399 2425 4850 19399 38797 77595 37 623 1245 4981 9961 19923 2490 4981 19923 39846 79692 38 639 1278 5112 10224 20447 2556 5112 20447 40894 81789 39 655 1311 5243 10486 20972 2621 5243 20972 41943 83886 40 672 1343 5374 10748 21496 2687 5374 21496 42992 85983 41 688 1376 5505 11010 22020 2753 5505 22020 44040 88080 42 705 1409 5636 11272 22544 2818 5636 22544 45089 90178 43 721 1442 5767 11534 23069 2884 5767 23069 46137 92275 44 737 1475 5898 11796 23593 2949 5898 23593 47186 94372 45 754 1507 6029 12059 24117 3015 6029 24117 48234 96469 46 770 1540 6160 12321 24642 3080 6160 24642 49283 98566 47 786 1573 6291 12583 25166 3146 6291 25166 50332 100663 48 803 1606 6423 12845 25690 3211 6423 25690 51380 102760 49 819 1638 6554 13107 26214 3277 6554 26214 52429 104858 50 836 1671 6685 13369 26739 3342 6685 26739 53477 106955 51 852 1704 6816 13631 27263 3408 6816 27263 54526 109052 52 868 1737 6947 13894 27787 3473 6947 27787 55575 111149 53 885 1769 7078 14156 28312 3539 7078 28312 56623 113246 54 901 1802 7209 14418 28836 3604 7209 28836 57672 115343 55 918 1835 7340 14680 29360 3670 7340 29360 58720 117441 56 934 1868 7471 14942 29884 3736 7471 29884 59769 119538 57 950 1901 7602 15204 30409 3801 7602 30409 60817 121635 58 967 1933 7733 15466 30933 3867 7733 30933 61866 123732 59 983 1966 7864 15729 31457 3932 7864 31457 62915 125829 60 999 1999 7995 15991 31982 3998 7995 31982 63963 127926 61 1016 2032 8126 16253 32506 4063 8126 32506 65012 130023 62 1032 2064 8258 16515 33030 4129 8258 33030 66060 132121 63 1049 2097 8389 16777 33554 4194 8389 33554 67109 134218 NOTES: 1. Some W/X/Y/Z bit combinations shown may select a CLKOUT or VCO frequency higher than spec. Refer to Section 11 Electrical Characteristics for CLKOUT and VCO frequency limits. 2. Any change to W or Y results in a change in the VCO frequency - the VCO should be allowed to relock if necessary. MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 8 25. Additional Note on PORTA/B Output Timing Add to the External Bus Interface Operation description on page 4-17: The Port A and Port B output pins transition after the S4 falling edge for the internal write to the respective data register. This places port pin transitions at roughly the same time DS negates for the data register write - note this output delay is not currently specified in the Electrical Specifications. 26. RTC Memory Map The RTC register offsets shown on page 4-21 are incorrect - a corrected memory map is shown below. Addresses within the RTC can be accessed as either bytes or words, with the exception of the reserved byte at offset $0CE. Note that RTC registers marked S/U are read/write in supervisor mode, but can only be read in user mode. ADDR FC 15 8 ADDR FC 7 0 0C0 S 0C2 S/U MINUTES (MIN) 0C3 S/U SECONDS (SEC) 0C4 S/U DATE 0C5 S/U HOUR 0C6 S/U MONTH 0C7 S/U YEAR 0C8 S RTC CONTROL/STATUS (RCR) 0C9 S/U DAY 0CA S/U MINUTES ALARM (MINA) 0CB S/U SECONDS ALARM (SECA) 0CC S/U DATE ALARM (DATEA) 0CD S/U HOURS ALARM (HOURA) 0CE - RESERVED 0CF S RTC INTERRUPT CONTROL (RICR) RTC CALIBRATION (RCCR) 27. MBAR Register Reset Values On page 4-22, the reset values for MBAR bits 31-12 are undefined. 28. MBAR AS7 Bit and IACK Cycles On page 4-23, the second code sequence initializes the MBAR register with AS7 set. This prevents the address decode for the internal 4K register block from responding to CPU space accesses. In particular, it prevents the register block decode of $FFFFFxxx from interfering with IACK cycles (address $FFFFFFFx), and possibly corrupting the vector number returned. Normal interrupt acknowledge operation for the internal modules is not affected by this change. Early versions of the MC68330 User’s Manual (original release) and MC68340 User’s Manual (original and Rev. 1 releases) did not show AS7 set. Code which was developed based on these manual revisions should be checked for this problem when porting to the MC68341 - this change should also be applied back to the MC68330 and/or MC68340. 29. Additional Note on VCO Overshoot On page 4-30 place the following note under the Y-bits description: MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 9 A VCO overshoot can occur when increasing the operating frequency by changing the Y bits in the SYNCR register. The effects of this overshoot can be controlled by following this procedure: 1. Write the X bit to zero. This will reduce the previous frequency by one half. 2. Write the Y bits to the desired frequency divided by 2. 3. After the VCO lock has occurred, write the X bit to one. This changes the clock frequency to the desired frequency. Steps 1 and 2 may be combined. 30. RCCR Initialization Add to the RCCR description on page 4-41: the RCCR register is unaffected by a processor reset, and contains an arbitrary value on initial powerup of the RTC. Calibration software should clear the RCCR register before beginning the calibration process, since RTC operation with an invalid RCDx value is undefined. RCCR[7] is reserved - on current silicon it always reads 0, and should always be written 0. 31. RCCR Typos On page 4-42, delete the first description for RCD4-RCD0 near the top of the page. 32. MONTH Register Range The valid range for the MONTH register on page 4-43 is 1-12, with “1” corresponding to January and “12” corresponding to December. 33. SIM41 Example Code On page 4-49, about mid-page, change “MOVEQ #8-1,D0” to “MOVEQ #16-1,D0” to initialize all 8 chip selects. 34. Bus Error Stack Frame On page 5-61, in the next-to-last paragraph, delete “(the internal transfer count register is located at SP+$10 and the SSW is located at SP+12)”. The stack space allocation is the same for both faults - the location of the internal count register and SSW remains the same. The only difference is that the faulted instruction program counter location SP+10 and SP+12 will contain invalid data. To tell the difference between the two stack frames, look at the first nibble of the faulted exception format vector word located at SP+$E - it will be $0 for the four-word frame, and $2 for the six-word frame. 35. DSO Timing On page 5-71, Figure 5-23, DSO transitions one clock later than shown. 36. Typo on BDM RSREG Command On page 5-77, Section, RSREG register bit #8 should be a “1”. 37. IPIPE Timing On page 5-88, Figure 5-29 shows the third IPIPE assertion low lasting for 1.5 CLKs - it actually asserts for an additional 0.5 CLKs. IPIPE transitions occur after the falling edge of CLKOUT. MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 10 38. Additional Notes on DMA Features In the feature set listed on page 6-1, bullet six is “Operand Packing and Unpacking for Dual-Address Transfers”. This packing is for transfers between different port sizes selected in the DMA channel control register, e.g. Byte <> Word transfers. The DMA controller does not do packing for byte > byte transfers, eliminating the problem of residual bytes left in the controller when a channel is stopped after an odd byte transfer count. 39. Additional Note on Internal Request Generation Add to the Internal Request Generation section on page 6-5: For internal request operation, DACKx and DONEx are not active as outputs during transfers. DONEx is valid as an input though and will terminate channel operation if asserted - pull up if not used. 40. Additional Note on DMA Transfer Latency from DREQ Add to the External Request Generation section beginning 6-5: DREQx assertions require two clocks for input synchronization and IMB bus arbitration activity before the resulting DMA bus cycle can start. A DREQx assertion will preempt the next CPU bus cycle if it is recognized two or more clocks before the end of the current bus cycle, unless the current cycle is not the last cycle of an operand transfer, or is the read of an RMC cycle. Operand transfers and RMC read/write sequences are indivisible to guarantee data coherency - the bus cannot be arbitrated from the CPU until the complete operand transfer completes, even if operand and memory sizing results in multiple bus cycles. For a DREQx assertion during an idle bus period, bus state S0 of the DMA bus cycle starts 2.5 clocks after the clock falling edge which DREQx is recognized on. The maximum latency from the clock falling edge that DREQx is recognized on to the falling edge that AS for the DMA cycle asserts from is shown in the following table for various memory speeds. DREQ Latency (Clocks) vs. Bus Width and Access Times Maximum DREQ Latency (Clocks) Access Type 16-Bit Bus Clocks/Bus Cycle 8-Bit Bus Clocks/Bus Cycle 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 Longword 7 9 11 13 11 15 19 23 RMC (TAS) 10 12 14 16 10 12 14 16 41. Additional Note on Burst Transfer DREQx Negation and Overhead On page 6-5, replace the 2nd paragraph of External Burst Mode with the following: DREQx must be negated one clock before the end of the last DMA bus cycle of a burst to prevent another DMA transfer from being generated. Also, DREQx must be negated two clocks before the end of the last DMA bus cycle to prevent an idle clock between that transfer and the following CPU access. 42. Additional Note on Cycle steal DMA arbitration overhead Add to the External Cycle Steal Mode description on page 6-6: In general, DMA arbitration occurs transparently. However, for some 2-clock accesses using cycle steal an idle clock can follow the DMA transfer due to incomplete overlap of the DMA transfer with internal IMB arbitration. Specifically, an idle clock can follow 1) single address 2-clock transfers and 2) dual address transfers from memory to 2-clock devices. Arbitration is completely overlapped for all other cases. MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 11 43. Additional Note on Cycle Steal For the external cycle steal mode description on page 6-6, the initial DREQx assertion does not have to be held off until after the channel is started. If DREQx is already asserted when the channel is started by setting the channel start bit, an internal DREQx assertion is generated, providing the edge needed for the DMA cycle to start. 44. DREQx Negation on Burst On page 6-8, Figure 6-5, and on page 6-10, Figure 6-7, DREQx should negate before the falling edge of S2 (one clock earlier than shown) to prevent another DMA transfer from occurring. See the note above for page 6-5 on Burst Transfer DREQx Negation. 45. DREQ Assert Time On page 6-21, Figure 6-13: The second DREQx assertion should be shown held for an additional clock to guarantee recognition on 2 consecutive clock falling edges. The figure shows it as just being 1 clock period. Note 1 should be deleted. 46. Fast Termination and Burst Request Mode On the last paragraph of page 6-21, delete the reference to Figure 6-14. Figure 6-14 on page 6-22 is labeled incorrectly - it actually shows operation with fast termination, cycle steal, and dual address transfers. Also, the second DREQx signal should be held for 2 consecutive falling edges - the figure shows it being held for only 1 clock edge. Note 1 of Figure 6-14 should be deleted. 47. Typo in DAPI On page 6-26, for DAPI = 1, the DAR is incremented according to the destination size (not the source size). 48. Additional note on DMA limited rate operation On page 6-27, in the BB-Bus Bandwidth Field: The DMA “active” count increments only when the DMA channel is the bus master (each channel has its own counter). If a higher priority bus master forces the channel to relinquish the bus before completion of the active count, the counter stops until the channel regains the bus. Higher priority requests could come from 1) the other DMA channel (if it has a higher MAID level), 2) the CPU32 core (if either the interrupt mask level in the SR or the interrupt request level is higher than the DMA channel's ISM level), or 3) an external bus request. When the active count is exhausted, the DMA channel releases the bus, and the “idle” count increments regardless of bus activity. 49. Configuration Error The Configuration Error description paragraph at the top of page 6-29 should be replaced with “A configuration error results when 1) either the SAR or DAR contains an address that does not match the port size specified in the CCR, or 2) the BTC register does not match the larger port size or is zero.” 50. Additional Note on DMA Interrupt Prioritization Add to the Interrupt Register description on page 6-31: When both DMA channels are programmed to the same interrupt level, channel 1 is higher priority than channel 2. MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 12 51. Single Address Enable 6-33 SE-Single Address Enable: The note “used for intermodule DMA” should be for the SE=1 case. The 68341 does not support intermodule single address transfers, so the SE bit should always be programmed to “0”. 52. Code Examples - Immediate Addressing Mode On pages 6-40 through 6-44 make the following change as shown for each occurrence of SARADD, DARADD, and NUMBYTE (change to immediate addressing mode for source operand): MOVE.L SARADD,DMASAR1(A0) should be MOVE.L #SARADD,DMASAR1(A0). MOVE.L DARADD,DMADAR1(A0) should be MOVE.L #DARADD,DMADAR1(A0). MOVE.L NUMBYTE,DMABTC1(A0) should be MOVE.L #NUMBYTE,DMABTC1(A0). 53. Serial Oscillator Problems with DMA activity Add to the Crystal Input or External Clock (X1) section on page 7-5: A high DREQ1 request rate (greater than 1MHz) with excessive undershoot on DREQ1 can result in internal signal coupling to the serial module oscillator X1 pin, damping out oscillation. Avoid routing DREQ1 near the serial oscillator external components, and use termination techniques such as series termination of the DREQ1 driver (start with 33Ω) to limit edge rate of the signal and accompanying undershoot. 54. Additional Note on RTSx operation details Add to the RTSA and RTSB descriptions on page 7-6: The RTSx outputs are active low signals - they drive a logic “0” when set, and a logic “1” when cleared. RTSx can be set (output logic level 0) by any of the following: • Writing a “1” to the corresponding bit in the OPSET register $71E • Issuing an “Assert RTS” command using command register CR • If RxRTS=1, set by receiver FIFO transition from FULL to not-FULL RTSx can be cleared (output logic level 1) by any of the following: • Hardware reset of the serial module • Writing a “1” to the corresponding bit in the OPRESET register $71F • Issuing a “Negate RTS” command using command register CR • If RxRTS=1, cleared by receiver FIFO transition from not-FULL to FULL • If TxRTS=1, cleared by completion of last character, including transmission of stop bits 55. Serial Frequency Restriction On page 7-8, place the following notes at the end of Section 7.3.1 Baud Rate Generator: The current implementation of the serial module restricts the minimum CLKOUT frequency at which the baud rate generators can be used to approximately 8.3MHz. Operation below this frequency results in a synchronized internal clock which is at a lower frequency than the X1 input, which then results in incorrect baud rates. One method to extend the minimum CLKOUT frequency is to reduce the X1 frequency by powers of 2 as shown in the table below. The corresponding baud rates selected by the clock select register programming are MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 13 scaled by the same factor. This method preserves most of the standard baud rates (19200, 9600, 4800, etc.). Serial XTAL Frequency CLKOUT Fmin Max Availabile Baud Rate 3.6864MHz 8.29MHz 76.8k 1.8432 4.15 38.4k 0.9216 2.07 19.2k CLKOUT min = 2.25*XTAL frequency Alternatively, the baud rate clock can be supplied directly through the SCLK input. Since there is a single SCLK input, both serial channels must use the same baud rate clock, although one could be clocked in the 1x mode and the other in the 16x mode. When using this method, the X1 input can be tied to ground - no crystal is required. 56. 68341 Serial Module RTS Difference from 68681 Add to the description for receiver-controlled RTS operation in the next-to-last paragraph on page 7-13: Unlike the 68681, the RTSx signal does not have to be manually asserted the first time in the mode to support controlflow capability on the receiver. 57. Additional Note on Serial multidrop operation Add to the Multidrop Mode section beginning on page 7-15: For multidrop mode, it is not necessary to disable the transmitter to manipulate the A/D bit, as generally implied in the manual, nor is it necessary to wait until the previous character completes transmission (i.e. TxEMP). The serial module logic latches this bit and appends it to the data character when the character is transferred from the transmit buffer to the serial output shift register. Once this transfer occurs (as indicated by the TxRDY assertion), the A/D bit in MR1 can be changed without affecting the character in progress. The proper programming sequence to change the A/D bit for the next character would be: 1.) poll TxRDY until asserted (or interrupt on TxRDY) 2.) set/clear A/D bit in MR1 for new character 3.) write character to transmit buffer (TB) 4.) A/D bit can be changed only after TxRDY asserts again No other bits in MR1 should be modified when changing the A/D bit. 58. Typo in CPE Description The CPE bit header on page 8-20 should be "Counter/Prescaler Enable". 59. Typo in Status Register Configuration On page 8-26, Section 8.5.1, the Status Register (SR) description should say: "• Clear the TO, TG, and TC bits to reset the interrupts." 60. Typos in Timer Initialization Examples On pages 8-27 and 8-29, the Timer register offsets should be from the timer base address, not from the SIM41 base address. The correct equates for the Timer register offsets are: MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 14 * Timer IR CR SR CNTR PRLD1 COM register offsets from timer1 base address EQU $4 interrupt register EQU $6 control register EQU $8 status register EQU $A counter register EQU $C preload register 1 EQU $10 compare register On page 8-27, change the last code line from "CLR.W SR(A0)" to "ORI.W #$7000,SR(A0)". The TO, TG, and TC interrupt status bits are cleared by writing a "1" to the corresponding bit, allowing individual bits to be cleared without affecting the other bits. On page 8-28, second code line down, the "MOVE.W #$020F,IR(A0)" initializes the interrupt vector to the Uninitialized vector - change the $0F to a user-definable vector number. Repeat this correction on page 8-29, just past mid-page. 61. MC68341 BSDL File An electronic copy of the BSDL file for the MC68341 is maintained on the AESOP BBS - refer to the beginning of this document for information on accessing AESOP. 62. Additional Note on Oscillator Layout Guidelines Add to the Processor Clock Circuitry (page 11-1) and Serial Interface (page 11-4) sections: In general, use short connections and place external oscillator components close to the processor. Do not route other signals through or near the oscillator circuit, especially high frequency signals like CLKOUT, AS, and DREQ1 (see note above on DREQ1 and serial oscillator for page7-5). Place a ground shield around the oscillator logic; use a separate trace for ground to the oscillator so that it does not carry any of the digital switching noise. 63. Recommended 32KHz Oscillator Circuit On page 11-2, Figure 11-2, a 10M resistor can be substituted for the 20M R2 bias resistor as shown below. R1 330 k C1 22 pF XTAL R2 10 M MC683xx X1 32.768 kHz EXTAL C2 15 pF Figure 11-2. Sample Crystal Circuit 64. SRAM Interface The SRAM interface shown in Figure 11-5 on page 11-4 does not support 2-clock accesses, since UWE and LWE do not assert for 2-clock writes. MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 15 65. Corrections to 8/16-Bit DMA Control Logic On page 11-10, the logic driving OE on the 74F245 in Figure 11-14 should be corrected as shown below. Although not detailed, the byte enables for the memory block should be controlled during reads to prevent contention between the upper and lower bytes of the data bus when D7-D0 is muxed to the upper data byte. DEVICE D15–D8 T/R R/W MEMORY 74F245 A0 MC68341 B OE DACKx A D7–D0 Figure 11-14. Circuit For Interfacing 8-Bit Device to 16-Bit Memory in Single-Address DMA Mode 66. X1 and BSW Input Levels On page 12-5, the Clock Input High Voltage spec also applies to the X1 and BSW inputs. 67. Operating IDD Limits On page 12-5, the spec operating (RUN) currents are shown in the following table: Product Frequency Max Idd Typical IDD (25°C) 68341FT16V 16.78MHz [email protected] [email protected] 68341FT16 16.78MHz [email protected] [email protected] 68341FT25 25.16MHz [email protected] [email protected] 68. Input Clock Duty Cycle in External Clock w/PLL mode On page 12-7, External Clock With PLL Mode: The input clock 20/80% duty cycle for external clock with PLL mode can be used when the VCO is not turned off during LPSTOP. During LPSTOP with the VCO turned off, the input clock is used for clocking the SIM, and must meet the tighter duty cycle requirements outlined for External Clock Mode Without PLL. 69. Clock Skew Notes 12-7, External Clock With PLL Mode, Clock Input to CLKOUT Skew: Clock skew is measured from the falling MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 16 edges of the clock signals - the PLL phase locks the falling edge of CLKOUT to the falling edge on EXTCLK. 70. Data Setup Time for 3.3V On page 12-9, electrical specification #27 (Data Setup to CLKOUT Low) for 3.3V product only has been changed from 5ns to 8ns. 71. UWE and LWE Signals In Figure 12-3 on page 12-12, UWE and LWE will assert for the write buys cycle with the same timing as DS. In the fast termination write cycle in Figure 12-5 on page 12-14, UWE and LWE (not shown) remain negated like DS. 72. Serial Module Specs Note 1 on page 12-25 should reference synchronous operation, not asynchronous. 73. Ordering Information Replace the the ordering information table in Section 11 with the following ordering information. Supply Voltage Package Type Frequency (MHz) Temperature Order Number 5.0 V Plastic Quad Flat Pack FT Suffix 0 – 25 0°C to +70°C -40° to 85°C XC68341FT25 XC68341CFT25 5.0 V Plastic Quad Flat Pack FT Suffix Plastic Quad Flat Pack FT Suffix 0 – 16.78 0°C to +70°C -40° to 85°C XC68341FT16 XC68341CFT16 0 – 16.78 0°C to +70°C XC68341FT16V 3.3 V 74. Upper and Lower Data Strobes In paragraph 3.2.8 page 3-6, change (D15–D0) to (D15–D8) and (D8–D0) to (D7–D0). 75. Figure 3-2 Change Note 1 to reference MC68341 instead of MC68340. 76. Figure 4-8 The Periodic Interrupt Control Register (PICR) and Periodic Interrupt Timing Register (PITR) should be 1 word instead of 2 bytes. Disregard the Scale Select Register. 77. Page 4-24 Refer to 4-17 for more information on the AVEC-Automatic Vector Responsibility. 78. Page 4-48 The lake at the start of the code should be INIT341 instead of INIT340. MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 17 79. Page 6-5, Paragraph The table reference in the last sentence should be 6-4 not 6-5. 80. Page 9-19, The timing diagrams reference as Figures 9-24 — 9-27 should be changes to 12-22–12-25. 81. Page 9-29, DT–Delay A value of 1 enable this bit and 0 disables it. 82. Package Dimensions The package dimension drawing on page 13-3 should be discarded and replaced with the following drawing. MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 18 ! ! L ! –A–, –B–, –D– B B V B L –B– –A– ! Y P DETAIL A G DETAIL A Z –D– A ! N S ÇÇÇÇÇ ÉÉÉ ÇÇÇÇÇ ÉÉÉ ÇÇÇÇÇ ÉÉÉ ÇÇÇÇÇ ÉÉÉ ÇÇÇÇÇ ÉÉÉ BASE METAL ! ! ! DETAIL C J F D –H– ! ! SECTION B–B M TOP & BOTTOM U C E T –H– R Q W –C– K H DETAIL C X "! ! " ! ' " ! " "# ! " " "" ! " %" " % " &"! " !" ' " " "" " " "#! " " " "# !! ! $ " " " !" !! " # " #! % " #! ! ! !! # !" " " "# ! ! " # " #! % " #! ! "" &!! " ! " &# " " " " " % #! " " ! ! ! Case 864A-03 MOTOROLA MC68341 USER’S MANUAL ADDENDUM 19 Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. "Typical" parameters can and do vary in different applications. All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and µ are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Literature Distribution Centers: USA: Motorola Literature Distribution; P.O. Box 20912, Arizona 85036. EUROPE: Motorola Ltd.; European Literature Centre; 88 Tanners Drive, Blakelands, Milton Keynes, MK14 5BP, England. JAPAN: Nippon Motorola Ltd.; 4-32-1, Nishi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141 Japan. ASIA-PACIFIC: Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd.; Silicon Harbour Center, No. 2 Dai King Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong. SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCT INFORMATION